Memeriksa gambar untuk menemukan data sensitif

Perlindungan Data Sensitif dapat mendeteksi dan mengklasifikasikan data sensitif dalam gambar. Dengan menggunakan pendeteksi infoType dan pengenalan karakter optik (OCR), Sensitive Data Protection memeriksa gambar yang dienkode base64 untuk menemukan teks, mendeteksi data sensitif dalam teks, lalu menampilkan lokasi data sensitif yang telah terdeteksi.

Dengan gambar sebagai input, Perlindungan Data Sensitif akan mendeteksi data sensitif dalam gambar. Output operasi pemeriksaan mencakup infoTypes yang ditemukan, kemungkinan kecocokan, serta nilai koordinat dan panjang piksel yang menunjukkan area tempat Perlindungan Data Sensitif menemukan data sensitif. Koordinat di sudut kiri bawah gambar adalah (0,0).

Memeriksa gambar untuk semua infoType default

Untuk memeriksa gambar guna menemukan data sensitif, Anda mengirimkan gambar yang dienkode base64 ke metode content.inspect DLP API. Kecuali jika Anda menentukan jenis informasi tertentu (infoTypes) untuk ditelusuri, Perlindungan Data Sensitif akan menelusuri infoType yang paling umum.

Untuk memeriksa infoTypes default pada gambar:

  1. Mengenkode gambar sebagai base64.
  2. Kirim permintaan ke metode content.inspect DLP API. Permintaan hanya perlu berisi gambar yang dienkode dengan base64 jika Anda ingin memeriksa infoTypes default.

Misalnya, perhatikan gambar berikut. Gambar ini adalah contoh file gambar biasa yang dihasilkan dari pemindaian dokumen kertas.

Gambar asli.
Gambar asli (klik untuk memperbesar).

Untuk memeriksa infoTypes default pada gambar ini, kirim permintaan berikut ke metode content.inspect DLP API:

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using Google.Protobuf;

public class InspectImageForSensitiveDataWithInfoTypes
    public static InspectContentResponse InspectImage(
        string projectId,
        string filePath)
        // Instantiate dlp client.
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Construct the content item.
        var contentItem = new ContentItem
            ByteItem = new ByteContentItem
                Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.ImagePng,
                Data = ByteString.FromStream(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))

        // Construct the request.
        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            ParentAsLocationName = new LocationName(projectId, "global"),
            Item = contentItem,
            InspectConfig = new InspectConfig
                IncludeQuote = true,
                InfoTypes =
                        new InfoType { Name = "PHONE_NUMBER" },
                        new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" },
                        new InfoType { Name = "PERSON_NAME" }

        // Call the API.
        var response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        // Inspect the response.
        var resultFindings = response.Result.Findings;

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {resultFindings.Count}\n");

        foreach (var f in resultFindings)
            var data = from location in f.Location.ContentLocations
                       from b in location.ImageLocation.BoundingBoxes
                       select new { b.Height, b.Width, b.Top, b.Left };
            Console.WriteLine("Info type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tImageLocations: " + string.Join(',', data));
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood + "\n");

        return response;

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

import (

	dlp ""

// inspectImageFileAllInfoTypes inspects a image for sensitive data with infoTypes
func inspectImageFileAllInfoTypes(w io.Writer, projectID, inputPath string) error {
	// projectId := "your-project-id"
	// inputPath := "your-input-path"

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// read the image file
	data, err := os.ReadFile(inputPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create and send the request.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item: &dlppb.ContentItem{
			// Specify the content to be inspected.
			DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
				ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
					Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_IMAGE_JPEG,
					Data: data,

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("InspectContent: %w", err)

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %d\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, f := range resp.Result.Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tQuote: %s\n", f.Quote)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tInfo type: %s\n", f.InfoType.Name)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tLikelihood: %s\n", f.Likelihood)
	return nil


Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.


class InspectImageFileAllInfoTypes {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project-id";
    String inputPath = "src/test/resources/sensitive-data-image.jpeg";
    inspectImageFileAllInfoTypes(projectId, inputPath);

  static void inspectImageFileAllInfoTypes(String projectId, String inputPath) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the content to be inspected.
      ByteString fileBytes = ByteString.readFrom(new FileInputStream(inputPath));
      ByteContentItem byteItem =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      // Do not specify the type of info to inspect.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results.
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');
const mime = require('mime');
const fs = require('fs');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const projectId = 'my-project';

