Google Cloud CLI - Release Notes

Copyright 2014-2024 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

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497.0.0 (2024-10-15)

Breaking Changes

  • (Colab Enterprise) Deprecated gcloud beta colab-enterprise command group. Use gcloud beta colab instead.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added secondary-worker-standard-capacity-base and secondary-worker-standard-capacity-percent-above-base flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create to support mixing of spot and standard instances for secondary workers.

Cloud Datastore

  • Promoted changed to gcloud datastore indexes create and gcloud datastore indexes cleanup commands which uses the Firestore Admin API to beta.
  • Added --database-id flag to gcloud datastore indexes cleanup.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Added support for scanning for new OS packages (Wolfi, Chainguard, Google Distroless, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Rocky Linux, Alma Linux).
  • Added support for scanning new language packages (NPM, Python, Rust, RubyGems, Composer, NuGet).
  • Changed the default behavior of gcloud artifacts docker images scan to scan for vulnerabilities in all supported language packages, and added --skip-package-types flag to skip scanning for specific language package types.
  • Deprecated --additional-package-types flag of gcloud artifacts docker images scan command. Scanning for all package types is now the default.

Cloud Run

Cloud SQL

  • Added PostgreSQL 17 to supported database versions.

Cloud Storage

  • Promoted gcloud storage folders to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud storage buckets create --enable-hierarchical-namespace flag to GA.
  • Updated gsutil component to 5.31.


  • Added gcloud beta colab command group to replace gcloud beta colab-enterprise.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --ip-address-selection-policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.
  • Promoted IPv6-only support for gcloud compute instances create, gcloud compute instances bulk create, gcloud compute instance-templates create, and gcloud compute networks subnets create to GA.
  • Promoted support for gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize-requests create for regional igm to beta.
  • Promoted support for gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize-requests cancel for regional igm to beta.
  • Promoted support for gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize-requests delete for regional igm to beta.
  • Added path to cookie for STRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY and HTTP_COOKIE sessionAffinity type in GA.

Database Migration

  • Added --database-version-name flag to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql.

Network Connectivity

  • Added effective-location argument to routes list CLI to filter hub routes effective at a specific location.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

496.0.0 (2024-10-08)

Breaking Changes

  • (Anthos Multi-Cloud) Removed --workload-vulnerability-scanning flag of gcloud container attached clusters.

Artifact Registry

  • Added support for download rules that control the downloading behaviors of packages in a repository.


  • Added --request_reason flag to support setting the X-Goog-Request-Reason HTTP request header.
  • Added --reservation_id flag to allow specifying reservation on a job.
  • Fixed the validation on --nouse_google_auth when GDU is set as the universe domain.
  • Updated default --api value to match newer guidelines.
  • Fixed a bug where special billing/quota_project values in --quota_project_id flag are not resolved when using legacy auth.
  • Added support for creating and updating row access policies. Support for showing and removing row access policies will be added in a future version.
  • Added validations for schedule options during creating or updating data transfer configurations.
  • Added --event_driven_schedule to support event driven transfers in Data Transfer Service.
  • Added messages to alert users when a default connection is created and/or their IAM policy is updated for the default connection.
  • Updates permissions for directories to be 755.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added --backup-type flag to gcloud bigtable backups create to support hot backups.
  • Added --hot-to-standard-time flag to gcloud bigtable backups create and gcloud bigtable backups update to support hot backups.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added support for Deploy Policies public preview.

Cloud Firestore

  • Updated gcloud beta firestore bulk-delete to require confirmation.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added flags to gcloud pubsub topics create for creating Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Storage Import Topics.
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-bucket
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-input-format
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-text-delimiter
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-match-glob
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-minimum-object-create-time
  • Added flags to gcloud pubsub topics update for updating Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Storage Import Topics.
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-bucket
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-input-format
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-text-delimiter
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-match-glob
    • Added --cloud-storage-ingestion-minimum-object-create-time

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Added DATA_GOVERNANCE choice for --purpose argument in gcloud resource-manager tags keys create command.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run multi-region-services to beta.
  • Added --regions to gcloud beta run deploy to support Multi-Region Services.
  • Deprecated gcloud run integrations commands.
  • Added --[no]invoker-iam-check flag to optionally disable invoker IAM checks. This feature is available by invitation only; more info at

Cloud SQL

  • Add new enum TLOG to --bak-type, add --export-log-start-time and --export-log-end-time flags to gcloud sql export bak to enable the transaction log export feature for SQL Server.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added support for the maximum usable workstations for a user in gcloud workstations config create and gcloud workstations config update commands.

Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute ssh no longer consumes STDIN while polling for instance key propagation.
  • Made scope required for gcloud compute backend-services list-usable.
  • Promoted Percentage-based Request Mirroring in UrlMaps compute API to beta.
  • Adds support for STRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY sessionAffinity type in beta.
  • Updated behaviour of gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete: it will throw error if instance.delete operation takes more than 70 minutes instead of 30 minutes previously.
  • Adds support for STRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY sessionAffinity type in GA.

Database Migration

  • Added --sqlserver-promote-when-ready and --no-sqlserver-promote-when-ready flags to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create and gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs update. The flags enable or disable promote of ready databases in Database Migration Service migration jobs for homogeneous SQL Server to Cloud SQL for SQL Server migrations.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --control-plane-node-storage-schema flag to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create commands to allow specifying the local storage configuration schema.
  • Added --node-storage-schema flag to gcloud edge-cloud container node-pools create commands to allow specifying the local storage configuration schema.


  • Added gcloud container fleet scopes add-app-operator-binding to beta which sets up permissions required for an app operator in a fleet scope.
  • Added gcloud container fleet scopes remove-app-operator-binding to beta which unsets permissions of an app operator in a fleet scope.
  • Added gcloud container fleet scopes list-app-operator-bindings to beta which lists app operators and their roles in a fleet scope.

Identity Groups

  • Deprecated POSIX groups from gcloud beta identity groups.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Fixed a bug gcloud container node-pools update command where it was ignoring --accelerator command.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.29.8 to 1.30.5.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.16)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.14)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.9)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.5)
    • kubectl.1.31 (1.31.1)
  • Added a new command gcloud beta container clusters get-upgrade-info which returns upgrade information of the given cluster.
  • Added a new command gcloud beta container node-pools get-upgrade-info which returns upgrade information of the given node pool.
  • Added flag option --enable-ip-access to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters create commands. This flag enables IP address access to the cluster's control plane.
  • Added flag option --enable-dns-access to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters create commands. This flag enables DNS access to the cluster's control plane.
  • Added flag option --enable-private-endpoint-enforcement to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters create commands. This flag enforces authorized networks rules over cluster's private endpoint.
  • Added flag option --dns-endpoint to gcloud container clusters get-credentials command. This flag configures kubectl to point DNS endpoint of the cluster's control plane.

Network Services

  • Promoted the following Service Extensions Plugins command groups to beta:
    • gcloud service-extensions wasm-plugins
    • gcloud service-extensions wasm-plugin-versions

Notebook Executor

  • Added gcloud beta notebook-executor schedules surface and commands.

Security Command Center

  • Modified gcloud scc sources describe to call Security Command Center v2 api instead of v1.

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495.0.0 (2024-10-01)

Breaking Changes

  • (GKE Hub) Modified gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials to require the permission gkehub.gateway.generateCredentials (automatically included in roles gkehub.gatewayReader, gkehub.gatewayEditor, and gkehub.gatewayAdmin), as well as network access to *

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated property core/parse_error_details default to be set to True, gcloud CLI will parse and display errors in a more human readable format, where available.

App Engine

  • Fixed customer bug ( for the local running go apps on Windows.
  • Added the new runtime go1.23 support for

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud artifacts attachments create to support creating an Attachment for an artifact.
  • Added gcloud artifacts attachments download to support downloading an Attachment.
  • Added gcloud artifacts attachments list to support listing Attachments in a repository.
  • Added gcloud artifacts attachments delete to support deleting an Attachment.
  • Added location flag from artifacts sbom export, artifacts sbom list, artifacts sbom load, artifacts vulnerabilities list, and artifacts vulnerabilities load-vex.
  • Changed default answer for prompts in enable-upgrade-redirection and disable-upgrade-redirection to Y.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added --binding-file flag to gcloud access-context-manager cloud-bindings for setting ScopedAccessSettings in GcpUserAccessBinding.

Cloud Firestore

  • Updated gcloud firestore backups list to return the unavailable locations.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Added --resource-type=cloud-run to gcloud iap setting and gcloud iap web iam in ALPHA.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Increased upper bound for --message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create from 7 days to 31 days.
  • Increased upper bound for --message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions update from 7 days to 31 days.
  • Fixed --cloud-storage-max-bytes flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to accept values down to 1000 bytes.
  • Fixed --cloud-storage-max-bytes flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to accept values down to 1000 bytes.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --service-min-instances flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Promote gcloud sql ssl server-ca-certs to GA.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted gcloud spanner backup-schedules to GA.
  • Added new columns to gcloud spanner backups list command.

Database Migration

  • Added --authorized-network-cidr-ranges, --enable-outbound-public-ip, and --enable-public-ip flags to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create alloydb.


  • Migrated gcloud container fleet memberships register from calling v1beta1 gkehub APIs to standard versions (v1, v1beta, v1alpha).
  • Migrated gcloud container fleet memberships unregister from calling v1beta1 gkehub APIs to standard versions (v1, v1beta, v1alpha).

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-confidential-storage flag on cluster/node-pool create to GA to enable creating boot disk with confidential mode.

Network Connectivity

  • Added FOR_MIGRATION usage type support to Internal Range.

Notebook Executor

  • Added gcloud beta notebook-executor executions surface and commands.

Policy Simulator

  • Added gcloud policy-intelligence simulate command group. Commands in this group simulate changes to organization policies.

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494.0.0 (2024-09-24)

Breaking Changes

  • (GKE Hub) gcloud beta container fleet memberships get-credentials now requires the permission gkehub.gateway.generateCredentials (automatically included in roles gkehub.gatewayReader, gkehub.gatewayEditor, and gkehub.gatewayAdmin), as well as network access to *

Google Cloud CLI

  • Upgraded cryptography package to version 43.0.1.
  • Upgraded pyopenssl package to version 24.2.1.


  • Added --outbound-public-ip flag to enable outbound public IP on an instance for the following commands in the GA track:
    • gcloud alloydb instances create
    • gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary
    • gcloud alloydb instances update

App Engine

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilding cbt emulator with go version 1.23.0 which fixed CVE-2023-45288.

Cloud SQL

  • Updated gcloud beta sql ssl server-certs list to also return the CA certificates.
  • Promoted --time-zone flag of gcloud sql instances patch command to GA.

Colab Enterprise

  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes describe.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes list.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes delete.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes upgrade.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes start.

Compute Engine

  • Promote --confidential-compute-type=TDX flag of gcloud compute instances create to v1.
  • Added gce_vm_ip_portmap Network Endpoint Group for gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups GA support.
  • Fix crash when setting --session-affinity.
  • Added TDX_CAPABLE to the list of guestOsFeatures.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create alloydb to support POSTGRES_16 version option for AlloyDB connection profiles.

Developer Connect

  • Promoted gcloud developer-connect to beta.


  • Added support for fleet-default membership configuration of Config Sync to gcloud beta container fleet config-management command group.
    • Added --fleet-default-member-config flag to gcloud beta container fleet config-management enable to set the fleet-default membership configuration.
    • Added --origin flag to gcloud beta container fleet config-management apply to sync a membership to the fleet-default membership configuration.
    • Added --fleet-default-member-config flag to gcloud beta container fleet config-management disable to clear the fleet-default membership configuration.
    • Added column to gcloud beta container fleet config-management status output to indicate whether each membership configuration is synced to the fleet-default membership configuration.


  • Added gcloud gemini code-repository-indexes API.
  • Added gcloud gemini code-repository-indexes repository-groups API.

Network Security

  • For commands network-security security-profile-groups create and update, changed subflags for --threat-prevention-policy from --security-profile-organization and --security-profile-location to the more consistent --threat-prevention-profile-organization and --threat-prevention-profile-location, while keeping the old flags as well for backwards compatibility.
  • Added support for creating Security Profile Groups linked to Custom Mirroring security profiles using network-security security-profile-groups create --custom-mirroring-profile=<...>.

Oracle Database

  • Added gcloud oracle-database group in GA with the following commands:
    • gcloud oracle-database autonomous-database-backups list command
    • gcloud oracle-database autonomous-databases commands group
    • gcloud oracle-database autonomous-db-versions list command
    • gcloud oracle-database cloud-exadata-infrastructures commands group
    • gcloud oracle-database cloud-exadata-infrastructures db-servers list
    • gcloud oracle-database cloud-vm-clusters commands group
    • gcloud oracle-database cloud-vm-clusters db-system-shapes list command
    • gcloud oracle-database entitlements list command
    • gcloud oracle-database gi-versions list command

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493.0.0 (2024-09-17)

Breaking Changes

  • (Anthos Multi-Cloud) Renamed --security-posture flag as --workload-vulnerability-scanning.
  • (Compute Engine) Removed gcloud compute future-reservations command group from GA.
  • (Security Command Center) Removed gcloud scc slz-overwatch command group.

Google Cloud CLI

  • gcloud auth application-default print-access-token now supports context_aware access.


  • Added --node-ids flag to gcloud alloydb instances restart command to the GA track. This flag allows users to allow users to specify a comma-separated list of read pool node IDs to perform the restart on. Without specifying this flag, every node in the read pool will be restarted.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.9
    • Fix missing version data on non-transactional and transactional deletes

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted --resource-type=forwarding-rule from ALPHA to beta.
  • Fixed issue UDF jars are mishandled for SQL jobs in some cases.
  • SQL jobs will always produce script output to improve spotting errors.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --allow-auto-tiering flag to gcloud netapp storagepools.
  • Added --tiering-policy flag to gcloud netapp volumes.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Modified --message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to enforce lower bound of 10 minutes and upper bound of 7 days.
  • Modified --message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to enforce lower bound of 10 minutes and upper bound of 7 days.

Cloud SQL

  • Added support for restoring backups across projects.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --edition flag to gcloud spanner instances create and gcloud spanner instances update commands to allow specifying the Spanner edition while creating or updating instances.

Colab Enterprise

  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes assign.
  • Update gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates create to set default disk type and size if neither flag is specified, instead of no disk.

Compute Engine

  • Added --reservation-sharing-policy flag to gcloud compute commitments create command to specify the reservation sharing policy for the commitment.
  • Promote --turbo-mode in gcloud compute instances create to GA.

Compute Firewall Policy Rules

  • Promoted --src-network-scope flag of gcloud compute firewall-policies rules to beta.
  • Promoted --src-networks flag of gcloud compute firewall-policies rules to beta.
  • Promoted --dest-network-scope flag of gcloud compute firewall-policies rules to beta.
  • Promoted --src-network-scope flag of gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules to beta.
  • Promoted --src-networks flag of gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules to beta.
  • Promoted --dest-network-scope flag of gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules to beta.


  • Modified gcloud beta container fleet memberships update to call gkehub API version v1beta instead of v1beta1.
  • Modified gcloud beta container fleet memberships create to call gkehub API version v1beta instead of v1beta1.

Migrate to Virtual Machines

  • Promoted gcloud migration vms image-imports commands to GA.

Network Security

  • Simplified the network-security mirroring-deployment-groups create command by accepting just the networkID for network specification.
  • Changed subflags for --threat-prevention-policy in network-security security-profile-groups create and update from --security-profile-organization and --security-profile-location to the more consistent --threat-prevention-profile-organization and --threat-prevention-profile-location, while keeping the old flags as well for backwards compatibility.


  • Update reCAPTCHA Express support in CreateKey API.

Security Command Center

  • Modified gcloud scc sources describe to accept parent (organization|folder|project) as positional argument instead of only organization.

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492.0.0 (2024-09-10)

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --security-posture flag to gcloud container attached clusters to set the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's off-cluster features.

Artifact Registry

  • Supported --filter and --sort-by on resource list apis.
  • Added update commands for annotations on Files, Packages and Package Versions.

Assured Workloads

  • Added SOVEREIGN_CONTROLS_BY_SIA_MINSAIT and SOVEREIGN_CONTROLS_BY_PSN as options for --partner flag of gcloud assured workloads create for both beta and GA.
  • The gcloud assured workloads create command will now automatically receive new Compliance Regime and Partner options as they are added to the Assured Workloads API.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --deletion-protection and --deletion-protection-reason flags to gcloud filestore instances create.
  • Added --deletion-protection, --no-deletion-protection and --deletion-protection-reason flags to gcloud filestore instances update.

Cloud Functions

  • Changed gcloud functions deploy to deploy new functions via Cloud Functions (2nd gen) by default. 1st gen functions can still be created by specifying --no-gen2 or by setting the functions/gen2 property to off. This change will be applied in the GA release track to match beta and alpha.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --zone and --replica-zone flag to gcloud netapp [volumes|storage-pools] create commands.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run services logs read and gcloud run jobs logs read to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --server_ca_mode flag to gcloud beta sql instances create for creation of instances using CAS server CA.
  • Added sql ssl server_certs group for CAS server cert management and rotation with the commands create, list, rotate, and rollback.

Colab Enterprise

  • Fixed output in gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates commands involving LROs to correctly show resource name rather than operation name.

Compute Engine

  • Promoting --turbo-mode in gcloud compute instances create to beta. It lets instances run at supported turbo frequency. Only supported on C4 VM families with possible value "ALL_CORE_MAX".

Database Migration

  • Added --username and --password flags to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create sqlserver.
  • Added gcloud database-migrate connection-profiles test to validate a Database Migration Service connection profile.


  • Removed --description flag of gcloud beta container fleet memberships create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from 1.28.12 to 1.29.8.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.16)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.13)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.8)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.4)
    • kubectl.1.31 (1.31.0)
  • Added --accelerators flag to gcloud container node-pools update to enable accelerator config update on nodepools.

Network Management

  • Added gcloud beta network-management vpc-flow-logs-configs command group which is manage the VPC Flow Logs configurations.

Network Security

  • New commands for network-security resources - AuthzPolicy.
  • Added security-profiles custom-mirroring commands to manage custom mirroring security profiles and promoted them to beta.

Service Extensions

  • New commands for service-extensions resources - AuthzExtensions.

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491.0.0 (2024-09-04)

Breaking Changes

  • (GKE Hub) gcloud container fleet scopes namespaces get-credentials now requires the permission gkehub.gateway.generateCredentials (automatically included in roles gkehub.gatewayReader, gkehub.gatewayEditor, and gkehub.gatewayAdmin), as well as network access to *
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Changed gcloud container clusters update to use current cluster DNS config as base for changes rather than default DNS config. In addition, the user will only be prompted about the necessary node pool upgrade when specified cluster DNS provider is different than the current value in the cluster.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated Windows bundled Python for the gcloud CLI to 3.11.9.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed issue where gcloud artifacts docker images describe fails when no metadata flag is specified and API enablement check is denied.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Allow JAVA21 in --flex-template-base-image option for gcloud dataflow flex-template build.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted --encryption-type and --kms-key-name flag of gcloud firestore databases restore command to beta and GA.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Added --resource-type=forwarding-rule to gcloud iap setting and gcloud iap web in ALPHA.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --hybrid-replication-parameters flag to gcloud netapp volumes {create}.

Cloud Workstations

  • Deprecated --disable-ssh-to-vm flag in gcloud workstations config create command. Use --enable-ssh-to-vm flag instead.

Compute Engine

  • Fix incorrect padding issues for gcloud add_signed_url_key method.


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490.0.0 (2024-08-27)

App Hub

  • Added gcloud apphub locationscommand group. Commands in this group manage apphub locations.

Assured Workloads

  • Added SOVEREIGN_CONTROLS_BY_CNTXT and SOVEREIGN_CONTROLS_BY_CNTXT_NO_EKM as options for --partner for gcloud assured workloads create.
  • Added partner-services-billing-account flag for gcloud assured workloads create.


  • Enabled Google Auth by default.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added support for more aggregate types to the cbt CLI.

Cloud Run

  • Added --mesh flag to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update. Use gloud beta run deploy --mesh=[MESH] ... to enable Cloud Service Mesh for a Cloud Run Service.
  • Promoted --add-volume, --remove-volume, --clear-volumes, --add-volume-mount, --remove-volume-mount, and --clear volume mounts flags of gcloud run deploy, gcloud run services update, gcloud run jobs deploy, gcloud run jobs create, and gcloud run jobs update to GA for NFS and Cloud Storage volumes.

Colab Enterprise

  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates add-iam-policy-binding.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates get-iam-policy.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates set-iam-policy.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates remove-iam-policy-binding.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted flags related to external-managed migration to beta:
    • '--external-managed-backend-bucket-migration-state' of gcloud compute forwarding-rules update.
    • '--external-managed-backend-bucket-migration-testing-percentage' of gcloud compute forwarding-rules update.
    • '--load-balancing-scheme' of gcloud compute forwarding-rules update.
    • '--external-managed-migration-state' of gcloud compute backend-services update.
    • '--external-managed-migration-testing-percentage' of gcloud compute backend-services update.
    • '--load-balancing-scheme' of gcloud compute backend-services update.
  • Promoted gcloud compute future-reservations command group to GA.

Database Migration

  • Added --sqlserver-diff-backup and --no-sqlserver-diff-backup flags to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create and gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs update. The flags enable or disable differential backups in Database Migration Service migration jobs for homogeneous SQL Server to Cloud SQL for SQL Server migrations.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql to support MySQL_8_4 major version option for Cloud SQL connection profiles.


  • Modified gcloud beta container fleet memberships register to not populate membership description.
  • Removed --description flag of gcloud beta container fleet memberships update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added flag option --[no]-enable-insecure-binding-system-authenticated to allow/block System RBAC bindings group system:authenticated binds to any role.
  • Added flag option --[no]-enable-insecure-binding-system-unauthenticated to allow/block System RBAC bindings group system:unauthenticated and user system:anonymous binds to any role.


  • Added memorystore command group. Commands in this group allow creating and managing Memorystore instances.


  • Added NVIDIA_H100_80GB and NVIDIA_H100_MEGA_80GB option to --accelerator-type flag of gcloud notebooks instances create and gcloud notebooks instances update.


  • Added workbench instances restore to restore the workbench instance to an existing backup state.

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489.0.0 (2024-08-20)

Cloud Dataplex

  • Adjusted gcloud dataplex entries search page-size limit to match the public API documentation.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added MAX_READ_IOPS column to gcloud beta filestore instances list and gcloud filestore instances list.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted vector-config flag of gcloud firestore indexes composite create command to beta and GA.
  • Added firestore bulk-delete command in alpha and beta to delete data in bulk.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

Cloud Run

  • Added --build-env-vars, --function, --base-image, --automatic-updates, --build-worker-pool, --delegate-builds, --build-service-account to improve --source deployments on beta.

Cloud Storage

  • Fix missing hash validation for CMEK encrypted downloads via rsync.

Colab Enterprise

  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise to manage colab enterprise resources.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates create.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates delete.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates describe.
  • Added gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates list.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted flags related to the nat64 feature to alpha:
    • nat64-all-v6-subnet-ip-ranges of gcloud compute routers nats (create|update).
    • nat64-custom-v6-subnet-ip-ranges of gcloud compute routers nats (create|update).
    • clear-nat64-v6-subnet-ip-ranges of gcloud compute routers nats update.
    • clear-nat-subnet-ip-ranges of gcloud compute routers nats update.
  • Added update command for instance-schedule policy: gcloud compute resource-policies update instance-schedule.
  • Added --reservation-sharing-policy flag to gcloud beta compute reservations create and gcloud beta compute reservations update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --storage-pools flag on node-pool update.
  • Promoted --storage-pools flag on cluster / node-pool create to GA.


  • Launched Private Services Connect for Looker (Google Cloud core) with General Availability.

Network Security

  • Added network-security mirroring-endpoint-group-associations commands to manage packet-mirroring endpoint group associations, and promoted them to beta.


  • Added --min-cpu-platform flag to gcloud workbench instances create.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

488.0.0 (2024-08-13)


  • Fixed logging when --use_google_auth is used.
  • Added a retry for server-side errors.
  • Sorted ls response for projects.

Certificate Manager

  • Added command gcloud certificate-manager issuance-configs update.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --clear-performance flag to gcloud beta filestore instances update and gcloud filestore instances update to support unsetting of performance configurations for filestore instances.

Cloud Firestore

  • Added support for VECTOR_CONFIG options in gcloud firestore indexes composite list command.
  • Added support for VECTOR_CONFIG options in gcloud firestore indexes composite describe command.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --cross-cluster-replication-role and --primary-cluster flags to gcloud redis clusters create for creating secondary clusters.
  • Added gcloud redis clusters switchover, gcloud redis clusters detach and gcloud redis clusters detach-secondaries commands for Cross Cluster Replication failover CUJs.

Cloud Run

  • Added --gpu and --gpu-type to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update which allow deploying a service with GPU.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --allowed-ports flag support for gcloud workstations configs create.

Compute Engine

  • Updating --session-affinity to a value other than STRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY clears the value of strongSessionAffinityCookie.
  • Added support for specifying multiple instances in gcloud compute instances perform-maintenance.
  • Promoted --bgp-best-path-selection-mode and related flags in gcloud compute networks create and update to beta.
  • gcloud compute instances ops-agents policies create/update no longer supports Centos 7, Centos 8 and Debian 10.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql to support MySQL_8_0_37 minor version option for Cloud SQL connection profiles.


  • Modified gcloud beta container fleet memberships describe to call gkehub API version v1beta instead of v1beta1.
  • Modified gcloud beta container fleet memberships delete to call gkehub API version v1beta instead of v1beta1.
  • Modified gcloud beta container fleet memberships list to call gkehub API version v1beta instead of v1beta1.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added --credential-cert-path, --credential-key-path, and --credential-cert-config-path flags to gcloud iam workload pools create-cred-config. This enables using X509 certificate-sourced credentials with gcloud auth login --cred-file=/path/to/credential/config.json when using Workload Identity Federation.

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security address-groups --purpose field to GA.
  • Added network-security mirroring-deployment-groups commands to manage packet-mirroring deployment groups, and promoted them to beta.
  • Added network-security mirroring-deployments commands to manage packet-mirroring deployments, and promoted them to beta.
  • Added network-security mirroring-endpoint-groups commands to manage packet-mirroring endpoint groups, and promoted them to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

487.0.0 (2024-08-06)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Storage) Remove '-' in error message for non-matching GCloud buckets. Currently, when
  • (Cloud Storage) listing buckets, all buckets that don't match are prefixed with '-', which might
  • (Cloud Storage) confuse readers of the bucket URLs.
  • (Compute Engine) Changed behavior of --local-ssd flag so that unknown interfaces trigger an exception rather than defaulting to SCSI.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated linux bundled python for the gcloud CLI to 3.11.9.
  • Updated setuptools package to version 70.3.0.
  • Updated openssl package to version 3.0.14.

Cloud DNS

  • Added support to allow specifying Network Proxy load balancers as health checked targets for Routing Policies.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Use the cluster-pool name as the identifier of the staging directory path when using a cluster pool. This change applies to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc clusters update commands.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --performance flag to gcloud filestore instances create and gcloud filestore instances update to support performance configuration of filestore instances.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted --show-deleted flag of gcloud firestore databases list command to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --kms-key-name flag of gcloud firestore databases create command to beta and GA.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --large-capacity and --multiple-endpoints flag to gcloud netapp volumes {create}.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Added support for parsing RPM package databases in SQLite format.
  • Fixed issue where local-extract would return an error when running it in a container without the user manually overriding the gid and uid values.

Cloud Run

  • Modified the api enablement default prompt value to be Y for gcloud run deploy command.

Cloud SQL

  • Added gcloud sql instances switchover, which switches over a Cloud SQL instance to one of its replicas.

Cloud Storage

  • Fixed a bug in where IAM policies with conditional bindings were not supported because of version issue in gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding command.
  • Fixed a bug in objects update command where it was ignoring --clear-content-type flag.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --source-regions flag of gcloud compute health-checks to GA.
  • Promoted --availability-domain flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Added interface support to gcloud compute instances create, gcloud compute instances attach-disk and gcloud compute instance-templates create for persistent disks.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Fixed issue in gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create command where it was ignoring --offline-reboot-ttl flag.


  • Modified --description flag of gcloud beta container fleet memberships create to be optional.

Security Command Center

  • Added UNDEFINED option to --mute flag of gcloud scc findings set-mute to reset finding mute state.
  • Added --mute-state flag to gcloud scc findings bulk-mute to facilitate resetting 'static' mute state.
  • Added --type flag to gcloud scc muteconfigs create to support creation of dynamically evaluated ('dynamic') mute configs.
  • Added --expiry-time flag to gcloud scc muteconfigs create and gcloud scc muteconfigs update to support creation and update of expiry time for temporary mute configs ('dynamic' only).
  • Promoted gcloud scc iac-validation-reports describe command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud scc iac-validation-reports list command to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

486.0.0 (2024-07-30)

Cloud DNS

  • Added alpha support for creating health-checked routing policies in public zones. Use --health-check to indicate that all IP addresses should be health checked.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --performance flag to gcloud beta filestore instances create and gcloud beta filestore instances update to support performance configuration of filestore instances.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --binary-authorization and --clear-binary-authorization flags for 2nd gen function.

Cloud Pub/Sub

Cloud SQL

  • Added --switch-transaction-logs-to-cloud-storage flag to gcloud sql instances patch to switch the transaction logs used for PITR from disk to Cloud Storage. Added show-transactional-log-storage-state flag to gcloud sql instances list to display the transaction logs storage location for all the instances under the project.

Cloud Workstations

  • Adding support for the source workstation flag in the beta workstations create command.

Compute Engine

  • Beta support for STRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY sessionAffinity type.
  • Promoted --server-tls-policy and --clear-server-tls-policy for gcloud compute target-https-proxies create and gcloud compute target-https-proxies update to GA.

Compute Firewall Policy Mirroring Rules

  • Promoted gcloud compute firewall-policies mirroring-rules to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute network-firewall-policies mirroring-rules to beta.


  • Promoted gcloud container fleet memberships support-access to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.27.15 to 1.28.12
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.16)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.12)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.7)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.3)

Privileged Access Manager

  • Promoted gcloud pam commands to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

485.0.0 (2024-07-23)

Breaking Changes

  • (Security Command Center) Removed rapid-vulnerability-detection service from "Google Cloud CLI" as it is deprecated.


  • Added flag --allowed-psc-projects to gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary. This flag specifies a list of allowed consumer projects on a secondary instance in a cluster with Private Service Connect enabled.
  • Added --node-ids flag to gcloud alloydb instances restart command to the beta track. This flag allows users to allow users to specify a comma-separated list of read pool node IDs to perform the restart on. Without specifying, this flag every node in the read pool will be restarted.
  • Added --outbound-public-ip flag to gcloud alloydb instances create, gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary andgcloud alloydb instances update commands in the beta track. This flag allows users to allow users to enable public outbound connections within their primary instance. To disable public outbound IP you can use --no-outbound-public-ip.

Cloud Build

  • Promote Cloud Build gen2 commands under gcloud builds ... to beta status.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added gcloud deploy deploy-policies command group.

Cloud Functions

  • Validated iam permission of default build service account for both 1st gen and 2nd gen function in gcloud functions deploy. Warning will be prompted when roles/cloudbuild.builds.builder is missing.

Cloud Storage

  • Fixed a bug in sign-url command.

Cloud Workstations

  • Adding support for enabling unauthenticated CORS preflight requests in the gcloud beta workstations config commands.

Compute Engine

  • Fix issue with Google Compute Engine list commands that were slow when used with --limit.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Revert the default value of --max-nodes-per-pool from 2000 to 1000 and update the upper bound this value to be 2000.

Network Connectivity

  • Added updating include-import-ranges flag support for hybrid spokes.

Network Services

  • Clarify failover-health-threshold usage to remove the notion of an unsupported product.

Vmware Engine

  • Added --autoscaling-min-cluster-node-count, --autoscaling-max-cluster-node-count, --autoscaling-cool-down-period, --update-autoscaling-policy, --autoscaling-settings-from-file and --remove-autoscaling-policy to gcloud vmware private-clouds clusters update command to support autoscaling feature on update cluster.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

484.0.0 (2024-07-16)

Breaking Changes

  • (GKE Hub) gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials now requires the permission gkehub.gateway.generateCredentials (automatically included in roles gkehub.gatewayReader, gkehub.gatewayEditor, and gkehub.gatewayAdmin), as well as network access to *


  • Added --node-ids flag to gcloud alloydb instances restart command in the alpha and beta tracks. This flag allows users to allow users to specify a comma-separated list of read pool node IDs to perform the restart on. Without specifying this flag, every node in the read pool will be restarted.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed error codes for gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate.


  • Fixed the --filter flag of gcloud batch list command to match gcloud topic filters syntax.


  • Added support for non-ASCII characters in the field mask when updating Connections.
  • Added support for configuration.authentication.profile_id in the field mask when updating Connections.
  • Fixed a bug where bq init would be called even when --use_google_auth is specified.

Cloud Build

  • Add support in gcloud builds worker-pools commands for default region set in config.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • Added three new optional arguments to gcloud beta data-fusion instances create command:
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence
    • These arguments allow users to specify the start time, end time, and recurrence of the maintenance window for their Data Fusion instance.
  • Add four new optional arguments to gcloud beta data-fusion instances update command:
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence
    • --clear-maintenance-window
    • These arguments allow users to update maintenance window for their Data Fusion instance by specifying the start time, end time, and recurrence, or clear the maintenance window using --clear-maintenance-window.

Cloud Run

  • Allows --revision-suffix to be specified with empty string to clear client-set revision naming.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --[no-]enable-dataplex-integration flag to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to support Dataplex Integration for Cloud SQL.
  • Added support for MySQL 8.4.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted --type=DATABASE_CHANGE_QUORUM option in gcloud spanner operations list to GA.
  • Fixed the DATABASE_CHANGE_QUORUM type filter string in gcloud spanner operations list.

Cloud Workstations

  • Adding disable_ssl_validation support for workstations start-tcp-tunnel and workstations ssh.

Compute Engine

  • Added gcloud compute routers add-route-policy-term which adds policy term to a Route Policy in Cloud Router.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers add-route-policy-term to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute routers update-route-policy-term which updates policy term in a Route Policy in Cloud Router.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers update-route-policy-term to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy-term which removes policy term from Route Policy in Cloud Router.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy-term to beta.
  • Fixed a bug in gcloud beta compute ssh where a third-party identity subject bearing an '@' sign wouldn't be URL-escaped in the way the OS Login API expects, causing spurious rejection.
  • Promoted support of flags to --detection-load-threshold, detection-absolute-qps, detection-relative-to-baseline-qps, and traffic-granularity-configs in gcloud compute security-policies add-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config to GA.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted --min-scaling-factor, --max-scaling-factor, and --autoscaling-enabled flag of gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update to GA.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --offline-reboot-ttl flag to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create and gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update commands. This flag specifies the maximum duration a node can reboot offline (without connection to Google) and then rejoin its cluster to resume its designated workloads.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added flag option --addons=RayOperator to enable/disable the Ray Operator addon for GKE Standard clusters.
  • Added flag --[no]-enable-ray-operator to enable/disable the Ray Operator addon for GKE Autopilot clusters.
  • Added flag --[no]-enable-ray-cluster-logging to enable/disable automatic log collection for Ray clusters when the Ray Operator addon is enabled.
  • Added flag --[no]-enable-ray-cluster-monitoring to enable/disable automatic metrics collection for Ray clusters when the Ray Operator addon is enabled.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

483.0.0 (2024-07-02)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Enabled faster component update mode by default on Linux. This avoids making a backup copy of the installation directory when running certain gcloud components commands, which should significantly improve the time taken by these operations (including installation and updates).
  • Fixed issue where gcloud components update would leave installation in an unusable state when downloading certain components failed.


  • Added the following flags to gcloud alloydb instances create and gcloud alloydb instances update in alpha and beta:
    • --observability-config-enabled
    • --observability-config-preserve-comments
    • --observability-config-track-wait-events
    • --observability-config-max-query-string-length
    • --observability-config-record-application-tags
    • --observability-config-query-plans-per-minute
    • --observability-config-track-active-queries
  • Promoted AlloyDB Cross Region Replication commands to beta and GA track. Modified commands include: alloydb clusters switchover.
  • Added creating cross region and project backups support to gcloud alloydb backups create command.
  • Added ability to create clusters with database_version POSTGRES_16 in beta track.


  • Release resource-allowances commands to the alpha track.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager supported-services to GA.

Cloud Filestore

  • Enable Filestore promote-replica command in GA track.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --binary-authorization and --clear-binary-authorization flags for 2nd gen function in alpha and beta track.

Cloud NetApp

  • Updated psa-range comments on gcloud netapp storage-pools and gcloud netapp volumes to indicate that the psa-range key is not used and will be ignored.

Cloud SQL

  • Adding support for clean and if-exists flags to parallel import and single-threaded-export.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --vm-tags flag to gcloud workstations config create to add tags to the workstation's underlying VM.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --preference flag of gcloud compute backend-services add-backend and gcloud compute backend-services update-backend to GA.
  • Promoted --service-lb-policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.
  • Promote gcloud compute instances ops-agents to GA.
  • Added IDPF to the list of guestOsFeatures.
  • Promoted --max-run-duration flag of gcloud compute instances create to v1.
    • Allows specifying the duration of time after which the instance will terminate.
  • Promoted --termination-time flag of gcloud compute instances create to v1.
    • Allows specifying the timestamp that the instance will terminate.
  • Promoted --discard-local-ssds-at-termination-timestamp flag of gcloud compute instances create to v1.
    • Allows specifying the option to whether discard attached local SSDs when automatically stopping this VM

Network Security

  • Renamed FIREWALL_POLICY column to SOURCE_RESOURCE column in gcloud networksecurity address-groups list-references command.
  • Added --purpose flag to gcloud alpha/beta network-security address-groups create/update commands.

Secret Manager

  • Added flag --location and --regional-kms-key-name for secrets to use the regional secrets.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

482.0.0 (2024-06-25)

App Engine

  • Removed unused python2 dependencies that have CVEs.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Adds force option to cbt setgcpolicy.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Elevate jinja variables to top-level flag in dataflow yaml run.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --clear-build-service-account flag for gcloud functions deploy.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added --allowed-access-reasons flag to gcloud kms keys create to create a key with a Key Access Justifications policy configured.
  • Added --allowed-access-reasons flag to gcloud kms keys update to update the Key Access Justifications policy on a key.
  • Added --remove-key-access-justifications-policy flag to gcloud kms keys update to remove the Key Access Justifications policy on a key.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services policies add-enable-rules to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services policies remove-enable-rules to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services policies get to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services policies get-effective to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services policies test-enabled to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services groups list-ancestor-groups to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services groups list-descendant-services to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services groups list-members to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Added --size flag to gcloud compute instance-groups managed update for v1.
  • Promoted --confidential-compute-type flag for the command gcloud compute instance create to GA.
  • Promoted --performance-monitoring-unit flag for the command gcloud compute instance-templates create to GA.
  • Promoted --performance-monitoring-unit flag for the command gcloud compute instances bulk create to GA.
  • Promoted --performance-monitoring-unit flag for the command gcloud compute instances create to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.27.14 to 1.27.15.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.15)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.11)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.29.6)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.2)

Network Connectivity

  • Added include-import-ranges flag to hybrid spoke creation to support importing hub subnets.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

481.0.0 (2024-06-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Dataflow) Deprecated gcloud dataflow sql command group. The command group will be removed by 2025-01-31. See Beam YAML and Beam notebooks for alternatives.


  • Added another option ASSIGN_IPV4 to flag --assign-inbound-public-ip to enable public IP for an instance to gcloud alloydb instances create and gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary.
  • Added flag --authorized-external-networks to set a list of authorized external networks on an instance to gcloud alloydb instances create and gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary.
  • Added switchover command.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed a bug where gcloud artifacts files download and gcloud artifacts generic download would crash.


  • Added undelete command for datasets.
  • Updated google-auth to version 2.29.0.
  • Improved authentication error messaging.

Cloud Domains

  • Implemented the following commands for gcloud domains registrations google-domains-dns
    • get-forwarding-config
    • export-dns-record-sets

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --source-instance flag to gcloud filestore instances create and gcloud beta filestore instances create command to specify the instance will be created as a Standby replica of the source-instance.
  • Added promote-replica verb for filestore instances. promote-replica promotes a standby replication instance to a regular instance.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --build-service-account flag for gcloud functions deploy to GA.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted gcloud iap regional command to beta and GA.

Cloud Pub/Sub

Cloud Spanner

  • Added gcloud beta spanner instance-partitions command group.
  • Added --instance-partition flag to gcloud beta spanner operations list, gcloud beta spanner operations describe, and gcloud beta spanner operations cancel.

Cloud Storage

  • Added commands for creating, listing, describing, and deleting folders in buckets with hierarchical namespace enabled:
    • Added gcloud alpha storage folders create which creates folders.
    • Added gcloud alpha storage folders list which lists folders in buckets.
    • Added gcloud alpha storage folders describe which gets the folder's metadata.
    • Added gcloud alpha storage folders delete which deletes folders.
  • Updated gsutil component to 5.30.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --confidential-compute-type flag for the command gcloud compute instance create to GA.
  • Added --size flag to gcloud compute instance-groups managed update for v1.

Network Connectivity

  • Updated gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges update to support setting and clearing labels.
  • Added support for include-export-ranges to support include filters for VPC spokes.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

480.0.0 (2024-06-11)

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate now automatically creates repos for migration.
    • Added gcloud artifacts files delete command.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added --type and --sqlserver-* flags to gcloud datastream connection-profiles create|update and gcloud datastream objects lookup commands to support SQL server source.
  • Added --type and --sqlserver-* flags to gcloud datastream streams create|update commands to support SQL server source.
  • Added --sqlserver-rdbms-file flag and support for SQL Server profile to --connection-profile-object-file to gcloud datastream connection-profiles discover commands to support SQL server source.

Cloud Domains

  • Implemented the following commands for gcloud domains registrations
    • renew-domain
    • initiate-push-transfer

Cloud Functions

  • Added support for --execution-id flag when used together with --gen2 flag for gcloud functions logs read.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added beta flag --enable-history-modifications to the fhir-stores create and fhir-stores update commands.

Cloud IAM

  • Updated iam service-accounts keys list to return additional properties, namely:
    • disable_reason: The reason the Service Account Key as been disabled (if applicable)
    • extended_status: Additional metadata about the Service Account Key

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --zone-distribution-mode and --zone flags to gcloud redis clusters create for creating single zone clusters.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --bigquery-service-account-email and --cloud-storage-service-account-email flags to gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to set the service account for writing messages to BigQuery and Cloud Storage, respectively.
  • Added --bigquery-service-account-email and --cloud-storage-service-account-email flags to gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to update the service account for writing messages to BigQuery and Cloud Storage, respectively.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --proto-descriptors-file to gcloud spanner databases create command to allow creating database with proto and enum type columns.
  • Added --proto-descriptors-file to gcloud spanner databases ddl update command to allow updating database with proto and enum type columns.
  • Added --include-proto-descriptors to gcloud spanner databases ddl describe command to allow proto descriptors for a database with proto and enum type columns.
  • Promoted gcloud spanner databases change-quorum command to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Adds support of Cross Bucket Replication Feature in alpha track of gcloud transfer command group.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --allowed-ports flag to gcloud beta workstations configs create and gcloud beta workstations configs update commands.
  • Added enable-nested-virtualization pool-size and boot-disk-size to --boost-configs flag in beta workstations configs create and beta workstations configs update.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for version=24.04 and short-name=ubuntu in --os-types for gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].
  • Promoted Tls Early Data in TargetHttpsProxy compute API to v1.
  • Added gce_vm_ip_portmap Network Endpoint Group for gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups beta support.
  • Added --access-mode flag to gcloud compute disks create and gcloud compute disks update.
  • Added --tls-early-data flag to gcloud compute v1 target-https-proxies create/update to Tls Early Data field in Target Https Proxy.

Secret Manager

  • Added --version-destroy-ttl flag to gcloud secrets create to let users enable secret version delayed destruction on a secret.
  • Added --version-destroy-ttl flag to gcloud secrets update to let users enable/update secret version delayed destruction on a secret.
  • Added --remove-version-destroy-ttl flag to gcloud secrets update to let users disable secret version delayed destruction on a secret.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

479.0.0 (2024-06-04)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Dataflow) gcloud dataflow flex-template build for Dataflow Flex Templates in Python with --env FLEX_TEMPLATE_PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS_FILE=/path/to/requirements.txt defined will run pip check after pip install while building the container image. This will break the build process if newly installed packages override pre-installed packages with a version that is known to be incompatible with other pre-installed packages. See for alternative methods to build a container image without pip check.

Artifact Registry

  • Updated gcloud artifacts docker images command to include tags as list instead of string to enable use of --filter=tags=<SearchTerm>.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud composer environments check-upgrade command. It checks that an environment upgrade does not fail because of PyPI module conflicts.
  • Added gcloud composer environments list-upgrades command. It lists all possible target versions that an existing environment can be upgraded to.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Updated gcloud dataproc session-templates export to filter out additional output only fields.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --administrators flag to gcloud netapp active-directories create and gcloud netapp active-directories update.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --preferred-secondary-zone flag to gcloud sql instances clone command.

Compute Engine

  • Updated import and export schemas for gcloud compute forwarding-rules.
  • Promoted --ip-collection flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.
  • Promoted --ip-collection-region flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.

Compute OS Config

  • Added --allow-missing flag to gcloud compute os-config os-policy-assignments update to allow for creation of a new OS policy assignment resource if it does not exist.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql to support POSTGRES_16 version option for Cloud SQL connection profiles.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added add/remove exclusion window flags for gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update to allow users to add/remove exclusion windows where automatic upgrades will be blocked within.

Service Extensions

  • Added the metadata field to the DEP extensions.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

478.0.0 (2024-05-29)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Improved error message for authentication errors.
  • Improved error message for service account impersonation refresh errors.
  • Fixed issue where some commands with a --uri flag would produce no output.

App Engine

  • Enable fetch_instance_after_connect_error for compute start-iap-tunnel in GA.
  • Allow IAP tunneling for instances with external IP when explicitly enabled via flag.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Enable fetch_instance_after_connect_error for compute start-iap-tunnel in GA.
  • Allow IAP tunneling for instances with external IP when explicitly enabled via flag.

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud artifacts files describe command.

Backup For GKE

  • Added --volume-data-restore-policy-bindings flag to gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans create and gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update to enhance volume restore flexibility.
  • Added --volume-data-restore-policy-overrides-file flag to gcloud container backup-restore restores create to enhance volume restore flexibility.
  • Added --permissive-mode flag to gcloud container backup-restore backup-plans create and gcloud container backup-restore backup-plans update to enable bypassing the new backup-time restorability enforcement.
  • Added --filter-file flag to gcloud container backup-restore restores create to support Backup for GKE fine-grained restore.
  • Added --restore-order-file flag to gcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans create and gcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans update to support custom ordering while performing restore as part of Backup for GKE.
  • Added the following enum values for the flag --namespaced-resource-restore-mode to gcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans create and gcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans update to expand namespaced resource restore mode options:
    • merge-skip-on-conflict
    • merge-replace-volume-on-conflict
    • merge-replace-on-conflict
  • Deprecated --substitution-rules-file flag. Use --transformation-rules-file instead.


  • Added support for map_target_type with external parquet tables.
  • Added support for column_name_character_map to map special characters in column names during load jobs.
  • Added a printout of unreachable locations when datasets and jobs are listed and a region is down.

Cloud Dataplex

  • Promoted gcloud dataplex aspect-types command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud dataplex entry-groups command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud dataplex entry-types command group to GA.

Cloud Deploy

  • Fixed issue where skaffold files generated from deploy releases create flags did not include all profiles in the release's Delivery Pipeline.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted Cloud Firestore Backups and Restore gcloud CLI changes to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups list command to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups describe command to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups delete command to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules create command to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules update command to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules describe command to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules delete command to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules list command to beta.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore databases restore command to beta.
  • Promoted Cloud Firestore Backups and Restore gcloud CLI changes to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups list command to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups describe command to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups delete command to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules create command to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules update command to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules describe command to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules delete command to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore backups schedules list command to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud firestore databases restore command to GA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.7
    • Fixes unexpected responses from nested queries in Datastore Mode.
    • Add Auth Context support for Firestore triggers (2nd gen) in Firestore Emulator

Cloud Functions

  • Added validation to --runtime-update-policy argument.

Cloud SQL

  • Added PostgreSQL 16 to database versions.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud sql instances export and gcloud sql instances import would display only the operation selfLink field instead of the whole operation when run asynchronously with --async, regardless of the --format flag specified.
    • This behavior is now consistent with other gcloud sql instances commands.
    • To display only the selfLink field, use --format="value(selfLink)".

Cloud Workstations

  • Adding --env flag to gcloud workstations create.

Compute Engine

  • Added IPV6_ONLY option to --stack-type flag of gcloud compute vpn-gateways create command to create an IPv6-only VPN gateway.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migrate connection-profiles update to update Database Migration Service connection profile for SQL Server to Cloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.
  • Updated gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs update to update Database Migration Service migration job for SQL Server to Cloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --deletion-protection flags to gcloud metastore services create GA release track to allow creating a Dataproc Metastore instance with delete protection.
  • Added --deletion-protection and --no-deletion-protection flags to gcloud metastore services update GA release track to allow updating a Dataproc Metastore instance with delete protection.

Security Command Center

  • Added --filter-modules flag in gcloud scc manage services describe ... api to filter response by modules.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

477.0.0 (2024-05-21)


  • To support second device login in gcloud anthos auth command.

Cloud Functions

  • Fixed issue where gcloud functions deploy would crash on disconnecting vpc connector when --clear-vpc-connector flag was specified.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --[no-]deletion-protection flag to gcloud redis clusters create and gcloud redis clusters updateto allow enabling/disabling deletion protection for Redis Clusters.

Cloud SQL

  • When creating a replica instance with gcloud sql instances create --edition=enterprise-plus, infer --tier from the primary instance if --tier is not provided for new database types.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for adding labels to the disk in the following commands:
    • gcloud beta compute instances create
    • gcloud beta compute instance-templates create
    • gcloud beta compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud beta compute instance-templates create-with-container.
  • Added support for --resource-policies in the following commands:
    • gcloud compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container.
  • Changed all gcloud compute list commands to log a warning instead of raising an exception when receiving an empty response from AggregatedList requests, even if there are partial errors.

Declarative Workflows

  • Fixed issue where using gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export with certain --resource-types values (e.g. ComputeVPNTunnel, ComputeURLMap) would fail with INVALID_ARGUMENT when looking up the resources in Cloud Asset Inventory.


  • Support --security-posture=enterprise flag in gcloud container fleet create, gcloud container fleet update in beta and GA track.
  • Support --security-posture=enterprise flag in gcloud container hub create, gcloud container hub update in beta and GA track.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added flags --[no]-enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port and--[no]-autoprovisioning-enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port` to enable/disable the insecure Kubelet readonly port on clusters and node-pools.
  • Increased maximum argument to --num-nodes flag of gcloud container clusters create from 1000 to 2000.
  • Updated default kubectl from 1.27.13 to 1.27.14.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.14)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.10)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.29.5)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.1)

Network Connectivity

  • Added gcloud network-connectivity policy-based-routes to beta.
  • Added IPV6 option to --protocol-version flag of gcloud network-connectivity policy-based-routes.

Network Security

  • Renamed FIREWALL_POLICY column to SOURCE_RESOURCE column in gcloud beta networksecurity address-groups list-references command.
  • Added security policies in the output of gcloud beta networksecurity address-groups list-references command.

Vmware Engine

  • Added GOOGLE_CLOUD_NETAPP_VOLUMES option to --peer-network-type flag of gcloud vmware network-peerings create to allow peering with Google Cloud NetApp Volumes projects.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

476.0.0 (2024-05-14)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated pyopenssl package to version 24.0.0 to enable cryptography version 42.0.5.


  • Added flag --assign-inbound-public-ip to enable or disable public IP for an instance to gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary.
  • Added flag --ssl-mode to configure an instance's SSL mode to gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary.
  • Added flag --require-connectors to enforce whether or not all connections need to come from connectors (e.g. AlloyDB Auth Proxy) to gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary.

App Engine

  • Use java21 as the default runtime for app.yaml generated configuration. This change is compatible with gcloud app deploy command, when there is no app.yaml configuration for Java projects (Maven, or Gradle, or simple jar). Instead of using a java17 runtime target, App Engine deploys the application using the java21 runtime with an F2 instance class. To continue using the java17 runtime, create an app.yaml file, and specify runtime: java17.
  • Updated the Java SDK to version 2.0.27 build from the open source project

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilding cbt cli with 0.24.0 which fixed CVE-2023-45288.
  • Added Authorized Views feature.

Cloud Dataplex

  • Added gcloud dataplex entries commands which allow manipulating Dataplex Catalog Entries.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • Added --annotations flag for gcloud infra-manager previews create and gcloud infra-manager deployments apply commands.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added a new value ec-sign-ed25519 to the flag default-algorithm to support the asymmetric signing algorithm ED25529 through gcloud kms keys create|update and gcloud kms keys versions import.

Cloud Logging

  • Promoted gcloud logging views get-iam-policy command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud logging views set-iam-policy command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud logging views add-iam-policy-binding command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud logging views remove-iam-policy-binding command to GA.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --allow-auto-tiering to gcloud beta netapp storagepools to allow storage pool enable auto tiering.
  • Added --tiering-policy to gcloud beta netapp volumes to allow volume enable auto tiering.

Cloud Run

  • gcloud run jobs deploy --source has been fixed.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.29.

Compute Engine

  • Deprecated gcloud compute instances move. See for an alternative method.
  • Fixed inconsistency in IPv6 flag support for gcloud compute instances create-with-container and gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container commands. Changes include added support for --internal-ipv6-address and --internal-ipv6-prefix-length flags, as well as stack-type, and ipv6-network-tier arguments for --network-interface flag.
  • Fixed inconsistency in reservation flag support for gcloud compute instances create-with-container and gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container commands. Changes include added support for --reservation and --reservation-affinity flags.
  • Added specific-then-any-reservation and specific-then-no-reservation to the flag --reservation-affinity for alpha and beta in gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container commands.
  • Promoted --mode flag of gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes create to GA.
  • Promoted --allocatable-prefix-length flag of gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes create to GA.
  • Promoted --mode flag of gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes delegated-sub-prefixes create to GA.
  • Promoted --allocatable-prefix-length flag of gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes delegated-sub-prefixes create to GA.
  • Added gcloud compute routers add-route-policy which creates an empty Route Policy in Cloud Router.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers add-route-policy to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute routers get-route-policy which describe Route Policy from Cloud Router.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers get-route-policy to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute routers download-route-policy which downloads Cloud Router's Route Policy into a file.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers download-route-policy to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute routers list-bgp-routes which lists the routes advertised and learned on individual BGP sessions, both pre- and post-policy evaluation.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers list-bgp-routes to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute routers list-route-policies which lists all Route Policy within Cloud Router.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers list-route-policies to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy which removes Cloud Router's Route Policy.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers remove-route-policy to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute routers upload-route-policy which uploads Route Policy from a file and adds it to Cloud Router.
  • Promoted gcloud compute routers upload-route-policy to beta.
  • Added --import-policies and --export-policies flags to gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer and gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer to apply Cloud Router's Route Policies to Cloud Router Bgp Peer.
  • Promoted --import-policies and --export-policies flags of gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer and gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer to beta.
  • Added --bgp-identifier-range flag to gcloud compute routers create and gcloud compute routers update.
  • Added --enable-ipv4, --ipv4-nexthop-address, and --peer-ipv4-nexthop-address flags to gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer and gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer.
  • Added --ip-version flag to gcloud compute routers add-interface and gcloud compute routers update-interface. Additionally, --ip-address flag of these commands will now accept IPv6 addresses.
  • Promoted --maintenance-interval flag for gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups perform-maintenance to GA.
  • Added --terraform-script-output-file, --exclusion-patterns-file and --export-exclusion-patterns flags to gcloud (alpha|beta) compute firewall-rules migrate commands.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql to support MySQL_8_0_36 minor version option for Cloud SQL connection profiles.


  • Removed gcloud beta eventarc, including warnings and errors. User are expected to use gcloud eventarc instead.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.26.15 to 1.27.13.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.13)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.9)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.4)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.0)

Network Connectivity

  • Added --policy-mode and --preset-topology flags to gcloud network-connectivity hubs create.
  • Added gcloud network-connectivity hubs groups update.

Security Command Center

  • Deprecated read-time and compare-duration flags from the findings list and findings group commands.
  • Promoted management api gcloud scc manage services ... commands to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

475.0.0 (2024-05-07)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Enabled faster component update mode by default on macOS. This avoids making a backup copy of the installation directory when running certain gcloud components commands, which should significantly improve the time taken by these operations (including installation and updates).
    • If for some reason this change causes problems, please file a bug report. One can temporarily revert to the legacy update mode via gcloud config set experimental/fast_component_update False or by setting the environment variable CLOUDSDK_EXPERIMENTAL_FAST_COMPONENT_UPDATE=False (it may be necessary to first reinstall the gcloud CLI either from scratch or by running gcloud components reinstall). Note that the faster update mode will eventually become the default on all platforms at which point the fast_component_update mode property will be removed.
    • Since the gcloud CLI no longer makes a full copy of the installation directory to allow for this performance improvement, gcloud components restore has been deprecated. However, equivalent functionality can be achieved via gcloud components update --version=<previous version> or gcloud components reinstall, depending on whether one needs to restore an earlier version or reinstall the current version, respectively.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Updated gcloud container attached clusters register to fail when using --has-private-issuer with --distribution=eks.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed bug where gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate sometimes excluded bucket auth from generated IAM policies.

Cloud Build

  • Modified gcloud builds submit to support submitting a build with a Developer Connect GitRepositoryLink resource.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Promoted gcloud dataflow yaml run to GA.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fix bug where append only flag not recognized in BiQueryDestinationConfig.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.6
    • Added --import-data and --export-on-exit flags.
    • Fixed few bugs regarding transactions, including: read only commits, retriable transactions and contention errors on commits.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added flex as a --service-level option during gcloud netapp storage-pools create.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted dual stack IPv6 support for gcloud compute instances create-with-container and gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container to GA.

Network Connectivity

  • Promote Regional API Endpoints to GA.
  • Added --export-psc and --no-export-psc flags to gcloud network-connectivity hubs create and gcloud network-connectivity hubs update.

Network Security

  • Fixed gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies import not recognizing minTlsVersion and tlsFeatureProfile.
  • Fixed gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies export not recognizing minTlsVersion and tlsFeatureProfile.

Security Command Center

  • Removed misleading documentation in gcloud scc findings create command that imply findings can be created at folder and project level. This command only allows findings to be created under an organization.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

474.0.0 (2024-04-30)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Run) gcloud run jobs deploy is not working with source builds in this release. Run gcloud builds submit and then gcloud run jobs deploy with the generated image, or use Google Cloud CLI version 472 or earlier.


  • Added more choice options to --region flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs and gcloud ai hp-tunining-jobs, including: africa-south1, europe-west12, me-central1, me-central2 and us-east5.


  • Updated gcloud beta alloydb clusters create-secondary to support automated backup policy.
  • Added flags --maintenance-window-day and --maintenance-window-hour to configure preferred maintenance window for a cluster to commands gcloud alloydb clusters create and gcloud alloydb clusters update.
  • Added flag --maintenance-window-any to remove preferred maintenance window for a cluster to gcloud alloydb clusters update.

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud artifacts generic upload to support uploading to a Generic Repository.
  • Added gcloud artifacts generic download to support downloading to a Generic Repository.

Cloud DNS

  • Modified --description flag of gcloud dns managed-zones create to be optional instead of required. If not set, the managed zone's description will be empty.

Cloud Monitoring

  • Added --service-agent-auth flag to gcloud monitoring uptime commands.

Compute Engine

  • Added --tls-early-data flag to gcloud compute alpha/beta target-https-proxies create/update to Tls Early Data field in Target Https Proxy.
  • Added gcloud compute project-zonal-metadata for managing project zonal metadata. Documentation of this feature is available at
  • Promoted --stack-type flag of gcloud compute interconnects attachments partner create to GA. Flag defines the stack type of partner interconnect attachment.
  • Promoted --stack-type flag of gcloud compute interconnects attachments partner update to GA. Flag defines the stack type of interconnect attachment.
  • Added producer-port argument when creating PSC NEGs. This is an optional field, and used to specify the port the PSC NEG will consume traffic from the PSC Producer.
  • Promoted the flag of --partner-metadata and --partner-metadata-from-file to beta in:
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create.
    • gcloud compute instances create.
    • gcloud compute instances update.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances add-partner-metadata command to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances patch-partner-metadata command to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances remove-partner-metadata command to beta.
  • Promoted the flag of --view to beta in:
    • gcloud compute instance-templates list
    • gcloud compute instance-templates describe.
    • gcloud compute instances list
    • gcloud compute instances describe.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted --resign flag of gcloud firebase test android run to GA. This flag allows clients to specify if Robo should re-sign the app-under-test APK.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.15)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.13)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.9)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.4)
    • kubectl.1.30 (1.30.0)
  • Updated help text for --cluster-ipv4-cidr to clarify that this flag is not applicable in a Shared VPC setup.

Network Services

  • Promoted gcloud network-services service-lb-policies to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

473.0.0 (2024-04-23)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Domains) Changed the default setting of DNSSEC to disabled when using the Cloud DNS Zone in gcloud domains registrations configure dns command. It's unsafe to enable it by default.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Enabled faster component update mode by default on Windows. This avoids making a backup copy of the installation directory when running certain gcloud components commands, which should significantly improve the time taken by these operations (including installation and updates).
    • If for some reason this change causes problems, please file a bug report. One can temporarily revert to the legacy update mode via gcloud config set experimental/fast_component_update False or by setting the environment variable CLOUDSDK_EXPERIMENTAL_FAST_COMPONENT_UPDATE=False (it may be necessary to first reinstall the gcloud CLI either from scratch or by running gcloud components reinstall). Note that the faster update mode will eventually become the default on all platforms at which point the fast_component_update mode property will be removed.
    • Since the gcloud CLI no longer makes a full copy of the installation directory to allow for this performance improvement, gcloud components restore has been deprecated. However, equivalent functionality can be achieved via gcloud components update --version=<previous version> or gcloud components reinstall, depending on whether one needs to restore an earlier version or reinstall the current version, respectively.
  • Updated Windows PuTTY executables to version 0.81.

Artifact Registry

  • Added file name to gcloud artifacts files download progress message.

Backup For GKE

  • Added a new command gcloud container backup-restore backups get-backup-index-download-url.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --image-version to gcloud composer environments update to upgrade composer environment to a newer composer version.

Cloud Domains

  • Deprecated --unsafe-dns-update flag from gcloud domains registrations configure dns command.

Cloud IAM

  • Added --extra-attributes-client-id flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to setup client id for extra attributes oauth2 flow.
  • Added --extra-attributes-client-secret-value flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to setup client secret for extra attributes oauth2 flow.
  • Added --extra-attributes-issuer-uri flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to setup issuer uri for extra attributes oauth2 flow.
  • Added --extra-attributes-type flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to setup attributes type for extra attributes oauth2 flow.
  • Added --extra-attributes-filter flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to setup filter for extra attributes oauth2 flow.
  • Added --clear-extra-attributes-config flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to clear extra attributes oauth2 config.

Cloud NetApp

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --network, --subnet, --network-tags, --clear-network and --clear-network-tags flags in all commands to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Fixed a bug where an incorrect error message shown when attempting to specify multiple storage locations on gcloud compute snapshot-settings update command.
  • Added commands <get|set>-iam-policy and <add|remove>-iam-policy-bindings to gcloud compute backend-buckets for GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promote --containerd-config-from-file flags to GA in container cluster and node-pools creation.

Privileged Access Manager

  • Added gcloud beta pam command group which helps manage Privileged Access Manager (PAM) entitlements and grants.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

472.0.0 (2024-04-16)


  • Promoted gcloud ai persistent-resources to GA.
  • Added gcloud ai persistent-resources reboot which allows a user to reboot a Persistent Resource.
  • Promoted --persistent-resource-id flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs create to GA.


  • Added flag --enable-private-service-connect to enable Private Service Connect for a cluster to the following commands in the GA track:

    • gcloud alloydb clusters create
    • gcloud alloydb clusters restore
  • Added flag --allowed-psc-projects to set a list of allowed consumer projects on an instance in a cluster with Private Service Connect enabled to the following commands in the GA track:

    • gcloud alloydb instances create
    • gcloud alloydb instances update

App Engine

  • Updated dependencies to latest versions.
  • Removed obsolete python2 support code fragments.
  • Fixed an issue with local images API emulator in devappserver.

Artifact Registry

  • Added support for domain-scoped projects to gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate.


  • Fixed incorrect help text of mk and update.
  • Added --null_marker flag for creating external tables.
  • Fixed a bug when using --use_google_auth on Windows.
  • Switched to using Google Auth by default for users authenticating with P12 service account keys. To revert to the old behavior, run the command with --nouse_google_auth. Note that the P12 key format has been deprecated and the new JSON key format is recommended. For more information, see

Certificate Manager

  • Added --allowlisted-certificates flag to gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs create.
  • Added --add-allowlisted-certificates, --remove-allowlisted-certificates and --clear-allowlisted-certificates flags to gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs update.

Cloud Build

  • Added --polling-interval argument to gcloud builds submit.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fix list connection profiles to show all connection profile types.
  • Updated BigQueryDestinationConfig with new fields (currently experimental).
  • Updated schemas.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.5
    • Import and export entities now supported in gcloud CLI for Datastore Mode.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • Added --file flag to gcloud infra-manager deployments import-statefile to upload statefile for a deployment.

Cloud NetApp

  • Fixed bug during gcloud netapp volumes update --backup-config=enable-scheduled-backups=false that wasn't correctly updating update mask.

Cloud SQL

  • Published Cloud SQL Auth Proxy v2 binary as new cloud-sql-proxy Cloud SDK component. cloud-sql-proxy contains utilities for connecting securely to your Cloud SQL instances. It may be installed with gcloud components install cloud-sql-proxy and is recommended over cloud_sql_proxy (v1) which will be removed at a later date. See for help migrating.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added flag target-config to support moving instance to a different instance config in gcloud CLI and introduced gcloud spanner instances move command. Promoted the same to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Modified location flag from gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port command to use region from zone flag as location if location is unspecified.
  • Added target-service argument when creating PSC service attachments and treated as a mutually exclusive group with the existing argument producer-forwarding-rule.
  • Promoted --gateway-ip-version flag of gcloud compute vpn-gateways create to GA.
  • Promoted --interface to use IPv6 address flag of gcloud compute external-vpn-gateways create to GA.
  • Now all gcloud compute commands allow regions down and return the partial results by default when sending an AggregatedList requests. Users can turn off this feature by setting compute/allow_partial_error property to false.

Database Migration

  • Added --skip-validation param to gcloud database-migration migration-jobs resume to allow resuming migration jobs without running validations.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added gcloud metastore services migrations command group to manage the migration to a Dataproc Metastore service.

    • gcloud metastore services migrations start
    • gcloud metastore services migrations complete
    • gcloud metastore services migrations cancel
    • gcloud metastore services migrations describe
    • gcloud metastore services migrations list
    • gcloud metastore services migrations delete
  • Added --min-scaling-factor, --max-scaling-factor, and --autoscaling-enabled flags to gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update alpha and beta release track to allow updating the autoscaling configuration of a Dataproc Metastore instance.

  • Updated --scaling-factor help text.


  • Removed gcloud beta eventarc. User are expected to use gcloud eventarc instead.


  • Added NVIDIA_L4 option to --accelerator-type flag of workbench instances.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

471.0.0 (2024-04-02)


  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai endpoints to include new online prediction regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai models to include new online prediction regions.


  • Added flag --assign-inbound-public-ip to enable or disable public IP for an instance to the following commands in the GA track:

    • gcloud alloydb instances create
    • gcloud alloydb instances update
  • Added flag --authorized-external-networks to set a list of authorized external networks on an instance to gcloud alloydb instances update in the GA track.

App Engine


  • Downgraded urllib3 to version 1.26.9 be compatible with the request lib.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added Subject Key Id field to arguments gcloud privateca roots create to allow usage of a custom subject key id for root certificate authorities.
  • Added Subject Key Id field to arguments gcloud privateca subordinates create to allow usage of a custom subject key id for subordinate certificate authorities.
  • Added Subject Key Id field to arguments gcloud privateca certificates create to allow usage of a custom subject key id for certificates.
  • Added maximum lifetime argument to gcloud privateca templates create to allow configuring maximum lifetime restriction using certificate templates.

Certificate Manager

  • Added allowlistedCertificates property to certificate-manager trust-configs import and certificate-manager trust-configs export.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilt cbt cli with version 1.33.0 which fixed CVE-2024-24786.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilt cbt cli with version 1.33.0 which fixed CVE-2024-24786.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud beta composer environments list-workloads to display Composer workloads list.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps create to create a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps delete to delete a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps describe to get details about a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps list to list user workloads ConfigMaps.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps update to update a user workloads ConfigMap.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets create to create a user workloads Secret.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets delete to delete a user workloads Secret.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets describe to get details about a user workloads Secret.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets list to list user user workloads Secrets.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets update to update a user workloads Secret.

Cloud Deploy

  • Updated gcloud deploy apply to accept the Automation resource YAML configuration with the field names in the API proto.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • Added --file flag to gcloud infra-manager deployments export-statefile to download statefile with a custom file name/path or by default to a file named statefile if only file path is provided.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Add --node-type flag to redis clusters create to add the ability to create clusters with different node types.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --backup-config and --source-backup to gcloud netapp volumes to allow scheduled backups and create volume from backup workflow.

Cloud Pub/Sub

Cloud Run

  • Updated integration name generation logic to use the integration type followed by 4 digit hash.

Cloud SQL

  • Support for designating a disaster recovery replica in gcloud sql instances patch command using --failover-dr-replica-name flag is in beta.

Compute Engine

Compute OS Config

  • Added gcloud compute os-config project-feature-settings commands that allow to view and change the project feature settings.

Database Migration

  • Added gcloud database-migrate connection-profiles create sqlserver which creates a Database Migration Service connection profile for SQL Server.
  • Updated gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create to create Database Migration Service migration job for SQL Server to Cloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.
  • Added --dump-type to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create to allow creating a migration job with PHYSICAL or LOGICAL dump type.
  • Added --dump-type to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs update to allow updating a migration job with PHYSICAL or LOGICAL dump type.


  • Updated gcloud container fleet scopes list to return Fleet Scopes permitted to be viewed by the caller.
  • Added gcloud container fleet scopes list-memberships SCOPE to return Fleet Memberships bound to SCOPE.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --additive-vpc-scope-dns-domain and --disable-additive-vpc-scope flags to gcloud container clusters create, create-auto and update.
  • Added --security-posture=enterprise flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto, and gcloud container clusters update to enable GKE Threat Detection.

Regional Endpoints

  • Add optional address input flag to gcloud beta networkconnectivity regional-endpoints create.


  • Fixed issue with gcloud workbench instances failing when accelerator-type flag is set to NVIDIA_A100_80GB.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

470.0.0 (2024-03-26)

Breaking Changes

  • (App Hub) Fixed issue where gcloud apphub discovered-services lookup --location=LOCATION --uri=URI was formatting result as list to stdout.
  • (App Hub) Fixed issue where gcloud apphub discovered-workloads lookup --location=LOCATION --uri=URI was formatting result as list to stdout.


  • Updated gcloud beta alloydb clusters create-secondary to support continuous backup configuration.

App Engine

  • Updated the Python devappserver to version 1.9.111.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed issue where gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate returned wrong IAM policy bindings.


  • Added use_google_auth to use the Google Auth libraries for authentication.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views describe to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views list to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views delete to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views get-iam-policy to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views set-iam-policy to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views add-iam-policy-binding to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable authorized-views remove-iam-policy-binding to GA.

Cloud Build

  • Add --service-account option to gcloud builds submit.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --network-attachment to gcloud composer beta environments create to specify network attachment.
  • Added --support-web-server-plugins to gcloud composer beta environments create to enable/disable the support for web server plugins.
  • Added --enable-private-builds-only to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to enable only private connectivity to Google services for Python packages.
  • Added --disable-private-builds-only to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to disable only private connectivity to Google services for Python packages.
  • Added --disable-vpc-connectivity to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to disable connectivity with a user's VPC network.
  • Added --enable-private-environment to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to disable internet connection from any Composer component.
  • Added --disable-private-environment to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to enable internet connection from any Composer component.
  • Added --composer-internal-ipv4-cidr-block to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to specify the IP range in CIDR notation to use internally by Cloud Composer.
  • Added --clear-maintenance-window to gcloud composer beta environments update to clear the maintenance window settings.
  • Added --dag-processor-storage to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to specify the storage allocated to Airflow dag processor.
  • Added --dag-processor-count to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to specify the number of dag processors.
  • Added --dag-processor-cpu to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to specify the CPU allocated to Airflow dag processor.
  • Added --dag-processor-memory to gcloud composer beta environments create/update to specify the memory allocated to Airflow dag processor.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.4
    • Fixes minor reserve ids bug in Datastore Mode
    • Add reset endpoint for Datastore Mode

Cloud Logging

  • Add include-children flag to gcloud logging sinks update command to export logs from descendant resources.
  • Add intercept-children flag to gcloud logging sinks create command to intercept logs from descendant resources.
  • Add intercept-children flag to gcloud logging sinks update command to intercept logs from descendant resources.
  • Add sink-filter flag to gcloud logging sinks list command.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Add redis_7_2 enum to gcloud redis instances create and gcloud redis instances upgrade to support redis version 7.2 instance create/upgrade.
  • Add --redis-config flag to redis clusters create to add the ability to specify Redis config when creating a redis cluster.
  • Add --update-redis-config flag to redis clusters update to update Redis config for existing clusters.
  • Add --remove-redis-config flag to redis clusters update to remove Redis config for existing clusters.

Cloud Run

  • Added vertex-genai integration type to gcloud beta run integrations command group.
  • Added cloudsql integration type to gcloud beta run integrations command group.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --[no-]enable-google-ml-integration flag to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to support Vertex AI Integration for Cloud SQL. This is currently only supported in Postgres instances.

Cloud Storage

  • Promoted managed-folders command group to GA.
  • Promoted --include-managed-folders flag for cp, mv, and rsync to GA.
  • Promoted --exclude-managed-folders flag for rm to GA.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --boost-configs flag to beta workstations configs create and beta workstations configs update and --boost flag to beta workstations start.
  • Promoted --accelerator-count and --accelerator-type flags of gcloud workstations configs create and gcloud workstations configs update to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --resource-manager-tags flag of compute instance-groups managed create to beta. Flag allows creating Managed Instance Group with Resource Manager Tags.
  • Promoted --image-zone flag of gcloud compute images list to beta.
  • Changed OS Login metadata for certificates to enable-oslogin-certificates instead of require-oslogin-certificates.
  • Promoted --no-address flag in --network-interface of gcloud compute instances bulk create to GA.
  • Fixed a bug when parsing the scope of the disk type if replica-zones contains two values in --create-disk flag of gcloud compute instances create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.26.14 to 1.26.15.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.15)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.12)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.8)
    • kubectl.1.29 (1.29.3)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

469.0.0 (2024-03-19)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated bundled-python for windows to version 3.11.8.
  • Updated openssl package to version 3.0.13.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --ignore-errors flag to the following command groups: gcloud container aws clusters delete, gcloud container aws node-pools delete, gcloud container azure clusters delete, gcloud container azure node-pools delete, to allow the delete request to succeed, even if errors occur while deleting in-cluster resources.

Artifact Registry

  • Modified gcloud docker images list and gcloud artifacts versions describe to display image size.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud artifacts versions describe formatted extra metadata incorrectly.


  • Began internal refactoring that will continue for this minor version number.
  • Added copy_files_only to load commands targeting BigLake tables.
  • Added universe_domain, use_lep and use_rep as alternatives to using api and use_regional_endpoints.
  • Added support for DELTA_LAKE external table types.
  • Added support to load some configuration that has been set in gcloud config.
  • Exposed more information to the bq info command.
  • Exposes connector_configuration options when creating a connection.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added support for types and aggregates to the cbt CLI.
  • Added support for Standard Isolation and Data Boost in gcloud beta bigtable app-profiles {create,update,list}.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Updated gcloud dataproc session-templates export to filter out additional output only fields.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added flags to gcloud pubsub topics create to support creating Cloud Pub/Sub Import Topics.
    • Added --kinesis-ingestion-consumer-arn
    • Added --kinesis-ingestion-role-arn
    • Added --kinesis-ingestion-service-account
    • Added --kinesis-ingestion-stream-arn
  • Added flags to gcloud pubsub topics update to support updating Cloud Pub/Sub Import Topics.
    • Added --clear-ingestion-data-source-settings
    • Added --kinesis-ingestion-consumer-arn
    • Added --kinesis-ingestion-role-arn
    • Added --kinesis-ingestion-service-account
    • Added --kinesis-ingestion-stream-arn

Cloud Run

  • Support volumes with type=nfs in gcloud beta run deploy, gcloud beta run services update, gcloud beta run jobs deploy and gcloud beta run jobs update.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added disable-ssh-to-vm flag support for gcloud CLI workstations GA.

Compute Engine

  • Modified location flag from gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port beta command to use region from zone flag as location if location is unspecified.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create to support the type of data dump for MySQL to Cloud SQL-MySQL migrations.
  • Updated gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs update to support the type of data dump for MySQL to Cloud SQL-MySQL migrations.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.26.13 to 1.26.14.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.14)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.11)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.7)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.29.2)

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security firewall-endpoints to GA track.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security firewall-endpoint-associations to GA track.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security security-profiles to GA track.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security security-profile-groups to GA track.


  • Add akamai option to --waf-service flag from gcloud recaptcha keys create command to support creating Akamai enabled site keys.


  • Added workbench instances get-config to describe the valid configurations for workbench instances.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

468.0.0 (2024-03-12)

App Engine

App Hub

  • Promoted gcloud apphub to GA.

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud artifacts files download which downloads a file to the local environment.
  • Allowed --remote-mvn-repo, --remote-docker-repo, --remote-npm-repo, and --remote-python-repo flags to be a custom registry uri (ex: as well as the already-supported registry enum (ex: docker-hub) for artifacts repositories create.
  • Added --disable-remote-validation flag for artifacts repositories create and artifacts repositories update.
  • Added gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added --enable-automated-backup flag to gcloud bigtable instances tables create and gcloud bigtable instances tables update.
  • Added --disable-automated-backup flag to gcloud bigtable instances tables update.

Cloud Build

  • Unhidedgcloud builds connections create bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds connections update bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds triggers create bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds triggers update bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds triggers create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds triggers update bitbucket-data-center.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.3
    • Includes fix for ancestor queries and namespace scoped queries in Datastore Mode.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Added support for --tags flag in gcloud projects create command.
  • Added support for --tags flag in gcloud resource-manager folders create command.

Cloud Run

  • Added --no-deploy-health-check to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update which allows disabling the deployment health check behavior.

Cloud SQL

  • Added gcloud sql instances acquire-ssrs-lease to acquire a lease for SQL Server Reporting Services setup in Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
  • Added gcloud sql instances release-ssrs-lease to release a lease for SQL Server Reporting Services setup in Cloud SQL for SQL Server.

Cloud TPU

  • Added --reserved flag to gcloud compute tpus queued-resources create.

Cloud Tasks

  • Promoting gcloud tasks buffer to GA which enables creation of an HTTP task without specifying the task body. It requires the parent queue to have an HTTP target override.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for OS Login SSH certificates for first-party users in alpha and beta tracks of gcloud compute ssh.
  • Promoted --source-regions flag of gcloud compute health-checks to beta.
  • Added --cloud-armor-tier flag to gcloud compute project-info update command.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted --scheduled-backup-configs-from-file, enable-scheduled-backup, scheduled-backup-cron and scheduled-backup-location flag of gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update to GA.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --node-labels flag to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters node-pools create and gcloud edge-cloud container clusters node-pools update commands to allow assigning labels to individual nodes in a node pool.

Kubernetes Engine


  • Added NVIDIA_L4 option to --accelerator-type flag of gcloud notebooks instances create and gcloud notebooks instances update.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Add support for topic ingestion settings.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

467.0.0 (2024-03-05)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated linux bundled python for the gcloud CLI to 3.11.8.
  • Updated cryptography package to version 42.0.5.
  • Updated openssl package to version 3.0.13.

Backup For GKE

  • Removed --cluster-resource-restore-scope flag from gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans create and gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update. Use --cluster-resource-selected-group-kinds instead.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added gcloud bigtable tables command group identical to existing gcloud bigtable instances tables.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.2
    • Fix few bugs affecting client SDKs for DS Mode.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --build-service-account flag to gcloud functions deploy for 1st Gen functions to alpha and beta.

Cloud Run

  • Add --service-min-instances flag to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update to update min instances on a service without redeploying.
  • Promote --dry-run flag of gcloud run services replace to GA.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted gcloud compute tpus queued-resources create, gcloud compute tpus queued-resources delete, gcloud compute tpus queued-resources describe, gcloud compute tpus queued-resources list, gcloud compute tpus queued-resources reset to GA.

Cloud Workstations

  • Fixed flag descriptions for grouped enabled/disabled flags.
  • Removed default values for grouped enabled/disabled flags.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --announce-prefix flag of gcloud compute public-advertised-prefixes update to GA.
  • Promoted --withdraw-prefix flag of gcloud compute public-advertised-prefixes update to GA.
  • Promoted --pdp-scope flag of gcloud compute public-advertised-prefixes create to GA.
  • Promoted --announce-prefix flag of gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes update to GA.
  • Promoted --withdraw-prefix flag of gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes update to GA.

Container Registry

  • Added gcloud container images list-gcr-usage which lists Container Registry usage within your Google Cloud project, folder, or organization.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-multi-networking flag to gcloud container clusters update.
  • Fixed issue where --respect-pdb flag was not working with gcloud container node-pools rollback.

Network Security

  • Promoted --[no-]disabled flag to gcloud <beta> network-security firewall-endpoint-associations update command to enable/disable a firewall endpoint association without removing it.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Fixes exactly once delivery and message ordering compatibility with the Java client library.

Service Extensions

  • Added additional values to the supported events. Updated comments.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

466.0.0 (2024-02-27)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated gcloud auth application-default login --no-launch-browser to work with Context Aware Access.

Cloud Build

  • Hidedgcloud builds connections create bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds connections update bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds triggers create bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds triggers update bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds triggers create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds triggers update bitbucket-data-center.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • Fixed issue where gcloud infra-manager previews export directly downloads files when --file flag is not provided.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted delete command of gcloud compute instance-groups managed all-instances-config to GA.
  • Promoted update command of gcloud compute instance-groups managed all-instances-config to GA.
  • Promoted --default-action-on-vm-failure flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create | update> to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots delete to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots describe to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots list to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots add-labels to GA.
  • Promoted --source-instant-snapshot flag of gcloud compute disks create to GA.
  • Promoted --source-instant-snapshot, --source-instant-snapshot-zone, --source-instant-snapshot-region and --source-instant-snapshot-key-file flags of gcloud compute snapshots create to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Removed --dataplane-v2-observability-mode flag of gcloud container clusters create|update|create-auto command. Users are expected to use --enable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability and --disable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability flags now.

Network Security

  • Added --[no-]disabled flag to gcloud <alpha> network-security firewall-endpoint-associations update command to enable/disable a firewall endpoint association without removing it.

Security Command Center

  • Added --location flag to gcloud scc findings, gcloud scc muteconfigs, gcloud scc bqexports and gcloud scc notifications commands to provide data residency for scc resources.


  • Fixed gcloud workbench instances commands failing when all three --shielded-secure-boot, --shielded-integrity-monitoring, --shielded-vtpm flags are not passed.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

465.0.0 (2024-02-21)


  • Added update-mask to gcloud ai indexes upsert-datapoints command for dynamic metadata update.

App Engine

  • Enable devappserver support for Go 1.22 runtime.

Certificate Manager

  • Added --type flag to gcloud certificate-manager dns-authorizations create.

Cloud Build

  • Promoted gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds connections update bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds connections create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds triggers create bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds triggers update bitbucket-cloud, gcloud builds triggers create bitbucket-data-center, gcloud builds triggers update bitbucket-data-center command to beta and GA.

Cloud Composer

  • Add --enable-cloud-data-lineage-integration and --disable-cloud-data-lineage-integration to gcloud composer environments create to explicitly enable or disable the integration on creations.
  • Add --enable-cloud-data-lineage-integration and --disable-cloud-data-lineage-integration to gcloud composer environments update to explicitly enable or disable the integration on updates.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.19.1
    • Adds support for Datastore Mode to the Firstore Emulator. Adds --database-mode flag to gcloud emulator firestore start command. Note that this is a preview feature and if you find any bugs, please file them here:

Cloud Functions

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • Added --file flag to gcloud infra-manager previews export to download export artifacts to a custom file name or by default to files named preview if one is not provided.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --large-capacity and --multiple-endpoints flag to gcloud beta netapp volumes {create}.

Cloud Run

  • Added firestore integration type to gcloud alpha/beta run integrations command groups.

Cloud TPU

  • Fixed race condition bug in SSH and SCP commands that may affect large TPUs.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --security-profile-group and --[no-]tls-inspect flags for gcloud compute [network-]firewall-policies rules [create|update] to v1.

Database Migration

  • Added heterogeneous migration job update filter and commit id support via gcloud database-migration migration-jobs update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.27.9 to 1.26.13.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.13)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.10)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.6)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.29.1)
  • Added --enable-queued-provisioning flag to gcloud container node-pools update for enabling queued provisioning on existing node pools. For more information see
  • Made --enable-queued-provisioning GA in gcloud container node-pools create. For more information see
  • Added --enable-cilium-clusterwide-network-policy flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update.
  • Promoted gcloud container binauthz policy evaluate to beta.
  • Updated help text for --services-ipv4-cidr, --create-subnetwork, --cluster-secondary-range-name, --services-secondary-range-name options to have consistent text noting the requirement of --enable-ip-alias option for gcloud container create.
  • Updated help text for --services-ipv4-cidr, --create-subnetwork, --cluster-secondary-range-name, --services-secondary-range-name options to remove the note requiring --enable-ip-alias option for gcloud container create-auto. Autopilot clusters always use alias IPs for pods, so --enable-ip-alias option is always set for create-auto and cannot be specified by the user.

Security Command Center

  • Fixed issue that caused gcloud scc muteconfigs update to crash when an --update-mask is provided.
  • Promoted management api gcloud scc manage ... commands to GA.

Service Extensions

  • Promoted gcloud service-extensions lb-route-extensions and gcloud service-extensions lb-traffic-extensions to GA.

Vmware Engine

  • Added --vmware-engine-network-project flag to gcloud vmware network-peerings create to allow peering with VMware Engine network of different project.
  • Expanded logging server gcloud vmware private-clouds logging-servers capabilities with TLS, RELP, and SSL protocol support.


  • Added gcloud workbench instances resize-disk to update workbench instances disk size.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

464.0.0 (2024-02-13)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Introduced ACCOUNT as a positional parameter to gcloud auth application-default login. This parameter can be used to specify the account that should be used for creating application default credentials.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms os-images describe to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Added --no-default-url to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update which allows disabling the default service URL. This may be useful in combination with the internal and internal-and-cloud-load-balancing ingress settings where the default http ingress point is not desired.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted --spot flag of gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm create to GA.

Cloud Workstations

  • Adding global fallback to gcloud workstations list, gcloud workstations list-usable, gcloud workstations configs list, and gcloud workstations cluster list commands. This allows the command to be used without any resource flags to list all of the specified resources under a project. It can also be used with a subset of the previously required flags for more granular results e.g. gcloud workstations list --cluster=cluster-1 --region=us-central1 list all workstations in 'us-central1' that use a configuration created under the 'cluster-1' cluster.
  • Adding --disable-ssh-to-vm flag to gcloud workstations configs to disallow SSH access to the workstations root VM.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --stack-type flag of compute interconnects attachments partner create to beta. Flag defines the stack type of partner interconnect attachment.
  • Promoted --stack-type flag of compute interconnects attachments partner update to beta. Flag defines the stack type of interconnect attachment.


  • Added tags flag to notebook instances.
  • Fixed a bug where vm-image defaults are not populated when no environment flags are specified.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Add support for push payload unwrapping (no_wrapper).

Secure Source Manager

  • Added gcloud source-manager command group which includes gcloud source-manager instances, gcloud source-manager locations, gcloud source-manager operations to beta.

Security Command Center

  • Fixed issue that caused gcloud scc muteconfigs update to crash when an --update-mask is provided.


  • Fixed boolean flags --shielded-secure-boot, --shielded-vtpm, and --shielded-integrity-monitoring in gcloud workbench instances commands always parsing as true.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

463.0.0 (2024-02-06)


  • Added option for --cpu-count=128 in instances create and instances update commands.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added IAM policy commands to gcloud deploy custom-target-types.

Cloud Functions

  • Changed gcloud alpha functions deploy and gcloud beta functions deploy to deploy new functions via Cloud Functions (2nd gen) by default. 1st gen functions can still be created by specifying --no-gen2 or by setting the functions/gen2 property to off. This change will be applied in the GA release track in a future release.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --container flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to GA to allow deploying multi-container Services.

Cloud SQL

  • Fixed and added back support for parallel import and export.

Cloud Workflows

  • gcloud workflows run to avoid backlogging the execution when the

Cloud Workstations

  • Adding a region column to the tables in gcloud workstations list, gcloud workstations list-usable, gcloud workstations configs list, and gcloud workstations clusters list.

Compute Engine

  • Added support of flags to --detection-load-threshold, detection-absolute-qps, detection-relative-to-baseline-qps, and traffic-granularity-configs to gcloud compute security-policies add-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config in alpha/beta.
  • Added gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize-requests which provides capability to create, describe, list, cancel, and delete resize requests in a zonal MIG to beta.
  • Promoted --existing-reservation flag of gcloud compute commitments create to GA.


  • Promoted Fleet operations commands to beta and GA.
    • Promoted gcloud container fleet operations describe to beta and GA.
    • Promoted gcloud container fleet operations list to beta and GA.
    • Promoted gcloud container fleet operations wait to beta and GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

462.0.1 (2024-01-31)

Cloud SQL

  • Rolled back gcloud support for parallel import and export as it was breaking default behavior for the customers.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added --disable-concurrency-quota-overflow-buffering flag to concurrency quota is exhausted.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

462.0.0 (2024-01-30)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated linux bundled python for the gcloud CLI to 3.11.7.
  • Updated pip package to version 23.3.2.


  • Updated gcloud container binauthz attestations create and sign-and-create to make --attestor optional, allowing creation of attestations on a specified --note. Note that --validate can only be used with --attestor.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promoted Cloud assets analysis commands gcloud asset analyze-org-policies, gcloud asset analyze-org-policy-governed-containers and gcloud asset analyze-org-policy-governed-assets to GA.

Cloud DNS

  • Added support to allow importing RecordSets with routing policies from YAML.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added dataflow yaml command gcloud beta dataflow yaml run.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --message-storage-policy-enforce-in-transit flag of gcloud pubsub topics create and gcloud pubsub topics update to GA. This allows users to enable enforcement for in-transit guarantees.

Cloud Run

  • Reverted regionalized builds for Cloud Run source deploys.
  • Add --service-account flag to specify deployment service account for Cloud Run integrations deployments.

Cloud SQL

  • Added support for parallel import and export.

Cloud Speech API

  • Added telephony and telephony_short options for gcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model flag.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted --queue-count flag of gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm create to GA.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added --disable-concurrency-quota-overflow-buffering flag to gcloud workflows execute to avoid backlogging the execution when the concurrency quota is exhausted.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute networks subnet --reserved-internal-ranges to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute networks subnet --secondary-range_with-reserved-internal-ranges to GA.

Database Migration

  • Added gcloud database-migration migration-job demote-destination which allows demoting the destination of a migration job.
  • Added alloydb-cluster flag to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles to allow creating connection profiles that link to existing AlloyDB clusters.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --offline-credential flags to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters get-credentials command to retrieve the credential used under disconnectivity to Google.
  • Added --release-channel argument to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update to allow updating release channel for local control plane clusters.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-fqdn-network-policy flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update.

Security Command Center

  • Renamed gcloud alpha scc securityposture-operations command group to gcloud alpha scc posture-operations.
  • Also, promoted the above renamed command group gcloud alpha scc posture-operations to GA as gcloud scc posture-operations.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

461.0.0 (2024-01-23)

Breaking Changes


  • Added flag --assign-inbound-public-ip to enable or disable public IP for an instance to the following commands in the alpha and beta track:

    • gcloud alloydb instances create
    • gcloud alloydb instances update
  • Added flag --authorized-external-networks to set a list of authorized external networks on an instance to gcloud alloydb instances update in the alpha and beta track.


  • Promoted Batch submit job config YAML support from alpha to beta and GA.


