Text-to-Speech 客户端库

本页面介绍了如何开始使用 Text-to-Speech API 的 Cloud 客户端库。通过客户端库,您可以更轻松地使用支持的语言访问Google Cloud API。虽然您可以通过向服务器发出原始请求来直接使用Google Cloud API,但客户端库可实现简化,从而显著减少您需要编写的代码量。

请参阅客户端库说明,详细了解 Cloud 客户端库和旧版 Google API 客户端库。



如需详细了解此客户端库的要求和安装依赖项,请参阅设置 C++ 开发环境


如果您使用的是 Visual Studio 2017 或更高版本,请打开 nuget 软件包管理器窗口并输入以下内容:

Install-Package Google.Apis

如果您使用 .NET Core 命令行界面工具来安装依赖项,请运行以下命令:

dotnet add package Google.Apis

如需了解详情,请参阅设置 C# 开发环境


go get cloud.google.com/go/texttospeech/apiv1

如需了解详情,请参阅设置 Go 开发环境


If you are using Maven, add the following to your pom.xml file. For more information about BOMs, see The Google Cloud Platform Libraries BOM.



If you are using Gradle, add the following to your dependencies:

implementation 'com.google.cloud:google-cloud-texttospeech:2.59.0'

If you are using sbt, add the following to your dependencies:

libraryDependencies += "com.google.cloud" % "google-cloud-texttospeech" % "2.59.0"

If you're using Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, or Eclipse, you can add client libraries to your project using the following IDE plugins:

The plugins provide additional functionality, such as key management for service accounts. Refer to each plugin's documentation for details.

如需了解详情,请参阅设置 Java 开发环境


npm install --save @google-cloud/text-to-speech

如需了解详情,请参阅设置 Node.js 开发环境


composer require google/apiclient

如需了解详情,请参阅在 Google Cloud 上使用 PHP


pip install --upgrade google-cloud-texttospeech

如需了解详情,请参阅设置 Python 开发环境


gem install google-api-client

如需了解详情,请参阅设置 Ruby 开发环境


为了对 Google Cloud API 的调用进行身份验证,客户端库支持应用默认凭据 (ADC);这些库会在一组指定的位置查找凭据,并使用这些凭据对发送到 API 的请求进行身份验证。借助 ADC,您可以在各种环境(例如本地开发或生产环境)中为您的应用提供凭据,而无需修改应用代码。

对于生产环境,设置 ADC 的方式取决于服务和上下文。如需了解详情,请参阅设置应用默认凭据

对于本地开发环境,您可以使用与您的 Google 账号关联的凭据设置 ADC:

  1. After installing the Google Cloud CLI, configure the gcloud CLI to use your federated identity and then initialize it by running the following command:

    gcloud init
  2. Create local authentication credentials for your user account:

    gcloud auth application-default login

    If an authentication error is returned, confirm that you have configured the gcloud CLI to use Workforce Identity Federation.

    登录屏幕随即出现。在您登录后,您的凭据会存储在 ADC 使用的本地凭据文件中。




#include "google/cloud/texttospeech/v1/text_to_speech_client.h"
#include <iostream>

auto constexpr kText = R"""(
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this
continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to
the proposition that all men are created equal.)""";

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {
  if (argc != 1) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "\n";
    return 1;

  namespace texttospeech = ::google::cloud::texttospeech_v1;
  auto client = texttospeech::TextToSpeechClient(

  google::cloud::texttospeech::v1::SynthesisInput input;
  google::cloud::texttospeech::v1::VoiceSelectionParams voice;
  google::cloud::texttospeech::v1::AudioConfig audio;

  auto response = client.SynthesizeSpeech(input, voice, audio);
  if (!response) throw std::move(response).status();
  // Normally one would play the results (response->audio_content()) over some
  // audio device. For this quickstart, we just print some information.
  auto constexpr kWavHeaderSize = 48;
  auto constexpr kBytesPerSample = 2;  // we asked for LINEAR16
  auto const sample_count =
      (response->audio_content().size() - kWavHeaderSize) / kBytesPerSample;
  std::cout << "The audio has " << sample_count << " samples\n";

  return 0;
} catch (google::cloud::Status const& status) {
  std::cerr << "google::cloud::Status thrown: " << status << "\n";
  return 1;


// Command quickstart generates an audio file with the content "Hello, World!".
package main

import (

	texttospeech "cloud.google.com/go/texttospeech/apiv1"

func main() {
	// Instantiates a client.
	ctx := context.Background()

	client, err := texttospeech.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	defer client.Close()