// Image Path
// const imagePath = './test.jpeg';

async function inspectImageFileAllType() {
  let fileBytes = null;
  let fileTypeConstant = null;
  try {
    // Load Image
    fileTypeConstant =
      ['image/jpeg', 'image/bmp', 'image/png', 'image/svg'].indexOf(
      ) + 1;
    fileBytes = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(imagePath)).toString('base64');
  } catch (error) {
  // Specify the content to be inspected.
  const item = {
    byteItem: {
      type: fileTypeConstant,
      data: fileBytes,

  // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
  // Do not specify the type of info to inspect.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    item: item,
    inspectConfig: {
      includeQuote: true,

  // Use the client to send the API request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print findings.
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ByteContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ByteContentItem\BytesType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;

 * Inspect image for sensitive data with infoTypes.
 * To inspect an image for sensitive data, you submit a base64-encoded image to the Cloud DLP API's
 * content.inspect method. Unless you specify information types (infoTypes) to search for, Cloud DLP
 * searches for the most common infoTypes.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $inputPath         The image path to inspect.
function inspect_image_all_infotypes(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $inputPath = './test/data/test.png'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    // Get the bytes of the file.
    $fileBytes = (new ByteContentItem())

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Run request.
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results.
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.


def inspect_image_file_all_infotypes(
    project: str,
    filename: str,
    include_quote: bool = True,
) -> None:
    """Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to analyze strings for protected data in image file.
        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        filename: The path to the file to inspect.
        include_quote: Boolean for whether to display a quote of the detected
            information in the results.

        None; the response from the API is printed to the terminal.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp =

    # Construct the byte_item, containing the image file's byte data.
    with open(filename, mode="rb") as f:
        byte_item = {"type_": "IMAGE", "data":}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
            "parent": parent,
            "inspect_config": {"include_quote": include_quote},
            "item": {"byte_item": byte_item},

    # Print out the results.
    print("Findings: ", response.result.findings.count)
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")

  "item": {
    "byteItem": {
      "data": "[BASE64-ENCODED-IMAGE]",
      "type": "IMAGE_JPEG"

Sensitive Data Protection menampilkan hal berikut:

  "result": {
    "findings": [
        "infoType": {
          "name": "PHONE_NUMBER"
        "likelihood": "UNLIKELY",
        "location": {
          "contentLocations": [
              "imageLocation": {
                "boundingBoxes": [
                    "top": 98,
                    "left": 986,
                    "width": 102,
                    "height": 117
                    "top": 98,
                    "left": 1092,
                    "width": 29,
                    "height": 114
                    "top": 95,
                    "left": 1111,
                    "width": 82,
                    "height": 115
                    "top": 95,
                    "left": 1197,
                    "width": 29,
                    "height": 114
                    "top": 90,
                    "left": 1203,
                    "width": 185,
                    "height": 118
        "createTime": "2019-11-01T22:07:05.870Z"
        "infoType": {
          "name": "US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER"
        "likelihood": "VERY_LIKELY",
        "location": {
          "contentLocations": [
              "imageLocation": {
                "boundingBoxes": [
                    "top": 98,
                    "left": 986,
                    "width": 102,
                    "height": 117
                    "top": 98,
                    "left": 1092,
                    "width": 29,
                    "height": 114
                    "top": 95,
                    "left": 1111,
                    "width": 82,
                    "height": 115
                    "top": 95,
                    "left": 1197,
                    "width": 29,
                    "height": 114
                    "top": 90,
                    "left": 1203,
                    "width": 185,
                    "height": 118
        "createTime": "2019-11-01T22:07:05.871Z"
        "infoType": {
          "name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
        "likelihood": "LIKELY",
        "location": {
          "contentLocations": [
              "imageLocation": {
                "boundingBoxes": [
                    "top": 340,
                    "left": 334,
                    "width": 57,
                    "height": 58
                    "top": 340,
                    "left": 384,
                    "width": 12,
                    "height": 58
                    "top": 340,
                    "left": 387,
                    "width": 79,
                    "height": 59
                    "top": 341,
                    "left": 467,
                    "width": 12,
                    "height": 58
                    "top": 340,
                    "left": 476,
                    "width": 119,
                    "height": 61
                    "top": 341,
                    "left": 589,
                    "width": 12,
                    "height": 58
                    "top": 342,
                    "left": 592,
                    "width": 45,
                    "height": 58
        "createTime": "2019-11-01T22:07:05.869Z"
        "infoType": {
          "name": "PHONE_NUMBER"
        "likelihood": "POSSIBLE",
        "location": {
          "contentLocations": [
              "imageLocation": {
                "boundingBoxes": [
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 335,
                    "width": 50,
                    "height": 77
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 380,
                    "width": 17,
                    "height": 77
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 387,
                    "width": 51,
                    "height": 77
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 433,
                    "width": 17,
                    "height": 77
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 436,
                    "width": 77,
                    "height": 77
        "createTime": "2019-11-01T22:07:05.870Z"
        "infoType": {
          "name": "DATE"
        "likelihood": "LIKELY",
        "location": {
          "contentLocations": [
              "imageLocation": {
                "boundingBoxes": [
                    "top": 572,
                    "left": 1129,
                    "width": 71,
                    "height": 38
        "createTime": "2019-11-01T22:07:05.921Z"