  • Updated gcloud container binauthz attestations list, create, and sign-and-create commands to support image URLs with both a tag and a digest. Attestations with these URLs are supported only in Continuous Validation with check-based policies for GKE.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gcloud storage sign-url to allow using impersonation specified through configuration.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --local-host-port flag to the workstations ssh command.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --confidential-compute-type=TDX flag of gcloud compute instances create to beta.
  • Added IPV6_ONLY option to --stack-type flag of gcloud beta compute vpn-gateways create command to create an IPv6-only VPN gateway.
  • Promoted --location flag of gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port to GA.
  • Updated behaviour of gcloud instances delete: it will throw error if instance.delete operation takes more than 70 minutes instead of 30 minutes previously.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added IPv6 support for --ip-address flag of gcloud edge-cloud networking routers add-interface subcommand.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Restored original maximum argument to --max-nodes-per-pool flag of gcloud container clusters create from 2000 to 1000, as this unintentionally changed the default value.


  • Add gcloud recaptcha firewall-policies reorder command.

Security Command Center

  • Promoted gcloud scc postures commands to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud scc posture-templates commands to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud scc posture-deployments commands to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

460.0.0 (2024-01-17)

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilt cbt cli with version 0.17.0 which fixed CVE-2023-48795.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilt cbt cli with version 0.17.0 which fixed CVE-2023-48795.

Cloud Billing

  • Added ownership-scope flag to gcloud billing budget CLI to select scope of ownership for a budget.

Cloud Domains

Cloud Functions

  • Hid --gen2 flag in gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding, gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding, gcloud functions call, gcloud functions delete, gcloud functions describe, gcloud functions get-iam-policy, gcloud functions remove-iam-policy-binding, gcloud functions remove-invoker-policy-binding, and gcloud functions set-iam-policy-binding. The --gen2 flag is unnecessary for these commands and will eventually be removed from them in a future release.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added gcloud healthcare dicom-stores metrics command which allows users to retrieve metrics associated with a DICOM store.

Cloud Monitoring

  • Promoted gcloud monitoring uptime commands to beta and GA.

Cloud Org Policy

  • Update the error message that mentions the 'update-mask' flag name incorrectly.

Cloud Run

  • Reverted regionalized builds for Cloud Run source deploys.

Cloud SQL

  • Added -i flag to provide the instance for gcloud sql generate-login-token command.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --disable-tcp-connections flag to gcloud workstations configs` to support disabling plain TCP connections in workstations.

Dataproc Diagnose

  • Added --tarball-access flag to gcloud dataproc clusters diagnose for enabling Google support to access the diagnostic tar file, which supports the following values:-
    1. GOOGLE_DATAPROC_DIAGNOSE : This value transfers the tar file automatically to Google support.
    2. GOOGLE_CLOUD_SUPPORT : This flag doesn't transfer the tar file automatically to Google support but provides the necessary read access for Google support to read or download the tar file.
  • Added --start-time and --end-time flags to gcloud dataproc clusters diagnose to specify a time range, in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ format, for the collection of diagnostic data within this timeframe.
  • Added --job-ids flag to gcloud dataproc clusters diagnose to collect job driver, Spark event, YARN application, and Sparklens output logs, in addition to the default log files, for a specified comma-separated list of dataproc job IDs.
  • Added --yarn-application-ids flag to gcloud dataproc clusters diagnose to collect job driver, Spark event, YARN application, and Sparklens output logs in addition to the default log files, for a specified comma-separated list of YARN application IDs.


  • Deprecated gcloud beta eventarc. Users are expected to use gcloud eventarc instead.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added --include-deny flag to gcloud projects get-ancestors-iam-policy and gcloud resource-manager folders get-ancestors-iam-policy to specify if it should return deny policies on the hierarchy.

Immersive Stream

  • Added --mode flag to gcloud immersive-stream xr instances create to allow specifying 3D/AR or 3D-only experience modes.
  • Added --gpu-class flag to gcloud immersive-stream xr instances create to allow specifying the type of underlying GPU used by the stream instance.

Network Security

  • In gcloud network-security firewall-endpoint-associations create, the ASSOCIATION_ID argument is no longer mandatory, and a UUID will be auto-generated on the server if not specified.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

459.0.0 (2024-01-09)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Removed the warning about --update-adc deprecation.


  • Added --notification-channels flag to gcloud ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update to allow sending alerts to notification channels.

App Engine

Assured Workloads

  • Promote assured workloads enable-resource-monitoring to GA.


  • Updated gcloud container binauthz attestations create to make --attestor optional, allowing creation of attestations on a specified --note. Note that --validate can only be used with --attestor.

Cloud Composer

  • Fixed gcloud beta composer environments list-upgrades for Composer 2 environments.
  • Added --enable-logs-in-cloud-logging-only flag to gcloud composer environments create to enable writing and reading task logs only from cloud logging and disable using gcs buckets for logs.
  • Added --disable-logs-in-cloud-logging-only flag to gcloud composer environments create to disable writing and reading task logs only from cloud logging and disable using gcs buckets for logs.
  • Added --enable-logs-in-cloud-logging-only flag to gcloud composer environments update to enable logs in cloud logging only feature for environments.
  • Added --disable-logs-in-cloud-logging-only flag to gcloud composer environments update to disable logs in cloud logging only feature for environments.

Cloud Datastore

  • Promoted --database flag of gcloud datastore indexes create command to beta.
  • Promoted --database flag of gcloud datastore indexes create command to GA.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted firestore databases delete to beta.
  • Promoted firestore databases delete to GA.
  • Promoted --delete-protection and --no-delete-protection flag of gcloud firestore databases create and gcloud firestore databases update command to beta.
  • Promoted --delete-protection and --no-delete-protection flag of gcloud firestore databases create and gcloud firestore databases update command to GA.

Cloud Functions

  • Fixed file check issue with gcloud functions deploy for gradle-based Java deployments.
  • Added --build-service-account flag to gcloud beta functions deploy for 2nd Gen functions to alpha and beta.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Allowed using project numbers in command arguments.

Cloud Org Policy

  • Updated etag field in the output of gcloud org-policies list command to show a top-level etag which better reflects the current state of the policy.
  • Added --etag to gcloud org-policies delete to support etag on policy deletion that will ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.

Cloud Run

  • add --add-volume, --remove-volume and --clear-volumes flags to gcloud beta run deploy, gcloud beta run services update, gcloud beta run jobs deploy, and gcloud beta run jobs update to support managing volumes in your Cloud Run Services and Jobs.
  • add -add-volume-mount, --remove-volume-mount, and --clear-volume-mount flags to gcloud beta run deploy, gcloud beta run services update, gcloud beta run jobs deploy, and gcloud beta run jobs update to support mounting volumes within containers.

Cloud SQL

  • Rename the positional argument of gcloud sql backups restore command from BACKUP_ID to ID.
  • Allowed using project numbers in command arguments.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services vpc-peerings get-vpc-service-controls to GA.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --domain flag to gcloud workstations clusters to enable using custom domains.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --server-tls-policy and --clear-server-tls-policy for gcloud compute target-https-proxies create and gcloud compute target-https-proxies update to beta.

Compute Firewall Policy Rules

  • Fixed issue where gcloud firewall-policies rules update didn't allow clearing list fields.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud firewall-policies rules update set disabled and enabledLogging to false if it was not specified by the user.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta firewall-policies rules update and gcloud beta network-firewall-policies rules update required providing --security-profile-group even if it was not changed.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta firewall-policies rules update and gcloud beta network-firewall-policies rules update didn't allow clearing securityProfileGroup (--security-profile-group='').

Database Migration

  • Added MySQL_8_0_35 minor version option when creating Cloud SQL connection profile using gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql command.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.27.8 to 1.27.9.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.16)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.12)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.9)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.5)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.29.0)
  • Added --enable-secret-manager flags to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto and gcloud container clusters update in alpha and beta.
  • Deprecated --dataplane-v2-observability-mode flag of gcloud container clusters create|update|create-auto command. Users are expected to use --enable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability and --disable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability flags now.
  • Increased maximum argument to --num-nodes flag of gcloud container clusters create from 1000 to 2000.

Network Services

  • Updated gcloud network-services gateways to show a new ipVersion field for v1 version.
  • Added envoyHeaders field to gcloud network-services <meshes|gateways> <import|export|describe> commands to inject envoy internal debug headers into upstream requests.
  • Added idleTimeout field to gcloud network-services <http-routes|grpc-routes|tcp-routes|tls-routes> <import|export|describe> to configure idle timeouts for the upstream and downstream connections.
  • Added mirrorPercent to gcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe> to configure fractional mirror percentage.
  • Added directResponse to gcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe> which returns a static HTTP response for all requests.
  • Added requestHeaderModifier to gcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe> to modify request headers to a particular destination.
  • Added responseHeaderModifier to gcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe> to modify response headers from a particular destination.

Service Directory

  • Allowed using project numbers in command arguments.


  • Allowed using project numbers in command arguments.

telco automation

  • Promoted gcloud telco-automation orchestration-cluster to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud telco-automation operations to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

458.0.1 (2023-12-20)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Fixed error 'ython'' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. when updating gcloud on Windows.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

458.0.0 (2023-12-19)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Updated behaviour of gcloud instances stop: it will not throw error if
  • (Compute Engine) instance gets deleted during polling on the stopping operation.
  • (GKE Hub) Changed output of gcloud container fleet memberships list to display the UUID of the memberships instead of external_id. The external_id is still available in the json-formatted output.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated cryptography package to version 41.0.7.

App Engine

  • Updated the Go SDK to version 1.9.76. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Promoted command gcloud app runtimes list --environment=standard to GA. The command displays the runtimes for the App Engine standard environment.


  • Fixed a bug in 2.0.99 and 2.0.100 that causes any command to fail if initialization is required.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Adds reversed flag to cbt read command to enable reverse scans.
  • Rebuild with golang 1.21.5.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuild with golang 1.21.5.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --condition flag for gcloud run services {add,remove}-iam-policy-binding from alpha to beta.
  • Enabled --cpu-boost by default for run deploy on new services if not otherwise specified.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services vpc-peerings get-vpc-service-controls to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --with-extended-notifications flag of gcloud compute instances simulate-maintenance-event to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --confidential-compute flag of gcloud compute disks create to GA.
  • Promoted --create-disk=confidential-compute for gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted Instance API Perform Maintenance to beta and GA.


  • Updated kpt in Google Cloud CLI from 1.0.0-beta.48 to 1.0.0-beta.49.

Kubernetes Engine

  • gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update now allow multiple binauthz policies to be bound to a cluster using --binauthz-policy-bindings.
  • Updated default kubectl from 1.27.7 to 1.27.8.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.16)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.11)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.8)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.4)
  • Added enterprise option to --workload-vulnerability-scanning flag of gcloud container clusters create|update|create-auto commands to enable Advanced vulnerability insights mode in the GA track.
  • Promote --in-transit-encryption flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

457.0.0 (2023-12-12)

Breaking Changes

  • (Network Actions) Removed network-actions surface.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added deprecation warning to gcloud components restore. To revert gcloud to a previous version, please run gcloud components update --version=<previous_version>.


  • Added --container-deployment-timeout-seconds flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.
  • Added --container-shared-memory-size-mb flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.
  • Added --container-startup-probe-exec flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.
  • Added --container-startup-probe-period-seconds flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.
  • Added --container-startup-probe-timeout-seconds flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.
  • Added --container-health-probe-exec flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.
  • Added --container-health-probe-period-seconds flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.
  • Added --container-health-probe-timeout-seconds flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.
  • Added --container-grpc-ports flag to gcloud ai models upload and gcloud beta ai models upload.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added gcloud container aws node-pools rollback to rollback failed AWS node pool update operations. This allows customers to revert the node pool back to its original state.

App Engine


  • Added the ability to update table tags by using add_tags, remove_tags and clear_all_tags.

Certificate Manager

  • Added command certificate-manager trust-configs update.

Cloud Composer

  • Add --disable-cloud-data-lineage-integration to gcloud composer environments create (alpha and beta) to explicitly disable the integration.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added gcloud deploy custom-target-types command group.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --runtime-update-policy flag to gcloud beta functions deploy for 1st Gen functions to alpha and beta.
  • Added --runtime-update-policy flag to gcloud functions deploy for 1st Gen functions to GA.

Cloud Logging

  • Allow for using the logging feature with protocol SSL in gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --use-table-schema flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions [create|update] to GA. This option allows Pub/Sub to use the schema of the BigQuery table to write the fields of a JSON message to the corresponding columns.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys undelete to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for version=23.10 and short-name=ubuntu in --os-types for gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances set-name command to GA.
  • Promoted --recaptcha-action-site-keys and --recaptcha-session-site-keys in gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update to GA.
  • Added tls-ja3-fingerprint and user-ip as valid rate limit key types in gcloud compute security-policies rules.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Made flag --ipv4-range optional for gcloud edge-cloud networking subnets create.


  • Promoted gcloud container fleet clusterupgrade and gcloud container hub clusterupgrade to beta and GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update now allow multiple binauthz policies to be bound to a cluster using --binauthz-policy-bindings.
  • Added --autoprovisioning-resource-manager-tags flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto and gcloud container clusters update in GA track.
  • Added --resource-manager-tags flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container node-pools create and gcloud container node-pools update in GA track.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

456.0.0 (2023-12-05)

Breaking Changes

  • (AlloyDB) Modified gcloud alloydb instances update to be asynchronous by default. Use
  • (AlloyDB) --no-async flag to get the old behavior.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated gcloud CLI to support Python v3.11 and v3.12.


  • Added support for specifying --database-version in clusters create command in GA track.


  • Support new flag server for gcloud anthos auth login command.
  • 'server' flag obviates the need to download login-config file.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --proxy-secret-name and --proxy-secret-namespace flags to gcloud container attached clusters import to configure an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for outbound traffic.
  • Promoted --max-surge-update and --max-unavailable-update flags to GA (General Availability) for gcloud container aws node-pools create and gcloud container aws node-pools update commands. These flags let you specify or modify surge update parameters during node pool creation and updating.

App Engine

  • Added gcloud beta app runtimes list --environment=standard which displays the supported runtimes for App Engine Standard.

Artifact Registry

  • Added domain as a config option to use a different domain endpoint for artifacts docker.


  • Added python 3.12 support.
  • Added support for kms_key_name to connections.
  • Added concurrent requests when looking up IAM information.
  • Added support to show replica table information.
  • Updated quotes library used.
  • Fixed bug in cp to ensure all regions are being checked.
  • Ensured bq ls -p only displays the first page of results by default to align with other list methods.
  • Added messaging for DDL statements modifying vector indexes.
  • Improved error messaging for tag updates.
  • Added improved error messaging when project lookups are aborted.

Certificate Manager

  • Added command certificate-manager trust-configs create.

Cloud Backup DR

  • Promoted gcloud backup-dr command group which includes gcloud backup-dr management-servers, gcloud backup-dr locations and gcloud backup-dr operations to GA.

Cloud Datastore

  • Updated gcloud datastore operations list to respect a --limit set to >100.

Cloud Domains

  • Added support for disabling and enabling automatic renewal of domains using the Cloud Domains gcloud domains registrations configure management method (with the preferred-renewal-method flag or in the interactive flow).

Cloud Firestore

  • Updated gcloud firestore operations list to respect a --limit set to >100.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores metrics which allows users to retrieve metrics associated with a HL7v2 store.

Cloud NetApp

  • Removed netapp/region as a property since netapp/location can be either region or zone depending on SO or PO.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Fix missing error message for commands under gcloud pubsub.

Cloud Run

  • Added the information of whether the job to be deleted has running executions to the confirm message of gcloud run jobs delete.
  • Regionalize builds for Cloud Run source deploys.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys delete to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys get-key-string to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys update to GA.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted --update-metadata, --clear-metadata, --remove-metadata and --metadata-from-file flags of gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm update to GA.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --enable-audit-agent flag to workstations configs create and workstations configs update.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --confidential-compute-type flag of gcloud compute instance create to beta.
  • Promoted flag --user-ip-request-headers of gcloud compute security-policies update to GA.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud compute ssh and gcloud compute scp commands would fail on Windows when PuTTY prompted in certain situations, such as when using --plain or when connecting to an instance with OS Login 2FA enabled.
  • Fixed crash in gcloud compute diagnose routes when specifying --reverse-traceroute.
  • Promoted location flag for gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port to beta.
  • Promoted --type flag of gcloud compute routers nats create to GA.
  • Promoted --source-nat-active-ranges, --source-nat-active-ranges-region, --source-nat-drain-ranges, --clear-source-nat-drain-ranges and --source-nat-drain-ranges-region flags of gcloud compute routers nats rule update to GA.
  • Promoted --source-nat-active-ranges and --source-nat-active-ranges-region flags of gcloud compute routers nats rule create to GA.
  • Promoted new allowed value: PRIVATE_NAT for --purpose flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create to GA.
  • Promoted new :ALL range option for subnets passed to --nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges flag of gcloud compute routers nats (create|update) to GA.

Compute Firewall Rules

  • Added --export-terraform-script flag to gcloud compute firewall-rules migrate to prepare a terraform script for migrated Network Firewall Policy.
  • Added disabled column to default view of gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies get-effective-firewalls.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration to show error details on command failure when used with --no-async flag.
  • Adding support for choosing Alloy DB database version using --database-version flag in gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create alloydb.


  • Promoted gcloud container fleet dataplane-v2-encryption {describe, disable, enable} to GA.
  • Added property pod-affinity to gcloud container fleet policycontroller deployment set and gcloud container fleet policycontroller deployment remove so that users can configure high availability on Policy Controller deployments.
  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container fleet create, gcloud container fleet update in alpha, beta and GA track.
  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container hub create, gcloud container hub update in alpha, beta and GA track.
  • Added --binauthz-policy-bindings flag to gcloud container fleet create, gcloud container fleet update in alpha, beta and GA track.
  • Added --binauthz-policy-bindings flag to gcloud container hub create, gcloud container hub update in alpha, beta and GA track.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability and --disable-dataplane-v2-flow-observability flags for toggling DPv2 Flow Observability feature.

Network Security

  • Add --billing-project required flag to gcloud network-security firewall-endpoints create command to provide Google Cloud project ID for API enablement check, quota, and endpoint uptime billing.
  • Add --update-billing-project flag to gcloud network-security firewall-endpoints update command to update the Google Cloud project used for API enablement check, quota, and endpoint uptime billing.


  • Support creating Fastly enabled site keys using recaptcha keys create --waf-service=cloudfare.

Regional Endpoints

  • Unhid regional-endpoints as a subgroup of gcloud beta networkconnectivity.

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455.0.0 (2023-11-14)

Breaking Changes

  • (Network Connectivity) Removed gcloud network-connectivity spokes accept and gcloud network-connectivity spokes reject commands. Use gcloud network-connectivity hubs accept-spoke and gcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke commands instead.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated bundled python for the gcloud CLI to 3.11.6.
  • Updated cryptography package to version 41.0.5.
  • Updated openssl to version 3.1.4 for cryptography.


  • Added more choice options to --region flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs and gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs, including: asia-northeast2, australia-southeast2, europe-north1, europe-southwest1, europe-west8, and southamerica-west1.

App Engine


  • Updated gcloud container binauthz attestations list to make --attestor optional, allowing listing from any project.
  • Modified gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create to allow --validate to work with --pae-encode-payload.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Fixed issue where cbt createtable would create column families with a MaxVersions(1) GC policy. As per our documentation (, tables created by the cbt cli should retain an infinite number of versions by default.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • Added --patch_revision optional argument to
    gcloud beta data-fusion instances create to create a Cloud Data Fusion
    instance with the provided patch revision version.
  • Added --patch_revision optional argument to
    gcloud beta data-fusion instances update to perform patch revision
    update of the Cloud Data Fusion instance.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --tier=REGIONAL flag to gcloud filestore instances create to support a regional filestore instance creation.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --concurrency flag of gcloud functions deploy to GA.
  • Promoted --cpu flag of gcloud functions deploy to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run jobs executions cancel to GA. This command allows cancelling a running Cloud Run job execution.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --show-sql-network-architecture and --upgrade-sql-network-architecture flags to gcloud sql instances list and gcloud sql instances patch to support New Network Architecture self upgrade for Cloud SQL.

Cloud Storage

  • Released object lock feature and per-object retention settings.
  • Added storage/multipart_chunksize and storage/multipart_threshold for adjusting settings of Boto3 client uploads via S3 or the other XML APIs.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted --attach-disk and --detach-disk flags of gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm update to GA.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted --data-catalog-sync flag of gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update to GA.


  • Added --security-posture flag to gcloud container fleet create, gcloud container fleet update in alpha, beta and GA track.
  • Added --security-posture flag to gcloud container hub create, gcloud container hub update in alpha, beta and GA track.
  • Added --workload-vulnerability-scanning flag to gcloud container fleet create, gcloud container fleet update in alpha, beta and GA track.
  • Added --workload-vulnerability-scanning flag to gcloud container hub create, gcloud container hub update in alpha, beta and GA track.
  • Added support for fleet-default-member-config command to Service Mesh in alpha, beta and GA tracks.
  • Promoted --fleet-default-member-config flag of the following commands to GA:

    • gcloud container fleet identity-service enable
    • gcloud container hub identity-service enable
    • gcloud container fleet identity-service delete
    • gcloud container hub identity-service delete
  • Added --fleet-default-member-config flag to the following commands in alpha, beta, and GA tracks:

    • gcloud container fleet identity-service apply
    • gcloud container hub identity-service apply

    to modify a fleet-level default membership configuration.

  • Added --origin flag to the following commands in alpha, beta, and GA tracks:

    • gcloud container fleet identity-service apply
    • gcloud container hub identity-service apply

    to apply a fleet-level default membership configuration to a membership.

  • Added support for fleet-default-member-config command to Service Mesh in alpha, beta and GA tracks.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Fixed a bug where if --artifact-url was passed to gcloud container binauthz attestations list only attestations over the full artifact url would be returned instead of attestations over the artifact digest.

Security Command Center

  • Promoted gcloud scc custom-modules sha simulate to GA.

Vmware Engine

  • Added commands for managing new types of resources:
    • Added gcloud vmware dns-bind-permission which manages DNS bind permission resources.
    • Added gcloud vmware private-clouds dns-forwarding which manages DNS forwarding resources.
    • Added gcloud vmware network-policies external-access-rules which manages external access rule resources.
    • Added gcloud vmware private-clouds external-addresses which manages external address resources.
    • Added gcloud vmware private-clouds logging-servers which manages logging server resources.
    • Added gcloud vmware private-clouds management-dns-zone-bindings which manages management DNS zone binding resources.
    • Added gcloud vmware network-peerings which manages network peering resources.
    • Added gcloud vmware network-peering routes which manages network peering route resources.
    • Added gcloud vmware private-clouds clusters nodes which allows cluster node resources.
  • Added --type, --preferred-zone, and --secondary-zone to gcloud vmware private-clouds create command to support stretched private clouds creation.
  • Added clusterCoreCount, clusterVirtualCpuCount, clusterStorageGb and clusterMemoryGb fields in gcloud vmware private-clouds clusters describe command output.

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454.0.0 (2023-11-07)


  • Added deployment-group, enable-access-logging,audiences,allowed-issuers to gcloud ai index-endpoints mutate-deployed-index.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Updated container attached clusters register and container attached clusters import to check for proper deployment of the install agent before attempting to register/import.

Artifact Registry

  • Updated gcloud artifacts sbom load to have the newly created bucket have Uniform Bucket Level Access set to true.


  • Fixed issue with gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create where --validate is not supported with --pae-encode-payload.

Certificate Manager

  • Added --update-mask flag to gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs import.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilt cbt cli with go version 1.21.3 which fixed CVE-2023-39323.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilding cbt emulator with go version 1.21.3 which fixed CVE-2023-39323.

Cloud Build

  • Added --clear-subscription-filter to gcloud builds triggers update pubsub command.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --min-secondary-worker-fraction flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc clusters update.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added gcloud deploy automations and gcloud deploy automation-runs command groups.

Cloud IAM

  • Added --allowed-services flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc, which allows the user to setup domains that can be accessed by users in a workforce pool.
  • Added --disable-programmatic-signin flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc, which lets the administrator disable programmatic sign-in for users in a workforce pool.

Cloud Run

  • Added --container, --remove-containers, and --depends-on flags to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update to allow deploying and updating multi-container Services.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --cascadable-replica flag to gcloud sql instances create to enable cascadable replica creation for SQL Server.
  • Added gcloud sql instances switchover in alpha and beta to enable switchover in Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
  • Added --failover flag to gcloud sql instances promote-replica to enable unmanaged failover in Cloud SQL for SQL Server.

Cloud Storage

  • Fixed "Completed" progress count incrementing for uploads with errors.
  • Fixed an issue where --content-md5 flag was showing up for gcloud storage objects update command. MD5 Hash is a read only field so cannot be updated. Removed --content-md5 flag from the update command and removed --clear-content-md5 flag from gcloud storage {cp|mv|rsync|objects update} commands.
  • Added --autoclass-terminal-storage-class flag to gcloud storage buckets {create|update} to set the terminal storage class for Autoclass buckets.
  • Updated gsutil component to 5.27.
  • Releases soft delete feature, including restore command and various flags across other commands.
  • Removes un-implemented operations list flags: --uri and --page-size. These flags didn't do anything and there are no operations public users could have been using them on yet.

Cloud TPU

  • Promote --update-labels, --clear-labels, and --remove-labels flags of gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm update to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted Standby Policy flags for gcloud compute instance-groups managed create in beta.
  • Promoted Standby Policy flags for gcloud compute instance-groups managed update in beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute snapshot-settings to GA. Documentation of this feature is available at
  • Updated enum name for --managed-protection-tier flag for gcloud compute project-info update from CAMP_PLUS_MONTHLY to CAMP_PLUS_PAYGO.
  • Added --network-user-defined-fields, --network-src-ip-ranges, --network-dest-ip-ranges, --network-ip-protocols, --network-src-ports, --network-dest-ports, --network-src-region-codes, and --network-src-asns to gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update.
  • Added gcloud compute security-policies add-user-defined-fields and gcloud compute security-policies remove-user-defined-fields commands.
  • Added --region to gcloud compute backend-services update.
  • Added --security-policy and --security-policy-region to gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update.
  • Added gcloud compute target-pools update and gcloud compute target-instances update commands.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added upgrade command to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters to allow manually upgrading local control plane clusters.
  • Promoted --router to gcloud edge-cloud container vpn-connections create to allow users to define Cloud Router to use when creating the VPN connection.


  • Promoted gcloud container fleet policycontroller group to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Fixed issue where gcloud container clusters create-auto would prefer compute/zone over compute/region if both configs were set. Now prioritizes using compute/region.
  • Updated default kubectl from 1.27.5 to 1.27.7.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.15)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.10)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.7)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.3)
  • Added --labels flag to gcloud container clusters create-auto to enable applying labels on Autopilot clusters at creation time.


  • Added gcloud looker regions list which displays all available regions to deploy a Looker instance.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

453.0.0 (2023-10-31)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Infrastructure Manager) Removed support for blueprints/location property, in favor of infra-manager/location property.


  • Added --encryption-kms-key-name flag to gcloud ai indexes create to support encryption spec.

Artifact Registry

  • Added --remote-username and --remote-password-secret-version flags for artifacts repositories create and artifacts repositories update.

Cloud Build

  • Renamed Google Cloud Build to Cloud Build in the help text of gcloud builds command group.

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

  • Added infra-manager/location property to set the default Infra Manager region.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added gcloud beta netapp backup-vaults backups surface command, and made help text public.

Cloud Run

  • Added --args, --task-timeout, --tasks and --update-env-vars flags to gcloud run jobs execute to allow executing a Cloud Run job with runtime overrides.
  • Promoted --add-custom-audiences, --clear-custom-audiences, --remove-custom-audiences and --set-custom-audiences flags of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Added --autoclass-terminal-storage-class flag to gcloud storage buckets {create|update} to set the terminal storage class for Autoclass buckets.
  • Updated gsutil component to 5.27.
  • Fixed broken objects update clear flags.

Cloud Tasks

  • Added gcloud tasks cmek-config to [alpha|beta|GA] which enables creation of CMEK configuration for a given project in a particular location.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --domain flag to gcloud beta workstations clusters to enable using custom domains.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --default-action-on-vm-failure flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create | update> to beta.
  • Promoted --source-disk-for-recovery-checkpoint and --source-disk-for-recovery-checkpoint-region flags of gcloud compute snapshots create to GA.


  • Added policycontroller group which provides configuration commands for GKE Hub Policy Controller.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Fixed issue where gcloud container clusters create-auto would prefer compute/zone over compute/region if both configs were set. Now prioritizes using compute/region.


  • Added gcloud notebooks runtimes migrate command. This command migrates a Google-Managed Notebook to a Workbench Instance.
  • Added gcloud notebooks instances migrate command. This commands migrates a User-Managed Notebook to a Workbench Instance.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

452.0.1 (2023-10-25)

Google Cloud CLI

  • gcloud will prefer using a supported version of Python if one is available on PATH.
    • This only affects environments where gcloud does not already manage a Python interpreter via bundled Python or virtualenv.
    • Currently supported versions are 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.27.

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452.0.0 (2023-10-24)


  • Added deployment-group, enable-access-logging,audiences,allowed-issuers to gcloud ai index-endpoints deploy-index.
  • Added enable-private-service-connect, project-allowlist, encryption-kms-key-name to gcloud ai index-endpoints create.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Renamed --upgrade-control-plane flag of gcloud container vmware clusters create and gcloud container vmware clusters update to --upgrade-policy. Promoted --upgrade-policy flag to GA.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed Registry URL in the output of artifacts repositories describe.

Cloud BCE App Connector

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added --priority flag to gcloud bigtable app-profiles create and gcloud bigtable app-profiles update.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --cloud-preferred-zone to gcloud composer environments create to select preferred zone for sql database creation.
  • Added --storage-bucket to gcloud composer environments create to specify the Cloud Storage bucket to be used by the environment.
  • Added --storage-bucket to gcloud beta composer environments create to specify the Cloud Storage bucket to be used by the environment.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --driver-required-memory-mb and --driver-required-vcores flags to gcloud dataproc jobs submit.

Cloud Domains

Cloud IAM

  • Promoted optional --recommend flag to beta for the following command:
    • gcloud iam service-account delete

Cloud NetApp

  • Added gcloud beta netapp backup-vaults surface command, and made help text public.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted optional --recommend flag to beta for the following commands:
    • gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud projects delete

Cloud SQL

  • Support --ssl-mode flag for gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added the flags --autoscaling-min-nodes, --autoscaling-max-nodes, --autoscaling-min-processing-units, --autoscaling-max-processing-units, --autoscaling-high-priority-cpu-target and --autoscaling-storage-target to support creating an autoscaled instance in gcloud spanner instances create, or updating the autoscaling config of an instance in gcloud spanner instances update.

Cloud Storage

  • Releases storage operations command group for managing long-running operations. However, there is currently no way to create these operations.

Cloud TPU

  • Promote --add-tags, --clear-tags, and --remove-tags flags of gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm update to GA.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added config set workstations/region REGION, config set workstations/cluster CLUSTER_ID, config set workstations/config CONFIG_ID, and config set workstations/workstation WORKSTATIONS_ID commands.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted regional INTERNET_IP_PORT and INTERNET_FQDN_PORT Network Endpoint Groups in gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups to GA. Affected commands:
    • gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create
    • gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list-network-endpoints
    • gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update <RESOURCE_NAME> --add-endpoint
    • gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update <RESOURCE_NAME> --remove-endpoint
  • Promoted ENDPOINT_TYPE_MANAGED_PROXY_LB enum option of --endpoint-types flag in gcloud compute routers nats create to GA.
  • Added gcloud beta compute project-zonal-metadata for managing project zonal metadata. Documentation of this feature is available at
  • Promoted gcloud compute network-attachments update to GA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Increased the maximum number of test shards allowed for Arm virtual devices from 100 to 200 shards when using --num-uniform-shards or --test-targets-for-shard with gcloud firebase test android run.

Kubernetes Engine


  • Added gcloud notebooks runtimes migrate command. This command migrates a Google-Managed Notebook to a Workbench Instance.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

451.0.1 (2023-10-19)

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451.0.0 (2023-10-17)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Bump cryptography to 41.0.4 and pyopenssl to 23.2.0.

App Engine

  • Enable devappserver support for Python 3.12 runtime.

Assured Workloads

  • Added --acknowledge-type flag (optional) for gcloud assured workloads violations acknowledge to acknowledge violation with type through gcloud command.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --tier=ZONAL flag to gcloud filestore instances create to support a zonal filestore instance creation.

Cloud Run

  • Added volumes and volume mounts to gcloud run jobs describe, gcloud run jobs executions describe, and gcloud run jobs executions tasks describe.

Cloud SQL

  • Add new enum TLOG to --bak-type and added --stop-at and --stop-at-mark flag to gcloud sql import bak to support transaction log import on Cloud SQL for SQL Server.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gcloud storage sign-url to allow using service account credentials to create signed URLs. Omit --private-key-file flag to use the active service account or account specified with --impersonate-service-account flag.

Compute Engine

  • Added SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE_V2 to the list of --guest-os-features for gcloud compute images create.
  • Promoted gcloud compute backend-services list-usable to GA.
  • Updated gcloud compute images import to handle exceptions in case of failure in fetching the cloud build logs.
  • Updated gcloud compute images import to check the storage permissions required for cloud build service account.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.26.7 to 1.27.4.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.17)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.16)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.12)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.7)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.4)
  • Deprecate --enable-workload-config-audit, --enable-workload-vulnerability-scanning, and enable-security-posture flags in gcloud container clusters {create, create-auto, update}. The replacements for these are:
    • --enable-workload-config-audit -> --security-posture=standard
    • --enable-security-posture -> --security-posture=standard
    • --enable-workload-vulnerability-scanning -> --workload-vulnerability-scanning=standard
  • Added enterprise value to the available modes for --workload-vulnerability-scanning flag in the alpha and beta tracks.
  • Added --in-transit-encryption flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update.

Service Extensions

  • New commands for service-extensions resources - LbTrafficExtensions and LbRouteExtensions.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

450.0.0 (2023-10-10)


  • Promoted gcloud ai indexes upsert-datapoints and gcloud ai indexes remove-datapointsto GA.

App Engine

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilt cbt cli with go version 1.21.1 which fixed CVE-2023-39319.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilding cbt emulator with go version 1.21.1 which fixed CVE-2023-29409.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --triggerer-count to gcloud composer environments create/update to specify number of Airflow triggerers.
  • Added --triggerer-cpu to gcloud composer environments create/update to specify CPU allocated to Airflow triggerer.
  • Added --triggerer-memory to gcloud composer environments create/update to specify memory allocated to Airflow triggerer.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted Cloud Firestore PiTR gcloud CLI changes to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --enable-pitr and --no-enable-pitr flag of gcloud firestore databases create command to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-pitr and --no-enable-pitr flag of gcloud firestore databases create command to beta.
  • Promoted --enable-pitr and --no-enable-pitr flag of gcloud firestore databases update command to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-pitr and --no-enable-pitr flag of gcloud firestore databases update command to beta.

Cloud Run

  • Show container dependencies in gcloud run services describe and gcloud run revisions describe.

Cloud Storage

  • Added option to read from stdin to ls command.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --requested-features flag of gcloud compute interconnects create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec get-config to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec add-key to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec remove-key to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec update-key to GA.
  • Promoted the following flags of gcloud compute instance-groups managed create, gcloud compute instance-groups managed create-instance, and gcloud compute instance-groups managed instance-configs create to GA:
    • --stateful-internal-ip,
    • --stateful-external-ip.
  • Promoted the following flags of gcloud compute instance-groups managed update and gcloud compute instance-groups managed instance-configs update to GA:
    • --stateful-internal-ip,
    • --remove-stateful-internal-ips,
    • --stateful-external-ip,
    • --remove-stateful-external-ips.
  • Promoted --maintenance-interval flag for gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups perform-maintenance to beta.
  • Promoted --delete-at-time and --delete-after-durationflags forgcloud compute reservations create|update` surfaces to beta.

Database Migration

  • Added the ability to specify an empty password when creating MySQL connection profiles using gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create mysql command.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --endpoint-protocol flag to gcloud metastore services update to specify the Customer-managed KMS key name to use for encrypting the Dataproc Metastore service.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --lro-timeout flag for gcloud edge-cloud container clusters node-pools create and gcloud edge-cloud container clusters node-pools create to allow specifying a custom duration for the gcloud CLI to wait on LROs.


  • Fixed the issue of applying generated RBAC policies for third-party identities using the command gcloud container fleet memberships generate-gateway-rbac.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Modified local ssd count value of --ephemeral-storage-local-ssd, --ephemeral-storage, and --local-nvme-ssd-block flags from gcloud container cluster create/update to be optional to support third generation machine types, which specify a static count. Pre-Gen3 behavior is unchanged.

Network Services

  • Updated gcloud network-services gateways to show a new ipVersion field for alpha version.


  • Fixed issues with boot-disk-kms-key and data-disk-kms-key flags from gcloud workbench instances create command not working properly.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

449.0.0 (2023-10-03)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Modified gcloud beta compute future-reservations update to replace the paths query parameter with update_mask.

App Engine

  • Enable devappserver support for Go 1.21 runtime.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed a bug that caused Instance Flexibility Policy to be disabled if a user only specified --secondary-worker-machine-types in dataproc clusters create command for the secondary workers flags.

Cloud Functions

  • Updated gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding and gcloud functions remove-invoker-policy-binding to support Cloud Functions (1st gen).

Cloud Run

  • Show mounted volumes in gcloud run services describe and gcloud run revisions describe.
  • Updated display format for task timeout in gcloud run jobs describe and gcloud run jobs executions describe. Timeouts larger than 1 minute will now show the duration in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.26.
  • Resolved an issue where metadata flags were disregarded when interacting with the Google Cloud Storage and S3 XML APIs.

Cloud TPU

  • Promote --internal-ips flag of gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm update to GA.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --service-account-scopes flag to workstations configs create and workstations configs update.

Compute Engine

  • Added --public-delegated-prefix flag to gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes create and promoted the new flag to GA.
  • Added boot-disk-provisioned-throughput support to gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Add gcloud edge-cloud container get-server-configcommand with --location flag to get server config in target location.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-fleet flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto and gcloud container clusters update in GA track.
  • Added --fleet-project flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto and gcloud container clusters update in GA track.
  • Added --clear-fleet-project flag to gcloud container clusters update in GA track.
  • Added --resource-manager-tags flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container node-pools create, and gcloud container node-pools update to manage tags on the underlying Compute Engine VMs of GKE Nodes which can be used to selectively enforce Cloud Firewall network firewall policies.
  • Added --autoprovisioning-resource-manager-tags flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto, and gcloud container clusters update to manage tags on the underlying Compute Engine VMs of GKE Nodes which can be used to selectively enforce Cloud Firewall network firewall policies.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

448.0.0 (2023-09-26)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Cloud CLI) Deprecated Python 3.5-3.7. The minimum supported Python version is Python 3.8.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated Mac installer to prompt to install Python 3.10.11.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Promoted gcloud container vmware admin-clusters to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container vmware clusters to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container vmware node-pools to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container vmware operations to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container bare-metal admin-clusters to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container bare-metal clusters to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container bare-metal node-pools to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container bare-metal operations to GA.

App Engine

  • Fixed "".

Artifact Registry

  • Improved error reporting for artifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies.
  • Added Registry URL to the output of artifacts repositories describe.
  • Added VEX_SCOPE column to gcloud artifact vulnerabilities list results.

Cloud Deploy

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't create a release without clouddeploy.config.get permission.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added --parser-version flag to gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores create to enable specifying parser config version.
  • Updated gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores list to include PARSER_VER header.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --source-backup flag to gcloud beta netapp volumes {create,update} in order to introduce a source backup resource to restore to during disaster recovery.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added support for the replica zones flag in the beta workstations config create command.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --control-plane-kms-key flags to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create command to allow specify a KMS key for the control plane data encryption of remote control plane clusters.
  • Fixed parsing of new cluster creation properties --system-addons-confg, --external-lb-ipv4-address-pools, --control-plane-node-count, --control-plane-machine-filter, --control-plane-shared-deployment-policy, --version, --release-channel, --version, and --release-channel.


  • Added destination-http-endpoint-uri, destination-http-endpoint-forward-dns-requests and network-attachment flags to gcloud eventarc triggers create as part of Eventarc integration with Message Streams.

Network Security

  • New flag to add description for Firewall Endpoint in create and update commands.

Vmware Engine

  • Deprecated --node-type-config flag from gcloud vmware private-clouds clusters update command.
  • Added --update-nodes-config and --remove-nodes-config flags in gcloud vmware private-clouds clusters update command.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

447.0.0 (2023-09-19)

Breaking Changes

  • (GKE Hub) Removed gcloud {alpha, beta} fleet namespaces. Use gcloud fleet scopes namespaces instead.
  • (GKE Hub) Removed gcloud {alpha, beta} fleet namespaces rbacrolebindings. Use gcloud fleet scopes rbacrolebindings instead.
  • (Network Connectivity) Deprecated gcloud network-connectivity spokes accept and gcloud network-connectivity spokes reject commands. Use gcloud network-connectivity hubs accept-spoke and gcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke commands instead.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Improved post-processing times during gcloud components update and gcloud components install on macOS and Linux.
  • Fixed write permission check for gcloud auth enterprise-certificate-config create.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Added --vcenter-resource-pool, --vcenter-datastore, --vcenter-datacenter, --vcenter-cluster, --vcenter-folder, --vcenter-ca-cert-data, --vcenter-storage-policy-name to gcloud container vmware clusters create to specify vCenter configurations that are different from its admin cluster.

App Engine


  • Added flag --pae-encode-payload in command gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create to generate DSSE format attestations.
  • Added flag --dsse-type in command gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create to allow specifying the DSSE type for the attestations.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --secondary-worker-machine-types flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fixed a bug updating the backfill policy of a stream.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.18.2
    • Remove nanosecond precision of event timestamp in the Firestore eventarc integration(2nd gen).
    • Fix a bug to make emulator consistent with production for queries.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Updated gcloud memcache instances create command to include MEMCACHE_1_6_15 as an allowed value for memcached-version flag.
  • Promoted the command gcloud memcache instances upgrade to GA.

Cloud NetApp

  • Fixed a crash when creating NetApp snapshots, backup policies, backup vaults.

Cloud Storage

  • Added the storage/parallel_composite_upload_prefix config option, which allows adjusting the paths of temporary components created during composite uploads.

Cloud TPU

  • Promote gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm update command and its --description flag to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --purpose=global-managed-proxy flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create to GA.

  • Added 'STANDARD_WITH_GRAPHQL' enum value to gcloud compute security-policies update --json-parsing and promoted it to beta.

  • Added specific-then-any-reservation and specific-then-no-reservation to the flag --reservation-affinity for alpha and beta in:

    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances bulk create
    • gcloud compute instances-templates create

Database Migration

  • Added POSTGRES_15 database version option for --database-version flag to database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql.
  • Added server side SSL support using --ca-certificate flag in database-migration connection-profiles create oracle.
  • Added oracle connection update support via database-migration connection-profiles update oracle.


  • Updated kpt in Google Cloud CLI from 1.0.0-beta.43 to 1.0.0-beta.44.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-backup-restore flag to gcloud container clusters create-auto to allow enabling Backup for GKE agent on Autopilot clusters at creation time.

Network Connectivity

  • Added gcloud network-connectivity hubs accept-spoke and gcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke commands.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

446.0.1 (2023-09-14)

Cloud Run

  • Fixed race condition where tags could go to different Revisions than expected

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446.0.0 (2023-09-12)


  • Added the ability to specify a backup or source cluster using its full resource path when creating a restored cluster. This enables restoring across projects.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --instance-type flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the EC2 instance type of node pool nodes.


  • Added --external_source flag for dataset creation.
    • Updated bq show to display tags on a table.
    • Fixed an issue where a command could fail with little to no messaging. Other uncaught cases will need --debug_mode to get more information.
    • Fixed a bug when updating kms_key_name on a connection.
    • Improved logging for discovery doc load and authentication.
    • Utilized new python features with breaking changes for python 2.

Certificate Manager

  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs delete to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs describe to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs export to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs import to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs list to GA.

Cloud Billing

  • Added filter-resource-ancestors flag to gcloud billing budget CLI to include folders and organizations filter.

Cloud Composer

  • Added maintenance window flags for environment update:
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence
    • --clear-maintenance-window.

Cloud Dataplex

  • Added snake case support for dataplex datascans spec file.

Cloud Filestore

  • Updated --capacity flag description with High Scale tier capacity range.

Cloud Monitoring

  • Updated the format of gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes list <PROJECT_ID> to gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes list projects/<PROJECT_ID>.
  • Updated the format of gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create <PROJECT_ID> to gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create projects/<PROJECT_ID>.
  • Updated the format of gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes delete <PROJECT_ID> to gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes delete projects/<PROJECT_ID>.

Cloud NetApp

  • Add Standard service level to gcloud (alpha|beta) netapp storage-pools command group.
  • Removed explicit check on --volume in gcloud netapp volumes replications stop command.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for --cloudbuild-service-account flag for:

    • gcloud compute images import in GA;
    • gcloud compute instances import in GA;
    • gcloud compute machine_images import in GA.
  • Added alpha and beta versions of a new API named snapshot settings. Documentation of this feature will be available at following shortly after the release of this version of gcloud CLI.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --version and --release-channel flags to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create command to allow specifying the cluster version and release channel.
  • Promoted --system-addons-confg, --external-lb-ipv4-address-pools, --control-plane-node-count, --control-plane-machine-filter, --control-plane-shared-deployment-policy, --version, and --release-channel flags from ALPHA to GA.

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security server-tls-policies delete to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security server-tls-policies describe to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

445.0.0 (2023-09-06)

Breaking Changes

  • (GKE Hub) Removed --security-posture and --workload-vulnerability-scanning flags of gcloud container fleet and gcloud beta container fleet.
    • --security-posture and --workload-vulnerability-scanning flags are not supported yet.
  • (GKE Hub) Updated anthos-support and users flags to be mutually exclusive in adding groups support to gcloud container fleet memberships generate-gateway-rbac command.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Fixed issue where the gcloud CLI would crash on unknown platforms.
  • Added a warning that --update-adc is now deprecated for 1st-party user credentials and replaced by gcloud auth application-default login.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Promoted --enable-autorepair and --no-enable-autorepair of gcloud container aws node-pools create to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-autorepair and --no-enable-autorepair of gcloud container aws node-pools update to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-autorepair and --no-enable-autorepair of gcloud container azure node-pools create to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-autorepair and --no-enable-autorepair of gcloud container azure node-pools update to GA.
  • Added --admin-groups flag to gcloud container aws clusters create for setting groups as admins.
  • Added --admin-groups flag to gcloud container aws clusters update for setting groups as admins.
  • Added --admin-groups flag to gcloud container azure clusters create for setting groups as admins.
  • Added --admin-groups flag to gcloud container azure clusters update for setting groups as admins.
  • Added --admin-groups flag to gcloud container attached clusters create for setting groups as admins.
  • Added --admin-groups flag to gcloud container attached clusters register for setting groups as admins.
  • Added --admin-groups flag to gcloud container attached clusters update for setting groups as admins.
  • Added --proxy-secret-name and --proxy-secret-namespace flags to gcloud container attached clusters to configure an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for outbound traffic.
  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container aws clusters create to configure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.
  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to configure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.
  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container attached clusters register to configure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.
  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container attached clusters update to configure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.
  • Added --clear-admin-groups and --clear-admin-users flags to gcloud container attached clusters update to clear admin users and groups from the cluster.

Cloud Billing

Cloud Build

  • Modified gcloud builds submit to support submitting a build with 2nd-gen repository resource.
  • Added --dir and --revision flag in gcloud builds submit command.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added support to fail fast when using an unsupported Skaffold version in the create release command.
  • Added a new command deploy get-config which gets the config for the specified region and project.

Cloud Firestore

  • Added Firestore backups feature support to Alpha.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --restricted-actions flag to gcloud netapp volumes and gcloud beta netapp volumes during create and update.

Cloud Run

  • Added --dry_run flag to gcloud beta run services replace, which will validate the YAML service specification without applying it.
  • Modified the output format of gcloud run services describe and gcloud run revisions describe to support multiple containers.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --password-policy-disallow-compromised-credentials flag for gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to GA.

Cloud TPU

  • Fixed issue where gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm ssh is unable to login when project-level enable-oslogin:TRUE is configured and instance-level enable-oslogin is unset.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the flag of --instance-template-region to GA in gcloud compute instance-templates create.
  • Promoted the flag of --region to GA in:
    • gcloud compute instance-templates list
    • gcloud compute instance-templates delete
    • gcloud compute instance-templates describe.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --version and --release-channel flags to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create command to allow specifying the cluster version and release channel.


  • Updated gcloud container fleet memberships generate-gateway-rbac to include handling for first-party groups (email) and third-party groups of the format principalSet:// party group.


  • Updated kpt to v1.0.0-beta.43 release. Refer to release notes for more details.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Deprecate --enable-workload-config-audit, --enable-workload-vulnerability-scanning, and enable-security-posture flags in gcloud container clusters {create, create-auto, update}. The replacements for these are:
    • --enable-workload-config-audit -> --security-posture=standard
    • --enable-security-posture -> --security-posture=standard
    • --enable-workload-vulnerability-scanning -> --workload-vulnerability-scanning=standard
  • Added enterprise value to the available modes for --workload-vulnerability-scanning flag in the alpha and beta tracks.
  • Updated default kubectl from 1.27.4 to 1.27.5.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.17)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.17)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.13)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.8)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.5)
    • kubectl.1.28 (1.28.1)

Network Connectivity

  • Added gcloud network-connectivity hubs groups command group.
  • Added gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies update command.


  • Added --timeout-minutes to the following commands to allow specifying custom timeout for the diagnose operation.
    • gcloud notebooks instances diagnose
    • gcloud notebooks runtimes diagnose

Policy Troubleshooter

  • Promoted gcloud policy-intelligence troubleshoot-policy iam to GA.


  • Fixed workbench instances diagnose flags.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

444.0.0 (2023-08-22)


  • Added gcloud beta ai persistent-resources command group which supports creating and managing persistent resources for running custom training jobs.


  • Added flag --availability-type to specify availability-type for an instance to the following commands:

    • gcloud alloydb instances create
    • gcloud alloydb instances update
    • gcloud alloydb instances create-secondary
  • Added the following flags of gcloud alloydb instances create and gcloud alloydb instances update to alpha, beta and GA:

    • --ssl-mode
    • --require-connectors
  • Added flag --allocated-ip-range-name to specify the allocated IP range for a cluster to the following commands:

    • gcloud alloydb clusters create
    • gcloud alloydb clusters restore
    • gcloud alloydb clusters create-secondary

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --node-labels flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the labels assigned to node pool nodes.
  • Added --clear-node-labels flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to clear the labels assigned to node pool nodes.

App Engine


  • Added --quota_project_id flag to force the quota project of a request.

Cloud Billing

  • Promoted gcloud billing accounts and gcloud billing projects to GA.

Cloud Dataplex

  • Promoted resource-read-access-mode flag in assets command group to GA.
  • Added export-results-table flag in datascans create data-profile command.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --min-num-workers flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create.
  • Added gcloud beta dataproc sessions to create and manage Dataproc interactive sessions.
  • Added gcloud beta dataproc session-templates to create and manage Dataproc session templates.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added gcloud netapp operations and gcloud netapp locations command group.

Cloud Run

  • Added gcloud beta run jobs executions cancel to allow cancelling a running Cloud Run job execution.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted support for Standby Policy for gcloud compute instance-groups managed create in Alpha.
  • Promoted support for Standby Policy for gcloud compute instance-groups managed update in Alpha.
  • Promoted compute routers get-nat-ip-info to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute future-reservations command group to beta.


  • Added gcloud connectors command group. Commands in this group provide ways to interact with Integration Connectors resources.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted gcloud metastore operations cancel to GA.


  • Promoted GkeHub tenancy commands to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud container fleet methods to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud container fleet memberships bindings to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud container fleet scopes to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud container fleet scopes namespaces to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud container fleet scopes rbacrolebindings to GA.

Network Connectivity

  • Updated gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges to support overlap-existing-subnet-range enum value for --overlaps flag during create and update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

443.0.0 (2023-08-15)


  • Added --notification-channels flag to gcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update to allow sending alerts to notification channels.


  • Added option for --cpu-count=96 in instances create and instances update commands.
  • Added support for specifying --database-version in clusters create command in alpha and beta tracks.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Promoted --spot-instance-types flag of gcloud container aws node-pools create to GA.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Promoted gcloud vmware admin-clusters unenroll to beta.

Artifact Registry

  • Added --remote-apt-repo and --remote-apt-repo-path to gcloud artifacts repositories create to support Apt remote repos.
  • Added --remote-yum-repo and --remote-yum-repo-path to gcloud artifacts repositories create to support Yum remote repos.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud artifacts versions delete --delete-tags errors, when the package name has slashes.
  • Updated to use the project from URI of gcloud artifacts sbom export for requests.
  • Include InTotoSlsaProvenanceV1 in the process of computing SLSA build level.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted gcloud bigtable backups copy to beta and GA.

Cloud Build

  • Remove gcloud builds triggers create gitlab-enterprise command.

Cloud DNS

  • Added support to allow specifying Global internal Application load balancers as health checked targets for Routing Policies.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Promoted gcloud dataflow jobs update-options from beta to GA.

Cloud Deploy

  • Enable "Uniform Bucket Level Access" by default for the Cloud Storage buckets created in gcloud deploy releases create.

Cloud Domains

  • Added information about an agreement between Google and Squarespace, Inc. to Cloud Domains gcloud domains registrations command group.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Fixed issue with extracting packages from Go binaries with invalid dependency versions.

Cloud Storage

  • Fixed --uri flag for buckets list and objects list commands.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted AWS Origin Authentication in BackendService compute API to v1.
  • Added --managed-protection-tier flag to gcloud beta compute project-info update command.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --tpu-topology flag to gcloud container node-pools create for creating TPU node pools with a TPU topology. For more information on TPU topologies, see flag when create a cluster.
  • Added hugepage related options inside existing --system-config-from-file flag for users to configure hugepages to clusters/nodepools.

Network Management

  • Updated gcloud network-management connectivity-tests list command to print details about Google-managed endpoints, networks, and forwarding rules.
  • Updated help text for the ipAddress argument in gcloud network-management connectivity-tests to keep it consistent with the currently supported scenarios.


  • Fixed issue with metadata flag for gcloud workbench instances create.
  • Fixed issue with service-account-email flag for gcloud workbench instances create.
  • Fixed issue with machine_type flag for gcloud workbench instances update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

442.0.0 (2023-08-08)

Artifact Registry

  • Added an argument group of two flags allow-sbom-generation and disable-sbom-generation to gcloud artifacts repositories create, to set the SBOM generation config of the repository.
  • Added an argument group of two flags allow-sbom-generation and disable-sbom-generation to gcloud artifacts repositories update, to set the SBOM generation config of the repository.
  • Added gcloud artifacts sbom export command to export SBOM into Google Cloud Storage.
  • Added gcloud artifacts sbom list command to list SBOMs.
  • Added gcloud artifacts sbom load command to upload a custom SBOM for an artifact.
  • Added gcloud artifacts vulnerabilities load-vex command to upload a vex statement.
  • Added gcloud artifacts vulnerabilities list command to list vulnerabilities for an artifact.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms os-images list to GA.


  • Fixed a bug in discovery doc load when caching is used.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash in some common actions like bq show.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added gcloud beta dataflow jobs update-options which updates properties of running dataflow jobs.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added MEMCACHED_VERSION field to the output of the command gcloud memcache instances list to specify memcached version of the instance.

Cloud Run

  • Added --network, --subnet, --network-tags, --clear-network and --clear-network-tags flags to the following commands to allow enabling or disabling Direct VPC egress for a Cloud Run service or job:
    • gcloud beta run deploy
    • gcloud beta run services update
    • gcloud beta run jobs create
    • gcloud beta run jobs deploy
    • gcloud beta run jobs update
  • Added --args, --task-timeout, --tasks and --update-env-vars flags to gcloud beta run jobs execute to allow executing a Cloud Run job with runtime overrides.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --enable-private-service-connect, --allowed-psc-projects and --clear-allowed-psc-projects flags to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to support Private Service Connect for Cloud SQL.
  • Added gcloud sql instances reencrypt, which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instance with the current primary key version.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys lookup to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for version=12 and short-name=debian in --os-types for gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].
  • Promoted --auto-network-tier flag of gcloud compute routers nats create and gcloud compute routers nats update to GA.
  • Added --local-ssd-recovery-timeout to specify the timeout to recover Local SSD to GA for:
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create
    • gcloud compute instances bulk create
    • gcloud compute instances set-scheduling
    • gcloud compute instances update-from-file
  • Added gcloud compute security-policies add/remove-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config.
  • Added --maintenance-interval to specify the frequency of planned maintenance events to beta for:
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create
  • Promoted --resource-policies flag for glcloud compute commitments createto to beta.
  • Promoted --resource-policies flag for glcloud compute commitments createto to GA.

Database Migration

  • Modified gcloud database-migration connection-profiles --help to specify what the host field value should be when --psc-service-attachment is also specified.
  • Added --edition to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql to allow creating a connection profile with the edition of the given Cloud SQL instance.
  • Added skip-validation param to gcloud database-migration migration-jobs start and gcloud database-migration migration-jobs restart to allow starting/restarting migration jobs without running validations.


  • Updated kpt in Google Cloud CLI from 1.0.0-beta.37 to 1.0.0-beta.41.

Kubernetes Engine

  • flag when create a cluster.
  • Fixed issue of gcloud container cluster update --dataplane-v2-observability-mode resetting dataplane-v2-metrics to false.
  • Updated help-text by adding hyperdisk types to --disk-type choices.

Network Management

  • Added forwardingRule argument for destination in gcloud network-management connectivity-tests. This allows the user to run tests using a Forwarding Rule endpoint as a source.

Network Security

  • Added labels support for Security Profile create, add-override, delete-override and update-override commands.


  • Added a list command for locations that lists all locations.


  • Added support for --batch-mode-priority flag when creating a new job.


  • Log info about agent delete delays.
  • Fix bug for users mounting root with --mount-directories.


  • Added gcloud workbench instances rollback to rollback workbench instances.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

441.0.0 (2023-08-01)

Artifact Registry

  • Include InTotoSlsaProvenanceV1 in the provenance output of gcloud artifacts docker images describe when using --show-provenance flag.
  • Deprecated artifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies --overwrite. The overwrite action is now the default behavior.


  • Fixed bug where local discovery docs were not loaded locally.
  • Added file_set_spec_type flag to support manifest Files in load jobs and external tables.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Updated --transactional-writes behavior in gcloud bigtable app-profile update to no longer silently disable transactional writes, if not specified. --no-transactional-writes must be used to disable transactional writes, as opposed to the previous behavior, which only required omitting --transactional-writes.

Cloud Build

  • Fixed issue where gcloud builds triggers update pubsub command returned invalid request when not providing pubsub topic.

Cloud Composer

  • Fixed an issue where using comments in the requirements.txt file broke updating Python packages.

Cloud Dataplex

  • Promoted datascans command group to GA.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added gcloud kms raw-encrypt and gcloud kms raw-decrypt commands to support raw symmetric encryption algorithms AES-128-GCM, AES-256-GCM, AES-128-CBC, AES-256-CBC, AES-128-CTR, and AES-256-CTR.

Cloud NetApp

  • Removed some extra fields in gcloud {beta, alpha} netapp {storage-pools, volumes, kms-configs} list due to messy output when too many fields.

Cloud Storage

  • Fixed behavior when preserving both symlinks and POSIX metadata on an OS with limited symlink support.
  • Fixed an issue clobbering an existing file on download if the file is a broken symlink.
  • Fixed an issue causing some hidden files to be skipped or transferred multiple times.
  • Added name field to objects and buckets list and describe commands.
  • Added bucket field to objects list and describe commands.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --enable-nested-virtualization flag to gcloud workstations configs to enable nested virtualization on new or existing Cloud Workstation Configurations.

Compute Engine

  • Added new ENDPOINT_TYPE_MANAGED_PROXY_LB enum option to --endpoint-types flag of gcloud compute routers nats create in beta.
  • Promoted any-single-zone target distribution shape for regional managed instance groups to GA.
  • Promoted regional INTERNET_IP_PORT and INTERNET_FQDN_PORT Network Endpoint Groups in gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups to beta. Affected commands:
    • gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create - support for Internet NEG types in regional scopes
    • gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list-network-endpoints
    • gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update <RESOURCE_NAME> --add-endpoint
    • gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update <RESOURCE_NAME> --remove-endpoint
  • Update replica-zones support --create-disk=replica-zones for gcloud compute instance-templates create.
  • Promoted --purpose=global-managed-proxy flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create to beta.

Database Migration

  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces describe-ddls which describes DDLs in a Database Migration Service conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces describe-issues which describes issues in a Database Migration Service conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migration migration-jobs create to allow creating a migration job with a dump parallelization level.
  • Added gcloud database-migration migration-jobs update to allow configuring a migration job with a dump parallelization level.
  • Added --allocated-ip-range to gcloud connection-profiles create cloudsql to allow using an allocated subnet range when creating the destination Cloud SQL instance with a private connection.


  • Updated gcloud container fleet memberships generate-gateway-rbac to include handling for third-party principals of the format principal:// party user.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated default kubectl from 1.25.11 to 1.26.7.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.17)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.16)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.12)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.7)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.4)
  • Removed prerequisite for using --enable-master-global-access

Network Connectivity

  • Updated gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges update to support setting and clearing overlaps.

Network Security

  • Added labels support for Security Profile Group create and update commands.

Policy Simulator

  • Added gcloud beta policy-intelligence simulate orgpolicy which runs a Simulation for OrgPolicy.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Fixed issue where messages may not be delivered in order when using unary pull.


  • Added gcloud workbench to manage workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances add-iam-policy-binding to add iam policy for workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances delete to delete workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances describe to describe workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances get-iam-policy to get the iam policy for workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances remove-iam-policy-binding to remove the iam policy binding for workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances set-iam-policy to set the iam policy for workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances reset to reset workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances stop to stop workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances start to start workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances diagnose to diagnose workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances upgrade to upgrade workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances check-instance-upgradability to check upgradability of workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances create to create workbench instances.
  • Added gcloud workbench instances update to update workbench instances.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

440.0.0 (2023-07-25)

Cloud Build

  • Updated help text for --comment-control flag in gcloud builds triggers bitbucket-server, gcloud builds triggers gitlab and gcloud builds triggers gitlab-enterprise to describe the allowed values.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-high-resilience to gcloud composer environments update to enable high resilience mode for environments.
  • Added --disable-high-resilience to gcloud composer environments update to disable high resilience mode for environments.

Cloud DNS

  • Added support to allow specifying regional L7 forwarding rules as health checked targets for Routing Policies.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added support for --stream-configs and --send-for-bulk-import flags to the following commands:
    • gcloud healthcare dicom-stores create
    • gcloud healthcare dicom-stores update
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores list
    • gcloud healthcare dicom-stores list

Cloud NetApp

  • Added LOCATION to fields to be listed in structured output during gcloud beta netapp volumes list.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added a warning when --push-auth-token-audience and --push-auth-service-account flags are ignored due to missing dependent flags in gcloud pubsub subscriptions [create|update|modify-push-config] commands.

Cloud Storage

  • Modified buckets create so that multiple buckets can be created with a single command.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --service-lb-policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to beta.
  • Promoted --type flag of gcloud compute routers nats create to beta.
  • Promoted --source-nat-active-ranges, --source-nat-active-ranges-region, --source-nat-drain-ranges, --clear-source-nat-drain-ranges and --source-nat-drain-ranges-region flags of gcloud compute routers nats rule update to beta.
  • Promoted --source-nat-active-ranges and --source-nat-active-ranges-region flags of gcloud compute routers nats rule create to beta.
  • Promoted new allowed value: PRIVATE_NAT for --purpose flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create to beta.
  • Promoted new :ALL range option for subnets passed to --nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges flag of gcloud compute routers nats (create|update).
  • Promoted --security-profile-group and --[no-]tls-inspect flags for gcloud compute <network->firewall-policies rules <create|update> to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute resource-policies update snapshot-schedule to GA.
  • Promoted --force-update-on-repair flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create | update> to GA.
  • Promoted --confidential-compute flag of gcloud compute disks create to beta.
  • Promoted --create-disk=confidential-compute for gcloud compute instances create to beta.

Container Registry

  • Fixed gcloud container images describe for repos in Artifact Registry.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated broken links in gcloud container get-credentials help text.
  • Added --network-performance-configs=total-egress-bandwidth-tier=[DEFAULT|TIER_1] to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to allow setting default network performance tier for new node-pools. See gcloud container node-pools create.
  • Added --enable-multi-networking to gcloud container clusters create and added --additional-node-network and --additional-pod-network to gcloud container node-pools create to allow creation of multi-networking enabled clusters with additional node and pod networks.
  • Added --placement-policy flag to gcloud container clusters create command.
  • Added --placement-policy flag to gcloud container node-pools create command.
  • Disabled --enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port flag.
  • Updated help-text by removing --release-channel=NONE option for gcloud container create-auto. This option is not available for create-auto since Autopilot cluster must be subscribed to a release-channel.


  • Added support for --optimization flag when creating a new job.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

439.0.0 (2023-07-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Renamed --binauthz-policy to --binauthz-policy-bindings in gcloud beta container clusters commands.

App Engine

Assured Workloads

  • Added --partner-permissions flag (optional) for gcloud assured workloads create command to enable setting the partner permissions parameter for creation of partner workload (workload managed by local trusted partners) through gcloud command.


  • Updated bundled discovery docs to revision 20230614.
  • Fixed bug stopping httplib2_debuglevel from being used.
  • Added file_set_spec_type flag to support manifest Files in load jobs and external tables.
  • Added destination_kms_key to create / update transfer configs.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added --change-stream-retention-period flag to gcloud bigtable instances tables create and gcloud bigtable instances tables update.
  • Added --clear-change-stream-retention-period flag to gcloud bigtable instances tables update.
  • Rebuilt with golang 1.20.6 to address CVEs present in prior versions.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilt with golang 1.20.6 to address multiple CVEs in prior versions of golang.
  • Added support for reverse scans.

Cloud Build

  • Promoted gcloud builds triggers update to GA.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fixed issue where creating an oracle profile with streamLargeObjects field returned an error.

Cloud Functions

  • Updated gcloud functions deploy to prompt to allow unauthenticated invocations for new 2nd gen functions before deploying. This aligns with the behavior for new 1st gen functions.

Cloud IAM

  • Added --web-sso-additional-scopes flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allows specification of additional OIDC scopes for web sign-in.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --reserved-ip-range-id flag to gcloud memcache instances create to allow specifying named allocations while creating an instance.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --push-no-wrapper and --push-no-wrapper-write-metadata flags of gcloud pubsub subscriptions [create|update|modify-push-config] to GA. Adds the ability to set and update payload unwrapping properties for push subscriptions. For more information, see the

Cloud SQL

  • Added --[no-]recreate-replicas-on-primary-crash flag to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to enable/disable replica recreation when a Mysql primary instance operating in reduced durability mode crashes.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --priority flag to gcloud spanner databases execute-sql to allow setting request priority for the query to convey the relative importance of workloads.

Cloud Storage

  • Fixed gcloud storage buckets update --clear-log-bucket behavior so it now clears the entire logging configuration.
  • Promoted gcloud storage du command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud storage hmac command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud sign-url command to GA.
  • Standardized resource format for describe and list commands across API providers. Use --raw flag to get the old API-specific format.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --custom-learned-route-priority and --set-custom-learned-route-ranges flags of gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer to GA.
  • Promoted --custom-learned-route-priority, --set-custom-learned-route-ranges, --add-custom-learned-route-ranges and --remove-custom-learned-route-ranges flags of gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer to GA.
  • Promoted --http-keep-alive-timeout-sec flag for gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> <create|update> to GA.
  • Promoted --clear-http-keep-alive-timeout-sec flag for gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> update to GA.
  • Added --local-ssd-recovery-timeout to specify the timeout to recover Local SSD to beta for:
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create
    • gcloud compute instances bulk create
    • gcloud compute instances set-scheduling
    • gcloud compute instances update-from-file
  • Added --requested-features flag to gcloud compute interconnects create to allow requesting MACSec support for an Interconnect.
  • Promoted --requested-features flag of gcloud compute interconnects create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec get-config to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec update to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec add-key to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec remove-key to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute interconnects macsec update-key to allow updating MACSec pre-shared keys.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects macsec update-key to beta.
  • Custom machine type validation in regional gcloud compute instances bulk create command has been fixed.


  • Promoted gcloud container fleet fleetobservability to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated broken links in gcloud container get-credentials help text.
  • Added --enable-dataplane-v2-metrics and --dataplane-v2-observability-mode flags to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto and gcloud container clusters update.

Network Security

  • Updated import/export schema for gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies with new fields in beta.
  • Security Profile Groups and Security Profiles only supports global location. --location flag now takes default global as location.
  • Updated Firewall Endpoint Associations resource to accept TLS inspection policy with an optional flag.

Security Command Center

  • Add deprecation notices to gcloud scc assets commands which are being deprecated in favor of Cloud Asset Inventory APIs.


  • Added gcloud workbench to manage workbench instances.

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438.0.0 (2023-07-11)

Breaking Changes

  • (AI) Modified gcloud ai index-endpoints create to create public endpoint by default. Set --network flag to create private endpoint.
  • (Cloud IAM) Make --web-sso-response-type and --web-sso-assertion-claims-behaviorflag required in gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc.
  • (Stackdriver Debugger) Deleted gcloud deploy. Cloud Debugger is deprecated and was shut down May 31, 2023. For more information, see

Artifact Registry

  • Added artifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies.
  • Added artifacts repositories list-cleanup-policies.
  • Added artifacts repositories delete-cleanup-policies.

Backup For GKE

  • Added the following flags to gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans create and gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update to expand cluster resource restore scope options:
    • --cluster-resource-scope-all-group-kinds
    • --cluster-resource-scope-selected-group-kinds
    • --cluster-resource-scope-excluded-group-kinds
    • --cluster-resource-scope-no-group-kinds
  • Deprecated --cluster-resource-restore-scope. Use --cluster-resource-selected-group-kinds instead.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans create and gcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update to expand namespaced resourced restore scope options:
    • --no-namespaces
    • --excluded-namespaces

Cloud Build

  • Add E2_MEDIUM machine type.
  • Promoted gcloud builds connections and gcloud builds repositories to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud builds triggers create gitlab to GA.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore emulator v2.3.1
    • Fixed bug which caused /reset to never return a response.

Cloud Functions

  • Added warning and prompting to gcloud functions get-iam-policy and gcloud functions remove-iam-policy-binding about needing to bind the roles/run.invoker role for 2nd gen functions.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added --stream-configs flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores create
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores update

Cloud IAM

  • Added --client-secret-value flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to setup client secret for authorization code flow.
  • Added --clear-client-secret flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to clear client secret setup for authorization code flow.
  • Added code as value for --web-sso-response-type flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to setup authorization code flow.
  • Added merge-user-info-over-id-token-claims as value for --web-sso-assertion-claims-behavior flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc which allow user to merge the UserInfo Endpoint Claims with ID Token Claims, preferring UserInfo Claim Values for the same Claim Name.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --cloud-storage-bucket, --cloud-storage-file-prefix, --cloud-storage-file-suffix, --cloud-storage-max-bytes, --cloud-storage-max-duration, --cloud-storage-output-format and --cloud-storage-write-metadata flags of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to GA. Adds the ability to set Cloud Storage configuration options in Cloud Pub/Sub subscriptions. For more information, see the
  • Promoted --cloud-storage-bucket, --cloud-storage-file-prefix, --cloud-storage-file-suffix, --cloud-storage-max-bytes, --cloud-storage-max-duration, --cloud-storage-output-format, --cloud-storage-write-metadata, and --clear-cloud-storage-config flags of gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to GA. Adds the ability to update Cloud Storage configuration options in Cloud Pub/Sub subscriptions. For more information, see the

Cloud SQL

  • Added gcloud sql operations cancel to cancel an operation running on a Cloud SQL instance.
  • Added edition and enable-data-cache flags to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to support Edition and Data Cache.
  • Added show-edition flag to gcloud sql instances list and gcloud sql tiers list to display Edition.

  • Added --password-policy-disallow-compromised-credentials flag to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch for ALPHA and BETA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.25.
  • Fix a bug preventing nested directory symlinks from being preserved when uploading a directory recursively.

Cloud Workstations

  • Updated --machine-type flag for configs command to accept any string.

Compute Engine

  • Added 23.04 to allowed list of values for --version of gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].
  • Promote --instance-kms-key flag of gcloud compute instance create to GA.
  • Promoted --preference flag of gcloud compute backend-services add-backend and gcloud compute backend-services update-backend to beta.
  • Added --allow-cidr-routes-overlap flag to gcloud beta compute networks subnets update command.
  • Added SEV_SNP_CAPABLE to the list of guestOsFeatures.
  • Added support for clearing fields to gcloud beta compute security-policies remove-user-defined-field and gcloud beta compute security-policies rules update.


  • Modified gcloud container fleet memberships register command to validate that the --manifest-output-file flag is only used with the --install-connect-agent flag.


  • Updated kpt in Google Cloud CLI from 1.0.0-beta.35 to 1.0.0-beta.37.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added new kubedns option to --cluster-dns to allow KubeDNS to be explicitly specified as the cluster DNS provider.
  • Added GcsFuseCsiDriver option to --addons flag of gcloud container clusters create to enable the Cloud Storage FUSE Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • Added GcsFuseCsiDriver option to --update-addons flag of gcloud container clusters update to enable/disable the Cloud Storage FUSE Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • Updated default kubectl from 1.25.9 to 1.25.11.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.17)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.15)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.11)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.6)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.3)

Network Connectivity

  • Added gcloud network-connectivity hubs add-iam-policy-binding, gcloud network-connectivity hubs remove-iam-policy-binding, gcloud network-connectivity hubs get-iam-policy, and gcloud network-connectivity hubs set-iam-policy commands.
  • Added gcloud network-connectivity hubs list-spokes command which supports listing all spokes associated with a hub.
  • Added gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables command group which supports listing and describing route tables.
  • Added gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes command group which supports listing and describing routes.
  • Added gcloud network-connectivity spokes accept and gcloud network-connectivity spokes reject commands.
  • Added --global flag to gcloud network-connectivity spokes delete, gcloud network-connectivity spokes describe, and gcloud network-connectivity spokes list commands.
  • Added gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network command group which supports creating and updating VPC spokes.

Network Security

  • Added gcloud network-security firewall-endpoint-associations update to alpha and beta. This command updates the labels and TLS inspection policy of Cloud Firewall Plus associations.

Network Services

  • Promoted gcloud network-services service-lb-policies to beta.


  • Added --skip-billing-check to recaptcha keys migrate. If usage is under the free quota, the billing check can be safely skipped.


  • Added list insight-types to beta for recommender surface.
  • Added list recommenders to beta for recommender surface.
  • Updated list insights to use beta list insight-types command.
  • Updated list recommendations to use beta list recommenders command.

Security Command Center

  • Updated gcloud scc findings documentation to fix an invalid finding id used in examples.

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437.0.1 (2023-06-30)

Cloud Storage

  • Reverted change that broke gcloud storage cp with relative path characters.

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437.0.0 (2023-06-27)

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Modified gcloud container aws node-pools list and gcloud container azure node-pools list to fetch server configurations and to give a warning when any of the node pools are running an end-of-life version.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Updated the output of gcloud artifacts docker images describe to include SBOM location information.
  • Added flag --show-sbom-references to gcloud artifacts docker images describe to list SBOM reference occurrences.
  • Updated the output of gcloud artifacts docker images describe with flag --show-all-metadata to include SBOM reference occurrences.
  • Added Go as an option of --repository-format flag of gcloud artifacts repositories create to create Go repositories.
  • Added gcloud artifacts go upload command to upload Go modules.

Cloud Bigtable

  • The maximum retention period for a Cloud Bigtable backup has been increased from 30 days to 90 days, giving you more robust data protection and data quality control. For more information on how Bigtable backups work, see

Cloud Build

  • Added gcloud beta builds connections create gitlab and gcloud beta builds connections update gitlab.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --tier=ZONAL flag to gcloud beta filestore instances create to support a zonal filestore instance creation.

Cloud NetApp

  • Removed a print statement that led to messy output during gcloud beta netapp volumes replications create.

Cloud SQL

  • Added gcloud beta sql instances reencrypt, which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instance with the current primary key version in beta.

Cloud Storage

  • Release rsync command

Compute Engine

  • Gcloud compute will now retry two times if its follow-up Operations.Wait|Get requests return 503 error.


  • Added gcloud container fleet memberships support-access which allows users to manage Support access.

Network Security

  • Added gcloud network-security firewall-endpoints update to alpha and beta. This command updates the labels of Cloud Firewall Plus endpoints.


  • Removed gcloud recaptcha firewallpolicies surface and all commands within. Please use gcloud recaptcha firewall-policies instead.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

436.0.0 (2023-06-21)


  • Promoted AlloyDB Inject Fault commands to GA track. Modified commands include: alloydb instances inject-fault.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Modified gcloud container aws node-pools describe and gcloud container azure node-pools describe to fetch server configurations and to give a warning when the nodepool is running an end-of-life version.
  • Modified gcloud container aws clusters list and gcloud container azure clusters list to fetch server configurations and to give a warning when any of the clusters are running an end-of-life version.


  • Promoted Batch submit job optional prefix feature to beta and GA.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added new --deploy-parameters to gcloud deploy releases create command. When used, deploy parameters will be set for the release.
  • Added gcloud deploy rollouts advance, gcloud deploy rollouts cancel, gcloud deploy rollouts ignore-job, and gcloud deploy job-runs terminate commands for the Deployment Strategies GA launch.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.18.1
    • Added a new emulator configuration to start with experimental mode.

Cloud Functions

  • Fixed issue where gcloud functions deploy could fail in certain cases if the caller was missing permissions to get the project IAM policy.

Cloud IAM

  • Added flags --folder and --organization to gcloud beta services identity create.
    • Support folder and organization level service agents creation, in addition to project level service agents.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added --force parameter to gcloud beta netapp volumes replications stop to force stop a replication during a data transfer.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --preferred-zone flag to gcloud sql instances clone --point-in-time to support point in time recovery to a specified zone for PostgreSQL.
  • Added gcloud sql instances get-latest-recovery-time command to get the latest recovery time for a PostgreSQL instance.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted spanner databases update command to beta and GA tracks.

Cloud Storage

  • Fixed issue where certain gcloud storage commands would fail to load when the PATH environment variable was not set.

Cloud Workstations

  • Promoting workstations, workstations configs, and workstations clusters commands to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --instance-kms-key flag of gcloud compute instance create to beta.
  • Promoted --max-count-per-zone flag of gcloud compute instances bulk create to v1. Flag defines maximum number of instances that can be created per zone for regional bulk insert.
  • Promoted disk-consistency-group argument of gcloud compute resource-policies create to GA.
  • Promoted --primary-disk, --primary-disk-project, --primary-disk-region, and --primary-disk-zone of gcloud compute disks create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks start-async-replication to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks stop-async-replication to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks stop-group-async-replication to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks bulk create to GA.
  • Added deny as a choice for --action and--exceed-action of gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --sole-tenant-node-affinity-file flag to gcloud container node-pools create for creating node pools backed by sole tenant node groups. For more information see
  • Added --security-posture and --workload-vulnerability-scanning flags to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto, and gcloud container clusters update for controlling GKE Security Posture features.

  • Added --workload-policies flag to gcloud container clusters create-auto and gcloud container clusters update for enabling NET_ADMIN privilege. Added --remove-workload-policies flag to gcloud container clusters update for disabling NET_ADMIN privilege.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

435.0.1 (2023-06-14)

Cloud Firestore

  • Removed the --enable-pitr flag from gcloud firestore databases <create|update> which was causing firestore database creation failures.

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435.0.0 (2023-06-13)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Modified quota exceeded errors to show future limit and rollout status information to user in addition to original error message.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Modified gcloud container aws clusters describe and gcloud container azure clusters describe to fetch server configurations and to give a warning when the cluster is running an end-of-life version.
  • Added --root-volume-throughput flag to gcloud container aws clusters and gcloud container aws node-pools to support customizable EBS root volume throughput.
  • Added --main-volume-throughput flag to gcloud container aws clusters create to support customizable EBS main volume throughput.
  • Added --disable-per-node-pool-sg-rules flag to gcloud container aws clusters create and gcloud container aws clusters update to disable the default security group rules provisioned for each node pool.
  • Added --enable-per-node-pool-sg-rules flag to gcloud container aws container clusters update to re-enable the default security group rules provisioned for each node pool.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Add ability to count rows for a prefix.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --kms-key flag to gcloud filestore backups create, which allows an Enterprise or High Scale backup to be created that is encrypted with a CMEK key." => "which creates a backup with an associated customer-managed encryption key (CMEK). Only available for Enterprise or High Scale tier instances.
  • Added --instance-location flag to gcloud filestore backups create, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to restore Basic HDD, Basic SSD, and Enterprise tier backups.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --docker-repository, --kms-key, clear-docker-repository, and --clear-kms-key flags of gcloud functions deploy --gen2 to GA, which bring CMEK support for Cloud Functions 2nd Gen.

Cloud NetApp

  • Added gcloud beta netapp group which includes gcloud beta netapp storage-pools, gcloud beta netapp volumes, gcloud beta netapp active-directories, gcloud beta netapp kms-configs, gcloud beta netapp locations, gcloud beta netapp operations, gcloud beta netapp volumes snapshots, and gcloud beta netapp volumes replications.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run services proxy to GA. This command allows you to proxy a service or a revision to localhost. Requests will be authenticated as the current SDK account, or with a provided token.

Cloud TPU

  • Fixed bug so that gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm ssh respects instance preference of setting enable-oslogin to false.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted source-instant-snapshot flag of gcloud compute disks create to beta.
  • Promoted --source-instant-snapshot, --source-instant-snapshot-zone and --source-instant-snapshot-region flags of gcloud compute snapshots create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots delete to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots describe to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots list to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instant-snapshots add-labels to beta.
  • Fixed bug in handling quota exceeded error with gcloud compute commitments create command.
  • Added force-attach support to gcloud compute instances create.
  • Added --recaptcha-action-site-keys and --recaptcha-session-site-keys to gcloud beta compute security-policies rules create|update.
  • Added --network-user-defined-fields, --network-src-ip-ranges, --network-dest-ip-ranges, --network-ip-protocols, --network-src-ports, --network-dest-ports, --network-src-region-codes, and --network-src-asns to gcloud beta compute security-policies rules create|update.
  • Added gcloud beta compute security-policies add-user-defined-fields and gcloud beta compute security-policies remove-user-defined-fields commands.
  • Added --security-policy and --security-policy-region to gcloud beta compute instances network-interfaces update.
  • Added gcloud beta compute target-pools update and gcloud beta compute target-instances update commands.


  • Updated kpt in Google Cloud CLI from 1.0.0-beta.34 to 1.0.0-beta.35.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Undeprecated and unhid --logging and --monitoring flags from gcloud container clusters create-auto.

  • Added a new command gcloud container clusters check-autopilot-compatibility which returns a list of autopilot compatibility issues of the given cluster.

Vmware Engine

  • Added commands for managing resources:

    • Private connections:
    • Added commands to perform CRUD
    • Retrieving exchanged routes

    • Subnets:

    • Added commands to describe and update a subnet

    • Private clouds:

    • Added ability to create a time limited PC

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434.0.0 (2023-06-06)


  • Promote Continuous Backups related commands to the GA track, which include changes to gcloud alloydb clusters create, gcloud alloydb clusters update and gcloud alloydb clusters restore.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Modified gcloud container vmware admin-clusters list. When specifying --location=-, or when both --location and gcloud configuration container_vmware/location are not specified, return admin clusters in all locations of the specified project.

Cloud Functions

  • Updated gcloud functions logs read to read function logs from both 1st gen and 2nd gen functions when no function name is provided unless --gen2 or --no-gen2 is set.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promoted gcloud kms inventory which allows viewing and tracking of keys across cloud resources.

Cloud Logging

  • Promoted --custom-writer-identity flag of gcloud logging sinks create to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --custom-writer-identity flag of gcloud logging sinks update to beta and GA.

Compute Engine

  • Updated the Interconnect attachment Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP) IPv6 fields to be unavailable.
  • Added --size flag to gcloud compute disks update to support size update.
  • Added hyperdisk-balanced support to gcloud compute disks create and gcloud compute instances create.
  • Added --per-instance-hostnames flag to gcloud compute instances bulk create for alpha and beta.
  • Promoted --http-keep-alive-timeout-sec flag for gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> <create|update> and --clear-http-keep-alive-timeout-sec flag for gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> update to beta.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted --endpoint-protocol flag to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-fqdn-network-policy flag to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container clusters update.


  • Added a list command for insights that lists all available insight types.
  • Added a list command for recommenders that lists all available recommenders.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

433.0.1 (2023-06-1)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Disabled self-signed jwt usage for service accounts.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

433.0.0 (2023-05-31)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Run) Added --[no-]async flags to gcloud run jobs delete and gcloud run jobs executions delete with a default value of --no-async. Changed these two commands to wait for delete operation by default.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Fixed issue where running the install script from within the root google-cloud-sdk directory would crash with an unactionable error when new versions of certain components were made available prior to installation.


  • Promoted AlloyDB Cross Region Replication commands to GA track. Modified commands include: alloydb clusters create-secondary, alloydb clusters promote, alloydb instances create-secondary.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Modified gcloud container bare-metal admin-clusters list. When specifying --location=-, or when both --location and gcloud configuration container_bare_metal/location are not specified, return admin clusters in all locations of the specified project.

Artifact Registry

  • Updated the output of gcloud artifacts docker images list with flag --show-occurrences to include SBOM reference occurrences.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added --publishing-encoding-format flag to gcloud privateca pools create and gcloud privateca pools update to allow users to optionally publish DER encoded CA certificates and CRLs to Google Cloud Storage buckets.

Cloud Build

  • Added flag to specify substitutions in gcloud builds triggers run.
  • Modified --branch, --tag, --sha flags to be optional in gcloud builds triggers run command.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-high-resilience to gcloud composer environments create to create environments with high resilience mode.
  • Added gcloud composer environments database-failover to manually run a database failover for environments with high resilience enabled.
  • Added gcloud composer environments fetch-database-properties to fetch airflow database properties for Composer environments.

Cloud Logging

  • Added logging_service_account_id to settings describe response.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --no-recovery, --bak-type and --recovery-only flags to gcloud sql import bak and added --bak-type and --differential-base flags to gcloud sql export bak to enable the differential import/export feature for SQL Server.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added --accelerator-type and --accelerator-count flags to gcloud beta workstations configs create.

Compute Engine

  • Fixed bug in handling quota exceeded error with gcloud compute commitments create command.
  • Added --region flag to gcloud beta compute security-policies rules commands.
  • Deprecated --no-client-ttl and --no-max-ttl arguments of gcloud compute [backend-services|backend-buckets] [create|update].


  • Updated kpt in Google Cloud CLI from 1.0.0-beta.33 to 1.0.0-beta.34.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-best-effort-provision and --min-provision-nodes to gcloud container node-pools create to turn on best effort provisioning for node pool creation.

Network Security

  • Added network-security firewall-endpoint-associations commands to manage Cloud Firewall Plus endpoint associations, and promoted them to beta.
  • Promoted commands under gcloud network-security address-groups to GA.
  • Promoted commands under gcloud network-security org-address-groups to GA.

Security Command Center

  • Added gcloud topic datetimes support for gcloud scc command group timestamp and duration flags.


  • Added --docker-network flag to gcloud transfer agents install to allow configuration of the underlying Docker container's network.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

432.0.0 (2023-05-23)


  • Added --public-endpoint-enabled flag to gcloud ai index-endpoints create to support public endpoint.
  • Modified --network flag of gcloud ai index-endpoints create to be optional.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Added --disable-control-plane-v2 flag to gcloud container vmware clusters create to explicitly disable the use of control plane v2 feature.
  • --enable-control-plane-v2 in gcloud container vmware clusters create is by default set for version 1.15+.
  • Added --ignore-errors flag to gcloud container bare-metal admin-clusters unenroll. If set, the unenrollment of a bare metal admin cluster resource will succeed even if errors occur during unenrollment.

Artifact Registry

  • Changed IAM policy analysis scope to the root of project in gcloud beta artifacts docker upgrade print-iam-policy.


  • Fixed bug to ensure show works with encrypted S3 managed tables.
    • Fixed bug to ensure spark properties can be updated to empty values.
    • Fixed RANGE<TIMESTAMP> to correctly display UNBOUNDED boundaries.
    • Fixed bug in the bq info command that caused it to always fail.
    • Fixed bug where a line of logging was always printed.
    • Added connections to get-iam-policy and set-iam-policy.

Cloud Build

  • Modified (--repo, --repo-type) and --repository to be optional in gcloud builds triggers create manual, gcloud builds triggers create webhook and gcloud builds triggers create pubsub.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.24.

Compute Engine

  • Added --http-keep-alive-timeout-sec flag to gcloud compute alpha/beta target-http-proxies/target-https-proxies create/update to configure http keep alive timeout sec field in target httpx proxy.
  • Added --server-tls-policy and --clear-server-tls-policy flags to gcloud compute target-https-proxies create/update to attach/detach a server TLS policy to the target https proxy.
  • Release pathTemplateMatch and pathTemplateRewrite fields in urlMaps to v1 API.
  • Updated --consumer-accept-list and --consumer-reject-list of gcloud compute service-attachments create and gcloud compute service-attachments update to support networks.
  • Promoted --provisioned-throughput flag of gcloud compute disks create and gcloud compute disks update to GA.
  • Promoted --create-disk=provisioned-throughput for gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects remote-locations <describe|list> to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --remote-location flag of gcloud compute interconnects create to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --subnet-length flag of gcloud compute interconnects attachments <dedicated|provider> create to beta and GA.

Container Registry

  • Changed "gloud container images describe" to check existence of the digest.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create alloydb to support customer-managed encryption key(CMEK).
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql to support customer-managed encryption key(CMEK).


Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted fields gpu-driver-version within --accelerator flag to enable GPU driver auto installation.
  • Updated default kubectl from 1.24.13 to 1.25.9.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.17)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.13)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.9)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.4)
    • kubectl.1.27 (1.27.1)

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security security-profile-groups to beta.
  • Added network-security firewall-endpoints commands to manage Cloud Firewall Plus endpoints, and promoted them to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security security-profiles threat-prevention to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

431.0.0 (2023-05-16)

Breaking Changes

  • (Anthos On-Prem) Modified --version flag to be required in gcloud container vmware clusters create.
  • (Compute Engine) Added centos-stream-8 and centos-stream-9 options to --os flag for:
    • gcloud compute images import in GA,
    • gcloud compute instances import in GA
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in GA

Google Cloud CLI

  • Fixed error when filtering was applied to date or time type keys and their values were None. Now, the resources will be excluded as when values were empty.
  • Added warning message to indicate support for Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th, 2023.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Modified gcloud container bare-metal clusters list to return clusters in all locations of the specified project if --location is not specified and configuration container_bare_metal/location is not set.

Artifact Registry

  • Changed IAM policy translation logic in gcloud beta artifacts docker upgrade print-iam-policy.


  • Promoted Batch submit job optional job_id feature to beta and GA.

Cloud Build

  • Added --repository flag to gcloud builds triggers create manual, gcloud builds triggers create webhook and gcloud builds triggers create pubsub which supports creating manual, webhook or Pub/Sub trigger with 2nd-gen repository resource.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --staging-bucket flag to gcloud dataproc batches submit ... commands in GA. This sets staging bucket when creating batches.
  • Added --staging-bucket flag to gcloud dataproc session create ... commands in Preview. This sets staging bucket when creating sessions.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted firestore locations list to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run jobs deploy to GA, which allows creating or updating a Cloud Run job from a container image or source to build.

Cloud Storage

  • Added a preserve_symlinks option to gcloud storage cp and mv commands; when present, this option will cause file and directory symlinks to be represented by placeholder files in the cloud, and reconstructed as symlinks when downloaded.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute addresses move to GA.

Compute Firewall Rules

  • Added --bind-tags-to-instances flag to gcloud compute firewall-rules migrate to bind secure tags to VM instances.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration migration-jobs create to support customer-managed encryption key(CMEK).

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted gcloud metastore services alter-metadata-resource-location to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud metastore services alter-table-properties to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud metastore services move-table-to-database to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud metastore services query-metadata to GA.


  • Removed gcloud beta events surface and all commands within. Please use gcloud eventarc instead.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Deprecated --linux-sysctls flag since --system-config-from-file is now used to config nodes.


  • Added --data-disk-type, --data-disk-size, --no-remove-data-disk to gcloud notebooks instances create to configure data disk.


  • Added --private-key-file, --team-id, --key-id to recaptcha keys create for iOS keys. Providing these fields allows reCAPTCHA Enterprise to provide more accurate risk scores.
  • Added --private-key-file, --team-id, --key-id to recaptcha keys update for iOS keys. Providing these fields allows reCAPTCHA Enterprise to provide more accurate risk scores.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

430.0.0 (2023-05-09)

Breaking Changes

Google Cloud CLI

  • Fixed issue where gcloud auth enterprise-certificate-config create used cert_issuer instead of issuer for Windows and MacOS configurations.


