Extract entities from an invoice

Extract entities from an invoice document and return them in JSON.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

Prompt Freeform


You are a document entity extraction specialist. Given a document, your task is to extract the text value of the following entities:
    "amount_paid_since_last_invoice": "",
    "carrier": "",
    "currency": "",
    "currency_exchange_rate": "",
    "delivery_date": "",
    "due_date": "",
    "freight_amount": "",
    "invoice_date": "",
    "invoice_id": "",
    "line_items": [
            "amount": "",
            "description": "",
            "product_code": "",
            "purchase_order": "",
            "quantity": "",
            "unit": "",
            "unit_price": ""
    "net_amount": "",
    "payment_terms": "",
    "purchase_order": "",
    "receiver_address": "",
    "receiver_email": "",
    "receiver_name": "",
    "receiver_phone": "",
    "receiver_tax_id": "",
    "receiver_website": "",
    "remit_to_address": "",
    "remit_to_name": "",
    "ship_from_address": "",
    "ship_from_name": "",
    "ship_to_address": "",
    "ship_to_name": "",
    "supplier_address": "",
    "supplier_email": "",
    "supplier_iban": "",
    "supplier_name": "",
    "supplier_payment_ref": "",
    "supplier_phone": "",
    "supplier_registration": "",
    "supplier_tax_id": "",
    "supplier_website": "",
    "total_amount": "",
    "total_tax_amount": "",
    "vat": [
            "amount": "",
            "category_code": "",
            "tax_amount": "",
            "tax_rate": "",
            "total_amount": ""

  • The JSON schema must be followed during the extraction.
  • The values must only include text found in the document
  • Do not normalize any entity value.
  • If an entity is not found in the document, set the entity value to null.


"amount_paid_since_last_invoice": null,
"carrier": null,
"currency": "$",
"currency_exchange_rate": null,
"delivery_date": null,
"due_date": null,
"freight_amount": null,
"invoice_date": "02/23/2021",
"invoice_id": "3222",
"line_items": [
"amount": "490.12",
"description": "Drag Series Transmission Build - A WD DSM",
"product_code": null,
"purchase_order": null,
"quantity": "1",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "490.12"
"amount": "220.15",
"description": "Drive Shaft Automatic Right",
"product_code": null,
"purchase_order": null,
"quantity": "7",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "31.45"
"amount": "549.10",
"description": "Multigrade Synthetic Technology Bench",
"product_code": null,
"purchase_order": null,
"quantity": "1",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "549.10"
"amount": "1,187.79",
"description": "6689 Transit Stan",
"product_code": null,
"purchase_order": null,
"quantity": "1",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "1,187.79"
"amount": "883.12",
"description": "HMT Vertical Milling Machine",
"product_code": null,
"purchase_order": null,
"quantity": "1",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "883.12"
"amount": "87.54",
"description": "Optional:\nHMT Machine",
"product_code": null,
"purchase_order": null,
"quantity": "1",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "87.54"
"net_amount": "3,417.82",
"payment_terms": null,
"purchase_order": null,
"receiver_address": "45 Lightning Road,\nArizona, AZ 88776",
"receiver_email": "proprietor@abcxyz.com",
"receiver_name": "Martin Colby",
"receiver_phone": null,
"receiver_tax_id": null,
"receiver_website": null,
"remit_to_address": null,
"remit_to_name": null,
"ship_from_address": null,
"ship_from_name": null,
"ship_to_address": "45 Lightning Road,\nArizona, AZ 88776",
"ship_to_name": "Johnny Patel",
"supplier_address": "9291 Proin Road\nLake Charles, ME-11292",
"supplier_email": "sales@amnoshsuppliers.com",
"supplier_iban": null,
"supplier_name": "AMNOSH\nSUPPLIERS",
"supplier_payment_ref": null,
"supplier_phone": "123-456-7890",
"supplier_registration": null,
"supplier_tax_id": null,
"supplier_website": "www.amnoshsuppliers.com",
"total_amount": "3,759.60",
"total_tax_amount": "341.78",
"vat": []
Model: gemini-1.5-flash-001
Temperature: 1
Max output tokens: 8192
TopK: 40
TopP: 0.95