在 GKE 上设置 Envoy Sidecar 服务网格
本页介绍了如何在 GKE 上设置 Envoy Sidecar 服务网格。
创建一个 HTTP 示例服务:
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: sidecar-example --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: whereami namespace: sidecar-example spec: replicas: 2 selector: matchLabels: app: whereami template: metadata: labels: app: whereami spec: containers: - name: whereami image: us-docker.pkg.dev/google-samples/containers/gke/whereami:v1 ports: - containerPort: 8080 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: whereami namespace: sidecar-example spec: selector: app: whereami ports: - port: 8080 targetPort: 8080 EOF
为该服务创建基准 HTTPRoute:
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: HTTPRoute metadata: name: whereami-route namespace: sidecar-example spec: parentRefs: - name: whereami kind: Service group: "" rules: - backendRefs: - name: whereami port: 8080 EOF
或者,您也可以参考以下清单,了解 gRPC 服务示例:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: sample-service namespace: sample-ns annotations: networking.gke.io/app-protocols: '{"50051": "HTTP2"}' # 50051 is backendref.port spec: ports: - port: 50051 targetPort: 50051
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: run: client name: client namespace: sidecar-example spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: run: client template: metadata: labels: run: client spec: containers: - name: client image: curlimages/curl command: - sh - -c - while true; do sleep 1; done EOF
验证客户端 Pod 是否自动注入了 Envoy Sidecar 容器:
kubectl get pods -n sidecar-example -l run=client
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE client-xxxx 2/2 Running 0 20s
运行,然后再继续。验证 Envoy Sidecar 服务网格设置。以下命令会从客户端向 whereami 服务发送请求
CLIENT_POD=$(kubectl get pod -n sidecar-example -l run=client -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') # The VIP where the following request will be sent. Because all requests # from the client container are redirected to the Envoy proxy sidecar, you # can use any IP address, including,, and others. VIP='' TEST_CMD="curl -v -H 'host: whereami.sidecar-example.svc.cluster.local' $VIP" kubectl exec -it $CLIENT_POD -n sidecar-example -c client -- /bin/sh -c "$TEST_CMD"
< Trying < Connected to ( port 80 (#0) < GET / HTTP/1.1 < Host: whereami < User-Agent: curl/7.82.0-DEV < Accept: */* < < Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < content-type: application/json < content-length: 318 < access-control-allow-origin: * < server: envoy < date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 22:30:13 GMT < { "cluster_name": "${CLUSTER_NAME}", "location": "${LOCATION}", "host_header": "whereami", ... }