  • Added gcloud alloydb users <command> Users API to manage AlloyDB users.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Modified gcloud container vmware clusters list to return clusters in all locations of the specified project if --location is not specified and configuration container_vmware/location is not set.

App Engine

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms instance rename to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms networks rename to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms nfs-shares rename to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms volumes rename to GA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilt cbt cli with go version 1.20.4 which fixed CVE-2022-41723.
  • Add ability to count rows for a prefix.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilt cbt emulator with go version 1.20.4 which fixed CVE-2022-41723.

Cloud Build

  • Added --git-source-revision flag to gcloud builds submit.
  • Added --git-source-dir flag to gcloud builds submit.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted firestore locations list to beta.

Cloud IAM

  • Added --web-sso-response-type and --web-sso-assertion-claims-behavior flag to gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-oidc and gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc to allow user to setup web sso configuration.

Cloud Logging

  • Added --custom-learned-route-priority and --set-custom-learned-route-ranges flags of gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer in beta to specify the custom learned route configuration.
  • Added --custom-learned-route-priority, --set-custom-learned-route-ranges, --add-custom-learned-route-ranges and --remove-custom-learned-route-ranges flags of gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer in beta to specify the custom learned route configuration.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • The gcloud pubsub pull command now waits for messages by default.
    • The --wait flag has been deprecated from gcloud beta pubsub pull command.
    • The --return-immediately flag has been added to gcloud beta pubsub pull command to support the old behavior.

Cloud Run

  • No longer sets the annotation when deploying or updating Cloud Run Services and Jobs.
  • Fixes issue in gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update where changing --port would fail due to health check errors.

Compute Engine

  • Update replica-zones support --create-disk=replica-zones for gcloud compute instances create.
  • Promoted gcloud compute addresses move to beta.
  • Added --user-ip-request-headers for gcloud compute security-policies update, and promoted it to beta.

Database Migration

  • Added a set of commands for gcloud database-migration private-connections to perform common (create, list, describe, delete) operations on private connections.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create to support creating Oracle connection profiles.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create to support connectivity in creating Postgresql connection profiles.
  • Added gcloud database-migrate conversion-workspaces that supports the following commands for creating and managing conversion workspaces: create, update, delete, list, describe, commit, rollback, seed, import-rules, convert, apply, list background jobs and describe entities.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration migration-jobs create to support heterogeneous migration jobs.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-master-global-access flag of gcloud container clusters create-auto.


  • Launch Looker (Google Cloud core) for General Availability to the public.

Network Connectivity

  • Updated gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies create subnet flag field to accept resource arguments.

Network Services

  • Updated GA schema for gcloud network-services gateways.
  • This primarily impacts gateway import/export.
  • It includes SWG-specific changes so gateways of type SWG can be created.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

429.0.0 (2023-05-02)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Added rocky-9 option to --os flag for:
    • gcloud compute images import in GA,
    • gcloud compute instances import in GA
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in GA

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated bundled-python cryptography package to 39.0.1 and PyOpenSSL to 23.0.0.


  • Added --update-mode flag to gcloud alloydb instances update in alpha and beta tracks.


  • Added bq info command to print debug information.
  • Froze the request library to version '2.27.1' until python2 is removed.
  • Removed excess line of logging to stderr that was printed on most commands.
  • Improved error messaging for unsupported regions.
  • Added support for an encoding when creating a JSON backed external table.
  • Updated bundled urllib3.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added --ignore_dependent_resources flag to gcloud privateca roots disable to allow a root CA to be disabled even if it is the last CA in its CA Pool while its CA Pool is being depended on by another cloud resource.
  • Added --ignore_dependent_resources flag to gcloud privateca subordinates disable to allow a subordinate CA to be disabled even if it is the last CA in its CA Pool while its CA Pool is being depended on by another cloud resource.
  • Added --ignore_dependent_resources flag to gcloud privateca roots delete to allow a root CA to be deleted even if its CA Pool is being depended on by another cloud resource.
  • Added --ignore_dependent_resources flag to gcloud privateca subordinates delete to allow a subordinate CA to be deleted even if its CA Pool is being depended on by another cloud resource.
  • Added --ignore_dependent_resources flag to gcloud privateca pools delete to allow a CA Pool to be deleted even if it is being depended on by another cloud resource.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilding cbt cli with go version 1.20.3 which fixed CVE-2022-41723.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.17.4
    • Added support for eventarc triggers(2nd gen)
    • Fix ListDocuments to have page token

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Fixed a low throughput issue that appeared in some download cases for gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel.

Cloud Monitoring

  • Promoted gcloud monitoring snoozes commands to beta and GA.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --event-time flag to gcloud pubsub lite-topics publish to allow users to specify an event time when publishing a message.

Cloud Run

  • Updated gcloud beta run integrations list to display integrations across all regions by default when --region flag is not specified.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --threads-per-core flag for gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to GA.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added the beta workstations list-usable command which lists a user's usable workstations under a given configuration.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations get-iam-policy.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations set-iam-policy.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations configs get-iam-policy.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations configs set-iam-policy.

Compute Engine

  • Added "REGION" column in the output of gcloud compute ssl-certificates list.
  • Promoted --gateway-ip-version flag of gcloud compute vpn-gateways create to beta. Flag defines the IP version of VPN Gateway.
  • Allowed --interfaces flag to accept IPv6 addresses of gcloud beta compute external-vpn-gateways create.
  • Promoted support of regional instance template for gcloud compute instance-groups managed create to beta and GA.
  • Promoted support of regional instance template for gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-instance-template to beta and GA.
  • Promoted support of regional instance template for gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action start-update to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --nat-name flag of gcloud compute routers get-nat-mapping-info to GA.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --lro-timeout for gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create which allows specifying a custom duration for the gcloud CLI to wait on LROs.

Identity and Access Management

  • Fixed issue with gcloud auth login --login-config=$LOGIN_CONFIG --no-browser not working on Linux machines due to terminal input limit.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-unstable-kubernetes-apis flag to gcloud containers cluster create and gcloud containers cluster update to facilitate enabling beta apis in kube-apiserver.

Network Connectivity

  • Made network field accept both resource identifier and path.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

428.0.0 (2023-04-25)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Run) For gcloud beta run jobs deploy, gcloud run jobs create, and gcloud run jobs update, mark --execute-now and --async flags mutually exclusive.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added --lifetime flag to gcloud auth application-default print-access-token to configure service account impersonation access token lifetime.
  • Duration flags now support fractional input.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Promoted --enable-managed-prometheus flag of gcloud container aws clusters create to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-managed-prometheus and --disable-managed-prometheus flags of gcloud container aws clusters update to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-managed-prometheus flag of gcloud container azure clusters create to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-managed-prometheus and --disable-managed-prometheus flags of gcloud container azure clusters update to GA.
  • Fixed issue where --max-nodes, --min-nodes, and --max-pods-per-node flags of gcloud container aws node-pools create and gcloud container azure node-pools create were incorrectly documented as optional.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Added gcloud container bare-metal admin-clusters unenroll which removes Cluster API resources so that the cluster is no longer managed by the Anthos On-Prem API.
  • Added support for annotations in the container bare-metal clusters update command.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Rebuilding cbt cli with go version 1.20 which fixed cve-2023-24537.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Rebuilding cbt emulator with go version 1.20 which fixed cve-2023-24537.

Cloud Run

  • Added firebase-hosting integration type to gcloud beta run integrations command group.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.23.

Cloud Tasks

  • Added gcloud beta tasks buffer which enables creation of an HTTP task without specifying the task body. It requires the parent queue to have an HTTP target override and is only enabled in the beta track.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added -labels flag to gcloud beta workstations create and gcloud beta workstations cluster create.

Compute Engine

  • Added --auto-network-tier flag of gcloud compute routers nats create and gcloud compute routers nats update in beta to select network tier to be used by NAT in auto mode.
  • Promoted flag --enforce-on-key-configs of gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update to GA.
  • Added --certificate-manager-certificates flag to gcloud compute target-https-proxies create/update to add a list of ssl certificates created in certificate-manager to the target https proxy.
  • Added --allow-psc-global-access flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules <create|update> to v1.

Compute Firewall Policies

  • Promoted --src-threat-intelligence and --dest-threat-intelligence flags to GA in gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create , gcloud compute firewall-policies rules update , gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update commands.
  • Promoted --src-region-codes and --dest-region-codes flags to GA in gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create , gcloud compute firewall-policies rules update , gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update commands.
  • Promoted --src-fqdns and --dest-fqdns flags to GA in gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create/update and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create/update commands.
  • Promoted --src-address-groups and --dest-address-groups flags to GA in gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create/update and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create/update commands.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --location flag to clusters, node-pools, and operations surfaces as a simpler alternative to --zone or --region.
  • Updated default kubectl from 1.24.12 to 1.24.13.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.17)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.13)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.9)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.4)

Network Security

  • Added gcloud network-security server-tls-policies describe to alpha and beta.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security gateway-security-policies to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security gateway-security-policies rules to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security url-lists to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies to GA.

Public CA

  • Promoted gcloud publicca to GA.

Security Command Center

  • Fixed gcloud scc findings list to provide descriptive error message when parent argument is omitted.


  • Added support for --mode flag when creating a new job.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

427.0.0 (2023-04-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Cloud CLI) Deprecated Python 2. The minimum supported Python version is Python 3.5.
  • (Cloud Datastore) Remove gcloud datastore databases create after version 427.0.0. Please use gcloud firestore database update --type=datastore-mode instead.
  • (Cloud Firestore) Switched firestore database create to use Firestore API.
  • (Cloud Firestore) Deprecated --region in gcloud firestore database create. Use --location to specify the database location.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added --lifetime flag to gcloud auth print-access-token to configure service account impersonation access token lifetime.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Promoted gcloud artifacts googet command group to GA.


  • Removed restrictions to what locations can be used with --location when combined with --use_regional_endpoints.
  • Improved Format RANGE<TIMESTAMP> formatting.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added ignore_dependent_resources parameter to disable CA, delete CA, and delete CA Pool. These commands would normally fail if the CA Pool would be in a state where it's not able to issue certificates while there's a resource that depends on it. This flag skips the check and may cause unintended and unrecoverable effects on any dependent resource(s) since the CA Pool would no longer be able to issue certificates.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted firestore databases describe to beta.
  • Promoted firestore databases update to beta.
  • Promoted firestore databases list to beta.
  • Promoted firestore databases describe to GA.
  • Promoted firestore databases update to GA.
  • Promoted firestore databases list to GA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.16.2
    • Fixed an issue where some http/1 headers were causing 400 errors.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Updated local-extract component to 1.5.8 to allow it to run in environments without glibc.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --session-affinity to GA for --platform=managed for gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update.
  • Promoted --add-custom-audiences, --clear-custom-audiences, --remove-custom-audiences and --set-custom-audiences to beta for --platform=managed for gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update.

Cloud SQL

  • Added PostgreSQL 15 to database versions.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added database drop protection column to gcloud spanner databases list command.

Cloud Storage

  • Promoted gcloud storage insights commands to GA.

Cloud TPU

  • Add gcloud compute tpus topologies list to list available TPUs by chip topology.

Cloud Workstations

  • Adding support for labels in the beta workstations config create and beta workstations config update commands.

Compute Engine

  • Updated the scope flags --zone or --region of the primary disk, --secondary-disk-zone or --secondary-disk-region of the secondary disk to be required for gcloud compute disks start-async-replication.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added support for Dataproc Metastore admin interface. The following commands have been added to alpha/beta release tracks:
    • metastore services alter-table-properties


  • Deprecated gcloud beta events surface and all commands within. This surface will be removed in an upcoming release. Please use gcloud eventarc instead.


  • Added --location flag to gcloud container fleet memberships register and gcloud beta container fleet memberships register.
  • If --location is not specified when registering GKE clusters, Membership region is selected to match to GKE cluster location by default.
  • If --location is not specified when registering non-GKE clusters, Membership region is selected as "global" by default.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --addons=GcsFuseCsiDriver to gcloud beta container clusters create and --update-addons=GcsFuseCsiDriver to gcloud beta container clusters update to enable/disable the Cloud Storage FUSE Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • Allow --enable-managed-prometheus or --disable-managed-prometheus flag to be passed with --logging and --monitoring flags at the same time in gcloud container clusters update.
  • Added --additional-pod-ipv4-ranges and --remove-additional-pod-ipv4-ranges flags of gcloud container clusters update to GA.

Network Connectivity

  • Renamed 'psc-subnetworks' field to 'subnets' based on review comments.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

426.0.0 (2023-04-11)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Firestore) Switched firestore database create to use Firestore API after version 427.0.0.
  • (Cloud Firestore) Deprecated --region in gcloud firestore database create. Use --location to specify the database location. --region flag will be remove after version 427.0.0.

Anthos On-Prem

  • Promoted gcloud container vmware to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud container bare-metal to beta.

App Engine


  • Added no-external-ip-address flag to gcloud batch job submit.


  • Added warning when apilog flag is missing that the logging level is being lowered.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Clarified the functionality of --transactional-writes flag in gcloud bigtable app-profiles update.

Cloud Build

  • Hide --repository flag in gcloud builds triggers create manual, gcloud builds triggers create webhook and gcloud builds triggers create pubsub.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added JAVA17 to gcloud dataflow flex-template command SDK Language options, allowing users to submit Flex Template jobs using Java 17.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added gcloud filestore instances revert command in GA to revert a filestore instance to specific snapshot.

Cloud Functions

  • Updated gcloud functions deploy to no longer require the flag --gen2 when updating an existing 2nd gen function. This aligns with the existing behavior of other commands. You can disable this behavior and only work with 1st gen functions by either adding --no-gen2 to a command or by setting the functions/gen2 config property to off.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Change to current default from latest for --maintenance-version flag in gcloud redis instances update to allow updating to the current default maintenance version.

Cloud Org Policy

  • Added --update-mask flag to gcloud org-policies reset command to support partial reset of policies (e.g, reset only dry-run policy spec or live policy spec).

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --cpu-boost to GA for --platform=managed for gcloud run deploy.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added the call-log-level flag to gcloud workflows deploy, and add the log-none value to the call-log-level flag for gcloud workflows <execute|run>, to specify no call logging even if logging was specified at the workflow level.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --max-count-per-zone flag of gcloud compute instances bulk create to beta. Flag defines maximum number of instances that can be created per zone for regional bulk insert.
  • Added SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE to the list of guestOsFeatures.
  • Rearranged gcloud compute images import source flags by moving --source-file & --source-image to the beginning.

Network Connectivity

  • Added gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies create and gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies delete commands.
  • Added gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies list and gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies describe commands.

Security Command Center

  • Promoted gcloud scc custom-modules sha to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

425.0.0 (2023-04-04)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Migrate single request gcloud compute commands from the compute batch
  • (Compute Engine) endpoint to region-specific endpoints.

App Engine

  • Removed InvalidInstanceIpModeError exception from because SSH is now supported for all Instance Ip Modes.

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud beta artifacts docker upgrade print-iam-policy.

Certificate Manager

  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs delete to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs describe to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs export to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs import to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager trust-configs list to beta.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added --dry-run-level flag to gcloud access-context-manager cloud-bindings to test cloud-binding before enforcing them.

Cloud Build

  • Update wait timeout for gcloud builds worker-pools create and gcloud builds worker-pools delete commands to 1h.

Cloud Functions

  • Updated gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding, gcloud functions call, gcloud functions delete, gcloud functions get-iam-policy, gcloud functions remove-iam-policy-binding, and gcloud functions set-iam-policy to no longer require the flag --gen2 when operating on a 2nd gen function. This aligns with the existing behavior of gcloud functions describe. You can disable this behavior and only work with 1st gen functions by either adding --no-gen2 to a command or by setting the functions/gen2 config property to off.

Cloud IAM

  • Added gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers keys commands to manage workload identity pool provider keys.

Cloud Workstations

  • Adding support for the customer managed encryption key and encryption key service account flags in the beta workstations config create command.

Compute Engine

  • Enable "Uniform Bucket Level Access" by default for the temporary Cloud Storage buckets created in gcloud compute images import and gcloud compute images export.
  • Promoted --source-ip-ranges flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules [create|update] to GA.

Database Migration

  • Added --allocated-ip-range flag to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql to allow selecting an allocated IP range for VPC peering.
  • Added --alloydb-cluster flag to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create to allow creating a connection profile with an existing AlloyDB cluster.
  • Added --alloydb-cluster flag to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles update to allow configuring a connection profile with an existing AlloyDB cluster.

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

424.0.0 (2023-03-28)

Breaking Changes

  • (Artifact Registry) Fixed issue where the default table format was used when --show-occurrences flag was passed in, even though that format prevented occurrences from being displayed. Changed to use the default format when the flag is used. Use the same command without --show-occurrences to get the old behavior.

Artifact Registry

  • Allow using gcloud beta artifacts images describe with Artifact Registry repos that use domain.
  • Promoted artifacts settings describe artifacts settings enable-upgrade-redirection, and artifacts settings disable-upgrade-redirection commands to GA.


  • Fixed issue storing --api flag in the .bigqueryrc file.
  • Added the option for three-year capacity commitment plans.
  • Updated wcwidth to version 0.2.6.

Certificate Manager

  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager issuance-configs to GA.

Cloud Build

  • Added --default-buckets-behavior flag to gcloud builds submit.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added gcloud deploy rollouts advance to alpha and beta.
  • Added gcloud deploy rollouts cancel to alpha and beta.
  • Added gcloud deploy rollouts ignore-job to alpha and beta.
  • Added gcloud deploy job-runs terminate to alpha and beta.
  • Added starting-phase-id flag to gcloud deploy targets redeploy.
  • Added starting-phase-id flag to gcloud deploy targets rollback.
  • Added starting-phase-id flag to gcloud deploy releases promote.
  • Added initial-rollout-phase-id flag to gcloud deploy releases create.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --maintenance-version flag to gcloud redis instances update to allow updating a maintenance version when updating an instance.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run jobs command group and its sub-commands to GA, except for the following commands:
    • gcloud beta run jobs deploy
    • gcloud beta run jobs logs
    • gcloud beta run jobs executions logs
  • Promoted --encryption-key-shutdown-hours and --clear-encryption-key-shutdown-hours flags of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to GA for --platform=managed.

Cloud SQL

  • Added gcloud sql instances reencrypt, which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instance with the current primary key version in alpha.

Cloud TPU

  • Update gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm create to allow configuration of TPUs with chip topology using --type and --topology flags.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted disk-consistency-group argument of gcloud compute resource-policies create to beta.
  • Promoted --primary-disk, --primary-disk-project, --primary-disk-region, and --primary-disk-zone of gcloud compute disks create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks start-async-replication to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks stop-async-replication to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks stop-group-async-replication to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks bulk create to beta.
  • Fixed documentation for --update-policy-max-surge and --update-policy-replacement-method flags.
  • Promoted --queue-count flag in --network-interface of gcloud compute instance-templates create to GA.
  • Promoted --queue-count flag in --network-interface of gcloud compute instances bulk create to GA.

Database Migration

  • Added demote-destination request to gcloud database-migration migration-jobs to allow demoting the destination of a migration job.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted the custom-routes-enabled boolean value to the network-config-from-file flag of gcloud metastore services create to v1alpha and v1beta.
  • Fixed issue where commands including an --instance-size flag would fail if the user specified an enum value of EXTRA_SMALL or EXTRA_LARGE.


  • Added --event-data-content-type flag to gcloud eventarc triggers create and gcloud eventarc triggers update to label the type of payload in MIME format that is expected from the CloudEvent data field.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from 1.24.11 to 1.24.12.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.17)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.12)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.8)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.3)

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security url-lists to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security gateway-security-policies to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security gateway-security-policy-rules to beta.


  • Added --support-non-google-app-store-distribution to recaptcha keys create that enables support for non-Google Play Store distributed applications for the key.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

423.0.0 (2023-03-21)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added gcloud auth enterprise-certificate-config to create enterprise-certificate configurations.
  • Disabled mTLS during installation.
  • Fixed crash that occurred when parsing certain repeated dictionary-type flags if duplicate keys were provided or if invalid choices for another flag were specified afterwards.
  • Improved post-processing times during gcloud components update and gcloud components install on Windows.

App Engine

  • Updated the Java SDK to version 2.0.12 build from the open source project
  • Fixed a DevAppServer issue where in some scenarios, the class io.opencensus.trace.propagation.TextFormat could not be found.
  • Added --tunnel-through-iap flag to gcloud app instances ssh. Using this flag lets you use an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) tunnel when attempting to SSH into an App Engine flexible environment instance without an external IP address.
  • Updated the Go SDK to version 1.9.73. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Added --tunnel-through-iap flag to gcloud app instances scp. Using this flag lets you use an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) tunnel when attempting to SCP to/from an App Engine flexible environment instance without an external IP address.

Artifact Registry

  • Updated gcloud artifacts docker images describe and gcloud artifacts docker images list to return occurrences when an occurrence filter is used, even if the user does not explicitly say to show occurrences.

  • Added --immutable-tags flag to gcloud artifacts repositories create and gcloud artifacts repositories update.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms ssh-keys list to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms ssh-keys add to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms ssh-keys remove to GA.

Cloud Build

  • Added --repository flag to gcloud builds triggers create manual, gcloud builds triggers create webhook and gcloud builds triggers create pubsub.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --ttl flag to gcloud dataproc batches submit commands in GA. This sets a workload TTL when creating batches.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.16.1
    • Fixed: support read_time in ListCollectionIds

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added gcloud healthcare fhir-stores metrics which allows users to retrieve metrics associated with a FHIR store.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added --key-management-mode and --crypto-space-path to gcloud kms ekm-connections that is used when creating coordinated external keys.
  • Added gcloud kms ekm-config commands which enables setting configuration values for EKM users.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --aws-* flags of gcloud compute images import to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups simulate-maintenance-event to GA.

Database Migration

  • Added --availability-type flag to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create to allow configuring the availability type on the destination Cloud SQL instance.
  • Added --secondary-zone flag to gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create to allow configuring the secondary zone of the destination Cloud SQL instance when regional availability type is used.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-fleet flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto and gcloud container clusters update in alpha, beta track.
  • Added --fleet-project flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto and gcloud container clusters update in alpha, beta track.
  • Added --clear-fleet-project flag to gcloud container clusters update in alpha, beta track.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

422.0.0 (2023-03-14)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Pub/Sub) Fixed output format of gcloud schemas list and gcloud schemas list-revisions to remove the DEFINITION column if --view is not FULL.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added gcloud auth enterprise-certificate-config to create enterprise-certificate configurations.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --clear-client flag to gcloud container azure clusters update to clear the Azure client. This flag is required when updating to use Azure workload identity federation from Azure client to manage Azure resources.

App Engine

  • Updated the Python App Engine devappserver to support a new flag --python_virtualenv_path. It is an optional directory that will be used to setup a Python 3 virtual env for the local devappserver execution environment for Python 3 applications. If the path does not exist it will be created and it will not be cleanup at the end of the devappserver execution, allowing for caching between invocations. If not defined, a temporary directory will be used and cleaned up at the end of the execution.

Artifact Registry

  • gcloud beta artifacts settings enable-upgrade-redirection command no longer requires creating missing repos.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms instances enable-serial-console to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms instances disable-serial-console to GA.


  • Updated the bundled google auth libraries.
  • Updated bundled libraries to use charset_normalizer with the request library.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added the max_concurrent_backfill_tasks support to --mysql-source-config, --oracle-source-config, --postgresql-source-config flags in gcloud datastream streams.

Cloud Functions

  • Preview of the CMEK support for Cloud Functions, 2nd Gen. In particular, promoted --docker-repository, --kms-key, --clear-docker-repository and --clear-kms-key flags of gcloud functions deploy --gen2 to beta.

Cloud Run

  • Removed --condition flag from gcloud run {services,jobs} {add,remove}-iam-policy-binding.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added --revision-id flag to gcloud workflows describe to allow retrieving the source code of a workflow at a specific revision.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added gcloud beta workstations configs update which updates a specified
  • Added gcloud beta workstations ssh which SSH's into a specified workstation. workstation configuration.

Compute Engine

  • Added --plan to gcloud compute commitments update to support commitment term upgrade.
  • Promoted gcloud compute security-policies rules add-preconfig-waf-exclusion|remove-preconfig-waf-exclusion to GA.
  • Promoted --queue-count flag in --network-interface of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --internal-ipv6-address flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --internal-ipv6-prefix-length flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Added new ADVANCED_PREVIEW enum option to --network-ddos-protection flag of gcloud compute security-policies update in alpha and beta.


  • Changed gcloud container fleet memberships unregister command to assume membership region based on gke cluster region by default.

Network Connectivity

  • Fixed issue where sort-by arguments in list spoke command produced type validation errors.


  • Support creating express enabled site keys using recaptcha keys create --waf-feature=express.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

421.0.0 (2023-03-07)

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed an issue where gcloud artifacts docker images list does not return nested images.


  • Extended third-party identity login to support a web-based 3-legged OAuth flow.
  • Extended ls -p to page through all projects.
  • Extended --format for load to support more formats.
  • Removes some unneeded shipped libraries.
  • Added logging support for all exceptions when --apilog is present.
  • Added --encoding for load to support csv encodings.
  • Updated the bundled cachetools library.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --instance-location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots create, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to create Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.
  • Added --instance-location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots delete, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to delete Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.
  • Added --instance-location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots list, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to list Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.
  • Added --instance-location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots update, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to update Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.
  • Added --instance-location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots describe, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to describe Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Fixed gcloud schemas commit to raise an Invalid Argument error if --type is not equal to protocol-buffer, protocol_buffer, or avro.

Cloud Services

  • Added key-string support for undelete command for api_keys in beta.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted gcloud spanner databases roles list to GA.
  • Promoted --database-role flag in gcloud spanner databases execute-sql to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.21.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added --labels flag to gcloud workflows <execute|run> to allow adding execution specific labels.

Cloud Workstations

  • Fixed issue with the custom container image not being properly set in gcloud beta workstations configs create.

Compute Engine

  • Added --encryption to gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated create to add encryption option for dedicated interconnect attachment (VLAN attachment).
  • Added --encryption to gcloud compute interconnects attachments partner create to add encryption option for partner interconnect attachment (VLAN attachment).
  • Added --ipsec-internal-addresses to gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated create to add list of addresses that have been reserved for dedicated interconnect attachment (VLAN attachment).
  • Added --ipsec-internal-addresses to gcloud compute interconnects attachments partner create to add list of addresses that have been reserved for partner interconnect attachment (VLAN attachment).
  • Added --encrypted-interconnect-router to gcloud compute routers create to indicate that the router is dedicated for use with encrypted interconnect attachments (VLANs).
  • Added --interconnect-attachments to gcloud compute vpn-gateways create to add interconnect attachments (VLAN attachments) associated with the VPN gateway interfaces.
  • Added 9 to allowed list of values for --version of gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].
  • Promoted --locality_lb_policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services create/update to GA.
  • Added --max-run-duration and --termination-time flags in gcloud compute instances set-scheduling to beta.
  • Added --clear-max-run-duration and --clear-termination-time flags in gcloud compute instances set-scheduling to beta.
  • Promoted --endpoint-types flag in gcloud compute routers nats create to GA.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted --auxiliary-versions flag of gcloud metastore services create to GA. Modified flag to no longer be mutually exclusive with --consumer-subnetworks and --network-config-from-file.
  • Promoted --auxiliary-versions-from-file flag of gcloud metastore services create to GA. Modified flag to no longer be mutually exclusive with --consumer-subnetworks and --network-config-from-file.
  • Promoted --instance-size flag of gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update to GA.
  • Added --instance-size flag to gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update to specify a service instance size.
  • Promoted --scaling-factor flag of gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update to GA.
  • Added --scaling-factor flag to gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update to specify a service scaling factor.
  • Modified --tier flag of gcloud metastore services create and gcloud metastore services update to be mutually exclusive with --instance-size and --scaling-factor in all release tracks.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added support for credential sharing with bq and gsutil when using browser-based sign-in with Workforce identity federation to authenticate with the Google Cloud CLI via gcloud auth login.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Prevent overwriting directory permission when KUBECONFIG contains empty entry or a directory. Instead, raise an error.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.24.10 to 1.24.11.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.17)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.11)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.7)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.2)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

420.0.0 (2023-02-28)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Firestore) Switched firestore beta database create to use Firestore API.
  • (Cloud Firestore) Added --type, --location and --database to gcloud beta firestore database create.
  • (Cloud Firestore) Removed --region in gcloud beta firestore database create. Use --location instead.

App Engine

  • Added support for App Engine go runtime versions 116, 117, 118, 119, 120.


  • Updated messaging for the use_legacy_sql flag.
  • Added stack trace logging for errors when the apilog flag is used.
  • Removed unnecessary fetches for data transfer commands.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added name constraints arguments to gcloud privateca roots create to allow configuring certificate authorities with name constraints.
  • Added name constraints arguments to gcloud privateca subordinates create to allow configuring certificate authorities with name constraints.
  • Added name constraints arguments to gcloud privateca certificates create to allow configuring certificate authorities with name constraints.

Cloud Composer

  • Update warning message when running commands that use the default Cloud Composer version, which was changed recently from 1 to 2.

Cloud Functions

  • Fixed issue where gcloud functions deploy would crash on updating an existing function with VPC Connector when --egress-settings flag was specified.
  • Added warning and prompting to gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding about needing to bind the roles/run.invoker role for 2nd gen functions.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added gcloud beta kms inventory which allows viewing and tracking of keys across cloud resources.

Cloud Logging

  • Promoted buckets create --enable-analytics to GA.
  • Added buckets update --enable-analytics to GA track.
  • Removed deprecated buckets update --enable-loglink from ALPHA track.
  • Added --async option to the buckets create and buckets update commands.
  • Added links command group implementation.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --queue-count flag in --network-interface of gcloud compute instances create to beta.
  • Promoted --stack-type flag of gcloud compute instances bulk create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute disks update to GA.
  • Promoted --provisioned-iops flag of gcloud compute disks update to GA.


  • Added gcloud container fleet scopes|namespaces which allows users to manage Fleet Tenancy.

Identity and Access Management

Pubsub Emulator

  • Added support for updating schemas.
  • Fixed the inability to create topics, subscriptions, and schemas when using the gcloud CLI.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

419.0.0 (2023-02-22)

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Fix issue where artifacts repositories create failed unconditionally.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added new --full-hierarchy and --hierarchy-depth flags for connection-profiles discover.
  • Deprecated --recursive and --recursive-depth flags for connection-profiles-discover.

Cloud Functions

  • Added support for Docker package format {location}{project}/{repository} to --docker-repository flag of gcloud functions deploy.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud functions deploy fails if the user doesn't have the permission

Cloud Logging

  • Promote --logging-optional and --logging-optional-fields flags of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud beta run jobs executions logs read to beta, which reads logs from a selected resource.
  • Promoted gcloud beta run jobs executions logs tail to beta, which tail logs from a selected resource.

Cloud Storage

  • gcloud storage cp will now silently ignore the Content-MD5 header for parallel composite uploads.
  • gcloud storage hash has been promoted to GA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted --client-details flag of gcloud firebase test [android|ios] run to GA. This flag can be used to provide additional details to attach to the test matrix, including a matrixLabel to help you identify and locate your test in the Firebase console.


  • Support creating Fastly enabled site keys using recaptcha keys create --waf-service=fastly.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

418.0.0 (2023-02-14)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Dataproc) Modified --job-id and --yarn_application_id flags to --job-ids and --yarn-application-ids respectively in gcloud dataproc clusters diagnose command. These flags can now accept a comma separated list of job ids and yarn app ids instead of a single value.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Defined "quota_project" in gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project command documentation.
  • Launched the enterprise-certificate-proxy component. See more at $ gcloud topic client-certificate.


  • Added gcloud ai models copy which copies a model.


  • Added --clear-continuous-backup-encryption-key flag to gcloud beta alloydb clusters update to support clearing a custom encryption configuration for Continuous Backups.
  • Added following flags of gcloud alloydb instances create and gcloud alloydb instances update to alpha, beta and GA:
    • --insights-config-query-string-length
    • --insights-config-query-plans-per-minute
    • --insights-config-record-application-tags
    • --insights-config-record-client-address

Artifact Registry

  • Adding new command gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config allow --project=my-proj --location=us-west1.
  • Adding new command gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config deny --project=my-proj --location=us-west1.
  • Adding new command gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config describe --project=my-proj --location=us-west1.
  • Adding new command gcloud artifacts repositories create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=maven --location=us-east1 --description="My test repo" --mode=virtual-repository --upstream-policy-file=policy.json.
  • Adding new command gcloud artifacts repositories create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=python --location=us-east1 --description="My python repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test python remote repo" --remote-python-repo=PYPI.
  • Adding new command gcloud artifacts repositories create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=npm --location=us-east1 --description="My npm repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test npm remote repo" --remote-npm-repo=NPMJS.
  • Adding new command gcloud artifacts repositories create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=maven --location=us-east1 --description="My test repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test maven remote repo" --remote-mvn-repo=MAVEN-CENTRAL.
  • Adding new command gcloud artifacts repositories create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=docker --location=us-east1 --description="no CRM permission" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test docker remote repo" --remote-docker-repo=DOCKER-HUB.


  • Added SPARK reservation assignment.
  • Added main class option for Spark procedures.
  • Added support for bi-engine reservation paths.

Cloud DNS

  • Fixed issue with gcloud dns response-policies being unable to update gkeclusters flag in GA.
  • Updated gcloud dns record-sets create and gcloud dns record-sets update to allow referencing forwarding rules by their full resource path.

Cloud Datastream

  • Modified Create/Update Stream flags that use a JSON/YAML file to use camelCase field naming instead of snake_case, to match the REST API. Old snake_case configuration files will still be supported.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots create, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to create Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.
  • Added --location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots delete, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to delete Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.
  • Added --location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots list, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to list Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.
  • Added --location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots update, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to update Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.
  • Added --location flag to gcloud filestore instances snapshots describe, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to describe Enterprise and HighScale snapshots.

Cloud Firestore

  • Added --api-scope and --query-scope support for Firestore Index Create.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Set --location and --keyring as required flags for commands set-primary-version, set-rotation-schedule, get-rotation-schedule, set-iam-policy, get-iam-policy.

Cloud Logging

  • Allow for protocols TCP, UDP and UNSPECIFIED in gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update.
  • Added --logging-optional and --logging-optional-fields flags of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update in beta to specify the optional fields to be added to the reported logs.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed an issue where gcloud run delete commands report error sometimes even though the deletion succeeded.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.20.
  • All gcloud storage commands that accept JSON files now also support YAML.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --resource-policies flag for glcloud compute reservations createto to GA.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Introduced the GDCE version for cluster, machine, and node-pool as output during list and describe operations.
  • Added gcloud edge-cloud networking which allows users to configure the networking configurations on the ToRs to support customer workloads which are running in Google Distributed Cloud Edge Clusters.

Stackdriver Debugger

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

417.0.1 (2023-02-08)

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Fixing issue where App Engine Flex users cannot deploy their PHP, Java or Python applications via gcloud 417.0.0.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

417.0.0 (2023-02-07)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud IoT) Added --device-field-mask flag to gcloud iot devices list to have override possibility for device fieldMask. In case the API response does not include the blocked field for any of the devices, the BLOCKED column will disappear from the results table.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Defined "quota_project" in gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project command documentation.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Modified gcloud container azure clients create to wait for the returned long-running operation. Use --async flag to get the old behavior.
  • Modified gcloud container azure clients delete to wait for the returned long-running operation. Use --async flag to get the old behavior.

Cloud Composer

  • Added warning message when running commands that use the default Cloud Composer version, which will be changed soon.

Cloud Logging

  • Updated gcloud logging buckets list command to include CMEK enabled or disabled setting.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run jobs deploy to beta, which allows creating or updating a Cloud Run job from a container image or source to build.

Compute Engine

  • Added REGION column to default output of gcloud compute target-https-proxies list.
  • Promoted gcloud compute network-attachments to GA.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Promoted --vpc-project to gcloud edge-cloud container vpn-connections create to create resources in a different GCP project than the GDCE cluster project.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted gcloud firebase test [android|ios] list-device-capacities to GA. This feature can inform your test decisions by letting you view the inventory level of device types in the Test Lab catalog. To access this information, run gcloud firebase test [android|ios] list-device-capacities, or gcloud firebase test [android|ios] models describe [MODEL_ID].

Identity and Access Management

  • Added gcloud iam workforce-pools commands for Workforce Identity Federation management.


  • Deprecate alpha and beta notebooks.

Security Command Center

  • Updated gcloud scc custom-modules sha command group to allow custom modules feature.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

416.0.0 (2023-01-31)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Datalab) Removed gcloud datalab component (Originally removed in release 413.0.0).


  • Fixed an issue in gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs that the values of --max-trial-count and --max-parallel-trial-count are not passed in the config.yaml file.


  • Updated gcloud beta alloydb clusters create and gcloud beta alloydb clusters update to support enabling continuous backups via new --enable-continuous-backup and --continuous-backup-recovery-window-days and --continuous-backup-encryption-key flags.

Anthos Identity Service

  • Added --fleet-default-member-config flag to the following commands:

    • gcloud beta container fleet identity-service enable
    • gcloud beta container fleet identity-service delete

      These will make it possible to configure and delete fleet default membership configurations.

App Engine

  • Added the --tunnel-through-iap flag to gcloud beta app instances scp. Using this flag lets you use an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) tunnel when attempting to SCP to/from an App Engine flexible environment instance without an external IP address.

Cloud Run

  • Promotes gcloud beta run jobs logs read to beta, which reads logs from a selected resource.
  • Promotes gcloud beta run jobs logs tail to beta, which tail logs from a selected resource.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted gcloud sql users describe command to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.19.
    • Fixed an issue causing parallel transfer commands to require elevated permissions.

Compute Engine

  • Modified gcloud compute instance-groups managed update to support relative path for regional health check.
  • Added --allow-psc-global-access flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules <create|update> to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute resource-policies update snapshot-schedule to beta.

Config Controller

  • Fixed issue where --full-management flag doesn't take effect.

Immersive Stream

  • Promoted gcloud immersive-stream xr to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from 1.24.9 to 1.24.10.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.16)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.10)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.6)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.1)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

415.0.0 (2023-01-24)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Global --format flag now respects the core/default_format property when --format=default. If core/default_format is not set, then default format is yaml.


  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai endpoints to include new online prediction regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai models to include new online prediction regions.
  • Added --enable-dashboard-access flag to gcloud ai custom-jobs create and gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs create to allow the access to the dashboard specified in custom container.


  • Added support for using the auth/impersonate_service_account property in bq commands.

Cloud Build

  • Added command groups for managing connections and repositories: gcloud beta builds connections and gcloud beta builds repositories.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud dataproc node-groups group with commands: describe and resize.
  • Added --driver-pool-${X} flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create.

Cloud Firestore

  • Added --database flag to gcloud firestore operations to add database support for Firestore operations.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Fixed issue with extracting packages from Go binaries built with newer versions of to the Go toolchain.

Cloud Org Policy

  • Added --update-mask to gcloud org-policies set-policy to specify the fields to be overwritten in the policy.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added gcloud pubsub schemas commit to commit a revision for a Pub/Sub schema.
  • Added gcloud pubsub schemas rollback to roll back a revision for a Pub/Sub schema.
  • Added gcloud pubsub schemas delete-revision to delete a revision for a Pub/Sub schema.
  • Added gcloud pubsub schemas list-revisions to list all revisions for a Pub/Sub schema.
  • Added --first-revision-id and --last-revision-id flags to gcloud pubsub topics create to create schema settings for Pub/Sub topics.
  • Added --clear-schema-settings, --schema, --message-encoding, --first-revision-id and --last-revision-id flags to gcloud pubsub topics update to update schema settings for a Pub/Sub topic.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted gcloud sql users describe command to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Added --update-policy-<type|max-unavailable|max-surge|minimal-action|most-disrtuptive-action|replacement-method> flags of gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create|update> to GA.
  • Added --update-policy-min-ready flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create|update> to beta.
  • Added --enforce-on-key-configs flag to gcloud beta compute security-policies rules create and gcloud beta compute security-policies rules update.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted gcloud metastore services import flag --dump-type to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud metastore services export flag --dump-type to GA.

Declarative Workflows

  • Make --storage-path, --resource-types and --resource-types-file mutually exclusive in gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export.



  • Added support for gcloud recommender recommendations mark-dismissed.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

414.0.0 (2023-01-18)

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --azure-tenant-id and --azure-application-id flags to gcloud container azure clusters create and gcloud container azure clusters update to set authentication configuration for management of Azure resources. These flags replace --client flag.


  • Fixed issue where gcloud apigee apis describe would demand a non-existent --revision argument.

Cloud API Gateway

  • Fixed issue where sort-by arguments in list commands produced type validation errors.

Cloud Build

  • Added --peered-network-ip-range flag to gcloud builds worker-pools create.

Cloud Firestore

  • Added database support for Firestore import/export.
  • Added namespace_ids support for Firestore import/export.
  • Added databaseId support for Firestore TTL.
  • Added databaseId support for Firestore SFI.

Cloud Storage

  • Add IAM and ACL-related flags.
  • Updated gsutil component to 5.18.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --external-ipv6-address flag of gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update to GA.
  • Promoted --external-ipv6-prefix-length flag of gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update to GA.
  • Added keyword network-attachment for --network-interface in gcloud compute instance-templates create.
  • Promoted --external-ipv6-address flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --external-ipv6-prefix-length flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --source-instance-template flag of gcloud compute reservations create to GA.

Database Migration

  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces seed which seeds from a connection profile for a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces delete which deletes a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces convert which converts source entities to draft entities in a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces apply which applies a database-migration conversion workspace onto the destination database.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces list-background-jobs which lists the background jobs in a database-migration conversion workspaces.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces describe-entities which describes the database entities in a database-migration conversion workspaces.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted gcloud metastore services flag --database-type to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from 1.23.15 to 1.24.9.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.15)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.9)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.5)
    • kubectl.1.26 (1.26.0)

Network Management

  • Added appEngineVersion and cloudRunRevision arguments for source in gcloud network-management connectivity-tests. This allows the user to run tests using App Engine version and Cloud Run revision endpoint types as source.

Security Command Center

  • Fixed gcloud scc findings create to require flag event-time.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

413.0.0 (2023-01-10)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Storage) Added --fetch-encrypted-object-hashes flag to ls and objects list commands. API requests to the LIST endpoint do not fetch the hashes for encrypted objects by default. If this flag is set, a GET request is sent for each encrypted object in order to fetch hashes. This can significantly increase the cost of the commands.
    • Previously, the fallback to GET was implemented for CSEK-encrypted objects as the default behavior. With this flag, both CSEK and CMEK are handled, and gcloud CLI checks if it has the necessary CSEK key before sending a GET request.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) This change starts using the Client-Go Credential Plugin gke-gcloud-auth-plugin as noted in Client-go Credential Plugin changes.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Fixed a crash during reauth when Enterprise Certificate is used.
  • Fixed issue where the gcloud CLI would crash when invoked in PowerShell 7.3. This issue was reported at:
  • Added core/default_format and core/format properties to config in order enable setting a default print format. Print format is first determined by global flag --format. If --format flag is not defined, then CLI defaults to core/format value. If core/format is not defined, then CLI defaults to command specific output. If command specific output is undefined, then format is determined by core/default_format. core/default_format defaults to yaml format.


  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai model-monitoring-jobs to include new model monitoring jobs regions.
  • Modified --explanation-metadata-file flag of gcloud ai models upload from required to optional.
  • Added optional output-image-uri field to --worker-pool-spec flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs create to name and store the custom image built with autopackaging in the specified Google Container Registry or Artifact Registry.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Updated gcloud container aws operations list to show the underlying action (create, update, delete, etc) associated with AWS long-running operations.
  • Updated gcloud container azure operations list to show the underlying action (create, update, delete, etc) associated with Azure long-running operations.
  • Added gcloud container azure operations cancel to cancel an ongoing LRO operation on Azure resources.
  • Added gcloud container aws operations cancel to cancel an ongoing LRO operation on AWS resources.
  • Added --tags flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the tags assigned to AWS node pool resources.
  • Added --clear-tags flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to clear the tags assigned to AWS node pool resources.
  • Added --autoscaling-metrics-granularity flag to gcloud container aws node-pools create to set granularity when enabling CloudWatch metrics collection of the autoscaling group of AWS node pools.
  • Added --autoscaling-metrics flag to gcloud container aws node-pools create to enable collection of specific CloudWatch metrics of the autoscaling group of AWS node pools.
  • Added --autoscaling-metrics-granularity flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the granularity of CloudWatch metrics collection for the autoscaling group of AWS node pools.
  • Added --autoscaling-metrics flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the collection of specific CloudWatch metrics for the autoscaling group of AWS node pools.
  • Added --clear-autoscaling-metrics flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to clear the CloudWatch metrics collection associated with the autoscaling group of AWS node pools.
  • Added gcloud container attached operations list to show the underlying action (create, update, delete, etc) associated with Attached clusters long-running operations.
  • Added gcloud container attached operations describe to show detailed status of a provided Attached clusters long-running operation.
  • Added gcloud container attached operations wait to wait for completion of a provided Attached clusters long-running operation.


  • Fixed issue with timestamp normalization in Windows.
  • Extended the insert flags to include a insert_id flag that's appended to the row number of the data to be inserted as the insertId field that's used for deduping newly inserted rows. This can be used to ensure repeat executions don't add unintended data.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager authorized-orgs to GA.

Cloud Build

  • Removed --subscription-filter flag of gcloud builds triggers create manual.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-cloud-data-lineage-integration to gcloud composer environments create/update to enable Cloud Data Lineage integration.
  • Added --disable-cloud-data-lineage-integration to gcloud composer environments update to disable Cloud Data Lineage integration.
  • Enabled db check Airflow command executable via gcloud composer environments run for environments with Airflow 2.3 or newer.

Cloud Datalab

  • Removed gcloud datalab component.

Cloud Run

  • Added --env-vars-file to gcloud beta run jobs create to add environment variables to the job from a YAML file.
  • Removed the call to action from gcloud beta run integrations describe for Redis integrations that are not ready for use.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --striped and --stripe_count flags to gcloud sql import bak and added --striped flag to gcloud sql export bak to enable the striped import/export feature for SQL Server.
  • Promoted --restore-database-name flag for gcloud sql instance clone --point-in-time to support single database PITR restore for SQL Server to beta and GA.
  • Added gcloud sql users describe command, which describes a Cloud SQL user in an instance in alpha.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys list in beta.
    • Promoted gcloud services api-keys describe in beta.
    • Promoted gcloud services api-keys get-key-string in beta.
    • Promoted gcloud services api-keys create in beta.
    • Promoted gcloud services api-keys update in beta.

Cloud Storage

  • Added gcloud storage buckets create --placement flag.
  • Promoted gcloud storage objects update retention flags to GA.
    • --event-based-hold
    • --temporary-hold
  • Removed gcloud storage buckets update --no-lock-retention-period flag.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added gcloud beta workstations clusters create which creates a cluster under a specified region.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations configs create which creates a workstation configuration under a specified cluster.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations create which creates a workstation under a specified config.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations delete which deletes the given workstation.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations configs delete which deletes the given config.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations clusters delete which deletes the given cluster.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations describe which displays all fields for a given workstation.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations configs describe which displays all fields for a given config.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations clusters describe which displays all fields for a given cluster.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations start which starts a specified workstation.
  • Added gcloud beta workstations stop which stops a specified workstation.

Compute Engine

  • Added -iam-policyand-iam-policy-bindingstogcloud beta compute backend-buckets`.
  • Promoted --endpoint-type flag of gcloud compute addresses create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups simulate-maintenance-event to beta.
  • Added --all-instances-config-effective flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until to beta.
  • Modified gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to allow specifying --address and --ip-version at the same time.

Compute Firewall Policies

  • Fixed gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update not sending an empty list to the API if a field is specified as empty.

Database Migration

  • Added gcloud database-migration private-connections create which creates a database-migration private connection.
  • Added gcloud database-migration private-connections list which lists the database-migration private connections.
  • Added gcloud database-migration private-connections describe which describes a database-migration private connection.
  • Added gcloud database-migration private-connections delete which deletes a database-migration private connection.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create to support creating Oracle connection profiles.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create to support connectivity in creating Postgresql connection profiles.
  • Added gcloud database-migrate conversion-workspaces create which creates a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migrate conversion-workspaces update which updates a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces list which lists the database-migration conversion workspaces.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces describe which describes a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces commit which commits a database-migration conversion workspace.
  • Added gcloud database-migration conversion-workspaces rollback which rollbacks a database-migration conversion workspace.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from 1.23.14 to 1.23.15.
  • Removes kubectl.1.20, since it is no longer needed.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.17)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.15)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.9)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.5)

Pubsub Emulator

  • Added support for Exactly-once Delivery.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

412.0.0 (2022-12-13)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Modified concurrent operation quota errors to show additional information to user instead of just error message.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added property core/parse_error_details. If set, gcloud CLI will parse and display errors in a more human readable format, where available.


  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai endpoints to include new online prediction regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai models to include new online prediction regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs to include new online training regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs to include new online training regions.


  • Introduced gcloud alloydb track.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Promoted gcloud container attached to GA.

App Engine

  • Updated gcloud beta app instances ssh to use an IAP tunnel when attempting to SSH to an instance without an external IP.

Cloud Build

  • Modified one of gcloud builds triggers run --branch, gcloud builds triggers run --tag, and gcloud builds triggers run --sha flag to be required.
  • Make --region flag visible in builds triggers create command group. Set --dockerfile flag as required for builds triggers create command group.
  • Ungroup --build-config flag and --inline-config flag for builds triggers create command group.
  • Promoted gcloud builds triggers to GA.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud composer environments snapshots load - to load a snapshot into the environment.
  • Added gcloud composer environments snapshots save - save a snapshot of the environment.
  • Added --enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation to gcloud composer environments create/update to enable snapshots of the environment creation according to a schedule. Can be specified for Composer 2.0.32 or greater.
  • Added --snapshot-creation-schedule to gcloud composer environments create/update to specify cron expression when snapshots of the environment should be created.
  • Added --snapshot-location to gcloud composer environments create/update to specify the Cloud Storage location for storing automatically created snapshots.
  • Added --snapshot-schedule-timezone to gcloud composer environments create/update to specify Timezone that sets the context to interpret snapshot_creation_schedule.
  • Added --disable-scheduled-snapshot-creation to gcloud composer environments update to disable the automatic snapshots creation.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fixed issue where gcloud datastream create failed for Postgresql source config.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --cpu flag to gcloud beta functions deploy for 2nd Gen functions to alpha and beta.
  • Added --concurrency flag to gcloud beta functions deploy for 2nd Gen functions to alpha and beta.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --event-time and --publish-time flags to gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create to create Pub/Sub Lite subscriptions from a nominated timestamp.
  • Added --export-pubsub-topic, --export-dead-letter-topic and --export-desired-state flags to gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create to create Pub/Sub Lite export subscriptions.
  • Added --export-pubsub-topic, --export-dead-letter-topic and --export-desired-state flags to gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions update to update Pub/Sub Lite export subscriptions.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --enable-google-private-path flag to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch commands in Alpha, Beta, and GA. This field specifies whether the instance is accessible to internal Google Cloud services such as BigQuery. This is applicable only to MySQL and PostgreSQL instances that don't use public IP. Currently, SQL Server isn't supported.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys delete to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys undelete to beta.

Cloud Workstations

  • Added gcloud beta workstations configs list which lists workstation configs under a specified cluster.

Config Controller

  • Added --full-management flag to gcloud anthos config controller create to allow creating Config Controller on GKE Autopilot instances.

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create to support creating AlloyDB connection profiles.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --robo-script flag to gcloud firebase test ios run to customize an iOS Robo crawl with a Robo script.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added --executable-interactive-timeout-millis flag to gcloud iam workforce pools create-cred-config. This enables using executable-sourced credentials with user interactivity with gcloud auth login --cred-file=/path/to/interactive/executable/config.json when using Workforce Identity Federation.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --stack-type and --ipv6-access-type arguments to gcloud container clusters create command to support dual stack GKE clusters.
  • Added --stack-type argument to gcloud container clusters update command to support changing stack type between IPv4 and dual stack GKE clusters.
  • Added --ephemeral-storage-local-ssd to gcloud beta container clusters create, gcloud beta container node-pools create, gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container node-pools create. This flag is used to configure nodes' ephemeral storage to be backed by local SSDs.
  • Added --local-nvme-ssd-block to gcloud beta container clusters create, gcloud beta container node-pools create, gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container node-pools create. This flag is used to initialize nodes in node-pool with raw-block local NVMe SSDs attached.


  • Added support for Shielded VM configuration to gcloud notebooks instances create.
  • Added support for reservation configuration to gcloud notebooks instances create.


  • Added zone and region option for gcloud beta terraform vet.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

411.0.0 (2022-12-06)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Added rhel-9 and rhel-9-byol options to --os flag for:
    • gcloud compute images import in GA,
    • gcloud compute instances import in GA
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in GA

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added gcloud topic command group to alpha and beta.

App Engine

  • Add --service-account flag of gcloud app create to GA, which allows to create an app with a user-managed service account.
  • Add --service-account flag of gcloud app update to GA, which allows to update the app with a user-managed service account.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Add --service-account flag of gcloud app create to GA, which allows to create an app with a user-managed service account.
  • Add --service-account flag of gcloud app update to GA, which allows to update the app with a user-managed service account.


  • Expose enable_resumable_uploads flag in public bq.
  • Formatting fix for
  • Changed "locking" Owned Test Accounts to "getting" to avoid overloading AccountProviderService.
  • Extended api logging to include URIs of requests.
  • Extends encodings supported during file upload.
  • Messages and fails early when the user tries to upload with an invalid schema.
  • Adds support for GOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT environment variable.
  • Adds configuration for external accounts using token_uri.
  • Dataset name validation and feedback.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted gcloud bigtable instances tables create to beta and GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable instances tables delete to beta and GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable instances tables update to beta and GA.
  • Added include-stats option to cbt lookup and cbt read commands.
  • Added cbt notices command, which displays licenses covering all direct and indirect dependencies.

Cloud Build

  • Bugfix to enforce limits to be applied after filters.
  • Added --enterprise-config flag to builds triggers create github to support creating GitHub Enterprise trigger.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation to gcloud beta composer environments create/update to enable snapshots of the environment creation according to a schedule. Can be specified for Composer 2.0.32 or greater.
  • Added --snapshot-creation-schedule to gcloud beta composer environments create/update to specify cron expression when snapshots of the environment should be created.
  • Added --snapshot-location to gcloud beta composer environments create/update to specify the Cloud Storage location for storing automatically created snapshots.
  • Added --snapshot-schedule-timezone to gcloud beta composer environments create/update to specify Timezone that sets the context to interpret snapshot_creation_schedule.
  • Added --disable-scheduled-snapshot-creation to gcloud beta composer environments update to disable the automatic snapshots creation.

Cloud Firestore

  • Add apiScope output for Firestore index. ApiScope can be viewed in gcloud firestore indexes composite list and gcloud firestore indexes composite describe.
  • Added databaseId support for Firestore index.

Cloud IDS

  • Added --threat_exceptions flag to exclude certain threat types from being reported.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Modified gcloud kms import-jobs create to accept new SHA256 import methods rsa-oaep-3072-sha256, rsa-oaep-3072-sha256-aes-256, rsa-oaep-4096-sha256, and rsa-oaep-4096-sha256-aes-256.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --enable-exactly-once-delivery flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-exactly-once-delivery flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --execution-environment of gcloud run from beta to GA.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta run jobs execute with --wait flag, and other jobs commands to wait for an execution to complete, failed to wait more than 30 minutes.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta run integrations delete failed when the associated Cloud Run service is deleted.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --timeout flag for gcloud sql instances create to GA.
  • Added --restore-database-name flag to gcloud sql instance clone --point-in-time to support single database PITR restore for SQL Server.

Cloud Services

  • Updated gcloud services list to retry 429 errors.
  • Set the default page size for gcloud services list to 200.
  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys lookup to beta.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --skip-init flag to gcloud spanner samples run.

Cloud Storage

  • Promoted gcloud storage buckets update retention flags to GA.
    • --default-event-based-hold
    • --retention-period
    • --clear-retention-period
    • --lock-retention-period
  • Promoted gcloud storage buckets update --uniform-bucket-level-access to GA.
  • Rebuilt gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0 on latest version of golang.
  • Updated gsutil component to 5.17.

Compute Engine

  • Added --merge-source-commitment to gcloud compute commitments create for beta and GA.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged list-instances would fail to fall back to the compute/zone property when --zone was missing.
  • Added customRequestHeaders and customResponseHeaders to modifiable fields list in gcloud compute backend-services edit.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added support for querying and mutating Dataproc Metastore metadata. The following commands have been added to the alpha and beta release tracks:
    • metastore services queryMetadata
    • metastore services alterLocation
    • metastore services moveTableToDatabase

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added warning to long running operation metadata of gcloud edge-cloud container cluster create/update when the cluster has a maintenance window configuration that overlaps with other clusters' in the same project.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --type=robo flag to gcloud firebase test ios run to support running iOS Robo tests.


  • Fixed bug in gcloud container fleet and gcloud container hub command groups where a membership with ambiguous location was not given default value global.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --cluster-dns-scope=cluster flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to GA.
  • Promoted --binauthz-evaluation-mode=MONITORING, binauthz-evaluation-mode=MONITORING_AND_PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE, and --binauthz-policy flags of gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-auto, and gcloud container clusters update to beta.
  • Corrected outdated description help text of gcloud container node-pools delete.
  • Promoted --placement-type flag for gcloud container clusters create command to GA.
  • Promoted --placement-type flag for gcloud container node-pools create command to GA.
  • Added --async flag to gcloud container node-pools create/update to allow the in-progress operation to be returned, instead of the node pool.
  • Additionally, default formatting for gcloud container node-pools create/update/delete --async has been added to provide a more human-readable format of the operation; potentially impacting parsing of output. It is recommended to use --format when parsing gcloud CLI output.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.22.14 to 1.23.14.
  • Additional kubectl versions:

    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.15)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.14)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.8)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.4)
  • Added --windows-os-version flag to gcloud container node-pools create/update to allow create Windows node pools using Windows Server LTSC 2022 Containerd node image.

Media CDN

  • Added gcloud edge-cache command group to enable configuration of Media CDN.

Network Connectivity

  • Promoted gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges command group to GA.

Network Security

  • Promoting networksecurity firewall API to v1beta1.
  • Promoted commands under gcloud network-security org-address-groups and gcloud network-security address-groups to beta.


  • Added billing account scope support for gcloud recommender recommender-config describe.
  • Added billing account scope support for gcloud recommender recommender-config update.
  • Added billing account scope support for gcloud recommender insight-type-config describe.
  • Added billing account scope support for gcloud recommender insight-type-config update.


  • Added support for environment variables GOOGLE_PROJECT, GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT, GCLOUD_PROJECT in gcloud beta terraform vet.
  • Fixed an issue where gcloud beta terraform vet would fail while trying to format and output pre-formatted error strings.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

410.0.0 (2022-11-15)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added gcloud topic endpoint-override for details on overriding the default api URL.


  • Added asia-southeast2, europe-central2, and us-south1 options to --region flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs and gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs.


  • Introduced the following commands: gcloud beta alloydb clusters create-secondary, gcloud beta alloydb instances create-secondary, gcloud beta alloydb clusters promote.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Update maven and gradle plugin versions to 2.2.0.

Assured Workloads

  • Added SOVEREIGN_CONTROLS_BY_T_SYSTEMS as an option for --partner flag of gcloud assured workloads create command (available for both beta and GA).

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promoted gcloud asset query command to GA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added stats option to --view flag for bigtable instances tables describe.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-triggerer to gcloud beta composer environments create/update to allow usage of deferrable operators in dags.
  • Added --triggerer-cpu to gcloud beta composer environments create/update to specify CPU allocated to Airflow triggerer.
  • Added --triggerer-memory to gcloud beta composer environments create/update to specify memory allocated to Airflow triggerer.
  • Added --disable-triggerer to gcloud beta composer environments update to disable Airflow triggerer.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --async flag to gcloud dataproc jobs kill.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added the max_concurrent_cdc_tasks support to --mysql-source-config and --oracle-source-config flags in gcloud datastream streams.
  • Fixed issue where stream create using a mysql-source-config or oracle-source-config with column level filtering fails to create.

Cloud Functions

  • Fixed issue where gcloud functions list would crash when a 2nd Gen-only region was specified using --regions.
  • Updated gcloud function describe to look up both 1st Gen and 2nd Gen environments for the function. When --gen2 flag is specified, only 2nd Gen functions will be looked up.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run services logs read and gcloud run revisions logs read to beta, which reads logs from a selected resource.
  • Promoted gcloud run services logs tail and gcloud run revisions logs tail to beta, which tail logs from a selected resource.
  • Added --execute-now and --wait flags to gcloud beta run job update to immediately execute the job after update and wait for completion.
  • Promoted gcloud beta run integrations command group and all sub-commands to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --list-managed-instances-results flag for gcloud compute instance-groups managed create and gcloud compute instance-groups managed update to GA.
  • Fixed --network-interface to mark the public IP as None when --no-address is specified.


  • Fixed issue where gcloud container fleet memberships commands did not output memberships with missing cluster.
  • Fixed bug in gcloud container fleet config-management version where memberships were stuck with version "NA".

Identity and Access Management

  • Added support for retrieving the token introspection endpoint through external account credentials.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --labels flag to gcloud container node-pools create/update to allow creating and updating node pools with GCP labels.

VPC Access

  • Promoted gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors update to beta.
    • Enables updating of min-instances, max-instances and machine-type of already existing vpc-access connectors.

Vmware Engine

  • Added commands for managing resources:
    • Locations
    • Operations
    • VMwareEngine networks
    • Network policies
    • Node types
    • Private clouds
    • Clusters
    • HCX activation keys
    • NSX credentials
    • VCenter credentials
    • Subnets

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

409.0.0 (2022-11-08)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Modified stockout errors to show entire error object to user in yaml format instead of just error message.
  • (Compute Engine) Modified quota exceeded errors to show additional information to user instead of just error message.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Modified gcloud config list to accept both a section name and --all flag. The command will display all the set and unset properties when specifying both.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --allow-missing flag to the following command groups: gcloud container aws clusters delete, gcloud container aws node-pools delete, gcloud container azure clients delete, gcloud container azure clusters delete, gcloud container azure node-pools delete, to allow the delete request to succeed, even if the cluster, node-pool or client resource does not exist.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --skip-airflow-overrides-setting to gcloud beta composer snapshots load to allow skipping setting Airflow overrides from the snapshot.
  • Added --skip-environment-variables-setting to gcloud beta composer snapshots load to allow skipping setting environment variables from the snapshot.
  • Added --skip-gcs-data-copying to gcloud beta composer snapshots load to allow skipping copying dags, plugins and data folders from the snapshot.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added the max_concurrent_cdc_tasks support to --mysql-source-config and --oracle-source-config flags in gcloud datastream streams.

Cloud Filestore

  • Fixed issue where --kms-key was being ignored in gcloud filestore backups create command.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Promoted gcloud emulators firestore to GA.
  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.15.1
    • feat: allow users to configure websocket port

Cloud Functions

  • Fixed issue where gcloud functions list would crash when a 2nd Gen-only region was specified using --regions.

Cloud Logging

  • Updated gcloud logging read to accept multiple resources to query using a new --resource-names flag.

Cloud SQL

  • Added the following flags to gcloud sql instances create in BETA:
    • --timeout

Compute Engine

  • Added --split-source-commitment to gcloud compute commitments create for beta and GA.
  • Promoted any-single-zone value support for the flag --target-distribution-shape of gcloud compute instance-groups managed create / update to beta.
  • Added keyword network-attachment for --network-interface in gcloud compute instances create.
  • Promoted --max-run-duration flag of gcloud compute instances create to beta.
    • Allows specifying the duration of time after which the instance will terminate.
  • Promoted --termination-time flag of gcloud compute instances create to beta.
    • Allows specifying the timestamp that the instance will terminate.
  • Added 3 additional accepted values to --enforce-on-key for gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update and promoted it to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute network-edge-security-services command group to GA.
  • Promoted --region and '--global' flags of gcloud compute security-policies to GA.
  • Promoted --network-ddos-protection flag of gcloud compute security-policies update to GA.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Removed unsupported GPU_TYPE field from gcloud edge-cloud container machines list. This field will be restored once the API provides accurate GPU information.


  • Fixed a bug where gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials and gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials would not return an error when the membership argument was left empty.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Corrected outdated description help text of gcloud container node-pools delete.
  • Added --private-endpoint-subnetwork and --enable-google-cloud-access flags to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters create-auto.
  • Added --enable-google-cloud-access and --enable-private-endpoint flags to gcloud container clusters update.
  • Added --enable-private-nodes flag to gcloud container node-pools create and gcloud container node-pools update.


  • Added gcloud notebooks instances diagnose and gcloud notebooks runtimes diagnose commands to GA. These commands provide access to the AI Platform Notebooks new Diagnose API.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

408.0.1 (2022-11-02)


  • Adds various fixes to PSC environments.
  • Adds support for random forest models as part of BQML.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

408.0.0 (2022-11-01)

Breaking Changes


  • Added more available regions to gcloud ai model-monitoring-jobs.
  • Added --version-description flag to gcloud ai models upload to support setting model version description.


  • Add missing open source licenses.
  • Expose Iceberg for public preview.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --connection-type flag to gcloud beta composer environments create and gcloud composer environments create command to allow forcing the use of VPC peerings for internal communication.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added initial-rollout-labels and initial-rollout-annotations flags to gcloud deploy releases create command.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --connector_enforcement flag for gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.16.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --discard-local-ssd flag of gcloud compute instances stop to beta.
  • Promoted --force-update-on-repair flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed <create | update> to beta.
  • Fixed missing ephemeral IP when neither --address nor --no-address keys are provided with --network-interface flag during instance template creation.


  • Changed membership-related flags in gcloud container fleet and gcloud container hub command groups to resource arguments, adding --location flag and LOCATION column in list commands.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-managed-prometheus flag of gcloud container clusters create/update to GA.
  • Promoted --disable-managed-prometheus flag of gcloud container clusters update to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

407.0.0 (2022-10-25)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Run) Now gcloud beta run jobs update command removes existing Binary Authorization breakglass justification if --breakglass flag is not set.
  • (Cloud Run) In gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update, --set-secrets, --remove-secrets, and --update-secrets flags now support mounting multiple versions of the same secret in the same directory.
  • (Cloud Run)
    • If multiple different secrets are requested to be mounted in the same directory, including for secrets already set on the service in the case of --update-secrets, the operation will now fail instead of silently overriding all secret versions with the last one specified.
  • (Compute Engine) Removed --csek-key-file flag of gcloud beta compute instances resume
    • Removing since instance suspend and resume do not support CSEK
    • If your instance with CSEK protection is suspended, please stop the instance then restart it and file a bug.

Assured Workloads

  • Added ASSURED_WORKLOADS_FOR_PARTNERS as an option for --compliance-regime flag of gcloud assured workloads create command.
  • Added --partner flag (optional) for gcloud assured workloads create command to enable creation of partner workload (workload managed by local trusted partners) through gcloud command.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted gcloud dns managed-zones get-iam-policy and gcloud dns managed-zones set-iam-policy to GA.

Cloud Dataplex

  • Promoted Content command group to GA.
  • Promoted Environment command group to GA.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added postgresql type to --type flag of datastream connection-profiles <create/update>.
  • Added postgresql type to --postgresql-rdbms-file flag of datastream connection-profiles discover.
  • Added --postgresql-source-config flag to gcloud datastream streams <create/update>.
  • Added postgresql type to --type flag of datastream connection-profiles <create/update>.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --kms-key flag to gcloud beta filestore backups create, which allows an Enterprise or High Scale backup to be created that is encrypted with a CMEK key." => "which creates a backup with an associated customer-managed encryption key (CMEK). Only available for Enterprise or High Scale tier instances.
  • Added --location flag to gcloud beta filestore instances restore, which restores Enterprise instances." => "restore Basic HDD, Basic SSD, and Enterprise tier instances.
  • Added --instance-location flag to gcloud beta filestore backups create, which accepts either a zone or region and allows clients to create Basic HDD, Basic SSD, and Enterprise tier backups.

Cloud SQL

  • Added the following flags to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch in BETA:
    • --connector_enforcement

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.15.

Cloud Workstations

  • Promoted gcloud beta workstations commands to beta for Preview.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --source-machine-image, --source-machine-image-csek-key-file, and --erase-windows-vss-signature flags of compute instances create to GA.
  • Fixed an issue with --create-disk and --disk flags that causes gcloud compute instance-templates create or gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container to fail when attaching a boot disk.
  • Promoted --region flag for compute target-tcp-proxies to GA.

Compute Firewall Policies

  • Fixed bug in gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update that would cause src-secure-tags to not be updated.


  • Modified gcloud container fleet memberships register to skip Connect agent installation for GKE clusters by default. Use --install-connect-agent flag to get the old behavior.
  • Modified gcloud container fleet memberships unregister to skip Connect agent uninstallation for GKE clusters by default. Use --uninstall-connect-agent flag to get the old behavior.
  • Added --install-connect-agent flag to gcloud container fleet memberships register and gcloud container hub memberships register to install connect agent on GKE clusters.
  • Added --uninstall-connect-agent flag to gcloud container fleet memberships unregister and gcloud container hub memberships unregister to uninstall Connect agent on GKE clusters.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added gcloud iam policies create which creates a deny policy on the given attachment point with the given name.
  • Added gcloud iam policies delete which deletes a deny policy on the given attachment point with the given name.
  • Added gcloud iam policies get which gets a deny policy on the given attachment point with the given name.
  • Added gcloud iam policies list which lists the deny policies on the given attachment point.
  • Added gcloud iam policies update which updates the deny policy on the given attachment point with the given name.
  • Updated External Account URL validation to allow PSC endpoints.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --gateway-api flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update which allows users to turn on the GKE Gateway controller for their cluster and to select the Gateway API release channel they want to use.

Security Command Center

  • Updated gcloud scc notifications update to allow for project and folder parents.
  • Updated gcloud scc notifications create to allow for project and folder parents.
  • Updated gcloud scc notifications delete to allow for project and folder parents.
  • Updated gcloud scc notifications list to allow for project and folder parents.
  • Updated gcloud scc notifications describe to allow for project and folder parents.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

406.0.0 (2022-10-17)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Storage) Changed "Additional Properties" formatting for ls -L to print condensed JSON object instead of JSON list with key and value keys before every key and value.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Remove deprecated --istio-config flag of gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container clusters update.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Promoted --logging flag to gcloud container aws clusters create and gcloud container azure clusters create to update the logging config.
  • Promoted --logging flag to gcloud container aws clusters update and gcloud container azure clusters update to update the logging config.
  • Added --annotations flag to gcloud container azure node-pools create to set the annotations field when creating Azure node pools.
  • Added --annotations flag to gcloud container azure node-pools update to update the annotations of Azure node pools.
  • Added --clear-annotations flag to gcloud container azure node-pools update to clear the annotations of Azure node pools.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms nfs-shares create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms nfs-shares delete to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms volumes restore to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms volumes snapshot to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms volumes snapshots describe to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms volumes snapshots list to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms volumes snapshots delete to GA.
  • Promoted --add-allowed-client flag of gcloud bms nfs-shares update to GA.
  • Promoted --remove-allowed-client flag of gcloud bms nfs-shares update to GA.
  • Promoted --clear-allowed-clients flag of gcloud bms nfs-shares update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms instances stop to GA.


  • Fixed issue with --api flag in external clients.
  • Added support for the target_job_concurrency flag and begins deprecating the concurrency flag.
  • Added the max_staleness flag for external tables.
  • Added support for SIMPLE with the object_metadata flag.
  • Added ZSTD as an extract option.

Certificate Manager

  • Added gcloud certificate-manager issuance-configs command group to beta. Commands in this group allow for configuring Private Trust certificate issuance.
  • Added --issuance-config flag for gcloud certificate-manager certificates create command to beta. The flag allows configuring managed certificates issuance with Private Trust.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Changed --level flag of gcloud access-context-manager cloud-bindings create and gcloud access-context-manager cloud-bindings update to take a string input instead of a resource:
    • No change is required on any previous configurations as a result of this change.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added BigQuery destination type support.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Promoted gcloud emulators firestore to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Added the following flags to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch for ALPHA:
    • --connector_enforcement

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted --shielded-secure-boot flag of gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm to GA.

Compute Firewall Policies

  • Updated gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create to include help text for src-threat-intelligence, src-fqdns, src-region-codes , src-address-groups, dest-threat-intelligence, dest-fqdns , dest-region-codes and dest-address-groups.
  • Updated gcloud compute firewall-policies rules update to include help text for src-threat-intelligence, src-fqdns, src-region-codes , src-address-groups, dest-threat-intelligence, dest-fqdns , dest-region-codes and dest-address-groups.
  • Updated gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create to include help text for src-threat-intelligence, src-fqdns, src-region-codes , src-address-groups, dest-threat-intelligence, dest-fqdns , dest-region-codes and dest-address-groups.
  • Updated gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update to include help text for src-threat-intelligence, src-fqdns, src-region-codes , src-address-groups, dest-threat-intelligence, dest-fqdns , dest-region-codes and dest-address-groups.
  • Promoted --src-address-groups and --dest-address-groups flags to beta in gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create , gcloud compute firewall-policies rules update , gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update commands.
  • Promoted --src-fqdns and --dest-fqdns flags to beta in gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create , gcloud compute firewall-policies rules update , gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update commands.


Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted the GKE add-on BackupRestore of gcloud container clusters <create|update> to GA. This add-on is disabled by default.
    • Use --addons=BackupRestore to enable the add-on during cluster creation.
    • Use --update-addons=BackupRestore=ENABLED|DISABLED to enable/disable the add-on for existing GKE clusters.

Managed Active Directory

  • Promoted gcloud active-directory domains extend-schema to GA.

Network Security

  • Updated gcloud network-security address-groups list to include the TYPE, CAPACITY and USAGE columns in the output.
  • Updated gcloud network-security org-address-groups list to include the TYPE, CAPACITY and USAGE columns in the output.

Security Command Center

  • Updated gcloud scc notifications update to allow for project and folder parents.
  • Updated gcloud scc notifications create to allow for project and folder parents.
  • Updated gcloud scc notifications delete to allow for project and folder parents.
  • Updated gcloud scc notifications list to allow for project and folder parents.

405.0.1 (2022-10-14)


  • Updated gke-gcloud-auth-plugin to 0.4.0.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Updated the version of cbt to v1.12.1.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

405.0.0 (2022-10-04)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Fixed issue where revoking impersonated ADC credentials caused a crash.
  • Fixed issue where it was not possible to set a logging configuration when creating a regional backend service in alpha and beta.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --tags flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the tags assigned to control plane replicas.
  • Added --clear-tags flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to clear the tags assigned to control plane replicas.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Automatically creates missing repos for gcloud beta artifacts settings enable-upgrade-redirection command.


  • Promoted gcloud batch to GA track.

Cloud Dataplex

  • Updated gcloud dataplex tasks create to support scheduling notebooks.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted gcloud firestore fields ttls command group to GA.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted gcloud spanner instance-configs [create|update|delete] to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --time-zone flag of gcloud sql instances create command to GA.
  • Provided a helpful error message when Cloud SQL Proxy fails to start during gcloud sql connect command.

Cloud Run

  • Added gcloud beta run jobs replace to deploy a job from yaml.

Compute Engine

  • Added ubuntu-2204 and windows-11-x64-byol options to --os flag for:
    • gcloud compute images import in GA,
    • gcloud compute instances import in GA
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in GA
  • Updated gcloud compute instance-templates create not to crash if instantiate-from value is not specified in --configure-disk when using --source-instance flag.
  • Promoted --md5-authentication-key flag of gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer to GA.
  • Promoted --md5-authentication-key and --clear-md5-authentication-key flags of gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer to GA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Delayed displaying information about the number of devices used until after all executions are created.

Identity and Access Management

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Google Cloud CLI to crash when using invalid External Account Credentials.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added a prompt when passing --enable-binauthz to gcloud container clusters update that acknowledges the current version of Binary Authorization will be downgraded.
  • Promoted --enable-cost-allocation flag of gcloud container clusters create to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-cost-allocation flag of gcloud container clusters update to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

404.0.0 (2022-09-27)

App Engine

Assured Workloads

  • Promoted gcloud assured workloads violations commands to GA. This command provides the ability to create new Assured Workloads environment resources.


  • Improved error message formats for gcloud batch jobs submit unparsable json config file, gcloud batch jobs describe job and gcloud batch tasks describe task that does not exist.
  • Added new batch/location property that can be used to set a default location. To set the properties, run gcloud config set batch/location LOCATION.


  • Add support for storage_billing_model flag for datasets.
  • Allow users to log in with pluggable-auth based external account credentials.
  • Add support for configuring the access token lifetime for service account impersonation when using external account credentials.
  • Add session support for load jobs.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --saved-analysis-query option to gcloud asset analyze-iam-policy, which runs a saved analysis query when specified.
  • Added gcloud asset saved-queries commands, which creates, retrieves, updates and deletes saved queries in a specified project, folder or organization.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --maintenance-version flag to gcloud beta redis instances update to allow updating a maintenance version when updating an instance.

Cloud Storage

  • Added storage/key_store_path property for encryption/decryption keys.
  • Updated gsutil component to 5.14.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --region for gcloud compute ssl-policies to GA.


  • Updated gcloud eventarc triggers list to return the locations of triggers.

Identity and Access Management

  • Fixed bug that occurs when switching external account credentials.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Adds new kubectl v1.25 for GKE rapid channel.
  • Removes old kubectl v1.19.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.22.12 to 1.22.14.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.14)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.11)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.5)
    • kubectl.1.25 (1.25.1)

Managed Active Directory

  • Added support for gcloud beta active-directory domains migration for enabling existing domain migration.

Policy Troubleshooter

  • Updated gcloud policy-troubleshoot iam beta and GA Command to use V2Alpha1 API.

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • Added --validate-only flag to gcloud monitoring dashboards create to allow validating dashboards without saving.


  • Fixed issue where http proxy environment variables were not used in gcloud beta terraform vet.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

403.0.0 (2022-09-20)

Breaking Changes

  • (Assured Workloads) Removed AU_REGIONS_AND_US_SUPPORT as compliance regime options for gcloud assured workloads create command.
  • (Assured Workloads) Removed messages related to 'Versioning' as they should not be used externally.
  • (Assured Workloads) Removed v1beta1 messages from v1 api and vice-versa.
  • (Assured Workloads) Updated violation acknowledge api to POST Request.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Fixed issue where MTLS endpoints were not used when use_client_certificate was true.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project would fail if permission was revoked from the active project.
  • Added bundled Python 3 as a default component on x86_64 component-based Linux installs. The bundled Python 3 interpreter will be preferred over the system Python interpreter when invoking the gcloud command-line tool.
    • The bundled Python 3 interpreter should work on supported Linux systems, but a different interpreter can be specified by setting the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable. See gcloud topic startup and for more information.


  • Added gcloud beta api indexes remove-datapoints and gcloud beta api indexes upsert-datapoints to support Matching Engine steaming update.


  • Added support to specify automated backup policy in gcloud beta alloydb clusters create.
  • Updated gcloud beta alloydb clusters create to support PITR (point in time recovery) configuration via new --disable-pitr and --pitr-log-retention-window flags.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed a bug where the plus sign ("+") was not escaped properly, making it impossible to delete artifacts with a plus sign in their version.


  • Improved error message formats for gcloud batch jobs submit unparsable json config file, gcloud batch jobs describe job and gcloud batch tasks describe task that does not exist.


  • Expose object_metadata for private preview.
  • Improve error message for unparseable parameters.


  • Updated gcloud container binauthz attestations list to also return occurrences in cases where the artifact-url does not begin with https.

Cloud DNS

  • Added Location flag to Cloud DNS Managed Zones, Response Policies GA commands. This flag can be specified to target Cloud DNS Zonal Servers.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta dataproc sessions list would hang when large numbers of sessions are present.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added new --from-run-manifest to gcloud deploy releases create command. When used, a Skaffold file will be generated using the Cloud Run manifest.

Cloud Run

  • Added --encryption-key-shutdown-hours flag to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update to set the number of hours to wait before an automatic shutdown server after CMEK key revocation is detected.
  • Added --clear-encryption-key-shutdown-hours flag to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update to clear the CMEK key shutdown hours setting.

Compute Engine

  • Updated gcloud compute instance-templates create to throw error if --machine-type/--labels flags are used with --source-instance.
  • Promoted --compression-mode flag to gcloud compute backend-services <create | update> to GA.
  • Promoted --compression-mode flag to gcloud compute backend-buckets <create | update> to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

402.0.0 (2022-09-13)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Cloud CLI) The gcloud command-line tool no longer overrides the scheme specified in the https_proxy environment variable. Previously, the scheme was silently ignored and the gcloud command-line tool would always attempt to connect to the proxy via HTTP, even if the proxy server URL specified HTTPS.
    • Note that the gcloud command-line tool does not currently support connecting to proxies via HTTPS (nor did it previously).
    • If attempting to connect to an HTTP proxy results in warnings or errors, ensure that the https_proxy environment variable looks like http://... as opposed to https://....
    • See for more information.
  • (Batch) Deprecated positional argument TASK_GROUP of gcloud batch tasks list.
  • (Batch) Use --job as the required flag instead.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --annotations flag to gcloud container aws node-pools create to set the annotations field when creating AWS node pools.
  • Added --annotations flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the annotations of AWS node pools.
  • Added --clear-annotations flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to clear the annotations of AWS node pools.


  • Updated --config flag to support job configs from Here Doc.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed issue where gcloud dataproc batches list would hang when large numbers of batches are present.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added gcloud deploy targets redeploy command to redeploy a release to a given target.
  • Added gcloud deploy rollouts retry-job, gcloud deploy job-runs list, and gcloud deploy job-runs describe commands for Deployment Verification Public Preview.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed issue where job-level labels are not propagated to its execution.
  • Added last updated message to gcloud beta run jobs describe output.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.13.
  • Promoted gcloud storage to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added -iam-policyand-iam-policy-bindingstogcloud compute backend-services` for GA.
  • Added gcloud compute security-policies rules add-preconfig-waf-exclusion|remove-preconfig-waf-exclusion in alpha and beta.

Config Connector


  • Added new argument to the following commands:
    • gcloud container hub mesh update --management automatic.
    • gcloud container fleet mesh update --management automatic.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added support for executable-sourced external account credentials.
  • Added support for configuring the access token lifetime for service account impersonation when using external account credentials.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

401.0.0 (2022-09-07)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added warning message to indicate support for Python 2 will soon be deprecated.


  • Added --view flag to gcloud alpha alloydb instances describe to get the view of AlloyDB instance. --view=BASIC will be the same response as describe instance without this flag, and --view=FULL for read pool instance will list the details of each node in the pool.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --description flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the description of AWS clusters.
  • Added --clear-description flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to clear the description of AWS clusters.
  • Added --annotations flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the annotations of AWS clusters.
  • Added --clear-annotations flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to clear the annotations of AWS clusters.
  • Added --description flag to gcloud container azure clusters create to set the description field when creating Azure clusters.
  • Added --annotations flag to gcloud container azure clusters create to set the annotations field when creating Azure clusters.
  • Added --description flag to gcloud container azure clusters update to update the description of Azure clusters.
  • Added --clear-description flag to gcloud container azure clusters update to clear the description of Azure clusters.
  • Added --annotations flag to gcloud container azure clusters update to update the annotations of Azure clusters.
  • Added --clear-annotations flag to gcloud container azure clusters update to clear the annotations of Azure clusters.

Cloud Run

  • Added execution log URI to gcloud beta run jobs executions describe output.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --snapshot-type flag of gcloud compute snapshots create to GA.
  • Added --json-custom-content-types for gcloud compute security-policies update, and promoted it to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --guest-os-features flag of gcloud compute images import to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute firewall-rules migrate to beta.
  • Added --share-setting and --share-with flags to gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create|update for GA.
  • Added --share-settings flag to gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups list for GA.
  • Added --node-project flag to gcloud compute instances create for GA.

Network Management

  • Added cloudFunction argument for source in gcloud network-management connectivity-tests. This allows the user to run tests using Cloud Function endpoint types as source.

Stackdriver Logging

  • Promoted the following commands to beta and GA:

    • gcloud logging copy
    • gcloud logging settings get
    • gcloud logging settings update
    • gcloud logging operations cancel
    • gcloud logging operations describe
    • gcloud logging operations list
  • Promoted --bucket-name flag of gcloud logging metrics to beta and GA.

  • Promoted --cmke-kms-key-name flag of gcloud logging buckets to beta and GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

400.0.0 (2022-08-30)

Breaking Changes

  • (Anthos Multi-Cloud) Removed aws/location property of gcloud container aws. Use container_aws/location to set the default Google Cloud location for gcloud container aws.
  • (Anthos Multi-Cloud) Removed azure/location property of gcloud container azure. Use container_azure/location to set the default Google Cloud location for gcloud container azure.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --description flag to gcloud container aws clusters create to set the description field when creating AWS clusters.
  • Added --annotations flag to gcloud container aws clusters create to set the annotations field when creating AWS clusters.

App Engine

  • Use java17 as the default runtime for generated configuration. This is a behavior change with the command gcloud app deploy when there is no app.yaml configuration for Java projects (Maven, or Gradle, or simple jar). Instead of using a java11 runtime target, the application will be deployed now on a java17 runtime with a F2 instance class. If you want to stay on a java11 runtime, just create a simple app.yaml file with runtime: java11 in it.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed issue where gcloud artifacts repositories create requires excessive permission when a kms key is supplied.


  • Add support for specifying vertex_ai_model_id when in the BigQuery ML update model AI.
  • Add support for preserving embedded Ascii Control characters in CSV External tables.
  • Add support for serving_default signature when exporting BigQuery trained Tensorflow models.
  • Add support for reference file schema for AVRO, PARQUET, and ORC formats.
  • Add support for BigSpark routines.
  • Fix bug when api flag is used within a restricted network.
  • Add support metadata_cache_mode and max_staleness for Query Acceleration on BigLake tables.
  • Add support for BigSpark connections.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added gcloud beta asset query.
  • Added --read-time, --start-time, --end-time, --bigquery-dataset, --bigquery-table, and --write-disposition flags to support point-in-time/range queries and export to BigQuery.

Cloud Run

  • Changed the link in gcloud beta run jobs execute output to the UI of the resulted execution instead of its logging UI.
  • Added elapsed time to gcloud beta run jobs executions describe output. This is between execution creation timestamp and execution completion timestamp.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --database-role flag to gcloud spanner databases to support role-based access control in Cloud Spanner.
  • Added gcloud beta spanner databases roles list to list all roles in Cloud Spanner database.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --logging-variant flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters update, gcloud container node-pools create and gcloud container node-pools update that allow users to set the logging variant used in the cluster or in the node pools. Selecting logging variant is available in clusters with version 1.24.2-gke.300+. --logging_variant is used to choose the desired logging agent that is deployed on GKE nodes. Valid options are MAX_THROUGHPUT and DEFAULT. For more details about configuring the logging agent to achieve desired throughput, see http://cloud/stackdriver/docs/solutions/gke/managing-logs#throughput.

Secret Manager

  • Added --update-annotations flag to gcloud secrets update and gcloud secrets beta update to enable the addition of new annotations to secret versions.
  • Added --remove-annotations flag to gcloud secrets update and gcloud secrets beta update to enable the removal of annotations to secret versions.
  • Added --clear-annotations flag to gcloud secrets update and gcloud secrets beta update to enable the clearing of all annotations from a secret.
  • Added --set-annotations flag to gcloud secrets create and gcloud secrets beta create to enable the setting of annotations on new secrets.
  • Added --out-file flag to gcloud secrets versions access and gcloud beta secrets versions access to directly get the output in file.


  • Added support for the following resources in CAI-based policies:
    • google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_binding
    • google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_member
    • google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_policy
    • google_gke_hub_membership_iam_binding
    • google_gke_hub_membership_iam_member
    • google_gke_hub_membership_iam_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against google provider version 4.33.0.
  • Fixed asset names for the following resources:
    • google_compute_backend_service_iam
    • google_compute_instance_iam
    • google_compute_region_backend_service_iam
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam
  • Added support for organizations/unknown in CAI-based policy match parameters.
  • Enabled support for non-Google Terraform resources in TF-based policies.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

399.0.0 (2022-08-23)


  • Added --cluster flag to gcloud beta alloydb operations list to enable listing of operations pertaining to a given cluster.
  • Updated gcloud beta alloydb clusters restore to support PITR (point in time recovery) via new --source-cluster and --point-in-time flags.

App Engine

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added gcloud asset get-effective-iam-policy command, which retrieves batch effective IAM policies for a specified list of resources within specified accessible scope.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added GO to gcloud flex-template build command SDK Language options, allowing users to submit Go Flex Template jobs.

Cloud Functions

  • Move Python 3.10 for Cloud Functions to GA.

Cloud Org Policy

  • Added gcloud org-policies {custom constraint} commands that allow users to create, update, list, describe, and delete org policy custom constraints.
  • gcloud org-policies set-custom-constraint
  • gcloud org-policies describe-custom-constraint
  • gcloud org-policies delete-custom-constraint
  • gcloud org-policies list-custom-constraints.

Cloud SQL

  • Set the maximum allowed value for --storage-auto-increase-limit in gcloud beta sql instances create to the max value of int. This removes the hardcoded limit of 10230.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted gcloud spanner samples to beta and GA. Commands in this group support creating sample databases and running open source sample applications.
  • Added --instance-type, --expire-behavior flags to spanner instances create and spanner instances update to add ability to create free instances in GA.
  • Added instance_type column for spanner instances list and free_instance_availability column for spanner instance-configs list.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --architecture flag of gcloud compute disks create to GA.
  • Promoted --update-architecture flags of gcloud compute disks update to GA.
  • Promoted --clear-architecture flags of gcloud compute disks update to GA.
  • Promoted --architecture flag of gcloud compute images create and gcloud compute disks update to GA.

Network Services

  • Promoted gcloud network-services tls-routes to GA.


  • Added notebooks runtimes command group which provides access to AI Platform Notebooks' runtimes.


  • Added multipart copy feature to agent setup flags.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

398.0.0 (2022-08-16)


  • Promoted --autoscaling-metric-specs flag of gcloud ai endpoints deploy-model to GA.
  • Added --encryption-kms-key-name flag to gcloud ai endpoints create and gcloud beta ai endpoints create.

Artifact Registry

  • Updated gcloud artifacts docker images describe and gcloud artifacts docker images list to return occurrences of any Grafeas kind.
  • Added gcloud artifacts repositories set-cleanup-policy to set a cleanup policy on a repository.
  • Added gcloud artifacts repositories list-cleanup-policy to list cleanup policies on a repository.
  • Added gcloud artifacts repositories delete-cleanup-policy to delete cleanup policies on a repository.

Cloud DNS

  • Added support for the ALIAS record set type to beta. ALIAS record sets can be created/modified using --type flag in gcloud beta dns record-sets command group.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed issue where gcloud dataproc clusters enable-personal-auth-session-session did not successfully inject credentials.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added support for absolute paths for "--skaffold-file flag of gcloud deploy releases create command".

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted --customer-managed-key flags of gcloud redis instances create to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --cpu-boost flag to beta.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --deletion-protection flag to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch in alpha, beta and GA to provide Cloud SQL instances with protection against accidental deletion.

Cloud Spanner

  • Updated default timeout for gcloud spanner databases execute-sql to 10 minutes.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.12.

Compute Engine

  • Deprecated --load-balancing-scheme, --network, --subnet, and --subnet-region arguments of gcloud compute forwarding-rules set-target.
  • Promoted --resource-policies flag for glcloud compute reservations createto beta.
  • Promoted --region and --global flags for gcloud compute url-maps invalidate-cdn-cache and gcloud compute url-maps list-cdn-cache-invalidations to GA.
  • Added region information to gcloud compute health-checks list output.
  • Deprecated --no-serve-while-stale argument of gcloud compute [backend-services|backend-buckets] [create|update].
  • Promoted --architecture flag of gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instanceTemplates create to GA.


  • Updated WARNING text for trigger creation from 10 minutes to 2 minutes.

Network Services

  • Promoted gcloud network-services gateways to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud network-services meshes to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud network-services tcp-routes to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud network-services grpc-routes to GA.
    • Promoted gcloud network-services http-routes to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

397.0.0 (2022-08-09)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Datastore) Deprecated gcloud datastore database create. Use gcloud alpha firestore database update --type=datastore-mode instead.
  • (Cloud Firestore) The gcloud firestore database create will be required to administer your database. Please enable the API and ensure you have the required permissions. See
  • (Cloud Firestore) gcloud firestore database create will no longer support App Engine regions (us-central, europe-west). See for available regions.


  • Added --request-response-logging-table and --request-response-logging-rate flags to gcloud ai endpoints create|update to allow config prediction endpoint request-response logging.

