Operate GDC network

In addition to Kubernetes cluster resources, APIs, and the default Kubernetes pod network, GDC lets you provision additional networks in a GDC zone and connect them with your networks. For example, if using a user plane function (UPF), you might create a radio access network (RAN) and a data plane network, each with different subnets that connect to the UPF pods.

For more information about Edge Network resources, see Networking.

EdgeNetwork blueprints

This blueprint contains multiple custom resources with the intent to allow users to provision and configure additional networks in a GDC zone and connect them with your networks. For example, you might create an operations, administration, and maintenance (OAM) network and a Signal network, each with different multiple subnets that connect to the secondary interfaces of the Network Function pods. The following resources are used for the EdgeNetwork blueprint:

  • EdgeNetwork: a virtual private network in a GDC zone. Packets are routed independently within an EdgeNetwork.
  • EdgeRouter: a logical resource in the GDC zone that configures BGP related parameters for an EdgeNetwork.
  • EdgeSubnet: An L2 domain, L3 subnet in a GDC zone. EdgeSubnet is created as a VLAN with an associated VLAN ID in the network.
  • EdgeInterconnectAttachment: configures a new virtual link between a GDC zone router and one of your Provider Edge (PE) routers. You can use the attachment to connect an EdgeNetwork resource with a network, such as virtual routing and formatting (VRF), on your network.

When creating a deployment, you can customize a blueprint using the following parameters in the setters.yaml file:

Parameter Description
project-id The project ID of a project that manages EdgeNetwork related resources. You must link Edge to this specific project ID.
network-name The name of an EdgeNetwork resource.
location The Google Cloud region of the GDC zone. For example, us-west-1.
zone The GDC zone to create the EdgeNetwork.
mtu The IP maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the EdgeNetwork. Valid options are between 1500 and 9000.
interconnect-attachment-name The name of the interconnect attachment.
interconnect-attachment-vlanid The package tagged VLAN ID assigned to an interconnect attachment.
interconnect-attachment-interface-ipv4cidr The IP address for the EdgeRouterinterface that connects to the EdgeInterconnectAttachment resource.
interconnect-attachment-bgppeer-ipv4cidr The GDC zone peer side IPv4 address of the BGP session.
subnet-name The name of the EdgeSubnet resource.
subnet-vlan-id The VLAN ID assigned to an EdgeSubnet resource.
subnet-ipv4cidr The IPv4 subnet for an EdgeSubnetresource. The first IP address in the classless interdomain routing (CIDR) is reserved as the subnet gateway.
subnet-bgppeer-ipv4cidr The IP address of the BGP in the peer side. The IP address must be in the same subnet of the EdgeSubnet resource.

Configure the network with two subnets

This section covers operations to configure a network with two subnets. For example, the example network ran-network has two subnets, ranaccess-1and ranaccess-2. For northbound connections, ran-network configures two interconnect attachments for interconnects cbae0a11-5d97-4bd6-8a09-e5133bb541ca and a52e2c74-84f2-4a6d-8cd2-7c5b0fc1c031.

Import an EdgeNetwork blueprint

  1. From the navigation menu, click Blueprints.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select your preferred Orchestration cluster.
  3. Click Import from Library.
  4. Select the blueprint, GDCE EdgeNetwork setup.
  5. Click Add Blueprint.
  6. On the next page, specify a name for the blueprint. For example, GDCE EdgeNetwork setup.
    1. Optionally, add any labels.
  7. Click Create. The blueprint appears in the Draft Blueprints list.

Edit a blueprint

  1. From the navigation menu, click Blueprints > Drafts Blueprint.
  2. Select the blueprint you want to edit. A blueprint editor opens.
  3. Edit the resources to your specification.
  4. Afterwards, click Save File.

Propose a blueprint

  1. From the navigation menu, click Blueprints > Drafts Blueprint. A blueprint editor appears.
  2. Click Propose. The status of the blueprint updates to Proposed.

Approve a blueprint

  1. From the navigation menu, click Blueprints > Drafts Blueprint.
  2. Click on the Action icon by the blueprint name.
  3. Select Approve. The blueprint appears in Approved Blueprints.

