Crear una conexión con el conector de Java de Cloud SQL

Abre una conexión a Cloud SQL para MySQL mediante el conector Java de Cloud SQL.

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Para autenticarte en Cloud SQL para MySQL, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

public class ConnectorConnectionPoolFactory extends ConnectionPoolFactory {

  // Note: Saving credentials in environment variables is convenient, but not
  // secure - consider a more secure solution such as
  // Cloud Secret Manager ( to help
  // keep secrets safe.
  private static final String INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME =
  private static final String INSTANCE_UNIX_SOCKET = System.getenv("INSTANCE_UNIX_SOCKET");
  private static final String DB_USER = System.getenv("DB_USER");
  private static final String DB_PASS = System.getenv("DB_PASS");
  private static final String DB_NAME = System.getenv("DB_NAME");

  public static DataSource createConnectionPool() {
    // The configuration object specifies behaviors for the connection pool.
    HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();

    // The following URL is equivalent to setting the config options below:
    // jdbc:mysql:///<DB_NAME>?cloudSqlInstance=<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>&
    // See the link below for more info on building a JDBC URL for the Cloud SQL JDBC Socket Factory

    // Configure which instance and what database user to connect with.
    config.setJdbcUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql:///%s", DB_NAME));
    config.setUsername(DB_USER); // e.g. "root", "mysql"
    config.setPassword(DB_PASS); // e.g. "my-password"

    config.addDataSourceProperty("socketFactory", "");
    config.addDataSourceProperty("cloudSqlInstance", INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME);

    // The ipTypes argument can be used to specify a comma delimited list of preferred IP types
    // for connecting to a Cloud SQL instance. The argument ipTypes=PRIVATE will force the
    // SocketFactory to connect with an instance's associated private IP.
    config.addDataSourceProperty("ipTypes", "PUBLIC,PRIVATE");

    // cloudSqlRefreshStrategy set to "lazy" is used to perform a
    // refresh when needed, rather than on a scheduled interval.
    // This is recommended for serverless environments to
    // avoid background refreshes from throttling CPU.
    config.addDataSourceProperty("cloudSqlRefreshStrategy", "lazy");

    // ... Specify additional connection properties here.
    // ...

    // Initialize the connection pool using the configuration object.
    return new HikariDataSource(config);

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