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud artifacts versions describe command.
  • Added gcloud artifacts settings to describe/modify project settings.


  • Modified gcloud batch jobs list to use --location as an optional flag.

Cloud DNS

  • Update record-sets create and update methods for health checked routing policies.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore emulator v2.2.2
    • Fixed bug which caused failures when attempting to Export.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted host based flags to GA for surfacesgcloud compute ssh,gcloud compute scp and gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel.

Cloud Run

  • Added Startup Probe and Liveness Probe fields to the output of gcloud run services describe [SERVICE].

Compute Engine

  • Added 'network-firewall-policyand 'network-regional-firewall-policy to TYPE column of 'compute instances network-interfaces get-effective-firewalls` output.

Config Connector


  • Added support for the following resources in CAI-based policies:
    • google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_binding
    • google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_member
    • google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_policy
    • google_bigquery_connection_iam_binding
    • google_bigquery_connection_iam_member
    • google_bigquery_connection_iam_policy
    • google_cloud_tasks_queue_iam_binding
    • google_cloud_tasks_queue_iam_member
    • google_cloud_tasks_queue_iam_policy
    • google_cloudiot_registry_iam_binding
    • google_cloudiot_registry_iam_member
    • google_cloudiot_registry_iam_policy
    • google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_binding
    • google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_member
    • google_compute_backend_bucket_iam_policy
    • google_compute_snapshot_iam_binding
    • google_compute_snapshot_iam_member
    • google_compute_snapshot_iam_policy
    • google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_binding
    • google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_member
    • google_dataproc_autoscaling_policy_iam_policy
    • google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_binding
    • google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_member
    • google_dataproc_metastore_service_iam_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against google provider version 4.30.0.
  • Resources without a known project, folder, or organization will have their ancestry set to organizations/unknown instead of throwing a 403 error that halts validation.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

396.0.0 (2022-08-02)


  • Added --labels flag to gcloud ai models upload to support setting labels. Use --labels flag to set metadata to organize your models and model versions. Label keys and values can be no longer than 64 characters (Unicode codepoints), can only contain lowercase letters, numeric characters, underscores and dashes. International characters are allowed. See for more information and examples of labels.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted gcloud iap tcp dest-groups to GA.

Cloud Logging

  • Promoted --index flag of gcloud logging buckets create to GA.
  • Promoted --clear-indexes flag of gcloud logging buckets update to GA.
  • Promoted --remove-indexes flag of gcloud logging buckets update to GA.
  • Promoted --add-index flag of gcloud logging buckets update to GA.
  • Promoted --update-index flag of gcloud logging buckets update to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --maintenance-interval flag of gcloud compute commitments create to beta.

Compute OS Config

  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config troubleshoot to GA.
    • Troubleshoot common issues with VM Manager.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Fixed issue where creation of a migration job in a project inside a VPC-SC perimeter constantly failed.
  • Fixed issue where creation of a connection profile in a project inside a VPC-SC perimeter constantly failed.

Identity Groups

  • Fixed issue where gcloud identity groups create will fail when specifying --group-type=security.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added --service-account-token-lifetime-seconds flag to gcloud iam <workforce-pools|workload-identity-pools> create-cred-config command to allow configuring the access token lifespan for service account impersonation.


  • Added support for gcloud recommender recommender-config describe.
  • Added support for gcloud recommender recommender-config update.
  • Added support for gcloud recommender insight-type-config describe.
  • Added support for gcloud recommender insight-type-config update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

395.0.0 (2022-07-26)


  • Modified gcloud ai models upload to support model version aliases. Use --version-aliases flag to set version aliases so that a model version can be referenced via alias (i.e. projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model_id}@{version_alias} instead of auto-generated version id (i.e. projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model_id}@{version_id}). The format is [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,126}[a-z0-9] to distinguish from version_id. The aliases set in the flag will replace the aliases set in the model.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud artifacts packages describe command.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added new --from-k8s-manifest to releases create command. When used, a Skaffold file will be generated.

Cloud Domains

  • Implemented the following commands for gcloud domains registrations in alpha and beta.
    • import
    • list-importable-domains

Cloud Functions

  • Updated gcloud functions list to return 2nd gen functions in addition to 1st gen functions.
  • Fixed crash in gcloud beta functions deploy --gen2 failures causing the error message "This stage does not belong to this progress tracker".
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions call to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions delete to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions deploy to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions describe to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions get-iam-policy to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions remove-iam-policy-binding to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions set-iam-policy to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions event-types list to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions logs read to GA.
  • Promoted --gen2 flag of gcloud functions regions list to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud functions add-invoker-policy-binding to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud functions remove-invoker-policy-binding to GA.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added --schema-type value analytics_v2 to gcloud healthcare fhir-stores export bq.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Renamed flag --group-name to --dest-group forgcloud iap tcp dest-groups IAM commands.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Fixed issue where gcloud pubsub subscriptions create and gcloud pubsub subscriptions update will crash when specifying --min-retry-delay=0 and/or --max-retry-delay=0.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud pubsub subscriptions create will crash when specifying --retention_duration=0.

Cloud Run

  • Added --description flag in gcloud run deploy, and description field in gcloud run services describe [SERVICE].
    • Description is an optional, human-readable string of up to 512 characters.
    • Using the flag is functionally equivalent to adding service annotation "".

Compute Engine

  • Added --update-user-licenses and --clear-user-licenses flags of gcloud compute images update to alpha and beta.
  • Made global scope the default for gcloud compute security-policies.

Config Controller

  • Added --man-blocks flag to gcloud anthos config controller create to allow specifying multiple master authorized network CIDR blocks for a CC instance.
  • Deprecated --man-block flag of gcloud anthos config controller create. Use --man-blocks to set master authorized network CIDR block.
  • Modified gcloud anthos config controller list to print out only the instance name instead of the fully specified name.
  • Added --full-name flag to gcloud anthos config controller list to allow users printing out the fully specified name in the NAME column when needed.


  • Promote gcloud container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Add cgroupMode node system config option to allow switching nodes to cgroupv1 or cgroupv2.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.22.9 to 1.22.12
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.19 (1.19.16)
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.14)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.12)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.9)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.3)

Pubsub Emulator

  • Added support for creating BigQuery subscriptions.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

394.0.0 (2022-07-19)


  • Modified gcloud ai models describe to support model versioning.
  • Added europe-west9 option to --region flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs and gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs.
    • Provide the model version ID or version alias to retrieve a specific version of the model.
    • If no model version ID or alias is specified, the "default" model version will be used. The "default" version alias is created for the first version of the model, and can be moved to other versions later on. There will be exactly one default version.
  • Added gcloud ai models delete-version which deletes an existing Vertex AI model version.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --ssh-public-key flag to gcloud container azure node-pools update to update the SSH public key for the Azure node pool nodes.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed a bug where the plus sign ("+") was not escaped properly, making it impossible to delete artifacts with a plus sign in their name.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Started using v2.projects.locations.operations instead of v1.operations for the following commands:
    • gcloud bms instances start
    • gcloud bms instances reset
    • gcloud bms instances disable-serial-console
    • gcloud bms instances enable-serial-console
    • gcloud bms instances update
    • gcloud bms networks update
    • gcloud bms nfs-shares update
    • gcloud bms volumes update
    • gcloud bms volumes restore
    • gcloud bms operations describe
    • gcloud bms operations wait
  • Promoted --os-image flag of gcloud bms instances update to GA.
  • Promoted --[no-]enable-hyperthreading flag of gcloud bms instances update to GA.
  • Promoted --add-ip-range-reservation flag of gcloud bms networks update to GA.
  • Promoted --clear-ip-range-reservations flag of gcloud bms networks update to GA.
  • Promoted --remove-ip-range-reservation flag of gcloud bms networks update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms networks list-ip-reservations to GA.


  • Promoted gcloud batch to alpha and beta which enables the CLI to use Batch APIs.

Cloud Deploy

  • Changed the default bucket name upload path on release create to use the pipeline UUID.
  • Added mutex flags --enable-initial-rollout and --disable-initial-rollout.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Modified gcloud kms import-jobs create to accept new SHA-2 import methods rsa-oaep-3072-sha256, rsa-oaep-3072-sha256-aes-256, rsa-oaep-4096-sha256, and rsa-oaep-4096-sha256-aes-256 in beta.

Cloud SQL

  • Added support for incremental addition of user password policies.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.11.

Compute Engine

  • Added --layer7-ddos-defense-auto-deploy-load-threshold, --layer7-ddos-defense-auto-deploy-confidence-threshold, --layer7-ddos-defense-auto-deploy-impacted-baseline-threshold, and --layer7-ddos-defense-auto-deploy-expiration-sec to gcloud compute security-policies update to gcloud beta compute security-policies update.
  • Promoted flags --enable-strong-affinity of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Replaced the default login flow when a browser is not detected from --no-browser to --no-launch-browser.

Identity and Access Management

  • Removed etag flag from gcloud beta iam policies update command. The command will always use the etag in the policy file.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

393.0.0 (2022-07-12)

Breaking Changes

  • (AlloyDB) Updated gcloud beta alloydb instances create and gcloud beta alloydb instances update to remove the unused --zone flag.
  • (Cloud Datastore Emulator) Removed support for running the Datastore emulator (gcloud beta emulators datastore start) in environment with Java versions prior to 11. Users can upgrade to Java 11 or above to continue using the latest Datastore emulator. Alternatively, users can use gcloud command-line tool with version before 392.0.0 to continue using the previous Datastore emulator with Java 8 support.
  • (Cloud Firestore Emulator) Removed support for running the Firestore emulator (gcloud beta emulators firestore start) in environment with Java versions prior to 11. Users can upgrade to Java 11 or above to continue using the latest Firestore emulator. Alternatively, users can use gcloud command-line tool with version before 392.0.0 to continue using the previous Firestore emulator with Java 8 support.


  • Added gcloud ai models delete-version which delete an existing Vertex AI model version.
  • Modified gcloud ai models upload to support model versioning. Use --parent-model flag to specify the parent model of the model version to be uploaded. When this flag is specified, a new version of the parent model will be uploaded. Use --model-id flag to specify the model ID for the uploaded model.
  • Fixed an issue for gcloud ai custom-jobs create that the value of the --args and --command flags are not passed when the --worker-pool-spec flag is left unspecified.


  • Updated gcloud beta alloydb instances create and gcloud beta alloydb instances update to allow --cpu-count of 2.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed issue where gcloud artifacts packages delete requires the package id unescaped.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added bootDiskKmsKey key in --pools flag to gcloud dataproc clusters gke create to allow creating Dataproc on GKE cluster with CMEK protected node pool.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added --bigquery-destination-config flag to gcloud datastream streams <create/update>.
  • Added bigquery type to --type flag of datastream connection-profiles <create/update>.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added optional flags --labels and --annotations for users to add labels or annotations to apply to gcloud deploy targets rollback command.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.14.4
    • Fix: Condition Normalization now correctly handles cartesian products and flattening in certain edge cases.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --docker-registry flag of gcloud functions deploy to GA.
  • Move PHP 8.1 for Cloud Functions to GA.
  • Added gcloud functions runtimes list which displays the supported runtimes for both 1st & 2nd generation functions.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promoted --wrapped-key-file flag of gcloud kms keys versions import to GA.
  • Deprecated --rsa-aes-wrapped-key-file flag of gcloud kms keys versions import. Use --wrapped-key-file instead.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted --persistence-mode, --rdb-snapshot-period and --rdb-snapshot-start-time flags of gcloud redis instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --persistence-mode, --rdb-snapshot-period and --rdb-snapshot-start-time flags of gcloud redis instances update to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Added flag --password-policy-enable-password-verification to gcloud sql users create and gcloud sql users set-password-policy for MySQL password validation.
  • Added flags --discard-dual-password and --retain-password to gcloud sql users set-password to allow control over MySQL's dual password.

Cloud Speech API

  • Added latest_short and latest_long options for gcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model flag.

Cloud TPU

  • Updated tpus tpu-vm ssh to return an error when users attempt to ssh into a TPU VM during a maintenance event.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --target-distribution-shape flag of gcloud compute instances bulk create to GA.
  • Promoted --key-revocation-action-type flag to GA for gcloud compute instance-templates create.
  • Promoted explicit scope requirement for gcloud compute security-policies to beta.
  • Promoted --network-ddos-protection flag of gcloud compute security-policies create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute network-edge-security-services to beta.
  • Promoted --key-reservation-action-type flag to GA for gcloud compute instances create.
  • Promoted keyRevocationActionType property of gcloud compute instances update-from-file to GA.

Compute Firewall Policies

  • Promoted --src-region-codes and --dest-region-codes flags to beta in gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create , gcloud compute firewall-policies rules update , gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update commands.
  • Promoted --src-threat-intelligence and --dest-threat-intelligence flags to beta in gcloud compute firewall-policies rules create , gcloud compute firewall-policies rules update , gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules create and gcloud compute network-firewall-policies rules update commands.

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • Added --man-blocks flag to gcloud anthos config controller create to allow specifying multiple master authorized network CIDR blocks for a CC instance.
  • Deprecated --man-block flag of gcloud anthos config controller create. Use --man-blocks to set master authorized network CIDR block.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container clusters create command.
  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container clusters create-auto command.
  • Added --binauthz-evaluation-mode flag to gcloud container clusters update command.
  • Added --total-max-nodes and --total-min-nodes to gcloud container cluster/node-pools create/update that allow users to set total size limits for autoscaled nodepools. The limits are available in clusters with version 1.24+.
  • Added --location-policy to gcloud container cluster/node-pools create/update that allow users to set location policy for autoscaled nodepools. The location policy is available in clusters with version 1.24.1-gke.800+.


  • added support for --labels flag when creating a new job/job template.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

392.0.0 (2022-06-28)

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --iam-instance-profile flag to gcloud container aws clusters update and gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the name or ARN of the IAM instance profile associated with control plane or node pool.
  • Added --ssh-public-key flag to gcloud container azure clusters update to update the SSH public key for the Azure control plane.
  • Added --logging flag to gcloud container aws clusters update and gcloud container azure clusters update to update the logging config.

App Engine

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added --unconstrained-chain-length flag to gcloud privateca subordinates create to allow creation of a subordinate CA with unconstrained chain length.
  • Added --unconstrained-chain-length flag to gcloud privateca roots create to allow creation of a root CA with unconstrained chain length.
  • Added --unconstrained-chain-length flag to gcloud privateca certificates create to allow creation of a CA with unconstrained chain length.

Certificate Manager

  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager to GA.
  • Allowed using project number in gcloud certificate-manager commands.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted gcloud bigtable instances tables undelete to beta and GA.
  • Added --autoscaling-storage-target flags to gcloud bigtable clusters create for alpha, beta and GA to let users create autoscaling clusters with configurable storage target.
  • Added key autoscaling-storage-target to --cluster-config flag of gcloud bigtable instances create for alpha, beta and GA to let users create autoscaling clusters with configurable storage target.
  • Added --autoscaling-storage-target flag to gcloud bigtable clusters update for alpha, beta and GA to let users configure autoscaling storage target when updating clusters.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added new command gcloud deploy releases abandon to prevent new rollouts on a Cloud Deploy release.
  • Added suspended field to the Delivery Pipeline resource. If this field is set, activity on a pipeline is prevented. The field can be set or unset in the Delivery Pipeline definition, and then applied using gcloud deploy apply.

Cloud TPU

  • Fixed an issue with connection to TPU VMs when the 'compute.disableGuestAttributesAccess' Organization Policy Constraint is enforced.

Compute Engine

  • Added --list-managed-instances-results flag to gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed create and gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed update.
  • Promoted --certificate-map of 'compute target-https-proxies insert|update` to GA.
  • Promoted --certificate-map of 'compute target-ssl-proxies insert|update` to GA.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted --network-config-from-file and --consumer-subnetworks flag to gcloud beta metastore services create to specify the subnetworks from which the Dataproc Metastore service can be accessed to GA.


  • Added gcloud eventarc google-channels command group.
  • Added gcloud eventarc channels update command to configure crypto keys on a channel.
  • Added --crypto-key flag to gcloud eventarc channels create to configure crypto keys on a new channel.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated login flow initiated by gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser and gcloud auth application-default login --no-launch-browser to address a security issue.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-cost-allocation flag of gcloud container clusters create to beta.
  • Promoted --enable-cost-allocation flag of gcloud container clusters update to beta.
  • Renamed --enable-cost-management flag of gcloud container clusters create to --enable-cost-allocation.
  • Renamed --enable-cost-management flag of gcloud container clusters update to --enable-cost-allocation.
  • Added --stack-type and --ipv6-access-type arguments to gcloud container clusters create command to support dual stack GKE clusters.


  • Added support for the following resources in CAI-based policies:
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against google provider version 4.24.0.
  • Fixed the ancestry used for resources that do not exist within a project. Users may need folders.get access to folders that have resources included in the plan.
  • Simplified converter error messages and added resource address.
  • Added support for ancestries/excludedAncestries match parameters for CAI-based constraints.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

391.0.0 (2022-06-22)

Breaking Changes

  • (Anthos Multi-Cloud) Removed --instance-type flag of gcloud container aws node-pools update to disable updating the EC2 instance type of node pool nodes.

Assured Workloads

  • Added ITAR as compliance regime options for gcloud assured workloads create command.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added a --force flag to gcloud dataflow jobs cancel which forcibly cancels (leaking VMs) Dataflow jobs that are stuck on normal cancellation.

Cloud Filestore

  • Enable Filestore High-Scale tier for GA.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted flags for host based connetion for command gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud iap oauth-brands surface to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud iap oauth-clients surface to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted SQL Server Audit to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Updated gcloud compute networks subnets list-usable list format to include PSC and IPv6 fields.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added support for managing Dataproc Metastore Federation. The following commands have been added to the alpha, beta and GA release tracks:

    • metastore federations create
    • metastore federations delete
    • metastore federations describe
    • metastore federations get
    • metastore federations list
    • metastore federations update
  • Added support for managing IAM policy for Dataproc Metastore Federation. The following commands have been added to the GA release track:

    • metastore federations get-iam-policy
    • metastore federations set-iam-policy
    • metastore federations add-iam-policy-binding
    • metastore federations remove-iam-policy-binding

Identity and Access Management

  • Added --executable-command flag to gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-cred-config command to allow executable sourced credentials.

Managed Active Directory

  • Adding support for gcloud beta active-directory domains extend-schema for initiating schema extension on domain.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

390.0.0 (2022-06-14)

Access Approval

  • Added gcloud access-approval requests invalidate to invalidate an existing approval.


  • Add support for partitioning_type with --time_partitioning_type flag in Scheduled Queries when a schedule is specified by --schedule in bq query.
  • Added support for showing table clone info in bq show.
  • Added support for both Workload and Workforce identity federation.
  • Added --max_time_travel_hours flag to bq mk.
  • Added --autodetect_schema flag to bq update.
  • Added flag --preserve_ascii_control_characters to bq load to allow ASCII Control chars.
  • Updated the comment on --restore flag in bq cp to reflect that it's deprecated.
  • Added support for dataset tags.
  • Minor bug fixes and dependency updates.
  • Add --federated_app_client_id and --federated_azure flags to mk command.
  • Add --federated_app_client_id flag to update command.
  • Add support for LOAD DATA query.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --metric-sources, --metric-overrides and --metric-overrides-file flags to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create to allow clusters to be created with a metric sources specified, override specific set of metrics using a list or a file as an input.
  • Added --metric-sources, --metric-overrides and --metric-overrides-file flag to gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to allow managed clusters created with a metric sources specified, override specific set of metrics using a list or a file as an input.
  • Modified gcloud dataproc clusters export to remove un-importable fields on Dataproc on GKE clusters.

Cloud Firestore

  • Added gcloud beta firestore fields ttls command group.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Fixed issue where gcloud --format=json beta pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack and gcloud --format=json alpha pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack output was backwards incompatible. This issue can be tracked at

Cloud Run

  • Added --description flag in gcloud beta run deploy, and description field in gcloud beta run services describe [SERVICE].
    • Description is an optional, human-readable string of up to 512 characters.
    • Using the flag is functionally equivalent to adding service annotation "".

Compute Engine

  • Promoted network-firewall-policies command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances create --visible_core_count to beta.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-confidential-nodes to gcloud container cluster create to enable cluster creation with nodes on Confidential VM. Added --enable-confidential-nodes flag to gcloud container node-pools create/update to allow creating node-pools with confidential nodes, and updating existing node pools to confidential nodes.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

389.0.0 (2022-06-07)

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --instance-type flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the EC2 instance type of node pool nodes.

Artifact Registry

  • Added new command gcloud artifacts files list to list files in a specific repository.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-master-authorized-networks and --master-authorized-networks flags to gcloud composer environments create command.
  • Added --enable-master-authorized-networks and --disable-master-authorized-networks and --master-authorized-networks to gcloud composer environments update command.
  • Added --enable-ip-masq-agent flag to gcloud composer environments create command to enable IP address masquerading in the GKE cluster.

Cloud DNS

  • Add setIamPolicy and getIamPolicy commands in beta.

Cloud Filestore

  • Add support for Filestore's multi-share instances to gcloud beta filestore instances list. CAPACITY_GB will show the instance's capacity for multi-share instances instead of an empty string. FILE_SHARE_NAME will show "N/A" for multi-share instances instead of an empty string.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted gcloud iap tcp dest-groups command group to beta.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --session-affinity of gcloud run to beta.

Cloud SQL

  • Add command gcloud sql generate-login-token to generate down-scoped OAuth2 access tokens for IAM database authentication.

Compute Engine

  • Modified --ssl-certificates flag to be optional in gcloud compute target-https-proxies create.
  • Updated the documentation for --mtu flag of compute networks create|update.
  • Updated the validation for --enable-logging and --logging-sample-rate flags of beta compute backend-services create|update.
  • Updated the documentation for --logging-sample-rate flag of compute backend-services create|update.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Renamed --sync flag to --no-async flag to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create command to wait for the migration job creation operation to be completed before proceeding.
  • Added --no-async flag to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs update command to wait for the migration job updation operation to be completed before proceeding.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql to support the flag root-password.
  • Added --no-async flag to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create command to wait for the connection profile creation operation to be completed before proceeding.


  • Updated kpt from v1.0.0-beta.13 to v1.0.0-beta.15. See for more details.
  • The kpt fn commands now includes Kptfile and functionConfig in the function input by default. Previously this behavior was controlled using --enable-meta-resources command-line flag. --enable-meta-resources flag is also deprecated. If this disrupts any of your config workflow, you can use exclude functionality to exclude resources from function inputs. This functionality was added in this release to minimize the disruption.
  • The kpt website is overhauled to reflect the new scope of kpt project. New components package orchestrator, Configuration as Data UI and Config Sync are added to the project.
  • Added package orchestrator (a.k.a. porch) CLI interface under alpha subgroup (kpt alpha rpkg, kpt alpha repo, kpt alpha sync).
  • Added command-line flag --save to kpt fn eval to save evaluated function to package's Kptfile.
  • Added capability to select resources using labelSelector and annotationSelector in kpt fn eval and kpt fn render.
  • Added capability to exclude resources in kpt fn eval and kpt fn render.
  • Added support for variant constructor pattern in kpt pkg init and kpt pkg get.
  • Added capability to execute functions in a kubernetes cluster using porch.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added podPidLimits kubelet config option which controls per pod pid limits to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container node-pools create, and gcloud container node-pools update.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.21 to 1.22.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.19 (1.19.16)
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.13)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.9)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.6)
    • kubectl.1.24 (1.24.0)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

388.0.0 (2022-06-01)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added Cloud SQL OAuth scope to Application Default Credential.


  • Fixed issue where unspecified --network and --service-account flags of gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs create mistakenly overrode the corresponding values set via --config flag.


  • Promoted gcloud apigee operations to beta.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Updated gcloud bms instances list to also return the IP addresses of instances that do not use the default network template.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Removed NAME column output from bigtable hot-tablets list.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.2.1
    • Fixes --firestore_in_datastore_mode flag parsing.

Cloud Deploy

  • Fixed issue where gcloud deploy targets rollback redeployed to the current release instead of rolling back to the previous release. This occurred in cases where the name of the release to rollback to was not provided.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --gen2 support for --set-secrets, --update-secrets, --remove-secrets and --clear-secrets flags of gcloud functions deploy to beta, alpha.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Fixed issue where scanning for Maven vulnerabilities would occasionally fail.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted network-firewall-policies command group to GA.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Added --sync- flag to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create command to wait for the migration job creation operation to be completed before proceeding.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added podPidLimits kubelet config option which controls per pod pid limits to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container node-pools create, and gcloud container node-pools update.
  • Updated the following GA commands to support IAM Conditions:
    • gcloud beta attestors get-iam-policy outputs conditions associated with each binding.
    • gcloud beta attestors set-iam-policy accepts policies with conditional bindings.
    • gcloud beta attestors <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding accepts conditional bindings via new --condition and --condition-from-file flags.
    • gcloud beta policy get-iam-policy outputs conditions associated with each binding.
    • gcloud beta policy set-iam-policy accepts policies with conditional bindings.
    • gcloud beta policy <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding accepts conditional bindings via new --condition and --condition-from-file flags.


  • Added support for the following resources in CAI-based policies:
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_binding
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_member
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_policy
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_binding
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_member
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_policy
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_binding
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_member
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against google provider version 4.20.0.
  • Added output of logs based on configuration of log level.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

387.0.0 (2022-05-24)

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Fixed issue where gcloud container aws clusters get-credentials --private-endpoint and gcloud container azure clusters get-credentials --private-endpoint commands do not work for clusters in a project different from the default project.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-privately-used-public-ips flag to gcloud composer environments create command to enable using privately used public IP address ranges feature in the GKE cluster.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --properties-file flag to gcloud beta dataproc jobs submit.

Cloud Deploy

  • Fixed gcloud deploy releases <create|promote> and gcloud deploy targets rollback to support --format flag.

Cloud Functions

  • - Added --trigger-event-filters-path-pattern flag to gcloud beta functions deploy.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --bigquery-table, --write-metadata, --use-topic-schema, and --drop-unknown-fields flags to gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to set BigQuery configuration options in Cloud Pub/Sub subscriptions.
  • Added --bigquery-table, --write-metadata, --use-topic-schema, --drop-unknown-fields, and --clear-bigquery-config flags to gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to update BigQuery configuration options in Cloud Pub/Sub subscriptions.

Compute Engine

  • Added 22.04 to allowed list of values for --version of gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].
  • Promoted delete command of gcloud compute instance-groups managed all-instances-config to beta.
  • Promoted update command of gcloud compute instance-groups managed all-instances-config to beta.
  • Promoted --region for gcloud compute ssl-policies to beta.
  • Promoted --region flag for gcloud compute target-tcp-proxies to beta.
  • Added --target-distribution-shape flag to gcloud compute instances bulk create to specify shape of distribution in regional bulk insert for alpha and beta.

Config Connector


  • Added gcloud eventarc audit-logs-provider command group.

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • Promoted gcloud monitoring metrics-scopes command group to beta.


  • Added support for the following resources in CAI-based policies:
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_binding
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_member
    • google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_policy
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_binding
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_member
    • google_endpoints_service_consumers_iam_policy
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_binding
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_member
    • google_privateca_certificate_template_iam_policy
  • TF -> CAI resource conversion compiled against google provider version 4.20.0.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

386.0.0 (2022-05-17)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added Cloud SQL OAuth scope to gcloud auth login.

Anthos Identity Service

  • Promoted gcloud container hub identity-service to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container fleet identity-service to GA.

App Engine

  • Promoted --service-account flag of gcloud app deploy to GA.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Promoted --service-account flag of gcloud app deploy to GA.

Cloud Build

  • Add --include-logs-with-status flag to gcloud triggers create.

Cloud Composer

  • Improve error message in case of lacking permissions in gcloud composer environments storage * delete commands.

Cloud IAM

  • Added gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-saml and gcloud iam workload-identity-pools update-saml commands to manage SAML workload identity pool providers.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted support for maintenance windows in gcloud memcache to GA.
  • Promoted the command gcloud memcache reschedule-maintenance to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Modified gcloud run services describe to include session affinity configuration.

Cloud SQL

  • Changed the prompt generated by --prompt-for-password for gcloud sql users set-password from Instance Password: to New Password:, since set-password command changes a database user's password, not the instance's password.
  • Setting max-login-attempts will also set enable-password-verification to true.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --service-bindings flag of gcloud compute backend-services create|update commands to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute backend-services add-service-bindings and gcloud compute backend-services remove-service-bindings commands to GA.
  • Promoted --provisioning-model and --instance-termination-action flags of gcloud compute instances set-scheduling to GA.
  • Promoted sole tenancy flags of gcloud compute instances update to GA.
  • Added --network-performance-configs flag to gcloud compute instances bulk create.
  • Promoted --disable-automate-dns-zone flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.
  • Promoted --stack-type flag to GA for gcloud compute networks peeerings <create|update>.
  • Added windows-2022 & windows-2022-byol options to --os flag for:
    • gcloud compute images import in GA,
    • gcloud compute instances import in GA
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in GA

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration migration-jobs create command to create a migration job without any connectivity method (if connectivity isn't specified).
  • Added gcloud database-migration migration-jobs create --static-ip command to create a migration job with static IP connectivity. This was the default behavior.
  • Added gcloud database-migration migration-jobs update --static-ip command to update a migration job with static IP connectivity.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added --clear-maintenance-window flag to gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update which removes the maintenance window setting of a cluster.
  • Updated gcloud edge-cloud container clusters node-pools list to make specifying a parent cluster optional. When --cluster is not specified, all node pools are listed.

Managed Active Directory

  • Promoted gcloud active-directory domains backups and gcloud active-directory domains restore to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

385.0.0 (2022-05-10)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated bundled Python executable for Windows to Python 3.9.12.


  • Added --anomaly-cloud-logging flag to gcloud ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update to allow logging anomaly to Cloud Logging.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --ssh-ec2-key-pair flag to gcloud container aws clusters update and gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the name of the EC2 key pair to login into control plane or node pool nodes.
  • Added --clear-ssh-ec2-key-pair flag to gcloud container aws clusters update and gcloud container aws node-pools update to clear the EC2 key pair to login into control plane or node pool nodes.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed issue where some commands were missing from gcloud beta run jobs.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --enable-password-policy flag to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch for GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --key-revocation-action-type flag to beta for gcloud compute instance-templates create.
  • Promoted keyRevocationActionType flag of gcloud compute instances update-from-file to beta.
  • Added FIXED_STANDARD to allowed list of values for --default-network-tier flag.

Config Controller

  • Updated output of gcloud anthos config controller create to not include the default Config Connector identity upon creation.


  • Added gcloud eventarc channels group to interact with third-party sources.
  • Added gcloud eventarc channel-connections for event providers to create association with the user channel.
  • Added --channel argument to gcloud eventarc triggers create to specify associated channel.

Network Services

  • Promoted gcloud network-services service-bindings to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

384.0.1 (2022-05-05)

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.10. Google Cloud CLI version 384.0.0 included an older gsutil component (version 5.6) in deb, rpm, and snap packages. Version 384.0.1 includes gsutil component version 5.10 in the deb, rpm, and snap packages.

384.0.0 (2022-05-03)

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Adds --use-firestore-in-datastore-mode flag to gcloud [alpha|beta] emulators datastore start command.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted --condition flag to GA for the following commands:
    • gcloud resources-manager tags keys <add_iam_policy_binding|create|delete|describe|get_iam_policy|list|remove_iam_policy_binding|set_iam_policy|update>
    • gcloud resources-manager tags values <add_iam_policy_binding|create|delete|describe|get_iam_policy|list|remove_iam_policy_binding|set_iam_policy|update>
    • gcloud resources-manager tags bindings <create|delete|list>
    • gcloud resources-manager tags holds <create|delete|list>

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud beta run jobs command group and all sub-commands to beta.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.10.

Compute Engine

  • Started showing error messages on use of gcloud compute ssl-certificates create with --domains and --region flags together. Previously --region flag was being ignored.
  • Promoted --md5-authentication-key flag of gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer to beta.
  • Promoted --md5-authentication-key and --clear-md5-authentication-key flags of gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer to beta.
  • Updated import and export schemas for gcloud compute backend-services.
  • Promoted --key-reservation-action-type flag to beta for gcloud compute instances create.

Config Connector


  • Fix a bug that RBAC policy produced by generate-gateway-rbac command could be removed unexpectedly.
  • Promoted the following commands to GA:
    • gcloud container hub mesh update.
    • gcloud container fleet mesh update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted fields gpu-sharing-strategy and max-shared-clients-per-gpu within --accelerator flag to enable GPU sharing support.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

383.0.1 (2022-04-26)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added back --[no-]launch-browser in gcloud auth login and gcloud auth application-default login. --no-browser is the preferred and more secure auth flow in comparison.
  • Added back --console-only and --no-launch-browser in gcloud init. Use --no-browser as the replacement.

383.0.0 (2022-04-26)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Cloud CLI) Removed --[no-]launch-browser in gcloud auth login and gcloud auth application-default login. Use --no-browser as the replacement.
  • (Google Cloud CLI) Removed --console-only and --no-launch-browser in gcloud init. Use --no-browser as the replacement.
  • (Compute Engine) Removed --local-ssd=size=SIZE from gcloud beta compute instances create-with-container due to the parameter being nonfunctional.


  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai endpoints to include new online prediction regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai models to include new online prediction regions.

Access Approval

  • Added gcloud access-approval service-account get which retrieves the service account that is used by Access Approval to access KMS keys for signing approved approval requests.

App Engine

  • Enables build environment variables to be set in app.yaml.

Artifact Registry

  • Added new command gcloud artifacts files list to list files from a specified project and repository.

Cloud DNS

  • Modified gcloud dns managed-zones update to allow detaching all networks from a private zone by setting --networks to an empty string.
  • Modified gcloud beta dns managed-zones update to allow detaching all GKE clusters from a private zone by setting --gkeclusters to an empty string.
  • Modified gcloud beta dns managed-zones update to allow updating the GKE clusters or networks bound to a private zone independently by setting only --gkeclusters or --networks.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.2.0
    • Adds a flag to support Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode product mode in the emulator.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.14.3.
    • Fixed exports throwing BufferOverflowException.

Cloud IAM

  • Service Accounts SignJwt promoted to GA command.

Compute Engine

  • Changed the default value of --image-family flag to debian-11 for gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create commands.

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • Let gcloud anthos config controller create print the default Config Connector identity, to allow easier subsequent permission grant.
  • Added gcloud anthos config controller get-config-connector-identity which prints the default Config Connector identity, to allow easier subsequent permission grant.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added --enable-imdsv2 flag to gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-cred-config command to include AWS token Url to the credential source while generating AWS credentials config file.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --node-labels, --node-taints and --tags flags to gcloud container node-pools update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

382.0.0 (2022-04-19)

Access Approval

  • Added --active_key_version flag to gcloud access-approval settings update to set the crypto key version to use for signing approval requests.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --proxy-secret-arn flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Secrets Manager secret containing a proxy configuration.
  • Added --proxy-secret-version-id flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the version ID of the AWS Secrets Manager secret containing a proxy configuration.
  • Added --clear-proxy-config flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to clear the proxy configuration associated with the node pool.


  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta apigee archives list would only list the first 25 archive deployments, even if more existed in the environment.


  • Updated the following beta commands to better support IAM Conditions:
    • gcloud beta attestors get-iam-policy outputs conditions associated with each binding.
    • gcloud beta attestors set-iam-policy accepts policies with conditional bindings.
    • gcloud beta attestors <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding accepts conditional bindings via new --condition and --condition-from-file flags.
    • gcloud beta policy get-iam-policy outputs conditions associated with each binding.
    • gcloud beta policy set-iam-policy accepts policies with conditional bindings.
    • gcloud beta policy <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding accepts conditional bindings via new --condition and --condition-from-file flags.

Cloud Composer

  • Enabled nested Airflow commands for Airflow 1.10.14 and 1.10.15 in gcloud composer environments run.

Cloud Logging

  • Added --location, --bucket, and --view flags to gcloud logging logs list to add the ability to limit the results to a view.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm to GA. Commands in this group allow creation and management of Cloud TPU VMs.

Compute Engine

  • Added INTERNAL as a choice for --ipv6-access-type flag in compute networks subnets create and compute networks subnets update.
  • Promoted unspecified value for --protocol flag of gcloud compute backend-services <create|update> to GA.
  • Promoted l3_default value for --ip-protocol flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.

Config Connector

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

381.0.0 (2022-04-12)

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • *Added repository size to gcloud artifacts repositories describe and gcloud artifacts repositories list responses to GA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added "pretty-print" formatting to cbt lookup and cbt read commands. Column encodings and types can be provided using a YAML file, which is passed to the commands using format-file argument.
  • Added "keys-only" filtering to cbt lookup and cbt read commands by providing keys-only=true argument.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable hot-tablets list to beta and GA.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added --image-repository-username-secret-id, --image-repository-password-secret-id and --image-repository-cert-path flags to gcloud dataflow flex-template build command to allow users to provide credentials to pull template images from private registries.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted gcloud dataproc clusters gke create to GA.

Cloud Datastream

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.14.2
    • Fix: transaction expires after 270s or 60s window
    • Fix: dead transaction reused bug
    • Fix: deadlock for up to 30s. #2452

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added --schema-type value analytics_v2 to the following command gcloud beta healthcare fhir-stores export bq.
  • Added --resource-type flag to gcloud healthcare fhir-stores export bq and gcloud healthcare fhir-stores export gcs which limits the export to specific types of FHIR resources on export.
  • Added --since flag to gcloud healthcare fhir-stores export bq and gcloud healthcare fhir-stores export gcs which limits the export to FHIR resources that were updated since the value passed in.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --processing-units flag to spanner instances create and spanner instances update to add ability to create granular instances in GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.9.

Compute Engine

  • Added --region flag for updating Regional Target HTTPS Proxies via gcloud compute target-https-proxies import.
  • Changed the list format field label of gcloud compute networks subnets list to include updated IPv6 fields.
  • Added --provisioning-model and --instance-termination-action flags to gcloud compute instances set-scheduling surface for beta.
  • Updated gcloud compute instances set-scheduling documentation to include --no-preemptible flag.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles list to list all region connection profiles when region not specified.


  • Added Kubernetes resource labels for RBAC policies produced by generate-gateway-rbac command.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --network-performance-configs flag to gcloud container node-pools create/update to allow node pools to enable higher performance bandwidth for VM to VM traffic.
  • Promoted maxSurge default to GA for node-pool upgrade settings.
  • Require values for both --shielded-secure-boot and --shielded-integrity-monitoring when either one is set.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

380.0.0 (2022-04-05)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated gcloud auth login --cred-file=external-account-creds.json to authorize bq with the External Account Credentials in the passed credential file.

Cloud Composer

  • Added support for 1 and 2 aliases in --airflow-version flag, and airflow-1 and airflow-2 aliases in Airflow part of --image-version flag, in gcloud composer environments create, gcloud beta composer environments update, gcloud beta composer environments check-upgrade.
  • Implemented gcloud beta composer environments snapshots command group.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted --condition flag on Cloud Spanner add-iam-policy-binding and remove-iam-policy-binding commands to GA. This allows setting conditional IAM policies on Cloud Spanner resources (instances, databases, and backups) via gcloud.
  • Promoted gcloud spanner backups copy to beta and GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --certificate-map of 'compute target-ssl-proxies insert|update` to beta.

Distributed Cloud Edge

  • Added gcloud edge-cloud container which allows users to manage their Distributed Cloud Edge clusters.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --network-performance-configs flag to gcloud container node-pools create/update to allow node pools to enable higher performance bandwidth for VM to VM traffic.
  • Promoted maxSurge default to GA for node-pool upgrade settings.


  • Added gcloud terraform vet to beta, which allows enforcing policy compliance as part of an infrastructure CI/CD pipeline.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

379.0.0 (2022-03-29)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Services) Replace --deleted flag with --show-deleted flag to gcloud services api-keys list. With --show-deleted, keys soft-deleted within 30 days will be returned.
  • (Cloud Services) Change the default output format from tabular to row-based of gcloud services api-keys list.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated gcloud auth login --cred-file=external-account-creds.json to authorize gsutil with the External Account Credentials in the passed credential file.


  • Added more choice options to --region flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs and gcloud ai hp-tunining-jobs, including: southamerica-east1 and us-west4.

Artifact Registry

  • Changed from 2.1.1 to 2.1.5 in gcloud print-settings.
  • Promoted gcloud artifacts apt and artifacts yum commands to GA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.14.1
    • Chore: prepare for aggregate support.
    • Chore: add support of x-goog-request-params http header for routing.
    • Fix: change read-past-max-staleness error code to align with production implementation.
    • Fix: update readtime-in-the-future error message.
    • Fix: support importing exports from Windows on UNIX systems.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --docker-repository, --kms-key, --clear-docker-repository and --clear-kms-key flag of gcloud functions deploy to GA.
  • Promoted --docker-registry flag of gcloud functions deploy to beta.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Added ARM support for local-extract on Linux.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run services proxy to beta. This command allows you to proxy a service or revision to localhost. Requests will be authenticated as the current SDK account, or with a provided token.

Compute Engine

  • Fixed an issue with --create-disk and --disk flags that causes gcloud compute instances create to fail when attaching a boot disk.
  • Promoted --enable-ula-internal-ipv6 and --internal-ipv6-range flags to GA for gcloud compute networks <create|update>.
  • Updated --protocol flag to permit values of TCP or SSL when --enable-logging or --logging-sample-rate flags are set for gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update for beta.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles list --region=us-central1 to return correct structure for connection profiles based on format.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create mysql to return error on invalid hostname.
  • Updated gcloud database-migration connection-profiles create postgresql to return error on invalid hostname.


  • Added gcloud eventarc providers which allows for the discovery of event providers.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Deprecated --autoprovisioning-min-cpu-platform flag from gcloud container clusters create/update.

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378.0.0 (2022-03-22)

Breaking Changes

  • (Bare Metal Solution) Modified gcloud bms volumes update, gcloud bms instances update, gcloud bms networks update, and gcloud bms nfs-shares update to be synchronous by default. Use --async flag to get the old behavior.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Updated --scopes flag in gcloud auth application-default print-access-token to support print down-scoped access token for user accounts.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --root-volume-type flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the type of the root volume.
  • Added --root-volume-size flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the size of the root volume.
  • Added --root-volume-iops flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the root volume.
  • Added --root-volume-kms-key-arn flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key to encrypt the root volume.
  • Added --config-encryption-kms-key-arn flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key to encrypt the user data.
  • Added --clear-proxy-config flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to clear the proxy configuration associated with the cluster.
  • Added --clear-security-group-ids flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to clear the additional security groups associated with the control plane replicas.
  • Added --root-volume-type flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the type of the root control plane volume.
  • Added --root-volume-size flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the size of the root control plane volume.
  • Added --root-volume-iops flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the root control plane volume.
  • Added --root-volume-kms-key-arn flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key to encrypt the root control plane volume.
  • Added --clear-security-group-ids flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to clear the additional security groups associated with the node pool nodes.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Added --async flag to gcloud bms volumes update, gcloud bms instances update, gcloud bms networks update, and gcloud bms nfs-shares update.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Enabled --sort-by flag for gcloud privateca templates list.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted --maintenance-window-day and --maintenance-window-hour flags of gcloud redis instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --maintenance-window-day, --maintenance-window-hour, and --maintenance-window-any flags of gcloud redis instances update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud redis instances reschedule-maintenance to GA.
  • Promoted support for maintenance windows in gcloud memcache to beta.
    • Added maintenance window flags to create and update commands.
    • --maintenance-window-day
    • --maintenance-window-start-time
    • --maintenance-window-duration
    • Added the flag --maintenance-window-any to update to remove a previously selected maintenance window.
  • Promoted the command gcloud beta memcache reschedule-maintenance.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Fixed an issue where extraction would occasionally fail while scanning Maven packages.

Cloud SQL

  • Expanded --database-version flag choices to gcloud beta sql instance patch to enable major version upgrade on Cloud SQL instances.

Compute Engine

  • Added --load-balancing-scheme flag to gcloud compute url-maps validate for alpha, beta and v1.
  • Updated import and export schemas for:
    • gcloud compute forwarding-rules.
    • gcloud compute backend-services.
  • Promoted locality_lb_policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services create/update to beta.
  • Added --share-setting and --share-with flags to gcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-groups create|update for beta.
  • Added --share-settings flag to gcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-groups list for beta.
  • Added --node-project flag to gcloud beta compute instances create for beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances suspend and gcloud compute instances resume to v1.

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • Added --use-private-endpoint flag to gcloud anthos config controller create to restrict access to the master's private endpoint IP of a config controller instance.


  • Promote gcloud container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac command from alpha to beta.

Secret Manager

  • Added --update-version-aliases flag to gcloud secrets update and gcloud secrets beta update to enable the addition of new aliases to secret versions.
  • Added --remove-version-aliases flag to gcloud secrets update and gcloud secrets beta update to enable the removal of aliases to secret versions.
  • Added --clear-version-aliases flag to gcloud secrets update and gcloud secrets beta update to enable the clearing of all aliases from a secret.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

377.0.0 (2022-03-15)

Google Cloud CLI

  • Promoted --no-browser in gcloud auth login and gcloud auth application-default login to be the default flow if gcloud cannot launch a web browser. You can still use --no-launch-browser flow by explicitly specifying it. Note that --no-launch-browser will be removed in version 383.0.0 on April 26, 2022.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --security-group-ids flag to gcloud container aws node-pools update to update the IDs of additional security groups to add to node pool nodes.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed issue where gcloud artifacts repositories create requires exessive permission when a kms key is supplied.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms instances start to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms instances update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms networks update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms nfs-shares describe to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms nfs-shares list to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms nfs-shares update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms volumes update to GA.
  • Added --filter flag to gcloud bms instances list.
  • Added --filter flag to gcloud bms volumes list.

Certificate Manager

  • Improved output of gcloud beta certificate-manager dns-authorizations create command. The output does not contain details of a created resource anymore.

Cloud Composer

  • Added support for composer-1 and composer-2 aliases in Composer part of --image-version flag in gcloud beta composer environments create, gcloud beta composer environments update, gcloud beta composer environments check-upgrade.
  • Fixed support for X.Y aliases in --airflow-version flag and airflow-X.Y aliases in Airflow part of --image-version flag in gcloud beta composer environments update and gcloud beta composer environments check-upgrade.

Cloud DNS

  • Add setIampolicy and getIamPolicy Alpha commands.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added support for Clusters without cluster.config to gcloud dataproc jobs submit.

Cloud Domains

  • Allow specifying Project numbers in gcloud domains methods.

Cloud IAM

  • Service Accounts Undelete promoted to GA command.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted --read-replicas-mode and --replica-count flags of gcloud redis instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --read-replicas-mode, --replica-count, and --secondary-ip-range flags of gcloud redis instances update to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.8.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --disable-pod-cidr-overprovision flag to gcloud beta container clusters/node-pools create to allow disabling overprovisioning of pod IPs during clusters and node-pools create.

Network Connectivity

  • Added gcloud network-connectivity locations describe and gcloud network-connectivity locations list. These commands return information about locations that support site-to-site data transfer.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

376.0.0 (2022-03-08)

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added --skip-grace-period flag to gcloud privateca roots delete and gcloud privateca subordinates delete to delete a certificate authority without waiting for the 30-day grace period that allows undeletion.

Cloud Build

  • Modified gcloud builds submit --pack to pass --network=cloudbuild to pack.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Add warning message to gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel telling users about installing NumPy.

Cloud Run

  • Added --env-vars-file to gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud run deploy to specify environment variables for Cloud Run deployments.
  • Added --env-vars-file to gcloud beta run services update and gcloud run services update to update environment variables for Cloud Run deployments.

Compute Engine

  • Added --split-source-commitment flag to gcloud compute commitments create for alpha.

Database Migration

  • Some changes in gcloud connection profile create cloudsql:
    • Fixed boolean flags to support --flag for setting it to true and --no-flag for false.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted --app flag of gcloud firebase test ios run to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

375.0.0 (2022-03-01)

Breaking Changes

  • (Miscellaneous) Updated .gcloudignore pattern matching to ensure that a leading wildcard does not match multiple path parts, for improved consistency with .gitignore.
    • For example, */baz will no longer match foo/bar/baz. Use **/baz for the previous behavior.

App Engine

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Add gcloud kms ekm-connections commands to GA.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --enable-exactly-once-delivery flag to gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to beta to set exactly once delivery preference in Cloud Pub/Sub subscriptions.
  • Added --enable-exactly-once-delivery flag to gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to beta to update exactly once delivery preference for Cloud Pub/Sub subscriptions.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • Added gcloud scc bqexports command group to support BigQueryExport features.

Cloud Speech API

  • Added medical_conversation and medical_dictation options for gcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model flag.

Compute Engine

  • Modified --filter to add support for server-side zone and region filtering to gcloud compute list commands.
    • Filtering will only be applied server-side if an exact match (=) is used in the filter expression (e.g. --filter="zone=us-central1-a"). Otherwise, the existing client-side filtering will be applied.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added gcloud beta iam policies create which creates a policy on the given attachment point with the given name.
  • Added gcloud beta iam policies delete which deletes a policy on the given attachment point with the given name.
  • Added gcloud beta iam policies get which gets a policy on the given attachment point with the given name.
  • Added gcloud beta iam policies listwhich lists the policies on the given attachment point.
  • Added gcloud beta iam policies update which updates the policy on the given attachment point with the given name.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-identity-service flag to GA for gcloud container cluster create|update.
  • Added --enable-confidential-nodes flag to gcloud beta container node-pools create/update to allow creating node-pools with confidential nodes, and updating existing node pools to confidential nodes.


  • Updated gcloud info to display the source for each property value in parenthesis after the value, to help understand if the property is set by a command-line flag, an environment variable, the properties file, etc.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

374.0.0 (2022-02-23)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Cloud CLI) Updated gcloud auth application-default login to use --no-browser in place of --no-launch-browser when using --client-id-file.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added gcloud config configurations rename which allows for renaming of existing configurations.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --security-group-ids flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the IDs of additional security groups to add to control plane replicas.
  • Added --proxy-secret-arn flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Secrets Manager secret containing a proxy configuration.
  • Added --proxy-secret-version-id flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the version ID of the AWS Secrets Manager secret containing a proxy configuration.
  • Deprecated aws/location property of gcloud container aws. Use container_aws/location to set the default Google Cloud location for gcloud container aws.
  • Deprecated azure/location property of gcloud container azure. Use container_azure/location to set the default Google Cloud location for gcloud container azure.

App Engine

  • Fixed bug in devappserver causing "ImportError: cannot import name apiproxy" errors.


  • Fix 'collections' error for Python 3.10.
  • Add --concurrency flag for reservations. Mark --max_concurrency as deprecated.
  • Minor bug fixes and dependency updates.

Cloud DNS

  • Added Location flag to Cloud DNS Managed Zones, Response Policies beta commands. This flag can be specified to target Cloud DNS Zonal Servers.

Compute Engine

  • Added --compression-mode flag to gcloud beta compute backend-services <create | update>.
  • Added --compression-mode flag to gcloud beta compute backend-buckets <create | update>.
  • Promoted --resource-manager-tags flag of gcloud compute instances create, gcloud compute instance-templates create and gcloud compute instances bulk create to GA.
  • Added project-number as an option for --service-proxy of gcloud beta compute instance-templates create.
  • Promoted enum CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION of --session-affinity of gcloud backend-services <create | update> to Beta and GA.
  • Modified --load-balancing-scheme flag of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to accept choice 'EXTERNAL_MANAGED' in GA.

Compute OS Config

  • Added gcloud compute osconfig pause and gcloud compute os-config resume` commands.

Config Connector


  • Added --event-filters-path-pattern flag to gcloud eventarc triggers create and gcloud eventarc triggers update to allow path pattern matching in Cloud Audit Log resource name filter.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --autoprovisioning-network-tags flag of gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters create-autoand gcloud container clusters update to beta, GA.


  • Updated gcloud config get-value to gcloud config get per user feedback. The get-value command will remain as a hidden alias for get.
  • Updated gcloud config set to prompt when attempting to set a project, zone, or region to an invalid value. If --quiet is provided, or the command is not run interactively, the warning is still printed and the specified value is set.
  • Updated gcloud init to allow selection of an unverified project ID.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

373.0.0 (2022-02-15)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Filestore) Undeprecate --locations flag to gcloud filestore.
  • (Cloud Pubsub Emulator) Changed the default hostname to IPv6 localhost [::1] for all environments.
    • For IPv4-only environments, pass a IPv4 address to --host:port.
  • (Cloud Pubsublite Emulator) Changed the default hostname to IPv6 localhost [::1] for all environments.
    • For IPv4-only environments, pass a IPv4 address to --host:port.
  • (Transcoder) Removed support for gcloud beta transcoder command group.

Google Cloud CLI

  • Added --scopes flag to gcloud auth application-default print-access-token command to print an access token with the given scopes.

AI Platform

  • Fixed issue where gcloud ai-platform local train mistakenly overrode it to the default value when the flag --worker-count or --parameter-server-count is specified to be 0.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --config-encryption-kms-key-arn flag to gcloud container aws clusters update to update the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key to encrypt user data.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Removed gcloud bms volumes snapshot and gcloud bms volumes restore from GA.

Cloud Dataplex

  • Promoted lakes command group to GA.
  • Promoted zones command group to GA.
  • Promoted assets command group to GA.
  • Promoted tasks command group to GA.

Cloud Datastream

  • Fix bug with gcloud datastream connection-profiles create command when specify --private-connection flag.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --read-replica-mode and --secondary-ip-range to gcloud beta redis instances update.
  • Updated gcloud beta redis instances describe to include secondary-ip-range.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Added GO option to --additional-package-types flag for gcloud artifacts docker images scan to enable scanning of Go third-party and standard library packages in Go binaries.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --maintenance-version flag to gcloud sql instances patch.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted the database dialect flag to beta and GA in gcloud spanner databases create command.

Cloud Speech API

  • Added --min-diarization-speaker-count and --max-diarization-speaker-count to gcloud beta ml speech command, replacing --diarization-speaker-count which used to set both of the new flags to same value.

Compute Engine

  • Added --provisioning-model and --instance-termination-action flags for gcloud compute create-with-container command.
  • Modified the API calls to use correct (RFC7396) null semantics in Patch for removing stateful IPs that were made by using the following flags of gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed update and gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed instance-configs update:
    • --remove-stateful-internal-ips,
    • --remove-stateful-external-ips.
  • Promoted --provisioning-model and --instance-termination-action flags for gcloud compute <instances|instance-templates|instances bulk> create commands.

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added the following alpha and beta commands to work with Dataproc Metastore service databases and tables:
    • metastore services databases get-iam-policy
    • metastore services databases set-iam-policy
    • metastore services databases add-iam-policy-binding
    • metastore services databases remove-iam-policy-binding
    • metastore services databases tables get-iam-policy
    • metastore services databases tables set-iam-policy
    • metastore services databases tables add-iam-policy-binding
    • metastore services databases tables remove-iam-policy-binding

Identity and Access Management

  • Added --include-aws-session-token-url flag to gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-cred-config command to include AWS token url to the credential source while generating AWS credentials config file.
  • Added --include-deny flag to gcloud beta projects get-ancestors-iam-policy and gcloud beta resource-manager folders get-ancestors-iam-policy to specify if it should return deny policies on the hierarchy.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --spot flag to gcloud container clusters/node-pools create to allow creating spot VM for node pools.
  • Adds support for linux/arm version of kubectl.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.20)
    • kubectl.1.19 (1.19.14)
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.15)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.9)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.6)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.3)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

372.0.0 (2022-02-08)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kpt) The kpt live apply and kpt live destroy default behavior changed to wait forever
  • (Kpt) for reconciliation if no timeouts are specified.
  • (Kpt) The kpt live output for events and json printer is changed to omit resource-specific
  • (Kpt) health information by default.
  • (Kpt) The default image-pull-policy for kpt fn render and kpt fn eval changed
  • (Kpt) from AlwaysPull to IfNotPresent.

Cloud SDK

  • Deprecated --[no-]launch-browser flags and added --no-browser to gcloud auth login and gcloud auth application-default login commands. Use --no-browser to authorize gcloud on machines which cannot launch a web browser.
  • Deprecated --no-launch-browser and --console-only flags and added --no-browser flag to gcloud init. Use --no-browser to initialize gcloud command-line tool on machines which cannot launch a web browser.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --role-arn flag to gcloud container aws clusters update command to update the IAM role to assume when managing AWS resources.
  • Added --role-session-name flag to gcloud container aws clusters update command to update the identifier for the assumed role session.
  • Added --instance-type flag to gcloud container aws clusters update command to update the AWS ec2 instance type for the control plane.
  • Added --admin-users flag to gcloud container aws clusters update and gcloud container azure clusters update to update the users that can perform operations as a cluster administrator.
  • Added --vm-size flag to gcloud container azure clusters update to update the Azure Virtual Machine size for the control plane.

Certificate Manager

  • Unified usage of --location flag in gcloud certificate-manager subcommands.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --connection-subnetwork flag to gcloud composer environments create command to enable using Private Service Connect for internal communication.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted gcloud iap oauth-clients from alpha to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud iap oauth-brands from alpha to beta.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Add kms ekm-connections commands to alpha, beta.
  • Add support for external-vpc crypto keys.
  • Added support for the following "raw" PKCS#1 signing algorithms to gcloud kms keys create|update and gcloud kms keys versions import:
    • rsa-sign-raw-pkcs1-2048
    • rsa-sign-raw-pkcs1-3072
    • rsa-sign-raw-pkcs1-4096

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Upgrade local-extract to version 1.4.0 to improve the stability and quality of extraction.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --network flag of gcloud sql instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --network flag of gcloud sql instances patch to GA.

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --update-auxiliary-versions-from-file, --add-auxiliary-versions and --clear-auxiliary-versions flags to gcloud metastore services update beta release track to allow updating a Dataproc Metastore with auxiliary versions.


  • Updated kpt from v1.0.0-beta.9 to v1.0.0-beta.13. Refer to OSS releases page for detailed release notes.
  • Improved the merge handling for pipeline section of the Kptfile.
  • Added exec support for running functions in kpt fn render.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

371.0.0 (2022-02-01)

Cloud SDK

  • Added support for specifying an OAuth 2.0 access token via the environment variable CLOUDSDK_AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Added --admin-users flag to gcloud container aws clusters create and gcloud container azure clusters create to add users that can perform operations as a cluster administrator.

App Engine

Cloud DataPipelines

  • Added gcloud beta datapipelines pipeline job list which lists all jobs for a given pipeline in a specific project and region.

Cloud Deploy

  • Add --description flag to gcloud deploy targets rollback.
  • Modified gcloud deploy targets describe to make --delivery-pipeline an optional flag.
    • When --delivery-pipeline is not specified, displays deployment information of the associated pipeline with the most recent successful rollout.
    • Added --list-all-pipelines to list deployment information of all associated pipelines.

Cloud Speech API

  • Added --enable-automatic-punctuation to gcloud ml speech recognize commands.

Compute Engine

  • Added --guest-os-features (only UEFI_COMPATIBLE is supported) for:
    • gcloud compute images import in beta;
    • gcloud compute instances import in beta;
    • gcloud compute machine_images import in beta.
  • Added a new key type http-cookie to --enforce-on-key in gcloud compute security-policies rules.
  • Added --recaptcha-redirect-site-key for gcloud compute security-policies update, and promoted it to beta and GA.
  • Added --exceed-redirect-type and --exceed-redirect-target for gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update, and promoted them to beta and GA.
  • Added support for version=8 and short-name=rocky in --os-types for gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --auxiliary-versions and --auxiliary-versions-from-file flags to gcloud metastore services create beta release track to allow creating a Dataproc Metastore with auxiliary versions.
  • Added --endpoint-protocol flag to gcloud beta metastore services create and gcloud beta metastore services update to specify the protocol to use for the metastore service endpoint.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from 1.20 to 1.21.
  • Adds support for Mac M1 (darwin/arm64) version of kubectl (version 1.21 and greater).
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.20)
    • kubectl.1.19 (1.19.14)
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.14)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.9)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.5)
    • kubectl.1.23 (1.23.1)


  • Added configuration property core/console_log_format to support alternative logging formats. Use gcloud config set core/console_log_format detailed to include timestamps in messages logged to the console.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

370.0.0 (2022-01-25)


  • Added more choice options to --region flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs and gcloud ai hp-tunining-jobs, including: asia-east2, asia-south1, europe-west3, europe-west6, northamerica-northeast2 and us-west2.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Added gcloud bms instances reset which hard resets Bare Metal Solution instances.


  • Add support for --clone flag for table clones.
  • Add support for --multi_region_auxiliary flag for reservations.
  • Fix 'bq show -d' to support authorized routines.
  • Minor bug fixes and dependency updates.

Cloud Composer

  • Fixed issues in creation of Cloud Composer 2 environments that didn't properly pass on the secondary range names/CIDRs.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --set-secrets, --update-secrets, --remove-secrets and --clear-secrets flags of gcloud functions deploy to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --enable-ipv6, --ipv6-nexthop-address, and --peer-ipv6-nexthop-address flags of gcloud compute router update-bgp-peer to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-ipv6, --ipv6-nexthop-address, and --peer-ipv6-nexthop-address flags of gcloud compute router add-bgp-peer to GA.
  • Promoted --stack-type, --candidate-ipv6-subnet, --cloud-router-ipv6-interface-id, and --customer-router-ipv6-interface-id flags of gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated create to GA.
  • Promoted --stack-type, --candidate-ipv6-subnet, --cloud-router-ipv6-interface-id, and --customer-router-ipv6-interface-id flags of gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated update to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-uefi-networking flag of gcloud compute instances create, gcloud compute instance-templates create and gcloud compute instances bulk create to GA.
  • Added mesh as an option for --service-proxy of gcloud beta compute instance-templates create.

Compute OS Config

  • Add --mig-instances-allowed flag to gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs execute.

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --database-type flag to metastore services create alpha and beta release tracks to allow specifying the backing store in Dataproc Metastore.


  • Added annotations support for gcloud beta recommender insight-type-config update and gcloud beta recommender recommender-config update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

369.0.0 (2022-01-19)


  • Added --labels flag to gcloud ai custom-jobs create and gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs create to support setting labels on the resources.

Artifact Registry

  • Removed deprecated repository format 'PYPI' from commands gcloud artifacts repositories create and gcloud artifacts print-settings.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Updated gcloud bms instances list to return the resource identifier.
  • Added gcloud bms operations describe and gcloud bms operations wait which checks the status or waits for completion of long-running operations in Bare Metal Solution.

Certificate Manager

  • Promoted gcloud certificate-manager to beta.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud dataproc batches to submit and manage Dataproc batch jobs.
  • Added --master-local-ssd-interface, --worker-local-ssd-interface and --secondary-worker-local-ssd-interface to gcloud dataproc clusters create to allow users to specify interface (SCSI/NVME) while attaching local SSDs.
  • Enabled Cloud Storage file location for dataproc workflow-templates instantiate-from-file --file.

Cloud Deploy

  • Promoted gcloud deploy to GA.

Cloud Functions

  • Promote gcloud functions --gen2 commands to beta.

Cloud IDS

  • Updated ids endpoints create to pass in user-defined labels to the Endpoint resource.
  • ids endpoints list now returns the correct list of endpoints when --uri is passed in.

Cloud Speech API

  • Added --model flag to gcloud ml speech recognize to specify ml model to use for audio recognition.
  • Added --output-uri flag to gcloud ml speech recognize-long-running allowing users to specify output transcript file on Google Cloud Storage.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --auto-renew flag of gcloud compute commitments create and gcloud compute commitments update to GA.
  • Added FIXED_STANDARD to allowed list of values for --network-tier flag.
  • Promoted flags --cache-key-include-http-header and --cache-key-include-named-cookie of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.
  • Promoted flags --cache-key-include-http-header and --cache-key-query-string-whitelist of gcloud compute backend-buckets create and gcloud compute backend-buckets update to GA.
  • Promoted --certificate-map of 'compute target-https-proxies insert|update` to beta.
  • Added --domain-names for gcloud compute service-attachments create.
  • Promoted --troubleshoot flag of gcloud compute ssh to GA.
  • Added 21.04 and 21.10 to allowed list of values for --version of gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].

Config Connector


  • Added --internal-ip flag to gcloud container fleet memberships register for version beta to maintain consistency with gcloud beta container clusters get-credentials.


  • Added --waf-feature, and --waf-service options to recaptcha keys create command, supporting creation of WAF-enabled keys.


  • Added support for gcloud beta recommender insight-type-config describe.
  • Added support for gcloud beta recommender insight-type-config update.

Service Directory

  • Added --network flag to gcloud service-directory endpoints create command.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

368.0.0 (2022-01-11)

Breaking Changes

  • (Anthos Multi-Cloud) Required --fleet-project flag of gcloud container aws clusters create and gcloud container azure clusters create.
  • (Anthos Multi-Cloud) Required --config-encryption-kms-key-arn flag of gcloud container aws clusters create.
  • (Firebase Test Lab) Updated minimum version for AndroidJUnitRunner in combination with Android Test Orchestrator from 1.0 to 1.1, deprecating support for the Test Orchestrator from the legacy Android Test Support libraries.


  • Updated gcloud ai custom-jobs create to allow worker pools with container-image-uri when python-package-uris is also specified.

Anthos Multi-Cloud

  • Replaced auth-provider auth plugin with exec auth plugin when generating kubeconfig in gcloud container aws clusters get-credentials and gcloud container azure clusters get-credentials.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Removed gcloud bms snapshot-schedule-policies from GA.
    • Removed gcloud bms volumes snapshots from GA.
    • Removed gcloud bms volumes update from GA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added cbt import [TABLE_ID] [INPUT_FILE] which allows the contents of a properly formatted .csv file to be written to an existing table.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud composer state store for State Store operation of State/Disaster recovery to Alpha.
  • Added gcloud composer state load for State Load operation of State recovery to Alpha.

Cloud DNS

  • Added DNS Routing Policies support for gcloud dns record-sets.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • Added --options optional argument to
    gcloud beta data-fusion instances update for instance to update
    options field, specified as KEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2.

Cloud Datastream

Cloud Deploy

  • When creating a release with gcloud releases create, can include the date and time of release creation by adding keywords $DATE and $TIME to release name.

Cloud IDS

  • Updated ids endpoints create to pass in user-defined labels to the Endpoint resource.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Updated local-extract to version 1.3.2 to fix an issue with extraction of invalid zip archives.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --insights-config-query-plans-per-minute to
  • gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.6.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted compute machine-images command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute backend-services add-service-bindings and gcloud compute backend-services remove-service-bindings commands to beta.
  • Promoted --request-headers-to-add for gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-dynamic-port-allocation and --max-ports-per-vm flags of gcloud compute routers nats create and gcloud compute routers nats update to GA.
  • Promoted --clear-max-ports-per-vm flag of gcloud compute routers nats update to GA.
  • Promoted REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY option for --purpose flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create to GA.
  • Added --zypper-excludes flag to gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs execute to allow specifying patches to be excluded from update.


  • Added gcloud container fleet memberships command group identical to existing gcloud container hub memberships.
  • Promoted the following commands to GA:
    • gcloud container hub mesh describe.
    • gcloud container hub mesh disable.
    • gcloud container hub mesh enable.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-service-externalips flag to gcloud container clusters create | update to allow or deny services to set the ExternalIPs field.
  • Added --add-maintenance-exclusion-scope flag to gcloud container clusters update to specify the maintenance exclusion scope as no_upgrades, no_minor_upgrades, or no_minor_or_node_upgrades.
  • Demoted many gcloud container clusters warning-level logs to informational.
    • Changed warnings were those that do not indicate issues with your Kubernetes Engine resources, such as upcoming default changes and feature usage notes.
    • Intent was to ensure warnings are genuine indications that something is wrong.
    • Outdated warnings have been removed.
  • Added Compact Placement support to the command gcloud container clusters create. A --placement-type flag can be specified to specify a requirement of nodes collocation.
  • Added Compact Placement support to the command gcloud container node-pools create. A --placement-type flag can be specified to specify a requirement of nodes collocation.


  • Updated console handling code to assume non-interactive mode if stdin, stdout, or stderr is not open, rather than exit with an error.


  • Added support for gcloud beta recommender recommender-config describe.
  • Added support for gcloud beta recommender recommender-config update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

367.0.0 (2021-12-14)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Datastream) Modified gcloud beta datastream streams create and gcloud beta datastream streams update --force & --validate-only flags to be mutually exclusive.

App Engine

Assured Workloads

  • Added --enable-sovereign-controls flag to gcloud assured workloads create command.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms networks to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms snapshot-schedule-policies to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bms volumes to GA.

Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Added ARM64 support for Linux and macOS.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-master-authorized-networks and --master-authorized-networks flags to gcloud beta composer environments create command.
  • Added --enable-master-authorized-networks and --disable-master-authorized-networks and --master-authorized-networks to gcloud beta composer environments update command.

Cloud Datastream

  • Modified gcloud beta datastream stream create and gcloud beta datastream stream update validation flags (--validate-only, --force) to be mutually exclusive.
  • Promoted gcloud datastream connection-profiles to GA.
    • RDBMS files now use the v1 API field names (e.g. 'schema' instead of 'schema_name', etc..).
    • Renamed --bucket-name flag to bucket.
    • Renamed --private-connection-name flag to --private-connection.
    • Removed --no-connectivity flag.
    • Added --force validation flag.
  • Promoted gcloud datastream streams to GA.
    • For create and update --force & --validate-only flags are now mutually exclusive.
    • Renamed --source-name flag to --source.
    • Renamed -destination-name flag to --destination.
  • Promoted gcloud datastream private-connections to GA.
    • Renamed --vpc-name flag to --vpc.
  • Promoted gcloud datastream routes to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud datastream locations to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud datastream operations to GA.

Cloud Deploy

  • When using gcloud deploy apply, manifest files support apiVersion ''.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added gcloud beta filestore instances revert command to revert a filestore instance to specific snapshot.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added --resource-type flag to gcloud beta healthcare fhir-stores export bq and gcloud beta healthcare fhir-stores export gcs which limits the export to specific types of FHIR resources on export.
  • Added --since flag to gcloud beta healthcare fhir-stores export bq and gcloud beta healthcare fhir-stores export gcs which limits the export to FHIR resources that were updated since the value passed in.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --cpu-throttling of gcloud run from beta to GA.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • Added gcloud findings bulk-mute command to support mute features.

Compute Engine

  • Fixed a bug in gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel that was causing remote connections to be delayed up to 5 seconds. Link to bug:
  • Promoted --subsetting-subset-size flag of gcloud compute backend-services create|update commands to beta.
  • Promoted the following --service-proxy flag parameters of gcloud compute instance-templates create to beta:
    • intercept-all-outbound-traffic,
    • exclude-outbound-ip-ranges,
    • exclude-outbound-port-ranges,
    • scope.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances|instance-templates create --network-performance-configs flag to GA.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed create, gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed create-instance, and gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed instance-configs create:
    • --stateful-internal-ip,
    • --stateful-external-ip.
  • Add the following flags to gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed update and gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed instance-configs update:
    • --stateful-internal-ip,
    • --remove-stateful-internal-ips,
    • --stateful-external-ip,
    • --remove-stateful-external-ips.


  • Updated kpt update to no longer require users to check in changes before invoking kpt pkg update.
  • Updated kpt update to accepts empty path with version.
  • Updated kpt fn to check presence of function images in local cache only when relevant.
  • Fixed the property names casing issue in the Kptfile schema.
  • Fixed issue where kpt pkg get returns an error while adding merge comment.

Network Connectivity

  • Added gcloud network-connectivity operations describe and gcloud network-connectivity operations list which return information about long-running operations.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

366.0.0 (2021-12-07)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Composer) Added requirement to provide one of --web-server-allow-ip, --web-server-allow-all, --web-server-deny-all flags in gcloud composer environments create when creating a private IP Cloud Composer 2 environment.
  • (Cloud Datastore) Modified gcloud beta datastream to use Datastream v1 API, which effects the client structured output.
  • (Cloud Functions) Modified gcloud functions deploy flag --security-level to default to SECURE_ALWAYS instead of SECURE_OPTIONAL. SECURE_ALWAYS enforces the created function to support HTTPS only, instead of both HTTPS and HTTP.
    • To override this behavior, use --security-level=SECURE_OPTIONAL.

Cloud SDK

  • Added support for environment variable completion to the "gcloud command-line tool".


  • Added --endpoint-id flag to gcloud ai endpoints create and gcloud beta ai endpoints create.
  • Added --deployed-model-id flag to gcloud ai endpoints deploy-model and gcloud beta ai endpoints deploy-model.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai endpoints to include new online prediction regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai models to include new online prediction regions.

App Engine


  • Added support for CLOUD_RESOURCE as a connection_type.
  • Added --trial_id flag to extract to support exporting an individual trial of an ML model trained with Hyperparameter Tuning.
  • Added support for Device Certificate Authentication via Mutual TLS. See gcloud topic client-certificate.
  • Added support for creating a linked dataset.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added --kms-key-version to gcloud privateca certificates, which allows creating certificates backed by a KMS key version.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Promoted --scopes flag of gcloud access-context-manager policies to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager policies add-iam-policy-binding to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager policiesremove iam-policy-binding to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager policies set-iam-policy to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager policies get-iam-policy to GA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added --autoscaling-min-nodes, --autoscaling-max-nodes, and --autoscaling-cpu-target flags to gcloud bigtable clusters create for alpha, beta and GA to let users create autoscaling clusters.
  • Added key autoscaling-min-nodes, autoscaling-max-nodes and autoscaling-cpu-target to --cluster-config flag of gcloud bigtable instances create for alpha, beta and GA to let users create autoscaling clusters.
  • Added --autoscaling-min-nodes, --autoscaling-max-nodes, --autoscaling-cpu-target and disable-autoscaling flags to gcloud bigtable clusters update for alpha, beta and GA to let users configure autoscaling when updating clusters.

Cloud Composer

  • Allowed --web-server-allow-ip, --web-server-deny-all, --web-server-allow-all flags in gcloud composer environments create to be used with Cloud Composer 2.
  • Added support for kubernetes Airflow CLI commands to gcloud composer environments run for Cloud Composer environments that use Airflow 2.1.4+.
  • Added --connection-subnetwork flag to gcloud beta composer environments create command to enable using Private Service Connect for internal communication.
  • Promoted --maintenance-window-start, --maintenance-window-end and --maintenance-window-recurrence flags of gcloud composer environments create to GA.
  • Added support for --kms-key flag in gcloud composer environments create command when creating Cloud Composer 2 environments.
  • Added --environment-size and composer-network-ipv4-cidr flags in gcloud composer environments create and gcloud composer environments update to be used with Cloud Composer 2.
  • Added --scheduler-cpu, --scheduler-memory, --scheduler-storage, --scheduler-count, --worker-cpu, --worker-memory, --worker-storage, --min-workers, --max-workers, --web-server-cpu, --web-server-memory, --web-server-storage flags in gcloud composer environments create and gcloud composer environments update to be used with Cloud Composer 2.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted gcloud dns response-policies command group to GA.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added gcloud data-catalog entries star and gcloud data-catalog entries unstar which allows users to star and unstar their favorite Data Catalog entries respectively.

Cloud DataPipelines

  • Added gcloud beta datapipelines pipeline command with support for create, list, update, describe, delete, run and stop.

Cloud Datastream

  • Modified gcloud beta datastream stream create and gcloud beta datastream stream update validation flags (--validate-only, --force) to be mutually exclusive.
  • Promoted gcloud datastream connection-profiles to GA.
    • RDBMS files now use the v1 API field names (e.g. 'schema' instead of 'schema_name', etc..).
    • Renamed --bucket-name flag to bucket.
    • Renamed --private-connection-name flag to --private-connection.
    • Removed --no-connectivity flag.
    • Added --force validation flag.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --force flag to gcloud filestore instances delete command to allow users to delete Filestore instances with child resources.
  • Added gcloud filestore instances snapshots command group, which is used to create and manage Filestore snapshots.
  • Added connect-mode param to --network flag of gcloud filestore instances create for GA.
  • Added --kms-key flag to gcloud filestore instances create command to specify the customer-managed KMS key name to use for encrypting the filestore instance.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --min-instances and --clear-min-instances flags of gcloud functions to GA.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Increased upper bound for --message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub topics create from 7 days to 31 days.
  • Increased upper bound for --message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub topics update from 7 days to 31 days.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --database-version flag to gcloud sql instance patch enable minor version upgrade for cloud sql instances.
  • Modified gcloud sql instances clone to support --point-in-time flag for MySQL too.

Compute Engine

  • Added update command to gcloud compute os-config patch-deployments on alpha, beta and GA tracks.
  • Promoted gcloud compute snapshots create command to GA.
  • Promoted flags --connection-persistence-on-unhealthy-backends, --idle-timeout-sec, and --tracking-mode of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.
  • Promoted --service-bindings flag of gcloud compute backend-services create|update commands to beta.

Compute OS Config

  • Added log to remind user how to check operation status for gcloud compute os-config os-policy-assignment create in --async mode.

Config Connector

Declarative Workflows

  • Promoted gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export to beta with improved support for export to Terraform HCL format (via. --resource-format=terraform).
  • Added config export commands for the following command surfaces to alpha, enabling export of the related Google Cloud resources to KRM and Terraform HCL:
    • memcache instances
    • access-context-manager policies
    • access-context-manager perimeters
    • access-context-manager levels
    • secrets
    • secrets versions
    • iam service-accounts
    • iam service-accounts keys
    • transfer jobs
    • dns managed-zones
    • dns policies
    • spanner databases
    • spanner instances
    • artifacts repositories
    • bq jobs
    • bq datasets
    • bq tables
    • pubsub topics
    • pubsub subscriptions
    • source repos
    • kms keys
    • kms keyrings
    • builds triggers
    • dataflow jobs
    • monitoring channels
    • monitoring policies
    • redis instances
    • sql instances
    • sql databases
    • identity groups*
    • storage buckets
    • bigtable app-profiles
    • bigtable instances tables
    • bigtable instances
    • resource-manager liens
    • container node-pools
    • container clusters
    • compute url-maps
    • compute target-grpc-proxies
    • compute instances
    • compute target-instances
    • compute target-ssl-proxies
    • compute target-pools
    • compute disks
    • compute target-http-proxies
    • compute target-https-proxies
    • compute ssl-policies
    • compute addresses
    • compute backend-buckets
    • compute firewall-rules
    • compute target-tcp-proxies
    • compute target-vpn-gateways
    • compute networks subnets
    • compute vpn-tunnels
    • compute vpn-gateways
    • compute forwarding-rules
  • Added gcloud beta resource-config terraform generate-import to beta, adding support for generating a shell script to adopt exported Terraform HCL files into Terraform state.
  • Added gcloud beta resource-config terraform init-provider to beta, adding support for initializing the Google Cloud Platform Terraform provider from the gcloud command-line tool.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added filter option to notification-config flag on gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update commands to specify specific pubsub message types to receive.
  • Added --enable-managed-prometheus flag to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container clusters update to deploy Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus managed collection to a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Added --disable-managed-prometheus flag to gcloud beta container clusters update to tear down Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus managed collection on a Kubernetes cluster with managed collection already deployed.
  • Added a deprecation warning on --enable-pod-security-policy flag to create and update commands of gcloud beta container clusters.

Network Services

  • Promoted gcloud network-services service-bindings to beta.


  • Promoted gcloud transcoder command group to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

365.0.1 (2021-11-22)


365.0.0 (2021-11-16)

Breaking Changes

  • (AI) Removed --base-image flag of gcloud beta ai custom-jobs local-run. Use --executor-image-uri flag instead.
  • (AI) Removed --work-dir flag of gcloud beta ai custom-jobs local-run. Use --local-package-path flag instead.
  • (Anthos Multi-Cloud) Removed --service-load-balancer-subnet-ids flag of gcloud container aws clusters create.

Cloud SDK

  • Updated Windows PuTTY executables to version 0.76.


  • Promoted gcloud ai custom-jobs local-run to GA.
  • Promoted 'local-package-path', 'script', 'requirements', 'extra-packages' and 'extra-dir' fields in --worker-pool-spec flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs create to GA, to support automatically building custom training image from a local package.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai endpoints to include new online prediction regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud ai models to include new online prediction regions.

Cloud Build

  • Deprecated --no-external-ip in gcloud builds worker-pools create. --no-external-ip will be removed in an upcoming release. Please use --no-public-egress so that workers in the worker pool are created without an external IP address.
  • Deprecated --no-external-ip in gcloud builds worker-pools update. --no-external-ip will be removed in an upcoming release. Please use --no-public-egress so that workers in the worker pool are created without an external IP address or --public-egress so that workers in the worker pool are created with an external IP address.
  • Removed--no-external-ip flag in gcloud beta builds worker-pools create. Please use --no-public-egress so that workers in the worker pool are created without an external IP address.
  • Removed --no-external-ip flag in gcloud beta builds worker-pools update. Please use --no-public-egress so that workers in the worker pool are created without an external IP address or --public-egress so that workers in the worker pool are created with an external IP address.

Cloud Deploy

  • Added --skaffold-version flag.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --kms-key, --docker-registry, '--clear-kms-key' and '--clear-docker-registry' flags of gcloud functions deploy to beta.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Promoted --write-disposition flag of gcloud healthcare dicom-stores export bq to GA.

Cloud IDS

  • Promoted gcloud ids endpoints to GA.
    • Create, delete and inspect Cloud IDS endpoints in your project.

Cloud SQL

  • Added PostgreSQL 14 to database versions.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.5.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute routers nats rules command group to GA.
  • Promoted --rules flag of gcloud compute routers nats create and gcloud compute routers nats update to GA.
  • Promoted --tcp-time-wait-timeout flag of gcloud compute routers nats create and gcloud compute routers nats update to GA.
  • Promoted --clear-tcp-time-wait-timeout flag of gcloud compute routers nats update to GA.
  • Added --minimal-action and --most-disruptive-allowed-action flags to gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action start-update.
  • Promoted --edge-security-policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services update and gcloud compute backend-buckets update commands to GA.
  • Promoted --type flag of gcloud compute security-policies create command to GA.

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --network-config-from-file and --consumer-subnetworks flag to gcloud beta metastore services create to specify the subnetworks from which the Dataproc Metastore service can be accessed.


  • Updated kpt from v1.0.0-beta.6 to v1.0.0-beta.7.
    • Added support for ARM-based machines.
    • Added support for selecting resources for function execution.
    • Added support for depends-on annotation for actuation.
    • Added support for apply-time mutations for actuation.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

364.0.0 (2021-11-09)

Cloud SDK

  • Updated bundled Python executable for windows to 3.8.10.


  • Added --kms-key flag to gcloud beta ai tensorboards create to support configuring customer-managed encryption key spec.
  • Promoted gcloud ai tensorboards to GA.
  • Modified --worker-pool-spec flag of gcloud beta ai custom-jobs create to support auto training image building for distributed training.
    • If a local-package-path is specified in the first --worker-pool-spec flag, other --worker-pool-spec flags just have to specify the hardware related fields and they will use the same container image built for the first one.
    • Added requirements field to support installing extra public PyPI dependencies when building the image.
    • Added extra-packages field to support installing extra custom dependencies when building the image.
    • Added extra-dirs field to support copies more directories under local-package-path to the training image.

Anthos Multicloud

  • Promoted gcloud container aws to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud container azure to GA.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Updated gcloud artifacts docker images describe, when used with --show-provenance flag, to support returning provenances in the SLSA provenance format. See for more information.

Cloud DNS

  • Added cloud logging support for gcloud dns managed-zones.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.13.1
    • Fix request timestamps in WebSocket messages.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added support for signing directly on input-file in gcloud kms asymmetric-sign without specifying a digest-algorithm.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --read-replicas-mode flag to gcloud beta redis instances create to support the multiple read replicas feature.
  • Added --replica-count flag to gcloud beta redis instances create and gcloud beta redis instances update to support replica nodes scaling when multiple read replicas are enabled.

Cloud Run

  • --[clear|set|update|remove]-secrets flags are now supported for --platform=managed in GA for deployments and service updates.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • Added gcloud findings set-mute command and gcloud muteconfigs command group to support mute features.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --enable-dynamic-port-allocation and --max-ports-per-vm flags of gcloud compute routers nats create and gcloud compute routers nats update to beta.
  • Promoted --clear-max-ports-per-vm flag of gcloud compute routers nats update to beta.
  • Promoted --troubleshoot flag of gcloud compute ssh to beta.
  • Added --enable-uefi-networking flag to gcloud compute instances create, gcloud compute instance-templates create and gcloud compute instances bulk create to support UEFI networking when creating instances.
  • Updated import and export schemas for:
    • gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules.
    • gcloud beta compute backend-services.

Compute OS Config

  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config os-policy-assignment-reports commands to GA.
  • compute os-config os-policy-assignment-reports command accepts user's compute/zone property when --location is not set.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --cluster-dns, --cluster-dns-domain and --cluster-dns-scope=vpc flags of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

363.0.0 (2021-11-02)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud command-line tool supports authentication using workload identity federation via gcloud auth login --cred-file=/path/to/workload/identity/config/file.
  • Client certificate authorization is enabled for more services when setting context_aware/use_client_certificate. Run gcloud topic client-certificate to see the list of disallowed services.


  • Fixed crashing on beta ai tensorboard-experiments delete.

Cloud SQL

  • Added the following flags to gcloud sql user create and created gcloud sql user set-password-policy for GA:
    • --password-policy-allowed-failed-attempts
    • --password-policy-password-expiration-duration
    • --password-policy-enable-failed-attempts-check
    • --clear-password-policy

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --zone flag of gcloud compute images describe-from-family to GA.
  • Added support for version value 11 for short-name value debian in --os-types for gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update].

Config Connector


  • Added the following flags to gcloud eventarc triggers create to support creating a trigger with Cloud Run for Anthos service destination:

    • --destination-gke-cluster
    • --destination-gke-service
    • --destination-gke-location
    • --destination-gke-namespace
    • --destination-gke-path
  • Added the following flags to gcloud eventarc triggers update to support updating a trigger with Cloud Run for Anthos service destination:

    • --destination-gke-path
    • --destination-gke-namespace
    • --destination-gke-service
    • --clear-destination-gke-path


  • Promoted the following commands to beta and GA:
    • gcloud container hub cloudrun describe.
    • gcloud container hub cloudrun disable.
    • gcloud container hub cloudrun enable.
    • gcloud container hub cloudrun apply.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-image-streaming flag to gcloud container clusters/node-pools create/update to allow creating clusters/node-pools with image streaming enabled, and enabling image streaming on existing clusters/node-pools.

Secret Manager

  • Updated --filter flag to be passed to the backend in
    • gcloud secrets list
    • gcloud secrets versions list

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

362.0.0 (2021-10-26)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL) Backups are disabled by default when creating new database instances. This was enabled by default in the previous release.
  • (Cloud SQL) Backup start time will not be randomly selected. This was enabled in the previous release. Use --backup-start-time to specify the start time for backups.

Cloud Build

  • gcloud builds submit --tag fails early if a Dockerfile is not found when source is not a directory.

Cloud DNS

  • Added support for the SVCB and HTTPS record types.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added --gcs-log-dir flag to gcloud dataflow flex-template build command to allow users the ability to specify path to a Google Cloud Storage directory for their build log.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Add ARM64 support for local-extract.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --execution-environment of gcloud run from alpha to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --add-share-with and --remove-share-with flags of glcloud compute reservations update to GA.

Managed Active Directory

  • Adding support for gcloud beta active-directory domains backups and gcloud beta active-directory domains restore for domain backup and restore.


  • Fixed an issue where non-interactive commands could exit with the error 'ValueError: invalid width 0'.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

361.0.0 (2021-10-19)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL) Enable backups by default when creating new database instances. Use --no-backup to disable backups.
  • (Cloud SQL) Backup start time will be randomly select if not specified. Use --backup-start-time to specify the start time for backups.

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud command-line tool supports authentication using an access token from a file which can be specified in the global flag --access-token-file or the property auth/access_token_file.


  • Added --analysis-instance-schema flag in gcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs update.
  • Renamed --work-dir flag of gcloud beta ai custom-jobs local-run as --local-package-path. Deprecated --work-dir flag.
  • Renamed --base-image flag of gcloud beta ai custom-jobs local-run as --executor-image-uri. Deprecated --base-image flag.

Artifact Registry

  • Added --show-provenance flag in gcloud artifacts docker images describe command to show build provenance.
  • Removed the auth token placeholder from the output of gcloud artifacts print-settings npm.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud artifacts tags list errors when the package name has slashes.

Cloud Code

  • Support specifying a service yaml file in gcloud beta code dev.
  • Support building with a Buildpack instead of a Dockerfile in gcloud beta code dev.

Cloud Domains

  • Promoted gcloud domains registrations to GA. Cloud Domains enables registering new domain names, transferring already registered domains from 3rd-party domains registrars and managing the domains.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Promoted gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores <import|export> command groups to GA.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added support for the following RSA OAEP+SHA1 algorithms to gcloud kms keys create|update and gcloud kms keys versions import:
    • rsa-decrypt-oaep-2048-sha1
    • rsa-decrypt-oaep-3072-sha1
    • rsa-decrypt-oaep-4096-sha1

Cloud SQL

  • Added the following flags to gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch for GA:
    • --password-policy-min-length
    • --password-policy-complexity
    • --password-policy-reuse-interval
    • --password-policy-disallow-username-substring
    • --password-policy-password-change-interval
    • --clear-password-policy

Cloud Scheduler

  • Updated gcloud scheduler jobs commands to accept a location flag to manually specify a Cloud region.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.4.

Cloud Tasks

  • Added --location flag for gcloud tasks and gcloud tasks queues in beta & GA to enable users to specify a GCP location when managing queues and tasks.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --network flag of gcloud compute target-instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --subsetting-policy of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.
  • Added --description flag to compute service-attachments update.
  • Add --add-share-with and --remove-share-with flags to reservations update to make it easier to add and remove items in the share-with list without having to specify existing items.
  • Promoted --type flag of gcloud compute commitments create to GA.
  • Promoted --share-setting and --share-with flags of glcloud compute reservations create to GA.
  • Promoted compute routers nats rules command group to beta.
  • Promoted --rules flag of compute routers nats create and compute routers nats update to beta.
  • Promoted --tcp-time-wait-timeout flag of compute routers nats create and compute routers nats update to beta.
  • Promoted --clear-tcp-time-wait-timeout flag of compute routers nats update to beta.

Compute OS Config

  • Allow instance name in gcloud compute os-config vulnerability-reports describe and gcloud compute os-config inventories describe.
  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config os-policy-assignments to GA.

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • Promoted gcloud anthos config controller to GA.

Container Registry

  • Added support for pulling results with image names that use tags instead of sha256.
  • Added warning in a case where a user pulls results with tags instead of sha256.


  • Updated kpt from v1.0.0-beta.5 to v1.0.0-beta.6.
    • Fixed yaml schema and added json schema for Kptfile.
    • Added support for .krmignore files in subpackages in kpt fn commands.
    • Added support for updating subpackages in kpt pkg update.
    • Added support to show pipeline execution duration in kpt fn render.
    • Fixed issue when parsing bare sequence nodes in yaml.
    • kpt fn render executes pipeline even when there are no input resources.
    • kpt pkg get no longer copies the entire repo if path is specified.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Added support for topic retention.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

360.0.0 (2021-10-05)

Artifact Registry

  • Updated gcloud beta artifacts print-settings mvn|gradle to add release and snapshot details for maven and gradle surfaces.
  • Promoted gcloud artifacts create repository to GA.
  • Updated gcloud artifacts print-settings mvn|gradle with release and snapshot policies for maven and gradle to GA.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Fixed issue where gcloud bms instances list would not show permissions errors properly.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --enable-privately-used-public-ips flag to gcloud beta composer environments command to enable using privately used public IP address ranges feature in the GKE cluster.
  • Added --enable-ip-masq-agent flag to gcloud beta composer environments command to enable IP address masquerading in the GKE cluster.
  • Added --scheduler-count flag to gcloud composer environments create and gcloud composer environments update commands.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • Added --enable_rbac optional argument to
    gcloud beta data-fusion instances update to toggle granular
    role-based access control in enterprise instances with version >= 6.5.0.

Cloud SQL

  • Added support for users to select minor versions for MySQL 8.0 instances, when they are available in the API.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.3.

Compute Engine

  • Added debian-11 and rocky-8 options to --os flag for:
    • gcloud compute images import in GA,
    • gcloud compute instances import in GA
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in beta
  • Added --service-directory-registration flag to compute forwarding-rules create NAME --target-service-attachment to support Service Directory integration with PSC ILB.
  • Promoted --redundant-interface, --subnetwork and --subnetwork-region flags of gcloud compute routers add-interface to GA.
  • Promoted --instance and --instance-zone flags of gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer to GA.
  • Promoted --interface-names of gcloud compute routers remove-interface to GA.
  • Promoted --peer-names of gcloud compute routers remove-bgp-peer to GA.
  • Promoted --provisioning-model and --instance-termination-action flags for gcloud beta compute <instances|instances bulk|instance-templates> create commands.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted --encryption-kms-key flag of gcloud metastore services create to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --database-encryption-key flag to gcloud container clusters create-auto to allow enabling Database Encryption on Autopilot clusters at creation time.
  • Added --boot-disk-kms-key flag to gcloud container clusters create-auto to allow enabling CMEK protected boot disk on Autopilot clusters at creation time.
  • Added --spot flag to gcloud beta container clusters/node-pools create to allow creating spot VM for node pools.