Retrieve the interconnect information

To retrieve the interconnect information, do the following:

  1. Set and export environment variables:

    export networkName=NETWORK_NAME
    export MACHINES_LOCATION=MACHINE_LOCATION # value where machines or rack is located. Can be different from cluster location.
    export MACHINES_PROJECT_ID=PROJECT_ID # project in which machines or rack is registered. Can be different from cluster project
    export EDGE_ZONE=ZONE # Edge zone in which machines or rack is located

    Replace the following:

    • NETWORK_NAME: The name of the network.
    • MACHINE_LOCATION: The location of your machine or rack. This value can be different from the cluster location.
    • PROJECT_ID: The project where the machine or rack is registered. This value can be different from the cluster project.
    • ZONE: The Edge zone where the machines or rack is located.
  2. Retrieve the interconnect information:

    gcloud alpha edge-cloud networking interconnects list --zone=$EDGE_ZONE --location=$MACHINES_LOCATION --project=$MACHINES_PROJECT_ID

    The output is similar to the following. Note the name and physical ports of the interconnect to apply on the interconnect attachment with the network.

    cbae0a11-5d97-4bd6-8a09-e5133bb541ca cbae0a11-5d97-4bd6-8a09-e5133bb541ca projects/81907970660/locations/us-central1-edge-den8/switches/et19.den97
    a52e2c74-84f2-4a6d-8cd2-7c5b0fc1c031 a52e2c74-84f2-4a6d-8cd2-7c5b0fc1c031 projects/81907970660/locations/us-central1-edge-den8/switches/et19.den97 HundredGigE0/0/0/1,HundredGigE0/0/0/22
    37e5da97-1a3f-4935-9d9b-0a8cea589644 37e5da97-1a3f-4935-9d9b-0a8cea589644 projects/81907970660/locations/us-central1-edge-den8/switches/et20.den97 HundredGigE0/0/0/0,HundredGigE0/0/0/23
    71b54ef5-6b12-4b03-b8ce-eb88196f8a93 71b54ef5-6b12-4b03-b8ce-eb88196f8a93 projects/81907970660/locations/us-central1-edge-den8/switches/et20.den97 HundredGigE0/0/0/1,HundredGigE0/0/0/22

EdgeNetwork deployment

Create an EdgeNetwork deployment

  1. From the navigation menu, click Blueprints > Approved Blueprints.
  2. Click on the EdgeNetwork blueprint you want to deploy.
  3. Click Create Deployment.
  4. Provide a name for the deployment.
  5. Click Create Deployment. The deployment appears in Draft Deployment.

Edit an EdgeNetwork deployment

  1. From the navigation menu, click Blueprints.
  2. Click on the EdgeNetwork blueprint you want to edit. A deployment editor appears.
  3. Edit the setters.yaml file. For details on each field in the file, see EdgeNetwork blueprints. The following example setters.yaml file shows a complete configuration:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    metadata: # kpt-merge: /setters
      name: setters
        config.kubernetes.io/local-config: "true"
      # The project managing the GDC Edge machines.
      project-id: tna-testing-01
      # Name of the network
      network-name: ranprod
      # Location in which to create the resources
      location: us-central1
      # Zone to create in the resources
      zone: us-central1-edge-den8
      # Details of subnets for southbound peering
      # Details of subnet 1
      # Name of the subnet
      subnet1-name: ranaccess-prod1
      # vlanId for the subnet
      subnet1-vlanid: 2142
      # ipv4cidr for the subnet
      # ipv4cidr for the subnet bgppeer
      # Details of subnets for southbound peering
      # Details of subnet 1
      # Name of the subnet
      subnet2-name: ranaccess-prod2
      # vlanId for the subnet
      subnet2-vlanid: 2132
      # ipv4cidr for the subnet
      # ipv4cidr for the subnet bgppeer
      # Interconnect attachments for northbound peering
      # Details of interconnect attachment 1
      # Name of the interconnect
      interconnect1-name: cbae0a11-5d97-4bd6-8a09-e5133bb541ca
      # Name of the interconnect attachment
      interconnect1-attachment-name: prod1-ran
      # valnId of the interconnect attachment
      interconnect1-attachment-vlanid: 2010
      # ip4vcidr for the interconnect attachment interface
      interconnect1-attachment-interface-ipv4cidr:  # ipv4cidr for the interconnect attachment bgppeer
      # Interconnect attachments for northbound peering
      # Details of interconnect attachment 1
      # Name of the interconnect
      interconnect2-name: a52e2c74-84f2-4a6d-8cd2-7c5b0fc1c031
      # Name of the interconnect attachment
      interconnect2-attachment-name: prod2-ran
      # valnId of the interconnect attachment
      interconnect2-attachment-vlanid: 2020
      # ip4vcidr for the interconnect attachment interface
      Interconnect2-attachment-interface-ipv4cidr: # ipv4cidr for the interconnect attachment bgppeer
  4. Afterwards, click Save File.