	// Perform the text-to-speech request on the text input with the selected
	// voice parameters and audio file type.
	req := texttospeechpb.SynthesizeSpeechRequest{
		// Set the text input to be synthesized.
		Input: &texttospeechpb.SynthesisInput{
			InputSource: &texttospeechpb.SynthesisInput_Text{Text: "Hello, World!"},
		// Build the voice request, select the language code ("en-US") and the SSML
		// voice gender ("neutral").
		Voice: &texttospeechpb.VoiceSelectionParams{
			LanguageCode: "en-US",
			SsmlGender:   texttospeechpb.SsmlVoiceGender_NEUTRAL,
		// Select the type of audio file you want returned.
		AudioConfig: &texttospeechpb.AudioConfig{
			AudioEncoding: texttospeechpb.AudioEncoding_MP3,

	resp, err := client.SynthesizeSpeech(ctx, &req)
	if err != nil {

	// The resp's AudioContent is binary.
	filename := "output.mp3"
	err = os.WriteFile(filename, resp.AudioContent, 0644)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Audio content written to file: %v\n", filename)


// Imports the Google Cloud client library
import com.google.cloud.texttospeech.v1.AudioConfig;
import com.google.cloud.texttospeech.v1.AudioEncoding;
import com.google.cloud.texttospeech.v1.SsmlVoiceGender;
import com.google.cloud.texttospeech.v1.SynthesisInput;
import com.google.cloud.texttospeech.v1.SynthesizeSpeechResponse;
import com.google.cloud.texttospeech.v1.TextToSpeechClient;
import com.google.cloud.texttospeech.v1.VoiceSelectionParams;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;

 * Google Cloud TextToSpeech API sample application. Example usage: mvn package exec:java
 * -Dexec.mainClass='com.example.texttospeech.QuickstartSample'
public class QuickstartSample {

  /** Demonstrates using the Text-to-Speech API. */
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    // Instantiates a client
    try (TextToSpeechClient textToSpeechClient = TextToSpeechClient.create()) {
      // Set the text input to be synthesized
      SynthesisInput input = SynthesisInput.newBuilder().setText("Hello, World!").build();

      // Build the voice request, select the language code ("en-US") and the ssml voice gender
      // ("neutral")
      VoiceSelectionParams voice =

      // Select the type of audio file you want returned
      AudioConfig audioConfig =

      // Perform the text-to-speech request on the text input with the selected voice parameters and
      // audio file type
      SynthesizeSpeechResponse response =
          textToSpeechClient.synthesizeSpeech(input, voice, audioConfig);

      // Get the audio contents from the response
      ByteString audioContents = response.getAudioContent();

      // Write the response to the output file.
      try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("output.mp3")) {
        System.out.println("Audio content written to file \"output.mp3\"");


// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const textToSpeech = require('@google-cloud/text-to-speech');

// Import other required libraries
const {writeFile} = require('node:fs/promises');

// Creates a client
const client = new textToSpeech.TextToSpeechClient();

async function quickStart() {
  // The text to synthesize
  const text = 'hello, world!';

  // Construct the request
  const request = {
    input: {text: text},
    // Select the language and SSML voice gender (optional)
    voice: {languageCode: 'en-US', ssmlGender: 'NEUTRAL'},
    // select the type of audio encoding
    audioConfig: {audioEncoding: 'MP3'},

  // Performs the text-to-speech request
  const [response] = await client.synthesizeSpeech(request);

  // Save the generated binary audio content to a local file
  await writeFile('output.mp3', response.audioContent, 'binary');
  console.log('Audio content written to file: output.mp3');

await quickStart();


"""Synthesizes speech from the input string of text or ssml.
Make sure to be working in a virtual environment.

Note: ssml must be well-formed according to:
from google.cloud import texttospeech

# Instantiates a client
client = texttospeech.TextToSpeechClient()

# Set the text input to be synthesized
synthesis_input = texttospeech.SynthesisInput(text="Hello, World!")

# Build the voice request, select the language code ("en-US") and the ssml
# voice gender ("neutral")
voice = texttospeech.VoiceSelectionParams(
    language_code="en-US", ssml_gender=texttospeech.SsmlVoiceGender.NEUTRAL

# Select the type of audio file you want returned
audio_config = texttospeech.AudioConfig(

# Perform the text-to-speech request on the text input with the selected
# voice parameters and audio file type
response = client.synthesize_speech(
    input=synthesis_input, voice=voice, audio_config=audio_config

# The response's audio_content is binary.
with open("output.mp3", "wb") as out:
    # Write the response to the output file.
    print('Audio content written to file "output.mp3"')



以下列表包含与 C++ 版客户端库相关的更多资源的链接:


以下列表包含与 C# 版客户端库相关的更多资源的链接:


以下列表包含与 Go 版客户端库相关的更多资源的链接:


以下列表包含与 Java 版客户端库相关的更多资源的链接:


以下列表包含与 Node.js 版客户端库相关的更多资源的链接:


以下列表包含与 PHP 版客户端库相关的更多资源的链接:


以下列表包含与 Python 版客户端库相关的更多资源的链接:


以下列表包含与 Ruby 版客户端库相关的更多资源的链接: