import (
dlp ""
// inspectWithHotWordRules inspects data with hot word rule, it uses custom
// regex with a hot word rule to increase the likelihood match
func inspectWithHotWordRules(w io.Writer, projectID, textToInspect string) error {
// projectID := "my-project-id"
// textToInspect := "Patient's MRN 444-5-22222 and just a number 333-2-33333"
ctx := context.Background()
// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
defer client.Close()
// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
contentItem := &dlppb.ContentItem{
DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_TEXT_UTF8,
Data: []byte(textToInspect),
// Construct the custom regex detectors
customInfoType := &dlppb.CustomInfoType{
InfoType: &dlppb.InfoType{
Name: "C_MRN",
Type: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex_{
Regex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
Pattern: "[1-9]{3}-[1-9]{1}-[1-9]{5}",
Likelihood: dlppb.Likelihood_POSSIBLE,
// Construct hotword rule.
hotWordRule := &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_HotwordRule{
HotwordRegex: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_Regex{
Pattern: "(?i)(mrn|medical)(?-i)",
Proximity: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_Proximity{
WindowBefore: int32(10),
LikelihoodAdjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment{
Adjustment: &dlppb.CustomInfoType_DetectionRule_LikelihoodAdjustment_FixedLikelihood{
FixedLikelihood: dlppb.Likelihood_VERY_LIKELY,
inspectionRuleSet := &dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
Rules: []*dlppb.InspectionRule{
Type: &dlppb.InspectionRule_HotwordRule{
HotwordRule: hotWordRule,
InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
Item: contentItem,
InspectConfig: &dlppb.InspectConfig{
CustomInfoTypes: []*dlppb.CustomInfoType{
RuleSet: []*dlppb.InspectionRuleSet{
IncludeQuote: true,
// Send the request.
resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return err
// Parse the response and process results
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %v\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
for _, v := range resp.GetResult().Findings {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Quote: %v\n", v.GetQuote())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "InfoType Name: %v\n", v.GetInfoType().GetName())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Likelihood: %v\n", v.GetLikelihood())
return nil