Membuat cluster VMWare Engine kustom

Membuat cluster baru dengan jumlah core kustom di node-nya di cloud pribadi. Pembuatan cluster baru adalah operasi yang berjalan lama dan mungkin memerlukan waktu lebih dari satu jam.

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from google.api_core import operation
from import vmwareengine_v1

def create_custom_cluster(
    project_id: str,
    zone: str,
    private_cloud_name: str,
    cluster_name: str,
    node_count: int = 4,
    core_count: int = 28,
) -> operation.Operation:
    Create a new cluster with custom number of cores in its nodes
    in a private cloud.

    Creation of a new cluster is a long-running operation and it may take over an hour.

        project_id: name of the project you want to use.
        zone: region in which your private cloud is located.
        private_cloud_name: name of the private cloud hosting the new cluster.
        cluster_name: name of the new cluster.
        node_count: number of nodes in the new cluster.
        core_count: number of CPU cores in the new cluster nodes.

        An Operation object related to started cluster creation operation.

        ValueError in case an incorrect number of nodes is provided.
    if node_count < 3:
        raise ValueError("Cluster needs to have at least 3 nodes")

    request = vmwareengine_v1.CreateClusterRequest()
    request.parent = (

    request.cluster = vmwareengine_v1.Cluster() = cluster_name

    # Currently standard-72 is the only supported node type.
    request.cluster.node_type_configs = {
        "standard-72": vmwareengine_v1.NodeTypeConfig()
    request.cluster.node_type_configs["standard-72"].node_count = node_count
    request.cluster.node_type_configs["standard-72"].custom_core_count = core_count

    client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
    return client.create_cluster(request)

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