Test experimental Gemini models

This page gives you information about the model that's deployed to Gemini Experimental in Vertex AI Studio. Gemini Experimental lets you test out Google's experimental models. Experimental models don't follow Google's standard model lifecycle plan and versioning scheme and one model can be swapped for another without prior notice. We don't guarantee that an experimental model will become a stable model in the future.

Test Gemini Experimental models


To test the Gemini Experimental model, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Vertex AI Studio.

    Go to Vertex AI Studio

  2. Click Try Gemini.

  3. In the Model drop-down, select Gemini Experimental.

  4. In the Prompt field, enter your prompt.

  5. Click Submit.


To send requests to the Gemini Experimental by using the Vertex AI Gemini API, specify gemini-experimental as the model. For details on how to use the Vertex AI Gemini API, see Send chat prompt requests.

Current model

The following table shows you the details of the model that's deployed to Gemini Experimental:

Specification Details
Model ID gemini-experimental
Date deployed July 16, 2024
Model family Gemini 1.5
Model characteristics/features

General feedback-based improvements from the previous experimental model.

Previous model

The following table shows you the details of the model that's previously deployed to Gemini Experimental:

Specification Details
Model ID gemini-experimental
Date deployed June 14, 2024
Model family Gemini 1.5
Model characteristics/features
  • Improved factuality compared to gemini-1.5-flash-001 for prompts with less than 32k context windows.
  • Improved grounding quality compared to gemini-1.5-flash-001. Good for RAG use cases.


Gemini Experimental is not billed.

Data privacy and feedback

Gemini Experimental does not log your input or output data, and we need your feedback to help improve our experimental models. To provide feedback, fill out the feedback form.

Quota and limitations

Gemini Experimental has a quota of 2 queries per minute (QPM). This quota can't be increased.

Gemini Experimental doesn't let you configure advanced parameters or the region, which is set to us-central1.

What's next