Perlindungan Data Sensitif telah menemukan infoType berikut, meskipun kepercayaan kecocokan untuk setiap infoType bervariasi:

  • Nomor telepon (tidak mungkin)
  • Nomor Jaminan Sosial AS (kemungkinan besar)
  • Alamat email (kemungkinan)
  • Nomor telepon (mungkin)
  • Tanggal (kemungkinan)

Jika Anda menggambar setiap kotak pembatas pada gambar, hasilnya akan terlihat seperti berikut. Perhatikan bahwa Perlindungan Data Sensitif sering menggunakan beberapa kotak untuk menunjukkan lokasi satu instance data sensitif dalam gambar.

Kotak pembatas yang ditempatkan di atas gambar.
Kotak pembatas yang ditempatkan di atas gambar (klik untuk memperbesar).

Perhatikan bahwa, selain mendeteksi nomor Jaminan Sosial yang ditulis tangan, alamat email, dan nomor telepon, Perlindungan Data Sensitif juga mendeteksi tahun. Dengan asumsi bahwa perilaku tersebut tidak optimal, contoh berikutnya menunjukkan cara memeriksa hanya infoTypes tertentu.

Memeriksa gambar untuk infoType tertentu

Jika Anda hanya ingin memeriksa gambar untuk jenis data sensitif tertentu, tentukan infoType bawaan yang sesuai.

Untuk memeriksa infoType tertentu pada gambar:

  1. Mengenkode gambar sebagai base64.
  2. Kirim permintaan ke metode content.inspect DLP API. Permintaan harus mencakup:

Pertimbangkan gambar asli dari bagian sebelumnya. Untuk memeriksa hanya nomor Jaminan Sosial, alamat email, dan nomor telepon Amerika Serikat, kirimkan JSON berikut ke metode content.inspect DLP API:

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using Google.Protobuf;

public class InspectImageForSensitiveDataWithListedInfoTypes
    public static InspectContentResponse InspectImage(
        string projectId,
        string filePath)
        // Instantiate dlp client.
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Construct the content item by providing the image file and its type.
        var contentItem = new ContentItem
            ByteItem = new ByteContentItem
                Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.ImagePng,
                Data = ByteString.FromStream(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))

        // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
        var infoTypes = new InfoType[]
            new InfoType { Name = "PHONE_NUMBER" },
            new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" },
            new InfoType { Name = "US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER" }

        // Construct the Inspect config.
        var inspectConfig = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes = { infoTypes },
            IncludeQuote = true

        // Construct the request.
        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            ParentAsLocationName = new LocationName(projectId, "global"),
            InspectConfig = inspectConfig,
            Item = contentItem

        // Call the API.
        InspectContentResponse response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        // Inspect the response.
        var resultFindings = response.Result.Findings;

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {resultFindings.Count}");

        foreach (var f in resultFindings)
            var data = from location in f.Location.ContentLocations
                       from b in location.ImageLocation.BoundingBoxes
                       select new { b.Height, b.Width, b.Top, b.Left };