Managed Active Directory

  • Adding gcloud active-directory peerings for Multi Project Support v1 release. Currently supporting up to 10 domain peerings per domain.

Network Connectivity

  • Promoted gcloud network-connectivity hubs command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud network-connectivity spokes command group to GA. Added gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpn-tunnels, gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-interconnect-attachments, and gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-router-appliances command groups. Moved create and update commands to these command groups.

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security client-tls-policies to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security authorization-policies to GA.

Network Services

  • Promoted gcloud network-services endpoint-policies to GA.

Secret Manager

  • Added support in gcloud secrets command group for specifying projects by project number, rather than project id.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

359.0.0 (2021-09-28)

Breaking Changes

  • (AI) Removed 'python-image-uri' field from --work-pool-spec flag of gcloud beta ai custom-jobs create. Use 'executor-image-uri' field instead.

Cloud SDK

  • Use pyca/cryptography to decode p12 service account keys if available. Otherwise, fall back to using PyOpenSSL.


  • Fixed issue where gcloud ai custom-jobs list and gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs list didn't show results with --uri flag.
  • Promoted gcloud ai endpoints raw-predict to beta and GA.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed typos for gcloud beta artifacts repositories create help text.

Bare Metal Solution

  • Promoted gcloud bms instances list and gcloud bms instances describe to GA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added --restrict-to flags to gcloud bigtable app-profiles create and gcloud bigtable app-profiles update, which restricts multi-cluster routing to a specified list of cluster ids.

Cloud Data Fusion

  • Added --enable_rbac optional argument to
    gcloud beta data-fusion instances create to enable granular
    role-based access control in enterprise instances with version >= 6.5.0.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Corrected --snapshot-ttl lower/upper bound of gcloud dataflow snapshots create command.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --event-time flag to gcloud beta pubsub lite-topics publish to allow users to specify an event time when publishing a message.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --key, --clear-key, --post-key-revocation-action-type and --clear-post-key-revocation-action-type flags of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to GA for --platform=managed.
  • Deployments that change only the service metadata will no longer create new revisions. For example, gcloud run services my-service update --ingress=all.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Promoted gcloud scheduler locations command group to GA. Commands in this group provide information for locations where Cloud Scheduler is available.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 5.2.

Compute Engine

  • Added --network-performance-configs flag to gcloud compute instance-templates create to both alpha and beta.
  • Modified --load-balancing-scheme flag of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to accept choice 'EXTERNAL_MANAGED' in beta.
  • Modified --purpose flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create to accept choice REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY in beta.
  • Added new --share-setting=local to compute commitments create, compute future-reservations create, and compute reservations create.

Config Connector

Identity and Access Management

  • Added command gcloud iam workforce-pools create-cred-config to enable Workforce Pools configuration creation.


  • Updated kpt from v1.0.0-beta.4 to v1.0.0-beta.5.
    • Added support for resolving top level pkg symlink.
    • Added support for preserving the ordering of fields with null values.
    • Improved the parsing logic for GitHub http package URL in kpt pkg get.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Hid --disable-autopilot flag from gcloud container clusters update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

358.0.0 (2021-09-21)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Deprecated redirect-to-recaptcha choice of --action flag under gcloud compute security-policies rules.


  • Added --enable-web-access flag to gcloud ai custom-jobs create and gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs create to allow enabling interactive shell terminal access.


  • Promoted gcloud apigee archives command group to beta.

Artifact Registry

  • Added --version-policy and --allow-snapshot-overwrites flags to gcloud beta artifacts repositories create to add version policy and snapshot overwrites to maven repositories.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud composer environments run my-environment upgrade_check to run upgrade check to Airflow 2.0 for Composer environments with Airflow 1.10.15+.
  • Added support of CLI commands for Airflow 2.0 to gcloud composer environments run.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed bug in gcloud dataproc clusters enable-personal-auth-session where the command would fail if the flag --access-boundary was provided.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added gcloud beta filestore instances snapshots command group, which is used to create and manage Filestore snapshots.
  • Added --force flag to gcloud beta filestore instances delete, which forces the deletion of an instance and its child resources, such as snapshots.
  • Added --kms-key flag to gcloud beta filestore instances create command to specify the customer-managed KMS key name to use for encrypting the filestore instance.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --binary-authorization and --breakglass flags to GA. These commands may now be used with gcloud run deploy and gcloud run update.

Cloud SQL

  • Add --allocated-ip-range-name flag of gcloud sql instances patch in beta.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.68.

Compute Engine

  • Added --clear-scale-down-control flag to gcloud alpha|beta compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling.
  • Promoted --share-setting and --share-with of 'gcloud compute commitments create` to beta.
  • Promoted the following flags of gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer and gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer to GA:
    • --bfd-min-receive-interval
    • --bfd-min-transmit-interval
    • --bfd-multiplier
    • --bfd-session-initialization-mode
  • Promoted --enable-layer7-ddos-defense and --layer7-ddos-defense-rule-visibility of 'gcloud compute security-policies update` to GA.

Compute OS Config

  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config vulnerability-reports describe and gcloud compute os-config vulnerability-reports list to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config inventories commands describe and list to GA.

Config Connector

Config Controller

  • The create command will automatically update the kubeconfig to point to the newly created config controller cluster.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates default kubectl from 1.18 to 1.20.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.17)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.20)
    • kubectl.1.19 (1.19.14)
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.10)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.4)
    • kubectl.1.22 (1.22.1)
  • darwin/386 version of kubectl is no longer supported.
  • Deprecated and hid --logging and --monitoring flags from gcloud container clusters create-auto.


  • Added --allowAllPackageNames and --allowAllBundleIds flags to gcloud recaptcha keys <create|update> to create/modify keys without specifying package names.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

357.0.0 (2021-09-14)


  • Added --kms-key flag to gcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create to support configuring Customer-managed encryption key spec.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta ai custom-jobs local-run unexpectedly used python2 with Vertex AI pre-built training images.

AI Platform

  • Added --enable-web-access to gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training to allow enabling interactive shell terminal access for a training job.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Added support for specifying the instance IP mode for each App Engine Flexible version during deployment. This can be done by adding 'instance_ip_mode: INTERNAL|EXTERNAL' in the Network field of the app.yaml file.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added runtime environment parameter temp-location support in gcloud dataflow flex-template run/build. When this parameter is not set, defaults to value of staging-location.
  • Updated --additional-experiments parser used by run command gcloud dataflow flex-template run so the option can be specified multiple times and their values are concatenated.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --action-on-failed-primary-workers enum flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create to allow users to delete the failed primary workers during cluster creation.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added gcloud kms mac-sign and gcloud kms mac-verify which allow users to perform MAC signing and verification.
  • Added --import-only and --destroy-scheduled-duration to gcloud kms keys create to support import-only keys and user-specified variable key destruction.
  • Added --version to gcloud kms keys versions import to add key reimport functionality.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted gcloud pubsub lite-reservations to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run replace to GA. This command supports deploying from a yaml file.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --allocated-ip-range-name flag of gcloud sql instances create to beta.

Cloud Services

  • Added support for additional services in services identity create.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added --call-log-level flag to gcloud workflows <execute|run> to enable automatic call logging.

Compute Engine

  • Changed the behavior of gcloud compute target-http-proxy import and gcloud compute target-https-proxy import to wait for the import operation to finish.
  • Updated --set-filter-protocols, --add-filter-protocols and --remove-filter-protocols to accept numeric protocols for all packet-mirrorings update commands.
  • Added --service-project flag to gcloud beta compute networks subnets list-usable.


  • Modified gcloud beta eventarc attributes types list to include Google Cloud Storage CloudEvent types and updated the descriptions for the existing event types.


  • Added autocomplete image completion support in kpt fn eval.
  • Relaxed KRM check for kustomization files.
  • Added json output format for kpt live status command.
  • Added support for preserving field order/indendation kpt fn eval and kpt fn render.
  • Added support for referring SHA in image tags in kpt fn eval and kpt fn render.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

356.0.0 (2021-09-08)

Assured Workloads

  • Added CA_REGIONS_AND_SUPPORT as compliance regime options for gcloud assured workloads create command.
  • ResourceType CONSUMER_PROJECT is deprecated.
  • ResourceType CONSUMER_FOLDER and KEYRING are added.
  • display_name is added to ResourceSettings.
  • billing_account is now optional in Workload.
  • resource_settings is added to CreateWorkloadOperationMetadata.

Cloud API Gateway

Cloud Composer

  • Added --composer-network-ipv4-cidr to gcloud beta composer create to be used with Cloud Composer 2.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta composer create and gcloud beta composer update to be used with Cloud Composer 2:
    • --environment-size
    • --min-workers
    • --max-workers
    • --scheduler-cpu
    • --scheduler-memory
    • --scheduler-storage
    • --web-server-cpu
    • --web-server-memory
    • --web-server-storage
    • --worker-cpu
    • --worker-memory
    • --worker-storage

Cloud Run

  • Updated gcloud run deploy to include Cloud Run for Anthos enabled clusters on cluster suggestions.
  • Promoted --no-cpu-throttling flag of gcloud run to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --source-ip-ranges flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create and gcloud compute forwarding-rules update to beta.

Config Connector


  • Running gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials with disabled now prompts the user to enable the API, and throws an error if the user declines to enable the API.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --addons=GcpFilestoreCsiDriver to gcloud container clusters create and --update-addons=GcpFilestoreCsiDriver to gcloud container clusters update to enable/disable the GCP Filestore Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • Deprecated --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes, --enable-logging-monitoring-system-only, --monitoring-service, --logging-service, --master-logs, --no-master-logs, and --enable-master-metrics flags from gcloud container clusters create/update.

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security client-tls-policies to GA.

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355.0.0 (2021-08-31)

Anthos Identity Service

  • Promoted gcloud container hub identity-service to beta.

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud beta artifacts settings for enabling/disabling/finalizing redirection.

Cloud Deploy

  • Promoted gcloud deploy to beta.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub topics create to GA.
  • Promoted --message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub topics update to GA.
  • Promoted --clear-message-retention-duration flag of gcloud pubsub topics update to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted skip-instances-on-validation-error in gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete-instances to GA.
  • Promoted --image-family-scope flag to GA for gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute disks create.

Config Connector


  • Promoted the following commands to beta:
    • gcloud container hub mesh describe.
    • gcloud container hub mesh disable.
    • gcloud container hub mesh enable.

Game Servers

  • Added --view=(basic|full) arg (default to basic) to game servers clusters get and game servers clusters list commands to optionally turn off/on Agones and Kubernetes version reporting.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --security-group flag to gcloud container clusters create-auto to allow enabling Google Groups for RBAC on Autopilot clusters at creation time.

  • Promoted gpu-partition-size field within --accelerator flag to enable partitioning of A100 GPUs to GA.

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security server-tls-policies to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

354.0.0 (2021-08-24)

Breaking Changes

  • (AI) Disable --analysis-instance-schema flag in gcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs update.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed print-settings command for Python repositories.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --relationship-type flag to gcloud asset get-history to enable getting relationship history.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Updated cbt_linux_arm name to cbt_linux_aarch64-x.x.x.tar.

Cloud Build

  • Added --require-approval flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories
    • gcloud beta builds triggers create github
  • Added require-approval flag to gcloud builds triggers create.
  • Promoted gcloud builds approve and gcloud builds reject commands to beta.
  • Added the flag --suppress-logs to the command gcloud builds submit.

Cloud IAM

  • Promoted gcloud iam service-accounts keys disable|enable to beta and GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --source flag of gcloud run deploy to GA. This flag supports deploying from source code through integration with Cloud Build.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.67.

Compute Engine

  • Added --auto-renew flag to gcloud compute commitments create and gcloud compute commitments update for alpha.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta compute instances update:
    • --clear-node-affinities
    • --node-affinity-file
    • --node-group
    • --node
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances send-diagnostic-interrupt to beta and GA.
  • Added --host-error-timeout-seconds to specify the timeout in seconds for host error detection to both alpha and beta for:
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create
    • gcloud compute instances bulk create
    • gcloud compute instances set-scheduling
    • gcloud compute instances update-from-file

Config Connector

Essential Contacts

  • Promoted gcloud essential-contacts to GA.

Managed Active Directory

  • Promoted --enable-audit-logs flag in gcloud active-directory domains create and gcloud active-directory domains update to GA.
  • Promoted AUDIT_LOGS_ENABLED parameter to gcloud active-directory domains list to GA.
  • Updated gcloud active-directory domains list to include value for auditLogsEnabled in output.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

353.0.0 (2021-08-17)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Update gcloud compute instance-groups managed create to throw an error when creating a stateful regional managed instance group, if --instance-redistribution-type=NONE is not specified.


  • Added more available regions to gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs.


  • Added autoscale_preview as a new api_version for autoscaler.
  • Added support for creating an external dataset.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --relationship-type flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud asset list
    • gcloud asset feed create
    • gcloud asset feed update
  • Promoted --relationship-type flag to GA:
    • gcloud asset export
  • Added new content type RELATIONSHIP to:
    • gcloud asset get-history

Cloud Build

  • Fixed bug breaking gcloud beta builds triggers commands.

Cloud DNS

  • Update output format for gcloud dns record-sets.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --min-instances and --clear-min-instances flags of gcloud functions to beta.

Cloud Logging

  • Updated gcloud logging buckets create, gcloud logging buckets list, and gcloud logging buckets update to support restricted fields.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Renamed --zone flag as --location. Deprecated zone variants.
  • Added gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions seek which initiates a seek operation for a Pub/Sub Lite subscription.
  • Added gcloud pubsub lite-operations command group which allows describing and listing Pub/Sub Lite long-running operations.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys describe to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added targetService to the output of gcloud compute service-attachments commands.

Database Migration

  • Fixed autocomplete issues in database migration commands.
  • Added "REGION" column in the output of gcloud database-migration connection-profiles list and gcloud database-migration migration-jobs list.
  • Added separate fields to display both the id and display name.
    • Added "CONNECTION_PROFILE_ID" in the output of gcloud database-migration connection-profiles list.
    • Added "MIGRATION_JOB_ID" and renamed "NAME" to "DISPLAY_NAME" in the output of gcloud database-migration migration-jobs list.
  • Some changes in gcloud connection profile list:
    • Fixed the value presented in ENGINE field to always display the DB engine.
    • Added a separate field for (cloud) PROVIDER to be distinguished from ENGINE.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-gvnic flag of gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container nodepools create and gcloud container nodepools update to alpha, beta, GA.
  • Remove --enable-gvnic flag of gcloud container clusters update in alpha, beta.
  • Promoted --create-pod-ipv4-range and --pod-ipv4-range flags of gcloud container node-pools create for configuring pod ranges for node pools to GA.
  • Added --logging and --monitoring flags to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container clusters update, and gcloud container clusters create-auto for users to configure the components that should have logging and/or monitoring turned on.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

352.0.0 (2021-08-10)

Access Approval

  • Promoted gcloud access-appoval command group to GA.


  • Add archive deployment status column to archives list and archives describe commands.

Cloud Build

  • Added --region flag to gcloud beta builds triggers commands.

Cloud Composer

  • Removed Composer image versions with different major version of Airflow from list of suggested image versions of gcloud beta composer environments list-upgrades command.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Updated local-extract to version 1.3.1 to fix various bugs.

Compute Engine

  • Added two new key types http-header and xff-ip to --enforce-on-key in 'gcloud compute security-policies rules'
  • Added --enforce-on-key-name to 'gcloud compute security-policies rules' in order to be able to specify the HTTP header name whose value becomes the rate limiting key forhttp-header` key type.
  • Modified gcloud compute ssh to also use IPv6 addresses if IPv4 addresses are unavailable.

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --encryption-kms-key flag to gcloud beta metastore services create to specify the Customer-managed KMS key name to use for encrypting the Dataproc Metastore service.


  • Removed the hidden label for --has-private-issuer flag in alpha and beta.
  • Promoted gcloud container hub memberships register --enable-workload-identity --has-private-issuer to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --autoscaling-profile flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to GA.

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351.0.0 (2021-08-03)


  • Promoted the GPU configuration fields in --worker-pool-spec flag of gcloud ai custom-jobs create to GA.

Artifact Registry

  • Promoted gcloud artifacts apt to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud artifacts yum to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud artifacts print-settings apt and gcloud artifacts print-settings yum to beta.
  • Changed from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 in gcloud print-settings.

Assured Workloads

  • Added EU_REGIONS_AND_SUPPORT as compliance regime options for gcloud assured workloads create command.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --build-worker-pool and --clear-build-worker-pool flag of gcloud functions deploy to GA.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added --send-for-bulk-import flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores create
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores update

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.66.

Compute Engine

  • Modified --network-interface flag of gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create command to support IPv6 fields.
  • Promoted user_license flag of gcloud compute disks insert to beta.

Config Connector


  • Promoted gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials to GA.


  • Binary Size input can contain decimal digits, provided the amount is a whole multiple of a Byte.

Policy Analyzer

  • Added gcloud policy-intelligence query-activity which queries activities. Supported activity types are service account last authentication and service account key last authentication.


  • Promoted gcloud recaptcha keys to GA.

Secret Manager

  • Added --etag flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud secrets delete
    • gcloud secrets update
    • gcloud secrets versions destroy
    • gcloud secrets versions disable
    • gcloud secrets versions enable

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

350.0.0 (2021-07-27)

Cloud SDK

  • Fixed issue where the gcloud command-line tool would fail to tab complete flags specified after positional arguments.

Cloud Build

  • Added --service-account flag to gcloud beta builds triggers create command.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added connect-mode param to --network flag of gcloud filestore instances create for alpha and beta.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services api-keys list to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Modified --source-ranges and --destination-ranges for gcloud compute firewall-rules create and gcloud compute firewall-rules update to accept IPv6 address ranges in addition to IPv4 address ranges.
  • Promoted rsa_encrypted_key in gcloud compute disks snapshot to GA.
  • Promoted rsa_encrypted_key in gcloud compute disks create and gcloud compute images create to GA.
  • Promoted type flag of gcloud compute security-policies create to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --resign flag to gcloud beta firebase test android run. This flag allows clients to specify if Robo should re-sign the app-under-test APK.

Network Management

  • Added gkeMasterCluster and cloudSqlInstance arguments for source and destination in gcloud network-management connectivity-tests. This allows the user to run tests using Google Managed Services (GKE and Cloud SQL) endpoint types as source or destination.

Secret Manager

  • Updated --filter flag to be passed to the backend in
    • gcloud beta secrets list
    • gcloud secrets versions list

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349.0.0 (2021-07-20)

Breaking Changes


  • Added --network flag to gcloud beta ai endpoints create.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Changed certificate chain output format to remove extra newline between -----END CERTIFICATE----- and -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----. This affects certificate outputs of gcloud privateca certificates create, gcloud privateca certificates export and gcloud privateca pools get-ca-certs.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promote gcloud asset list CLI to GA.

Cloud Build

  • Add --no-public-egress to gcloud builds worker-pools create.
  • Add --public-egress and a hidden --no-public-egress flags to gcloud builds worker-pools update.

Cloud Composer

  • Added support of --scheduler-count flag for gcloud beta composer environments {create,update} commands.

Cloud DNS

  • Added DNS Routing Policies support for gcloud beta dns record-sets.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added Google Artifact Registry support in build command gcloud beta dataflow flex-template build.

Cloud Datastream

  • Allow using project numbers in command arguments.
  • Update help text files for gcloud beta datastream streams create/update.

Cloud Functions

  • Remove incorrect client-side validation for --entrypoint flag of gcloud functions deploy.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added gcloud command-line tool support for healthcare NL
    • gcloud beta healthcare nlp analyze-entities

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added ec-sign-secp256k1-sha256 to the list of supported algorithms.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --processing-units flag to spanner create instance and spanner update instance to add ability to create granular instances in beta.

Cloud TPU

  • Added Cloud AI Notebooks support to gcloud compute tpus execution-groups create by adding flag --use-with-notebook.

Compute Engine

  • Added --redirect-type and --redirect-target to gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update in alpha and beta.
  • Add share_type to output of gcloud compute reservations list.
  • Added custom response headers to regional gcloud compute backend-services create requests.
  • Promoted user_license flag of gcloud compute images insert to beta.
  • Added an example of gcloud compute instances list to display IPv6 related fields.
  • Promoted --target-service-attachment flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.
  • Promoted --purpose=private-service-connect flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute service-attachments to GA.
  • Added --mesh to gcloud compute instance-templates create in alpha and beta.

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Promoted backups command group to GA.
  • Promoted Service restore command to GA.


  • Promoted the following commands to GA:
    • gcloud container hub features list
    • gcloud container hub ingress describe
    • gcloud container hub ingress disable
    • gcloud container hub ingress enable
    • gcloud container hub ingress update
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services describe
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services disable
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services enable


  • Updated kpt to v1.0.0-beta.1. Look at the documentation at for more details.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Added support for subscriptions with both dead letter topics and ordered delivery enabled in the Pub/Sub emulator.

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348.0.0 (2021-07-13)

Cloud SDK

  • Added --locked flag to gcloud compute images create.


  • Added more available regions to gcloud ai custom-job.

App Engine


  • Added --autoscale_budget_slot_hours flag to mk and update to support budget based reservation autoscaling.
  • Added flags: --create_session and --session_id to query to support session creation and using existing sessions.
  • Added --connection_property flag to query to set connection properties.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added support to cbt to drop all rows from a table.
  • Added --auth-token flag to use IAM Auth Token for requests.

Cloud Build

  • Promoted gcloud builds worker-pools command group to GA.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud beta composer environments list-packages command. It lists all PyPI modules installed in an Airflow worker.

Cloud DNS

  • Added --gkeclusters to gcloud beta dns response-policies create to support binding GKE clusters to the response policy.
  • Added --gkeclusters to gcloud beta dns response-policies update to support updating response policy with GKE clusters.

Cloud Datastream

  • Modified output formatting for gcloud beta datastream streams list to include stream creation and update times.
  • Added gcloud beta routes create which creates a datastream private connection route.
  • Added gcloud beta routes delete which deletes a datastream private connection route.
  • Added gcloud beta streams update which updates an existing datastream stream.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added client-side request and response integrity verification to gcloud kms encrypt, gcloud kms decrypt, gcloud kms asymmetric-sign, and gcloud kms asymmetric-decrypt. For more information about Cloud KMS's integrity verification API, visit
  • Added --skip-integrity-verification flag to gcloud kms encrypt, gcloud kms decrypt, gcloud kms asymmetric-sign, and gcloud kms asymmetric-decrypt.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Added --additional-package-types=MAVEN flag to scan Maven packages for vulnerabilities.
  • Updated local-extract to version 1.2.0 in order to support the scanning of CentOS and RHEL images.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Added gcloud scheduler locations command group [ALPHA, BETA]. Commands in this group provide information for locations where Cloud Scheduler is available.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.65.

Compute Engine

  • Removed IPv6 support from gcloud compute instances create-with-container and gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container until it's ready.
  • Added --description flag on compute instance-groups managed update to add possibility to update descriptions.
  • Changed the behavior of gcloud compute url-maps import to wait for the import operation to finish.
  • Added KMS args (--boot-disk-kms-project, --boot-disk-kms-location, --boot-disk-kms-keyring, --boot-disk-kms-key, and kms-project, kms-location, kms-keyring, kms-key properties of --create-disk) to gcloud compute instances bulk create to allow specifying a customer-managed encryption key.
  • Promoted --request-headers-to-add to beta for gcloud compute security-policies rules create|update.

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added the following alpha and beta commands to work with Dataproc Metastore service backups:
    • metastore services backups get-iam-policy
    • metastore services backups set-iam-policy
    • metastore services backups add-iam-policy-binding
    • metastore services backups remove-iam-policy-binding


  • Fixed issue where --config-membership of gcloud container hub ingress enable and gcloud container hub ingress update did not properly handle full Membership resource paths.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-identity-service flag to alpha, beta.
  • Mark --enable-gke-oidc flag as deprecated.
  • Added --security-group to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update. This flag is used to enable the Authenticator Groups Config for group authentication.


  • Fixed issue where special characters were improperly escaped during command completion when using zsh or fish.
    • The previous behavior can be restored by setting the environment variable _ARGCOMPLETE_SHELL to 'bash'.

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347.0.0 (2021-06-29)

Breaking Changes

  • (Assured Workloads) Removed 'consumer-project-id' and 'consumer-project-name' as possible values for resource-settings in gcloud assured workloads delete command in alpha and beta, as they are now deprecated.
  • (Cloud SQL) Modified gcloud beta sql users list to include 'IAM_EMAIL' column in the output. It will display full email address for a CloudSQL MySQL IAM database user account.
  • (Kpt) Binary for Windows will no longer be provided. If you want to use kpt with windows, the source code is available at


  • Promoted gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs to GA.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta ai custom-jobs create failed to install dependencies in requirements.txt when packaging from local files.
  • Added --feature-attribution-thresholds flag to gcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs <create|update> to support configuring feature attribution score thresholds.

App Engine

  • Added support for 'egress_setting' field in 'vpc_access_connector' section of app.yaml.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added gcloud privateca pools get-ca-certs to get the root CA certs for all active CAs in the CA pool.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --read-mask flag to gcloud asset search-all-resources to specify which fields to be returned.
  • Updated gcloud asset search-all-resources to return the full metadata (versionedResources) of resources when requested with flag --read-mask.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added gcloud beta connection-profiles update which updates an existing datastream connection profile.
  • Added gcloud beta streams create which creates a datastream stream.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.13.0
    • Add WebSocket endpoint for monitoring rules requests.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted gcloud pubsub lite-topics publish to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions subscribe to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions ack-up-to to GA.

Cloud Run

  • gcloud beta run deploy now defaults to deploy from source if --image is not provided.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --active-directory-domain flag of gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.64.

Compute Engine

  • Changed the behavior of gcloud compute backend-services import to wait for the import operation to finish.
  • Promote share-setting and share-with for glcloud compute reservations create to beta.
  • Fixed gcloud compute forwarding-rules import to remove top-level properties of an existing forwarding rule when they are not specified in the YAML file.
  • Changed the list format of gcloud compute networks subnets list to include IPv6 related fields.
  • Changed --custom-cpu type from int to string to allow E2 shared-core instances to be specified as a custom value.


  • Promoted the following commands to beta:
    • gcloud container hub config-management apply
    • gcloud container hub config-management disable
    • gcloud container hub config-management enable
    • gcloud container hub config-management status
    • gcloud container hub config-management unmanage
    • gcloud container hub config-management upgrade
    • gcloud container hub config-management version
    • gcloud container hub features list
    • gcloud container hub ingress describe
    • gcloud container hub ingress disable
    • gcloud container hub ingress enable
    • gcloud container hub ingress update
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services describe
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services disable
    • gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services enable

Identity Groups

  • Promoted --posix-group flag of gcloud identity groups create to beta.
  • Promoted --add-posix-group, --remove-posix-groups, and --clear-posix-groups flags of gcloud identity groups update to beta.


  • Removed Windows binary.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-l4-ilb-subsetting flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-service-externalips flag to beta.

Managed Active Directory

  • Promoted gcloud active-directory domains update-ldaps-settings to beta and GA.
  • Promoted gcloud active-directory domains describe-ldaps-settings to beta and GA.

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346.0.0 (2021-06-22)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SDK) Removed the deprecated flag --add-quota-project in gcloud auth application-default login. --add-quota-project is the default.
  • (Certificate Authority Service) Renamed --location flag on gcloud privateca certificates create as --template-location, and updated it to default to the same location as the issuing CA Pool.
  • (Certificate Authority Service) Added an explicit check to gcloud privateca certificates create to verify that any certificate templates are in the same location as the issuing CA Pool.


  • Added gcloud beta ai custom-jobs local-run which creates a custom training container image from your code and runs it locally.
  • Supported training with local files in gcloud beta custom-job create command.

Access Approval

  • Promoted gcloud access-appoval command group to beta.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Updated gcloud asset search-all-iam-policies with new searchable fields (memberTypes, roles, project, folders, and organizations), new request fields (assetTypes and orderBy), and new response fields (assetType, folders, and organization).

Cloud Build

  • Updated gcloud builds triggers create ... with require-approval flag.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud beta composer environments check-upgrade command. It checks that an environment upgrade does not fail because of PyPI module conflicts.

Cloud DNS

  • Added --gkeclusters to gcloud beta dns managed-zones create to support binding GKE clusters to the zone.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added gcloud beta operations cancel which cancels a datastream operation.
  • Added gcloud beta private-connections create which creates a datastream private connection.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted gcloud pubsub schemas to GA.
  • Promoted --schema and --encoding flags of gcloud pubsub topics create to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Added SQL Server 2019 options to --database-version flag of gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql flags list.

Compute Engine

  • Added debian-10 option to --os flag for:
    • gcloud compute images import in GA,
    • gcloud compute instances import in GA
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in beta
    • gcloud compute routers update
  • Promoted support for stack-type and ipv6-network-tier for gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update to GA.
  • Added staged progress tracker to gcloud beta compute networks update --switch-to-custom-subnet-mode when updating a legacy network.

Config Connector


  • Updated kpt from v0.39.2 to v0.39.3.


  • Updated lazy module loader to correctly set module.file to the file name, rather than the file handle, to properly support debugging with Pdb++ (

VPC Access

  • Promoted following flags in gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors create to GA:
    • --machine-type

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345.0.0 (2021-06-15)


  • Updated --worker-pool-spec flag of gcloud beta ai custom-jobs create to support configuring GPUs.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added gcloud privateca which enables creating and managing private CA pools, certificate authorities, certificates and certificate templates through the v1 API.

Cloud Composer

  • Fixed exception on executing gcloud composer environments run env-name delete_dag command without Airflow command arguments.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Updated build command to fuse multiple dependencies COPY docker commands into a single COPY command.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added gcloud beta connection-profiles discover which performs discovery on a datastream connection profile.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.12.0
    • Support partially clearing data via API.

Cloud Run

  • Modified gcloud beta run deploy --source to use Artifact Registry for build artifacts. Users will be prompted prior to automatic creation of an Artifact Registry repository named "cloud-run-source-deploy".
  • Promoted --use-http2 flag to GA for Cloud Run (fully managed).

Cloud SQL

  • Added support for - as a wildcard in place of an instance name for gcloud sql backups list.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.63.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --byol flag of:
    • gcloud compute images import to GA
    • gcloud compute instances import to GA
  • Promoted following flags in gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instances update-access-config to GA:
    • --ipv6-public-ptr-domain
    • --no-ipv6-public-ptr
  • Added --all-instances flag on compute managed update-instances to reflect the instances selection options available in the REST API.
  • Add --source-disk-project flag to image creation. It is used to specify source disk project when creating image from disk.
  • Promoted support for stack-type and ipv6-access-type for gcloud compute networks subnets create to GA.
  • Promoted --enable flag to GA for the following commands:
    • gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer
    • gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer
  • Promoted --keepalive-interval flag to GA for the following commands:
    • gcloud compute routers create
    • gcloud compute routers update
  • Promoted support for stack-type and ipv6-network-tier for gcloud compute instances <create|create-with-container> to GA.
  • Promoted support for stack-type and ipv6-network-tier for gcloud compute instance-templates <create|create-with-container> to GA.
  • Promoted support for stack-type and ipv6-access-type for gcloud compute networks subnets update to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-service-externalips flag to gcloud alpha and beta to allow or deny services to set the ExternalIPs field.
  • Added --autoprovisioning-image-type flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to specify the image type for node autoprovisioning.

Network Services

  • Promoted gcloud network-services endpoint-policies to beta.

VPC Access

  • Promoted following flags in gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors create to GA:
    • --min-instances
    • --max-instances
    • --machine-type

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344.0.0 (2021-06-08)

Breaking Changes

  • (AI) Renamed --drift-thresholds flag in gcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create and gcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs update to --feature-thresholds.

App Engine

  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.93.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added new content type org-policy, access-policy, os-inventory to gcloud beta asset list.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added gcloud beta pubsub lite-subscriptions subscribe which allows the user to receive messages on a Pub/Sub Lite subscription.

Compute Engine

  • Added --json-parsing and --log-level flags to gcloud compute security-policies update.
  • Promoted --json-parsing and --log-level flags to GA for gcloud compute security-policies update.

Config Connector


  • Promoted gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials to GA.

Managed Active Directory

  • Adding support for gcloud active-directory peerings for Multi Project Support release.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

343.0.0 (2021-06-02)

Breaking Changes

  • (Certificate Authority Service) Updated gcloud beta privateca to only allow managing resources in the 6 supported locations. For more information, see
  • (Cloud Run) If platform is not specified via flags or config, gcloud run commands that require a platform will now default to managed instead of prompting to select a platform.


  • Promoted gcloud ai custom-jobs to GA.

Artifact Registry

  • Added Python repo creation with gcloud artifacts repositories create.
  • Added print-settings command for Python repositories.


  • Disable non-fedarated AWS connection type.
  • New module credential_loader encapsulate credential and auth related functions for BQCLI. The main entrypoint for these functions is credential_loader.GetCredentialsFromFlags (moved from _GetCredentialsFromFlags). Note the removed underscore in addition to the module path change.
  • Minor bug fixes and dependency updates.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added gcloud beta connection-profiles which contains create, delete, describe and list for Datastream connection profile objects.
  • Added gcloud beta locations fetch-static-ips which returns a list of static IPs used by Datastream for a specific location.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta connection-profiles list returned partial information in the list formatting.

Cloud Functions

  • Update logging message for gcloud functions deploy to print Cloud Build log URL.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Modified the output of gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema on the successful validation of a schema to text indicating the success rather than the empty response returned by the service.
  • Modified the output of gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-message on the successful validation of a message to text indicating the success rather than the empty response returned by the service.
  • Added gcloud beta pubsub lite-subscriptions ack-up-to which allows the user to acknowledge messages on a specified Pub/Sub Lite subscription.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --scopes, --no-scopes,, --service-account and --no-service-account flags to GA for gcloud compute instances import.
  • Updated gcloud beta compute service-attachment to fix the default values of --enable-proxy-protocol and --connection-preference.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --threads-per-core flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create commands.
  • Fixed issue for 0 node clusters relating to misleading output of node versioning in gcloud container clusters list.

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342.0.0 (2021-05-25)

App Engine

  • Added support for specifying a service account for each App Engine version during deployment. This can be done by either running gcloud app deploy --service-account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT> or by specifying 'service_account: ' in app.yaml file. If both are specified, the CLI parameter will override the app.yaml spec.
  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.89. Please visit the following release notes for details:

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Added support for specifying a service account for each App Engine Flexible version during deployment. This can be done by either running gcloud app deploy --service-account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT> or by specifying 'service_account: ' in app.yaml file. If both are specified, the CLI parameter will override the app.yaml spec.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added support for key generation in certificates create using newer versions (3.4 and above) of the Python cryptography package.

Cloud Build

  • Update gcloud beta builds triggers run for repoless triggers.

Cloud Datastream

  • Added gcloud beta datastream locations command group - contains describe and list for Datastream locations objects.
  • Added gcloud beta datastream routes command group - contains describe and list for Datastream routes objects.
  • Deprecated --region flag of gcloud beta datastream. Use --location instead.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --definition-file to gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-message, gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema, and gcloud beta pubsub schemas create to specify a schema stored in a file.

Compute Engine

  • Updated gcloud compute instance-groups managed abandon-instances, delete-instances, recreate-instances, and update-instances to return unresolved instance names for regional groups with status MEMBER_NOT_FOUND.
  • Updated gcloud beta compute service-attachment update to allow users to clear the consumer-accept-list and consumer-reject-list.
  • Added --threads-per-core flag to specify number of visible threads per physical core to both beta and GA for:
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create
    • gcloud compute instances bulk create

Config Connector

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341.0.0 (2021-05-18)

AI Platform

  • Added beta commands for the AI Platform TensorBoard suite.
  • Added gcloud beta ai tensorboards commands to manage a TensorBoard on the unified AI Platform.
  • Added gcloud beta ai tensorboard-experiments commands to manage a TensorBoard Experiment on the unified AI Platform.
  • Added gcloud beta ai tensorboard-runs commands to manage a TensorBoard Run on the unified AI Platform.
  • Added gcloud beta ai tensorboard-time-series commands to manage a TensorBoard Time Series on the unified AI Platform.

App Engine

  • Added a deprecation warning to gcloud app deploy dos.yaml.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Added a deprecation warning to gcloud app deploy dos.yaml.

Assured Workloads

  • Added option to specify custom project names in --resource-settings by using consumer-project-name or encryption-keys-project-name key in gcloud assured workloads create command.


  • Support displaying TVF return table signature.
  • Adds enable_queuing_and_priorities reservation flag (only for whitelisted reservations).
  • Adds support for reservation assignment priority (only for whitelisted reservations).

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added gcloud asset analyze-move commands to analyze a GCP Project Migration.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added gcloud beta pubsub lite-topics publish which allows the user to publish a message to their specified Pub/Sub Lite topic.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.62.

Compute Engine

  • Promoteddisk-resource-policykey of flag--create-diskfor allcompute instances` create commands.
  • Updated help text for --enable-endpoint-independent-mapping on compute routers nats create and compute routers nats update to reflect the new default.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --threads-per-core flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create commands.
  • Promoted --cluster-dns-* flags of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to beta.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.17 to 1.18.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.17)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.19)
    • kubectl.1.19 (1.19.11)
    • kubectl.1.20 (1.20.7)
    • kubectl.1.21 (1.21.1)

Pubsub Emulator

  • Fixed issue where subscription retention was not being respected upon subscription creation.

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340.0.0 (2021-05-11)

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Updated gcloud asset search-all-resources to support date-time string in queries on timestamp fields (createTime and updateTime).

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted the IAM Conditions flags --condition and --condition-from to GA.

Cloud Billing

  • Added optional --calendar-period, --start-date, and --end-date flags to gcloud billing budgets [create | update] to support a wider array of options for the budget's timeframe, which was previously always one month.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted gcloud beta redis reschedule-maintenance to beta.
  • Added --maintenance-window-day flag and --maintenance-window-hour flag to gcloud beta redis instances create to allow specifying a maintenance policy when creating a new instance.
  • Added --maintenance-window-day flag, --maintenance-window-hour flag and --maintenance-window-any flag to gcloud beta redis instances update to allow updating a maintenance policy when updating an instance.

Cloud Run

  • Modified gcloud beta run deploy --source to suggest a default service name based on the source path when one isn't provided.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute service-attachments to beta.
  • Added --target-service-attachment flag to gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules create.
  • Added --purpose=private-service-connect to gcloud beta compute networks subnets create.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Added MYSQL_8_0, POSTGRES_10, POSTGRES_12, and POSTGRES_13 database version options for --database-version flag to database-migration connection-profiles create cloudsql.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-dataplane-v2 to GA.


  • Added gcloud notebooks instances rollback to rollback a notebook's boot disk.
  • Added gcloud notebooks instances get-health to verify instance health.

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339.0.0 (2021-05-04)

Breaking Changes

  • (Certificate Authority Service) Updated default value for --max-chain-length flag of gcloud beta privateca roots create. Now, no max chain length will be added to newly created root CAs unless they are explicitly specified through --max-chain-length, or (indirectly) through a --reusable-config resource argument.


  • Added executor-image-uri field to --worker-pool-spec flag of gcloud beta ai custom-jobs create, as an alias of python-image-uri field. python-image-uri will be deprecated soon.
  • Accepted empty value for --worker-pool-spec flag, which means to create an empty worker pool.

Assured Workloads

  • Added option to specify custom keyring name in --resource-settings by using keyring-id key in gcloud assured workloads create command.

Cloud Composer

  • Added links to the documentation pages when the request fails on missing required permissions.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Upgrade local-extract to version 1.0.0. This version replaces memory-intensive extraction with disk-based extraction.

Cloud SQL

  • The output of gcloud sql backups list --instance="my-instance-1" will now include the instance name.

Compute Engine

  • Added --request-coalescing to gcloud compute backend-services create, gcloud compute backend-services update, gcloud compute backend-buckets create and gcloud compute backend-buckets update.
  • Added cdnPolicy.requestCoalescing field support to gcloud compute backend-services import.
  • Added --minimal-action and --most-disruptive-allowed-action flags to gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed rolling-action start-update.

Config Connector


  • Updated kpt from v0.39.0 to v0.39.2.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.24.0 to v0.25.0.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.10.15 to v0.10.17.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.9.7 to v0.9.10.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --disable-autopilot flag of gcloud container clusters update to convert cluster from Autopilot mode to Standard mode.

Network Security

  • Modified gcloud network-security client-tls-policies to accept empty serverValidationCa which signals to the client to do un-authenticated TLS.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

338.0.0 (2021-04-27)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Run) Deprecated all choice of --vpc-egress flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update. A new all-traffic choice provides the same functionality with a more specific name. all will continue to be supported, but prefer to use all-traffic.
  • (Cloud Run) Modified gcloud beta run deploy to accept either --image or --source, but not both.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --confidential-compute boolean flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create to allow users to configure Compute Engine Confidential VMs on Dataproc clusters.
  • Added --confidential-compute boolean flags to gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to allow users to configure Compute Engine Confidential VMs on Dataproc managed clusters.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.15
    • Fixes issue with parsing empty headers which caused some valid requests to be rejected.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promote get-certificate-chain command to GA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added timeout key to --redis-config flag of redis instances create.
  • Added timeout key to --redis-config flag of redis instances update.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --starting-offset flag of gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Added all-traffic choice to --vpc-egress flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update. all-traffic provides the same functionality as the existing all choice with a more specific name. all is now deprecated but will continue to be supported. Prefer to use all-traffic.
  • Promoted --binary-authorization and --breakglass flags of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to beta.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services vpc-peerings delete to GA.

Cloud Tasks

  • Updated gcloud tasks queues update [QUEUE_NAME] --clear-routing-override to remove appEngineRoutingOverride values instead of setting them to empty strings.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --iap-tunnel-disable-connection-check flag of gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel to GA.
  • Promoted --cpu-utilization-predictive-autoscaling flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling and gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling to GA.

Config Connector

Network Security

  • Promoted gcloud network-security authorization-policies to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security server-tls-policies to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud network-security client-tls-policies to beta.

Secret Manager

  • Added --etag flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta secrets update
    • gcloud beta secrets delete
    • gcloud beta secrets versions enable
    • gcloud beta secrets versions disable
    • gcloud beta secrets versions destroy

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337.0.0 (2021-04-20)

Assured Workloads

  • Added HIPAA and HITRUST as compliance regime options for gcloud assured workloads create command in GA.


  • Added bq truncate command. This command will only be available to selected customers in private preview.
  • Added --job to bq delete.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Changed behavior of perimeters dry-run describe:
    • Not displaying unset fields.
    • +/- signs now are displayed at the very beginning of the line, instead of being displayed right in front of the resource text.
    • Extra space added in front of top-level fields like names/title/type to align text.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Promoted gcloud dataflow snapshots to GA.

Cloud Domains

  • Fixed issue where multiple address line fields were not supported in commands with interactive prompts:
    • gcloud beta domains registrations register
    • gcloud beta domains registrations configure contacts

Cloud Filestore

  • Promoted gcloud filestore backups to GA.
  • Added gcloud filestore instances restore to enable restoring a Cloud Filestore instance from a backup.
  • Added support for creating Filestore instances from backup using gcloud filestore instances create.
  • Promoted --source-backup and --source-backup-region flags to GA to specify backup details; these flags should be used in conjunction with --file-share flag.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added support for Redis 6.x.

Cloud Resource Settings

  • Promoted gcloud resource-settings to GA.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services vpc-peerings delete to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --redundant-interface, --subnetwork and --subnetwork-region flags of gcloud compute routers add-interface to beta.
  • Promoted --instance and --instance-zone flags of gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer to beta.
  • Promoted --interface-names of gcloud compute routers remove-interface to beta.
  • Promoted --peer-names of gcloud compute routers remove-bgp-peer to beta.

Essential Contacts

  • Promoted gcloud essential-contacts to beta.

Service Directory

  • Added --network flag to gcloud service-directory endpoints create command in beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

336.0.0 (2021-04-13)

Assured Workloads

  • Promoted --resource-settings of gcloud assured workloads create to GA.

Cloud Composer

  • Added support of Airflow 2.0 CLI nested commands to gcloud composer environments run.
  • Updated gcloud beta composer environments run my-environment upgrade_check to run upgrade check to Airflow 2.0 for Composer environments with Airflow 1.10.15+.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.14
    • Fix header parsing causing permission denined errors with Firestore JS SDK v8.3.2.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.61.

Compute Engine

  • Added --request-coalescing to gcloud beta compute backend-services create, gcloud beta compute backend-services update, gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create and gcloud beta compute backend-buckets update.
  • Added cdnPolicy.requestCoalescing field support to gcloud beta compute backend-services import.
  • Promoted --target_distribution_shape flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed create and update to GA. Added --compute-service-account flag to gcloud compute instances import.
  • Removed unneeded curl progress output from gcloud compute ssh with `--internal-ip flag.
  • Promoted --zone flag to gcloud beta compute images describe-from-family.

Config Connector


  • Updated kpt from v0.38.1 to v0.39.0.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.23.5 to v0.24.0.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.10.13 to v0.10.15.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.9.5 to v0.9.7.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

335.0.0 (2021-04-06)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Bigtable) Deprecated --cluster, --cluster-num-nodes and --cluster-zone flags of
  • (Cloud Bigtable) gcloud bigtable instances create. Use --cluster-config instead.
  • (Cloud Bigtable) Deprecated --instance-type flag of gcloud bigtable instances create. All
  • (Cloud Bigtable) instances are now of type PRODUCTION.

App Engine

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Promoted ingress-policies and egress-policies flags of gcloud access-context-manager perimeters to GA.
  • Support displaying Ingress and EgressPolicies for:
    • gcloud access-context-manager perimeters describe.
    • gcloud access-context-manager perimeters dry-run describe.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --access-time flag to gcloud asset analyze-iam-policy and gcloud asset analyze-iam-policy-longrunning.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added --kms-key, --kms-keyring, --kms-location and --kms-project flags to gcloud bigtable clusters create for alpha, beta and GA for creating CMEK-protected clusters.
  • Added key kms-key to --cluster-config flag of gcloud bigtable instances create, for creating CMEK-protected clusters.
  • Promoted --cluster-config flag of gcloud bigtable instances create to beta and GA.
  • Promoted gcloud bigtable instances tables describe to beta and GA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.13
    • Reset document create time when a document is deleted and re-created in a single transaction.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the following flags in gcloud compute backend-services create, gcloud compute backend-services update, gcloud compute backend-buckets create and gcloud compute backend-buckets update to GA:
    • --[no-]negative-caching
    • --[no-]negative-caching-policy
    • --[no-]serve-while-stale
    • --[no-]bypass-cache-on-request-headers
  • Added the following fields to gcloud compute backend-services import and gcloud compute backend-services export:
    • cdnPolicy:
    • negativeCaching
    • negativeCachingPolicy
    • bypassCacheOnRequestHeaders
    • serveWhileStale
  • Added support for authorizationPolicy and serverTlsPolicy for gcloud compute target-https-proxies import command.
  • Added --iap-tunnel-disable-connection-check flag to gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel to disable the initial connection check in alpha and beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes to GA.
  • Added --network-interface=nic-type flag to gcloud compute instance-templates create for beta and GA.
  • Promoted --image-family-scope flag to gcloud beta compute instances create and gcloud beta compute disks create.

Policy Simulator

  • Added gcloud iam simulator replay-recent-access which simulates policy changes by replaying policy overlay on recent access.

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334.0.0 (2021-03-30)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Build) Modified the positional argument WORKER_POOL to be required for commands in the command group gcloud builds worker-pools (except for gcloud builds worker-pools list).
  • (Cloud Run) Deprecated --connectivity flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update. --connectivity will continue to be supported. --connectivity only applies to --platform=gke and --platform=kubernetes. The new --ingress flag applies to all platforms and provides equivalent functionality. Prefer to use --ingress. Use --ingress=all in place of --connectivity=external. Use --ingress=internal in place of --connectivity=internal.
  • (Dataproc Metastore) Deprecated gcloud beta metastore services imports command group. Use gcloud beta metastore services import command group instead.

Cloud SDK

  • Cloud SDK supports Apple Silicon. Some native components currently rely on Rosetta 2.


  • Modified --region flag of gcloud beta ai endpoints to include new online prediction regions.
  • Modified --region flag of gcloud beta ai models to include new online prediction regions.


  • Added --max_concurrency flag to mk and update reservation commands.
  • Added --parquet_enum_as_string and --parquet_enable_list_inference flags to load and mk --table commands for Parquet format. Run bq load --help or bq mk --help for details.
  • Removed old oauth2client_4_0 compatibility shim.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Promoted the On-Demand Scanning API commands to GA.
    • gcloud artifacts docker images scan to scan a container image.
    • gcloud artifacts docker images get-operation to retrieve an operation.
    • gcloud artifacts docker images list-vulnerabilities to retrieve scan results.
  • Improved error messages for local-extract.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --ingress flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted Active Directory integration to beta.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • Updated the following commands to support project/folder parent types:
    • gcloud scc findings create
    • gcloud scc findings group
    • gcloud scc findings list
    • gcloud scc findings list-marks
    • gcloud scc findings update
    • gcloud scc findings update-marks
    • gcloud scc assets describe
    • gcloud scc assets group
    • gcloud scc assets list
    • gcloud scc assets list-marks
    • gcloud scc assets update-marks
  • Assets and findings will now have canonicalName field in their response.

Compute Engine

  • Added --service-account, --no-service-account, --scopes and --no-scopes flags to gcloud beta compute instances import.
  • Added --service-directory-registration flag to gcloud compute forwarding-rules create --global --target-google-apis-bundle=<bundle> in beta and GA.
  • Added --target-google-apis-bundle to gcloud compute forwarding-rules create.
  • Added PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT as a global address purpose to gcloud compute addresses create.
  • Promoted --post-key-reservation-action-type flag to beta for gcloud compute instances create.
  • Promoted --post-key-reservation-action-type flag to beta for gcloud compute instance-templates create.
  • Added --resource-policies flag for gcloud compute instance-templates create command in alpha, beta, and GA.
  • Added --service-account, --no-service-account, --scopes and --no-scopes flags for gcloud compute machine-images import in beta.
  • Fixed failure to pipe into ssh when --internal-ip flag is specified.
  • Added gcloud compute target-https-proxies import method which creates or updates a target HTTPS proxy resource in Compute Engine
  • Promoted gcloud compute public-advertised-prefixes to GA.

Config Connector

Database Migration

  • Launched Database Migration.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --dump-type flag to gcloud beta metastore services export gcs to allow specification of the database dump type to export.
  • Added --release-channel flag to gcloud beta metastore services create.
  • Added the following commands to work with Dataproc Metastore services:
    • gcloud beta metastore services import
    • gcloud beta metastore services restore
    • gcloud beta metastore services backups describe
    • gcloud beta metastore services backups list
    • gcloud beta metastore services backups create
    • gcloud beta metastore services backups delete
  • Promoted gcloud metastore to GA.

Secret Manager

  • Added --next-rotation-time flag to gcloud beta secrets create, gcloud secrets create gcloud beta secrets update and gcloud secrets update commands to specify the timestamp at which to send SECRET_ROTATE notification.
  • Added --rotation-period flag to gcloud beta secrets create, gcloud secrets create gcloud beta secrets update and gcloud secrets update commands to specify a duration between secret rotation notifications.
  • Added --remove-next-rotation-time flag to gcloud beta secrets update and gcloud secrets update command to remove scheduled rotation time from a secret if it has one.
  • Added --remove-rotation-period flag to gcloud beta secrets update and gcloud secrets update command to remove a set rotation period if it has one.
  • Added --remove-rotation-schedule flag to gcloud beta secrets update and gcloud secrets update command to remove the rotation policy from a secret if it has one.
  • Promoted --expire-time flag of gcloud secrets create and gcloud secrets update to GA.
  • Promoted --ttl flag of gcloud secrets create and gcloud secrets update to GA.
  • Promoted --remove-expiration flag of gcloud secrets update to GA.
  • Promoted --topics flag of gcloud secrets create to GA.
  • Promoted the following flags to GA for gcloud secrets update:
    • --add-topics
    • --remove-topics
    • --clear-topics

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

333.0.0 (2021-03-23)

Cloud SDK

  • --impersonate-service-account flag can accept a list of service accounts for impersonation delegation.

Assured Workloads

  • Added --resource-settings flag to gcloud assured workloads create command.
  • Added US_REGIONAL_ACCESS as compliance regime option for gcloud assured workloads create command.
  • Added HIPAA and HITRUST as compliance regime options for gcloud assured workloads create command.

Cloud Build

  • Updated gcloud builds submit and gcloud builds log to tell users when they cannot read the default logs bucket because of VPC-SC.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added flex template docker container building support for python in build command gcloud beta dataflow flex-template build.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud dataproc clusters stop and gcloud dataproc clusters start which stop and start clusters.
  • Promoted --dataproc-metastore flag of gcloud dataproc clusters create to GA.
  • Promoted --dataproc-metastore flag of gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to GA.
  • Added --secure-multi-tenancy-user-mapping and --identity-config-file flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster.

Cloud Logging

  • Promoted gcloud logging views command group to GA.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Improved error messages for local-extract.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --starting-offset flag to gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create to allow subscriptions to be created at HEAD.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.60.

Compute Engine

  • Fixed gcloud compute url-maps import for correctly removing top-level properties of an existing Url map, when they are not specified in the YAML file.
  • Updated import and export schemas for:
    • gcloud compute forwarding-rules.
    • gcloud compute backend-services.
  • Added --compute-service-account flag for gcloud compute instances import in beta.
  • Added --compute-service-account flag for gcloud compute machine-images import in beta.
  • Promoted --description and --family flags of gcloud compute images update to GA.
  • Promoted the following flags in gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling to GA:
    • --set-schedule
    • --schedule-cron
    • --schedule-duration-sec
    • --schedule-min-required-replicas
    • --schedule-time-zone
    • --schedule-description For more information see <>.
  • Promoted the following flags in gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling to GA:
    • --min-num-replicas
    • --max-num-replicas
    • --set-schedule
    • --update-schedule
    • --disable-schedule
    • --enable-schedule
    • --remove-schedule
    • --schedule-cron
    • --schedule-duration-sec
    • --schedule-min-required-replicas
    • --schedule-time-zone
    • --schedule-description For more information see <>.

Config Connector


  • Updated kpt from v0.37.1 to v0.38.1.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.21.1 to v0.23.5.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.9.5 to v0.10.13.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.8.5 to v0.9.5.


  • Reordered contents of help text pages to make "Examples" section more prominent.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

332.0.0 (2021-03-16)

Breaking Changes

  • (App Engine) Updated backend when using gcloud app deploy <queue|cron>.yaml. The only noticeable change is that when removing queues from the queues YAML file, previously the queues were marked as "DISABLED" but now they are marked "PAUSED". In terms of functionality, there is no difference between the two.

Cloud SDK

  • Added support for environment variable CLOUDSDK_ENCODING to set the IO encoding for gcloud. UTF-8 will be the default IO encoding on Unix.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Promoted PyPI repo creation with gcloud artifacts repositories create to beta and GA.
  • Promoted gcloud artifacts print-settings pypi to beta and GA.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added default runtime environment parameters support in gcloud dataflow flex-template build.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --security-level flag of gcloud functions deploy to GA.
  • Modified --limit of gcloud functions logs read such that the most recent entries in the given time range up to the limit are returned rather than the earliest.

Cloud Org Policy

  • Promoted gcloud org-policies command group to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --tag flag of gcloud run deploy to GA.
  • Promoted --tag flag of gcloud run services update to GA.
  • Promoted --to-tags, --set-tags, --update-tags, --remove-tags, and --clear-tags flags of gcloud run services update-traffic to GA.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted CMEK flags to beta and GA in gcloud spanner commands.

Compute Engine

  • Added --byol flag for:
    • gcloud compute images import in beta
    • gcloud compute instances import in beta
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in beta
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances remove-resource-policies command to GA.
  • Added --boot-disk-provisioned-iops to gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create to allow specifying provisioned IOPS for attached disks.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances create --network-performance-configs flag to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances bulk create to beta and GA.

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added --database-dump-type flag to gcloud beta metastore services imports create to set the database dump type.
  • Deprecated --database-type flag gcloud beta metastore services imports create. Use --database-dump-type flag to specify the database dump type.
  • Added gcloud beta metastore services imports update which updates a metadata import.
  • Added --data-catalog-sync flag for gcloud metastore services in beta.

Identity Groups

  • Added --group-type flag to gcloud identity groups create to automatically set group labels based on the type of group being created.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-l4-ilb-subsetting of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to beta.
  • Added --node-labels, --node-taints, and --tags flags to gcloud beta container node-pools update to update the node labels, node taints and network tags on an existing node pool.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

331.0.0 (2021-03-09)


  • Added --autoscaling-metric-specs flag to gcloud beta ai endpoints deploy-model.

App Engine

  • Updated gcloud app instances list and gcloud app instances describe to return the auto healer health check (i.e. liveness) for the flexible environment.

Assured Workloads

  • Promoted gcloud assured command group to GA. Commands in this group provide the ability to read and modify Assured data controls.
  • Promoted gcloud assured workloads command group to GA. Commands in this group provide the ability to manage Assured Workloads environment resources.
  • Promoted gcloud assured operations command group to GA. Commands in this group provide the ability to view Assured Workloads operation resources.

Cloud Build

  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta builds worker-pools commands fail to wait for long-running operations to finish.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added a confirmation prompt to gcloud datapoc clusters enable-personal-auth-session and gcloud beta datapoc clusters enable-personal-auth-session.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Promoted gcloud healthcare consent-stores to GA.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Updated the local-extract component to version 0.1.5, to improve error handling in certain cases.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Updated gcloud resource-manager org-policies describe to throw an error for unsupported policy versions.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --min-instances flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to GA for --platform=managed.

Cloud Services

  • Support service usage check on gcloud services disable command.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --provisioned-iops flag of gcloud compute disks create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes to beta.

Config Connector

Identity and Access Management

  • Added gcloud iam workload-identity-pools which enables granting on-premises or multi-cloud workloads access to Google Cloud resources, without using a service account key.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added gcloud container clusters create-auto for creating Autopilot clusters to the beta and GA tracks.

Network Management

  • Added IPv6 support for Network Load balancers to gcloud compute forwarding-rules command group.

Secret Manager

  • Promoted gcloud secrets replication command group to GA.
  • Added --replication-policy-file flag to gcloud secrets create command to specify replication policy using a JSON or YAML file.
  • Added --kms-key-name flag to gcloud secrets create command to specify a KMS key when creating an automatic secret.

VPC Access

  • Promoted VPC connector --subnet flag from beta to GA.
  • Modified gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors create to accept an optional --subnet flag to specify a subnet to house the connector rather than requiring --network and --range flags.
    • If the provided subnet is a shared subnet, use the flag --subnet-project to specify the VPC host project ID.

Workspace Add Ons

  • Promoted gcloud workspace-add-ons commands to GA.

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330.0.0 (2021-03-02)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Code) Downgraded --env-vars and --env-vars-file to alpha.

Cloud SDK

  • Added bundled Python 3 option for macOS installations. See gcloud topics startup and
  • Fixed issue where gcloud emulators ... start commands would leave behind emulator processes when Ctrl+C was pressed.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --cluster-labels flag to gcloud dataproc jobs submit to allow jobs to be placed on a cluster matching specified cluster labels.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added --filter-config-gcs-uri flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicoms-stores export gcs
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicoms-stores export bq

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Updated some error messages to be more clear.
  • Added a prompt to the beginning of gcloud beta artifacts docker images scan to install the local-extract component.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --partitions flag in gcloud pubsub lite-topics update to GA.
  • Added --view flag to gcloud beta schemas list to allow retrieval of schema definitions.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed bug on force-override prompt for gcloud beta run domain-mappings create where it would fail to re-create the domain mapping after deleting the one without the override.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute public-advertised-prefixes to beta.
  • Added --request-coalescing to gcloud beta compute backend-services create, gcloud beta compute backend-services update, gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create and gcloud beta compute backend-buckets update.
  • Promoted support for gce-vm-ip for --network-endpoint-type for gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create and gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update to GA.

Config Connector

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --pod-ipv4-range and --create-pod-ipv4-range flags to gcloud beta container node-pools create to configure pod ranges for the node pools.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

329.0.0 (2021-02-23)

Breaking Changes

  • (Container Registry) Fixed issue where gcloud containers images list-tags doesn't show occurrence metadata.


  • Added --network and --service-account to gcloud beta ai <custom-jobs|hp-tuning-jobs> create to allow specifying a peering network and user service account.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --relationship-type flag to gcloud beta asset export.

Cloud Code

  • Promoted gcloud code dev and gcloud code clean-up to beta.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --kms-key flag to gcloud composer environments command to specify the Customer-managed KMS key name to use for encrypting the Composer environment.

Cloud Functions

  • Fixed a performance issue in gcloud functions logs read by adding a default value of 1 week ago for --start-time.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --transit-encryption-mode flag to gcloud redis instances create to allow enabling Redis TLS with server authentication when creating a new instance.
  • Modified --region flag to be optional in gcloud memcache. If not specified, use the value in memcache/region property.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema to allow validation of PROTOCOL_BUFFER and AVRO schemas.
  • Added gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-message to allow validation of messages against an existing or inline schema.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --provisioned-iops flag of gcloud compute disks create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute url-maps validate to GA.
  • Promoted labels-related flags for gcloud compute forwarding-rules update to GA.
  • Modified --short-name of gcloud compute firewall-policies create to be a required flag.
  • Promoted --proxy-bind flag of gcloud compute target-tcp-proxies create to GA.
  • Allow --target-tcp-proxy for gcloud compute forwarding-rules create and set-target with specified -load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.
  • Added functionality in gcloud beta compute images import to import images from AWS.
  • Promoted gcloud compute resource-policies create instance-schedule command to GA.

Identity Groups

  • Added --dynamic-user-query flag to gcloud identity update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

328.0.0 (2021-02-16)

Breaking Changes

  • (App Engine) Changed error message for Permissions error fetching application to indicate which account might be missing roles/appengine.deployer.
  • (Miscellaneous) Added support for colored output using ANSI escape sequences on modern versions of Windows. Use gcloud config set disable_color true to disable this behavior.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Modified gcloud artifacts docker images describe to group vulnerability occurrences by effective severity instead of severity.


  • Expose json_extension flag in CLI which can be used to load newline-delimited GeoJSON files (in combination with source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON).

Cloud Composer

  • Modified --image-version and --airflow-version flags of gcloud beta composer environments update to be mutually exclusive.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud composer environments create and gcloud composer environments update to manage machine types for web server and Cloud SQL:
    • --cloud-sql-machine-type
    • --web-server-machine-type

Cloud Logging

  • Promoted the gcloud alpha logging tail command to beta.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted gcloud memcache to GA.
  • Added apply-software-update command to apply latest available software update to Memcached instance and nodes.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added gcloud pubsub schemas to beta which allows creating and managing schemas. Schemas can be used to validate messages published to Cloud Pub/Sub topics.
  • Added --schema and --message-encoding flags to gcloud beta pubsub topics create. Messages published to the topic with the given message encoding will be validated against the specified schema.
  • Added --partitions flag to gcloud beta pubsub lite_topics update to allow increasing partitions in a Pub/Sub Lite topic.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --secondary-zone flag to gcloud sql instances <create|patch> that allows users to choose the secondary zone during create|patch of High Availability instances.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --version-time flag to gcloud spanner backups create to allow specifying the timestamp of the data contained in the backup.
  • Added version time to the output of gcloud spanner backups list.
  • Added version retention period and earliest version time to the output of gcloud spanner databases list.

Cloud Spanner Emulator

  • Promoted gcloud emulators spanner to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.59.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted gcloud compute tpus execution-groups to GA. Commands in this group allow convenient orchestration of TPU nodes and Compute VMs. This replaces the standalone tool ctpu.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --provisioned-iops flag of gcloud compute disks create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute url-maps validate to GA.
  • Promoted labels-related flags for gcloud compute forwarding-rules update to GA.

Config Connector

Container Analysis

  • Modified gcloud container images describe to group vulnerability occurrences by effective severity instead of severity.

Identity Groups

  • Promoted --dynamic-user-query flag of gcloud identity create to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --notification-config of gcloud container clusters <create|update> to GA. This flag is used to enable notifications on a cluster. Currently Pub/Sub notifications are supported.
  • Node System Config is now GA. Added --system-config-from-file flag to gcloud container clusters create, gcloud container node-pools create, and gcloud node-pools update to configure kubelet and Linux configuration settings on nodes.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Added schema support to the Pub/Sub emulator, which allows the association of topics with schemas and the validation of published messages against them.

Secret Manager

  • Added --topics flag to gcloud beta secrets create command to specify a list of Pub/Sub topics to configure on the secret.
  • Added --add-topics flag to gcloud beta secrets update command to specify a list of Pub/Sub topics to add to the secret.
  • Added --remove-topics flag to gcloud beta secrets update command to specify a list of Pub/Sub topics to remove from the secret.
  • Added --clear-topics flag to gcloud beta secrets update command to remove all Pub/Sub topics from the secret.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

327.0.0 (2021-02-09)


  • Added KMS args (--kms-project, --kms-location, --kms-keyring, --kms-key) to gcloud <alpha|beta> ai custom-jobs create and gcloud <alpha|beta> ai hp-tuning-jobs create to allow specifying a customer-managed encryption key.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from creating an encrypted repository with a custom kms key.

Cloud DNS

  • Added gcloud beta dns response-policies create to create a new Cloud DNS response policy.
  • Added gcloud beta dns response-policies update to update a Cloud DNS response policy.
  • Added gcloud beta dns response-policies list to list all Cloud DNS response policies in a given project.
  • Added gcloud beta dns response-policies describe to describe details of a Cloud DNS response policy.
  • Added gcloud beta dns response-policies delete to delete a Cloud DNS response policy.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --security-level flag of gcloud functions deploy to beta.
  • Added support for google.firebase.remoteconfig.update as an event type. The full set of supported event types can be listed using gcloud functions event-types list.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Added --write-disposition flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud healthcare fhir-stores export bq
    • gcloud beta healthcare fhir-stores export bq
    • gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores export bq
    • gcloud beta healthcare annotation-stores export bq
    • gcloud beta healthcare annotation-stores evaluate bq

Cloud Logging

  • Promoted the following commands that support Logs Buckets to GA:
    • gcloud logging buckets
    • gcloud logging read
    • gcloud logging locations describe
    • gcloud logging locations list
    • gcloud logging sinks
    • gcloud logging cmek-settings
  • Promoted --location, --bucket, and --view of gcloud logging read to GA.
  • Promoted --description and --log-filter of gcloud logging metrics to GA.
  • Promoted --use-partitioned-tables of gcloud logging sinks to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for short-name=windows for --os-type flag for gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies. This is only valid when --agent-rules=type=ops-agent.
  • Promoted --cpu-utilization-predictive-method flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed <set-autoscaling|update-autoscaling> to beta.
  • Added support for --asn flag for gcloud compute routers update.
  • Promoted gcloud compute security-policies update to beta.
  • Added --enable-layer7-ddos-defense flag and --layer7-ddos-defense-rule-visibility flag to gcloud beta compute security-policies update.


  • Added --authentication flag to gcloud events init command.
  • Added --authentication flag to gcloud events namespaces init command.
  • Added workload-identity-gsa support to --authentication flag for gcloud events init command.
  • Modifed gcloud events namespaces init command to create namespace if it is missing.

Identity Groups

  • Added --labels flag to gcloud identity groups update to allow updating the labels for a group.

Identity Groups Memberships

  • Promoted --expiration flag of gcloud identity groups memberships add to GA.
  • Promoted --update-roles-param flag of gcloud identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Adds new kubectl delegate version 1.19.7 for rapid channel
  • Updated default kubectl version from 1.17.14 to 1.17.17
  • Additional kubectl delegate versions:
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.12)
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.15)
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.17)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.15)
  • Corrected passing URIs and full resource names to work with paths in the form projects/<project>/locations/<location> (in addition to the deprecated form projects/<project>/zones/<location>).

Pubsub Emulator

  • Added retry policy feature to the emulator.
  • Updated emulator to deliver dead lettered messages to original subscription in case of publishing failure to dead letter topic.
  • Added subscription name, project name, and publish time properties to dead lettered messages.

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326.0.0 (2021-02-02)

App Engine

  • Updated backend when using gcloud app deploy <queue|cron>.yaml. The only noticeable change is that when removing queues from the queues YAML file, previously the queues were marked as "PAUSED" but now they are marked "DISABLED". In terms of functionality, there is no difference between the two.

Artifact Registry

  • Fixed issue where gcloud docker images delete failed if the image is referenced by a tag.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added new searchable fields (kmsKey, state, createTime and updateTime) to gcloud asset search-all-resources.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud beta composer environments run my-environment upgrade_check to run upgrade check to Airflow 2.0 for Composer environments with Airflow 1.10.14+.
  • Added support of CLI commands for Airflow 2.0 to gcloud beta composer environments run.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added streaming update and flexrs support to flex-template run command gcloud dataflow flex-template run.
  • Updated gcloud dataflow sql query command to use Dataflow Flex Templates.
  • Added --additional-experiments flag to gcloud beta dataflow jobs run.
  • Added --additional-experiments flag to gcloud dataflow jobs run.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.12
    • Fix onCreate/onWrite events triggering when deleting nonexistent documents.

Cloud On Demand Scanning

  • Launched commands for the On-Demand Scanning API in the Artifact Registry command group.
    • gcloud beta artifacts docker images scan to scan an image.
    • gcloud beta artifacts docker images get-operation to poll an ongoing scan.
    • gcloud beta artifacts docker images list-vulnerabilities to retrieve scan results.
  • Introduced a new component called local-extract to aid in the commands for the On-Demand Scanning API.

Compute Engine

  • Added --compute-service-account to gcloud beta compute images import.
  • Changed --os flag to be optional for gcloud compute images import.
  • Added --enable-nested-virtualization flag to enable or disable nested virtualization to both beta and GA for:
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create
  • Fixed issue where policies created or updated via gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies [create|update] that included short-name values of 'debian' or 'ubuntu' in --os-types had trouble locating packages due to a missing call to apt-get update.
  • Updated Windows PuTTY executables to version 0.74.

Config Connector


  • Promoted gcloud eventarc triggers to GA. Renamed --matching-criteria flag as --event-filters in GA.
  • Promoted gcloud eventarc locations to GA.


  • Promoted gcloud container hub memberships register --enable-workload-identity --public-issuer-url=$URL to GA.


  • Promoted gcloud notebooks to GA.

VPC Access

  • Added --machine-type to gcloud beta compute networks vpc-access connectors create to support machine type configuration of the managed instance group underlying the connector.
  • Added --min-instances and --max-instances to gcloud beta compute networks vpc-access connectors create to allow users to configure the scaling bounds of the underlying managed instance group.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

325.0.0 (2021-01-26)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Modified enable-autoupgrade field belonging to flag --agent-rules in gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies create and gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies update from optional to required.
  • (Container Registry) Updated gcloud container images list-tags and gcloud container images describe to use ContainerAnalysis V1 API in beta.
    • Changed occurrence kind PACKAGE_VULNERABILITY to VULNERABILITY, DEPLOYABLE to DEPLOYMENT, BUILD_DETAILS to BUILD and IMAGE_BASIS to IMAGE. To construct filters on kinds, new names should be used. For example, kind="VULNERABILITY.
    • Occurrence kind names are changed in output accordingly.

App Engine

  • Updated backend when using gcloud app deploy <queue|cron>.yaml. The only noticeable change is that when removing queues from the queues YAML file, previously the queues were marked as "DISABLED" but now they are marked "PAUSED". In terms of functionality, there is no difference between the two.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added --ignore-active-certificates flag to gcloud beta privateca roots delete and gcloud beta privateca subordinates delete to allow a Certificate Authority to be scheduled for deletion even if the Certificate Authority has un-revoked or un-expired certificates.

Cloud Composer

  • Added gcloud beta composer environments run my-environment upgrade_check to run upgrade check to Airflow 2.0 for Composer environments with Airflow 1.10.14+.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.58.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances network-interfaces get-effective-firewalls command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance ops-agents to beta.
  • Promoted --compute-service-account flag to GA for gcloud compute images import.


  • Added --transport-topic flag to gcloud beta eventarc triggers create, to allow the use of an existing Pub/Sub topic for a trigger's transport intermediary.


Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

324.0.0 (2021-01-19)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Run) Updated gcloud run to require that --platform and --region be passed after all positional arguments. For example: gcloud run services describe SERVICE --platform=managed --region=us-central1. This change first appeared in version 322.0.0.

AI Platform

  • Added support for maxNodes to gcloud ai-platform versions update --config.
  • Added --bigquery-table-name and sampling-percentage to gcloud ai-platform versions update to update request logging config.

Cloud API Gateway

  • Promoted gcloud api-gateway to GA.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted gcloud dns managed-zones to GA.
  • Added --service-directory-namespace to gcloud beta dns managed-zones create to support providing a Service Directory namespace that should be associated with the zone.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added support for maxNodes to gcloud ml-engine versions update --config.
  • Added --bigquery-table-name and sampling-percentage to gcloud ml-engine versions update to update request logging config.

Cloud Run

  • For Cloud Run (fully managed), changed gcloud run services delete to wait until the service is no longer returned and account for the possibility of a deletion failing before reporting success. To use the previous behavior and exit without waiting for deletion to complete, use --async.

Cloud Speech API

  • Promoted --separate-channel-recognition and --audio-channel-count flags of gcloud ml speech recognize and gcloud ml speech recognize-long-running to GA.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added gcloud workflows and gcloud workflows executions commands to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added --compute-service-account to gcloud beta compute images import.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta compute backend-services create, gcloud beta compute backend-services update, gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create and gcloud beta compute backend-buckets update:
    • --[no-]serve-while-stale
    • --[no-]bypass-cache-on-request-headers
  • Added the following fields to gcloud beta compute backend-services import and gcloud beta compute backend-services export:
    • cdnPolicy:
    • bypassCacheOnRequestHeaders
    • serveWhileStale
  • Promoted --compute-service-account flag to GA for gcloud compute images export.
  • Added org-firewall-policies command group.

Config Connector


  • Updated kpt from v0.36.1 to v0.37.1.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.21.0 to v0.21.1.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.9.3 to v0.9.5.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.8.4 to v0.8.5.

Secret Manager

  • Added --expire-time flag to gcloud beta secrets create and gcloud beta secrets update commands to specify timestamp for the secret to expire.
  • Added --ttl flag to gcloud beta secrets create and gcloud beta secrets update commands to specify a duration until the secret should expire.
  • Added --remove-expiration flag to gcloud beta secrets update command to remove scheduled expiration from a secret if it has one.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

323.0.0 (2021-01-12)

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promote gcloud asset list command to beta.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --shielded-secure-boot, --shielded-vtpm, and --shielded-integrity-monitoring boolean flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create to allow users to configure Compute Engine Shielded VMs on Dataproc clusters.
  • Added --shielded-secure-boot, --shielded-vtpm, and --shielded-integrity-monitoring boolean flags to gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to allow users to configure Compute Engine Shielded VMs on Dataproc managed clusters.

Cloud Filestore

  • Added --description flag to gcloud beta filestore backups create command.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --use-http2 flag to beta for Cloud Run (fully managed).

Config Connector

Identity Groups Memberships

  • Added gcloud identity groups memberships check-transitive-membership for ALPHA, beta and GA.
  • Added gcloud identity groups memberships get-membership-graph for ALPHA, beta and GA.
  • Added gcloud identity groups memberships search-transitive-groups for ALPHA, beta and GA.
  • Added gcloud identity groups memberships search-transitive-memberships for ALPHA, beta and GA.

Managed Active Directory

  • Added --enable-audit-logs flag to gcloud beta active-directory domains create and gcloud beta active-directory domains update.
  • Added AUDIT_LOGS_ENABLED parameter to gcloud beta active-directory domains list.
  • Added auditLogsEnabled parameter to gcloud beta active-directory domains describe.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

322.0.0 (2021-01-07)

Breaking Changes

  • (Miscellaneous) Updated --format=flattened and --format=text to print labels if provided. If a key is specified inside either of these formats but a label is not, the child key will be printed in lower snake case. This is different than done previously when the entire dotted key path was printed. Note that this change does not apply to keys whose values are objects or lists.
  • (Miscellaneous) If you would like to use the legacy version of --format=flattened or --format=text, set the following configuration: gcloud config set core/use_legacy_flattened_format true Please note that this option will not be supported indefinitely.

Cloud API Gateway

  • Promote support for gRPC scoped api-config configurations via grpc-files flag to beta.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --max-pods-per-node option to gcloud beta environment create operation. It allows to limit the number of pods that can be assigned to a single GKE node and reduce the size of IP range assigned to it.
  • Added maintenance window flags for environment creation:
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence.
  • Added maintenance window flags for environment update:
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence
    • --clear-maintenance-window.
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments restart-web-server to restart web server for a Cloud Composer environment.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added --enable-streaming-engine flag to gcloud beta dataflow jobs run.
  • Added --enable-streaming-engine flag to gcloud dataflow jobs run.

Cloud Filestore

  • Promoted nfs-export-options key of --file-shares flag in gcloud filestore instances to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed an issue with using --clear-vpc-connector when deploying new services.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --mtu flag to beta and GA for gcloud compute interconnects attachments <dedicated|partner> <create|update>.
  • Changed --os flag to be optional for:
    • gcloud compute images import in beta
    • gcloud compute instances import in beta
    • gcloud compute machine-images import in beta
  • Promoted --maintenance-window-start-time flag in gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create command to GA.
  • Added --compute-service-account to gcloud compute images export in beta.
  • Added --service-directory-registration to gcloud compute forwarding-rules create in beta.
  • Promoted --no-address flag to GA for gcloud compute images import.

Config Connector


  • Added gcloud beta eventarc locations list which lists locations available for Eventarc.


  • Updated gcloud to not attempt reauthentication if running in non-interactive mode.

Service Directory

  • Promoted gcloud service-directory locations to beta. Added a commands to describe/list locations.
  • Promoted gcloud service-directory namespaces to GA. Added commands to create/delete/describe/list/update/add-iam-policy-binding/get-iam-policy/set-iam-policy/remove-iam-policy-binding.
  • Promoted gcloud service-directory services to GA. Added commands to create/delete/describe/list/resolve/update/add-iam-policy-binding/get-iam-policy/set-iam-policy/remove-iam-policy-binding.
  • Promoted gcloud service-directory endpoints to GA. Added commands to create/delete/describe/list/resolve/update.
  • Updated --metadata flag to --annotations flag in GA only.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

321.0.0 (2020-12-15)

Breaking Changes

  • (Dataproc Metastore) Renamed gcloud beta metastore services update --kerberos_principal flag as --kerberos-principal.

Cloud SDK

  • Added new regions for Artifact Registry: europe-west5, asia-northeast3, us-west3, us-west4, asia-southeast2.


  • Added parameters args and command to gcloud beta ai custom-jobs create which provides ability to pass the parameters to containers or python tasks.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added ingress-policies and egress-policies optional flags to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters create.
    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters update.
    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run create.
    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run update.
  • The ingress-policies and egress-policies flags accept paths to yaml files. The content of the yaml files should contain valid representations of IngressPolicies and EgressPolicies.
  • Added support for displaying the contents of Ingress and EgressPolicies for following commands:
    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters describe.
    • gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run describe.

Cloud Composer

  • Added the following flags to gcloud composer environments create to manage Airflow web server network access control:
    • --web-server-allow-ip
    • --web-server-deny-all
    • --web-server-allow-all
  • Added the following flags to gcloud composer environments update to manage Airflow web server network access control:
    • --update-web-server-allow-ip
    • --web-server-deny-all
    • --web-server-allow-all

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted --dag-timeout flag of gcloud dataproc workflow-templates create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-dag-timeout to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud dataproc workflow-templates remove-dag-timeout to GA.
  • Added gcloud beta dataproc clusters stop and gcloud beta dataproc clusters start commands to enable stopping and starting Dataproc clusters.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.11
    • Fix listCollectionId not returning collections with nested docs.
    • Fix listDocuments with showMissing returning 500 errors.

Cloud Run

  • Added multitenancy support to gcloud run commands
  • Promoted --vpc-egress flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to GA.
  • Promoted --ingress flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to beta.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --type flag of gcloud sql users create to GA to support the creation of Cloud SQL database users for login using IAM database authentication.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services peered-dns-domains <create|delete|list> to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud services vpc-peerings <enable-vpc-service-controls|disable-vpc-service-controls> to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.57.

Compute Engine

  • Removed centos-6 option from --os flag for gcloud compute images import, gcloud compute instances import, and gcloud compute machine-images import.
  • Promoted TrafficDirector proxyBind property to v1 for:
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies import
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies export
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies import
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies export
  • Added no-address flag to:
    • gcloud beta compute images import
    • gcloud beta compute machine-images import
  • Promoted --disk and --accelerator flags in gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates create command to GA.
  • Added --shielded-vtpm, --shielded-secure-boot, and --shielded-integrity-monitoring flags to gcloud compute instances create-with-container command.
  • Added --shielded-vtpm, --shielded-secure-boot, and --shielded-integrity-monitoring flags to gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container command.
  • Added --shielded-vtpm, --shielded-secure-boot, --shielded-integrity-monitoring, and --shielded-learn-integrity-policy flags to gcloud compute instances update-container command.
  • Promoted the following flags in gcloud compute backend-services create, gcloud compute backend-services update, gcloud compute backend-buckets create and gcloud compute backend-buckets update to GA:
    • --cache-mode
    • --[no-]client-ttl
    • --[no-]default-ttl
    • --[no-]max-ttl
    • --[no-]custom-response-header
  • Added the following fields to gcloud compute backend-services import and gcloud compute backend-services export:
    • customResponseHeader
    • cdnPolicy:
    • cacheMode
    • clientTtl
    • defaultTtl
    • maxTtl


  • Added URI support to --target-service of gcloud events triggers create.
  • Modify --type flag of gcloud events triggers create to be optional for ApiServerSource.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --addons=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver to gcloud container clusters create and --update-addons=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver to gcloud container clusters update to enable/disable the GCP Compute Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.


  • Informational messages printed during installation are now printed to stderr, rather than stdout.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Added dead letter queue feature to the emulator.


  • Promoted gcloud transcoder to beta.

VPC Access

  • Added a new subnet flag to gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors create which can be used to specify a subnet to house the connector rather than specifying network and range flags.
    • If the provided subnet is a shared subnet, the flag subnet-project has been added to specify the host project id.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

320.0.0 (2020-12-08)

AI Platform

  • Updated the following command groups to display a choice of available regions if a region hasn't been specified:

App Engine

  • Updated gcloud beta app instances list and gcloud beta app instances describe to return the auto healer health check (i.e. liveness) for the flexible environment.
  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.84. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Assured Workloads

  • Change --next-rotation-time and --rotation-period flags of gcloud assured workloads create to be optional.
  • Add --provisioned-resources-parent flag to gcloud assured workloads create command.


  • Added schema to jobs.query dry run reply.
  • Supported bq partition command for HOUR/MONTH/YEAR time partitioning types.
  • Supported Avro logical types for creating new external tables.
  • Added PARQUET as option for export type. This feature is still experimental.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added gcloud asset bulk-export command to beta which enables the user to export GCP resource configurations in Kubernetes Resource Model or Terraform formats.

Cloud Billing

  • Promoted gcloud billing budgets to GA.
    • Renamed all-updates-rule-* flags as notifications-rule-* flags in GA.

Cloud Build

  • Added flag --no-external-ip to gcloud beta builds worker-pools <create|update> commands.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --kms-key-name flag to gcloud beta composer environments command to specify the Customer-managed KMS key name to use for encrypting the Composer environment.

Cloud DNS

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --max-failures-total flag to gcloud dataproc jobs submit to allow jobs to be restarted in event of a failure during job execution.

Cloud Filestore

  • Removed deprecation warning of --location flag from the gcloud filestore command group.
  • Added gcloud filestore operations cancel to cancel a Filestore operation.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added client-side request and response integrity verification to gcloud kms encrypt, gcloud kms decrypt, gcloud kms asymmetric-sign, gcloud kms asymmetric-decrypt in beta. For more information about Cloud KMS's integrity verification API, visit
  • Added --skip-integrity-verification flag to gcloud kms encrypt, gcloud kms decrypt, gcloud kms asymmetric-sign, gcloud kms asymmetric-decrypt in beta.

Cloud Logging

  • Promoted the following commands that support Logs Buckets and Logs Views to beta:
    • gcloud logging buckets
    • gcloud logging sinks
    • gcloud logging read
    • gcloud logging locations
    • gcloud logging cmek-settings Logs Buckets are GA, while Logs Views and Regionalized Logs Buckets are in Preview.
  • Promoted --use-partitioned-tables of gcloud logging sinks to beta. BigQuery sinks with partitioned tables are GA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --transit-encryption-mode flag to gcloud beta redis instances create to allow enabling Redis TLS with server authentication when creating a new instance.

Cloud Source Repositories

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --strong and --read-timestamp flags to gcloud spanner databases execute-sql to give more control over the timestamp of a read-only query.
  • Added throttling state to the output of gcloud spanner operations list.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the following flags in gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling to GA:
    • --stackdriver-metric-single-instance-assignment
    • --stackdriver-metric-utilization-target-type
    • --stackdriver-metric-utilization-target
    • --stackdriver-metric-filter
    • --update-stackdriver-metric
    • --remove-stackdriver-metric For more information see <>.
  • Promoted --distribution-target-shape flag in gcloud compute instance-groups managed create command to beta.
  • Promoted --distribution-target-shape flag in gcloud compute instance-groups managed update command to beta.
  • Promoted --network, --subnetwork, and --private-network-ip flags of gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-endpoint-independent-mapping flag of compute routers nats create and compute routers nats update to GA.
  • Promoted the following flags in gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling to Beta:
    • --set-schedule
    • --schedule-cron
    • --schedule-duration-sec
    • --schedule-min-required-replicas
    • --schedule-time-zone
    • --schedule-description
  • Promoted the following flags in gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling to Beta:
    • --set-schedule
    • --remove-schedule
    • --enable-schedule
    • --disable-schedule
    • --update-schedule
    • --schedule-cron
    • --schedule-duration-sec
    • --schedule-min-required-replicas
    • --schedule-time-zone
    • --schedule-description
  • Promoted --[no-]enable-logging flag of gcloud compute health-checks command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed describe-instance to GA.
  • Extended gcloud beta compute target-tcp-proxies create command with --proxy-bind flag.
  • Allow --target-tcp-proxy for gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules create and set-target with specified -load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.
  • Promoted --no-address flag in gcloud beta compute instances import command to GA.

Config Connector

Dataproc Metastore

  • Added gcloud metastore services export gcs which exports metadata from a Dataproc Metastore service.
  • Removed --maintenance-window-day-of-week and --maintenance-window-hour-of-day. Use --maintenance-window-day and --maintenance-window-hour instead.
  • Fixed issue where --maintenance-window-day-of-week and --maintenance-window-hour-of-day flags were not both required in gcloud metastore services update.
  • Promoted gcloud metastore services to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud metastore imports to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud metastore operations to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud metastore locations to beta.


  • Added URI support to --target-service of gcloud events triggers create.
  • Updated gcloud beta events init to set the roles monitoring.metricWriter and cloudtrace.agent for the data plane service account.


  • Promoted gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --private-ipv6-google-access-type to GA.
  • Fixed behavior of --no-enable-stackdriver-kubernetes flag of gcloud container clusters update command group.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.16 to 1.17.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.12)
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.15)
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.14)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.12)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

319.0.0 (2020-11-17)

Breaking Changes

  • (Secret Manager) Modified gcloud secrets commands to send action taken (e.g. Created secret [my-secret].) to stderr instead of stdout.

Assured Workloads

  • Add --provisioned-resources-parent flag to gcloud assured workloads create command.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added new content type os-inventory to gcloud asset export and gcloud asset get-history.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Promoted gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores export to beta.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --message-filter flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to GA. This feature allows users to specify a filter expression on a Cloud Pub/Sub subscription which will automatically drop messages.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Updated the following commands to accept a domain name (e.g. "") for organization in addition to the ID (e.g. 1234567890):
    • gcloud organizations describe
    • gcloud organizations get-iam-policy
    • gcloud organizations set-iam-policy

Cloud SQL

  • Added following flags to gcloud sql instances <create|patch>:
    • --retained-backups-count
    • --retained-transaction-log-days

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.55.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --filter-direction flag in gcloud compute packet-mirrorings create/update commands to beta and GA.

Config Connector

Identity Groups

  • Updated --organization flag for gcloud identity groups create and gcloud identity groups search to accept domain names (e.g. in addition to organization IDs (e.g. 1234567890).

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added pd-balanced disk type to --disk-type of gcloud container command group.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

318.0.0 (2020-11-10)


  • Updated --min-replica-count in gcloud beta ai endpoints deploy-model to be a non-required flag.
  • Added --enable-access-logging, --enable-container-logging, and --service-account flags to gcloud beta ai endpoints deploy-model.

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Promoted gcloud app services update to GA.

Artifact Registry

  • Added --show-occurrences flag to gcloud artifacts docker images list command that enables showing metadata from Container Analysis API.

Cloud SQL

  • Added following flags of gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances update to GA:
    • --insights-config-query-insights-enabled
    • --insights-config-query-string-length
    • --insights-config-record-application-tags
    • --insights-config-record-client-address

Compute Engine

  • Added --chain-name to flag gcloud compute disks snapshot.
  • Added PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT as a global address purpose to gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules create.
  • Added --target-google-apis-bundle to gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules create.
  • Added --no-address flag to gcloud beta compute instances import.


  • Updated kpt from v0.35.0 to v0.36.1.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.21.0 to v0.20.6.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.9.2 to v0.9.3.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.8.3 to v0.8.4.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

317.0.0 (2020-11-03)

Breaking Changes

  • (App Engine Flexible Environment) Modified deployment prerequisites such that app.yaml is now required for all deployments and can no longer be added to .gcloudignore list.


  • Added gcloud beta ai endpoints explain to send explanation requests to AI Platform endpoints.

Artifact Registry

  • Updated Maven print-settings with service account key to use preemptive for HEAD requests.
  • Promoted gcloud artifacts command group to GA.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promoted Cloud assets analysis commands gcloud asset analyze-iam-policy and gcloud asset analyze-iam-policy-longrunning to GA.

Cloud Billing

  • Promoted gcloud billing budgets to beta.

Cloud Build

  • Added the flag --pack to the command gcloud builds submit.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted build-env-vars flags of gcloud functions to GA.

Cloud IAM

  • Updated gcloud iam service-accounts keys list to remove the non-functional --uri flag.

Cloud Run

  • Added gcloud run regions list command to list supported Cloud Run (fully managed) regions.

Compute Engine

  • Enabled Patch support for target-http-proxies import command in GA.


  • Added gcloud beta eventarc which manages Eventarc resources.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted --testing-special-entitlements flag of gcloud firebase test ios run to GA.
  • Increased the maximum number of test shards from 250 to 500 when using Android virtual devices.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added gcloud beta iam workload-identity-pools create-cred-config to create a credential config file that can grant non-Google Cloud workloads access to Google Cloud resources, without using a service account key.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --ephemeral-storage to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container node-pools create. This flag is used to configure nodes' ephemeral storage to be backed by local SSDs.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

316.0.0 (2020-10-27)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Spanner) Modified gcloud spanner operations list to disallow --database or --backup flags used in combination with --type=INSTANCE.
  • (Vmware Engine) Renamed gcloud config vmware/location to gcloud config vmware/region.


  • Added gcloud beta ai hp-tuning-jobs stream-logs which provides the ability to stream logs of hyperparameter tuning jobs in AI Platform.

AI Platform

  • Added --service-account to gcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training to allow specifying a service account to use when running the training appplication for a training job.
  • Updated --region flag of gcloud ai-platform command to include new CAIP regions.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Disallowed creating CMEK-enabled repositories if Artifact Registry service account is not granted sufficient permissions.
  • Added a new command gcloud beta artifacts docker images describe that shows information of a docker image and optionally the metadata of the image from Container Analysis API.
  • Command gcloud beta artifacts docker images list will now show metadata of images from Container Analysis API as well.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager cloud-bindings to GA.

Cloud Build

  • Updated cloud-build-local to version 0.5.2. This version allows cloud-build-local to execute without a GCP account, providing a warning rather than an error.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted Postgres 13 to GA.

Cloud Shell

  • Promoted gcloud cloud-shell command group to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.54.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added gcloud workflows executions describe-last to beta which describes the last executed workflow execution that has been cached locally.
  • Added gcloud workflows executions wait-last to beta which waits for the last cached workflow execution to complete.
  • Added gcloud workflows run to beta which executes a workflow and waits for it to complete.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --mtu flag to beta and GA for gcloud compute networks <create|update>.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances set-name command to beta.
  • Promoted scope option for --disk flag for gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Fixed incorrect error message for gcloud compute target-http-proxies.
  • Added --user-licenses flag to disk create and update command for alpha. ' when the resource already exists.
  • Added gcloud beta compute snapshots create command. It allows to create snapshots of disks.
  • Added --[no-]negative-caching and --[no-]negative-caching-policy to gcloud beta compute backend-services create, gcloud beta compute backend-services update, gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create and gcloud beta compute backend-buckets update.
  • Added cdnPolicy.negativeCaching and cdnPolicy.negativeCachingPolicy to gcloud beta compute backend-services import and gcloud beta compute backend-services export.
  • Promoted HTTP Filter related resource properties to beta for:
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies import
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies export
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies import
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies export
    • gcloud compute url-maps import
    • gcloud compute url-maps export

Config Connector


  • Updated gcloud beta events triggers create to reference the APIVersion in the subscriber reference of created triggers.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted --testing-special-entitlements flag of gcloud firebase test ios run to GA.