Apply an EdgeNetwork deployment

  1. From the navigation menu, click Deployments.
  2. Select the EdgeNetwork deployment you want to apply.
  3. Click Deploy.
  4. Confirm the deployment. The deployment appears in Applied Deployment.

Verify an EdgeNetwork blueprint

To verify the creation status of EdgeNetwork resources, do the following:

  1. Generate kube-credentials for the Orchestration cluster to use the kubectlCLI:

    gcloud anthos config controller get-credentials ORCHESTRATION_CLUSTER_NAME

    Replace ORCHESTRATION_CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the Orchestration cluster.

  2. Wait 30 to 40 minutes for the resources to process.

  3. View the status of the resources:

    kubectl describe EdgeNetwork ${networkName} --namespace=tna-config-control

    The output is similar to the following. Note the message and reason in status.conditions.

    Name: ranprod
    Namespace: tna-config-control
    API Version: config.cloud.google.com/v1alpha1
    Kind: EdgeNetwork
      Mtu: 9000
      Network Location: us-central1
      Network Zone: us-central1-edge-den8
        Last Transition Time: 2023-03-23T10:08:40Z
        Message: The resource is up to date
        Reason: UpToDate
        Status: True
        Type: Ready
      Create Time: 2023-03-23T10:08:36.582479587Z
      Self Link:
      //gkehub.googleapis.com/v1/projects/tna-testing-01/locations/us-central1/zone s/us-central1-edge-den8/networks/ranprod
      Update Time: 2023-03-23T10:08:40.010036655Z
    Events: <none>
  4. Get information of the created Edge router:

    kubectl describe EdgeRouter router-${networkName} --namespace=tna-config-control

    The output is similar to the following:

    Name: router-ranprod
    Namespace: tna-config-control
    API Version: config.cloud.google.com/v1alpha1
    Kind: EdgeRouter
        External: projects/tna-testing-01/locations/us-central1/zones/us-central1-edge-den8/net works/ranprod
        Object Ref:
          API Group:
      Router Location: us-central1
      Router Zone: us-central1-edge-den8
      Bgp Peer:
        Interface: inf-ranaccess-prod1
        Name: 2142-bgp0
        Peer Asn: 3300
        Interface: inf-ranaccess-prod2
        Name: 2132-bgp0
        Peer Asn: 3300
        Interface: vlan-2010-prod1-ran
        Name: vlan-2010-bgp0
        Peer Asn: 577
        Interface: vlan-2020-prod2-ran
        Name: vlan-2020-bgp1
        Peer Asn: 577
        Last Transition Time: 2023-03-23T10:47:12Z
        Message: The resource is up to date
        Reason: UpToDate
        Status: True
        Type: Ready
      Create Time: 2023-03-23T10:08:38.995964419Z
        Name: inf-ranaccess-prod1
          API Group: config.cloud.google.com
          Kind: EdgeSubnet
          Name: ranaccess-prod1
          Namespace: tna-config-control
        Name: inf-ranaccess-prod2
          API Group: config.cloud.google.com
          Kind: EdgeSubnet
          Name: ranaccess-prod2
          Namespace: tna-config-control
        Linked Interconnect Attachment:
          API Group: config.cloud.google.com
          Kind: EdgeInterconnectAttachment
          Name: prod1-ran
          Namespace: tna-config-control
        Name: vlan-2010-prod1-ran
        Linked Interconnect Attachment:
          API Group: config.cloud.google.com
          Kind: EdgeInterconnectAttachment
          Name: prod2-ran
          Namespace: tna-config-control
        Name: vlan-2020-prod2-ran
      Self Link: //gkehub.googleapis.com/v1/projects/tna-testing-01/locations/us-central1/zone s/us-central1-edge-den8/routers/router-ranprod
      State: STATE_RUNNING
      Update Time: 2023-03-23T10:36:58.126306756Z
    Events: <none>
  • Get information of the created Edge router:

    gcloud edge-cloud networking routers describe router-${networkName} \ --zone=$EDGE_ZONE \
    --location=$LOCATION \

    Replace GDCE_MACHINES_PROJECT with the project ID of where the GDC machines are registered.

    To configure networks for User Plane Function (UPF), repeat this step for each network.

Delete an EdgeNetwork deployment

  1. From the navigation menu, click Deployments > Applied Deployments.
  2. Select the EdgeNetwork blueprint you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion.
  5. Wait 30 to 45 minutes for the deletion to process.
  6. To ensure you've deleted the resources, repeat the steps in Edit an EdgeNetwork deployment .