            Console.WriteLine("Info type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tImageLocations: " + string.Join(",", data));
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

import (

	dlp ""

// inspectImageFileListedInfoTypes inspects an image for sensitive data listed infoTypes.
func inspectImageFileListedInfoTypes(w io.Writer, projectID, filePath string) error {
	// projectId := "my-project-id"
	// filePath := "testdata/image.jpg"

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Read a image file
	data, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	item := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_IMAGE_JPEG,
				Data: data,

	// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
	inspectConfig := &dlppb.InspectConfig{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: "PHONE_NUMBER"},
			{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},
		IncludeQuote: true,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent:        fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:          item,
		InspectConfig: inspectConfig,

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %d\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, f := range resp.Result.Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tQuote: %s\n", f.Quote)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tInfo type: %s\n", f.InfoType.Name)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tLikelihood: %s\n", f.Likelihood)
	return nil

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

class InspectImageFileListedInfoTypes {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project-id";
    String inputPath = "src/test/resources/sensitive-data-image.jpeg";
    inspectImageFileListedInfoTypes(projectId, inputPath);

  static void inspectImageFileListedInfoTypes(String projectId, String inputPath)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the content to be inspected.
      ByteString fileBytes = ByteString.readFrom(new FileInputStream(inputPath));
      ByteContentItem byteItem =

      // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
      List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
      // See for complete list of info types
      for (String typeName :

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
      InspectConfig inspectConfig = InspectConfig.newBuilder().addAllInfoTypes(infoTypes).build();

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results.
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');
const mime = require('mime');
const fs = require('fs');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const imagePath = './test.pdf';

// InfoTypes
const infoTypes = [
  {name: 'PHONE_NUMBER'},
  {name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'},

async function inspectImageFileListedInfoTypes() {
  let fileBytes = null;
  let fileTypeConstant = null;
  try {
    // Load Image
    fileTypeConstant =
      ['image/jpeg', 'image/bmp', 'image/png', 'image/svg'].indexOf(
      ) + 1;
    fileBytes = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(imagePath)).toString('base64');
  } catch (error) {
  // Specify item to inspect
  const item = {
    byteItem: {
      type: fileTypeConstant,
      data: fileBytes,

  // Specify inspect configuration to match information with mentioned infotypes.
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: infoTypes,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Combine configurations into a request for the service.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Use the client to send the request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print Findings
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ByteContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ByteContentItem\BytesType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;

 * Inspect an image for sensitive data with listed infoTypes.
 * If you want to inspect an image for only certain sensitive data types, specify their corresponding
 * built-in infoTypes.
 * @param string $projectId         The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
 * @param string $inputPath         The image path to inspect.
function inspect_image_listed_infotypes(
    // TODO(developer): Replace sample parameters before running the code.
    string $projectId,
    string $inputPath = './test/data/test.png'
): void {
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    // Get the bytes of the file.
    $fileBytes = (new ByteContentItem())

    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";

    // Specify what content you want the service to Inspect.
    $item = (new ContentItem())

    // Create inspect config configuration.
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())
        // The infoTypes of information to match.
            (new InfoType())->setName('PHONE_NUMBER'),
            (new InfoType())->setName('EMAIL_ADDRESS'),
            (new InfoType())->setName('US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER')

    // Run request.
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results.
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        printf('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        printf('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            printf('  Info type: %s' . PHP_EOL, $finding->getInfoType()->getName());
            printf('  Likelihood: %s' . PHP_EOL, Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood()));

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

from typing import List


def inspect_image_file_listed_infotypes(
    project: str,
    filename: str,
    info_types: List[str],
    include_quote: bool = True,
) -> None:
    """Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to analyze strings in an image for
    data matching the given infoTypes.
        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        filename: The path of the image file to inspect.
        info_types:  A list of strings representing infoTypes to look for.
            A full list of info type categories can be fetched from the API.
        include_quote: Boolean for whether to display a matching snippet of
            the detected information in the results.