  • Updated kpt from v0.34.0 to v0.35.0.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.20.1 to v0.20.6.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.8.0 to v0.9.2.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.8.0 to v0.8.3.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --release-channel=None option to gcloud container clusters create. This option is used to explicitly opt-out of release channels.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

315.0.0 (2020-10-20)


  • Added gcloud beta ai custom-jobs stream-logs which provides ability to stream logs of custom jobs in AI Platform.
  • Fixed a bug where config.yaml was parsed incorrectly for command gcloud ai custom-jobs create in AI Platform.

Artifact Registry

  • Removed GCR repositories from artifacts repositories list result.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.9
    • Fix handling of != and not-in operators.

Compute Engine

  • Added sles-12, sles-sap-12, sles-sap-12-byol, sles-15, sles-sap-15, and sles-sap-15-byol options to --os flag for gcloud compute images import in GA, gcloud compute instances import in GA, and gcloud compute machine-images import in beta.
  • Promoted --disable-default-snat flag for gcloud container clusters update command to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

314.0.0 (2020-10-13)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Build) cloud-build-local is no longer supported on 32-bit MacOS. The executable has been deleted from this release. The prior release, v0.5.0 included a 32-bit MacOS executable that may continue to work for some users.


  • Added apigee surface to GA which provides access to Apigee Hybrid.
  • Added apigee organizations command group which provides access to Apigee organizations.
  • Added apigee apis command group which allows management and deployment of Apigee API proxies.
  • Added apigee environments command group which provides access to Apigee environments.
  • Added apigee deployments command group which provides access to Apigee API proxy deployments.
  • Added apigee product command group which allows creation and management of Apigee API products.
  • Added apigee developer command group which provides access to Apigee developers.
  • Added apigee applications command group which provides access to Apigee developer applications.


  • Fixed 'TableSnapshot with expiration' issue.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added gcloud beta privateca certificates export command which simplifies the process of writing a PEM certificate to a file.

Cloud Build

Cloud Dataproc

  • Removed prompt from gcloud dataproc clusters stop and gcloud dataproc clusters start. The commands now run without requiring confirmation.

Cloud Domains

  • Promoted gcloud domains registrations to beta. Enables the registering and managing of domains.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --vpc-egress flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to beta.

Cloud Shell

  • Removed --boosted flag. An upgraded VM type is available by default.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --other-files flag to gcloud beta firebase test ios run. This flag lets you specify files that are pushed onto the iOS test device prior to testing.
  • Added --directories-to-pull flag to gcloud beta firebase test ios run. This flag lets you specify directories on the device that are pulled after testing and included in the test results.

Identity Groups

  • Promoted gcloud identity groups update to GA.

Identity Groups Memberships

  • Promoted gcloud identity groups memberships add to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles to GA.


  • Fixed CMEK support and add PD_BALANCED disk support.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

313.0.1 (2020-10-07)

Cloud Dataflow

  • Fixed bug with gcloud dataflow flex-template build.

313.0.0 (2020-10-06)


  • Fixed issue where v2alpha1 Login-Config could not be read from URL in gcloud anthos auth login command.

Artifact Registry

  • Added gcloud beta artifacts repositories update to enable changing the description and labels on an existing repository.

Certificate Authority Service

  • Added gcloud beta privateca command group which enables creating and managing private certificate authorities and certificates. For more information, see <>.

Cloud API Gateway

  • Added gcloud api-gateway to beta, which adds commands for managing APIs, API Configs, and the Gateways that serve those APIs.

Cloud Build

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Promoted gcloud data-catalog taxonomies to GA release track.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added runtime environment parameters support in gcloud dataflow flex-template run.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --enable-auth flag to gcloud beta redis instances create to allow enabling Redis AUTH when creating a new instance.

Added --[no-]enable-auth flag to gcloud beta redis instances update to allow enabling and disabling Redis AUTH when updating an instance.

Added gcloud beta redis instances get-auth-string command to allow viewing the AUTH string for an instance.

Cloud Pub/Sub

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --min-instances flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to beta for --platform=managed.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted server-level --deny-maintenance-period-start-date, --deny-maintenance-period-end-date, --deny-maintenance-period-time and --remove-deny-maintenance-period flags of gcloud sql instances create/patch to GA.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services peered-dns-domains <create|delete|list> to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --mtu flag to beta and GA for gcloud compute networks <create|update>.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances set-name command to beta.
  • Promoted scope option for --disk flag for gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Fixes incorrect error message for 'gcloud compute target-http-proxies ' when the resource already exists.

Config And Policy Automation

  • Added pkg as a gcloud component. pkg installs a group of Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM) package management tools including: kustomize, kpt, appctl and nomos.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --other-files flag to gcloud beta firebase test ios run. This flag lets you specify files that are pushed onto the iOS test device prior to testing.

Identity Groups

  • Promoted gcloud identity groups create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud identity groups search to GA.

Identity Groups Memberships

  • Promoted gcloud identity groups memberships describe to GA.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added gcloud beta iam workload-identity-pools which enables you to grant on-premises or multi-cloud workloads access to Google Cloud resources, without using a service account key.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Increased server gRPC max message size to 10 MB with some buffer. Allows for publishing 10 MB messages.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

312.0.0 (2020-09-29)

Breaking Changes

  • (Stackdriver Debugger) Removed gcloud beta debug source upload command.

Cloud SDK

  • Modified the --billing-project flag and billing/quota_project property to accept service accounts when specifying a Google Cloud project for billing and quota purposes.


  • Added gcloud ai surface to beta which provides access to manage entities in AI Platform.
  • Added gcloud ai custom-jobs command group which provides access to custom jobs in AI Platform.
  • Added gcloud ai hp-tuning-jobs command group which provides access to hyperparameter tuning jobs in AI Platform.
  • Added gcloud ai endpoints command group which provides access to endpoints in AI Platform.
  • Added gcloud ai models command group which provides access to models in AI Platform.

Artifact Registry

  • Added --labels flag to gcloud beta artifacts repositories create to allow labels to be added to a repository during creation.

Assured Workloads

  • Removed option limitations for --location flag of gcloud assured workloads create.


  • Fixed 'RedirectMissingLocation' issue.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --partition-key and --per-asset-type flags to gcloud asset export to support partitioned per-type BigQuery export.
  • Removed gcloud alpha asset analyze-iam-policy. Please use gcloud beta asset analyzer-iam-policy instead.

Cloud Billing

  • Added gcloud beta billing accounts add-iam-policy-binding and gcloud beta billing accounts remove-iam-policy-binding commands to manage IAM policy bindings on a Cloud Billing account.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Modified gcloud dataflow sql query to allow "project.dataset.table" and "dataset.table" formats for --bigquery-table argument.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --node-group flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create to allow clusters to be created on a Compute Engine sole-tenant node group.
  • Added --node-group flag to gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to allow managed clusters to be created on a Compute Engine sole-tenant node group.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Promoted gcloud healthcare consent-stores to beta.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --enable-message-ordering flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create and --ordering-key flag of gcloud pubsub topics publish to GA.

Cloud Workflows

  • Added gcloud beta workflows executions wait which allows the user to wait for a workflow execution to complete.

Compute Engine

  • Modified gcloud compute os-login to use the current gcloud project for quota by default. See help for billing/quota_project property or --billing-project flag for more details on how to control this behavior.
  • Added ubuntu-2004 option of --os flag for gcloud compute images import in GA, gcloud compute instances import in GA, and gcloud compute machine-images import in beta.
  • Promoted --service-proxy and --service-proxy-labels flags to GA for gcloud compute instance-templates create.


  • Allow non-default brokers for events brokers create command.
  • Added brokers describe/list/delete commands.


  • Promoted gcloud container hub memberships <register|unregister> commands to beta. Modified command to unsupport manage-workload-identity-bucket flag.

Identity Groups

  • Promoted gcloud identity groups describe to GA.

Identity Groups Memberships

  • Added --update-roles-params to gcloud beta identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles.
  • Promoted gcloud identity groups memberships delete to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud identity groups memberships list to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --validate flag of gcloud container binauthz attestations create and gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create to GA and beta, respectively.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

311.0.0 (2020-09-22)

Breaking Changes

  • (Assured Workloads) Updated gcloud assured workloads list and gcloud assured operations list commands to use separate flags for organization and location.

App Engine

  • Added gcloud beta app services update to allow management of incoming traffic to an app on a per-service basis.
  • Promoted --no-cache flag of gcloud app deploy to GA. This flag disables the build cache when deploying an app.
  • Added a warning that <application> or <version> elements within appengine-web.xml are not respected.
  • Modified the behavior of gcloud app deploy with --promote. Previously, attempting to deploy and promote a version that was already deployed, but stopped, would result in an error. Now a stopped version will be started before it is promoted.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Added gcloud beta app services update to allow management of incoming traffic to an app on a per-service basis.
  • Promoted --no-cache flag of gcloud app deploy to GA. This flag disables the build cache when deploying an app.
  • Modified the behavior of gcloud app deploy with --promote. Previously, attempting to deploy and promote a version that was already deployed, but stopped, would result in an error. Now a stopped version will be started before it is promoted.

Assured Workloads

  • Added multiple input format support to resource arguments for the following commands: gcloud assured workloads describe, gcloud assured workloads delete, gcloud assured workloads update, and gcloud assured operations describe.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --private-ipv6-google-access-type flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to allow users to configure the private IPv6 Google access type for the cluster.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Added gcloud folders get-ancestors-iam-policy for retrieving IAM policies for a given folder and its ancestors.

Identity Groups

  • Promoted gcloud identity to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud identity groups delete to GA.


  • Updated kpt from v0.33.0 to v0.34.0.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.18.1 to v0.20.1.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.6.0 to v0.8.0.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.6.0 to v0.8.0.

Secret Manager

  • Promoted gcloud secrets replication command group to beta.
  • Added --replication-policy-file flag to gcloud beta secrets create command to specify replication policy using a JSON or YAML file.
  • Added --kms-key-name flag to gcloud beta secrets create command to specify a KMS key when creating an automatic secret.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

310.0.0 (2020-09-15)

Assured Workloads

  • Added confirmation text to gcloud assured workloads delete command.

Cloud IAM

  • Changed default format for gcloud iam service-accounts list to refer to the display name of the service account as "DISPLAY NAME" instead of "NAME".

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Added a command gcloud projects get-ancestors-iam-policy for retrieving IAM policies for a given project and its ancestors.

Cloud Run

  • Added support for --format to gcloud run deploy, gcloud run services update, and gcloud run replace.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --disk flag of gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates create to beta.
  • Added --accelerator flag of gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates create to beta.


  • Added gcloud events command group to beta to allow the configuration of event-based triggers on Cloud Run for Anthos services..

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --cloud-run-config to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update. This flag is used to enable internal load balancer for Cloud Run cluster.
  • Enabled auto repair by default on UBUNTU and UBUNTU_CONTAINERD image.
  • Added --enable-gke-oidc to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update. This flag is used to enable the GKE OIDC component for authentication using OIDC.
  • Added new fields to specify disk type and size configuration, shielded instance settings, and customer-managed encryption keys when using --autoprovisioning-config-file with gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update.
  • Promoted --autoprovisioning-min-cpu-platform flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

309.0.0 (2020-09-08)

Assured Workloads

  • Added gcloud assured command group to beta. Commands in this group provide the ability to read and modify Assured data controls.
  • Added gcloud assured workloads command group to beta. Commands in this group allow you to manage Assured Workloads environment resources.
  • Added gcloud assured operations command group to beta. Commands in this group allow you to view Assured Workloads operation resources.

Cloud API Gateway

  • Promoted gcloud api-gateway to beta.
    • Modified gcloud api-gateway api-configs create. Removed --grpc-files temporarily since Cloud API Gateway does not support gRPC.
    • Modified gcloud apis create. Added the optional --managed-service flag to specify a pre-existing Google Managed Service.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted gcloud firestore databases to beta and GA.
  • Promoted gcloud datastore databases to beta and GA.

Cloud SQL

Compute Engine

  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta compute backend-services create, gcloud beta compute backend-services update, gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create and gcloud beta compute backend-buckets update:
    • --cache-mode
    • --[no-]client-ttl
    • --[no-]default-ttl
    • --[no-]max-ttl
    • --[no-]negative-caching
    • --[no-]negative-caching-policy
    • --[no-]custom-response-header
  • Added the following fields to gcloud beta compute backend-services import and gcloud beta compute backend-services export:
    • customResponseHeader
    • cdnPolicy:
    • cacheMode
    • clientTtl
    • defaultTtl
    • maxTtl
    • negativeCaching
    • negativeCachingPolicy

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --notification-config to gcloud <alpha|beta> container clusters <create|update>. This flag is used to enable notifications on a cluster. Currently Pub/Sub notifications are supported.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

308.0.0 (2020-09-01)


  • Added 'creationTime', 'updateTime' columns for creating reservation.
  • Added 'ignore_idle_slots' flag for managing reservations idle slots behavior.
  • Supported table snapshot and restoration operation.
  • Added manual instruction for Azure connection setup.
  • Removed requirements of specifying destination table and target dataset if the scheduling query using DML or DDL with command bq query --schedule.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Implemented the following commands for gcloud data-catalog taxonomies and gcloud data-catalog taxonomies policy-tags in beta.
    • list
    • describe
    • get-iam-policy
    • set-iam-policy
    • add-iam-policy-bindings
    • remove-iam-policy-bindings
  • Implemented export command for gcloud data-catalog taxonomies in beta.
  • Implemented import command for gcloud data-catalog taxonomies in beta.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --enable-kerberos flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to allow users to enable Kerberos directly without specifying --kerberos-root-principal-password-uri or --kerberos-kms-key-uri.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted gcloud filestore backups to beta.
  • Added gcloud beta filestore instances restore to enable restoring a Cloud Filestore instance from a backup.
  • Promoted --source-backup and --source-backup-region flags to beta to specify backup details; these flags should be used in conjunction with --file-share flag.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Promoted gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores import to beta.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed issue when updating labels on a cluster with private visibility failed.
  • Added service endpoint visibility to gcloud run services describe output for services deployed with --platform=gke or --platform=kubernetes. Cluster-local services show Ingress: internal. Services that are not cluster-local show Ingress: all. Use --connectivity flag of gcloud run deploy or gcloud run services update to update service endpoint visibility.

Cloud Shell

  • Promoted gcloud cloud-shell command group to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted compute instances get-screenshot to GA.


  • Added gcloud beta notebooks instances upgrade to upgrade Notebooks instance.
  • Added gcloud beta notebooks instances is-upgradeable to verify if Notebooks instance can be upgraded to a newer image.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

307.0.0 (2020-08-25)

App Engine

Cloud Dataflow

  • Promoted gcloud dataflow flex-template build to GA. Promoted gcloud dataflow flex-template run to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Changed the generation of revision names. If the generated revision name is longer than the knative resource name length limit (63 characters), shorten the part of the service name used as a prefix until the revision name is no longer than the maximum knative resource name.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted MySQL 8 to GA.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • Promoted gcloud scc notifications command group to beta and GA.
  • Promote gcloud scc [operations|sources|findings] to beta and GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.53.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted 'SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP' option of --purpose flag of gcloud compute addresses create to GA.
  • Promoted --logging-metadata flag to GA for
    • gcloud compute firewall-rules create
    • gcloud compute firewall-rules update.
  • Promoted --network, --subnetwork, and --private-network-ip flags of gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --additional-ipas flag to gcloud beta firebase test ios run. This flag allows you to specify additional iOS apps that should be installed on the device prior to testing.


  • Updated kpt from v0.30.1 to v0.33.0.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.15.0 to v0.18.1.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.3.1 to v0.6.0.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.3.0 to v0.6.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-master-global-access flag of gcloud container clusters <create|update> to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

306.0.0 (2020-08-18)


  • Fixed issue where ls --reservation command randomly failed with internal error.
  • Added add-iam-policy-binding and remove-iam-policy-binding commands, with support for modifying IAM policies for tables and views.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --dataproc-metastore flag to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create to allow clusters to be created with a Dataproc Metastore service.
  • Added --dataproc-metastore flag to gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to allow managed clusters to be created with a Dataproc Metastore service.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.7
    • Includes latest features and improvements from production.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added gcloud beta kms keys versions get-certificate-chain to retrieve HSM attestation certificate chains.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted gcloud pubsub topics detach-subscription to GA.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Fixed issue where gcloud resource-manager org-policies <allow|deny> gave an error when a restore default policy exists.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • Promoted gcloud scc notifications command group to beta and GA.

Cloud TPU

  • Added --use-service-networking flag to gcloud beta compute tpus create.

Compute Engine

  • Added gcloud beta compute os-config os-upgrade to enable major OS version updates on support distributions.
  • Promoted --condition flag to GA for
    • gcloud compute instances add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instances remove-iam-policy-binding.
  • Promoted Regional Network Endpoint Groups to GA.
  • Promoted Hybrid Network Endpoint Groups to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute commitments create-license to beta and GA.
  • Promoted the following commands to GA:
    • gcloud compute instance-groups managed instance-configs create
    • gcloud compute instance-groups managed instance-configs update
    • gcloud compute instance-groups managed instance-configs list
    • gcloud compute instance-groups managed instance-configs delete
  • Promoted --stateful-disk and --stateful-metadata for gcloud compute instance-groups managed create-instance to GA.
  • Added --network flag to gcloud beta compute target-instances create.

Game Servers

  • Promoted gcloud game servers to GA.


  • Added n1-standard-1 as the default for notebook instances.
  • Added deeplearning-platform as the default for notebook instance project and environment project.

Secret Manager

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

305.0.0 (2020-08-11)

Artifact Registry

  • Added --json-key flag to gcloud beta artifacts print-settings.
  • Added bearer auth for npm support to gcloud beta artifacts print-settings.

Cloud Build

  • Added the flag --worker-pool to the command gcloud builds submit.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added flex template docker container building support in build command gcloud beta dataflow flex-template build.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Replaced --scale in gcloud beta pubsub lite-topics create and gcloud beta pubsub lite-topics update with --per-partition-publish-mib and --per-partition-subscribe-mib flags.

Cloud Run

  • Added --image flag to gcloud run services update command in beta and GA to support updating container image.

Cloud Security Command Center

  • Promoted gcloud scc assets command group to beta and GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted cpu-overcommit-type flag of gcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-templates create to GA.
  • Promoted --stateful-disk flag for gcloud compute instance-groups managed create to GA.
  • Promoted --stateful-disk, --remove-stateful-disk flags for gcloud compute instance-groups managed update to GA.
  • Promoted --scale-in-control flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling to GA.
  • Promoted --scale-in-control and --clear-scale-in-control flags of gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling to GA.

Deployment Manager

  • Added --custom-certificate-authority-roots flag to gcloud deployment-manager type-providers <create|update>.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted the GKE add-on ConfigConnector of gcloud container clusters <create|update> to GA. This add-on is disabled by default.
    • Use --addons=ConfigConnector to enable the add-on during cluster creation.
    • Use --update-addons=ConfigConnector=ENABLED|DISABLED to enable/disable the add-on for existing GKE clusters.
  • Updates default kubectl from 1.15 to 1.16.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.14 (1.14.10)
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.12)
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.13)
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.9)
    • kubectl.1.18 (1.18.6)
  • Promoted --disable-default-snat flag of gcloud container clusters <create|update> to GA.
  • Modified GKE nodes to have serial port output logging enabled by default. To disable, use --metadata serial-port-logging-enable=false.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

304.0.0 (2020-08-04)

Cloud Build

  • Modifed the command group gcloud beta builds worker-pools such that all underlying commands now use a regional Cloud Build API endpoint (instead of the global one).
  • Modifed the command group gcloud builds such that all underlying commands may optionally use a regional Cloud Build API endpoint (instead of the global one). This is controlled by the new flag --region, as well as the configuration of submitted builds.

Cloud Composer

  • Fixed a bug where an argument added to backfill subcommand of gcloud composer environments run fails in older Airflow versions.
  • Added --web-server-machine-type flag to gcloud beta composer environments commands to specify the machine type used by the Airflow web server.

Cloud IAM

  • Promoted gcloud iam service-accounts keys upload to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added gcloud beta compute os-config os-upgrade to enable major OS version updates on support distributions.
  • Promoted gcloud compute diagnose export-logs to GA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added the command gcloud [alpha|beta] firebase test ip-blocks list, which retrieves a catalog of IP blocks used by Firebase Test Lab devices.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --node-group to gcloud container node-pools create. This flag is used to enable the Compute Engine sole tenant node feature on Kubernetes Engine node pools.

Secret Manager

  • Updated the following commands to better support IAM Conditions:
    • gcloud secrets get-iam-policy outputs conditions associated with each binding.
    • gcloud secrets set-iam-policy accepts policies with conditional bindings.
    • gcloud secrets <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding accepts conditional bindings.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

303.0.0 (2020-07-28)

AI Platform

  • Promoted --kms-key flag of gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training to GA.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted gcloud bigtable backups commands group to GA.
  • Promated gcloud bigtable instances tables restore and gcloud bigtable instances tables list to GA.

Cloud Build

  • Added --comment-control flag option COMMENTS_ENABLED_FOR_EXTERNAL_CONTRIBUTORS_ONLY to gcloud builds triggers create github in alpha and beta.

Cloud Composer

  • Added --cloud-sql-machine-type flag to gcloud beta composer environments commands to specify the Cloud SQL machine type used by the Airflow database.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added --restricted-locations to gcloud data-catalog search to enable regional search.

Compute Engine

  • Added --log-location flag to gcloud compute instances import and gcloud beta compute machine-images import.
  • Promoted --condition flag for
    • gcloud compute images add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute images remove-iam-policy-binding to GA.
  • Promoted --rollout-mode, --rollout-disruption-budget, and --rollout-disruption-budget-percent flags of gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs execute to GA.
  • Allowed using user-data key in metadata with gcloud compute instances create-with-container.
  • Promoted --condition flag to GA for
    • gcloud compute images add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute images remove-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute snapshots add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute snapshots remove-iam-policy-binding.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --identity-provider to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container clusters update. This flag is used to enable a 3P identity provider on a cluster.
  • Added flag --enable-dataplane-v2 to gcloud <alpha|beta> container clusters create. This flag allows GKE clusters to use the new and improved datapath with additional visibility and observability features.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

302.0.0 (2020-07-21)

AI Platform

App Engine

  • Added support for directly deploying the Gradle project 'build.gradle' file.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Modified gcloud asset search-all-resources and gcloud asset search-all-iam-policies to apply --page-size=20 by default.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --dag-timeout flag to gcloud dataproc workflow-templates create to allow timeouts to be set on Workflow jobs DAGs.
  • Added gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-dag-timeout to allow DAG timeouts to be updated or set on existing Workflows.
  • Added gcloud dataproc workflow-templates remove-dag-timeout to allow DAG timeouts to be removed from Workflows.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.5
    • Bug fix for camel case query parameters
    • Add support for != style queries

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --enable-message-ordering flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create and --ordering-key flag of gcloud pubsub topics publish to beta.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted gcloud resource-manager org-policies command group to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --tag flag of gcloud run deploy to beta.
  • Promoted --tag flag of gcloud run services update to beta.
  • Promoted --to-tags, --set-tags, --update-tags, --remove-tags, and --clear-tags flags of gcloud run services update-traffic to beta.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted server-level --collation flag of gcloud sql instances create to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.52.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --rollout-mode, --rollout-disruption-budget, and --rollout-disruption-budget-percent flags of gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs execute to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute health-checks <create|update> grpc commands to GA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --grant-permissions flag to gcloud beta firebase test android run. This flag allows you to specify if runtime permissions should be granted prior to running a test.
  • Modified the limit for --num-uniform-shards and --test-targets-for-shard to be 250 when no physical devices are selected.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added flag --private-ipv6-access-type of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to beta. This flag is used to allow GKE pods to connect to Google services over a low latency, secure, IPv6 network path.
  • Promoted --release-channel of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to GA. This flag is used to configure the cluster release channel.

Secret Manager

  • Updated gcloud secrets create command to default to an automatic replication policy if a replication policy is not provided.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

301.0.0 (2020-07-14)

Cloud SDK

  • Prefer Python 3 for deb and rpm package installations. The Cloud SDK now prefers Python 3 for bq, gcloud, and gsutil on all installation paths. See gcloud topic startup for information on configuring the Python interpreter used by the Cloud SDK.


  • Upgraded anthos-auth component to version 1.1.2.
  • Added ldap support to gcloud anthos auth login.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Added support for CMEK repository creation with customer managed encryption key.
  • Added gcloud beta artifacts repositories describe.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --description and --family flags of gcloud compute images update to beta.
  • Promoted --target-grpc-proxy for gcloud compute forwarding-rules <create|set-target> to GA.
  • Promoted documentation for --protocol to include GRPC for gcloud compute backend-services <create|update> to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute target-grpc-proxies <create|delete|describe|list> to GA.
  • Added only-scale-out mode enum value to gcloud compute instance-groups managed <set|update>-autoscaling . The only-scale-out value directly replaces and deprecates the only-up value.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted NodeLocalDNS Addon to GA. Use NodeLocalDNS addons with gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

300.0.0 (2020-07-08)

Breaking Changes

  • (Recommender) Modified headers in output of gcloud recommender recommendations list.
  • (Recommender) Modified headers in output of gcloud recommender insights list.
    • Renamed ID to INSIGHT_ID and STATE to INSIGHT_STATE.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --temp-bucket flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to allow users to configure a Cloud Storage bucket that stores ephemeral cluster and jobs data, such as Spark and MapReduce history files.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --enable-point-in-time-recovery flag of gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to GA.
  • Promoted --point-in-time flag of gcloud sql instances clone to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --source-disk flag of gcloud compute disks create to GA.


  • Updated kpt from v0.24.0 to v0.30.1.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.8.0 to v0.15.0.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.1.8 to v0.3.1.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.1.7 to v0.3.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --system-config-from-file flag to gcloud beta container clusters create, gcloud beta container node-pools create, and gcloud beta container node-pools update to configure kubelet and Linux configuration settings on nodes.


  • Promoted gcloud recommender insights to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

299.0.0 (2020-06-30)

Cloud SDK


  • Added gcloud anthos create-login-config command to GA.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promoted Cloud assets search commands gcloud asset search-all-resources and gcloud asset search-all-iam-policies to GA.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added possibility to rename enum values using gcloud data-catalog tag-templates fields enum-values rename.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted --enable-component-gateway flag of gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Updated --service-account flag to accept a Kubernetes service account for --platform=gke and --platform=kubernetes.

Compute Engine

  • Added --interface flag to gcloud beta compute disks create.
  • Removed interface key from --disk key of gcloud beta compute instances create.
  • Promoted gcloud compute security-policies list-preconfigured-expression-sets to GA.
  • Promote --condition flag to GA for the following commands:
    • gcloud compute disks add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute disks remove-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instance-templates add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instance-templates remove-iam-policy-binding.
  • Added --service-proxy and '--service-proxy-labels' flags to gcloud beta compute instance-templates create to populate the fields in Instance Template required to automatically deploy and configure the service proxy and service-proxy-agent.
  • Added --chain-name flag gcloud beta compute disks snapshot.
  • Promoted Regional Network Endpoint Groups to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted NodeLocalDNS Addon to GA. Use NodeLocalDNS addons with gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update.

VPC Access

  • Added --vpc-connector flag to gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update which allows cloud run services to connect to a VPC Connector.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

298.0.0 (2020-06-23)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Data Catalog) Removed add-enum-values flag from gcloud data-catalog tag-templates fields update.

Cloud SDK

  • Changed the bq and gcloud command-line tools to prefer Python 3 for component-based Cloud SDK installs on Unix. See gcloud topic startup for information on configuring the Python interpreter used by the Cloud SDK.

AI Platform

  • Added --network flag to gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training and gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training.

App Engine

  • Added an optional --appyaml flag to change the app.yaml file location for an application.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added enum-values flag in gcloud data-catalog tag-templates fields update.

Compute Engine

  • Promote --condition flag for

    • gcloud compute disks add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute disks remove-iam-policy-binding to GA.
  • Promote --condition flag for

    • gcloud compute reservations add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute reservations remove-iam-policy-binding to GA.

Secret Manager

  • Updated the following beta commands to better support IAM Conditions:
    • gcloud beta secrets get-iam-policy outputs conditions associated with each binding.
    • gcloud beta secrets set-iam-policy accepts policies with conditional bindings.
    • gcloud beta secrets <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding accepts conditional bindings.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

297.0.1 (2020-06-17)

297.0.0 (2020-06-16)


  • Added support for preferred authentication methods to anthos auth login command.


  • Added support for splitting/merging capacity commitments.
  • Added support for autoscale based on reservations.
  • Fixed CLI json.loads error for Python 3.5.

Compute Engine

  • Added --preemptible flag to gcloud compute instances set-scheduling.
  • Promoted --multi-writer flag of gcloud compute disks create to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

296.0.1 (2020-06-10)


  • Fixed blocking bug in anthos auth login command.

296.0.0 (2020-06-09)

Cloud SDK

  • Updated bundled Python executable to 3.7.5.

Cloud Composer

  • Fixed a bug that causes backfill subcommand of gcloud composer environments run to be stuck indefinitely.
  • Updated gcloud composer environments run command to prefer GKE pods with 'Ready: true' condition state.

Cloud Filestore

  • Updated gcloud beta filestore instances create and gcloud beta filestore instances update to include:
    • Added HIGH_SCALE_SSD, BASIC_HDD and BASIC_SSD tiers.
    • Added nfs-export-options to --file-share flag.
    • Support for NfsExportOptions. Run gcloud filestore --help or visit to learn more.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.4
    • Fixes bug for evaluating rules in query listening.
    • Fixes support for ?show_missing in listing collection.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted gcloud projects create to beta.

Cloud Run

  • Modified --vpc-connector and --clear-vpc-connector flags to be applicable for --platform=managed only.
  • Added --format export option to gcloud run services describe and gcloud run revisions describe, to output resources without deployment-specific metadata or status information.

Compute Engine

  • Replaced coreos-cloud with fedora-coreos-cloud in the list of public image projects for --standard-images flag of gcloud compute images list.
  • Promoted gcloud compute commitments create-license to beta.
  • Added flag --instance-update-minimal-action flag to gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed instance-configs <create|update|delete>.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --master-logs and '--enable-master-metrics' flags to gcloud beta container clusters to enable sending master logs and metrics to Cloud Operations (fka Stackdriver).

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

295.0.0 (2020-06-02)


  • Added gcloud anthos apply command to beta. This command declaratively applies Config Connector resource configurations.
  • Added gcloud anthos export command to beta. This command exports Config Connector resource configurations of existing Google Kubernetes Engine clusters.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Enabled support for Redis version 5.0. Added redis_5_0 as a new option for --redis_version flag of gcloud redis instances create.
  • Added gcloud redis instances upgrade to upgrade a Memorystore Redis instance to a specified Redis version.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Rename --filter flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to --message-filter. This is done to avoid confusion with --filter flag of
  • Promoted --message-filter flag of gcloud pubsub subscriptions create to beta. This feature allows users to specify a filter expression on a Cloud Pub/Sub subscription which will automatically drop messages.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed describe-instance to beta.
  • Added --accelerator flag to gcloud beta compute instances create-with-container.
  • Promoted --private-ipv6-google-access-type flag of gcloud compute instances <create|create-with-container> to GA.
  • Promoted --private-ipv6-google-access-type flag of gcloud compute instance-templates <create|create-with-container> to GA.
  • Promoted --private-ipv6-google-access-type flag of gcloud compute networks subnets <create|update> to GA.
  • Added --interface flag to gcloud beta compute disks create.
  • Added --interface flag to gcloud beta compute instances attach-disk.
  • Added interface key to --disk key of gcloud beta compute instances create.

Game Servers

  • Added --description to gcloud <alpha|beta> game servers <clusters/realms/deployments> update to allow updating description for resources.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

294.0.0 (2020-05-27)

Breaking Changes

  • (Secret Manager) Modified gcloud secrets beta command group to use the Secret Manager v1 API. The --uri flag now formats output to begin with instead of when used with the following commands:
    • gcloud beta secrets list
    • gcloud beta locations list
    • gcloud beta secrets versions list

AI Platform

  • Added --kms-key to gcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform jobs submit training to allow specifying a customer-managed encryption key for a training job.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted configurable retry-related flags in gcloud pubsub subscriptions create and gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Change gcloud run services get-iam-policy, gcloud run services set-iam-policy, gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding, and gcloud run services remove-iam-policy-binding to use the v1 api.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.51.

Cloud Tasks

  • Promoted gcloud tasks queues create-pull-queue to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Changed default action from RESTART to REPLACE for --update-instance flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed instance-configs create|update.
  • Promoted --maintenance-policy of gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

293.0.0 (2020-05-19)

App Engine

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted Postgres 12 to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-errors to GA.
  • Added gcloud beta compute instances get-screenshot command to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted --additional-apks, --other-files, --network-profile, and --robo-script flags of gcloud firebase test android run to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --disable-default-snat flag of gcloud container clusters <create|update> to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

292.0.0 (2020-05-12)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SDK) Modified gcloud auth application-default login to add a quota project by default. Use --disable-quota-project to skip setting the quota project.
  • (Cloud SDK) Modified gcloud auth application-default login and gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project so that a quota project is added to the application default credentials only when the credentials have the permission to bill the project.

Cloud SDK

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Fixed issue where CloudBuild timeout value without 's' suffix was rejected sometimes.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted Non-RFC 1918 Cloud DNS features to GA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed bug in gcloud dataproc clusters list where Google Kubernetes Engine-based clusters are listed with PLATFORM as GCE when accessed by the GA command.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promoted --condition flag to GA for the following commands:
    • gcloud kms keyrings add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud kms keyrings remove-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud kms keys remove-iam-policy-binding

Compute Engine

  • Added import and export commands to gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies>.
  • Promoted --private-ipv6-google-access-type flag of gcloud compute instances <create|create-with-container> to beta.
  • Promoted --private-ipv6-google-access-type flag of gcloud compute instance-templates <create|create-with-container> to beta.
  • Promoted --autoscaler-mode, --min-nodes, and --max-nodes flags of command gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • gcloud container now respects compute/region property.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

291.0.0 (2020-05-05)

AI Platform

  • Added --config to gcloud beta ai-platform versions update and gcloud beta ai-platform versions update to allow specifying manual and auto-scaling parameters.

App Engine


  • Enabled purchasing capacity commitments through the BQCLI.
  • Added support for passing empty array parameters.
  • Fixed issues with handling of YAML parse errors.
  • Fixed vulnerabilities related to pre-packaged dependencies.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager perimeters dry-run command group to GA.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud access-context-manager perimeters create:
    • --enable-vpc-accessible-services
    • --vpc-allowed-services
  • Added the following flags to gcloud access-context-manager perimeters update:
    • --enable-vpc-accessible-services
    • --add-vpc-allowed-services
    • --clear-vpc-allowed-services
    • --remove-vpc-allowed-services

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --secondary-worker-type to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster commands. This adds the ability to create a cluster with secondary workers that are non-preemptible. If unspecified, secondary workers continue to be preemptible by default.

Cloud Functions

  • gcloud functions logs read now understands log entries with JSON payloads.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Promoted gcloud healthcare command group to GA.
  • This release includes some major changes that are different from beta.
    • FHIR store creation requires a version in GA, or the request will fail.
    • HL7V2 stores can now have multiple Pub/Sub topics, corresponding API is changed to accomplish that.

Cloud IAM

  • Promoted --condition flag to GA for gcloud iam service-account <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted --condition flag to GA for the following commands:
    • gcloud projects <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud organizations <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud resources-manager folders <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --min-instances, --no-traffic, --use-http2, --clear-config-maps, --set-config-maps, --remove-config-map, --update-config-map, --clear-secrets, --set-secrets, --remove-secrets, --update-secrets flags of gcloud run services update to beta.
  • Changed default output format of gcloud run revisions describe to be more human-readable. For yaml output, use --format=yaml.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted gcloud services vpc-peerings enable-vpc-service-controls to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud services vpc-peerings disable-vpc-service-controls to beta.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.50.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --export-subnet-routes-with-public-ip and --import-subnet-routes-with-public-ip flags of gcloud compute networks peerings create and gcloud compute networks peerings update to beta and GA.
  • Promoted --domains flag of gcloud compute ssl-certificates create to GA.
  • Promoted suspend and resume commands of gcloud compute instances command group to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --testing-special-entitlements flag to gcloud beta firebase test ios run. This flag allows you to test iOS app entitlements by re-signing the app with a new and explicit application-identifier.


  • Updated kpt from v0.17.0 to v0.24.0.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.6.0 to v0.8.0.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.1.4 to v0.1.8.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.1.4 to v0.1.7.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updates kubectl to change default version of kubectl from 1.14 to 1.15.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.14 (1.14.10)
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.11)
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.9)
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.5)
  • Promoted --autoprovisioning-max-surge-upgrade, --autoprovisioning-max-unavailable-upgrade, --enable-autoprovisioning-autoupgrade, --enable-autoprovisioning-autorepair flags of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

290.0.1 (2020-04-27)

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --domains flag of gcloud compute ssl-certificates create to GA.

290.0.0 (2020-04-22)

Cloud Dataflow

  • Promoted gcloud dataflow sql query command to GA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Updated --image flag to accept image family URIs.
  • Fixed a bug where managed clusters added to workflow templates did not correctly respect --enable-component-gateway.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.3
    • Fix rolling back an already failed transaction.
    • Fix gRPC issue on large rules coverage reports.

Compute Engine

  • Changed the default value of --image-family flag to debian-10 for gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create commands.
  • Added PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT as a type of global address reservation.
  • Added --target-bundle option in gcloud compute forwarding-rules create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted the GKE ConfigConnector add-on of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to beta. This add-on is disabled by default.
    • Use --addons=ConfigConnector to enable the add-on during cluster creation.
    • Use --update-addons=ConfigConnector=ENABLED|DISABLED to enable/disable the add-on for existing GKE clusters.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

289.0.0 (2020-04-14)

App Engine

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added --custom-level-spec argument to enable custom access level definition to the following commands:
    • gcloud access-context-manager levels create
    • gcloud access-context-manager levels update
  • Added gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run enforce command for enforcing the dry-run configurations for individual Service Perimeters.
  • Promoted gcloud access-context-manager levels replace-all and gcloud access-context-manager perimeters replace-all commands to GA.
  • Added gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run enforce command for enforcing the dry-run configurations for individual Service Perimeters.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed bug where the GKE cluster name is also displayed in the zone column when listing GKE-based Dataproc clusters.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added new redis_5_0 redis-version value to gcloud redis instances upgrade.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted the Knative API version used from v1alpha1 to v1 on all gcloud beta run and gcloud run commands for --platform=gke and --platform=kubernetes.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute instances add-resource-policies command to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted the following flags to GA for gcloud container binauthz attestors public-keys add:
    • --pkix-public-key-file
    • --pkix-public-key-algorithm
    • --keyversion
    • --public-key-id-override

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

288.0.0 (2020-04-07)

Breaking Changes

  • (Secret Manager) Removed newline from the end of the output of gcloud secrets versions access command.

AI Platform

  • Added support for --region flag for gcloud beta ai-platform.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Renamed gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run reset as gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run drop.

Cloud Composer

  • Added the following flags to gcloud composer environments create to handle IP aliasing:

    • --enable-ip-alias
    • --cluster-ipv4-cidr
    • --services-ipv4-cidr
    • --cluster-secondary-range-name
    • --services-secondary-range-name
  • Added the following flags to gcloud composer environments create to handle Private IP:

    • --enable-private-environment
    • --enable-private-endpoint
    • --master-ipv4-cidr
  • Added the following flags to gcloud composer environments create to handle Private IP:

    • --web-server-ipv4-cidr
    • --cloud-sql-ipv4-cidr
  • Fixed a bug that could cause flags passed to gcloud composer environments run to be interpreted incorrectly.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added gcloud beta dataflow snapshots command group which provides the ability to create and manage Cloud Dataflow snapshots.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed bug where the default project was not automatically used as the GKE cluster project for GKE-based Dataproc clusters.
  • Changed the default value for --timeout in gcloud dataproc clusters update from 3h to 25h. This prevents client-side timeouts during long graceful decommissioning operations.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --no-traffic flag of gcloud run deploy to GA for --platform=managed.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --scale-in-control flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling to beta.
  • Promoted --scale-in-control and --clear-scale-in-control flags of gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling to beta.
  • Added support of tabular display format of command gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls and gcloud compute instances network-interfaces get-effective-firewalls.


  • Updated kpt from v0.14.0 to v0.17.0.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.5.0 to v0.6.0.
  • Updated import of kyaml from v0.1.3 to v0.1.4.
  • Updated import of cmd/config from v0.1.3 to v0.1.4.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

287.0.0 (2020-04-01)

App Engine


  • Added support to update capacity_commitment plan and renewal_plan.
  • Modified DTS CreateTransferConfig and UpdateTransferConfig CLI to accept a version_info instead of an authorization_code.
  • Added support for ROW ACCESS POLICY DDL statements.
  • Fixed a bug with None auth_info in UpdateTransferConfig.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters create:
    • --enable-vpc-accessible-services
    • --vpc-allowed-services
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters update:
    • --enable-vpc-accessible-services
    • --add-vpc-allowed-services
    • --clear-vpc-allowed-services
    • --remove-vpc-allowed-services

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Support org-policy and access-policy in the real-time feed API.

Cloud Composer

  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta composer environments commands to specify IP ranges for Web Server and Cloud SQL network subranges:
    • --web-server-ipv4-cidr
    • --cloud-sql-ipv4-cidr
  • Require explicitly specifying web server access control when using --enable-private-environment in gcloud beta composer environments create.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted gcloud dataproc jobs submit presto command group to GA.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added --json-request flag to gcloud ml-engine predict and gcloud ml-engine local predict to improve the UX by matching the input format to that used in actual requests.

Cloud Spanner Emulator

  • Added gcloud beta emulators spanner command group which allows starting a Cloud Spanner emulator for local development and unit testing.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.49.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted centos-8, opensuse-15, rhel-8, rhel-8-byol, sles-12-byol, and sles-15-byol options of --os flag for gcloud compute images import and gcloud compute instances import to GA.
  • Promoted --resource-policies flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --logging-filter-expr and --logging-metadata-fields flags of gcloud compute networks subnets create and gcloud compute networks subnets update to GA.
  • Promoted --platform-key-file, --key-exchange-key-file, --signature-database-file, and --forbidden-database-file flags of gcloud compute images create command to GA.
  • Updated "list-rules" command of Organization Firewalls to add more fields.

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • Promote gcloud monitoring dashboards command group to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

286.0.0 (2020-03-24)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Removed SECURE_BOOT from list of guest OS features.

Cloud SDK

  • Fixed issue where special characters in quoted arguments on Windows were not being escaped properly. For example, a command invocation such as: gcloud compute ssh my-vm --zone=us-central1-c --command="echo 1 && echo 2" would fail with "unrecognized arguments: 1".


  • Added gcloud anthos auth login command to GA. This command enables authentication of Anthos clusters through a command line interface, given an on-prem identity provider (IDP) is configured in an Anthos Kubernetes cluster environment.

App Engine

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run command group for management of dry-run configurations for Service Perimeters.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added --worker-region and --worker-zone parameters to gcloud dataflow jobs run.
  • Added deprecation notice for --zone parameter to gcloud dataflow jobs run.
  • Added --num-workers, --worker-machine-type, --network, --subnetwork, and --dataflow-kms-key parameters to gcloud beta dataflow sql query.
  • Promoted --num-workers, --worker-machine-type, --network, and --subnetwork parameters to GA in gcloud dataflow jobs run.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.11.1
    • Allow service account tokens in Firestore Emulator.
    • ListCollectionIds now correctly omits empty collections.
    • The first request now correctly interacts with seed data.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promoted changes related to external keys in gcloud kms locations list, gcloud kms keys create, gcloud kms keys versions create, gcloud kms keys versions update to GA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Enabled support for Redis version 5.0 (beta). Added redis_5_0 as a new option for --redis_version flag when using gcloud beta redis instances create.
  • Enabled support for Redis version 5.0 (beta) stream node configurations. Added stream-node-max-bytes and stream-node-max-entries as new options for --redis-config flag when using gcloud beta redis instances create.
  • Enabled support for stream-node-max-bytes and stream-node-max-entries for --update-redis-config flag when using gcloud beta redis instances update.

Cloud Run

  • Changed the default output format for gcloud run services describe. Moved the service URL from its own line to next to the traffic section heading.
  • Changed the default output format for gcloud run services update-traffic to use the same format as the traffic section of the output of gcloud run services describe. To restore the previous output format, specify --format="table(displayPercent:label=TRAFFIC,displayRevisionId:label=REVISION)".
  • Promoted --min-instances, --no-traffic, --use-http2, --clear-config-maps, --set-config-maps, --remove-config-map, --update-config-map, --clear-secrets, --set-secrets, --remove-secrets, --update-secrets flags of gcloud run deploy to beta and GA for --platform=gke and --platform=kubernetes only.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted Postgres 10 to GA.
  • Added support for specifying backup locations.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added gcloud spanner backups surface.
  • Added gcloud spanner databases restore.
  • Updated gcloud spanner operations for backup and restore operations, and ability to filter by operation type.
  • Added optimizer version to the query plan (PROFILE) output of gcloud spanner databases execute-sql.

Cloud Tasks

  • Promoted --log-sampling-ratio and --clear-log-sampling-ratio to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --replacement-method of gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action restart to GA.
  • Promoted --[no-]enable-logging flag of gcloud compute health-checks command group to beta.
  • Added cpu-overcommit-type flag to gcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-templates create.
  • Promoted gcloud compute org-security-policies command group to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls command to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances network-interfaces get-effective-firewalls command to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-instance to GA.
  • Promoted --failover-ratio, --drop-traffic-if-unhealthy, and --connection-drain-on-failover flags of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.
  • Promoted --failover flag of gcloud compute backend-services add-backend and gcloud compute backend-services update-backend to GA.
  • Promoted global scope of gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups command group in global to GA.
  • Promoted --global-network-endpoint-group flag of gcloud compute backend-services to GA.


  • Updated kpt from v0.12.0 to v0.14.0.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.4.0 to v0.5.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --release-channel flag to gcloud beta container clusters update for subscribing an existing cluster to a release channel or removing a cluster from a release channel.

Service Directory

  • Promoted gcloud service-directory locations to beta.

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285.0.1 (2020-03-18)

  • Resolved issue that caused spurious post installation errors in 285.0.0.

285.0.0 (2020-03-17)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Dataproc) Deprecated the following flag in gcloud dataproc clusters update command:
    • --num-preemptible-workers

AI Platform

  • Modified ai-platform models set-iam-policy to accept a model resource arg.
  • Modified ai-platform models get-iam-policy to accept a model resource arg.

Artifact Registry

  • Promoted gcloud artifacts to beta.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added --custom-level-spec argument to enable custom access level definition to the following commands:
    • gcloud access-context-manager levels create
    • gcloud access-context-manager levels update

Cloud Build

  • Reset ownership to root when creating workspace snapshot.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted gcloud dns managed-zones to beta.
  • Added --service-directory-namespace to gcloud beta dns managed-zones create to support providing a Service Directory namespace that should be associated with the zone.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Modified gcloud data-catalog entries <create|update> to support user specified types.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added the following flag to gcloud dataproc clusters update command:
    • --num-secondary-workers
  • Added --gke-cluster and --gke-cluster-namespace flags to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create to allow creation of GKE-based Dataproc clusters.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted gcloud iap settings command group to GA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added gcloud beta memcache which manages Cloud Memorystore Memcached resources.

Cloud Run

  • Modified --args and --command flags of gcloud run services update, gcloud run deploy, gcloud beta run services update, and gcloud beta run deploy to support repeated usages on a single command invocation.

Compute Engine

  • Added cpu-overcommit-type flag to gcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-templates create.
  • Promoted gcloud compute resource-policies create group-placement command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config patch-deployments command group to GA.

Identity Groups

  • Added gcloud beta identity groups preview to retrieve a list of users in a customer account using CEL query.
  • Added --dynamic-user-query to gcloud beta identity groups create.


  • Updated kpt from v0.9.0 to v0.11.0.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.2.0 to v0.3.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-logging-monitoring-system-only flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to enable Stackdriver system-only logging and monitoring.

Network Management

  • Modified gcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests create to verify that at least one source and one destination are specified.
  • Modified gcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests create and gcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests update to verify that instance and network formats are valid.
  • Added the following optional flags to gcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests update:
    • --clear-source-instance
    • --clear-source-ip-address
    • --clear-destination-instance
    • --clear-destination-ip-address
  • Promoted gcloud network-management command group to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

284.0.0 (2020-03-10)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Dataproc) Deprecated the following flags in gcloud dataproc clusters create and
  • (Cloud Dataproc) gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster commands:
    • --num-preemptible-workers
    • --num-preemptible-worker-local-ssds
    • --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-size
    • --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-type
    • --preemptible-worker-accelerator
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Promoted Workload Identity flags to GA:
    • Promoted --disable-workload-identity of gcloud beta container clusters update.
    • Renamed --identity-namespace of gcloud beta container clusters to --workload-pool.
    • Changed the choices of --workload-metadata-from-node of gcloud beta container node-pools to ["GCE_METADATA", "GKE_METADATA"].
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Removed "UNSPECIFIED" from the choices of --workload-metadata-from-node of gcloud beta container node-pools.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Removed the deprecated flag --use-container-optimized-os from gcloud beta app update. Starting 2020-02-17, Container-Optimized OS is the default VM image type of App Engine Flex deployments and can not be changed.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added the 'etag' field to gcloud access-context-manager policies list.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Promoted gcloud data-catalog command group to GA.
  • Added gcloud data-catalog entry-groups list to help list all entry groups in a Cloud Data Catalog location.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added flex-template build command gcloud beta dataflow flex-template build.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added the following flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster commands:
    • --num-secondary-workers
    • --num-secondary-worker-local-ssds
    • --secondary-worker-boot-disk-size
    • --secondary-worker-boot-disk-type
    • --secondary-worker-accelerator

Compute Engine

  • Added centos-8, rhel-8, and rhel-8-byol options for --os flag to gcloud beta compute images import and gcloud beta compute instances import.


  • Updated kpt from v0.7.0 to v0.9.0.
  • Added kpt live init command to existing kpt live commands.
  • Updated import of cli-utils from v0.1.3 to v0.2.0.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-tpu and --tpu-ipv4-cidr flags to gcloud container clusters update to support enabling/disabling Cloud TPU on existing clusters.

Service Directory

  • Promoted gcloud service-directory namespaces to beta. Added command to create/delete/describe/list/update namespaces.
  • Promoted gcloud service-directory services to beta. Added command to create/delete/describe/list/resolve/update/add-iam-policy-binding/get-iam-policy/set-iam-policy/remove-iam-policy-binding.
  • Promoted gcloud service-directory endpoints to beta. Added command to create/delete/describe/list/update/add-iam-policy-binding/get-iam-policy/set-iam-policy/remove-iam-policy-binding.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

283.0.0 (2020-03-03)

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added gcloud beta dataflow sql query command.
  • Removed --flex-template flag support from gcloud beta dataflow jobs run.
  • Added flex-template command gcloud beta dataflow flex-template run.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed error handling when Cloud Run for Anthos fails with an HTTP error.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.48.

Compute Engine

  • Added field 'PRESERVED_STATE' to the output of gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed list-instances.
  • Promoted --enable-logging and --logging-sample-rate flags of gcloud compute backend-services <create|update> to GA.
  • Added support for group-placement-policy without specific VM count. Spread placement policies support incremental groups size now.
  • Promoted --resource-policies flag of gcloud compute instances create to beta.
  • Added get-iam-policy and set-iam-policy commands to gcloud compute resource-policies command group.
  • Promoted export and update-from-file commands of gcloud compute instances command group to beta and GA.

Stackdriver Logging

  • Promoted the following commands to beta:
    • gcloud logging buckets list
    • gcloud logging buckets describe
    • gcloud logging buckets update

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

282.0.0 (2020-02-25)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Key Management Service) Modified gcloud beta kms locations list to include EKM availability. This may disrupt automated processing of the command's output; consider using the --format flag for parsing.


  • Added require_hive_partition_filter support for hive partitioned tables.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Added replace-all command to the following command groups in beta:

    • gcloud access-context-manager levels.
    • gcloud access-context-manager perimeters.
  • replace-all is a command that is used to replace all existing levels or perimeters with the ones you provide in a valid yaml file.

Cloud Composer

  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta composer environments commands to manage Airflow web server network access control:
    • --web-server-allow-ip
    • --web-server-deny-all
    • --web-server-allow-all
    • --update-web-server-allow-ip

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added --dataflow-kms-key flag to gcloud dataflow jobs run.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --egress-settings and --ingress-settings flags of gcloud functions deploy to GA.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added EKM availability to gcloud beta kms locations list.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added --connect-mode flag to gcloud redis instances create to specify a network connection mode when creating a new Redis instance.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted SQL Server to GA.

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • Promoted gcloud monitoring dashboards command group to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

281.0.0 (2020-02-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SDK) Modified --update-adc in gcloud auth login to not write a quota project to the generated application default credential file. Use gcloud auth application-default login --add-quota-project or gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project to add a quota project to the generated file.

AI Platform

  • Added xrai option for --explanation-method flag to gcloud beta ai-platform versions create.

Access Approval

  • Added gcloud access-appoval surface to alpha.

App Engine

  • Added beta support for deploying the Maven project pom.xml file directly.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Modified the following commands such that they no longer require --scope flag:
    • gcloud beta asset search-all-iam-policies
    • gcloud beta asset search-all-resources
    • gcloud beta asset search-iam-policies
    • gcloud beta asset search-resources If scope is not specified, the default project property is used.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added deleteallrows command to cbt command line tool, which will clear a Cloud Bigtable table.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted gcloud dataproc clusters import and gcloud dataproc clusters export to GA.

Cloud IAM

  • Promoted --condition flag to beta for gcloud iam service-account <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promoted --condition flag to beta for the following commands:
    • gcloud kms keyrings <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud kms keys <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted --condition flag to beta for the following commands:
    • gcloud projects <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud organizations <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud resources-manager folders <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding

Cloud Run

  • Removed specTarget and statusTarget fields from the yaml and json output of gcloud run services update-traffic. The information nested within specTarget and statusTarget is available in the top-level latestRevision, revisionName, specPercent, and statusPercent fields of the output.

Cloud Tasks

  • Added --response-view parameter to gcloud tasks describe.

Compute Engine

  • Added sles-12-byol, sles-15-byol, and opensuse-15 options for --os flag to gcloud beta compute images import and gcloud beta compute instances import.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud compute ssh command fails with --impersonate-service-account flag.
  • Promoted --network flag of compute backend-services create to GA.
  • Promoted --condition flag to beta for the following commands:
    • gcloud compute disks <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute images <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instance-templates <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute instances <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute reservations <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud compute snapshots <add|remove>-iam-policy-binding


  • Promoted gcloud container hub memberships command group to GA.
  • Deprecated gcloud beta container memberships command group.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --node-locations flags of gcloud container clusters create and gloud container clusters update to GA.
  • Added --addons=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver to gcloud beta container clusters create and --update-addons=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver to gcloud beta container clusters update to enable/disable the GCP Compute Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.
  • Added kubectl version 1.17 for upcoming rapid channel release.
    • Default kubectl version 1.14.
    • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.13 (1.13.12)
    • kubectl.1.14 (1.14.10)
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.9)
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.6)
    • kubectl.1.17 (1.17.2)
  • Added warning for upcoming shielded nodes default behavior change.


  • Added notebooks surface to beta which provides access to AI Platform Notebooks.
  • Added notebooks instances command group which provides access to AI Platform Notebooks' instances.
  • Added notebooks environments command group which provides access to AI Platform Notebooks' environments.

Secret Manager

  • Promoted gcloud secrets command group to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

280.0.0 (2020-02-11)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL) Removed support for creating First Generation Cloud SQL instances.
    • Removed First Generation instance only flags: --authorized-gae-apps, --follow-gae-app, and --pricing-plan from gcloud sql create.

AI Platform

  • Added --use-chief-in-tf-config flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta ml-engine jobs submit training
    • gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training
    • gcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training
    • gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Modified Access Context Manager beta commands to call the ACM v1 API instead of v1beta.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added gcloud beta data-catalog entries list which lists Data Catalog entries.
  • Added gcloud beta data-catalog entry-groups update which updates a Data Catalog entry group.
  • Added flags to gcloud beta data-catalog entries update for updating an entry's description, display name, and Cloud Storage file patterns.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.10.4
    • Added update_transform support for commit and batchWrite.
    • Send resume tokens on the Listen stream

Cloud Run

  • Added --force-override to gcloud run domain-mappings create to override an existing domain mapping.
  • Fixed a bug where --cpu flag was incorrectly disallowed with --platform=managed.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --allow-global-access flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute forwarding-rules update to GA.
  • Added HEALTH_STATE to output of gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-instances in GA.
  • Added gcloud beta compute machine-images import to enable importing OVA/OVF virtual appliances into Google machine images.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --max-surge-upgrade and --max-unavailable-upgrade flags to GA in gcloud container command group. Use these flags to specify upgrade settings parameters during cluster creation, node pool creation, or node pool update.
  • Updated kubectl to change default version of kubectl from 1.13 to 1.14.
    • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.13 (1.13.12)
    • kubectl.1.14 (1.14.10)
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.9)
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.6)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

279.0.0 (2020-02-04)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SDK) Modified gcloud auth application-default login to not write a quota project to the generated file. Use --add-quota-project to change this behavior.
  • (Compute Engine) Removed --priority flag from compute beta packet-mirrorings create and compute beta packet-mirrorings update.


  • Fixed issue where --apilog would not use the specified log file and would instead output the logs to stdout.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Deprecated default global value of gcloud dataproc --region flag.

Cloud Life Sciences

  • Added gcloud beta lifesciences locations command group to query locations where the Cloud Life Sciences API is available.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added gcloud beta redis instances upgrade to upgrade a Memorystore Redis instance to a specified Redis version.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --cpu to GA for all platforms.
  • Promoted gcloud run services update-traffic to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted ubuntu-1804 option of --os flag for gcloud compute images import and gcloud compute instances import to GA.
  • Promoted --hostname flag of gcloud compute instances import to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute packet-mirrorings command group to GA.
  • Promoted --is-mirroring-collector flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.
  • Promoted --logging-metadata flag for gcloud compute firewall-rules create and gcloud compute firewall-rules update to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups command group in global scope to beta.
  • Promoted --global-network-endpoint-group flag of gcloud compute backend-services to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-shielded-nodes to GA. Use this flag with gcloud container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update.

Network Management

  • Added gcloud network-management command group. This feature enable the provisioning and administering of Network Management resources.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

278.0.0 (2020-01-28)

AI Platform

  • Added --evaluator-count for local train to allow specifying the number of evaluators to run with when --distributed is set.

App Engine

Artifact Registry

  • Rolled back gcloud beta artifacts command group to alpha state.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added --flex-template flag to gcloud beta dataflow jobs run.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added gcloud beta kms keys versions update to enable updating crypto key versions and the external key URIs of key versions.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted dead letter queue-related flags in gcloud pubsub subscriptions create and gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted permission validation in gcloud compute images import, gcloud compute images export, and gcloud compute instances import to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed create-instance to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until to GA.
  • Deprecated gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until-stable to GA; use gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until --stable instead.
  • Renamed --update-stateful-disk and --update-stateful-metadata of gcloud compute instance-groups managed instance-configs update to --stateful-disk and --stateful-metadata respectively.
  • Renamed --update-stateful-disk of gcloud compute instance-groups managed update to --stateful-disk.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-errors command to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Removed --app-package and --test-package flags from gcloud firebase test android run; the application and test package names are parsed automatically from the APK manifest.
  • Updated --environment-variables to allow a period in the key.


  • Published kpt binary as a new Cloud SDK component.
    • kpt may be installed with gcloud components install kpt.
    • kpt contains utilities for packaging, viewing and modifying Kubernetes configuration.
    • For more information, run kpt help.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted Autoscaling Profiles to beta. Use with gcloud beta container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update: --autoscaling-profile=balanced (default) or --autoscaling-profile=optimize-utilization.
  • Promoted --sandbox flag of gcloud container node-pools create to GA. This flag enables the requested sandbox on all nodes in the node-pool.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

277.0.0 (2020-01-21)

Breaking Changes

  • (App Engine) Fixed longstanding issue where /path* in dispatch.yaml was silently converted to /path/*.
  • (Cloud Dataproc) Modified --region flag to be mandatory.
    • To use Cloud Dataproc commands, pass --region flag on every invocation, or set dataproc/region configuration variable via gcloud config set dataproc/region.

Cloud SDK

  • Added --update-adc to gcloud auth login to update the credentials in ADC at the end of authentication.
  • Promote REGISTRIES positional argument in gcloud auth configure-docker to GA.

AI Platform

  • Added Tensorflow version check for local train. For version 1.x, 'master' is used as primary node. For version 2.x, 'chief' is used as primary node.

Artifact Registry

  • Promoted gcloud artifacts to beta.
  • Following operations will be supported in beta:
    • Repository creation, deletion, and listing.
    • Printing settings for supported native tools (e.g. mvn, npm, gradle).
    • Setting and getting permission/IAM policies on repositories.
    • Listing and deleting packages inside a repository.
    • Listing and deleting versions inside a package.
    • Creating, updating, deleting, and listing tags.
    • Listing and deleting docker images or specific image digests.
    • Adding, listing, and deleting docker image tags.
    • Listing Artifact Registry supported locations.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added Tensorflow version check for local train. For version 1.x, 'master' is used as primary node. For version 2.x, 'chief' is used as primary node.

Compute Engine

  • Added --hostname to gcloud beta compute instances import.
  • Promoted --instance-redistribution-type flag of compute instance-groups managed create to GA.
  • Promoted --instance-redistribution-type flag of compute instance-groups managed update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute diagnose export-logs to beta.
  • Promoted --replacement-mode flag of command gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action start-update and gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action replace to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Increased default Operation timeout in gcloud container clusters command group to 1 hour.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

276.0.0 (2020-01-14)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Dataproc) Modified gcloud beta clusters create command replacing --reservation-label with --reservation which accepts the name of the reservation when --reservation-affinity is specific, matching gcloud compute instances create.

Cloud SDK

  • Modified gcloud auth configure-docker to take a --registries flag.
    • Use this flag to provide a comma-separated list of registries to add to the Docker credential configuration. If the flag is not set, the command adds all registries.
    • Changes to the docker credential configuration are now merged in to the existing configuration instead of replacing all existing entries.
    • Added support for * domains.

App Engine

  • Updated appengine libraries to pick up fix using now-invalid project ids with VPC connectors.
  • Fixed an issue where response headers were not usable due to python3 bytes regex use.


  • Fixed delimiter specification issues in Python3.
  • Fixed proxy authentication issues in Python3.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted --reservation and --reservation-affinity flags of gcloud dataproc clusters create to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.47.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --mode flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling command to GA.
  • Promoted instance-configs create, instance-configs list, instance-configs update, instance-configs delete commands to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Adds kubectl version 1.16.4 for the rapid channel.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.13 (1.13.12)
    • kubectl.1.14 (1.14.10)
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.7)
    • kubectl.1.16 (1.16.4)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

275.0.0 (2020-01-07)

Breaking Changes

  • (Firebase Test Lab) Modified --other-files to allow the specification of a list of device-path=file-path instead of a list of file-path=device-directory. Additionally, the flag can no longer be specified multiple times. Use a comma-separated list to push multiple files to a device.

Cloud SDK

  • Modified gcloud auth application-default login to find a quota project from gcloud command-line tool's context and write it to the application default credentials. This allows Google client libraries to use the project for quota and billing.
  • Added gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project to update the quota project in application default credentials.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud components update and gcloud components install would crash with a UnicodeDecodeError when encountering certain network errors. The gcloud command-line tool will now correctly display the error encountered during the update or installation. This issue was reported at

App Engine

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promoted group commands of gcloud asset feeds to GA.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted DNS Peering to GA.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added flags to gcloud beta data-catalog entries update for updating an entry's description, display name, and Cloud Storage file patterns.
  • Added required field to gcloud beta data-catalog tag-templates create --field to specify whether the tag template field is required.
  • Added --required flag to gcloud beta data-catalog tag-templates fields update to specify whether the tag template field is required.
  • Removed gcloud beta data-catalog entries set-iam-policy commands.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted gcloud iap command group to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run services replace to beta.
  • Promoted --command and --args flags for gcloud run deploy and gcloud services update to GA.
  • Promoted --port flag for gcloud run deploy and gcloud services update to GA.
  • Promoted --revision-suffix flag for gcloud run deploy and gcloud services update to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Changed gcloud compute backend-services create to make specification of health checks optional when no associated backends are specified.
  • Added --no-health-checks flag to gcloud compute backend-services update to support unsetting all health checks for the given backend service.
  • Added group-placement-policy to resource-policies creation.
  • Promoted resource-policies group-placement-policy creation to beta.
  • Updated Windows PuTTY executables to version 0.73.
  • Modified gcloud beta compute images import and gcloud beta compute instances import to validate required permissions.
  • Promoted gcloud compute networks peerings list-routes to GA.
  • Promoted --stateful-disks flag in managed instance group creation to beta.
  • Promoted --update-stateful-disks and --remove-stateful-disks flags for updating managed instance groups to beta.
  • Fixed gcloud compute instances import to support importing OVFs stored directly in Cloud Storage buckets (as opposed to stored in sub-directories).

Kubernetes Engine

  • The following flags are now available in GA on gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update:
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-name
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-start
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-end
    • --clear-maintenance-window
    • --remove-maintenance-exclusion

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

274.0.1 (2019-12-26)

274.0.0 (2019-12-17)

Cloud SDK

  • Cloud SDK now has GA support for Python 3. Please run gcloud topic startup for:
    • Information on configuring the Python interpreter used by the Cloud SDK.
    • List of tools in the Cloud SDK that still require a Python 2.7 interpreter.
    • List of known issues with Python 3 support.
  • For Windows installer-installed Cloud SDK version 274.0.0, if the Cloud SDK fails to run, upgrade to version 274.0.1 or higher. Refer to this tracking bug for details.


  • Added support for Python3.
  • Specifying unique prefixes for any flag name is no longer accepted. For example using --project instead of --project_id will throw an error. This change is a result of changing the underlying flag library from gflags to abseil-flags.
  • Added --service_account_name flag in bq mk --transfer_confg and bq update --transfer_config --update_credential to use a service account credential on transfer config or scheduled query.
  • Removed support for Reservation v1alpha2 API.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Fixed a bug where access-context-manager commands couldn't run without --policy specified; commands now use the default policy ID if one isn't provided.

Compute Engine

  • Added ubuntu-1804 option to --os flag of gcloud beta compute images import and gcloud beta compute instances import.
  • Promoted --target-distribution-shape flag of compute instance-groups managed create to GA.
  • Promoted --erase-windows-vss-signature flag of compute disks create to beta.
  • Promoted compute machine-images command group to beta.
  • Promoted --source-machine-image, --source-machine-image-csek-key-file, and --erase-windows-vss-signature flags of compute instances create to beta.
  • Fixed issue where gcloud compute os-login commands failed with --impersonate-service-account flag.
  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config guest-policies command group to beta.
  • Removed --description flag from gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies create command to only allow creating a guest policy from a file.
  • Removed --description and --etag flags from gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies update command to only allow updating a guest policy from a file.
  • Removed --organization and --folder flags from the following commands to only allow managing project-level guest policies:
    • gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies create
    • gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies describe
    • gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies delete
    • gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies update
  • Promoted --maintenance-policy flag of gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups create to beta.
  • Promoted --min-node-cpu flag of compute instances create to beta.
  • Added --min-node-cpu and --clear-min-node-cpu to gcloud compute instances set-scheduling beta.
  • Added --node-group, --node, --node-affinity-file, and --clear-node-affinities flags to compute instances set-scheduling beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --boot-disk-kms-key to gcloud beta container clusters create and --boot-disk-kms-key to gcloud beta container node-pools create to specify a customer managed encryption key to encrypt the node boot disks with.


  • Modified the account loader to print a warning if there is no active account, and the configuration file can not be found.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

273.0.0 (2019-12-10)

Cloud SDK

  • Fixed issue where the gcloud command-line tool would crash with a TypeError when invoked behind a proxy using a Python 3 interpreter. This issue was reported at:
  • GA support for Python 3 will be announced soon. Please run gcloud topic startup for:
    • Information on configuring the Python interpreter used by the Cloud SDK.
    • List of tools in the Cloud SDK that still require a Python 2.7 interpreter.
    • List of known issues with Python 3 support.

Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Build

  • Passing empty --cache-dir flag to Kaniko to suppress log spam about "Error while retrieving image from cache".

Cloud Composer

  • Modified validation for --master-ipv4-cidr flag of gcloud beta composer environments create to verify that the IPV4 CIDR block has a mask of 28 bits size.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark-r command group to GA.

Cloud Datastore

  • Fixed a bug where the strings "yes", "no", "y", or "n" could not be used as field names in indexes.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.10.1
    • Fix bug where ruleCoverage.html pages were always return a 404 NOT FOUND.
  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.10.2
    • Introduce support for data import and export.
    • Fix bug where rapid, repeated writes to the same document could trigger timestamp collisions.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promoted gcloud kms commands for external keys to beta.
  • Promoted key import commands to GA.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted the following commands to GA:
    • gcloud redis instances import
    • gcloud redis instances export
    • gcloud redis operations cancel

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs command group to beta.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta compute os-config patch-jobs execute command to allow for a custom patch job name and more structured expressions for instance filters:
    • --display-name
    • --instance-filter-all
    • --instance-filter-group-labels
    • --instance-filter-zones
    • --instance-filter-names
    • --instance-filter-name-prefixes
  • Promoted gcloud compute os-config patch-deployments command group to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute security-policies list-preconfigured-expression-sets to beta.
  • Promoted --private-ipv6-google-access-type flag of gcloud compute networks subnets <create|update> to beta.
  • Modified gcloud compute backend-services create to accept one of --global-health-checks or --health-checks-region.
  • Modified the following commands to accept one of --global or --region flag:
    • gcloud compute ssl-certificates create
    • gcloud compute ssl-certificates delete
    • gcloud compute ssl-certificates describe
  • Updated the following commands to require either a --global or --region flag:
    • gcloud compute health-checks create http
    • gcloud compute health-checks create http2
    • gcloud compute health-checks create https
    • gcloud compute health-checks create ssl
    • gcloud compute health-checks create tcp
    • gcloud compute health-checks delete
    • gcloud compute health-checks describe
    • gcloud compute health-checks update http
    • gcloud compute health-checks update http2
    • gcloud compute health-checks update https
    • gcloud compute health-checks update ssl
    • gcloud compute health-checks update tcp
  • Modified the following commands to accept either a regional or global flag:
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies create can accept a --region or --global flag.
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies delete can accept a --region or --global flag.
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies describe can accept a --region or --global flag.
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies list can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies update can accept a --region or --global flag.
  • Modified the following commands to accept either a regional or global flag:
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies create can accept a --region or --global flag.
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies create can accept a --url-map-region or --global-url-map flag.
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies create can accept a--ssl-certificates-regionor--global-ssl-certificates` flag.
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies delete can accept a --region or --global flag.
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies describe can accept a --region or --global flag.
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies list can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies update can accept a --region or --global flag.
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies update can accept a --url-map-region or --global-url-map flag.
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies update can accept a --ssl-certificates-region or --global-ssl-certificates flag.
  • Promoted --autoscaler-mode, --min-nodes, --max-nodes flags of gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups <create|update> to beta.
  • Added and standardized the Windows Client BYOL names in --osflag of gcloud compute images import.
    • For 32-bit versions of Windows: Windows 7 SP1: windows-7-x86-byol Windows 8.0 and 8.1: windows-8-x86-byol Windows 10, all versions: windows-10-x86-byol
    • For 64-bit versions of Windows: Windows 7 SP1: windows-7-x64-byol (renamed, previously windows-7-byol) Windows 8.0 and 8.1: windows-8-x64-byol (renamed, previously windows-8-1-x64-byol) Windows 10, all versions: windows-10-x64-byol (renamed, previously windows-10-byol)
  • Modified the following commands to accept either a regional or global flag:
    • gcloud compute url-maps add-host-rule can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps create can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps delete can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps describe can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps list can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps remove-host-rule can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps remove-path-matcher can accept a --global or --regions flag.
    • gcloud compute url-maps set-default-service can accept a --global or --regions flag.
  • Updated gcloud compute forwarding-rules create command to accept one of the following flags: --global-target-http-proxy, --target-http-proxy-region, --global-target-https-proxy, --target-https-proxy-region.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --num-uniform-shards and --test-targets-for-shard (mutually exclusive) flags to gcloud beta firebase test android run to run tests in parallel.


  • Added support for registrations in container.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted NodeLocalDNS Addon to beta. Use --addons=NodeLocalDNS with gcloud beta container clusters create. This addon can be enabled or disabled on existing clusters using --update-addons=NodeLocalDNS=ENABLED or --update-addons=NodeLocalDNS=DISABLED with gcloud container clusters update.
  • Fixed doc link of gcloud container clusters create amd gcloud container clusters update.


  • Modified gcloud projects list to apply --limit on client-side if any client-side filters were applied with --filter.

Policy Troubleshooter

  • Added gcloud policy-troubleshoot iam, which troubleshoots a member's IAM permissions on a resource.

Secret Manager

  • Promoted gcloud secrets command group to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

272.0.0 (2019-11-19)

Cloud SDK

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Modified builds to start on the server-side by default.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted Non-RFC1918 support features to beta. Added --managed-reverse-lookup and --private-forwarding-targets params to support resolution and forwarding of Non-RFC1918 IP Addresses.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed a bug where --region wasn't getting applied to gcloud dataproc jobs set-iam-policy --region and gcloud dataproc jobs get-iam-policy --region or to the polling requests of gcloud dataproc jobs wait --region and gcloud dataproc jobs kill --region, resulting in errors whenever --region was supplied and did not match the value of gcloud config get-value dataproc/region.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added the following optional flags to gcloud pubsub topics update to support Cloud KMS integration:
    • --topic-encryption-key
    • --topic-encryption-key-keyring
    • --topic-encryption-key-location
    • --topic-encryption-key-project

Cloud Run

  • Promoted gcloud run to GA. All beta commands and flags have been promoted with the following exceptions:
    • gcloud run domain-mappings is limited to Cloud Run for Anthos. To use with Cloud Run (fully managed), please continue to use gcloud beta run domain-mappings.

Cloud Tasks

  • Promoted gcloud beta tasks create-http-task to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Hid the following flags on gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update. The promotion to GA is delayed. Flags are temporarily hidden to avoid confusion.
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-name
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-start
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-end
    • --clear-maintenance-window
    • --remove-maintenance-exclusion

Stackdriver Monitoring

  • Promoted monitoring channels and monitoring channel-descriptors commands from alpha to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

271.0.0 (2019-11-12)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Enabled node auto-upgrade by default for clusters and node-pools created with gcloud container <clusters|node-pools> create. To disable manually, use --no-enable-autoupgrade flag.

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Deprecated --use-container-optimized-os flag of gcloud beta app update.


  • Updated the BigQuery CLI to handle ASSERT statements.
  • Modified JSON mode such that failed child job results aren't printed.
  • Enabled v2 API for enabling/disabling materialized view refresh.
  • Added Reservation API v1beta1 support.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted the following commands to GA: gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding, gcloud functions remove-iam-policy-binding, gcloud functions set-iam-policy, and gcloud functions get-iam-policy.

Cloud Run

  • Removed the ability to specify deprecated string values like "Single" to --concurrency flag in gcloud beta run deploy and gcloud beta run services update. Instead, please specify an integer value for this field or "default".
  • Changed the default describe format for services to be human-readable. To use the previous yaml describe format, pass the flag --format=yaml.

Compute Engine

  • Added --private-network-ip flag to gcloud compute instance-templates create command.
  • Added --private-network-ip flag to gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container command.
  • Promoted gcloud compute backend-services export command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute backend-services import command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute forwarding-rules export command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute forwarding-rules import command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute url-maps export command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute url-maps import command to GA.
  • Promoted --storage-location flag of gcloud compute images create and gcloud compute images import to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed create-instance command to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-vertical-pod-autoscaling flag of gcloud container clusters create and gloud container clusters update to GA.
  • Added --release-channel flag to gcloud beta container clusters update for subscribing an existing cluster to a release channel or removing a cluster from a release channel.
  • Promoted Cloud Run for Anthos on Google Cloud to GA. Use --addons=CloudRun with gcloud container clusters create or --update-addons=CloudRun=ENABLED with gcloud container clusters update.
  • Promoted the GKE ApplicationManager add-on of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to beta. This add-on is disabled by default.
    • Use --addons=ApplicationManager to enable the add-on during cluster creation.
    • Use --update-addons=ApplicationManager=ENABLED|DISABLED to enable/disable the add-on for existing GKE clusters.
  • Promoted --shielded-secure-boot and --shielded-integrity-monitoring flags of gcloud container clusters create and gloud container clusters update to GA.

Pubsub Emulator

  • Released Cloud Pub/Sub emulator v0.1.0
    • First versioned release.
    • Build system changes.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

270.0.0 (2019-11-05)

AI Platform

  • Added --explanation-method, --num-integral-steps, and --num-paths options for gcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform versions create.
  • Added command gcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform explain.

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Fixed gcloud beta app deploy to stream to build logs to stderr instead of stdout.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Show full operation name without the implied operation and project prefix in gcloud bigtable operations list.
  • Accept full operation name or full name without the implied operation and project prefix in gcloud bigtable operations describe.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added --disable-public-ips flag to gcloud dataflow jobs run.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed gcloud dataproc workflow-templates instantiate-inline to accept cluster properties. Previously, you would have seen the error "File not found $PWD/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/schemas/dataproc/v1/PropertiesValue.yaml".

Cloud Endpoints

  • Fixed issue where gcloud endpoints services deploy would sometimes fail due to a permissions error.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.10.0
    • Added support for seeding database from export via --seed_from_export.
    • Fixed an issue where batchGet and transactions does not work over REST.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.46.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --mode flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling command to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling command to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Fixed issue where setting maintenance windows would overwrite all existing maintenance exclusions.
  • Fixed issue where you could not set a recurring maintenance window if a daily window was already set (and vice versa).
  • Promoted Node Auto-Provisioning to GA. Use --enable-autoprovisioning with gcloud container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update to enable this feature.
  • Added --enable-autoprovisioning to gcloud container node-pools create, gcloud beta container node-pools create, gcloud beta container node-pools update and gcloud container node-pools update.
  • Fixed cluster and node pool creation in gcloud beta container commands when using GKE versions below 1.13.6. The regression was caused by sending a NodePool API field that's version-gated (1.13.6+ only). This field is now only sent when --shielded-integrity-monitoring or --shielded-secure-boot flags are set.
  • Added --max-surge-upgrade and --max-unavailable-upgrade flags to gcloud beta container command group. Use these flags to specify surge upgrade parameters for cluster creation, node pool creation, or node pool update.
    • Surge upgrade is enabled by default (--max-surge-upgrade=1) for clusters and node pools created with gcloud beta container commands.
  • Promoted the following flags to GA on gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update:
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence
  • Promoted the following flags to GA on gcloud container clusters update:
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-name
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-start
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-end
    • --clear-maintenance-window
    • --remove-maintenance-exclusion
  • Promoted --database-encryption-key for gcloud container clusters create|update, and --disable-database-encryption for gcloud container clusters update to GA.
  • Added --enable-cloud-run-alpha flag to gcloud container clusters create to enable Cloud Run alpha features on the cluster.

Managed Active Directory

  • Promoted gcloud active-directory command group to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

269.0.0 (2019-10-29)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Run) Removed check for the compute/region property when determining which Cloud Run region to use. Pass --region or set the run/region property instead.

Cloud Composer

  • Added two Airflow subcommands (list_dag_runs, next_execution) to gcloud composer environments run.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted network settings flags (ingress, egress) for gcloud functions deploy to beta.
  • Promoted prompt to allow unauthenticated access for gcloud functions deploy to GA.
  • Promoted --allow-unauthenticated flag for gcloud functions deploy to GA.

Cloud IAM

  • Promoted gcloud iam service-accounts disable to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud iam service-accounts enable to GA.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted services identity command group to beta.
  • Removed the command services operations list.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --next-hop-ilb and --next-hop-ilb-region flags of gcloud compute routes create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute packet-mirrorings command group to beta.
  • Promoted --is-mirroring-collector flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create command to beta.
  • Rename the flag --drain-nat-ips to --nat-external-drain-ip-pool to match the user guide.


  • Fixed issue where results would be limited before filtering.
  • Fixed issue where a blank line was not printed between pages when the result set fit on two pages.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

268.0.0 (2019-10-22)

Cloud Life Sciences

  • Added gcloud beta lifesciences pipelines which defines and runs pipelines.
  • Added gcloud beta lifesciences operations which manages pipeline operations.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Modified --update-redis-config flag of gcloud redis instances update to accept 'maxmemory-gb' as a parameter.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --disk-encryption-key flag to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.45.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --drain-nat-ips and --clear-drain-nat-ips flags of gcloud compute routers nats to GA.


  • Renamed container hub register-cluster and container hub unregister-cluster to container memberships register and container memberships unregister respectively.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Fixed issue where gcloud beta container clusters update crashed when adding a maintenance exclusion if a maintenance window is set but no exclusions exist.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

267.0.0 (2019-10-15)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Datastore Emulator) Removed the deprecated component (gcd-emulator) for the legacy version that used the v1beta3 API.
  • (Cloud Datastore Emulator) Removed the deprecated --legacy flag from gcloud beta emulators datastore start that invoked the legacy version of the emulator.


  • Fixed crash when displaying the results of a script query.
  • Added options to control the maximum time and bytes per script statement, maximum time to run a script, and the maximum number of results to display for a script.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promoted gcloud asset feeds command group to beta.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added support for authorization tokens via the -auth-token flag.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed issue where --region flag was not honored for gcloud beta dataproc commands, specifically when passing resources as URIs.
    • If dataproc/region is set --region flag, still correctly override it.

Cloud Firestore

  • Promoted gcloud firestore command group to GA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.9.0
    • Serve WebChannel traffic on the same port as gRPC.

Cloud IAM

  • Promoted --description flag of gcloud iam service-accounts create and gcloud iam service-accounts update to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Cloud Run will no longer require the Istio add-on for newer versions of GKE (1.15.3-gke.19+, 1.14.3-gke.12+, and 1.13.10-gke.8+).

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --family and --description flags of gcloud compute images import to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Fixed defaulting of --shielded-integrity-monitoring to remain true when --shielded-secure-boot is also enabled.
  • Removed validation condition that restricts --autoprovisioning-service-account and --autoprovisioning-scopes from being specified together.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

266.0.0 (2019-10-08)

AI Platform

  • Promoted --accelerator in gcloud ai-platform versions create to beta.

App Engine

  • Modified validation for Go main package paths: hyphens and other characters are now valid.
  • Added error checking when a deployed jar does not contain a Main-Class manifest entry.

Cloud Build

  • Promoted gcloud builds triggers command group to beta.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added gcloud beta data-catalog entry-groups command group.
  • Added create and delete commands to gcloud beta data-catalog entries.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added realm field to the file specified by --kerberos-config-file, applicable to the following commands:
    • gcloud dataproc clusters create
    • gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster
    • gcloud beta dataproc clusters create
    • gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --vpc-connector in functions deploy to GA.

Cloud Run

  • Modified routes and configurations command groups to be hidden.
  • Changed the descriptions of the platforms for Cloud Run to match current product names and functionality.

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --timeout flag to gcloud spanner databases execute-sql to support long-running requests.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.44.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --networks flag of compute backend-services create to beta.
  • Promoted 'SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP' option of --purpose flag of gcloud beta compute addresses create to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container clusters update for specifying more flexible maintenance windows:
    • --maintenance-window-start
    • --maintenance-window-end
    • --maintenance-window-recurrence
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta container clusters update for specifying exclusions to maintenance windows:
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-name
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-start
    • --add-maintenance-exclusion-end
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta container clusters update for removing maintenance windows and exclusions:
    • --clear-maintenance-window
    • --remove-maintenance-exclusion
  • Promoted --enable-binauthz flag of gcloud container clusters create to GA.
  • Added --node-locations flag to gcloud container create node-pool and gcloud container update node-pool commands. This flag specifies the location(s) where nodes will be hosted when the node pool has been created or updated.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

265.0.0 (2019-10-01)

Cloud SDK

  • Added --include-email flag to gcloud auth print-identity-token to include service account email in the identity token of an impersonated service account.
  • Added --token-format and --include-license flags to gcloud auth print-identity-token to include project and instance information in the identity token of a Compute Engine instance.

App Engine

  • Added support for deploying Java11 fatjar directly.
  • Added support for Class-Path entry dependent jars for deploying a Java11 fatjar.
  • Updated the Go SDK to version 1.9.71. Please visit the following release notes for details:


  • Modified the output of bq show for models to also show encryption info.
  • Added functionality to bq update with --clustering_fields flag to convert a clustered table to an unclustered table.
  • Added --use_avro_logical_types flag to bq extract to extract some columns to their AVRO logical types rather than raw types.
  • Fixed issue where the formatting of unicode table names in some error messages was incorrect.
  • Modified bq query to display the results of each statement in a script, instead of only the last statement.
  • Added --parent_job_id flag to bq ls for listing child jobs of a script job.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted --enable-logging flag of gcloud dns policies to GA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted gcloud dataproc autoscaling-policies command group to GA.
  • Promoted --autoscaling-policy flag of gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc clusters update to GA.

Cloud Functions

  • Fixed a bug in gcloud beta functions deploy where new functions were incorrectly made publicly invokable when the user specified they should be private.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --message-storage-policy-allowed-regions flag of gcloud pubsub topics create, and --recompute-message-storage-policy and --message-storage-policy-allowed-regions flags of gcloud pubsub topics update to GA. This allows users to control the Cloud regions where published messages are stored at rest.

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --max-instances flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to beta.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.43.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted 100G interconnect link type support for gcloud compute interconnects create to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances os-inventory command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances import to GA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added beta support for iOS Game Loop tests.
  • Added --type flag to gcloud firebase test ios run.
  • Added --app to gcloud firebase test ios run.
  • Added --scenario-numbers to gcloud firebase test ios run.


  • Added separator attribute to --format=multi flag.

Translation API

  • Added gcloud beta ml translate command group.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

264.0.0 (2019-09-24)

Cloud SDK

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added gcloud bigtable operations describe|list which provides the functionality to describe an operation or list operations to GA.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted gcloud dns policies to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud dns managed-zones forwarding-targets to GA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixes issues where --region flag is passed to gcloud dataproc autoscaling-policies or gcloud dataproc workflow-templates, but the commands still fail with the error "The required property [region] is not currently set.".

Cloud SQL

  • Added Postgres 11 option to --database-version flag.

Compute Engine

Kubernetes Engine

  • Google Kubernetes Engine default kubectl is updated to 1.13.11.
  • Addresses CVE-2019-11251.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.13 (1.13.11)
    • kubectl.1.14 (1.14.7)
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.4)
  • Fixed gcloud container binauthz IAM commands to call the correct v1 API routes.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

263.0.0 (2019-09-17)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create now requires either a --target-vpn-gateway or --vpn_gateway flag.
  • (Compute Engine) gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create now requires one of the following three flags:
    • --peer_address
    • --peer_gcp_gateway
    • --peer_external_gateway
  • (Compute Engine) Promoted --reservations-from-file, --reservation, --reservation-zone, --accelerator, -local-ssd, --machine-type, --machine-type, --min-cpu-platform, --require-specific-reservation, and --vm-count flags for gcloud compute commitments create to GA.
  • (Miscellaneous) Fixed issue where gcloud table formats would sort numbers alphabetically, rather than numerically.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --bigquery-table --output-bigquery-force flags to gcloud asset export.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted accelerators and min cpu platform related flags to GA.
    • Added --preemptible-worker-accelerator flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create, providing the capability for accelerators to be attached to preemptible workers.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.3.
    • Fix bug where concurrent requests for the same transaction would sometimes hang.
  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.4
    • Fix bug where WriteResults for deletes had an update_time populated.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted the following commands under gcloud pubsub topics and gcloud pubsub subscriptions to GA to support iAM policy configuration:
    • add-iam-policy-binding
    • get-iam-policy
    • remove-iam-policy-binding
    • set-iam-policy

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --platform=kubernetes, --kubeconfig, and --context flags of gcloud run to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute external-vpn-gateways to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute vpn-gateways to GA.
  • Promoted Highly Available related commands for gcloud compute vpn-tunnels to GA.
  • Promoted --logging-aggregation-interval, --logging-flow-sampling, and --logging-metadata flags of gcloud compute networks subnets <create|update> to GA.
  • Promoted --reservation and --reservation-affinity flags for gcloud compute instance-templates create to GA.
  • Promoted --reservation and --reservation-affinity flags for gcloud compute instances create to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

262.0.0 (2019-09-10)

Cloud SDK

  • Added 'context_aware' configuration, to specify the usage of client certificate. Please see gcloud config set --help for more details.
  • Updated the winkeygen.exe executable on Windows to include a fix that will re-encode .ppk key files created with an incorrect encoding.

Cloud Healthcare

  • Promoted gcloud healthcare command group to beta.

Cloud Run

  • Added log warning that shows the list of regions that did not respond to gcloud run beta services list.
  • Promoted --labels and related flags for gcloud beta run update and gcloud beta run deploy to beta.

Cloud Speech API

  • Promoted --additional-language-codes, --include-word-confidence, --enable-speaker-diarization, --diarization-speaker-count flags of gcloud ml speech recognize to beta.
  • Promoted --additional-language-codes, --include-word-confidence, --enable-speaker-diarization, --diarization-speaker-count flags of gcloud ml speech recognize-long-running to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute networks peerings update to GA.
  • Added --family flag to gcloud beta compute images import.
  • Added --description flag to gcloud beta compute images import.
  • Added Mutual TLS support for context aware access users to access VMs(ssh/tcp) using IAP tunnel.
  • Updated Windows PuTTY executables to version 0.71.
  • Promoted gcloud beta compute routers nats update to beta.
  • Promoted enable-display-device flag for gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted enable-display-device and no-enable-display-device flags for gcloud compute instances update to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Flag --allow-route-overlap now needs either --enable-ip-alias or --no-enable-ip-alias to be set.
  • Added --enable-intra-node-visibility to gcloud container clusters create.
  • Added --release-channel flag to gcloud beta container clusters create for subscribing a cluster to a release channel.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

261.0.0 (2019-09-03)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Datastore Emulator) Deprecated --legacy flag from gcloud beta emulators datastore start. This is due to the legacy Datastore emulator no longer being supported. The flag will be removed in early October 2019.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Removed deprecated PGP-specific flags from gcloud beta container binauthz command group.

Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.1.
    • Fixed bug where committing a transaction with no writes would not release locks.
  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.2.
    • Fixed bug where transactions that timed out could still modify data.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute networks peerings update to GA.
  • Added --family flag to gcloud beta compute images import.
  • Added --description flag to gcloud beta compute images import.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Removed the following flags from gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container clusters update:
    • --database-encryption-key-location
    • --database-encryption-key-keyring
    • --database-encryption-key-project.
  • Deprecated --enable-cloud-monitoring and --enable-cloud-logging flags and moved default selection for Stackdriver monitoring and logging to the GKE API.
  • Promoted gcloud container binauthz KMS and PKIX key type support to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

260.0.0 (2019-08-27)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Dataproc) Modified --region flag to be mandatory.
    • To use Cloud Dataproc commands, pass the --region flag on every invocation, or set the dataproc/region configuration variable via gcloud config set dataproc/region.
    • For gcloud beta dataproc commands, this flag/config value is required.
    • For gcloud dataproc commands, the default will remain global until January 2020.
  • (Cloud Run) Removed --[no-]allow-unauthenticated flag from gcloud beta run services update. Use gcloud beta run services add-iam-policy-binding and gcloud beta run services remove-iam-policy-binding commands to modify the policies of an existing service.

Cloud SDK

  • Deprecated --size alias of gcloud container clusters resize --num-nodes.

AI Platform

  • Added --tpu-tf-version to gcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training.


  • Added support for org/folder level reservation grants.
  • Added support for setting and getting IAM policies: bq get-iam-policy <resource> [<json_file_name>].

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore emulator v1.8.0
    • Add support for queries inside of read-write transactions.
    • Fix bug causing the WebChannel adapter to reject queries with limits.

