Set up CDN keys for Media CDN

This page contains information about setting up Media CDN and managing CDN keys. These steps are all optional.

Set up Media CDN

If you want to set up Media CDN to distribute the VOD asset videos, follow the Media CDN quickstart.

Configure separate routes with appropriate TTLs for your manifests and media segments. See the Media CDN Advanced Routing guide for details and examples.

See Using private Cloud storage buckets if any of your routes use private Cloud Storage origins. In particular, set the cache mode for these routes to FORCE_CACHE_ALL.

For directions on setting up HTTPS, see Configure SSL (TLS) certificates.

Media CDN signed requests

To use Media CDN with signed requests enabled, see Use signed requests and then do the following:

  1. Create an asymmetric key pair. See Create a private key for Media CDN for information on creating a private key that is compatible with the Video Stitcher API.

  2. Register the private Media CDN key with the Video Stitcher API.

Manage CDN keys

If the source VOD asset is protected by URL signing, then you will need to register CDN keys with the Video Stitcher API. This will allow the API to:

  • Fetch the source video manifests for stitching
  • Sign the source video segments, so that players can fetch the video segments for playback

See information on how to manage CDN keys.