    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp =

    # Prepare info_types by converting the list of strings into a list of
    # dictionaries.
    info_types = [{"name": info_type} for info_type in info_types]

    # Construct the configuration dictionary.
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": info_types,
        "include_quote": include_quote,

    # Construct the byte_item, containing the image file's byte data.
    with open(filename, mode="rb") as f:
        byte_item = {"type_": "IMAGE", "data":}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
            "parent": parent,
            "inspect_config": inspect_config,
            "item": {"byte_item": byte_item},

    # Print out the results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Info type: {}")
            if include_quote:
                print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood} \n")
        print("No findings.")

  "item": {
    "byteItem": {
      "data": "[BASE64-ENCODED-IMAGE]",
      "type": "IMAGE_JPEG"
  "inspectConfig": {
    "infoTypes": [
        "name": "PHONE_NUMBER"
        "name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"

Sensitive Data Protection menampilkan hal berikut:

  "result": {
    "findings": [
        "infoType": {
          "name": "US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER"
        "likelihood": "VERY_LIKELY",
        "location": {
          "contentLocations": [
              "imageLocation": {
                "boundingBoxes": [
                    "top": 98,
                    "left": 986,
                    "width": 102,
                    "height": 117
                    "top": 98,
                    "left": 1092,
                    "width": 29,
                    "height": 114
                    "top": 95,
                    "left": 1111,
                    "width": 82,
                    "height": 115
                    "top": 95,
                    "left": 1197,
                    "width": 29,
                    "height": 114
                    "top": 90,
                    "left": 1203,
                    "width": 185,
                    "height": 118
        "createTime": "2019-11-01T22:58:56.985Z"
        "infoType": {
          "name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
        "likelihood": "LIKELY",
        "location": {
          "contentLocations": [
              "imageLocation": {
                "boundingBoxes": [
                    "top": 340,
                    "left": 334,
                    "width": 57,
                    "height": 58
                    "top": 340,
                    "left": 384,
                    "width": 12,
                    "height": 58
                    "top": 340,
                    "left": 387,
                    "width": 79,
                    "height": 59
                    "top": 341,
                    "left": 467,
                    "width": 12,
                    "height": 58
                    "top": 340,
                    "left": 476,
                    "width": 119,
                    "height": 61
                    "top": 341,
                    "left": 589,
                    "width": 12,
                    "height": 58
                    "top": 342,
                    "left": 592,
                    "width": 45,
                    "height": 58
        "createTime": "2019-11-01T22:58:56.984Z"
        "infoType": {
          "name": "PHONE_NUMBER"
        "likelihood": "POSSIBLE",
        "location": {
          "contentLocations": [
              "imageLocation": {
                "boundingBoxes": [
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 335,
                    "width": 50,
                    "height": 77
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 380,
                    "width": 17,
                    "height": 77
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 387,
                    "width": 51,
                    "height": 77
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 433,
                    "width": 17,
                    "height": 77
                    "top": 394,
                    "left": 436,
                    "width": 77,
                    "height": 77
        "createTime": "2019-11-01T22:58:56.985Z"

Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat dari output, Perlindungan Data Sensitif telah menemukan nomor Jaminan Sosial Amerika Serikat, alamat email, dan nomor telepon.

Lihat panduan memulai JSON untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang penggunaan DLP API dengan JSON.

Contoh kode

Berikut adalah contoh kode dalam beberapa bahasa yang menunjukkan cara menggunakan Perlindungan Data Sensitif untuk memeriksa gambar guna menemukan data sensitif.

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2;
using Google.Protobuf;

public class InspectImage
    public static InspectContentResponse Inspect(
        string projectId,
        string filePath,
        IEnumerable<InfoType> infoTypes = null)
        // Instantiate dlp client.
        var dlp = DlpServiceClient.Create();

        // Construct the content item by setting the type of image and data to be inspected.
        var contentItem = new ContentItem
            ByteItem = new ByteContentItem
                Type = ByteContentItem.Types.BytesType.ImagePng,
                Data = ByteString.FromStream(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))

        // Construct the Inspect config by specifying the type of info to be inspected.
        var inspectConfig = new InspectConfig
            InfoTypes =
                infoTypes ?? new InfoType[]
                    new InfoType { Name = "PHONE_NUMBER" },
                    new InfoType { Name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS" },
                    new InfoType { Name = "CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER" }
            IncludeQuote = true