Cloud Run

  • Updated success message for synchronous gcloud run alpha/beta deploy to indicate if and how much traffic the new revision is serving.

Compute Engine

  • Added windows-2019, windows-2019-byol, and windows-8-1-x64-byol options to --os flag of gcloud compute images import.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-shielded-nodes to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container clusters update. These flags control the Shielded GKE Nodes feature, see
  • Made --max-cpu and --max-memory flags optional for gcloud container clusters update --enable-autoprovisioning.
  • Enabled auto repair by default on COS_CONTAINERD image.
  • Google Kubernetes Engine default kubectl is updated to 1.13.9.
  • Additional kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.11 (1.11.10)
    • kubectl.1.12 (1.12.10)
    • kubectl.1.13 (1.13.9)
    • kubectl.1.14 (1.14.5)
    • kubectl.1.15 (1.15.2)
  • Added --autoprovisioning-locations flag for gcloud container clusters create --enable-autoprovisioning and gcloud container clusters update --enable-autoprovisioning.

Policy Troubleshooter

  • Added gcloud beta policy-troubleshoot iam which troubleshoots a member's IAM permission on a resource.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

259.0.0 (2019-08-20)

Cloud SDK

  • Updated gsutil component be able to use Python v3.x.
  • Added --impersonate-service-account flag to gcloud auth print-identity-token to be used in conjunction with --audiences.
  • Added support for Compute Engine service accounts to gcloud auth print-identity-token.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added the following optional flags to gcloud pubsub topics create to support Cloud KMS integration:
    • --topic-encryption-key
    • --topic-encryption-key-keyring
    • --topic-encryption-key-location
    • --topic-encryption-key-project

Compute Engine

  • Added --storage-location flag to gcloud beta compute images import to allow specifying image location in VM image import.


  • Promoted gcloud container hub commands to beta. Added --version flag to allow specifying a specific GKE Connect version to use.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

258.0.0 (2019-08-13)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Renamed --custom-vm-gen flag to --custom-vm-type for the following commands:
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instances import
    • gcloud compute instances set-machine-type
    • gcloud compute instance-template create
    • gcloud compute instance-template create-with-container

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added flags --max-age, --max-idle, --expiration-time to gcloud dataproc clusters create command group.
  • Added flags --max-age, '--max-idle', --expiration-time, --no-max-age, --no-max-idle to gcloud dataproc clusters update command group.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.7.1
    • Fixed bug where auth context was always null when using WebChannel.
    • Changed name of experimental --webchannel-port flag to --webchannel_port.

Cloud Functions

  • Changed gcloud beta functions deploy to disallow unauthenticated callers of new functions by default. The GA gcloud functions deploy command remains the same.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.42.

Kubernetes Engine

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

257.0.0 (2019-08-06)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SDK) Removed support for multistore format credentials. To upgrade from versions older than 155.0.0 without losing credentials, run the following commands:
    • gcloud components update --version=255.0.0
    • gcloud auth list
    • gcloud components update

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.7.0
    • Added experimental support for the WebChannel protocol, allowing communication with browser clients.

Kubernetes Engine

256.0.0 (2019-07-30)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Reverted cluster creation behavior such that new clusters now come up in Routes mode by default. The change to using VPC-Native mode as the default will be reintroduced at a later date. Use --enable-ip-alias flag for VPC-Native (IP Alias-enabled) mode.


  • Fixed bug in bq update --transfer_config --update_credentials.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added support for specifying complex policies using cbt setgcpolicy such as maxage=30d || (maxage=3d && maxversions=100).

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added --dataflow-kms-key flag to gcloud beta dataflow jobs run.

Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy

  • Promoted gcloud iap command group to beta.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added optional flags --push-auth-service-account and --push-auth-token-audience for defining an authenticated push subscription in gcloud pubsub subscriptions create | update | modify-push-config.

Managed Active Directory

  • Added gcloud active-directory command group. This feature enables the provisioning and administering of a managed Microsoft Active Directory domain.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

255.0.0 (2019-07-23)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Run) Changed --platform flag and its respective run/platform property to be required in all gcloud beta run commands. If not specified, you will be prompted to choose a platform.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added new content type access-policy to gcloud asset export and gcloud asset get-history.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.41.

Compute Engine

  • Removed deprecation notice for --zones in gcloud compute. --zones is no longer deprecated and will continue to be supported.
  • Added gcloud compute diagnose command group.
  • Added gcloud beta compute diagnose command group.
  • Fixed bug where gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update did not require either --add-endpoint or --remove-endpoint flag to be specified.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Fixed a bug where the files specified using --other-files were not correctly pushed to an Android device before the test starts.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted gcloud beta container binauthz to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

254.0.0 (2019-07-16)

AI Platform

  • Promoted the following flags for gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training to GA:
    • --master-machine-type
    • --master-accelerator
    • --master-image-uri
    • --worker-count
    • --worker-machine-type
    • --worker-accelerator
    • --worker-image-uri
    • --parameter-server-count
    • --parameter-server-machine-type
    • --parameter-server-accelerator
    • --parameter-server-image-uri Use these flags to configure training VMs and deploy custom containers.


  • Removed json formatting requirement for bq ls --print_last_token.
  • Added support for dataset default KMS key.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --output-path-prefix flag to gcloud asset export.
  • Added new content type org-policy to gcloud asset export and gcloud asset get-history.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.6.1.
    • Fixed bug where ClearData would fail for databases with more than 500 documents.
  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.6.2.
    • Fixed bug where Firestore queries with cursors had incorrect boundary behavior.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --message-storage-policy-allowed-regions flag of gcloud pubsub topics create to beta. This feature allows users to control the Cloud regions where published messages are stored at rest.
  • Promoted --recompute-message-storage-policy and --message-storage-policy-allowed-regions flags of gcloud pubsub topics update to beta. This feature allows users to control the Cloud regions where published messages are stored at rest.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed bug causing unnecessary API enablement prompt when working with Cloud SQL instances.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.40.

Compute Engine

  • Added disk-resource-policy option to --create-disk flag in gcloud beta compute instance-templates create.
  • Fixed bug where gcloud compute images export would create temporary Cloud Storage bucket in US multi-region when destination file is in a different region.
  • Promoted gcloud compute resource-policies to GA.
  • Promoted resource policies in gcloud compute disks to GA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Fixed a possible crash when invalid iOS device dimensions are specified for a test run.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

253.0.0 (2019-07-02)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Deprecated gcloud beta compute resource-policies create-snapshot-schedule. Use gcloud beta compute resource-policies create snapshot-schedule instead.

Cloud SDK

  • Promoted --audiences flag of gcloud auth print-identity-token to GA.

App Engine


  • Added support for persistent user-defined functions and stored procedures in bq show --routine, bq ls --routines, and bq rm --routine.
  • Added support for creating scheduled queries; use bq query with --schedule as well as --destination_table and --target_dataset flags.
  • Increased number of projects listed from the 'bq show' command.
  • Added 'clustered fields' information for list dataset and show table commands.
  • Modified bq show --connection to use the default location if the connection name is given in 'short' form.
  • Fixed Python 3 compatibility issues.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.6.0.
    • Calling SetSecurityRules with invalid rules is allowed.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promoted gcloud kms import-jobs and other import-related commands to beta.

Cloud Run

  • Removed --kubeconfig and --context flags and --platform=kubernetes option from gcloud beta run.

Cloud SQL

  • Updated gcloud sql instances describe to show the 'STOPPED' instance state, to be consistent with the 'gcloud sql instances list` command.

Compute Engine

  • Fixed bug where gcloud compute images import would create temporary Cloud Storage bucket in US multi-region when source image file is in a different region.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances get-guest-attributes to GA.
  • Promoted --storage-location flag of gcloud compute images create to beta.
  • Modified gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to relax validation for specifying --enable-logging, and --logging-sample-rate.
  • Promoted http2 value to v1 for --protocol flag of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update.
  • Promoted gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel to GA.
  • Promoted --tunnel-through-iap flag of gcloud compute ssh and gcloud compute scp to GA.
  • Promoted --internal-ip flag of gcloud compute scp to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute health-checks create http2 and gcloud compute health-checks update http2 commands to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances import to beta.
  • Added --ssh_key_expiration and --ssh_key_expire_after flags to gcloud compute scp, and gcloud compute ssh, and gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port commands to set expirations for ssh keys.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl to 1.12.9 from 1.12.8, to address CVE-2019-11246.
  • Promoted the following flags of gcloud container clusters update to beta:

    • --database-encryption-key
    • --database-encryption-key-keyring
    • --database-encryption-key-location
    • --database-encryption-key-project

    These flags control Database Encryption which encrypt Kubernetes Secrets at the application layer. For more information, see

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

252.0.0 (2019-06-25)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Removed --network-interface from gcloud beta compute start-iap-tunnel.

Cloud SDK

  • Fixed issue where the Cloud SDK failed to install on Windows if the install path contained exclamation point characters.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added gcloud beta data-catalog tags and gcloud beta data-catalog tag-templates to manage tags and tag templates in Cloud Data Catalog.
  • Added gcloud beta data-catalog search to search Cloud Data Catalog resources.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted the following commands to beta:
    • gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud functions get-iam-policy
    • gcloud functions remove-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud functions set-iam-policy
  • Promoted --max-instances and --clear-max-instances flags of gcloud functions deploy to GA.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted gcloud labels functionality to GA for topics and subscriptions. These features allow users to create resource labels, or update existing resource labels. The label features now live on the following commands:
    • gcloud pubsub topics create
    • gcloud pubsub topics update
    • gcloud pubsub subscriptions create
    • gcloud pubsub subscriptions update

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.39.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --allow-global-access flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create and gcloud compute forwarding-rules update to beta.
  • Promoted --source-snapshot flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted source-snapshot option of --create-disk flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • update-instances command (gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed update-instances) is now available in beta.
  • Added the following commands:
    • gcloud beta compute reservations get-iam-policy
    • gcloud beta compute reservations set-iam-policy
    • gcloud beta compute reservations add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud beta compute reservations remove-iam-policy-binding

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --identity-namespace and --disable-workload-identity flags of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update to beta. These flags control Workload Identity, which lets Kubernetes service accounts act as Google service accounts. For more information, see

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

251.0.0 (2019-06-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Commands under the following command groups now require either a --global or --region flag:
    • gcloud beta compute target-http-proxies
    • gcloud beta compute target-https-proxies
    • gcloud beta compute url-maps
    • gcloud beta compute health-checks
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Modified Kubernetes Engine cluster creation such that new clusters now come up in VPC-native (IP Alias enabled) mode by default. Use --[no-]enable-ip-alias flag for the old, non-default behavior (Routes mode).

Cloud Bigtable

  • Fixed Latin-1 regex filters, allowing \C.
  • Exposed PassAllFilter.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --kerberos-root-principal-password-uri, --kerberos-kms-key, and --kerberos-config-file flags to gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore emulator v1.5.0.
    • Fixed bug where property paths with special characters would cause errors due to ClassNotFound exceptions.
    • Fixed bug where auto-id allocation only worked once per collection.
    • Added REST API to set security rules.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Fixed issue where gcloud kms decrypt would crash when decrypting an empty encrypted file.

Cloud Run

  • Added --platform flag and its respective run/platform property to all commands in gcloud beta run. This argument is optional but will be required in a future release of the gcloud command-line tool.
  • Added support for connecting to clusters defined in a kubeconfig file. Specify --platform kubernetes or run/platform kubernetes to use. Optionally, use --kubeconfig to specify a kubeconfig file and --context to specify a connection context.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for regional variants of the following resources in beta:
    • gcloud beta compute health-checks
    • gcloud beta compute url-maps
    • gcloud beta compute target-http-proxies
    • gcloud beta compute target-https-proxies
  • Added INTERNAL_MANAGED as an option for --load-balancing-scheme to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules create.
    • gcloud beta compute backend-services create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted resource usage export to GA. Use --resource-usage-bigquery-dataset with gcloud container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update to enable this feature.
  • Migrated the Occurrence type created by gcloud beta container binauthz attestations create from PgpSignedAttestation to GenericSignedAttestation.
    • If you were signing JSON not generated by binauthz create-signature-payload, you must now provide this JSON as --payload-file when creating the Attestation.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

250.0.0 (2019-06-11)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Modified gcloud compute networks update --switch-to-custom-subnet-mode to poll and wait for operation to finish instead of returning immediately. Please use --async flag to reproduce the previous behavior of returning immediately.

Cloud SDK

  • Added core/disable_file_logging property to prevent the gcloud command-line tool from storing logs to a file. This may be useful if disk space is limited. To set this property, run gcloud config set core/disable_file_logging True.

App Engine

Cloud Functions

  • Added --clear-vpc-connector flag to gcloud beta functions deploy.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Promoted the following commands to GA.
    • gcloud kms asymmetric-decrypt.
    • gcloud kms asymmetric-sign.
    • gcloud kms keys versions get-public-key.
  • Promoted the following flags in gcloud kms keys command group to GA.
    • --attestation-file.
    • --default-algorithm.
    • --purpose.
    • --protection-level.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added gcloud beta redis instances import and gcloud beta redis instances export to import data to or export data from a Memorystore Redis instance from or to Google Cloud Storage.
  • Added gcloud beta redis operations cancel to cancel a Memorystore Redis import or export operation.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added the following optional flags to gcloud beta pubsub topics create to support Cloud KMS integration:
    • --topic-encryption-key
    • --topic-encryption-key-keyring
    • --topic-encryption-key-location
    • --topic-encryption-key-project

Cloud Run

  • Promoted --service-account flag of gcloud run deploy and gcloud run services update to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute instances create --source-snapshot flag to beta.
  • Promote INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED value of --load-balancing-scheme in gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.
  • Modified gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to allow toggling logging for backend services with HTTP2 protocol.
  • Promoted --server-binding flag of gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates create to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-logging and --log-filter flags of gcloud compute routers nats to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring to GA. Use --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes with gcloud container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update to enable this feature.
  • Updated several flag names in gcloud beta container binauthz that assumed PGP as the only supported key type.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

249.0.0 (2019-06-04)

Cloud SDK

  • Added gcloud auth print-identity-token command.
  • Added property survey/disable_prompts to opt out of being prompted to take a survey periodically.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the following commands to beta:
    • gcloud compute backend-services import
    • gcloud compute backend-services export
    • gcloud compute url-maps import
    • gcloud compute url-maps export
    • gcloud compute forwarding-rules import
    • gcloud compute forwarding-rules export

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

248.0.0 (2019-05-28)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Composer) Removed support for the deprecated initdb, resetdb, and upgradedb subcommands within gcloud composer environments run. Execution of these subcommands could be detrimental to the Airflow metadata of existing Composer environments.

Cloud Build

  • Added --ignore-file flag to gcloud builds submit for overriding default .gcloudignore file.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.6.
    • Fixed bug where some FieldTransforms were not sending the correct responses.
    • Added support for read-only transactions.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Added gcloud projects get-ancestors command to display project ancestors.

Cloud Run

  • Added --connectivity and --allow-unauthenticated flags to gcloud beta run services update.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Promoted gcloud scheduler command group to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added --custom-vm-gen flag to the following commands to allow specifying the VM generation (either n1 or n2) of custom machine types:
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud compute instances import
    • gcloud compute instances set-machine-type
    • gcloud compute instance-template create
    • gcloud compute instance-template create-with-container
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances os-inventory to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --client-details flag to gcloud beta firebase test android run and gcloud beta firebase test ios run. This flag allows you to add additional contextual details to the test run.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes flag to gcloud beta container clusters update.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

247.0.0 (2019-05-21)

App Engine

  • Added --ignore-file to gcloud app deploy for overriding default .gcloudignore file.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted gcloud bigtable instances tables list to beta.

Cloud Build

  • Added --ignore-file flag to gcloud builds submit for overriding default .gcloudignore file.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Removed the --max-age, --max-idle, --expiration-time flags from the gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster command group. The workflow template feature does not support cluster scheduled deletion.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --ignore-file flag to gcloud functions deploy for overriding default .gcloudignore file.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Fixed incorrect URL for viewing an AI Platform job in the Cloud Console.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Added the following commands:
    • gcloud beta scheduler jobs update app-engine
    • gcloud beta scheduler jobs update http
    • gcloud beta scheduler jobs update pubsub

Cloud Tasks

  • Added gcloud beta tasks create-http-task command.
  • Added --log-sampling-ratio and --clear-log-sampling-ratio to gcloud beta tasks queues create and gcloud beta tasks queues update commands.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl to 1.12.8 (from 1.11.9).
  • Updated extra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.11 (patch 1.11.10)
    • kubectl.1.12 (patch 1.12.8)
    • kubectl.1.13 (patch 1.13.6)
    • kubectl.1.14 (patch 1.14.1)

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

246.0.0 (2019-05-14)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Removed redundant --bandwidth flag values with bps- prefix from gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated create, gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated update, gcloud compute interconnects attachments provider create, and gcloud compute interconnects attachments provider update commands. Use matching values without this prefix instead.

Cloud SDK

  • Added the --billing-project flag to all gcloud commands, for explicitly specifying a project to bill.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --allow-unauthenticated flag to gcloud beta functions deploy.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted --expiration-period in gcloud pubsub subscriptions create and gcloud pubsub subscriptions update to GA.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Added attempt-deadline flag to gcloud beta scheduler jobs create.

Cloud Tasks

  • Promoted gcloud tasks command group to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added --accelerator flag to gcloud compute instances create-with-container.
  • Added '--resource-policy' flag to gcloud beta compute instances create-disk

Vision API

  • Added gcloud beta ml vision product-search command group.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

245.0.0 (2019-05-07)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Removed deprecated --enable-cloud-endpoints flag.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Removed container/new_scopes_behavior property (new_scopes_behavior is now default behavior).

Cloud SDK

  • Run gcloud alpha survey to help improve the gcloud command-line tool experience by answering a customer satisfaction survey.
  • Reminders for the survey will be made periodically.

App Engine

  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.74. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --output-path-prefix flag to gcloud beta asset export.

Cloud Run

  • Fixed --uri flag support for list commands in gcloud beta run.
  • Cloud SQL flags are now available in beta.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Added gcloud beta scheduler jobs pause and gcloud beta scheduler jobs resume commands.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --instance-redistribution-type flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed create and gcloud compute instance-groups managed update to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Modified gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create to allow simultaneously specifying both --scopes and --service-account flags.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

244.0.0 (2019-04-30)

Cloud Scheduler

  • Added auth flags to gcloud beta scheduler jobs create http.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted gcloud container subnets list-usable to GA.
  • Added the --workload-metadata-from-node flag to gcloud beta container node-pools update for changing the type of metadata server visible to pods running in the nodepool.

Vision API

  • Added --detect_objects, --detect_text_pdf, --detect_text_tiff commands to gcloud ml vision.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

243.0.0 (2019-04-23)

Breaking Changes

  • (AI Platform) Renamed --worker-server-count flag of gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training to --worker-count.
  • (App Engine) Updated gcloud app repair to no longer recreate a deleted service account.
  • (Cloud Machine Learning Engine) Deprecated the gcloud ml-engine command group. Use gcloud ai-platform instead.

AI Platform

  • Added the gcloud ai-platform command group to replace gcloud ml-engine.
  • Promoted gcloud ai-platform versions create and gcloud ai-platform versions update to beta.
  • Added the --enable-console-logging flag to gcloud beta ai-platform models create to enable logging of stderr and stdout streams for online prediction in Stackdriver Logging.

Cloud Composer

  • Added five new flags to gcloud beta composer environments create to support IP alias (a.k.a. VPC-native) for Composer environments:
    • --enable-ip-alias
    • --cluster-ipv4-cidr
    • --cluster-secondary-range-name
    • --services-ipv4-cidr
    • --services-secondary-range-name

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.5
    • Fixed bug for Firestore REST API
    • Added support to allow secure JWTs with warnings

Cloud SQL

  • Added the --root-password flag to gcloud sql instances create.

Cloud Tasks

  • Replaced gcloud tasks queues create-app-engine-queue and gcloud tasks queues update-app-engine-queue with gcloud tasks queues create and gcloud tasks queues update in beta and GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups command group to GA.
  • Promoted the --storage-location and --labels flag of gcloud compute disks snapshot to GA.
  • Promoted --network-endpoint-group and --network-endpoint-group-zone flags of gcloud compute backend-services add-backend, gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend, and gcloud compute backend-services update-backend to GA.
  • Promoted --max-connections-per-endpoint and --max-rate-per-endpoint flags of gcloud compute backend-services add-backend and gcloud compute backend-services update-backend to GA.
  • Promoted --use-serving-port flag to GA for the following commands:
    • gcloud compute health-checks http create
    • gcloud compute health-checks https create
    • gcloud compute health-checks http2 create
    • gcloud compute health-checks ssl create
  • Promoted --custom-request-headers and --no-custom-request-headers flags of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.
  • Promoted --no-guest-environment, --network, and --subnet flags of gcloud compute images import to GA.
  • Changed --no-guest-environment to --guest-environment flag in gcloud compute images import.
  • Promoted --subnet flag of gcloud compute images export to GA.
  • Promoted feature allowing gcloud beta compute images import and gcloud beta compute images export to use temporary buckets in the same region as source/destination buckets. This avoids cross-region copying and its associated cost and performance penalty.
  • Promoted --container-mount-disk-* flags of gcloud compute instances create-with-container and gcloud compute instances update-container to GA.
  • Promoted --container-mount-disk-* flags of gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --update-addons=CloudRun=ENABLED|DISABLED to allow enabling and disabling the Cloud Run on Google Kubernetes Engine add-on for existing GKE clusters.
  • Promoted the --sandbox flag of gcloud container node-pools create to beta. This flag enables the requested sandbox on all nodes in the node-pool.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

242.0.0 (2019-04-16)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Composer) Deprecated support for the initdb, resetdb, and upgradedb subcommands within gcloud composer environments run. Execution of these subcommands can be detrimental to the Airflow metadata of existing Composer environments.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added the --lookup-entry flag to gcloud beta data-catalog entries update to update the entry corresponding to the lookup of the given resource.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.4
    • Reduced lock contention for multiple writes on a single document
    • Fixed bug where no-op writes were incorrectly updating the updatedAt timestamp
  • Released Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.3
    • Fixed bug that caused parsing security rules with string literals to fail

Compute Engine

  • Updated gcloud beta compute ssh and gcloud beta compute scp to use IAP Tunneling by default if an external interface/IP address is not available and --internal-ip has not been specified.
  • Added warning message about the maximum number of nodes that a cluster can have when being created.
  • Added the --deprecate-in and --deprecate-on flags to gcloud compute images deprecate to set informational deprecate times to images.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added the --description flag to gcloud beta iam service-accounts create and gcloud beta iam service-accounts update.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Renamed --size flag of gcloud container clusters resize to --num-nodes. --size retained as an alias.
  • Disabled node auto-repair and node auto-upgrade by default when --enable-kubernetes-alpha flag is used to create clusters with Kubernetes alpha features enabled. Users may now create alpha clusters without specifying --no-enable-autorepair or --no-enable-autoupgrade flags. However, for creating new node pools in an existing alpha cluster, these two flags may still be required.


  • Fixed a bug in gcloud config config-helper which could result in old identity tokens when --force-auth-refresh was not present.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

241.0.0 (2019-04-03)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Functions) Modified gcloud functions deploy such that the --runtime flag needs to be set when deploying a new function.

App Engine

  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.73. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.85. Please visit the following release notes for details:


  • Added DML/DDL query results that display the number of affected rows (for DML) and performed operation and target name (for DDL).

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Promoted gcloud asset command group to GA

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted the following to GA:
    • gcloud bigtable app-profiles command group
    • gcloud bigtable clusters create
    • gcloud bigtable clusters update
    • gcloud bigtable clusters delete

Cloud Build

  • Added --network=cloudbuild to gcloud builds submit --tag invocations of docker build. This enables access to metadata during Dockerfile RUN operations at build time.

Cloud Composer

  • Added three new flags to gcloud beta composer environments create to support Private IP Composer environments:
    • --enable-private-environment
    • --enable-private-endpoint
    • --master-ipv4-cidr
  • Added gcloud beta composer environments list-upgrades to list all image version upgrades that are supported for a specified environment.
  • Added two mutually exclusive flags to gcloud beta composer environments update to allow for in-place environment upgrades:
    • --airflow-version
    • --image-version

Cloud DNS

  • Added support for DNS peering in gcloud beta dns managed-zones.
  • Added --enable-logging flag to gcloud beta dns policies to enable query logging.

Cloud Data Catalog

  • Added the gcloud beta data-catalog entries command group, which provides lookup, describe, and schema update functionality for Cloud Data Catalog entries.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.2
    • Adds implementations for BeginTransaction and Rollback

Cloud Functions

  • Added --service-account flag to gcloud functions deploy.
  • Added --vpc-connector flag to gcloud beta functions deploy.

Cloud Memorystore

  • Added gcloud redis instances failover which provides the ability to failover a standard tier Cloud Memorystore for Redis instance from the master node to its replica.
  • Added --redis-version flag to gcloud beta redis instances create to enable the specification of a preferred Redis version compatibility; this can be either redis_3_2 or redis_4_0.
  • Modified the --update-redis-config flag of gcloud redis instances update to accept three additional parameters for Redis 4.0 compatible instances: activedefrag, lfu-decay-time, lfu-log-factor.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added optional flags --push-auth-service-account and --push-auth-token-audience for defining an authenticated push subscription to the following commands:
    • gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions create
    • gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions update
    • gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions modify-push-config

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.38.

Cloud Video Intelligence API

  • Added gcloud beta ml video transcribe-speech|detect-text|detect-object commands.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --logging-aggregation-interval, --logging-flow-sampling, and --logging-metadata flags of gcloud compute networks subnets create and gcloud compute networks subnets update to beta.
  • Modified gcloud compute networks subnets update to support specifying --logging-aggregation-interval, --logging-flow-sampling, and --logging-metadata flags in a single call.
  • Promoted gcloud compute reservations command group to beta.
  • Promoted --reservation and --reservation-affinity of gcloud compute instance-templates create to beta.
  • Promoted --reservation and --reservations-from-file of gcloud compute commitments create to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute commitments update-reservations to beta.
  • Promoted 100G interconnect link type support for gcloud compute interconnects create to beta.
  • Deprecated the creation of new legacy network.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted --num-flaky-test-attempts flag of gcloud firebase test android run and gcloud firebase test ios run to GA. This flag specifies how many times to rerun any failed executions.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted the --security-group flag of gcloud container clusters create to beta. The flag enables support for Google Groups in Kubernetes RBAC rules.
  • Added the --enable-intra-node-visibility flag to gcloud beta container clusters create.
  • Promoted the --enable-tpu flag and the --tpu-ipv4-cidr flag of gcloud container clusters create to GA. The flags enables support for using Cloud TPU in Google Kubernetes Engine clusters.
  • Changed the default output formatting for the gcloud beta container binauthz attestations list command.
  • Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl is updated to 1.11.9. Addresses security vulnerability: CVE-2019-1002101.
  • Updated extra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.11 (patch 1.11.9)
    • kubectl.1.12 (patch 1.12.7)
    • kubectl.1.13 (patch 1.13.5)
    • kubectl.1.14 (patch 1.14.0)
  • Removed extra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions, since these versions are vulnerable.
    • kubectl.1.9
    • kubectl.1.10

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

240.0.0 (2019-03-26)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Enabled node auto-upgrade by default for clusters and node-pools created with gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container node-pools create. To disable manually, use the --no-enable-autoupgrade flag.

Cloud SDK

  • Added the --impersonate-service-account flag to gcloud.

App Engine

  • Fixed a bug which could cause gcloud to incorrectly print http URLs for services, when https URLs would be more appropriate.
  • Removed 32MB file size limit for second generation runtimes.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted private zones of the gcloud dns managed-zones command group to GA. Use the --visibility and --networks flags to configure zone visibility.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud beta dataproc jobs submit presto and gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates add-job presto to enable submitting Presto jobs to a Dataproc cluster and adding Presto jobs to workflow templates, respectively.
  • Added --enable-component-gateway flag to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create and gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --failover-ratio, --drop-traffic-if-unhealthy, and --connection-drain-on-failover flags of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to beta.
  • Promoted --failover flag of gcloud compute backend-services add_backend and gcloud compute backend-services update_backend to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until command to beta.
  • Promoted --region flag of gcloud compute disks and related commands to GA.
  • Added gcloud beta compute external-vpn-gateway command group to enable reading and manipulating of Compute Engine external VPN gateways.
  • Added gcloud beta compute vpn-gateway command group to enable reading and manipulating of Compute Engine VPN gateways.
  • Updated gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnel command to enable the creation of HA VPN tunnels.

Identity and Access Management

  • Added a new column, DISABLED, to the return table of gcloud iam service-account list, which displays the state of the service account listed.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added the --release-channel flag to gcloud alpha container clusters create for subscribing a cluster to a release channel.
  • Promoted --default-max-pods-per-node flag of gcloud container clusters create from Beta to GA.
  • Promoted --max-pods-per-node flag of gcloud container node-pools create from Beta to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

239.0.0 (2019-03-19)

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud beta dataproc autoscaling-policies command group for managing Cloud Dataproc autoscaling policies. For more information, see:
  • Added --autoscaling-policy flag to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create, gcloud beta dataproc clusters update, and gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to support enabling and disabling autoscaling on Cloud Dataproc clusters with autoscaling policies.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.1
    • Fixes bug where an empty CommitRequest was trigger exceptions

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted resource-manager folders command group to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --bandwidth flag of gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated create and gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated update to GA.
  • Promoted load_balancing_scheme enum value INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED to beta in 'gcloud compute forwarding-rules create' and 'gcloud compute backend- services create'.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances get-shielded-identity to GA.
  • Promoted the --shielded-vtpm, --shielded-secure-boot, and --shielded-integrity-monitoring flags of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted the --shielded-vtpm, --shielded-secure-boot, and --shielded-integrity-monitoring flags of gcloud compute instance-templates create to GA.
  • Promoted the --shielded-vtpm, --shielded-secure-boot, --shielded-integrity-monitoring, and --shielded-learn-integrity-policy flags of gcloud compute instances update to GA.
  • Removed the deprecated --shielded-vm-vtpm, --shielded-vm-secure-boot, and --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring flags of gcloud compute instances create from alpha and beta.
  • Removed the deprecated --shielded-vm-vtpm, --shielded-vm-secure-boot, and --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring flags of gcloud compute instance-templates create from alpha and beta.
  • Removed the deprecated --shielded-vm-vtpm, --shielded-vm-secure-boot, --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring, and --shielded-vm-learn-integrity-policy flags of gcloud compute instances update from alpha and beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Update Google Container Engine's kubectl so that it now first attempts to match the API server version. If successful, the kubectl will delegate to the matching version of kubectl. Otherwise, it defaults to execute the current 1.11.7 version of kubectl.
  • Updated extra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:

    • kubectl.1.9 (patch 1.9.11)
    • kubectl.1.10 (patch 1.10.13)
    • kubectl.1.11 (patch 1.11.8)
    • kubectl.1.12 (patch 1.12.6)
    • kubectl.1.13 (patch 1.13.4)
  • In June 2019, node auto-upgrade will be enabled by default for newly created clusters and node pools. To disable it, use the --no-enable-autoupgrade flag.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

238.0.0 (2019-03-12)

App Engine

  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.84. Please visit the following release notes for details:

  • Added a new field, 'main', to app.yaml. This allows users of the Go second-generation runtimes to specify which package to build. See for more information.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Promoted network.session_affinity flag in yaml file to GA.

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Promoted the gcloud access-context-manager command group to GA
  • Removed the unrestricted-services field from alpha and beta, always set to default '*'.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted --optional-components of gcloud dataproc clusters to GA.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted max-instances and clear-max-instances flags of gcloud functions deploy to beta.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Promoted --machine-type flag of gcloud ml-engine versions create command to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added the --enable-shielded-containers flag to gcloud beta container clusters create.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

237.0.0 (2019-03-05)

Cloud SDK

  • Fixed issue affecting users overwriting an existing Cloud SDK install via the Windows installer, in which certain gcloud commands crashed with a "gcloud crashed (LayoutException): Multiple definitions for release track" error. This issue can be tracked at


  • Fixes bug in formatting pre-1900 timestamps.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed a bug where several fields were hidden from gcloud dataproc clusters import and gcloud dataproc clusters export in all release tracks. Note that these fields were always available in gcloud dataproc clusters create-from-file and gcloud dataproc clusters describe.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.37.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the --server-binding flag of gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates create to beta.
  • Reduced lower bound for data disk sizes from 10GB to 1GB for gcloud compute instances create.
  • Added resources-accelerator to gcloud beta compute commitments create.
  • Promoted all option of --ports flag for gcloud compute forwarding-rules to GA.
  • Added INSTANCE_TEMPLATE and VERSION_NAME columns to output of gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-instances.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated Google Kubernetes Engine's kubectl from version 1.10.7 to 1.11.7.
  • Added extra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:
    • kubectl.1.9
    • kubectl.1.10
    • kubectl.1.11
    • kubectl.1.12
    • kubectl.1.13

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

236.0.0 (2019-02-26)

Cloud SDK

  • Modified error handling for gcloud auth revoke when revoking a service account token to print a friendly error message with more detailed instructions on how to revoke the token.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added --folder flag to gcloud beta asset export command.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --kerberos-root-principal-password-uri, --kerberos-kms-key, and --kerberos-config-file flags to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create and gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.4.0:
    • Added support for the debug(...) function in security rules.
    • Simplified security rule evaluation and rule coverage reports.

Cloud Services

  • Promoted services vpc-peerings command group to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Removed auto-create-routes column from default output of gcloud beta compute networks peerings list.
  • Promoted --enable-logging and --log-filter flags of gcloud compute routers nats to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

235.0.0 (2019-02-19)

App Engine

  • Fixed bug where deleting a service at the same time as deleting an app version in an unrelated service caused deletion of the version to fail.
  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.83. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.72. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Composer

  • Promoted --airflow-version and --image-version flags of gcloud composer environments create to GA. These mutually exclusive flags can be used to specify the airflow version or image version used within a created environment.

Cloud IoT

  • Promoted gcloud iot devices gateways command group to GA.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Exposed a new format of Cavium's attestation introduced in Cavium's new 3.2-08 version.

Compute Engine

  • Updated the gcloud beta compute start-iap-tunnel command for Cloud IAP TCP Forwarding to listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 for localhost.
  • Updated Windows PuTTY executables to 0.70.
  • Promoted gcloud compute networks peerings list-routes command to beta.
  • Modified the output of gcloud beta compute networks peerings list to include IMPORT_CUSTOM_ROUTES/EXPORT_CUSTOM_ROUTES columns.
  • Promoted --resource-policies of gcloud compute disks create to beta.
  • Promoted --enable-logging and --logging-sample-rate flags of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to beta.
  • Promoted --bandwidth flag of gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated create and gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated update to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added an ignore: option to the --robo-directives flag of gcloud beta firebase test android run command. This option directs Robo to avoid interactions with a user-defined UI element.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

234.0.0 (2019-02-12)

Cloud SDK

  • Added the accessibility/screen_reader property. This property changes some gcloud UX to make output more screen reader friendly. See gcloud topic accessibility for more information`.
    • Accessibility support is still in the early stages, so please report any issues that you would like fixed using gcloud feedback.

Cloud Asset Inventory

  • Added gcloud beta asset command group to manage the Cloud Asset Inventory.

Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted resource-manager folders command group to beta

Cloud Services

  • Added gcloud beta services vpc-peerings to support updating a connection.

Cloud Source Repositories

  • Promoted gcloud source project-configs command group to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud source repos update to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the following commands to GA:
    • gcloud beta compute networks subnets get-iam-policy
    • gcloud beta compute networks subnets set-iam-policy
    • add-iam-policy-bindings
    • remove-iam-policy-bindings
  • Promoted the following commands to beta:
    • gcloud compute disks add
    • gcloud compute disks remove-resource-policies
    • gcloud compute resource-policies create-snapshot-schedule
    • gcloud compute resource-policies delete
    • gcloud compute resource-policies describe
    • gcloud compute resource-policies list
  • Promoted --service-label flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

233.0.0 (2019-02-05)

Cloud Dataflow

  • Added numWorkers, network, subnetwork and workerMachineType flags to 'gcloud beta dataflow jobs run' command

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Filestore

  • Promoted gcloud filestore command group to GA.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.3.0
    • Added a clearDatabase RPC to delete all data in a database
    • Added logging to assist with FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable
    • The getDocument RPC now supports a read_time consistency selector
    • Fixed bug related to rule evaluation callbacks

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added support for custom server configuration to ml-engine jobs submit training in beta. Added the following flags:
    • --master-machine-type
    • --master-accelerator
    • --master-image-uri
    • --worker-machine-type
    • --worker-count
    • --worker-accelerator
    • --worker-image-uri
    • --parameter-server-machine-type
    • --parameter-server-count
    • --parameter-server-accelerator
    • --parameter-server-image-uri

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted Snapshot & Seek features to GA. These features allow users to create snapshots of subscription backlog state, and later restore that state.

Cloud SQL

  • Fixed gcloud sql connect whitelisting issues that resulted from invalid datetime formatting.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.36.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the --force-attach flag of compute instances attach-disk to GA
  • Added get-iam-policy, set-iam-policy, add-iam-policy-bindings, and remove-iam-policy-bindings to gcloud beta compute networks subnets
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances get-shielded-identity to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed update to GA together with --health-check, --initial-delay and --clear-autohealing flags.
  • Promoted --initial-delay and --health-check flags of gcloud compute instance-groups managed create to GA.
  • Enabled the use of multiple --network-interface flags with gcloud compute instances create-with-container and gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container to support using multiple network interfaces.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed rolling-action command group to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

232.0.0 (2019-01-29)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Added a warning on cluster and node-pool creation to notify users that modifications on the boot disks of node VMs do not persist across node recreations and must be done using a DaemonSet.

Cloud SQL

  • Rolled back fix to gcloud sql connect that seems to be causing additional issues connecting.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted get-iam-policy, set-iam-policy, add-iam-policy-bindings, and remove-iam-policy-bindings to GA in the following command groups:
    • gcloud compute disks
    • gcloud compute images
    • gcloud compute instance-templates
    • gcloud compute snapshots
  • Added '--enable-display-device' to gcloud beta compute instances create and gcloud beta compute instances update
  • Deprecated gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autohealing command. Use gcloud compute instance-groups managed update instead.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted the --database-encryption-key flag of gcloud container clusters create to beta. The flag enables support for encryption of Kubernetes Secrets.
  • Modified the --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes flag to be a hard requirement for --addons=CloudRun. The CloudRun-on-GKE add-on depends on Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring to enrich Kubernetes metadata for logs and metrics.
  • Add --max-pods-per-node for gcloud beta container clusters create.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

231.0.0 (2019-01-23)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL) Updated the error messaging associated with failed long-running operations.

App Engine

  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.82. Please visit the following release notes for details:


  • Added --ignore_unknown_values flag to bq mkdef command.
  • Added support for BigQuery BI Engine reservations in bq cli.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

Cloud SQL

  • Fixed the display of error codes in gcloud sql operations list.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-groups managed update to beta together with --health-check, --initial-delay and --clear-autohealing flags.
  • Promoted --hostname flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Added --physical-block-size flag to gcloud beta compute disks create.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --num-flaky-test-attempts flag to gcloud beta firebase test android run and gcloud beta firebase test ios run to rerun failed executions multiple times.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted the --security-group flag of gcloud container clusters create to beta. The flag enables support for Google Groups in Kubernetes RBAC rules.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

230.0.0 (2019-01-15)

Breaking Changes

  • (App Engine) Fixed a bug where symlinked directories were skipped on source upload. Second Generation runtimes and source directories using .gcloudignore now upload the contents of symlinked directories, matching the behavior of First Generation runtimes. To explicitly skip a symlinked directory, add it to .gcloudignore.
  • (Cloud Functions) Fixed a bug where symlinked directories were skipped on source upload. To explicitly skip a symlinked directory, add it to .gcloudignore.
  • (Cloud SQL) Made the flags --region, --gce-zone, and --zone mutually exclusive for the command gcloud sql instances create.
  • (Cloud SQL) Deprecated the creation of First Generation Cloud SQL instances, adding a warning and confirmation prompt to gcloud sql instances create.

Cloud Build

Cloud SQL

  • Added the flag --zone to gcloud sql instances create as an alternative to --gce-zone, which is now deprecated.
  • Deprecated First Generation Cloud SQL instances, adding warnings to gcloud sql instances describe and gcloud sql instances patch.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Added support for all of App Engine's regions to Cloud Scheduler.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted get-iam-policy, set-iam-policy, add-iam-policy-bindings, and remove-iam-policy-bindings to GA in the following command groups:
    • gcloud compute instances
    • gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates
    • gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups
  • Promoted --boot flag of gcloud compute instances attach-disk to GA.
  • Deprecated --auto-create-routes flag of gcloud alpha compute networks peerings create in Beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute networks peerings update command to Beta.
  • Promoted import-custom-routes and export-custom-routes flags to Beta in gcloud compute networks peerings create command.
  • Deprecated and renamed the following --shielded-vm-* flags:
    • --shielded-vm-secure-boot as --shielded-secure-boot
    • --shielded-vm-vtpm as --shielded-vtpm
    • --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring as --shielded-integrity-monitoring
    • --shielded-vm-learn-integrity-policy as --shielded-learn-integrity-policy

Firebase Test Lab

  • Deprecated the --app-package and --test-package flags in gcloud firebase test android run commands; the application and test package names will be parsed from the APK manifest by default.
  • Removed three robo test args that were deprecated 6+ months ago: --max-steps, --max-depth, and --app-initial-activity.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

229.0.0 (2019-01-08)

App Engine


  • Added gcloud bq command group to alpha.
    • Added initial support for creating and managing datasets, tables and jobs.

Cloud Build

  • Updated cloud-build-local to 0.4.3. For details, see

  • Added properties builds/use_kaniko and builds/kaniko_cache_ttlto control use of Kaniko (<>) when using--tag`.

  • Added --no-cache flag to disable layer caching when using Kaniko with --tag. This is only valid if the builds/use_kaniko flag is True.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.3
    • Fixes bug where read contention errors were being reported as UNKNOWN

Cloud Firestore

  • Added gcloud beta firestore indexes which provides index management capability for Cloud Firestore.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.2
    • Add support for Java 10 and Java 11 runtimes
    • Enable IPv6 support by default
  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.3
    • Fixed bug when setting more than one server timestamp in a commit
    • Fixed bug regarding array ordering during writing/reading
    • Fixed bug when using query cursors containing document names
    • Added the ability to produce rule-coverage reports
    • Exposed the v1 service definition

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.35

Cloud Tasks

  • Use full list of App Engine's supported regions for Cloud Tasks.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --tunnel-through-iap flag of gcloud compute ssh and gcloud compute scp to beta.
  • Deprecated --http-health-check and --https-health-check flags in gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed create. Use --health-check flag instead.
  • Promoted 'gcloud compute interconnects get-diagnostics' to GA.
  • Promoted --enable-logging flag of gcloud compute firewall-rules create and gcloud compute firewall-rules update to GA.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added support for Android App Bundles to the --app flag in gcloud firebase test android run commands.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

228.0.0 (2018-12-11)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Endpoints) Deprecated --full flag of gcloud endpoints operations describe. All described operations are now printed without redacting any content.

App Engine

  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.70. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Composer

  • Promoted --python-version flag of gcloud composer environments create to GA. This flag can be used to specify the Python version used within a created environment.

Cloud DNS

  • Added the gcloud beta dns policies command group.

Compute Engine

  • Added --use-serving-port flag to gcloud beta compute health-checks update.
  • Added --container-mount-disk flag to gcloud beta compute instance-templates create-with-container.
  • Promoted gcloud compute security-policies and gcloud compute security-policies rules to GA.
  • Promoted --security-policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.
  • Added --no-guest-environment flag to gcloud beta compute images import which prevents Google Guest Agent from being installed on the image.
  • Added --network and --subnet flags to gcloud beta compute images import.
  • Added --subnet flag to gcloud beta compute images export.
  • Fixed gcloud beta compute images import to use gcloud command line tool config for zone flag in addition to --zone command line flag.
  • Modified gcloud beta compute images import and gcloud beta compute images export to use temporary bucket in the same region as source/destination buckets to avoid cross-region copying and its associated cost and performance penalty.
  • Added --prefix-length, --purpose and --network flags to GA for gcloud compute addresses create to support reserving IP range from virtual network for peering.
  • Added the gcloud beta compute start-iap-tunnel command for Cloud IAP TCP Forwarding which creates a TCP tunnel to an instance without requiring an external IP and with access granted using Cloud IAP.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted Vertical Pod Autoscaling to beta. Use --enable-vertical-pod-autoscaling with gcloud beta container clusters create or gcloud beta container clusters update to enable this feature.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

227.0.0 (2018-12-04)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Datastore) gcloud datastore create-indexes and gcloud datastore cleanup-indexes is removed. Please use gcloud datastore indexes create and gcloud datastore indexes cleanup instead. See for additional details.
  • (Cloud IoT) Removed deprecated -event-pubsub-topic and --pubsub-topic flags from gcloud iot registries create and gcloud iot registries update
  • (Container Builder) Removed gcloud container builds command group. Use gcloud builds instead.

Cloud SDK

  • Invalid commands (wrongly ordered, partial) now prompt more robust suggestions of valid commands instead of the regular usage text.

App Engine

  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.69. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added support for arbitrary bytes in regex filters.
  • Added support for row_sample_filter.
  • Added support for apply_label_transformer.

Cloud DNS

  • Added the --forwarding-targets flag to gcloud beta dns managed-zones create and gcloud beta dns managed-zones update

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud beta dataproc jobs submit sparkr to enable submitting SparkR jobs to a Dataproc cluster.
  • Promoted --num-preemptible-worker-local-ssds flag of gcloud dataproc clusters create to GA

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --service-account flag of gcloud functions deploy to beta.
  • Promoted the following environment variable flags of gcloud functions deploy to GA:
    • --set-env-vars
    • --update-env-vars
    • --remove-env-vars
    • --clear-env-vars
    • --env-vars-file

Cloud IoT

  • Promoted gcloud iot devices commands send command group to GA.
  • Promoted --log-level flag of gcloud iot devices and gcloud iot registries to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud iot devices gateways command group to beta.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added support for defining an expiration period for a subscription to gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions.

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted gcloud spanner rows to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added --use-serving-port flag to gcloud beta compute health-checks update.
  • Added --container-mount-disk flag to gcloud beta compute instance-templates create-with-container.
  • Promoted gcloud compute security-policies and gcloud compute security-policies rules to GA.
  • Promoted --security-policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services update to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted resource usage export to beta. Use --resource-usage-bigquery-dataset with gcloud beta container clusters create or gcloud beta container clusters update to enable this feature.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

226.0.0 (2018-11-20)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Spanner) Updated --data flag of gcloud beta spanner rows to reject array values. --flags-file should be used to specify an array value.

App Engine

  • Added command group gcloud beta app migrate-config for migrating datastore-indexes.xml, cron.xml, queue.xml and dispatch.xml to their yaml counterparts.


  • Fixed a bug in the update table command.

Cloud Endpoints

  • Modified gcloud endpoints such that it no longer attempts to enable either the Endpoints meta-service or the produced service during the service deployment process, except if the produced service was created for the first time during the deployment.

Cloud Firestore Emulator

  • Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.1
    • This is the first beta release of the emulator.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Fixed bug in gcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub that caused the message body to be base-64 encoded twice.

Deployment Manager

  • Fixed a bug to match operation timeout and service timeout; both are now set at 2 hours.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

225.0.0 (2018-11-13)

Cloud SDK

  • Added the --flags-file=YAML-FILE flag, available to all gcloud commands, for specifying complex flag values in any command interpreter. See gcloud topic flags-file for more information.

App Engine

  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.80. Please visit the following release notes for details:


  • Added support for Avro Logical Types in Avro load jobs via the load configuration option useAvroLogicalTypes.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --num-preemptible-worker-local-ssds flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create command, which adds local SSDs to preemptible worker VMs.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub:
    • --max-retry-attempts
    • --max-retry-duration
    • --min-backoff
    • --max-backoff
    • --max-doublings

Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted --enable-partitioned-dml flag of gcloud spanner execute-sql to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --boot flag of gcloud compute instances attach-disk to beta.
  • Promoted the gcloud compute routers nats group to GA.
  • Promoted the next-hop-ilb flag of gcloud compute routes to beta.
  • Added all as a valid option of --ports for gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

224.0.0 (2018-11-06)

Breaking Changes

  • (Container Builder) Removed deprecated container-builder-local component. Use cloud-build-local instead.
  • (Container Builder) Removed gcloud container builds command group. Callers will be redirected to use gcloud builds instead.

App Engine

  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.79. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Updated the Go SDK to version 1.9.70. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --hostname flag of gcloud compute instances create to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

223.0.0 (2018-10-30)

App Engine

  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.78. Please visit the following release notes for details:

  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.68. Please visit the following release notes for details:

  • Updated the Go SDK to version 1.9.69. Fix a bug in windows support for go.mod deployments for the Go 1.11 runtime

Cloud Access Context Manager

  • Promoted the gcloud access-context-manager command group to BETA

Cloud Build

  • Added default behavior for gcloud builds submit to assume --config=cloudbuild.yaml unless either --tag or --config is specified.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted Node Auto-Provisioning to beta. Use --enable-autoprovisioning with gcloud beta container clusters create or gcloud beta container clusters update to enable this feature.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

222.0.0 (2018-10-23)

App Engine

  • Fixed a bug that caused gcloud app logs tail to crash when the logs were too large.
  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.67. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Build

Cloud Composer

  • Added two mutually exclusive flags to gcloud beta composer environments create:
    • --airflow-version - specifies the Apache Airflow version for the created environment
    • --image-version - specifies the image version for the created environment

Cloud DNS

  • Added support for private zones to gcloud beta dns managed-zones. Use the new --visibility and --networks flags to configure zone visibility.

Cloud Dataflow

  • Updated error message for cancel and drain commands to include possibility of --region flag inconsistency.

Cloud SQL

  • Updated gcloud beta sql connect to connect to V2 instances through the Cloud SQL Proxy Component.
  • Added the --port flag to gcloud beta sql connect to allow for connecting to the Cloud SQL Proxy through a custom port.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --container-mount-disk-* flags of gcloud compute instances create-with-container and gcloud compute instances update-container to beta. These flags enable mounting disks to containers running on VMs.

Container Builder

  • Reminder: use gcloud builds instead of gcloud container builds; the deprecated command group gcloud container builds will be removed on or after 2018-10-31.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted the gcloud firebase test ios command group to GA.

Identity and Access Management

  • Modified gcloud iam service-accounts keys create such that in the case a user does not have write access to the specified output file, the command will not be executed.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

221.0.0 (2018-10-16)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL) Removed the deprecated host positional argument from gcloud sql users create, gcloud sql users delete, and gcloud sql users set-password.

App Engine

  • Fixed a bug where environment variables with values of 'on' or 'off' were ending up as 'true' or 'false' when deployed.
  • gcloud app logs read and gcloud app logs tail now displays stdout and stderr from the App Engine standard environment Python 3.7, PHP 7.2, Go 1.11, Java 8, and Node.js 8 runtimes by default, or explicitly by supplying --logs=<stdout|stderr>.


  • Added flags for setting a default table partition expiration for a dataset.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted the --no-address flag of gcloud dataproc clusters create and gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-managed-cluster to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Updated the cloud_sql_proxy component to version 1.13.0. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Spanner

  • Added --enable-partitioned-dml flag for gcloud beta spanner execute-sql

Compute Engine

  • Added gcloud beta compute instances get-guest-attributes command for retrieving guest attributes.
  • Promoted --response flag of gcloud compute health-checks for HTTP/S commands to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

220.0.0 (2018-10-09)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Modified output of gcloud container clusters list for DEGRADED clusters to include reason for degradation.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Starting in 1.12, new node pools (and default node pools in new clusters) will be created with their legacy Compute Engine instance metadata APIs disabled by default.

Cloud SDK

  • Updated the storage/chunk_size property. Commands that upload to Google Cloud Storage can now control the upload/download chunksize using this property.
  • Some commands no longer call gsutil in their implementation in order to support Python 3. The gsutil implementation is now deprecated. Use the storage/use_gsutil property to temporarily get this behavior back. This property and its old implementation will eventually be removed. The following commands are affected by this change:
    • functions deploy
    • compute images import
    • dataproc jobs submit pyspark
    • dataproc jobs submit hadoop
    • dataproc jobs submit pig
    • dataproc jobs submit hive
    • dataproc jobs submit spark
    • dataproc jobs submit spark-sql
    • composer environments storage dags delete
    • composer environments storage dags export
    • composer environments storage dags import
    • composer environments storage data delete
    • composer environments storage data export
    • composer environments storage data import
    • composer environments storage plugins delete
    • composer environments storage plugins export
    • composer environments storage plugins import
  • Added functionality to gcloud beta help that allows running a search for terms of interest within the help text of gcloud commands. For more information, run $ gcloud beta help --help.

App Engine

Cloud Build

Cloud Composer

  • Added the --python-version flag to gcloud beta composer environments create to specify the Python version used within the created environment.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added the --gce-pd-kms-key flag to dataproc clusters create to enable protecting clusters with Google Cloud KMS encryption.

Cloud Key Management Service

  • Modified gcloud kms locations list to display information about the availability of Hardware Security Modules in each location.

Cloud Spanner

  • Updated gcloud spanner execute-sql to accept DML statements.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for managed ssl certificates to gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates.

Internet of Things

  • Added --log-level flag for gcloud iot devices create, gcloud iot devices update, gcloud iot registries create, and gcloud iot registries update for beta.
  • Added gcloud iot commands to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

219.0.1 (2018-10-02)

Cloud SDK

  • Updated to a new version of ruamel that fixes Unicode issues on OS X and Windows.

App Engine

Compute Engine

  • Promoted compute routers nats to beta.
  • Promoted 'gcloud compute interconnects get-diagnostics' to beta.
  • Promoted the following flags to GA to support using KMS keys to protect disks and images:
    • --kms-key-* flags of gcloud compute disks and gcloud compute images
    • --boot-disk-kms-* flags of gcloud compute instances and gcloud compute instance-templates.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container from beta to GA.


  • Promoted gcloud interactive to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-private-nodes, --enable-private-endpoint, and --master-ipv4-cidr flags to gcloud container clusters create.
  • Added --internal-ip flag to gcloud container clusters get-credentials.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

218.0.0 (2018-09-25)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL) Added the PRIVATE_NETWORK column to the gcloud sql instances list default format and renamed ADDRESS to PRIMARY_ADDRESS.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud beta dataproc clusters export to enable exporting a cluster's configuration to a YAML file.
  • Added gcloud beta dataproc clusters import to enable creating a cluster from configuration in a YAML file.
  • Added --optional-components flag to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create command.
  • Promoted the following commands to GA:
    • gcloud dataproc clusters get-iam-policy
    • gcloud dataproc clusters set-iam-policy
    • gcloud dataproc jobs get-iam-policy
    • gcloud dataproc jobs set-iam-policy
    • gcloud dataproc operations get-iam-policy
    • gcloud dataproc operations set-iam-policy
    • gcloud dataproc workflow-templates get-iam-policy
    • gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-iam-policy
  • Promoted gcloud dataproc workflow-templates to GA.

Cloud Scheduler

  • Promoted gcloud scheduler to beta.

Cloud Tools For PowerShell

  • Updated Cloud Tools for PowerShell to version
    • Fixed a bug where fixed key metadata did not work with Google Cloud Storage cmdlets.

Compute Engine

  • Added the --storage-location flag to gcloud beta compute disks snapshot to specify location region of a snapshot.

Container Analysis

  • Promoted the following alpha flags in gcloud container images describe to beta.
    • --metadata-filter
    • --show-build-details
    • --show-package-vulnerability
    • --show-image-basis
    • --show-deployment
    • --show-all-metadata
  • Promoted the following alpha flags in gcloud container images list-tags to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Fixed bug where --environment-variables did not work in the 217.0.0 release.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --metadata and --metadata-from-file flags to gcloud node-pools create and gcloud clusters create.
  • Added --internal-ip flag to gcloud beta container clusters get-credentials.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

217.0.0 (2018-09-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Services) Renamed --reserved-ranges to ranges in gcloud beta services vpc-peerings.

App Engine

  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.65. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted the --network flag of gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to beta.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.34

Compute Engine

  • Added --prefix-length, --purpose and --network flags to BETA for gcloud compute addresses create to support reserving IP range from virtual network for peering.
  • Added the description property to the --create-disk flag of gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --metadata and --metadata-from-file flags to gcloud beta node-pools create and gcloud beta clusters create.
  • Updated Google Kubernetes Engine's kubectl from version 1.9.7 to 1.10.7.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

216.0.0 (2018-09-11)

App Engine

  • Updated the Go SDK to version 1.9.68. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Bigtable

  • Promoted the following commands to GA:
    • gcloud bigtable instances command group
    • gcloud bigtable clusters list
    • gcloud bigtable clusters describe

Cloud Memorystore

  • Promoted gcloud redis to GA.

Cloud Services

  • Deprecated gcloud services operations list in beta and GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --internal-ip flag of gcloud compute scp to beta.
  • Promoted --disabled flag of gcloud compute firewall-rules to GA.
  • Fixed bug preventing gcloud compute ssh and gcloud compute scp from finding an instance's external IP address when configured with multiple network interfaces.
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances create-with-container and gcloud compute instances update-container to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

215.0.0 (2018-09-05)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL) Removed the default value of the --database-version flag of gcloud sql instances create, allowing the API to select the value.

App Engine

  • Added python 3 support for gcloud app and gcloud domains.
  • Added the --no-cache flag to gcloud beta app deploy for Second Generation runtimes, to disable the build cache during deployment.
  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.75. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Dataproc

  • Fixed an issue preventing the creation of clusters with SSD in GA.

Cloud Firestore

  • Added gcloud beta firestore and gcloud beta firestore operations for managing cloud firestore imports and exports.

Cloud Functions

  • Added --service-account flag to gcloud alpha functions deploy.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Promoted Snapshot & Seek features to beta. These features allow users to create snapshots of subscription backlog state, and later restore that state.

Cloud SQL

  • Fixed a bug preventing --backup and --enable-bin-log flags from being sent together when using the gcloud sql instances create command.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --internal-ip flag of gcloud compute scp to beta.
  • Promoted --disabled flag of gcloud compute firewall-rules to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promote gcloud alpha container subnets list-usable to Beta.
  • Add secondaryIpRanges to the output of gcloud beta container subnets list-usable.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

214.0.0 (2018-08-28)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Bigtable) Modified the arguments accepted by cbt createappprofile and cbt updateappprofile in the following ways:
    • Removed etag argument from createappprofile.
    • Renamed allow-transactional-writes option as transactional-writes.
    • Added a force option to ignore warnings.
  • (Cloud Bigtable) Modified the specification for routing policies. A routing policy can be either "route-any" (previously of "multi_cluster_routing_use_any") or "route-to=<cluster-id>".
  • (Compute Engine) Deprecated gcloud compute interconnects attachments create. Please use gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated create instead.
  • (Compute Engine) Removed deprecated --mode flag from gcloud compute networks create. Use --subnet-mode instead.
  • (Compute Engine) Removed deprecated gcloud compute networks switch-mode command. Use gcloud compute networks update --switch-to-custom-mode instead.
  • (Compute Engine) Removed deprecated gcloud compute xpn command group. Use gcloud compute shared-vpc instead.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Restored the output of the cbt count command that was inadvertently removed in the previous release.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added SCHEDULED_DELETE column to gcloud beta dataproc clusters list command output.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.2.
    • Improved backward compatibility with App Engine local development by keeping auto generated indexes in index file generated from previous runs.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted --runtime flag of gcloud functions deploy to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the following flags to GA:
    • --network-tier of gcloud compute addresses create
    • --network-tier of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create
    • --default-network-tier of gcloud compute project-info update
    • --network-tier of gcloud compute instances add-access-config
      • --network-tier of gcloud compute instances create
    • --network-tier of gcloud compute instance-templates create
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances simulate-maintenance-event to GA.
  • Promoted get-iam-policy, set-iam-policy, add-iam-policy-bindings and remove-iam-policy-bindings to beta in the following commands groups:
    • gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups
    • gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --disk-type flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create to GA.
  • Promoted --default-max-pods-per-node flag of gcloud container clusters create to beta.
  • Promoted --max-pods-per-node flag of gcloud container node-pools create to beta.
  • Modified --monitoring-service flag of gcloud containers clusters update to enable Google Cloud Monitoring service with Kubernetes-native resource model.
  • Modified --logging-service flag of gcloud containers clusters update to enable Google Cloud Logging service with Kubernetes-native resource model.
  • Modified output of gcloud beta container clusters list for DEGRADED clusters to include reason for degradation.
  • Added --enable-private-nodes and --enable-private-endpoint to gcloud beta container clusters create.
  • Deprecated --private-cluster flag of gcloud beta container clusters create; use --enable-private-nodes instead.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

213.0.0 (2018-08-21)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Datastore) Deprecated gcloud datastore create-indexes and gcloud datastore cleanup-indexes. Use gcloud datastore indexes create and gcloud datastore indexes cleanup instead.

App Engine

Cloud Datastore

  • Promoted gcloud datastore indexes command group to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Added the --timeout flag to gcloud sql operations wait, to support specifying a custom timeout or allow the command to wait indefinitely.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --disk-type flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create to GA.
  • Modified --monitoring-service flag of gcloud containers clusters update to enable Google Cloud Monitoring service with Kubernetes-native resource model.
  • Modified --logging-service flag of gcloud containers clusters update to enable Google Cloud Logging service with Kubernetes-native resource model.
  • Modified output of gcloud beta container clusters list for DEGRADED clusters to include reason for degradation.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

212.0.0 (2018-08-14)

Cloud Build

Cloud Machine Learning Engine API

  • Added --signature-name flag to gcloud ml-engine predict and gcloud ml-engine jobs prediction create to specify custom TensorFlow signature to use in prediction.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added gcloud beta container binauthz command group to help manage Binary Authorization policy.
    • Binary Authorization enforcement can be enabled for your Google Kubernetes Engine clusters by passing the --enable-binauthz flag to gcloud beta container create.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

211.0.0 (2018-08-07)

App Engine

  • Removed automated app.yaml generation from gcloud app deploy. The deprecated gcloud beta app gen-config command is still available separately for now.
  • gcloud app deploy now supports .gcloudignore for all deployments. .gcloudignore supersedes the skip_files section in app.yaml. Read more about .gcloudignore by running gcloud topic gcloudignore.

Cloud Datastore

  • Added gcloud beta datastore indexes describe.
  • Added gcloud beta datastore indexes list.

Cloud Deployment Manager

  • Added config key which enables globbing in the gcloud deployment-manager deployments create and gcloud deployment-manager deployments update commands. Config files can now use glob patterns in import paths.

    This feature can be enabled by setting the config property deployment_manager/glob_imports to true: gcloud config set deployment_manager/glob_imports True. Additional details for this feature:

Cloud Services

  • gcloud beta services disable now supports force option. If specified, the disable call will proceed even if there are enabled services which depend on the service to be disabled. Forcing the call means that the services which depend on the service to be disabled will also be disabled.
  • Promoted gcloud services vpc-peerings to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute addresses create and gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to GA.
  • Promoted --default-network-tier flag of gcloud compute project-info update to GA.
  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute instances add-access-config and gcloud compute instances create to GA.
  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute instance-templates create to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

210.0.0 (2018-07-31)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Removed deprecated gcloud compute interconnects patch. Use gcloud compute interconnects update instead.
  • (Container Builder) Deprecated container-builder-local; use cloud-build-local instead.
  • (Container Builder) Deprecated gcloud container builds command group; use gcloud builds instead.
    • gcloud builds retains the functionality of gcloud container builds. Existing gcloud container builds commands will continue to work during the deprecation period but will be deleted from a future release.
    • Renamed the containers.build_timeout property as builds.timeout in gcloud builds.
    • Renamed the container.build_check_tag property as builds.check_tag in gcloud builds.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Starting in version 1.12, gcloud container clusters create will have basic authentication and client certificate issuance disabled by default. These functionalities can be enabled (or disabled) manually using the --[no-]enable-basic-auth and --[no-]issue-client-certificate flags, respectively.

App Engine

  • Removed automated app.yaml generation from gcloud app deploy. The deprecated gcloud beta app gen-config command is still available separately for now.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Fixed cbt deleterow and cbt deletecolumn to not return errors during argument checking.

Cloud Build

  • Renamed the container-builder-local binary as cloud-build-local with no functional changes. Initial release is version 0.4.0.
  • Released initial cloud-build-local package installers for deb and RPM.

Cloud Endpoints

  • Added warnings when validating service config for a service which does not yet exist. (Previously, this would silently create the service.)

Cloud IoT

  • Promoted the following commands to beta:
    • gcloud registries add-iam-policy-binding
    • gcloud registries remove-iam-policy-binding

Cloud Services

  • gcloud beta services disable now supports force option. If specified, the disable call will proceed even if there are enabled services which depend on the service to be disabled. Forcing the call means that the services which depend on the service to be disabled will also be disabled.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted sole-tenancy commands to GA.
  • Promoted --internal-ip flag of gcloud compute ssh to GA.
  • Added list-nodes command to gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups for showing node information.
  • Added --use-serving-port flag to gcloud compute health-checks tcp create command.
  • Promoted --enable-logging flag of gcloud compute firewall-rules create and gcloud compute firewall-rules update to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute networks subnets list-usable to GA.

Container Builder

  • Deprecated gcloud container builds; use gcloud builds instead. The existing container builds commands will continue to work during the deprecation period but will be deleted from a future release.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

209.0.0 (2018-07-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud DNS) Removed deprecated gcloud beta dnskeys command group; please use gcloud beta dns-keys instead.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Modified gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create commands to create clusters and node-pools with node autorepair enabled by default if they use COS base image. Use the --no-enable-autorepair flag to disable this behavior.

App Engine

Cloud Composer

  • Promoted gcloud composer commands to GA.

Cloud Functions

  • Promoted gcloud functions commands to GA.

Cloud Tasks

  • Promoted gcloud tasks commands to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --zones flag of gcloud compute instance-groups managed create command to GA.
  • Promoted get-iam-policy, set-iam-policy, add-iam-policy-bindings, and remove-iam-policy-bindings to beta in the following commands groups:
    • gcloud compute disks
    • gcloud compute images
    • gcloud compute instance-templates
    • gcloud compute instances
    • gcloud compute snapshots

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

208.0.2 (2018-07-12)

  • Hotfix for dev_appserver crashes.

208.0.1 (2018-07-11)

  • Hotfix for gcloud dataproc crashes.

208.0.0 (2018-07-10)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Added warning that the default value of --enable-ip-alias will change for gcloud container clusters create command. VPC native(ip alias enabled) clusters will become the default in the future. Use --[no-]enable-ip-alias flag to suppress this warning.

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud TAB completion for commands, flags, and constant flag value choices is ~10x faster.

App Engine

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates import to enable creating and updating workflow templates using a YAML file.
  • Added gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates export to enable exporting a workflow template to a YAML file.
  • Added --parameters flag to gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates instantiate to enable parameterization of workflow templates.

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.1.
    • Improved backward compatibility with App Engine local development by allowing special entity kinds written to Cloud Datastore to be whitelisted for App Engine.

Cloud Filestore

Cloud Functions

  • Added --runtime flag to gcloud beta functions deploy.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta functions deploy for setting custom environment variables to functions:

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Promoted --python-version flag of gcloud ml-engine versions create to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.33.

Compute Engine

  • Added the following flags to gcloud compute instance-templates create to integrate with KMS:
    • --boot-disk-kms-key
    • --boot-disk-kms-keyring
    • --boot-disk-kms-location
    • --boot-disk-kms-project
  • Added --use-serving-port flag to the following commands:
    • gcloud compute health-checks http create
    • gcloud compute health-checks https create
    • gcloud compute health-checks http2 create
    • gcloud compute health-checks ssl create
  • Promoted the following source-instance flags of gcloud compute instance-templates create command to GA:
    • --source-instance
    • --source-instance-zone
    • --configure-disk
  • Promoted gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups command group to beta.
  • Promoted --network-endpoint-group and --network-endpoint-group-zone flags of gcloud compute backend-services add-backend, gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend, and gcloud compute backend-services update-backend to beta.
  • Promoted --max-connections-per-endpoint and --max-rate-per-endpoint flags of gcloud compute backend-services add-backend and gcloud compute backend-services update-backend to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Removed gcloud property container/use_v1_api and its alias container/use_v1_api_client.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

207.0.0 (2018-06-26)

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Added the rollout_strategy property to the endpoints_api_service section in the app.yaml. Setting this makes Endpoints run in managed mode.

Cloud Build

  • Added gcloud builds command group to create and manage builds for Google Cloud Build.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted boot disk type configuration flags of gcloud dataproc clusters create command to GA:
    • --master-boot-disk-type
    • --worker-boot-disk-type
    • --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-type
  • Promoted the --image flag of gcloud dataproc clusters create to GA.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Promoted --machine-type flag of gcloud ml-engine versions create commands to beta.

Cloud SQL

  • Added the --host flag to gcloud sql users create, gcloud sql users delete and gcloud sql users set-password.
  • Deprecated the host argument of gcloud sql users create, gcloud sql users delete, and gcloud sql users set-password in favor of the --host flag.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted the gcloud compute tpus command group to GA

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the following Cloud CDN Signed URL commands to GA:
    • gcloud compute sign-url
    • gcloud compute backend-buckets add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud compute backend-buckets delete-signed-url-key
    • gcloud compute backend-services add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud compute backend-services delete-signed-url-key
  • Promoted --signed-url-cache-max-age flag to GA in the following commands:
    • gcloud compute backend-buckets create
    • gcloud compute backend-buckets update
    • gcloud compute backend-services create
    • gcloud compute backend-services update
  • Promoted the HTTP2 value to beta for the --protocol flag of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update.
  • Promoted http2 related gcloud compute health-checks commands to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added the --enable-autoscaling flag to the node-pools command to enable autoscaling for a node-pool. For example, gcloud beta container node-pools update --enable-autoscaling --max-nodes=3.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

206.0.0 (2018-06-19)

Breaking Changes

  • (Container Registry) Updated docker-credential-gcr to version 1.5.0.

Cloud SDK

  • The gcloud CLI now has experimental support for running using a Python 3.4+ interpreter. (Prior versions of gcloud required Python 2.7.) All gcloud commands are supported except for the following command groups:
    • gcloud app
    • gcloud datastore
    • gcloud scheduler
    • gcloud tasks
  • Python tools other than gcloud that are shipped in the Cloud SDK still require a Python 2.7 interpreter.
  • For more information on how to configure your Python interpreter, run: gcloud topic startup or visit:
  • Fixed issue where credentials were written with broad permissions.

App Engine

  • Modified gcloud app domain-mappings create to provision an automatically managed SSL certificate by default on domain mapping creation.
  • Promoted --certificate-management flag of gcloud app domain-mappings create and gcloud app domain-mappings update to GA.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added the --gce-pd-kms-key flag to dataproc clusters create in beta to enable protecting clusters with Google Cloud KMS encryption.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Promoted the --framework flag of gcloud ml-engine versions create to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added the --labels flag to gcloud beta compute disks snapshot to enable setting labels on new snapshots.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted the --min-cpu-platform flag of gcloud container create to GA.
  • Promoted --accelerator flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

205.0.0 (2018-06-12)

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added new flags to the cbt command-line tool:
    • -user-agent for specifying a custom User Agent
    • -columns for specifying columns to read with read and lookup
    • -cells-per-column for limiting number of cells read per column with read and lookup

Cloud Datastore

  • Added gcloud datastore indexes command group to beta with the following commands:
    • gcloud datastore indexes cleanup
    • gcloud datastore indexes create

Cloud Interconnect

  • Promoted interconnects attachments partner related commands to GA.

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.32.

Cloud TPU

  • Added --preemptible flag to gcloud beta compute tpus create.

Compute Engine

  • Added the --network flag to gcloud compute images export to allow the export process to use a network other than default.
  • Promoted --quic-override flag of compute target-https-proxies create and compute target-https-proxies update to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

204.0.0 (2018-06-05)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Replaced --node-index with --node for gcloud alpha compute instance create and gcloud alpha compute instance_templates create. Node name will replace node index in the API, and nodes can now be targeted directly by node name (as opposed to node index, which was only unique within a group).

App Engine

Cloud Endpoints

  • Fixed an issue where attempting to deploy normalized service configuration files in yaml format would error out.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added --framework flag to ml-engine local predict.

Cloud Source Repositories

  • Added the gcloud source repos update command to beta with the following flags:
    • --add-topic
    • --remove-topic
    • --update-topic
  • Added the following flags to gcloud source project-configs update in beta:
    • --add-topic
    • --remove-topic
    • --update-topic

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --response flag of gcloud compute health-checks commands to beta.
  • Promoted the following flags to beta to support using KMS keys to protect disks, images, and snapshots:
    • --kms-key-* flags of gcloud compute disks
    • --kms-key-* flags of gcloud compute images
    • --boot-disk-kms-* flags of gcloud compute instances.
  • Promoted node affinities in instance and instance template creation to beta.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted --type=game-loop tests for Android from beta to GA.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --region flag of gcloud container to GA.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

203.0.0 (2018-05-30)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL) Deprecated gcloud sql ssl-certs. Use gcloud sql ssl client-certs instead.

App Engine

  • Fixed issue where attempting to deploy non-yaml config files would report success, but silently update configuration incorrectly, e.g. gcloud app deploy cron.xml. Note that xml-files are not supported with gcloud app, with the exception of appengine-web.xml.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Fixed an issue where gcloud beta app deploy failed to respect the --image-url argument during Flex deployments. This issue was introduced in Cloud SDK version 195.0.0.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates instantiate-from-file to enable instantiation of workflow templates directly from a YAML file.
  • Added gcloud beta dataproc clusters create-from-file to enable creation of clusters directly from a YAML file.

Cloud SQL

  • Added the gcloud beta sql ssl server-ca-certs group to support certificate rotation, which includes the following commands:
    • gcloud beta sql ssl server-ca-certs list
    • gcloud beta sql ssl server-ca-certs create
    • gcloud beta sql ssl server-ca-certs rotate
    • gcloud beta sql ssl server-ca-certs rollback

Cloud Source Repositories

  • Added the following commands to beta:
    • gcloud source project-configs describe
    • gcloud source project-configs update

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --service-label flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to beta.
  • Promoted --shielded-vm-* flags to beta in gcloud compute instances create, gcloud compute instances update and gcloud compute instance-templates create.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

202.0.0 (2018-05-22)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Composer) Increased minimum --disk-size of gcloud beta composer environments create to 20GB.
  • (Compute Engine) Deprecated gcloud compute interconnects attachments create. Use gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated create instead.
  • (Firebase Test Lab) Deprecated the following Robo test crawler-related flags:
    • --max-depth
    • --max-steps: Use the --timeout option instead to limit the test length.
    • --app-initial-activity: Use the --robo-script option (in beta) to guide Robo to a specific part of the app under test.

App Engine

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.0.
    • Java 8 (or later) is now required to run the emulator.
    • When the emulator is run in an App Engine local development server, index.yaml parsing errors are bubbled up. Previously the emulator would throw a AppEngineConfigException without responding to the development server requests.

Cloud Tools For PowerShell

  • Updated Cloud Tools for PowerShell to version
    • Fixed a bug where Get-GcpProject did not enumerate collection.
    • Fixed a bug where local SSD option for attach disk cmdlet did not work.

Compute Engine

  • Added help text output upon creating interconnects/interconnect attachments. To hide this output, append the --no-user-output-enabled flag.
  • Promoted --enable-flow-logs flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create and gcloud compute networks subnets update to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute sole-tenancy commands to beta.
  • Modified --delete-nodes of gcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-groups to accept node names instead of node indexes.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --disk-type to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container node-pools create to allow setting of the node VM boot disk type.
  • Updated Google Kubernetes Engine's kubectl from version 1.8.6 to 1.9.7.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

201.0.0 (2018-05-15)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Modified default TPU accelerator type to v2-8 for gcloud compute tpus commands. tpu-v2 has been deprecated.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added the following commands to the gcloud beta bigtable instances command group to help manage IAM policies:
    • set-iam-policy
    • get-iam-policy
    • add-iam-policy-binding
    • remove-iam-policy-binding

Cloud Datalab

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --create-disk flag of gcloud compute instances create to GA. These flags allow creating new disks during instance creation.
  • Added the TYPE column to gcloud compute interconnects attachments list table format.
  • Added --labels flag to gcloud beta compute instance-templates create-with-container.

Firebase Test Lab

Kubernetes Engine

  • Promoted --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes of gcloud container clusters create to beta.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

200.0.0 (2018-05-01)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud DNS) Modified gcloud beta dns dnskeys describe command to remove the dsRecord field for closer correspondence to the Google Cloud DNS API. Please use the flag --format "value(ds_record())" instead.
  • (Cloud DNS) Moved the gcloud beta dns dnskeys commands to gcloud beta dns dns-keys; the old commands are deprecated and will soon be removed.
  • (Cloud Interconnect) Deprecated gcloud compute interconnects patch and renamed it to gcloud compute interconnects update.

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Fixed a bug due to which some Flexible deployments would fail with LargeFileError.

Cloud Composer

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted gcloud dns dns-keys list and gcloud dns dns-keys describe commands to GA.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --source-ip-address and --source-port flags to gcloud beta sql instances create to support creating external primary instances.
  • Added the following flags to gcloud beta sql instances create to support creating read replicas of external primary instances:
    • --master-username
    • --master-password,
    • --prompt-for-master-password
    • --master-dump-file-path,
    • --master-ca-certificate-path
    • --client-certificate-path
    • --client-key-path

Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.31

Compute Engine

  • Promoted support for disabling firewall rules to beta.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes flag to enable Stackdriver logging and monitoring beta experience.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

199.0.0 (2018-04-24)

Breaking Changes

  • (App Engine) Deprecated the gcloud app gen-config command and "app.yaml" generation feature of the gcloud app deploy command (both in beta). As an alternative, create an app.yaml file yourself using the App Engine Flexible Environment directions or the App Engine Standard Environment directions for your application's language.

Cloud Bigtable

  • Updated the Cloud Bigtable cbt tool for regional replication.
    • Added the following commands:
      • createcluster
      • updatecluster
      • deletecluster
      • waitforreplication
    • Added application profile support in read, lookup and set
  • Added the following commands to beta:
    • app-profiles to manage application profiles for your instances.
    • clusters create to create additional clusters within an existing instance.
    • clusters delete to delete clusters from an instance.

Cloud Billing API

  • Added gcloud billing accounts get-iam-policy and gcloud billing accounts set-iam-policy in alpha and beta.
  • Modified output of gcloud billing accounts list in beta to include the master account ID of any subaccounts.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted gcloud dns operations list and gcloud dns operations describe commands to GA.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Spanner

  • The following commands are now available in beta:
    • gcloud spanner rows delete
    • gcloud spanner rows insert
    • gcloud spanner rows update

Kubernetes Engine

  • Updated for Python 3 compatibility.
  • Promoted gcloud container clusters create --enable-ip-alias to GA.
    • --enable-ip-alias no longer requires the --create-subnetwork option to be specified when creating a cluster.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

198.0.0 (2018-04-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Endpoints) Deprecated support for uploading uncompiled .proto files with gcloud endpoints services deploy. Support will be removed in a future release.

App Engine

  • Fixed a rare, intermittent bug where deployments would fail with an error message about "copying files to App Engine".
  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.69. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Added PyTz version 2017.3 to the built-in third-party libraries.


  • Added support for reauth. Reauth allows using two-factor authentication for end-user credentials.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted gcloud dns managed-zones update to GA.

Cloud TPU

  • Added gcloud compute tpus accelerator-types list and gcloud compute tpus accelerator-types describe to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted the --region flag of gcloud compute disks and related commands to beta
  • Updated gcloud compute instances create command to support blank disk creation.
  • Modified gcloud compute sign-url to accept HTTP URLs in addition to HTTPS URLs for signing.
  • Promoted the following Cloud CDN Signed URL commands to beta:
    • gcloud beta compute sign-url
    • gcloud beta compute backend-buckets add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud beta compute backend-buckets delete-signed-url-key
    • gcloud beta compute backend-services add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud beta compute backend-services delete-signed-url-key
  • Promoted --signed-url-cache-max-age flag to beta in the following commands:
    • gcloud beta compute backend-buckets create
    • gcloud beta compute backend-buckets update
    • gcloud beta compute backend-services create
    • gcloud beta compute backend-services update

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --other-files flag to gcloud beta firebase test android run to support running tests with non-OBB files pushed to device.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added gcloud alpha container subnets list-usable command for listing subnets usable for creating clusters in Google Kubernetes Engine.
  • Fixed --node-locations of gcloud containers clusters create to correctly specify what node-pools should be created during the creation of a cluster.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

197.0.0 (2018-04-11)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud Bigtable) Removed deprecated --instance-type flag for gcloud beta bigtable instances update. Use gcloud beta bigtable instances upgrade instead.
  • (Cloud Bigtable) Removed deprecated --description flag from gcloud beta bigtable instances create and gcloud beta bigtable instances update. Use --display-name instead.
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Added warning that the default value of --enable-autorepair will change for container clusters create and container node-pools create commands. Use --[no-]enable-autorepair flag to suppress this warning.

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted --labels flag of gcloud dns managed-zones create to GA.

Cloud Endpoints

  • Changed gcloud services list to sort by name by default.

Cloud TPU

  • Added gcloud compute tpus reimage, gcloud compute tpus start, and gcloud compute tpus stop commands to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute addresses create to beta.
  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute forwarding-rules create to beta.
  • Promoted --default-network-tier flag of gcloud compute project-info update to beta.
  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute instances add-access-config to beta.
  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute instances create to beta.
  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute instances create-with-container to beta.
  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute instance-templates create to beta.
  • Promoted --network-tier flag of gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container to beta.

Container Registry

  • Updated auth configure-docker to work even when docker is not installed or cannot be found on the system PATH. This is primarily useful for Bazel rules_docker users.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --additional-apks flag to gcloud beta firebase test android run to support running tests with additionally installed APKs.

Vision API

  • Added '--include-geo-results' flag to beta ml vision detect-web.
  • Added --model-version flag to beta ml vision commands.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

196.0.0 (2018-04-04)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) Renamed the --no-translate flag of gcloud compute images import to --data-disk.
  • (Docker) gcloud docker will not be supported for Docker client versions above 18.03. Please use gcloud auth configure-docker to configure docker to use gcloud as a credential helper; then, use docker as you would for non-GCR registries, e.g. docker pull
  • (Kubernetes Engine) Modified the default value of deprecated property container/use_v1_api, whose alias is container/use_v1_api_client, from true to false.

Cloud DNS

  • Promoted the following DNSSEC flags of gcloud dns managed-zones to GA:
    • --denial-of-existence
    • --dnssec-state
    • --ksk-algorithm
    • --ksk-key-length
    • --zsk-algorithm
    • --zsk-key-length

Cloud Interconnect

  • Promoted interconnects attachments partner related commands to beta.

Cloud TPU

  • Added gcloud compute tpus versions list to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute tpus versions describe to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute tpus locations list to beta.
  • Added gcloud compute tpus locations describe to beta.

Cloud Tools For PowerShell

  • Updated Cloud Tools for PowerShell to version
    • Fixed a bug where Get-GceMetaData failed when called twice.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute images import to GA.
  • Promoted the following to GA:
    • gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update
    • --add-secondary-ranges and --remove-secondary-ranges flags of gcloud compute networks subnets update
  • Promoted gcloud compute instances simulate-maintenance-event to beta.
  • Added three flags (--prefix-length, --purpose and --network) to gcloud compute addresses create in alpha to support reserving IP range from virtual network for peering.
  • Promoted --enable-flow-logs flag of gcloud compute networks subnets create and gcloud compute networks subnets update to beta.
  • Promoted SSL policies support to GA.
    • Promoted the following commands to GA:
      • compute ssl-policies create
      • compute ssl-policies describe
      • compute ssl-policies list
      • compute ssl-policies update
      • compute ssl-policies delete
      • compute ssl-policies list-available-features
    • Promoted --ssl-policy flag of compute target-https-proxies create and compute target-ssl-proxies create to GA.
    • Promoted --ssl-policy and --clear-ssl-policy flags of compute target-https-proxies update and compute target-ssl-proxies update to GA.
  • Promoted --custom-request-headers and --no-custom-request-headers flags of gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update to beta.

Container Registry

  • Promoted gcloud auth configure-docker to GA.
  • Modified container images add-tag to allow the specification of multiple destination tags.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Restored container/use_client_certificate option functionality. It was accidentally removed in the previous release.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

195.0.0 (2018-03-28)

Breaking Changes

  • (Kubernetes Engine) Fixed issue where --service-account flag did not add scope in gcloud container.

App Engine

  • Updated the Go SDK to version 1.9.64.
  • Updated go-app-stager to use Go version 1.10 for staging App Engine Flexible apps with runtime: go in app.yaml.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added PREEMPTIBLE_WORKER_COUNT to gcloud dataproc clusters list.
  • Removed unnecessary zone flag from dataproc workflow-templates create.

Cloud Endpoints

  • Updated the gcloud endpoints services deploy command to recognize files ending in .proto.bin as protobuf binary descriptor files, improving interoperability with Bazel's proto_library rule which outputs protobuf descriptors with this extension.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added --python-version flag to gcloud beta ml-engine versions create.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted --availability-type of gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch to GA.

Compute Engine

  • Added support for internationalized domain names to alpha ssl-certificates.
  • Promoted --source-instance-template flag of gcloud compute instances create command to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud compute images export to GA.
  • Promoted QUIC support to beta
    • Promoted --quic-override flag of compute target-https-proxies create and compute target-https-proxies update to beta.

194.0.0 (2018-03-21)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed --disable-addons from gcloud container clusters create.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added --python-version flag to gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training.

Compute Engine

  • Added --disk-scope flag to detach-disk operation in alpha.
  • Promoted gcloud compute networks subnets list-usable to beta.
  • Promoted --guest-os-features flag of gcloud compute disks create to GA. This flag allows create disks with additional specified GuestOS features.
  • Removed gcloud compute networks switch-mode. Please use gcloud compute networks update --switch-to-custom-mode instead.
  • Removed --mode flag from gcloud compute networks create. Please use --subnet-mode instead.
  • Promoted gcloud compute images export to beta.

193.0.0 (2018-03-14)

Breaking Changes

  • (REMOVED) Removed gcloud sql instances set-root-password command.
  • (MODIFIED) Changed default scopes for Kubernetes 1.10 when creating clusters or node pools: compute-rw and devstorage-ro are no longer always added. (This is the default behavior for all Kubernetes versions for alpha and beta tracks or if container/new_scopes_behavior property is set to true.) The version of Kubernetes does not affect the behavior of --[no-]enable-cloud-endpoints.

App Engine

  • Show server side warnings to the user.


  • Added DEFLATE and SNAPPY compression types for Avro exports.
  • Added flag 'require_partition_filter' for creating and updating partitioned tables. This will require a partition filter for any queries over the table.
  • Added flags to filter jobs based on creation time when running bq ls -j: 'min_creation_time' and 'max_creation_time'.

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added get-iam-policy and set-iam-policy commands to the gcloud beta dataproc jobs, gcloud beta dataproc operations, and gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates command groups.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added gcloud alpha ml-engine locations command group.

Cloud Tools For PowerShell

  • Updated Cloud Tools for PowerShell to version
    • Added region support for Google Compute Engine Managed Instance cmdlets.

Compute Engine

  • Added rhel-sap-cloud project to the default public image list.
  • Promoted Flexible Route Advertisement commands and flags to GA:
    • gcloud compute routers update
    • --advertisement-mode, --set-advertisement-groups, --set-advertisement-ranges in gcloud compute routers create and gcloud compute routers add-bgp-peer
    • --advertisement-mode, --set-advertisement-groups, `--set-advertisement-ranges, --add-advertisement-groups, --add-advertisement-ranges, --remove-advertisement-groups, --remove-advertisement-ranges in gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer
  • Promoted --source-snapshot flag of gcloud compute images create command to GA. This flag allows creating images from snapshots.

Deployment Manager

  • Added --create-policy to gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments create.
  • Added the create-policy CREATE to Deployment Manager alpha and beta tracks.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added --robo-script flag to gcloud beta firebase test android run to support running a Robo test with a Robo Script.

192.0.0 (2018-03-07)

Breaking Changes

  • (REMOVED) Removed the deprecated --port flag from gcloud compute backend-services. Use --port-name instead.
  • (REMOVED) Removed gcloud compute images translate. The functionality of this command is now a part of the gcloud compute images import command.
  • (MODIFIED) Changed the flags used with gcloud compute images import. This command now requires the user to specify either the --os or --no-translate flag.

App Engine

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute images import to beta; removed gcloud alpha compute images translate. The translate command was combined with the import command.
  • Added --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring flag to gcloud compute instance-templates create in alpha to support the configuration of shielded VMs.
  • Added --shielded-vm-learn-integrity-policy flag to gcloud compute instance update in alpha to support configuration of the shielded VM integrity policy.
  • Modified gcloud compute sign-url to accept HTTP URLs in addition to HTTPS URLs for signing.
  • Added support for managed ssl certificates to gcloud alpha compute ssl-certificates

Container Registry

  • Fixed a bug with auth configure-docker when ~/.docker doesn't exist.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --private-cluster flag to enable PrivateCluster creation: `gcloud beta container clusters create --private-cluster --master-ipv4-cidr
  • Added --workload-metadata-from-node flag to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container node-pools create to allow enabling metadata concealment on clusters and node pools. See for more information. This feature is scheduled to be deprecated in the future and later removed.

191.0.0 (2018-02-28)

Breaking Changes

  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated --instance-type flag for gcloud beta bigtable instances update. Use gcloud beta bigtable instances upgrade instead.
  • (DEPRECATED) Renamed the --description flag to --display-name for gcloud beta bigtable instances create and gcloud beta bigtable instances update.
  • (MODIFIED) The behavior of --trigger-bucket flag for gcloud functions deploy has changed and now corresponds to the new object.finalize event on file creation. To get the legacy behavior, use the --trigger-event and --trigger-resource flags e.g. gcloud functions deploy --trigger-event
  • (MODIFIED) The schema for Pub/Sub events has changed. eventId, timestamp, resource, and eventType have all been moved inside the context property e.g., context.timestamp. All functions deployed using --trigger-topic flag will use the new schema. To get the legacy behavior, use the --trigger-event and --trigger-resource flags e.g. gcloud functions deploy --trigger-event
  • Please see for more information on storage event types.
  • (REMOVED) Removed functions/use_new_pubsub_trigger and functions/use_new_object_trigger properties.
  • Deprecated gcloud sql instances export. Use gcloud sql export sql instead.
  • Deprecated gcloud sql instances import. Use gcloud sql import sql instead.
  • Region is now inferred from --gce-zone flag during gcloud sql instances create calls, and will override any value set with --region.
  • (REMOVED) Removed the deprecated --port flag from gcloud compute backend-services. Use --port-name instead.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated --additional-zones (replaced by --node-locations)

App Engine

  • The Python SSL 2.7 library will be decommissioned on 2 April 2018. After this date, apps will be blocked from deploying until you specify the SSL library (latest) or (2.7.11).

  • Updated the Go SDK to version 1.9.63. Please visit the following release notes for details:

Cloud Bigtable

  • Added gcloud beta bigtable instances upgrade command which upgrades an existing development instance to a production instance.

Cloud Datastore

  • Promoted gcloud datastore import and gcloud datastore export to GA.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added --framework flag to gcloud ml-engine versions create to specify the machine learning framework (TensorFlow, scikit-learn, or XGboost) for ML Engine versions.

Cloud SQL

  • Promoted gcloud sql export to GA.
  • Promoted gcloud sql import to GA.
  • Added warnings when calling gcloud sql instances create with both the --region and --gce-zone flags, or with neither. These flags will become mutually exclusive, with exactly one being required for create calls.

Container Engine

  • Added container/use_v1_api_client property as an alias of container/use_v1_api. container/use_v1_api is still supported.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --enable-pod-security-policy flag to enable PodSecurityPolicy enforcement in clusters: gcloud beta container clusters create --enable-pod-security-policy and gcloud beta container clusters update --enable-pod-security-policy

Stackdriver Debugger

  • Changed gcloud beta source upload command to use the .gcloudignore file if present. If not present and .gitignore is, .gitignore will still be used. See gcloud topic gcloudignore to learn more.

190.0.1 (2018-02-22)

  • Hotfix for UnicodeDecodeError issue affecting logging.

