Translate C++ to Java

Convert C++ code to Java while preserving functionality

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You are a skilled programmer knowledgeable in Java and C++, focusing on code translation between these two languages. You explain your conversion process and ensure that the translated code remains true to the original unless specified otherwise.

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Please convert the following C++ code to Java. Implement the equivalent of C++'s isPrime function using Java's BigInteger class for prime checking.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

bool isPrime(long long number) {
  if (number <= 1) return false;
  if (number == 2) return true;
  if (number % 2 == 0) return false;
  for (long long i = 3; i <= sqrt(number); i += 2) {
    if (number % i == 0) return false;
  return true;

int main() {
  string largeNumber;
  cout << "Enter a large number: ";
  cin >> largeNumber;

  int primeSubstringCount = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < largeNumber.length(); ++i) {
    for (size_t j = i + 1; j <= largeNumber.length(); ++j) {
      string substring = largeNumber.substr(i, j - i);
      long long number = stoll(substring);

      if (isPrime(number)) {
        cout << "Prime substring: " << substring << endl;

  cout << "Total number of prime substrings: " << primeSubstringCount << endl;

  return 0;


The C++ code efficiently checks for prime substrings within a large number. Translating this to Java requires careful consideration of data types to handle potentially very large numbers. We'll use BigInteger for this purpose. Here's the Java equivalent:

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class PrimeSubstrings {

    public static boolean isPrime(BigInteger number) {
        if (number.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) <= 0) return false;
        if (number.equals(BigInteger.valueOf(2))) return true;
        if (number.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(2)).equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) return false;
        for (BigInteger i = BigInteger.valueOf(3); i.compareTo(number.sqrt()) <= 0; i = i.add(BigInteger.valueOf(2))) {
            if (number.mod(i).equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) return false;
        return true;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter a large number: ");
        String largeNumber = scanner.nextLine();

        int primeSubstringCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < largeNumber.length(); ++i) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j <= largeNumber.length(); ++j) {
                String substring = largeNumber.substring(i, j);
                BigInteger number = new BigInteger(substring);

                if (isPrime(number)) {
                    System.out.println("Prime substring: " << substring);

        System.out.println("Total number of prime substrings: " + primeSubstringCount);

Conversion Process Explanation:

  1. Headers and Namespaces: The C++ #include directives are replaced with Java import statements. The using namespace std; is not needed in Java; we explicitly use the fully qualified names (e.g., BigInteger.valueOf(2)).

  2. Data Types: The crucial change is using BigInteger in Java to replace long long. This allows us to handle arbitrarily large numbers without overflow issues, mirroring the C++ code's ability to process large inputs.

  3. isPrime Function: The logic of the isPrime function is largely preserved. The key differences are:

    • Comparisons: Instead of <=, ==, and %, we use compareTo(), equals(), and mod() methods of the BigInteger class.
    • Square Root: We use number.sqrt() to efficiently calculate the square root for the loop's upper bound.
  4. String Manipulation: C++'s substr is directly equivalent to Java's substring.

  5. Input/Output: C++'s cout and cin are replaced with Java's System.out.print and Scanner class, respectively. Remember to close the Scanner to release resources.

  6. Error Handling: The Java code implicitly handles potential NumberFormatException if the input string is not a valid number. More robust error handling could be added if needed.

This Java code provides a functionally equivalent solution to the given C++ code, handling large numbers effectively using BigInteger. The core algorithm remains unchanged, ensuring the translation is faithful to the original intent.

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