        // Construct the request.
        var request = new InspectContentRequest
            ParentAsLocationName = new LocationName(projectId, "global"),
            InspectConfig = inspectConfig,
            Item = contentItem

        // Call the API.
        InspectContentResponse response = dlp.InspectContent(request);

        // Inspect the response.
        var resultFindings = response.Result.Findings;

        Console.WriteLine($"Findings: {resultFindings.Count}\n");

        // Print the results.
        foreach (var f in resultFindings)
            var data = from location in f.Location.ContentLocations
                       from b in location.ImageLocation.BoundingBoxes
                       select new { b.Height, b.Width, b.Top, b.Left };

            Console.WriteLine("Info type: " + f.InfoType.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("\tQuote: " + f.Quote);
            Console.WriteLine("\tImageLocations: " + string.Join(",", data));
            Console.WriteLine("\tLikelihood: " + f.Likelihood);

        return response;

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

import (

	dlp ""

// inspectImageFile inspects an image file for sensitive data
func inspectImageFile(w io.Writer, projectID, filePath string) error {
	// projectId := "my-project-id"
	// filePath := "inspect/testdata/test.png"

	ctx := context.Background()

	// Initialize a client once and reuse it to send multiple requests. Clients
	// are safe to use across goroutines. When the client is no longer needed,
	// call the Close method to cleanup its resources.
	client, err := dlp.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Closing the client safely cleans up background resources.
	defer client.Close()

	// Read a image file
	data, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Specify the type and content to be inspected.
	item := &dlppb.ContentItem{
		DataItem: &dlppb.ContentItem_ByteItem{
			ByteItem: &dlppb.ByteContentItem{
				Type: dlppb.ByteContentItem_IMAGE,
				Data: data,

	// Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
	inspectConfig := &dlppb.InspectConfig{
		InfoTypes: []*dlppb.InfoType{
			{Name: "PHONE_NUMBER"},
			{Name: "EMAIL_ADDRESS"},
		IncludeQuote: true,

	// Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
	req := &dlppb.InspectContentRequest{
		Parent:        fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/global", projectID),
		Item:          item,
		InspectConfig: inspectConfig,

	// Send the request.
	resp, err := client.InspectContent(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Process the results.
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Findings: %d\n", len(resp.Result.Findings))
	for _, f := range resp.Result.Findings {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tQuote: %s\n", f.Quote)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tInfo type: %s\n", f.InfoType.Name)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tLikelihood: %s\n", f.Likelihood)
	return nil

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class InspectImageFile {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String filePath = "path/to/image.png";
    inspectImageFile(projectId, filePath);

  // Inspects the specified image file.
  public static void inspectImageFile(String projectId, String filePath) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (DlpServiceClient dlp = DlpServiceClient.create()) {
      // Specify the type and content to be inspected.
      ByteString fileBytes = ByteString.readFrom(new FileInputStream(filePath));
      ByteContentItem byteItem =
      ContentItem item = ContentItem.newBuilder().setByteItem(byteItem).build();

      // Specify the type of info the inspection will look for.
      List<InfoType> infoTypes = new ArrayList<>();
      // See for complete list of info types
      for (String typeName : new String[] {"PHONE_NUMBER", "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER"}) {

      // Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
      InspectConfig config =

      // Construct the Inspect request to be sent by the client.
      InspectContentRequest request =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, "global").toString())

      // Use the client to send the API request.
      InspectContentResponse response = dlp.inspectContent(request);

      // Parse the response and process results.
      System.out.println("Findings: " + response.getResult().getFindingsCount());
      for (Finding f : response.getResult().getFindingsList()) {
        System.out.println("\tQuote: " + f.getQuote());
        System.out.println("\tInfo type: " + f.getInfoType().getName());
        System.out.println("\tLikelihood: " + f.getLikelihood());

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

// Imports the Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention library
const DLP = require('@google-cloud/dlp');
const mime = require('mime');
const fs = require('fs');

// Instantiates a client
const dlp = new DLP.DlpServiceClient();

// The project ID to run the API call under
// const imagePath = './test.jpeg';

