Managing solutions

In this guide, you learn how to update and delete solutions in Service Catalog.

If you prefer to remove access to a solution, see Removing a solution from a catalog.

Before you begin

  • You must have the following Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for the Google Cloud project where you want to create the solution:

    If you don't have these roles, contact your Organization Administrator to request access.

  • You must provide a service account in your Google Cloud project that has the following IAM roles:

    • For the Google Cloud project where you want to create the solution:
    • If your Terraform config is located in a different project:

Update a solution

When you edit a solution in Service Catalog, you immediately update the solution in any catalogs where it's assigned. Updating a solution doesn't affect existing deployments, and users who access the solution after you update it can only deploy the latest version.

For Terraform solutions, if you update the configuration, a new version appears to users on the user's Deployments page in the Google Cloud console. Users can choose to update their deployment to the latest version.

Edit solution details

To edit and update a solution:

  1. Go to the Service Catalog Admin Solutions page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Solutions page
  2. Click Select to choose the Google Cloud project.
  3. In the list of solutions, click the solution name to open the Solutions Details page.
  4. In the top menu, click EDIT.
  5. Make any needed updates to the solution.
  6. Click UPDATE.

The updated solution details now appear on the Solutions Details page.

Update a Terraform configuration

Terraform solutions use Cloud Storage's Object Versioning to manage updates to configuration files. To update the configuration file of a Terraform solution, you have the following options:

  • Use a different Cloud Storage object that contains a new configuration file. To change the Cloud Storage object for a solution, edit the solution details and update the Link to Terraform config with the URL path to the new object. After you update the solution details, users can immediately deploy the latest version.

  • Update the solution's current Cloud Storage object with a new version of the configuration. For steps to upload a new configuration file, visit Uploading objects. After you update the solution's Cloud Storage object, you must also view and apply the changes to the solution in Service Catalog.

View and apply a newer version of a configuration

When Service Catalog detects changes to a Terraform configuration file, you must apply the latest version to update the solution for your users.

To view and apply the latest version of a Terraform configuration:

  1. Go to the Service Catalog Admin Solutions page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Solutions page

  2. In the table of solutions, go to the solution's Version status and click New version available.

  3. On the Solutions Details page, click Compare versions to download and compare the current and latest version of the configuration. After you compare versions, click Close to return to the Solution Details page.

  4. Click Apply newer version.

  5. Under New version highlights, add a description to tell users about the updates to the configuration.

  6. Click Update.

Delete solutions from Service Catalog

When you delete a solution, you remove the solution from any associated catalogs, and your Service Catalog users can no longer view or launch the solution. For Deployment Manager-based solutions, users can continue to access and use their existing deployments.

If you prefer to keep the solution in Service Catalog, you can remove the solution from a catalog.

To delete one or more solutions:

  1. Go to the Service Catalog Admin Solutions page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Solutions page
  2. Click Select to choose the Google Cloud project.
  3. In the list of solutions, check the box next to each solution you want to delete.
  4. With the solution(s) selected, in the top menu, click DELETE.
  5. Click CONFIRM.

The solution(s) are deleted from Service Catalog.

Next steps