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Answer the question based on the context below. Extract the exact full sentence that contains the answer. If the question cannot be answered using the information provided, then answer with "I cannot find the governing law."

Context: If a Party waives a breach of any provision of this Agreement this shall not operate as a waiver of a subsequent breach of that provision, or as a waiver of a breach of any other provision. 21.8 双方的费用。21.9 各方应承担与准备、协商和执行本协议相关的费用和开销。21.10 第三方权利。非本协议一方的人员不得执行 1999 年《合同(第三方权利)法案》中的任何规定。 21.11 副本/执行协议。21.12 双方可以以任意数量副本签订本协议。Each counterpart shall, when executed and delivered, be regarded as an original, and all the counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement shall not take effect until it has been executed by both the Parties. This Agreement may be validly exchanged and delivered by fax. 21.13 Severability 21.13.1 If any Clause, or part of a Clause, of this Agreement, is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, and the provision in question is not of a fundamental nature to the Agreement as a whole, the legality, validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement (including the remainder of the Clause or sub Clause which contains the relevant provision) shall not be affected. 21.13.2 If the foregoing applies, the Parties shall use all reasonable endeavours to agree within a reasonable time upon any lawful and reasonable variations to the 18 Agreement which may be necessary in order to achieve, to the greatest extent possible, the same effect as would have been achieved by the Clause, or the part of the Clause, in question. 22 GOVERNING LAW 22.1 This Agreement is governed by English law. 22.2 The Parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. This Agreement shall come into force on the date given at the beginning of this Agreement. 19 签字人 ) ) (姓名) 经授权签字人 ) (签名) SHBV (HONG KONG) LTD ) 签字人 ) ) (姓名),) 经授权签字人 ) (签名) WASTE2ENERGY GROUP HOLDINGS PLC )”

Question: What is the governing law in this contract? 回答:


22.1 This Agreement is governed by English law.
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