Expose an ingress gateway using an external load balancer
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With Cloud Service Mesh you can deploy and manage ingress gateways as part of your service mesh. You can further configure load balancing for your cluster with Cloud Service Mesh by using external load balancers (physical or software load balancers outside of the cluster) to send traffic to the ingress gateway.
This page shows you how to configure an external load balancer with Cloud Service Mesh. Alternatively, you can set up ingress with multiple backend configs.
Before you begin
To complete the steps in this document you need the following resources:
A Kubernetes cluster with Cloud Service Mesh installed.
An external load balancer that can access the nodes where your cluster is running. You will configure this external load balancer to front the ingress gateway of your cluster via the
External IP Address
Set up your environment
Run the following commands from a workstation that can access the cluster you
intend to use. Make sure that the kubectl
tool is configured to use the
cluster context specific to your cluster.
Set the environment variables.
export ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE=asm-ingressgateway export ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=asm-ingressgateway export ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_SERVICE_NAME=asm-ingressgateway export ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NODE_LABEL=asm-ingressgateway
Set the
IP address
of the external load balancer.export EXTERNAL_LB_IP_ADDRESS=
EXTERNAL_LB_IP_ADDRESS [Optional] Label the ingress gateway nodes. This ensures that the gateway gets deployed to specific nodes in the cluster.
kubectl label nodes
cluster that hosts the ingress gateway. Run this
command for as many ingress nodes you have.
- INGRESSGATEWAY_NODE_IP: is the node(s) in your Kubernetes
cluster that hosts the ingress gateway. Run this
Create the ingress gateway
Create the namespace. This namespace will be used to deploy the ingress gateway.
kubectl create namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE}
Enable the namespace for injection. The steps depend on your Cloud Service Mesh type (either managed or in-cluster).
Use the following command to locate the available release channels:
kubectl -n istio-system get controlplanerevision
The output is similar to the following:
NAME AGE asm-managed 6d7h asm-managed-rapid 6d7h
In the output, the value under the
column is the revision label that corresponds to the available release channel for the Cloud Service Mesh version.Apply the revision label to the namespace:
kubectl label namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE} \ istio-injection- istio.io/rev=
REVISION_LABEL --overwrite
Use the following command to locate the revision label on
:kubectl get deploy -n istio-system -l app=istiod -o \ jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.labels.'istio\.io\/rev'}'{"\n"}'
Apply the revision label to the namespace. In the following command,
is the value of theistiod
revision label that you noted in the previous step.kubectl label namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE} \ istio-injection- istio.io/rev=
REVISION --overwrite
Apply the ingress gateway manifest file.
kubectl --namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE} apply --filename https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/anthos-service-mesh-samples/main/docs/ingress-gateway-external-lb/ingress-gateway.yaml
Expected output:
serviceaccount/asm-ingressgateway created role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/asm-ingressgateway created rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/asm-ingressgateway created deployment.apps/asm-ingressgateway created service/asm-ingressgateway created poddisruptionbudget.policy/asm-ingressgateway created horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/asm-ingressgateway created
Patch the
service with the external load balancer IP address.cat <<EOF > asm-external-ip-patch.yaml spec: externalIPs: - ${EXTERNAL_LB_IP_ADDRESS} loadBalancerIP: ${EXTERNAL_LB_IP_ADDRESS} EOF kubectl --namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE} patch service/${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_SERVICE_NAME} --patch "$(cat asm-external-ip-patch.yaml)"
[Optional] Patch the
deployment for the ingress gateway nodes label affinity.cat <<EOF > asm-ingress-node-label-patch.yaml spec: template: spec: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NODE_LABEL} operator: Exists EOF kubectl --namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE} patch deployment/${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_DEPLOYMENT_NAME} --patch "$(cat asm-ingress-node-label-patch.yaml)"
Set up the external load balancer
In this section, you will configure the external load balancer to connect with the ingress gateway from the cluster.
Fetch ingress gateway Service
port information
Get the
.export HTTP_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE} get service/${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_SERVICE_NAME} --output jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].nodePort}') export HTTPS_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE} get service/${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_SERVICE_NAME} --output jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="https")].nodePort}') export STATUS_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace ${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_NAMESPACE} get service/${ASM_INGRESSGATEWAY_SERVICE_NAME} --output jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="status-port")].nodePort}')
Display the
Configure the external load balancer
Use the NodePorts
displayed in the previous step to configure connectivity
between the external load balancer and the ingress gateway.
Configure the health check in your load balancer configuration.
CLUSTER_NODE_IP Protocol: HTTP Port:STATUS_PORT Path: /healthz/readyCLUSTER_NODE_IP: is the IP address of the nodes in your Kubernetes cluster that hosts the ingress gateway. This IP address must be reachable from your external load balancer. You may have to set up this configuration multiple times, once per cluster node.
via which the ingress gateway's health status API is exposed. You can copy this information from the previous step. It will be the same for every node in the cluster.
Configure node pools in your load balancer for routing
traffic. Use the followingIP:PORT
configuration for traffic on port 80 (HTTP
) and port 443 (HTTPS
).80 ->
CLUSTER_NODE_IP :HTTP_INGRESS_PORT 443 ->CLUSTER_NODE_IP :HTTPS_INGRESS_PORT CLUSTER_NODE_IP: is the IP address of the nodes in your Kubernetes cluster that hosts the ingress gateway. This IP address must be reachable from your external load balancer. You may have to set up this configuration multiple times, once per cluster node.
via which the ingress gateway's HTTP traffic is exposed. You can copy this information from the previous step. It will be the same for every node in the cluster.HTTPS_INGRESS_PORT: is the
via which the ingress gateway's HTTPS traffic is exposed. You can copy this information from the previous step. It will be the same for every node in the cluster.
To verify your set up, ensure that the health checks on your load balancer are passing.
What's next
- Read more about Installing and upgrading gateways