Use a custom integration

Before you begin

This guide covers only the playback instructions in the absence of the IMA DAI SDK.

Make sure you have already completed the steps in Integrate Google Ad Manager (GAM) with live streams beforehand.

If the IMA SDK is not available for your intended platform, you'll need your application to call the required APIs and trigger the ad impressions itself.

In order to do this, you'll need the following information:

Location The Google Cloud region where your live config was created:
Project number The project number of the Google Cloud project using the Video Stitcher API:
OAuth token A service account's short lived OAuth token with the Video Stitcher user role:

Read more about creating short-lived OAuth tokens.
Network code The Ad Manager network code for requesting ads:
Live config ID The live config ID you specified when creating your livestream event:
Custom asset key The Ad Manager custom asset key generated during the process of creating a configuration for a livestream event with the Video Stitcher API:

Make a stream registration request to Ad Manager

Make a POST request to the stream registration endpoint. In return, you receive a JSON response containing the stream ID to send to the video stitching API.

API endpoint

POST: /ssai/pods/api/v1/network/NETWORK_CODE/custom_asset/CUSTOM_ASSET_KEY/stream
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Path parameters

NETWORK_CODE Your Google Ad Manager 360 network code:
CUSTOM_ASSET_KEY The custom identifier associated this event in Google Ad Manager:

Form-encoded body parameters

An optional set of form-encoded targeting parameters .

Response JSON

media_verification_url The base URL to ping playback tracking events. A complete media verification URL is formed by appending an ad event ID to this base URL.
metadata_url The URL to request ad pod metadata.
polling_frequency the recommended frequency in milliseconds to poll the `metadata_url`.
stream_id The string used to identify the current stream session.
valid_for The amount of time left until the current stream session expires, in dhms (days, hours, minutes, seconds) format. For example, 2h0m0.000s represents a duration of 2 hours.
valid_until The time at which the current stream session expires, as an ISO 8601 datetime string in yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.sssssssss[+|-]hh:mm format.

Example request (cURL)

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
     -d "cust_params=\"section%3Dsports%26page%3Dgolf%2Ctennis\"" \

Example response


In case of errors, standard HTTP error codes are returned with no JSON response body.

Parse the JSON response and store the relevant values.

Generate the session playback URI

Make a POST request to the video stitcher API's /livesessions endpoint to create a new live session. In return, you receive a JSON response containing the stream manifest to load into your video player.

API endpoint

POST: /v1/projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/liveSessions
Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_TOKEN
Content-Type: application/json

Path parameters

PROJECT_NUMBER The project number of the Google Cloud project using the Video Stitcher API:
LOCATION The Google Cloud region where your live config was created:

Authorization header parameter

OAUTH_TOKEN A service account's short lived OAuth token with the Video Stitcher user role:

JSON-encoded body parameters

liveConfig A string containing your project number, location, and live config id with the following format:
adTracking Set to "CLIENT" to enable client-side tracking.
gamSettings An object containing the stream id with the following format:

Response JSON

name The name of the live session, containing the session ID.
playUri The URI of the stitched stream manifest, to load into your video player for playback.
liveConfig The same liveConfig string sent to the API in your request body.
gamSettings The same gamSettings object sent to the API in your request body.

Example request (cURL)

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_TOKEN" \
     -d '@request.json' \


  "liveConfig": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/liveConfigs/LIVE_CONFIG_ID",
  "adTracking": "CLIENT",
  "gamSettings": {
    "streamId": "STREAM_ID"

Example Response

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/liveSessions/SESSION_ID",
  "playUri": PLAY_URI,
  "liveConfig": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/liveConfigs/LIVE_CONFIG_ID"
  "gamSettings": {
    "streamId": STREAM_ID

After the response is received, you can play the ad-stitched live stream by referencing the session playback URI from the playUri field of the response object.

The Video Stitcher API generates a unique session ID for each request, which can be retrieved from the last section of the name field of the response object.

An idle session expires after 5 minutes. A session is considered idle if there have not been any manifest fetches within a period of time.

