Obtén una configuración de exportación de BigQuery

Recupera una configuración de exportación a BigQuery existente.

Muestra de código

Para autenticarte en Security Command Center, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

import com.google.cloud.securitycenter.v1.BigQueryExport;
import com.google.cloud.securitycenter.v1.GetBigQueryExportRequest;
import com.google.cloud.securitycenter.v1.SecurityCenterClient;
import java.io.IOException;

public class GetBigQueryExport {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(Developer): Modify the following variable values.

    // parent: Use any one of the following resource paths:
    //              - organizations/{organization_id}
    //              - folders/{folder_id}
    //              - projects/{project_id}
    String parent = String.format("projects/%s", "your-google-cloud-project-id");

    // bigQueryExportId: Unique identifier that is used to identify the export.
    String bigQueryExportId = "export-id";

    getBigQueryExport(parent, bigQueryExportId);

  // Retrieve an existing BigQuery export.
  public static void getBigQueryExport(String parent, String bigQueryExportId) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (SecurityCenterClient client = SecurityCenterClient.create()) {

      GetBigQueryExportRequest bigQueryExportRequest =
              .setName(String.format("%s/bigQueryExports/%s", parent, bigQueryExportId))

      BigQueryExport response = client.getBigQueryExport(bigQueryExportRequest);
      System.out.printf("Retrieved the BigQuery export: %s", response.getName());

Para autenticarte en Security Command Center, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

def get_bigquery_export(parent: str, bigquery_export_id: str):
    from google.cloud import securitycenter

    Retrieve an existing BigQuery export.
        parent: Use any one of the following resource paths:
                 - organizations/{organization_id}
                 - folders/{folder_id}
                 - projects/{project_id}
        bigquery_export_id: Unique identifier that is used to identify the export.

    client = securitycenter.SecurityCenterClient()

    request = securitycenter.GetBigQueryExportRequest()
    request.name = f"{parent}/bigQueryExports/{bigquery_export_id}"

    response = client.get_big_query_export(request)
    print(f"Retrieved the BigQuery export: {response.name}")

¿Qué sigue?

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