// InfoTypes
const infoTypes = [
  {name: 'PHONE_NUMBER'},
  {name: 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'},

async function inspectImageFile() {
  let fileBytes = null;
  let fileTypeConstant = null;
  try {
    // Load Image
    fileTypeConstant =
      ['image/jpeg', 'image/bmp', 'image/png', 'image/svg'].indexOf(
      ) + 1;
    fileBytes = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(imagePath)).toString('base64');
  } catch (error) {

  // Specify item to inspect
  const item = {
    byteItem: {
      type: fileTypeConstant,
      data: fileBytes,

  // Specify inspect configuration to match information with mentioned infotypes.
  const inspectConfig = {
    infoTypes: infoTypes,
    includeQuote: true,

  // Combine configurations into a request for the service.
  const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: inspectConfig,
    item: item,

  // Use the client to send the request.
  const [response] = await dlp.inspectContent(request);

  // Print Findings
  const findings = response.result.findings;
  if (findings.length > 0) {
    console.log(`Findings: ${findings.length}\n`);
    findings.forEach(finding => {
      console.log(`InfoType: ${}`);
      console.log(`\tQuote: ${finding.quote}`);
      console.log(`\tLikelihood: ${finding.likelihood} \n`);
  } else {
    console.log('No findings.');

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.

use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ByteContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ByteContentItem\BytesType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Client\DlpServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\ContentItem;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InfoType;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\InspectContentRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Dlp\V2\Likelihood;

 * @param string $projectId
 * @param string $filepath
function inspect_image_file(string $projectId, string $filepath): void
    // Instantiate a client.
    $dlp = new DlpServiceClient();

    // Get the bytes of the file
    $fileBytes = (new ByteContentItem())

    // Construct request
    $parent = "projects/$projectId/locations/global";
    $item = (new ContentItem())
    $inspectConfig = (new InspectConfig())
        // The infoTypes of information to match
            (new InfoType())->setName('PHONE_NUMBER'),
            (new InfoType())->setName('EMAIL_ADDRESS'),
            (new InfoType())->setName('CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER')
        // Whether to include the matching string

    // Run request
    $inspectContentRequest = (new InspectContentRequest())
    $response = $dlp->inspectContent($inspectContentRequest);

    // Print the results
    $findings = $response->getResult()->getFindings();
    if (count($findings) == 0) {
        print('No findings.' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        print('Findings:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($findings as $finding) {
            print('  Quote: ' . $finding->getQuote() . PHP_EOL);
            print('  Info type: ' . $finding->getInfoType()->getName() . PHP_EOL);
            $likelihoodString = Likelihood::name($finding->getLikelihood());
            print('  Likelihood: ' . $likelihoodString . PHP_EOL);

Untuk mempelajari cara menginstal dan menggunakan library klien untuk Perlindungan Data Sensitif, lihat library klien Perlindungan Data Sensitif.

Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Perlindungan Data Sensitif, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.


def inspect_image_file(
    project: str,
    filename: str,
    include_quote: bool = True,
) -> None:
    """Uses the Data Loss Prevention API to analyze strings for
    protected data in image file.
        project: The Google Cloud project id to use as a parent resource.
        filename: The path to the file to inspect.
        include_quote: Boolean for whether to display a quote of the detected
            information in the results.
    # Instantiate a client.
    dlp =

    # Prepare info_types by converting the list of strings into a list of
    # dictionaries.
    info_types = [{"name": info_type} for info_type in info_types]

    # Construct the configuration for the Inspect request.
    inspect_config = {
        "info_types": info_types,
        "include_quote": include_quote,

    # Construct the byte_item, containing the image file's byte data.
    with open(filename, mode="rb") as f:
        byte_item = {"type_": "IMAGE", "data":}

    # Convert the project id into a full resource id.
    parent = f"projects/{project}/locations/global"

    # Call the API.
    response = dlp.inspect_content(
            "parent": parent,
            "inspect_config": inspect_config,
            "item": {"byte_item": byte_item},

    # Parse the response and process results.
    if response.result.findings:
        for finding in response.result.findings:
            print(f"Quote: {finding.quote}")
            print(f"Info type: {}")
            print(f"Likelihood: {finding.likelihood}")
        print("No findings.")


Anda dapat mencoba setiap contoh ini sendiri—atau bereksperimen dengan gambar Anda sendiri—di API Explorer pada halaman referensi untuk content.inspect:

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