Poll for new AdBreak metadata

The application is responsible for retrieving metadata for each ad break, so it knows which impressions need to be triggered. To accomplish this you will set a timer to regularly poll the DAI APIs metadata_url for new ad information. The interval for polling is specified in the polling_frequency field in the stream registration response.

In return, you receive a JSON object containing the following parameters:

tags A set of key-value pairs describing ad media events which will occur within the stream. Each key consists of either the first 17 characters of an ad media ID that will appear in the stream's ID3 metadata or, in the case of `progress` events, the entire ad media id. Each value is an object with the following properties:
  • ad: The id of the ad containing the ad media event.
  • ad_break_id: The id of the ad break containing the ad media event.
  • type: The type of ad media event. Values are one of the following:
    • start - The ad has started
    • firstquartile - The ad is 25% complete.
    • midpoint - The ad is 50% complete.
    • thirdquartile - The ad is 75% complete.
    • complete - The ad has ended.
    • progress - fired every second while an ad is playing.
ads A set of key-value pairs describing ads which will appear within the stream. Each key is an ad id. Each value is an object with the following properties:
  • ad_break_id: The id of the ad break containing the ad media event.
  • position: the position of the ad within the ad break. please note that the first ad in a break has a position of 1.
  • duration: the duration of the ad in floating-point seconds.
  • title: the title of the ad, as defined in the VAST.
  • description: the description of the ad, as defined in the VAST.
  • ad_system: the ad system, as defined in the VAST.
  • ad_system: the ad id, as defined in the VAST.
  • ad_system: the creative id, as defined in the VAST.
  • clickthrough_url: the url to open when a user interacts with the ad.
  • universal_ad_id: an object representing the universal ad id, as defined in the VAST.
ad_breaks A set of key-value pairs describing ad breaks which will occur within the stream. Each key is an ad break id. Each value is an object with the following properties:
  • type: The type of ad break. Values will be one of the following:
    • pre: Represents a pre-roll ad.
    • mid: Represents a mid-roll ad.
    • post: Represents a post-roll ad.
  • duration: The duration of the ad break in floating-point seconds.
  • expected_duration: The expected duration of the ad break in floating-point seconds.
  • ads: The number of ads contained within the ad break.

Store these values after each poll to associate timed metadata events within your video stream.

Example request (cURL)


Example response

         "description":"truman-e2e-creativeset4 ad",

Listen to ID3 events and track playback events

To verify that specific events have occurred in a video stream, follow these steps to handle ID3 events:

  1. Store the media events in a queue, saving each media ID along with its timestamp, if surfaced by the player.
  2. On each time update from the player or at a set frequency (500 ms recommended), check the media events queue for recently played events by comparing the event timestamps to the playhead.
  3. For media events that you confirm have played, check the type by looking up the media ID in the stored ad break tags. Keep in mind that the ad break tags object only contains a truncated version of the media ID, limited to the first 10 digits after the google_ prefix, so there is not a direct match between ID3 media verification IDs and keys in the tags object. This is to prevent event verification pings from being sent before the ID3 event arrives. To generate the complete media verification URL of an ad event, append the full ad event ID to the media_verification_url value from the stream creation response.
  4. Use "progress" events to keep track of whether a user is inside an ad break. Do not send these events to the media verification endpoint to avoid an HTTP error code. For other event types, append the media ID to the media verification url and make a GET request to track playback.
  5. Remove the media event from the queue.

API endpoint


Path parameters

MEDIA_VERIFICATION_URL The value returned by the stream registration endpoint, in the media_verification_url field:
AD_MEDIA_ID The full ad media ID, as it appears in the stream's ID3 metadata:

Expected return values

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Successful empty response.
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Media verification ID was not recognized.
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict Media verification ID has already been sent.

Example request (cURL)


Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


If using the API within webviews, the following limitations apply with respect to targeting:

  • UserAgent: The user agent parameter is passed as a browser-specific value instead of the underlying platform.
  • rdid, idtype, is_lat: The device ID is not properly passed, which limits the functionality of the following features:
    • Frequency capping
    • Sequential ad rotation
    • Audience segmentation and targeting