Configure external IP addresses for Google Distributed Cloud
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The default Cloud Service Mesh installation on Google Distributed Cloud assumes that
external IP addresses are automatically allocated for LoadBalancer
This is not true in Google Distributed Cloud. Because of this, you need to
allocate one or more external IP addresses, depending on your service mesh
- One external IP address for the Cloud Service Mesh ingress Gateway resource, for example the gateway that your customers use to access your workloads from across the internet.
- Another external IP address for your clusters to communicate with each other if they exist on different networks within your service mesh. This is referred to as the east-west gateway.
Configuring the ingress gateway IP address
To configure an external IP address for the ingress gateway, follow one of the sections below, depending on your Google Distributed Cloud load balancing mode:
- Patch the
Service's configuration with the external IP address for the ingress gateway:kubectl patch svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system --type='json' -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/loadBalancerIP", "value": "
View the
service's configuration in your shell: Each of the ports for Cloud Service Mesh's gateways are displayed. The command output is like the following:kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o yaml
... ports: - name: status-port nodePort: 30391 port: 15020 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15020 - name: http2 nodePort: 31380 port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 80 - name: https nodePort: 31390 port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 443 - name: tcp nodePort: 31400 port: 31400 protocol: TCP targetPort: 31400 - name: https-kiali nodePort: 31073 port: 15029 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15029 - name: https-prometheus nodePort: 30253 port: 15030 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15030 - name: https-grafana nodePort: 30050 port: 15031 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15031 - name: https-tracing nodePort: 31204 port: 15032 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15032 - name: tls nodePort: 30158 port: 15443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15443 ...
Expose these ports through your load balancer.
For example, the service port namedhttp2
80 andnodePort
31380. Suppose the node addresses for your user cluster are192.168.0.10
, and192.168.0.12
, and your load balancer's VIP is203.0.113.1
Configure your load balancer so that traffic sent to203.0.113.1:80
is forwarded to192.168.0.10:31380
, or192.168.0.12:31380
. You can select the service ports that you want to expose on this given VIP.
Confirm that the ingress gateway was assigned an external IP address. There might be a slight delay that requires you to repeat this command until you see the desired result:
kubectl --context="${CTX_CLUSTER1}" get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
The expected output is:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer ... 51s
Configuring the east-west gateway IP address
To configure an external IP address for the east-west gateway, follow one of the sections below, depending on your Google Distributed Cloud load balancing mode:
- Patch the
Service's configuration with the external IP address for the east-west gateway:kubectl patch svc istio-eastwestgateway -n istio-system --type='json' -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/loadBalancerIP", "value": "
View the
service's configuration in your shell: Each of the ports for Cloud Service Mesh's gateways are displayed. The command output is like the following:kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-eastwestgateway -o yaml
ports: - name: status-port nodePort: 31781 port: 15021 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15021 - name: tls nodePort: 30498 port: 15443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15443 - name: tls-istiod nodePort: 30879 port: 15012 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15012 - name: tls-webhook nodePort: 30336 port: 15017 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15017 ...
Expose these ports through your load balancer.
For example, the service port namedhttp2
80 andnodePort
31380. Suppose the node addresses for your user cluster are192.168.0.10
, and192.168.0.12
, and your load balancer's VIP is203.0.113.1
Configure your load balancer so that traffic sent to203.0.113.1:80
is forwarded to192.168.0.10:31380
, or192.168.0.12:31380
. You can select the service ports that you want to expose on this given VIP.
Confirm that the east-west gateway was assigned an external IP address. There might be a slight delay that requires you to run repeat this command until you see the desired result:
kubectl --context="${CTX_CLUSTER1}" get svc istio-eastwestgateway -n istio-system
The expected output is:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE istio-eastwestgateway LoadBalancer ... 51s