190.0.0 (2018-02-21)

Breaking Changes

  • The --class and --jar flags for the hadoop and spark commands in gcloud dataproc jobs submit are now mutually exclusive. The previous usage had been deprecated for more than a year.
  • (MODIFIED) Soon changing the default event schema returned by Cloud Functions with a Pub/Sub trigger(e.g. --trigger-topic). The eventId, timestamp, eventType, and resource properties will all be moved into the event.context property.
    • To opt-in to the new behavior early, run gcloud config set functions/use_new_pubsub_trigger True.
    • To restore old behavior, run gcloud config set functions/use_new_pubsub_trigger False or use the --trigger-event flag e.g. gcloud functions deploy --trigger- event providers/cloud.pubsub/eventTypes/topic.publish \ --trigger-resource <TOPIC_NAME>
    • Please see for more information on the new schema.
  • In alpha and beta:
    • Removed iot configs and iot credentials command groups. Please use iot devices configs and iot devices credentials instead.
    • Removed the --enable-device flag from iot devices create and iot devices update. Please use --blocked instead.
    • Removed the --pubsub-topic flag and deprecated the --event-pubsub-topic flag from iot registries create and iot registries update. Please use the --event-notification-config flag instead.
  • (REMOVED) Removed NAME and --regexp args from compute target-ssl-proxies list. Please use the --filter flag instead.
  • Added the container/use_v1_api property, which replaces the container/use_v1_api_client property. If true, all gcloud Kubernetes Engine commands (regardless of release track) will use the v1 API; otherwise, gcloud beta track commands will use v1beta1 API and gcloud alpha track commands will use v1alpha1 API. By default, it is set to true. The default will be changed to false by the end of March.

App Engine

  • Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.67. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • gcloud app deploy can now deploy App Engine Java Standard apps, by providing the path to appengine-web.xml.
  • Staging is now supported in appengine-web.xml. Information on staging tags is available in the appengine-web.xml reference.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --image flag to gcloud beta dataproc clusters and gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates.

Cloud IoT

  • Promoted gcloud iot commands to GA.

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added --description flag to gcloud models create, gcloud models update, gcloud versions create, and gcloud versions update to manage model and version descriptions, respectively.

Cloud SDK

  • Modified --log-http to redact oauth tokens by default.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --database flag to gcloud beta sql connect.
  • Change gcloud sql instances list default table format REGION column to LOCATION, containing either the gceZone if defined or the region.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted public-ptr and public-ptr-domain flags of gcloud compute instances create, gcloud compute instances add-access-config, and gcloud compute instances update-access-config to GA. These flags allow setting up the PTR record for the external IPs of Compute Engine instances.
  • Added --shielded-vm-secure-boot and --shielded-vm-vtpm flags to gcloud compute instance-templates create in alpha to support the configuration of shielded VMs.
  • Added --enable-flow-logs flag to gcloud compute networks subnets create and gcloud compute networks subnets update to toggle between enabling and disabling flow logs for the subnet.
  • Changed gcloud alpha compute images vulnerabilities list to display the image name instead of image id to match images command group usage.
  • Promoted --create-disk flag of gcloud compute instances create to beta. These flags allow creating new disks during instance creation.
  • Modified gcloud compute machine-types list to filter out OBSOLETE types by default. Specify a --filter=... flag, or --filter="" to list all types.

Container Builder

  • Modified gcloud container builds submit such that if no source is specified and the --no-source flag is omitted, the current working directory will be used.

Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters list changed to display initialNodeCount in the NUM_NODES column if currentNodeCount is undefined. This shows a usable value during upgrading.
  • The --region flag is now available in all 'gcloud beta|alpha container' commands.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Added --issue-client-certificate to gcloud container clusters create in GA. This allows users to create clusters without global admin key pair (using --no-issue-client-certificate) to improve security.

189.0.0 (2018-02-14)

Breaking Changes

  • (REMOVED) Removed the --ssl-certificate flag from gcloud compute target-https-proxies create, gcloud compute target-https-proxies update, gcloud compute target-ssl-proxies create, and gcloud compute target-ssl-proxies update. Use --ssl-certificates instead.

App Engine

  • Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.62. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Changed gcloud app deploy to use a new runtime build pipeline to deploy apps for Go (in the Flexible Environment). This enables more robust and flexible deployments in some cases. To revert to the legacy builder, run gcloud config set app/use_runtime_builders false from the command line.


  • Added experimental support for import of ORC files into BigQuery.
  • Added Cloud KMS key rotating for customer-managed encryption key protected BigQuery tables.
  • Added --location flag to specify the geographic location in which BigQuery jobs will run. No changes are required for commands in the existing US and EU regions.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 1.4.1.
    • Recommended: Use the health check endpoint to confirm emulator startup instead of relying on the "Dev App Server is now running." message.
    • Fixed issue where the emulator server would close HTTP connections before shutting down, which was a problem for /shutdown. This issue can be tracked at

Compute Engine

  • Modified the preview field to be optional when importing using gcloud compute security-policies import or gcloud compute security-policies create.

Container Engine

  • Promoted --cluster-secondary-range-name, --create-subnetwork, --enable-autorepair, --enable-ip-alias, --enable-kubernetes-alpha, --enable-legacy-authorization, --enable-network-policy, --labels, --local-ssd-count, --maintenance-window, --enable-master-authorized-networks, --master-authorized-networks, --min-cpu-platform, --node-locations, --node-taints, --node-version, --preemptible, --service-account, --services-ipv4-cidr, --services-secondary-range-name of gcloud container clusters create to GA.

  • Promoted --complete-ip-rotation, --enable-legacy-authorization, --enable-master-authorized-networks, --enable-network-policy, --logging-service, --maintenance-window, --remove-labels, --start-ip-rotation, --update-labels, --node-locations, --master-authorized-networks of gcloud container clusters update to GA.

  • Promoted --enable-autorepair, --local-ssd-count, --min-cpu-platform, --node-taints, --preemptible, --node-version of gcloud container node-pools create to GA.

  • Promoted --enable-autorepair of gcloud container node-pools update to GA.

188.0.1 (2018-02-08)

  • Hotfix for affecting Cloud SDK installations in environments with inconsistent access to the Compute Engine metadata server.

188.0.0 (2018-02-07)

Breaking Changes

  • (REMOVED) Removed deprecated gcloud service-management. Use gcloud endpoints and gcloud services instead.
  • (MODIFIED) The default trigger event behavior for --trigger-bucket flag on the gcloud functions deploy command will soon change. will replace providers/ as default trigger event. To opt-in to the new behavior early, run gcloud config set functions/use_new_object_trigger True.

Cloud SDK

  • Added gcloud topic command-conventions for details on command line conventions and processing.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute security-policies rules to beta.
  • Added --file-name and --file-format flags to gcloud compute security-policies create. These flags allow creating security policies from predefined templates by importing from the specified file.
  • Modified the default file format for gcloud compute security-policies import and gcloud compute security-policies export from json to yaml.

Container Builder

  • Fixed issue where a .gcloudignore entry matching "." caused gcloud container builds submit to not upload any files.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added defaultas a possible device orientation. When orientation isdefault, the most appropriate orientation for your app is picked. Usually, this is any app-specified orientation for the main activity orportrait`, if none is specified in the app manifest.

Identity and Access Management

  • (MODIFIED) Promoted gcloud beta iam roles, gcloud beta iam list-testable-permissions to GA.


  • Updated the Pub/Sub Emulator
    • Pub/Sub emulator now spams the console less.
    • Pub/Sub emulator properly sets the default value for Subscription.message_retention_duration.

Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce.

187.0.0 (2018-01-31)

App Engine

App Engine Flexible Environment

  • Added --use-container-optimized-os flag to gcloud alpha|beta app update to enable Container-Optimized OS as Flex VM base image by default on new deployments.

Cloud DNS

  • Added Cloud labels flags to gcloud beta managed-zones create and gcloud beta managed-zones update commands.

Cloud Interconnect

  • Promoted support for labels on interconnects to beta.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added gcloud alpha pubsub snapshots describe command.

Cloud TPU

  • Promoted gcloud compute tpus to beta.

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways update and gcloud compute vpn-tunnels update to beta. These commands allow adding/modifying/clearing labels.
  • Promoted stackdriver-metric flag family of gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling to beta. These flags allow setting up per-group autoscaling and metric filtering, as well as provide an improved interface to the existing per-instance autoscaling.
  • Promoted --source-snapshot flag of gcloud compute images create command to beta. This flag allows creating images from snapshots.
  • Promoted --guest-os-features flag of gcloud compute disks create to beta. This flag allows create disks with additional specified GuestOS features.
  • Promoted --licenses flag of gcloud compute disks create to GA. This flag allows create disks with additional specified licenses.

Container Builder

  • Changed gcloud container builds submit command to no longer create a .gcloudignore file on disk. Git files are still ignored by default, see gcloud topic gcloudignore to learn more.

Container Engine

  • Promoted --accelerator flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create to beta.

Container Registry

  • Removed public read-only endpoints from default registries used by gcloud docker and docker-credential-gcloud for authentication.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Fixed an issue causing relative KUBECONFIG paths to fail when used with the gcloud container clusters get-credentials command.


186.0.0 (2018-01-24)

Breaking Changes

  • (REMOVED) Removed support for the format --scopes=[ACCOUNT=]SCOPE,[[ACCOUNT=]SCOPE,...]] in gcloud compute instances create, gcloud compute instances create-with-container, gcloud compute instance-templates create, and gcloud compute instance-templates create-with-container. Please use --scopes=[SCOPE, ...] and --service-account=ACCOUNT instead.

  • (MODIFIED) Added cautionary 'y/n' prompts to gcloud beta iam roles create, gcloud beta iam roles update, and gcloud beta iam roles copy commands when using permissions with TESTING customRolesSupportLevel. The prompt needs to be answered to finish the request. Specify --quiet to prevent prompting confirming intent.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Released Cloud Datastore Emulator version 1.4.0.
    • The emulator now returns error codes that match the Cloud Datastore service for two scenarios: inserts of entities that already exist and updates to ones that don't.

Cloud Functions

  • Modified behaviour of gcloud beta functions deploy when re-deploying existing function without --source flag. beta functions deploy will now always upload source code (whether or not --source flag is supplied) from current directory if function was previously deployed from local source.

Cloud SDK

  • The [all-box] attribute has been added to the table format. It draws a rule around all table cells and may be useful for visualizing list data or data with embedded newlines. Usage: --format="table[all-box](...)
  • Added gcloudignore/enabled property to allow turning off default file-skipping behavior on commands that upload source. Run $ gcloud config set gcloudignore/enabled false (and see $ gcloud topic gcloudignore for more details).

185.0.0 (2018-01-17)

Cloud Datalab

Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute os-login commands to GA.

  • Promoted SSL policy commands to beta

    • Promoted compute ssl-policies to beta.
    • Promoted --ssl-policy flag in compute target-https-proxies create and compute target-ssl-proxies create to beta.
    • Promoted --ssl-policy and --clear-ssl-policy flags in compute target-https-proxies update and compute target-ssl-proxies update to beta.

Container Registry

  • Added to the default set of registries authenticated by gcloud docker.

Kubernetes Engine

  • Removed --disable-addons flag in gcloud container alpha|beta clusters create.
  • Added --addons flag to gcloud container clusters create.
  • Deprecated --disable-addons flag in gcloud container clusters create.

184.0.0 (2018-01-10)

Breaking Changes

  • (REMOVED) Removed gcloud ml-engine init-project. This step is now performed automatically.
  • Removed --discard-local-ssd flag from gcloud compute instances stop (beta and GA). This flag wasn't working as intended. Stopping an instance that uses a local SSD is not currently supported; delete and recreate the instance instead.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the gcloud container --[no-]enable-cloud-endpoints flag (removed in alpha and beta).
  • (MODIFIED) Added the gcloud container container/new_scopes_behavior property, which will, in a future release, be the default behavior. If set to true, compute-rw, devstorage-ro, service-control, and service-management scopes are no longer added to what is specified in --scopes, compute-rw is no longer included in the default scopes, and --[no-]enable-cloud-endpoints flags are not allowed. This is now the default behavior for alpha and beta, so this property has no effect for those tracks.

App Engine

  • Fixed an issue where queue.yaml deployments failed due to a permission error.
  • Updated the Python SDK for App Engine to version 1.9.65.
  • Updated Java SDK to version 1.9.60. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Updated the Go SDK for App Engine to version 1.9.62
    • Includes internal updates for how applications are deployed.
  • Fixed inaccurate warning about "module" in app.yaml configuration file


  • Fixed issue where page token switch (-k or --page_token) was not passed to list --transfer_config command.
  • Fixed issue where list --transfer_run command filter condition failed due to field name error.
  • Added time partitioning field to show command.

Cloud Datalab

Cloud Dataproc

  • Added boot disk type configuration flags to the gcloud beta dataproc clusters create command:
    • --master-boot-disk-type
    • --worker-boot-disk-type
    • --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-type

Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added --labels flag to gcloud ml-engine models create and gcloud ml-engine versions create.
  • Added --labels flag to gcloud ml-engine jobs prediction submit and gcloud ml-engine jobs training submit.
  • Added gcloud ml-engine models update, gcloud ml-engine versions update, and gcloud ml-engine jobs update commands which update Cloud Machine Learning resources.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added --wait flag to gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions pull.

Cloud SQL

  • Added --user flag to gcloud beta sql import sql to add support for specifying a Postgres user to import with.
  • Added --user flag to gcloud beta sql import csv to add support for specifying a Postgres user to import with.

Container Builder

Added support for .gcloudignore files to container builds submit command.

Container Engine

  • Updated Google Kubernetes Engine's kubectl from version 1.8.4 to 1.8.6.
  • Promoted --node-version flag of gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create to GA. Clusters/node-pools can now be created with a node version different from that of the master, via the --node-version flag.

Container Registry

  • Updated docker-credential-gcr to v1.4.2:
    • Refreshes the cloud SDK's access token when retrieving it, when configured to use gcloud as a token source.

183.0.0 (2017-12-13)

Breaking Changes

  • Modified the default output for gcloud beta logging metrics list to display in YAML format. To view metrics in the previous table format, use gcloud beta logging metrics list --format "table(name, description, filter)".
  • Deprecated the gcloud alpha source captures group. Please see the gcloud debug source upload command.
    • Made 'gke-default' the default for --scopes in gcloud container [clusters|node-pools] create. It includes storage-ro, logging-write, monitoring, service-control, service-management, and trace.
    • Fixed issue in gcloud container [clusters|node-pools] create where, if --scopes included cloud endpoints scopes and --no-enable-cloud-endpoints was also specified, the cloud endpoints scopes were still included. They are now filtered out.
  • (MODIFIED) Modified gcloud alpha deployment-manager deployments <create|update|describe> and gcloud alpha deployment-manager resources list commands to show the 'RUNTIME_POLICIES' instead of 'INTENT' of the resources under deployment that have not been previewed.

App Engine

Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted --num-masters flag for Dataproc Cluster High Availability mode in the gcloud dataproc clusters create command to GA.
  • Promoted --graceful-decommission-timeout flag of gcloud dataproc clusters update command for Dataproc Graceful Downscale to GA.
  • Added --master-min-cpu-platform and --worker-min-cpu-platform flags to `gcloud beta dataproc clusters create

Cloud Logging

  • Added a --config-from-file flag to the gcloud logging metrics create and update commands in beta. This flag is mutually exclusive with --description and --log-filter and can be used to configure a new metric or update the configuration of a metric.
  • Launched ML Product Search (gcloud ml products) to ALPHA.

Compute Engine

  • Added the gcloud beta compute os-login ssh-keys describe command, which displays the details of an OS Login user profile SSH key.
  • Promoted --labels flag of gcloud compute instance-templates create to GA.
  • Added --configure-disk flag to beta command compute instance-templates create.
  • Added gcloud beta compute os-login remove-profile command which removes posix account information for OS Login users.

Deployment Manager

  • Modified gcloud alpha deployment-manager deployments create, gcloud alpha deployment-manager deployments update, gcloud alpha deployment-manager deployments describe and 'gcloud alpha deployment-manager resources list' commands to show additional 'TO_RUN' or 'NOT_RUN' intent for action resources under previewed deployment.

Speech API

  • Promoted gcloud ml speech to GA.

Stackdriver Debugger

  • Added gcloud beta debug source upload to replace the gcloud alpha source captures group.

Vision API

  • Promoted gcloud ml vision to GA.

182.0.0 (2017-12-06)

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the --language flag to --language-code for the gcloud beta ml speech commands.
  • For gcloud [alpha|beta] container [clusters|node-pools] create, --service-account is now mutually exclusive with --scopes and --[no-]enable-cloud-endpoints, and sets the cloud-platform scope when specified.
  • (REMOVED) Removed ability to use --backup-pool flag without an argument in gcloud compute target-pools set-backup. Use --no-backup-pool instead.
  • (REMOVED) Removed ability to use --bucket flag without an argument in gcloud compute project-info set-usage-bucket. Use --no-bucket instead.

Cloud Video Intelligence API

  • Promoted gcloud ml video to GA.

Cloud Natural Language API

  • Promoted gcloud ml language classify-text to GA.

Speech API

  • Added the --include-word-time-offsets flag to the gcloud beta ml speech commands.

Google Container Engine

  • Regional clusters are in beta. The --region flag is now supported in the gcloud beta container clusters surface.
  • Added the --machine-type and --disk-size flags to the gcloud container builds submit command.
  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.8.3 to 1.8.4.
  • Added --allow-route-overlap flag in gcloud beta container clusters create to allow the provided cluster CIDRs to overlap with some existing routes.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • Updated the version of cbt to 0.2.3. Changes in this version:
    • Fixed spurious error message for many commands
    • Added the ability to apply a regex to read command

Google Container Builder

  • Updated the version to 0.2.6. Changes in this version:
    • Added build's timing information: build steps, image pulls and pushes.
    • Simplified logs package.

Google Cloud Functions

  • The --stage-bucket flag of the beta functions deploy command is now optional, even when deploying from local sources. The command now uploads sources to signed URLs generated by the API.

181.0.0 (2017-11-30)

  • NOTE: This release was hidden and the Cloud SDK was rolled back to version 180.0.1.

Breaking Changes

  • Promoted gcloud pubsub to GA. There are breaking changes in beta.
    • pubsub subscriptions modify-ack-deadline has been renamed to pubsub subscriptions modify-message-ack-deadline.
    • (BETA - DEPRECATED) Deprecated modify-ack-deadline. It will be removed in the future.
    • In pubsub subscriptions ack, pubsub subscriptions modify-message-ack-deadline, and pubsub subscriptions modify-ack-deadline, the positional argument ACK_ID has been replaced by --ack-ids.
    • (BETA - DEPRECATED) Deprecated the positional. It will be removed in the future.
    • Removed the --max-messages flag from pubsub subscriptions pull. Use the --limit flag to achieve the same behavior.
    • (BETA - DEPRECATED) Deprecated --max-messages. It will be removed in the future.
    • Replaced the positional argument MESSAGE_BODY with --message in pubsub topics publish .
    • (BETA - DEPRECATED) Deprecated the positional. It will be removed in the future.
    • Added pubsub subscriptions describe and pubsub topics describe commands to all release tracks.
    • All commands in pubsub subscriptions and pubsub topics now output exactly the API response. Extra fields have been removed. See the following for output documentation:
    • (BETA), this is also the new default behavior. You can set the pubsub/legacy_output property to get the old output. This will eventually be removed.
  • (ALPHA - DEPRECATED) gcloud alpha shell has been renamed gcloud alpha interactive.

Google Cloud SDK

  • gcloud alpha interactive has been added with these features:
    • auto-completion and active help for gcloud commands, flags and resource arguments
    • auto-completion and active help for bq, gsutil and kubectl
    • support for running non-gcloud commands
    • state preservation across commands: cd, pwd, local and environment variables

Compute Engine

  • Promoted --source-instance-template flag of gcloud compute instances create command to beta.
  • Added --async flag to gcloud alpha compute instances suspend.
    • Added wait polling for synchronous case.
    • Removed zone prompting support.
    • Moved tests to autogen test framework.

Cloud Machine Learning

  • gcloud beta ml vision suggest-crop is now available.

Google App Engine

  • Fixed issue where Python 2.7 apps using App Engine managed libraries, such as Django and Flask, would result in ImportError when running Now, offers to install the app-engine-python-extras component which contain the missing libraries. Only applies to apps specifying the libraries-section in app.yaml.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Renamed run to instantiate in gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates command group.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • Corrected warning message from gcloud source repos clone when cloning a mirror.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • deployment-manager deployments create/update --config no longer accepts templates. Please use the --template argument.

180.0.1 (2017-11-20)

  • Hotfix for gcloud compute project-info add-metadata/remove-metadata crashes.

180.0.0 (2017-11-15)

Breaking Changes

  • (REMOVED) Removed the capability to deploy Endpoints configuration when using gcloud beta app deploy.

Google Container Engine

  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.8.2 to 1.8.3.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Updated gcloud sql instances import to show full source URI.

Google App Engine

  • Updated components to 1.9.63.
  • Added deprecation warning in gcloud app deploy for Python apps using the library ssl 2.7. For information about this deprecation, see
  • Fixed issue affecting the Go runtime in which gcloud app deploy failed at finding dependencies that are not required.
  • Added --go_debugging flag to to enable delve debugging for the Go runtime.

Google Cloud ML

  • Made Google Cloud ML Engine scale tier BASIC_TPU available in gcloud command line tool.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • Updated gcloud deployment-manager to use latest public API version.

179.0.0 (2017-11-08)

Breaking Changes

  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated gcloud service-management in favor of gcloud endpoints and gcloud services. See help text for details.
  • Removed the gcloud alpha bio command group.

Google Container Engine

  • Added the --enable-basic-auth flag to gcloud container clusters create.
  • Added the --username, --enable-basic-auth, and --password flags to gcloud container clusters update. These allow a user to enable/disable basic auth on an existing cluster or change the username.

Google Compute Engine

  • Promote these commands to beta:
    • gcloud beta compute instance-templates create-with-container
    • gcloud beta compute instances create-with-container
    • gcloud beta compute instances update-container
  • Added alpha commands for creating, describing, listing, deleting, updating SSL policies and listing available SSL policy features:
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies create
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies describe
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies list
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies delete
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies update
    • gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies list-available-features
  • Added alpha commands for attaching SSL policies to Target HTTPS proxies and Target SSL proxies:
    • gcloud alpha compute target-https-proxies create
    • gcloud alpha compute target-https-proxies update
    • gcloud alpha compute target-ssl-proxies create
    • gcloud alpha compute target-ssl-proxies update

Google App Engine

  • Components updated to 1.9.59. Please visit the following release notes for details:
    • Java -

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added Firebase Test Lab support for testing Android apps that include a network profile setting. Run tests as follows:

    gcloud firebase test android run
    --network-profile=LTE # or LTE-poor, HSPA, etc.

Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Added the following commands to the gcloud beta pubsub topics and gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions groups, which enable managing IAM policies:
    • set-iam-policy
    • get-iam-policy
    • add-iam-policy-binding
    • remove-iam-policy-binding
  • Added labels flags (--labels, --update-labels, and --remove-labels) to gcloud pubsub topics create, gcloud pubsub topics update, gcloud pubsub subscriptions create, gcloud pubsub subscriptions update, gcloud pubsub snapshots create, and gcloud pubsub snapshots update in release tracks where these commands exist. Use these labels to organize your Google Cloud Pub/Sub subscriptions.

Cloud Machine Learning

  • All gcloud ml commands in all release tracks can now be used with standard user credentials (no longer requires a service account). For this to work, you must have the appropriate ML API enabled on your current gcloud project.

178.0.0 (2017-11-01)

Google App Engine

  • The Java development server for Standard is now available as (java_dev_appserver.cmd for Windows). It is equivalent to the from the Java Standalone App Engine SDK.

Google Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Cloud Datastore Emulator version changed from 1.3 to 1.3.0 for gcloud emulator package compatibility, with no other changes.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added --async flag to gcloud computes instances stop command. Added wait polling for synchronous cases.
  • Promoted compute instance-templates create-with-container, compute instances create-with-container, and compute instances update-container commands to beta.
  • Promoted --deletion-protection flag in gcloud compute instances create/update to GA.
  • Added source-service-accounts and target-service-accounts in gcloud compute firewall-rules {describe, list, create, update} commands.

Google Container Engine

  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.7.6 to 1.8.2
  • Removed --wait flag in container node-pools delete. Please use --async instead.
  • Added warning prompt to be displayed when using gcloud alpha/beta container clusters, to avoid failure due to incorrect configuration.

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql database create now returns with non-zero exit code on database creation failure.
  • Added beta sql import csv, to support importing data from CSV files into Cloud SQL instances.
  • Added beta sql import sql, with the eventual goal of replacing sql instances import.
  • gcloud beta sql instances create and gcloud beta sql instances patch commands now support the --availability-type flag, for use in toggling high availability on Postgres instances.

Google Cloud Spanner

  • Promoted the Spanner Databases Sessions command group to GA.

177.0.0 (2017-10-25)

Breaking Changes

  • (BETA - DEPRECATED) The --include-ignored-file flag of gcloud beta functions deploy is now deprecated. Added support for using a .gcloudignore file instead.
  • The gcloud pubsub snapshots create, gcloud pubsub snapshots update, gcloud pubsub subscriptions create, gcloud pubsub subscriptions update, gcloud pubsub topics create, gcloud pubsub topics update, and gcloud pubsub subscriptions update commands have been updated:
    • These now throw an exception when any of the API requests fail. The exception contains the list of failed requests.
    • These now only output the resources corresponding to successful requests.
    • The success and reason fields have been removed from the output of these commands.

Google Cloud Endpoints

  • gcloud endpoints and gcloud services are now generally available.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app deploy now uses a new runtime build pipeline to deploy apps for Python. This enables more robust and flexible deployments in some cases. To revert to the legacy builder, run gcloud config set app/use_runtime_builders false from the command line.
  • Go 1.8 is now generally available and the default Go runtime.
  • Google App Engine components have been updated to 1.9.62. Please visit the following release notes for details:
    • Python -

Google Compute Engine

  • (ALPHA) Added support to update the default network tier on a Compute Engine project: gcloud alpha compute project-info update --default-network-tier DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIER.

Google Cloud SQL

  • (BETA) Added gcloud beta sql export csv to support exporting data from a Cloud SQL instance to a CSV file.
  • (BETA) Added gcloud beta sql export sql with the eventual goal of replacing gcloud sql instances export.

Google Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.28

176.0.0 (2017-10-18)

Breaking Changes

  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the switch-mode command from gcloud compute networks, replaced by the update --switch-to-custom-subnet-mode command.
  • The --force flag is removed from gcloud source repos delete.

Google Cloud SDK

  • On 64-bit Windows platforms Google Cloud SDK will use 64-bit python version 2.7.13. Previously it was using 32-bit version. Existing Windows installations using Cloud SDK with included python will see their python swapped for new version when upgrading to this release.

Google Compute Engine

  • CPU Platform Selection is now generally available. The --min-cpu-platform flag can now be used in the following commands to set the minimum desired CPU Platform of the virtual machine instance.
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances update
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create
  • gcloud beta compute os-login commands are now available for using Google Compute Engine OS Login.
  • gcloud compute images create now has a --guest-os-features flag for enabling specific OS supported features.
  • Added alpha support for labels for the gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways update command.
  • Added static internal IP reservation to gcloud compute addresses create. Users can now:
    • reserve a specific address and then associate it with a specific resource
    • specify an ephemeral internal IP address for a resource and then promote the address

Google App Engine

  • Components updated to 1.9.58. Please visit the following release notes for details:
    • Java -

Google Container Engine

  • Added the --node-taints flag to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container node-pools create in beta to support Kubernetes taints.

Firebase Test Lab

  • The --use-orchestrator flag for gcloud firebase test android run is now generally available.

Google Cloud Spanner

  • The following commands are now available in beta:
    • gcloud spanner databases sessions list (to list active sessions in a Spanner database)
    • gcloud spanner databases sessions delete (to delete an active session in a Spanner database)

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • The --region flag has been added to all gcloud dataflow commands to support Dataflow Regional Endpoints.
    • Most commands will function without the --region flag, and will continue to default to us-central1 without the flag.
    • The jobs list command will default to listing jobs from all regions unless the --region flag is specified, at which point it will only query that regional endpoint.
    • Added a --staging-location flag to the jobs run command to permit running of templates where the template is location-only readable, not writeable.

Google Cloud Container Builder Local Builder

  • Updated container-builder-local to version 0.2.5. This:
    • Adds a flag to export workspace to host

Google Cloud Datastore Emulator

  • Updated cloud-datastore-emulator to version 1.3. Cloud Datastore emulator now supports ID reservation in the Cloud Datastore V1 API.

175.0.0 (2017-10-11)

Breaking Changes

  • Behavior of --segments flag for all gcloud ml video detect-* commands changed. The flag now accepts a list of duration pair strings (e.g. 0:1m40s,3m50s:5m10.232265s) instead of pairs of microseconds. Microseconds can still be specified using fractional seconds. For example, 0.000569s represents 569 microseconds.
  • The --mode flag for the gcloud compute networks create command has been deprecated. Please use the --subnet-mode flag instead.
  • The output of the gcloud container images describe command has been updated to be more consistent with other commands.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute networks update is now generally available.
  • --bgp-routing-mode and --subnet-mode flags added to gcloud compute networks create.
  • Ability to configure reverse DNS (PTR) records for instances through the gcloud beta compute instances create --public-ptr-* flags and the gcloud beta compute instances update-access-config command now available.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app firewall-rules is now generally available.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • gcloud projects create --folder is now generally available. This command enables creation of projects within folders.

Google Cloud KMS

  • gcloud kms update is now generally available.

Google Cloud Video Intelligence

  • gcloud beta ml video detect-explicit-content is now available.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Updated the datalab component to the 20171003 release. Changes in that release are documented here.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • The --credential flag for gcloud alpha deployment-manager deployments create/update commands is now available. Using this flag, a custom service account can be provided as the deployment credential.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Nested command line argument groups have been enabled. The groups are clearly labelled and indented in --help documents. Also, argument group conflict error messaging is uniform across all gcloud commands.

174.0.0 (2017-10-04)

Google App Engine

  • App Engine components updated to 1.9.61. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • The App Engine flexible environment now defaults to Python 3.6 when Python 3 is requested. To revert to Python 3.5, specify python_version: 3.5 in the runtime_config element of your app.yaml configuration file
  • The aspnetcore runtime is now available using gcloud app deploy in the GA track. It remains available via the beta track as well. See for more details.
  • Auto-generated app.yaml for Go under Flexible no longer contains api_version (which is for the Standard only).

Google Compute Engine

  • Adding/Removing IP alias ranges are now supported in gcloud beta compute instances network-interfaces update. Subnetwork secondary ranges can be modified using gcloud beta compute networks subnets update.
  • Add gcloud alpha compute sign-url for generating Cloud CDN Signed URLs.
  • Add --signed-url-cache-max-age flag to the following alpha commands related to Cloud CDN Signed URL:
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-buckets create
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-buckets update
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-services create
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-services update
  • Add alpha commands for adding and deleting Cloud CDN Signed URL keys to backend buckets and services:
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-buckets add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-buckets delete-signed-url-key
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-services add-signed-url-key
    • gcloud alpha compute backend-services delete-signed-url-key

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates group for managing Dataproc Workflow Templates.

173.0.0 (2017-09-27)

Google App Engine

  • Add build tag for Go 1.9 to go-app-stager
  • Fixed build tags when using with the Go 1.8 beta

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Added gcloud beta dataproc clusters get-iam-policy and gcloud beta dataproc clusters set-iam-policy commands to manage IAM permissions on a cluster.

Google Cloud IOT

  • gcloud iot is now in public beta.
  • The --enable-device boolean flag for beta iot device create/update is now deprecated and renamed to --blocked.
  • Added --enable-http-config flag to beta iot registries create/update.
  • Added new flag --state-pubsub-topic flag to beta iot registries create/update
  • Added two new key types for iot device credentials and renamed existing types.
  • Added --metadata[-from-file] flag to beta iot devices create/update.
  • Added beta iot registries credentials command group and added the --public-key-path flag to beta iot registries create.
  • Added beta iot devices states list surface.

Google Compute Engine

  • Fix validation in gcloud compute routers update-interface to disallow --mask-length to be specified without --ip-address.
  • Add --zones flag to beta compute instance-groups managed create command.

Google Container Engine

  • The --enable-network-policy flag is now available in the gcloud beta container clusters update command. To use this command on an existing cluster, first run gcloud beta container clusters update --update-addons network-policy=ENABLED.
  • Added --maintenance-window flag to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container clusters update.
  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.7.5 to 1.7.6.
  • The --enable-autoupgrade flag is now GA, available for gcloud container cluster create, gcloud container node-pools create and gcloud container node-pools update commands.

Google Container Registry

  • gcloud auth configure-docker is now in BETA. This is the new preferred method to configure gcloud/docker integration.

Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added --summarize flag to gcloud ml-engine jobs describe command. Prints job resource in human readable table format.

Google Cloud Machine Learning Language

  • gcloud ml language analyze-entity-sentiment is now in GA

172.0.1 (2017-09-21)

Google Cloud Service Management

  • Fixing crash in gcloud service-management deploy

172.0.0 (2017-09-20)

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app update is now available.
  • gcloud app deploy now uses a new runtime build pipeline to deploy apps for runtime: java. This enables more robust and flexible deployments in some cases. Consult the runtime release notes for your language at for more details. To revert to the legacy builder, you can set the app/use_runtime_builders config to false.
  • Updated App Engine Java components to version 1.9.56. For more details, see the release notes at:

Google Container Registry

  • gcloud container images describe is now available.
  • gcloud alpha container images describe now has additional functionality for whitelisted users.
  • Fixed a timestamp issue in gcloud container images list-tags.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added support for Cloud KMS keys with Disks, Snapshots, Images, and Instances.
  • Added the --autoscaling-config-file flag to gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added the --no-record-video and --no-performance-metrics flags to gcloud firebase test android run. This supports running tests without recording video and/or performance metrics. Disabling these options may reduce test post-processing time.

Google Cloud Service Management

  • Commands in gcloud service-management will soon be deprecated.
    • The preferred commands to list, enable, and disable services are now under gcloud beta services.
    • The preferred commands to produce services for consumption are now under gcloud beta endpoints services.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Fixed the --async flag in gcloud sql backups delete to work as expected.

Google Cloud BigQuery CLI

  • Updated the bq command-line tool to version 2.0.26.
  • Added support for Data Transfer Service commands. You can now do the following:
    • Transfer config: Show, List, Add, Delete, Edit
    • Transfer run: Show, List, Schedule, Delete
    • Transfer log: List
  • Added support for customer-managed encryption keys with Cloud KMS. You can specify your Cloud KMS crypto key in the following operations:
    • A query that creates a destination table: bq query --destination_kms_key {key name}.
    • A load job that creates a destination table: bq load --destination_kms_key {key name}.
    • When creating a new table: bq mk --destination_kms_key {key name}.
  • Partitioned tables can now be created using the query and load commands.
    • Use the --time_partitioning_xxx flags and the --destination_table flag to write or load data into a new partitioned table.

Google Cloud Container Builder Local Builder

  • Updated container-builder-local to version 0.2.3. This:
    • Upgrades server docker to version 17.06.1.
    • Adds the --no-source flag and related tests.
    • Always pulls the latest container.
    • Increases the limit on encrypted secrets to 100.

171.0.0 (2017-09-13)

Breaking changes

  • (MODIFIED) beta functions deploy will set deployment-tool label to cli-gcloud. Manually setting labels starting with "deployment" will no longer be allowed.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Implemented command line TAB completion cache using sqlite. You can use the gcloud meta cache list command to view the cache.

Google App Engine

Google Cloud Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute commitments command group to GA.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • gcloud source repos commands now accept slashes / in repository names.

170.0.1 (2017-09-08)

Google Compute Engine

  • Revert a change which inadvertently removed gcloud compute xpn commands.

170.0.0 (2017-09-06)

Google Cloud SDK

  • You can now use the [json-decode] --format printer attribute to JSON decode resource values that are compact JSON encodings. For example, --format="yaml[json-decode]".

  • gcloud init will now give the choice to enter a project id, create a project, or list all projects if a user has a large number of projects.

  • gcloud components list now has the --only-local-state flag which shows only locally installed components.

Google App Engine

  • A bug in which traffic split exhibited a rounding error has been fixed.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • An error with reading the results of Read-Modify-Write operations has been fixed.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • The flags --max-age, --max-idle, and --expiration-time have been added to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create.

Google Cloud Functions

  • The --update-labels and --remove-labels flags have been added to gcloud beta functions deploy.

Google Cloud KMS

  • The gcloud beta kms keys update command is new. This command allows users to update a key's labels, rotation period, next rotation time, and primary version. Effective with this change, use the following commands instead of remove-rotation-schedule, set-rotation-schedule, and set-primary-version:

    • Use gcloud beta kms keys update --remove-rotation-schedule to remove a key's rotation schedule instead of gcloud kms keys remove-rotation-schedule.
    • Use gcloud beta kms keys update --next-rotation-time --rotation-period to set the next rotation time and rotation period instead of gcloud kms keys set-rotation-schedule.
    • Use gcloud beta kms keys update --primary-version to set a key's primary version instead of gcloud kms keys set-primary-version.
  • The --labels argument has been added to cloud kms keys create. This argument allows users to create labels during key creation. Related to labels in Cloud KMS:

    • Use gcloud beta kms keys update --update-labels to modify a key's labels.
    • Use gcloud beta kms keys update --remove-labels to remove a key's labels.

Google Compute Engine

  • The --ssl-certificates flag in compute target-{https|ssl}-proxies {create|update} has been promoted to GA. The --ssl-certificate flag in the same command groups has been deprecated. Please use --ssl-certificates as an alternative.

  • The hidden compute diagnose routes command is now available. It enables (trace)routing to/from VMs in Compute Engine.

  • The gcloud compute shared-vpc command is now available as an alias of gcloud compute xpn.

Google Container Engine

  • Google Container Engine's kubectl version has been updated from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5.

  • The following flags are now available in gcloud beta containers create for enabling the use of IP aliases with an existing subnetwork: -enable-ip-alias, --cluster-secondary-range-name, --services-secondary-range-name.

169.0.0 (2017-08-30)

Breaking Changes

  • (DEPRECATION) gcloud compute networks subnets list NAMES, --regions and --regexp arguments. Use --filter instead.

Google Cloud Functions

  • When deploying an update to a existing function gcloud beta functions deploy will keep the old trigger by default. Specifying trigger is now required only when deploying a new function.

  • Added the --retry flag to gcloud beta functions deploy.

  • gcloud beta function deploy now keeps old field values unless they're explicitly overridden.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app deploy now uses a new runtime build pipeline to deploy apps for runtime: nodejs and runtime: ruby. This enables more robust and flexible deployments in some cases. Consult the runtime release notes for your language on for more details. To revert to the legacy builder, you can set the app/use_runtime_builders config to false.

Google Compute Engine

  • The max metadata value size has been increased to 256 KiB.

Google Compute Engine (Networking)

  • The --bgp-routing-mode flag in gcloud beta compute networks create and gcloud beta compute networks update is now available.

Google Cloud Datastore

  • Import and export Cloud Datastore data using gcloud beta datastore import and gcloud beta datastore export. For more information see

  • Manage active imports and exports using gcloud beta datastore operations commands.

Google Machine Learning Engine

  • gcloud alpha ml * commands now work with user account authentication (in addition to service accounts). For this to work, you must have a current project set in gcloud's config and you must be a writer or an editor on that project.

Google Container Engine

  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.7.3 to 1.7.4.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Updated the datalab component to the 20170818 release. Changes in that release are documented in its tracking issue here.

168.0.0 (2017-08-23)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for the deprecated --instance flag from gcloud sql operations describe and gcloud sql operations wait; removed support for the deprecated DUE_TIME argument from gcloud sql backups describe and the equivalent --due-time flag of gcloud sql instance restore_backup.
  • The --mode flag in gcloud beta compute networks create and gcloud beta compute networks update has been renamed to --subnet-mode.

Google Compute Engine

  • The --ip-version flag is now available in gcloud compute addresses create and gcloud compute forwarding_rules create.
  • IP aliases are now supported in gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create commands.
  • Subnetwork secondary ranges are now supported in gcloud compute networks subnets create.
  • Added --action, --rules, --direction, --destinationRanges, and --priority flags to gcloud compute firewall-rules {describe, list, create, update} commands.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated gcloud alpha compute instances create-from-container. Use gcloud alpha compute instances create-with-container instead.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create-from-container. Use gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create-with-container instead.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the names and --regexp flags from the following compute commands. Use --filter instead.
    • gcloud compute backend-buckets list
    • gcloud compute firewalls list
    • gcloud compute groups list
    • gcloud compute http-health-checks list
    • gcloud compute https-health-checks list
    • gcloud compute images list
    • gcloud compute instance-templates list
    • gcloud compute networks list
    • gcloud compute operations list
    • gcloud compute routes list
    • gcloud compute target-http-proxies list
    • gcloud compute url-maps list
    • gcloud compute users list
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the names, --regexp, and --regions flags from the following compute commands. Use --filter instead.
    • gcloud compute addresses list
    • gcloud compute backend-services list
    • gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the names, --regexp, --zones, and --regions flags from the following compute commands. Use --filter instead.
    • gcloud alpha compute disks list
    • gcloud compute instance-groups managed list

Google Cloud Logging

  • The gcloud logging command group is now available in GA. gcloud beta logging will be removed in three months' time.

Google App Engine

  • Added the following commands:
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules create
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules delete
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules describe
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules list
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules test-ip
    • gcloud beta app firewall-rules update

Google Cloud KMS

  • Added user-defined labels (key/value pairs) to Cloud KMS. Users will be able to attach labels to their CryptoKey resources.

Google ML Engine

  • Fixed a bug where gcloud ml-engine local train did not work on Windows.

Google Container Registry

  • Fixed a warning that users of Docker 17.07 were seeing.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • Fixed the deployment manager create output format.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • The local builder was upgraded to version 0.2.1. Release notes:
    • Volumes feature added.
    • Secrets feature added.
    • Integration test for $PROJECT_ID substitution.
    • Stop channel to terminate the goroutines that refresh the auth tokens.
    • Clean some unnecessary stdout.

167.0.0 (2017-08-16)

Breaking Changes

  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the names and --regexp flags for the following commands. Use the --filter flag instead:
    • gcloud compute snapshots list
    • gcloud compute regions list
    • gcloud compute target-https-proxies list
    • gcloud compute ssl-certificates list
    • gcloud compute zones list
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the following flags from gcloud compute instance-groups list: names, --regexp, --zones, --region; these are replaced by the --filter flag.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the --pubsub-topic flag from gcloud beta/alpha iot registries create/update; this is replaced by the --event-pubsub-topic flag.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated gcloud iot credentials command group. This is replaced by gcloud iot devices credentials.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated gcloud iot configs command group. This is replaced by gcloud iot devices configs.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the --force-create flag from gcloud compute images create. This is replaced by the --force flag.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Upgraded Windows bundled python version from 2.7.10 to 2.7.13.
  • Cloud Tools for PowerShell:
    • Added New-GceNetwork and Remove-GceNetwork to add and remove Google Compute Engine Networks.
    • Added -MaxBadRecords parameter to Start-BqJob cmdlet.
    • Fixed a bug in Fix-GkeCluster cmdlet where -NodeVersion parameter is not processed correctly.

Google Container Engine

  • Added --min-cpu-platform flag to gcloud alpha container commands.
  • Updated gcloud alpha container clusters resize and gcloud beta container clusters resize commands to safely drain nodes before removal.
  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.7.2 to 1.7.3.
  • Added --logging-service flag to gcloud beta container clusters update. This flag controls the enabling and disabling of Stackdriver Logging integration. Use to enable and --logging-service=none to disable.
  • Modified the --scopes flag in gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container node-pools create commands to default to logging.write,monitoring and support passing an empty list.

Google Compute Engine

  • Promoted gcloud compute interconnects commands to beta. These commands allow you to provision an interconnection between your network and Google Cloud VPCs. For more details see online documentation,
  • Fixed a bug in gcloud compute update routers where removing interfaces/peers was failing.
  • Added --security-policy flag to gcloud beta compute backend-services update.
  • gcloud compute security-policies commands now in beta.
  • Added gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed rolling-action command group.
  • Updated gcloud compute instance-templates create to support labels

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • Added --composite-type and --template flags to gcloud deployment-manager deployments create. Also, added a warning when using --config with a template instead of the new --template flag. This behavior will be deprecated 2017-11-08.

Google App Engine

  • Updated gcloud app services set-traffic to support --split-by=random to split traffic randomly between versions.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Promoted Firebase Test Lab to beta for running instrumentation test with Android Test Orchestrator. Use --use-orchestrator to run with Orchestrator.

166.0.0 (2017-08-09)

Breaking Changes

  • Demoted gcloud container images describe to the alpha track.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the following flags from gcloud beta functions deploy: --local-path, --source-path, --source-url, --source-revision, --source-branch, --source-tag; these are replaced by the --source flag.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the --region flag from gcloud beta functions list, replaced by the --regions flag.
  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated the --regions and --regexp flags from gcloud compute routers list names, use --filter instead.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added support for multiple network interface cards for gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create.

Google Cloud IAM

  • Updated gcloud iam surfaces to also accept uniqueId as service account names.

Google Container Engine

  • Added --node-locations flag to gcloud alpha container clusters create and gcloud alpha container clusters update.
  • Modified gcloud alpha container images list to properly handle domain-scoped project ids when --project is omitted.

Google Container Registry

  • Fixed concurrent docker pull calls that used the same container name.

Google App Engine

  • Modified gcloud app deploy to use the new PHP Runtime Builder pipeline to deploy apps. You can set app/use_runtime_builders config to false if you need the old behavior.
  • Go's aetest package now reuses http connections, fixing a bug that exhausted file descriptors when running tests.
  • Go 1.8 uses the new standard library context package when calling appengine.NewContext().

Google Cloud SQL

  • Modified Cloud SQL replica creation to no longer require specification of database version, tier, or region.

Google Cloud Logging

  • Modified gcloud beta logging metrics list to no longer display version number.

165.0.0 (2017-08-02)

Breaking Changes

  • (DEPRECATED) Deprecated names, --regions and --regexp flags for the following commands. Use --filter instead.

    • gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways list
    • gcloud compute target-pools list
    • gcloud compute vpn-tunnels list
    • gcloud compute commitments list

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • Changed the structure of the bq ls command output when the format flag is set to json, prettyjson or csv.
  • Added --schema option to bq show command that outputs the JSON-formatted schema for a table, suitable for use as a schema input file for bq load or bq mk --schema.

Google Cloud Functions

  • Added --source flag to alpha and beta functions deploy commands.

Google Cloud IAM

  • gcloud beta iam roles command group is now available. These commands allow you to create and manipulate IAM predefined/custom roles:

    • gcloud beta iam roles create
    • gcloud beta iam roles describe
    • gcloud beta iam roles update
    • gcloud beta iam roles copy
    • gcloud beta iam roles list
    • gcloud beta iam roles delete
    • gcloud beta iam roles undelete
  • gcloud beta iam list-testable-permissions is now available. This command allows you to list all the permissions that apply to the given resource, which also includes the customRolesSupportLevel field.

Google Container Engine

  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.7.0 to 1.7.2.

Google Cloud Logging

  • gcloud beta logging sinks list will stop working for gcloud versions 161 and earlier.

164.0.0 (2017-07-26)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the --show-execution-ids, --show-function-names, --show-log-levels, and --show-timestamps flags from the gcloud alpha function logs read and gcloud beta function logs read commands.

  • Removed from the list of default repositories that gcloud docker authenticates for.


  • Deprecated the NAME... argument, --zones flag, and --regexp flag for the commands listed below. Please use the --filter flag instead.
    • gcloud compute disks list
    • gcloud compute disk-types list
    • gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged list
    • gcloud compute instances list
    • gcloud compute machine-types list
    • gcloud compute target-instances list

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • First release of the local builder. Install the container-builder-local component, and run container-builder-local to try it out.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud beta compute ssh can now connect to instances using their private IP.

  • Added the gcloud alpha compute instances simulate-maintenance-event command.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud beta container clusters create now supports enabling authorized networks for Kubernetes Master via --enable-master-authorized-networks and --master-authorized-networks flags.

  • gcloud beta container clusters update now supports configuring authorized networks for Kubernetes Master via --enable-master-authorized-networks, --no-enable-master-authorized-networks, and --master-authorized-networks flags.

  • gcloud container clusters create now allows the Kubernetes Dashboard to be disabled for a new cluster via the --disable-addons=KubernetesDashboard flag.

  • gcloud container clusters update now allows the Kubernetes Dashboard to be disabled on existing clusters via the --update-addons=KubernetesDashboard=DISABLED flag.

163.0.0 (2017-07-19)

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • Table list command (bq ls [dataset]) now displays Time Partitioning information about listed tables.

Google Cloud SQL

  • 'gcloud sql instance create' now defaults to the Second Generation 'db-n1-standard-1' tier instead of the First Generation 'D1' tier. 'create' commands in which a tier is specified, will be unaffected.
  • 'sql instances list' and 'beta sql instances list' commands now list DATABASE_VERSION of each instance.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • Fix bug where permission bits weren't set on directories in tar files uploaded to Cloud Storage

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud beta compute images list shows BLOCKED_BY_POLICY status for images blocked by compute.trustedImageProjects for user project.
  • Changed the default value of the --image-family flag to debian-9 for the gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create commands.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters get-credentials now correctly respects the HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH and USERPROFILE environment variables when generating the kubectl config file.
  • Added --region flag to gcloud alpha containers to manage regional clusters.

162.0.0 (2017-07-12)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed gcloud alpha compute instance-groups managed rolling-action recreate. Instead, use gcloud alpha compute instance-groups managed rolling-action replace.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute networks peerings is now generally available. The alpha and beta tracks remain.
  • gcloud alpha compute networks list-ip-owners is now available in the alpha track.
  • Added source-service-accounts and target-service-accounts to the gcloud beta compute firewall-rules describe, gcloud beta compute firewall-rules list, gcloud beta compute firewall-rules create, and gcloud beta compute firewall-rules update commands.
  • Added the --custom-extensions flag to:
    • gcloud compute instances create
    • gcloud compute instances set-machine-type
    • gcloud compute instance-templates create.
  • Forwarding rules with a standard network tier can now accept global targets.
  • Added support for updating network tiers in the gcloud alpha compute forwarding-rules update commands.

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to 1.9.57. Please visit the following release notes for more details:
  • Added gcloud beta app update to support configuring an application's feature settings.
  • gcloud app deploy now allows deployments of Go 1.8 apps on App Engine Standard. During this open beta period you may opt-in to Go 1.8 by specifying api_version: go1.8 in your app.yaml.
  • Added support for standard scheduler settings.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • gcloud deployment-manager deployments create --automatic-rollback-on-failure will now delete the new deployment after creation if it contains operation errors.
  • gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments create can now create deployments with a list of key-value pairs as labels using the --labels flag. gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments update can now update/remove labels of the deployment using the --update-labels and --remove-labels flags.

Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine

  • Added the gcloud ml-engine models get-iam-policy, gcloud ml-engine models set-iam-policy, gcloud ml-engine models remove-iam-policy-binding, and gcloud ml-engine models add-iam-policy-binding commands. These read and modify IAM policy data for ML Engine models. See for details.

Google Cloud Machine Learning APIs

  • The gcloud ml language analyze-entity-sentiment command is now available in the beta track. This command allows for entity-level sentiment analysis. Please visit to learn more about pricing for this feature.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • The following Organization Policy commands are now available in the beta track: gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies allow, gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies delete, gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies deny, gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies describe, gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies disable-enforce, gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies enable-enforce, gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies list, and gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies set-policy.

Google Cloud SQL

  • The beta sql instances create and beta sql instances patch commands have been updated to support storage auto-resize limits using --storage-auto-increase-limit.

Google Container Engine

  • Added the --enable-ip-alias, --services-ipv4-cidr, and --create-cluster flags to support IP aliases.
  • Updated kubectl from version 1.6.6 to version 1.7.0.

Google Cloud Storage

  • Updated the gsutil component to 4.27.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • Fixed bug: defining substitutions with the command-line --substitutions flag no longer causes all substitutions defined in cloudbuild.yaml to be deleted.

Google Cloud Logging

  • gcloud beta logging sinks commands now use only V2 of the API instead of a mix of V1 and V2 calls.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • gcloud source repos clone now gives a warning if the repository is mirrored.

161.0.0 (2017-06-28)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed gcloud beta test android devices. Please use gcloud firebase test android models as an alternative.
  • Renamed the --account-id flag in gcloud alpha billing projects link to --billing-account. The old flag is still available but deprecated.
  • Renamed the ACCOUNT_ID flag in the gcloud alpha billing projects list command to --billing-account.
  • Renamed gcloud billing accounts projects to gcloud billing projects. The old commands are available but deprecated.


  • Promoted gcloud billing to beta. The alpha surface remains and is identical; the changes listed in the "Breaking Changes" section apply to the beta release track and the old flag and commands are not available in beta.

Google App Engine

  • Promoted gcloud app instances ssh and gcloud app instances scp to GA. The beta commands remain and are identical.
  • Updated App Engine components for Python to version 1.9.55. Please visit the release notes for details:
  • Updated App Engine components for Java to version 1.9.54. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Added support for deploying Standard Environment Java applications to gcloud beta app deploy; use either gcloud beta app deploy $APP_DIR/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml or gcloud beta app deploy $APP_DIR.
  • Added support for directories as positional arguments to gcloud app deploy, in addition to YAML files. In each directory, the command uses the app.yaml file if present, or interactively creates one otherwise.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Promoted --region flag to beta and GA for every gcloud dataproc command. The flag remains available in alpha and is identical.
  • Added URL support for zonal resource flags --zone, --master-machine-type, --worker-machine-type, --master-accelerator-type, and --worker-accelerator-type in gcloud dataproc commands in addition to short names; for instance, as well as us-central1-f.

Google Cloud Natural Language

  • Promoted gcloud ml language commands to GA to allow the analysis of text using the Cloud Natural Language API. The commands remain in alpha and beta and are identical.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Added --labels flag to gcloud beta sql instances create and --update-labels, --remove-labels, and --clear-labels flags to gcloud beta sql instances patch to support the application of labels to SQL instances.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added --source-instance-template flag to gcloud beta compute instances create and gcloud beta compute instances create-from-container to allow instance creation based on an instance template (see gcloud compute instance-templates command group).
  • Added --ssl-certificates flag to gcloud alpha compute target-https-proxies create, gcloud alpha compute target-https-proxies update, gcloud alpha compute target-ssl-proxies create, and gcloud alpha compute target-ssl-proxies update to allow the specification of multiple ssl certificates when creating or updating a target proxy.
  • Added for option STANDARD for
    • --network-interface sub-flag network-tier in gcloud alpha compute instances create, and gcloud alpha compute instances create-from-container.
    • --network-tier flag in gcloud alpha compute instances <create|add-access-config|update-access-config>, gcloud alpha compute instance-templates <create|create-from-container>, and gcloud alpha compute <addresses|forwarding-rules> create.
  • Added command gcloud beta compute addresses update for modification of addresses (in particular, modifying labels).
  • Added command gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules update for modification of forwarding rules (in particular, modifying labels).
  • Promoted flag --force-create of gcloud compute images create to beta. By default, image creation fails when it is created from a disk that is attached to a running instance. When this flag is used, image creation from disk will proceed even if the disk is in use.

Google Container Engine

  • Promoted gcloud container node-pools rollback command to GA. The alpha and beta command remains available and is identical.
  • Added --enable-network-policy flag to gcloud alpha container clusters <create|update> to enable network policy enforcement.
  • Updated kubectl from version 1.6.4 to version 1.6.6.

160.0.0 (2017-06-21; abandoned: all changes available in 161.0.0)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the deprecated gcloud ml-engine init-project command. It is no longer needed by other Google Cloud ML Engine commands.

Google Cloud SDK

  • GA cmdlets for Stackdriver Logging, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, Google Cloud IAM are now available in Cloud Tools for PowerShell.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud beta app deploy now uses the new PHP Runtime Builder pipeline to deploy apps. The normal gcloud app deploy remains unchanged.
  • Previously, gcloud app list commands would only show the first 50 results. Now, all relevant results will be shown.

Google Compute Engine

  • It is now supported to delete both zonal and regional Managed Instance Groups in one gcloud invocation.
  • Using labels in gcloud for the following Google Compute Engine resources is now in GA: disks, images, instances, and snapshots.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • Fixed a bug affecting concurrent invocations of gcloud container builds submit wherein objects could be uploaded to the same location, resulting in collisions and corrupted/broken builds.

Google Cloud Video Intelligence

  • The gcloud ml video command group is now available in the beta track. These commands allow you to use the Cloud Video Intelligence API to analyze videos and manage long-running video analysis operations.

159.0.0 (2017-06-14)

Google App Engine

  • Added commands to support automatically managed certificates:
    • gcloud alpha app domain-mappings
    • gcloud alpha app ssl-certificates
  • Added --no-launch-browser flag to all gcloud app browse commands:
    • Allows the user to specify that they don't want a browser, they just want the url.
    • Detects situations that the user probably can't launch a browser (no DISPLAY, etc.) and just prints the URL instead of attempting to launch a browser.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • cbt ls <table> now shows the GC policy for each column family.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added gcloud compute instances set-service-account
  • gcloud compute disks snapshot now waits for the operation to finish indefinitely.
  • Removed the --zone flag in:
    • gcloud compute backend-services add-backend
    • gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend
    • gcloud compute backend-services update-backend
  • Removed the --region flag in:
    • gcloud functions command group (alpha and beta)
    • gcloud functions regions list
  • Promoted Google cloud TCP proxy to GA.

Google Container Registry

  • Fixed an issue that affected docker build while using docker-credential-gcr.

Google Cloud KMS

  • Promoted KMS gcloud kms encrypt and gcloud kms decrypt commands from beta to GA.

158.0.0 (2017-06-07)

Breaking Changes

  • The App Engine Go externalized runtime will detect Go apps using only the files in the root of the app directory. This means that gcloud beta app gen-config (and gcloud app deploy in an app directory with no app.yaml file) will not recognize a Go runtime if .go files are in subdirectories. To override this behavior, run gcloud beta app gen-config --runtime go to generate an app.yaml with the Go runtime.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud beta app deploy now uses the new Ruby Runtime Builder pipeline to deploy apps. The normal gcloud app deploy remains unchanged.

Google Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Fixes compatibility with latest HBase client library.
  • Performance improvements for large bulk mutations.

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql instances patch commands will stop asking for confirmation that existing networks have been included in case of authorized networks being updated, unless the --authorized-networks flag is being used.

Google Compute Engine

  • POTENTIALLY BREAKING: Most gcloud compute commands that involve specifying instances will now only prompt with relevant zones and no longer show all Google Cloud Platform zones when the --zone flag is omitted.
  • gcloud shared VPC network (XPN) commands are now in GA.

157.0.0 (2017-05-31)

Google Cloud SDK

  • Added the auth/disable_credentials property that allows gcloud to make requests without loading credentials. This is only useful if you are behind a proxy that adds authentication to your requests automatically.
  • Cloud Tools for PowerShell:
    • Added BigQuery beta cmdlets to manage BigQuery datasets.
    • Added Container beta cmdlets to manage Container clusters.

Google App Engine

  • Added command gcloud beta app instances scp for securely copying files between an App Engine Flexible instance and the local machine.
  • Updated App Engine components to 1.9.54.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added ability to set the min-cpu-platform of an instance or instance-template in beta.

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • gcloud config set proxy/* settings are now propagated to bq.

Google Cloud IOT

  • Added gcloud beta iot command group to the beta release track. Commands in this group manage IoT devices and data.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Updated the datalab component to the 20170525 release. Changes in this release are documented in its tracking issue here.

Google Cloud Container Engine

  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.6.3 to 1.6.4.

Google Cloud ML Engine

  • Removed gcloud beta ml alias for gcloud beta ml-engine commands. Please use gcloud ml-engine directly.
  • Removed gcloud ml-engine models versions group in favor of the identical gcloud ml-engine versions group.
  • gcloud ml-engine commands in the beta track now run against the v1 API, since the v1beta1 API is turning down. These changes do not affect gcloud ml commands for Google Cloud Natural Language, Google Cloud Speech, or Google Cloud Vision.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Promoted gcloud sql connect to GA.

Google Cloud KMS

  • Added encrypt and decrypt commands to gcloud beta kms.

156.0.0 (2017-05-24)

Breaking Changes

  • gcloud container builds submit will host build logs in a bucket owned by the Container Builder team by default, rather than one owned by the customer. If the customer does specify a bucket, The command gcloud container builds submit will no longer create that bucket if it does not already exist.

  • gcloud sql instances set-root-password is now deprecated and will be removed in version 162.0.0. Please use gcloud sql users set-password as an alternative.

  • gcloud computes copy-files is now deprecated. Use gcloud compute scp instead. Note that recursive copy is not turned on by default for scp. Add --recurse to the invocation to turn it on.

  • The ISO time string format for the DUE_TIME argument to retrieve a backup in gcloud beta sql backups describe is now deprecated in favor of integer format (now known as the ID argument). Instead of running:

    $ gcloud beta sql backups describe 2017-05-24T00:00:00.000Z --instance a1

    please run:

    $ gcloud beta sql backups describe 1490238000769 --instance a1

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components have been updated to 1.9.53. Please visit the following release notes for details:

    • Python:
    • Java:
  • The App Engine Flexible environment includes Python 3.6 support (beta). To preview this runtime, specify python_version: 3.6 in the runtime_config stanza of your app.yaml file.

  • gcloud beta app instances ssh now accepts remote commands in the following fashion: gcloud beta app instances ssh -- echo hello world.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • Add versioning information to the cbt commandline tool. The tool version is displayed in help output and by the new cbt version command.

Google Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • The Cloud Bigtable Emulator is now supported on Windows hosts.

Google Cloud Container Engine

  • Update Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.6.2 to 1.6.3.

Google Cloud Logging

  • Print the correct resource name in gcloud logging beta sinks create for non-project resources.

Google Cloud Resources

  • The new gcloud alpha resources list command lists all indexed resources accessible from your account.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • The gcloud source repos command group is now available in the GA release track.

  • The gcloud source repos list command is now paginated.

Google Cloud SQL

  • All functionality from gcloud beta sql instances commands is now available in gcloud sql instances.

  • Promoted gcloud sql backups to the GA release track.

Google Cloud Storage

  • gcloud config set proxy/* settings are now propagated to gsutil. Users no longer need to update gsutil .boto file with these settings.

Google Compute Engine

  • The --container flag in gcloud compute ssh uses docker exec command instead of nsenter in order to attach to container. The --container flag can be used with any VM instance that has docker installed.

  • Promoted Identity-Aware Proxy support to the GA release track for gcloud compute backend-services.

  • Add the suse-sap-cloud project to the default public image list.

  • Fixed a bug in gcloud compute ssh where SSH commands were incorrectly assembled when using -- [SSH_ARGS] for passing extra arguments and commands.

  • Promoted gcloud compute scp to the GA release track.

  • Add the --custom-extensions flag to gcloud beta compute instances create, gcloud beta compute instances set-machine-type, and gcloud beta compute instance-templates create.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Firebase Test Lab now has beta support for testing Android game apps that include game test loops. You run tests as follows:

    $ gcloud beta firebase test android run --type game-loop ...

    To learn more, see

  • Added support for network shaping to alpha and beta release tracks for Firebase Test Lab. You can add a network profile to your tests with the --network-profile flag, followed by the name of the network profile you would like to use. Firebase Test Lab provides information about the network profiles available for network shaping through the list and describe commands. You can use them as follows:

    • $ gcloud beta firebase test network-profiles --help
    • $ gcloud beta firebase test network-profiles list
    • $ gcloud beta firebase test network-profiles describe PROFILE_ID


  • Go SDK has been upgraded to go1.6.4.

155.0.0 (2017-05-11)

Google App Engine

  • Added gcloud beta domains command group.

  • Added gcloud beta app domain-mappings command group.

  • Added gcloud beta app ssl-certificates command group.

  • Added a goroot specific to Go 1.6 in preparation for the Go 1.8 beta.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Updated the datalab component. This is a bugfix-only release. Details of the fixed issue are available here:

Google Cloud DNS

  • Added beta track for gcloud dns which uses the new v2beta1 API.

Google Cloud Logging

  • BUG FIX: gcloud beta logging sinks update would remove any start time or end time from a sink.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Upgraded gsutil component to version 4.26.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Promoted gcloud sql users to GA.

Google Compute Engine

  • Modified gcloud compute instances attach-disk to output full urls of zones and machine types instead of outputting just their names.

  • Added --force-create flag to gcloud compute images create. Applicable to alpha track only.

Google Container Engine

  • Added --async flag and deprecated --wait flag in gcloud container node-pools delete. Users should use --async in place of --wait.

  • Moved gcloud container operations cancel to beta.

  • Moved gcloud container node-pools rollback to beta.

  • Added ability to specify --labels when creating a Container Engine cluster in gcloud alpha or beta. These labels can be changed by using the --update-labels or --remove-labels flags now available in gcloud container clusters update. Labels will then be applied to Google Cloud Platform resources that the cluster creates.

154.0.1 (2017-05-04)

Cloud SDK

  • Fixed issue in for gcloud init command. See

154.0.0 (2017-05-03)

Cloud SDK

  • Added support for project creation during the gcloud init flow.

Google Cloud Logging

  • BUG FIX: gcloud beta logging sinks update would remove any start time or end time from a sink

  • gcloud beta logging sinks describe now reports values of start_time, end_time and include_children

  • The --include-children flag is now available for gcloud beta logging sinks create to create sinks that apply to an organization or folder and also to all of its child projects and folders.

Google Compute Engine

  • Workaround problems with alpha and beta versions of compute ssh command fail an attempt to use clouduseraccounts APIs.

Google Container Engine

  • Promote --cluster-version from beta to GA in gcloud container clusters create.

  • '--no-source' flag for 'gcloud container builds submit' allows builds with no source input.

Google Cloud ML Engine

  • Added --config parameter to gcloud ml-engine versions create; this parameter allows specifying scaling settings for a version.

Google Cloud Speech

  • The gcloud ml speech commands to recognize spoken words in recorded speech using the Cloud Speech API are now available in beta. Please run gcloud beta ml speech --help or visit to learn more.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud beta app deploy now attempts to use the Service Management API to enable the Appengine Flexible Environment API for Flexible deployments, if needed. Before deploying a Flexible app, please ensure that the Flexible Environment API is enabled on the app's project.

  • The new Node.js Runtime Builder pipeline will now be used to deploy apps when using gcloud beta app deploy.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Promote gcloud sql operations to GA. The beta surface still remains and is identical.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • Add a source repos describe command to describe a repository to the beta track.

153.0.0 (2017-04-26)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SQL)gcloud beta sql instances restore-backup no longer accepts short flag -b. Use --backup-id instead.

Google App Engine

  • Components updated to 1.9.52.
    • Please visit the following release notes for details: Python -

Google BiqQuery

  • Scope-related warnings when using bq with Google Compute Engine service accounts have been fixed.
  • Small improvements to error messages and flag descriptions in bq.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • gcloud datapoc clusters create now accepts the --no-address flag

Google Cloud SDK

  • Added choice to enable the API and retry if attempting to contact a disabled API.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • repos list no longer reports repo size.

Google Cloud Spanner

  • Different query modes (normal, plan, and profile) now supported.
    • A table with aggregate statistics for queries run in 'profile' mode added.

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql databases is now in GA.
    • The beta surface still remains and is identical.

Google Compute Engine

  • alpha and beta compute instances set-machine-type commands now require specifying the new machine type.
  • Label support for instance, snapshot and images resources added.
  • gcloud beta compute instance-templates create now accepts the --accelerator flag.
  • compute addresses create and compute forwarding_rules create flag --ip-version is now in beta
  • gcloud compute networks peerings commands are now in alpha and beta. These commands allow you to manage peering connections in your Google Cloud Platform VPC network.

Google Container Engine

  • kubctl version is now 1.6.2 instead of 1.6.0

Google Service Management

  • gcloud beta service-management deploy command will now scan for potentially hazardous changes to service configurations and abort if any actionable advice is returned. These can be overridden with the new --force flag.

152.0.0 (2017-04-19)

Breaking Changes

  • (Compute Engine) The --force-creation flag is no longer supported in gcloud compute images create.

Google Container Registry

  • gcloud container images is now globally available.

Google Compute Engine

  • The --force-creation flag is no longer supported in gcloud compute images create.
  • The gcloud compute instance-groups managed abandon-instances, gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete-instances, andgcloud compute instance-groups managed recreate-instances` commands now support more than 1000 instances.
  • Custom cache keys are now v1, adding the following flags to gcloud compute backend-services create and gcloud compute backend-services update:
    • --cache-key-include-host
    • --cache-key-include-protocol
    • --cache-key-include-query-string
    • --cache-key-query-string-blacklist
    • --cache-key-query-string-whitelist
  • (Alpha, Beta) Added the gcloud beta compute disks add-labels, gcloud beta compute disks remove-labels, and gcloud beta compute disks update commands to support labels for Compute Engine disk resources.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Starting on 2017-06-30, the --instance flag in gcloud sql operations wait and gcloud sql operations describe will no longer be supported. You can still run the same command by omitting this flag.

Google Cloud Containers

  • Added the --start-ip-rotation and --complete-ip-rotation flags to gcloud container clusters update.
  • Improved the performance of gcloud container images list-tags in certain cases.


  • (Cloud Bigtable Emulator) The Cloud Bigtable Emulator no longer crashes when not configured with a host_port.
  • (Cloud SDK) Fixed a bug in the fish shell $PATH script that caused the $PWD to change (

151.0.1 (2017-04-14)

Cloud SDK

  • Fixed issue in which some users could not use the Windows installer or "bundled python" version of the Cloud SDK for installation.

151.0.0 (2017-04-12)

Google App Engine

  • Added command gcloud beta app repair, for restoring resources needed by App Engine.
  • Updated Google App Engine components to 1.9.51. Please visit the following release notes for details:
    • Java -
    • Python -

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Updated the datalab component to the 20170330 build:
    • Fixed a race condition on create when mounting /tmp that caused intermittent mount failures.
    • Added .gitignore and files to newly created user notebooks.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

Google Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.25.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added --action, --rules, --direction, --destination-ranges, and --priority flags to gcloud beta compute firewall-rules {describe,create,update} commands.
  • Added size=SIZE parameter to the --local-ssd flag for gcloud compute {instances,instance-templates} create{,-from-container} commands in the alpha track.

Google Service Management

  • Added gcloud service-management operations list command in the alpha and beta tracks.

150.0.0 (2017-04-05)

Breaking Changes

  • The v1beta1 API for Google Cloud ML Engine is deprecated and will be turned off on 2017-05-31. Please switch to the gcloud ml-engine commands, which use the v1 API, by that date; at that time, the gcloud beta ml-engine commands will switch over to the v1 API.

Cloud Tools for PowerShell

  • Added beta cmdlets for Google Container Engine.
  • Fixed a bug where Get-GcdChange and Get-GcdResourceRecordSet were not returning more than 1000 items.

Google App Engine

  • Fixed an issue in gcloud app operations list which resulted in sporadic crashes.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added Google Cloud TCP proxy commands to the Beta track. For more information see gcloud beta compute target-tcp-proxies group and the online documentation:

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters create|get-credentials will now configure kubectl to use the credentials of the active gcloud account by default, instead of using application default credentials. This requires kubectl 1.6.0 or higher. You can update kubectl by running gcloud components update kubectl. If you prefer to use application default credentials to authenticate kubectl to Google Container Engine clusters, you can revert to the previous behavior by setting the container/use_application_default_credentials property:
    • gcloud config set container/use_application_default_credentials true
  • Added --[no-]enable-legacy-abac option to gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters update. For more details see online documentation:
  • Added --set-password and --generate-password options to the gcloud container cluster update command.
  • Modified the gcloud container images list-tags command to consider 10 recent images by default, instead of all.
  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.5.4 to 1.6.0.

Google Cloud IAM

  • Added tab completion to gcloud iam service-accounts commands.

Google Cloud Logging

  • Removed deprecated "unique-writer-identity" flag. All created/updated sinks will use custom service accounts to increase security. Please see documentation for more details:
  • Remove support for creating/updating sinks with legacy V1 format.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • Updated gcloud projects set-iam-policy and gcloud organizations set-iam-policy commands to allow users to edit audit configs. Changes to IAM policy should be handled via a read-modify-write command sequence.

Google Cloud Storage

  • Update gsutil component to 4.24.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Added gcloud beta sql instances set-root-password for consistency with the GA set of commands. This command is deprecated in favor of gcloud beta sql users set-password.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • gcloud source repos command group promoted to Beta track.


  • Datastore emulator now defaults to port 8081, and Pub/Sub emulator to 8085.

149.0.0 (2017-03-29)

Breaking Changes

  • The Cloud SDK installer on *nix will no longer attempt to update your RC files in non-interactive mode.
  • Support for creating/updating legacy sinks has been removed from gcloud beta logging.

Cloud SDK

  • SHA256 checksums, instead of SHA1 checksums, are now being published for Cloud SDK versioned archives and other downloadable assets.

Firebase Test Lab

  • The gcloud test commands have been promoted to GA and renamed gcloud firebase test .... All gcloud beta test ... commands are deprecated.
  • The preferred way to specify test devices is the new --device argument, which allows more precise control over which device dimensions are included in a test matrix. See gcloud firebase test android run --help and gcloud topic arg-files for details.

Google App Engine

  • Updated Python SDK to version 1.9.51.
  • Support Server Name Indication (SNI) for remote API shell.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Update the datalab component to the 20170323 build. With this release, the entire /content directory of newly created instances will be persisted to the attached disk rather than just the /content/datalab directory.

Google Cloud Natural Language

  • The gcloud beta ml language command group is now available. Use commands in this group to analyze text with the Natural Language API. For more information, see:

Google Cloud Runtime Configuration

  • The optional flag --values has been added to gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables list; it can be used to return values along with variables.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Argument validation for instance arguments has been added to gcloud beta sql instances create, gcloud sql instances create, and gcloud sql instances set-root-password

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud alpha compute ssh can now connect to instances using private IP addresses.
  • gcloud alpha compute images create now has a --force-creation flag.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container images delete has been modified to delete the underlying image, and all associated tags, when given a tag reference. For the remainder of beta, --resolve-tag-to-digest will be required when deleting an image by tag, to avoid accidental deletion. This will become default behavior when the command graduates from beta.

148.0.1 (2017-03-24)

Google Cloud Functions

  • Fixed a bug where gcloud beta functions deploy did not work without the --region flag specified.

148.0.0 (2017-03-22)

Breaking Changes

  • The gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training command is now asynchronous by default; pass --stream-logs to get the old behavior.
  • gcloud ml-engine local predict now only supports prediction using models in SavedModel format. For details, see:

Cloud SDK

  • Windows users upgrading to the new version might see an error after running gcloud components update. This is because the update modifies the gcloud.cmd file. The update should have finished successfully regardless of the error. To make sure, run gcloud components update again. It should say it's already up to date.

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • Added support for updating field descriptions on query destination table. See the destination_schema flag within the query command.
  • Added support for showing only a subset of selected table fields. See the selected_fields flag within the head command.
  • Added support for setting labels on tables. See the label flag within the mk command.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Updated the datalab component to the 20170316 build. This release includes two bug fixes in how the tool looks up Datalab instances:

    1. No longer prompt for a zone if the specified instance does not exist.
    2. Report an error if the specified instance was not created by the tool.

Deployment Manager

  • Promote gcloud alpha deployment-manager commands to the beta release track.

Google Cloud ML Engine

  • The default log polling interval for logs has been raised; this should prevent streaming from using too much quota.

Google Container Engine

  • Update Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.5.3 to 1.5.4.

Google Container Registry

  • untag has been added to the container images command group. In the future, container images delete will be modified to delete the underlying image (and all associated tags) and this will be the primary method of removing tags from images.

Google Service Management

  • --validate-only flag added to service-management deploy command

Google Cloud Key Management Service

  • gcloud beta kms commands have been promoted to general availability as gcloud kms.

Google Cloud Storage

  • Promote compute backend-buckets commands to general availability.
  • Update gsutil component to 4.23

147.0.0 (2017-03-15)

Breaking Changes

  • Modified argument parsing for commands that pass arguments through to another program. The -- argument must be specified between gcloud specific args on the left and the rest of the command on the right. Commands will no longer allow the omission of the --, and unparsed arguments will not be treated as implementation args.
  • Made the --config-name flag mandatory for runtime-config configs variables and runtime-config configs waiters commands.
  • Renamed gcloud kms cryptokeys as gcloud kms keys. Renamed the --cryptokey flag as --key. Deprecated the cryptokey variants.
  • Modified alpha source repos clone to produce an error message if the repository being cloned is a mirror. The command no longer asks to create the repo if it does not exist.

Cloud SDK

  • The gcloud interactive shell auto completes gcloud commands and flags, and displays help, as command lines are typed into the shell. Run gcloud alpha shell to launch the shell.

Google Compute Engine

  • Promoted custom cache keys to beta.
  • Promoted gcloud compute networks subnets to beta.

Google App Engine

  • Modified Google App Engine Flexible Environment runtimes that require entrypoint: to automatically prepend exec to entrypoints, to ensure signals are passed through to the application process.
  • Java SDK updated to 1.9.50. For more details, please see

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • Updated binaries for the cbt commandline tool to allow for creation of tables with initial splits.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Updated the datalab component to the 20170309 build. This is a small update that only updates the name of the project from which we fetch the Container OS images to the new cos-cloud project.

Google Container Engine

  • Added --enable-autorepair flag to gcloud beta container clusters create and gcloud beta container node-pools create.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • Promoted the gcloud projects create command to GA.

Google Cloud Vision

  • The gcloud beta ml vision command group is now available. These commands allow you to analyze images with Google Cloud Vision:

    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-documents
    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-faces
    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-image-properties
    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-labels
    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-landmarks
    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-logos
    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-safe-search
    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-text
    • gcloud beta ml vision detect-web

Google Service Management

  • Modified --format flag for gcloud service-management deploy to make the new service configuration available for formatting with --format

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • Mirrored repositories now display the URL of the repository being mirrored.

Cloud Tools for PowerShell

  • Added beta cmdlets for managing access control and visibility of Google Cloud IAM bindings. For more information, see

Google Container Registry

  • Updated docker-credential-gcr to support the Docker client's new chronological version numbering during configure-docker for Docker client versions of 17.03.xx and above.

Firebase Test Lab

  • Added new --results-dir flag for the gcloud test android run command to specify a predetermined storage location for test results. The value must be unique per each test matrix created. This avoids the need to parse stderr to find the path to the raw test results.
  • Added new commands beta test android versions describe and beta test android locales describe.

Google Cloud Key Management Service (Beta)

  • Tab completion for the Cloud KMS --location flag is now supported.

146.0.0 (2017-03-02)

Google Cloud ML

  • gcloud ml has been promoted to GA and renamed gcloud ml-engine
  • Add --max-worker-count to gcloud ml-engine jobs submit prediction to specify maximum number of workers to use.
  • Add --model-dir in gcloud ml-engine jobs submit prediction to use model files saved in Google Cloud Storage.

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • gcloud source repos set-iam-policy and gcloud source repos get-iam-policy commands now available on alpha release track.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Add a --verbosity flag to gcloud datalab command
  • Change gcloud datalab to use the latest Docker image by default, rather than the local image.
  • Fix bug where gcloud datalab connect would seemingly hang until ENTER was pressed.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • Add support for development instances that can be upgraded to production instances later.

Google Compute Engine/Networking

  • gcloud compute xpn commands now available in the beta release track. These commands configure cross-project networking.
  • gcloud compute disks snapshot --guest-flush flag now generally available for creating application-consistent snapshots. Currently only supported on Windows instances using the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
  • Add gcloud compute networks subnets list-usable to alpha release track for listing subnetworks that the user has compute.subnetworks.use permission on.
  • Add support for multiple network interface cards in gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create command on the beta release track.

Google Container Engine

  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.5.2 to 1.5.3.

Google Cloud Container Builder

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql instances create now shows a clear error message if user tries to exceed instance limit.

Firebase Test Lab

  • gcloud test android run now directs the user to the test results page within the Firebase console instead of the deprecated Test Lab section of the Google Developer's Console.

145.0.0 (2017-02-22)

Breaking Changes

  • The gcloud beta runtime-configs group has been renamed gcloud beta runtime-config. All commands previously under gcloud beta runtime-configs have been moved to the gcloud beta runtime-config configs command group.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app deploy now deploys Go apps for both Standard and Flexible environments. All usage of aedeploy can now use gcloud app deploy directly instead.
  • When passing a directory to, searches for yaml in the directory so that gcloud can check missing components and prompt to install.
  • Java SDK updated to 1.9.49. For more details, please see
  • gcloud app logs tail is now available in GA.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Update the datalab command line tool to the 20170215 build. This incorporates the following changes to the datalab tool:
    1. Allow specifying a service account when creating a Datalab instance.
    2. Move the /tmp directory outside of the VM's boot disk.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Cluster and job labels support in gcloud dataproc is now available in GA.
  • The --network-tier flag has been added to the following commands:
    • gcloud alpha compute addresses create
    • gcloud alpha compute forwarding-rules create
    • gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances add-access-config
    • gcloud alpha compute instances create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances create-from-container
    • gcloud alpha compute instances update-access-config

Google Cloud SQL

  • A --database-version flag has been added to gcloud sql flags list and gcloud beta sql flags list to allow filtering. An 'applies to' column has been added to tabular output.
  • Added the following commands:
    • gcloud beta sql databases create
    • gcloud beta sql databases delete
    • gcloud beta sql databases describe
    • gcloud beta sql databases list
    • gcloud beta sql databases patch

Google Compute Engine

  • The --network-tier flag has been added to the following commands:
    • gcloud alpha compute addresses create
    • gcloud alpha compute forwarding-rules create
    • gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances add-access-config
    • gcloud alpha compute instances create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances create-from-container
    • gcloud alpha compute instances update-access-config

144.0.0 (2017-02-15)

Breaking Changes

  • Many Cloud SQL commands now prompt for confirmation in more circumstances:
    • gcloud sql instances import
    • gcloud beta sql instances import
    • gcloud beta sql instances failover
    • gcloud sql instances promote-replica
    • gcloud beta sql instances promote-replica
    • gcloud sql instances reset-ssl-config
    • gcloud beta sql instances reset-ssl-config
    • gcloud sql instances restart
    • gcloud beta sql instances restart
    • gcloud sql ssl-certs delete
    • gcloud beta sql ssl-certs delete
    • gcloud beta sql users delete
  • gcloud compute backend-services now requires an explicit scope. Pass --global to retain the old behavior.

Deployment Manager

  • deployment-manager deployments {update,stop,cancel-preview} can take --fingerprint flag to ensure optimistic locking.
  • The gcloud deployment-manager runtime-configs command group is now available as a top-level command group: gcloud runtime-configs.

Google App Engine

  • Fixed a bug in gcloud app instances list where instances were always listed as NOT in debug mode.
  • Added --container flag to gcloud beta app instances ssh, which lets you SSH straight into the app container within the instance VM.
  • Deployments using vm: true have been deprecated. Please update your app.yaml to use env: flex. To learn more, please visit
  • Added Google Analytics reporting to the binary. This is only enabled for users who have opted in during installation.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Update the datalab command line tool to the 20170208 build. This update includes the following changes:
    1. All subcommands of the datalab tool now support a --quiet flag for disabling interactive prompts.
    2. You can now configure the logging threshold for messages that Datalab instances write to StackDriver logging. The default is warn, but this can be overridden by passing in the --log-level flag.
    3. The datalab create and datalab connect commands are more intelligent about when they should open a browser. In particular, they detect if the configured browser is a text-only browser or if the command is being run from inside of Google Cloud Shell, and do not attempt to launch the browser in those cases.
    4. The tool will now detect and warn if two users try to share a single Datalab instance, as that use case is not supported.
    5. Newly created Datalab instances use the Container Optimized OS rather than the older Container VM OS.

Google Cloud Functions

  • The gcloud functions commands are now available in the beta release track as gcloud beta functions.

Google Cloud Spanner

  • Initial (beta track) release of the gcloud beta spanner command group.

Google Cloud SQL

  • gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch now support specifying custom machine types on psql instances by using the --memory and --cpu flags.
  • Add ability to delete backups in SQL beta CLI (gcloud beta sql backups delete).
  • If a user does not confirm a backup deletion, immediately cancel the operation. Also bringing this function into line with others in the SQL CLI. Affects one command:
    • gcloud beta sql backups delete

Google Compute Engine

  • Accelerators (e.g. GPUs) can now be attached to instances by passing --accelerator to gcloud beta compute instances create.
  • gcloud beta compute accelerator-types is now available in beta.

143.0.1 (2017-02-09)

  • Fixed issue in which some downloads of the Cloud SDK were missing critical libraries.

143.0.0 (2017-02-08)

Google App Engine

  • gcloud beta app instances ssh is now available in beta.
  • Updated app-engine-go component to the 1.9.50 SDK.
  • Fixed a bug where gcloud beta app deploy failed while deploying Go apps.
  • Python SDK updated to 1.9.50. For more details, please see

Google Compute Engine

  • Show Cloud OS Images (COS) in 'gcloud compute images list' output.
  • Added beta for 'compute xpn get-xpn-host' and 'compute xpn organizations list-xpn-hosts'.

Cloud Tools for PowerShell

  • Added beta cmdlets for Log Sinks and Log Metrics.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub

  • The Pub/Sub emulator now adheres to the documented topic and subscription name constraints, including support for '+' and '%25' in names via REST.

Google Cloud ML

  • The --job-dir flag for gcloud beta ml jobs submit training may now be used for staging code in the absence of the (now optional) --staging-bucket flag.
  • --staging-bucket flag is only required in jobs submit training if a file upload is necessary.
  • Add --job-dir flag to ml jobs submit training

Google Cloud Deployment Manager/Runtime Configuration

  • gcloud beta deployment-manager runtime-configs is now available in beta.

142.0.0 (2017-02-01)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Cloud Logging) Renamed --only-project-sinks flag for gcloud logging beta sinks list to --only-v2-sinks
  • (Google Cloud ML) Support for space-separated values with the --packages flag for gcloud beta ml jobs submit training has been removed. Please separate your packages with commas.

Google App Engine

  • Added gcloud beta app logs tail command.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Cluster labels can now be updated

Google Cloud IAM

  • gcloud beta iam service-accounts sign-jwt is now available in beta.
  • gcloud beta iam service-accounts keys get-public-key is now available in beta.

Google Cloud Storage

  • Add the backend-buckets command to the beta release track.

Google Cloud Logging

  • Added support for sinks for organizations, folders and billing accounts

Google Cloud SQL

  • Prompt for confirmation when user restores an SQL instance from backup. Affects three commands:
    • gcloud beta sql backups restore
    • gcloud sql instances restore-backup
    • gcloud beta sql instances restore-backup

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • Preparation for new API features. If bq ls begins failing, updating to this release should fix it.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Update the datalab command line tool to the 20170119 build. With this update, the datalab create command will ensure that a datalab-notebooks Cloud Source Repository exists in the project, and newly created persistent disks will include a clone of that repository in the datalab/notebooks directory. Creating that repository can be disabled by passing in the --no-create-repository flag to the datalab create command.

141.0.0 (2017-01-25)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Cloud SDK) The deprecated gcloud preview app and gcloud preview datastore have been removed. Commands are available under the GA release track.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app operations is now in GA.
  • Added support for using Yarn with Node.js applications.

Google Cloud ML

  • Added a --regions flag in gcloud beta ml models create to set the region(s) where the model will be deployed.
  • Implemented gcloud beta ml operations commands.
  • Fixed a bug where gcloud beta ml local train --distributed did not work with TensorFlow >= 0.12

Google Compute Engine

  • Deprecated old --scopes format in gcloud compute instances create in favor of --scopes format consistent with gcloud compute set-scopes.
  • Deprecated old --scopes format in gcloud compute instance-templates create in favor of --scopes format consistent with gcloud compute set-scopes.
  • Added support for creating Google Compute Engine VMs with GPU accelerators.

Google Container Engine

  • Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.5.1 to 1.5.2.

Google Container Registry

  • Mitigated an issue regarding's certificate when users invoked gcloud docker.

Google Cloud Bigtable Emulator

  • Bigtable emulator now supports value_range, condition, strip_value_transformer, timestamp_range and row_key_regex filters.

Google Service Management

  • Full resource URI parsing now supported

Google Cloud Key Management Service (Beta)

  • Fixed an issue that prevented setting next-rotation-time in gcloud beta kms crytpokeys set-rotation-schedule.

140.0.0 (2017-01-18)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud alpha search-help is now available in alpha. Run gcloud alpha search-help [TERM] to find gcloud commands whose help text contains [TERM].

Google Cloud ML

  • gcloud ml jobs submit training now supports packages already in Google Cloud Storage via the --packages flag.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Upgrade the Datalab CLI to the 20170110 build.

Google Cloud Debugger

  • The gcloud debug command group is now available in GA.

Google Container Registry

  • An issue that affected Docker client version parsing during docker-credential-gcr configure-docker has been fixed.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • 'deployment-manager deployments update' can update deployments with a new description using --description flag.


  • The Pub/Sub emulator now accepts web-safe Base64 encoded data.

139.0.1 (2017-01-12)

  • Fixed crash in gcloud dataproc clusters create

139.0.0 (2017-01-11)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Cloud Logging) The default value of the --unique-writer-identity flag to gcloud beta logging sinks create and gcloud beta logging sinks update is now true. Please consult the documentation before using these commands.
  • (Google Cloud Logging) Remove 'struct' option from gcloud logging write. Use 'json' instead
  • (Google Cloud Logging) logging beta metrics create and logging beta metrics update commands have changed their flags and importantly now use Logging V2 filter syntax. See the help for more information.
  • (Google App Engine) Flexible deployments now skip files matching node_modules and .git by default, but no longer skip other hidden files by default. Standard deployments are not changing.
  • (Google Compute Engine) gcloud compute target-pools set-backup --backup-pool and gcloud compute project-info set-usage-bucket --bucket flags now warn if you provide an empty argument; use --no-backup-pool and --no-bucket instead.
  • (Google Cloud Bigtable) Removed gcloud alpha bigtable command group; please use gcloud beta bigtable for all Cloud Bigtable operations.
  • (Stackdriver Debugger) Added a --location option to several gcloud beta debug commands, to separate out the processing of resource IDs from filename patterns. These commands now take only resource IDs as positional parameters.

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Added the command-line tool for Google Cloud Datalab in the Cloud SDK; call it via the datalab script.

Google Cloud Key Management Service

  • Added the gcloud beta kms commands for key management.

Google Cloud Logging

  • Add --billing-account flag to gcloud logging read
  • gcloud beta logging metrics list/describe now output the version of the filter associated with the metric

Google Cloud ML

  • The gcloud beta ml jobs submit training now takes a --scale-tier flag.
  • Support gzipped TFRecord file type for gcloud beta ml jobs submit prediction.

Google App Engine

  • (Google App Engine) Fixed bug with gcloud app instances describe. --service and --version flags are now required.
  • gcloud beta app deploy now uses multi-threading rather than multi-processing for file uploads; if you've been seeing issues on Windows, please try the beta command out.
  • gcloud app versions migrate is now GA.
  • gcloud app instances delete is now GA.
  • Added gcloud beta app operations commands.
  • Added gcloud beta app instances delete command.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud beta compute images create now has a --guest-os-features flag for enabling specific OS supported features.
  • Use the new scopes format (see --help for deetails) for
    • gcloud alpha compute instances create
    • gcloud alpha compute instances create-from-container
    • gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create
    • gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create-from-container
    • gcloud beta compute instances create
    • gcloud beta compute instance-templates create
  • Add --custom-extensions flag to: gcloud alpha compute instances create, gcloud alpha compute instances set-machine-type, and gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create

Google Compute Engine (Networking)

  • The --host flag for gcloud alpha compute url-maps invalidate-cdn-cache is now available in the GA version of the command.

Stackdriver Debugger

  • Fixed log view URLs in the debug logpoints commands to use the V2 query syntax.

Google Service Management

  • --validate-only flag added to gcloud service-management deploy command

Google Cloud Functions

  • The --trigger-params flag has been renamed to --trigger-path (the path= specifier is no longer necessary). The old flag has been deprecated and will be removed or gcloud alpha functions deploy.
  • Restore gcloud alpha functions get-logs command.
  • Restore deprecated flags --trigger-topic, --trigger-bucket, --source, --bucket, and --trigger-gs-uri to gcloud alpha functions deploy command.

Google Container Engine

  • Update Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.4.6 to 1.5.1.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • The cbt command line tool component is now available. See:

Google Cloud Datastore

  • gcloud datastore create-indexes and cleanup-indexes are now GA

Google Container Registry

  • docker-credential-gcr has been upgraded to v1.3 and now supports Docker client v1.14 credential helpers. docker-credential-gcr will now preferentially act as a credential helper (as opposed to credential store) on Docker client versions 1.14+. Update (or install) the docker-credential-gcr component and run docker-credential-gcr configure-docker to configure your Docker client to use docker-credential-gcr to authenticate operations on your GCR repositories.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • Added labels support to the gcloud alpha deployment-manager deployments create and update commands (via the --labels and --{update,remove}-labels flags respectively).
  • Introduce new syntax key:val,foo:bar for --properties flag in all gcloud deployment-manager commands. The old key=val,foo=bar syntax is deprecated.

138.0.0 (2016-12-14)

Cloud SDK

  • Introduce --(no-)force-key-file-overwrite flags to all gcloud commands using SSH key files. These new flags control overwrite behavior when SSH key files are broken. Without these flags, interactive sessions will ask for confirmation before regenerating key files. Old non-interactive behavior (permissive) is deprecated and will be removed in 6 months. To preserve old behavior in your scripts, use new flag --force-key-file-overwrite (though this is discouraged).

  • Credential store format for service accounts has changed. Your credentials will get auto-upgraded to new format upon usage; however, if gcloud is downgraded to previous version those credentials will not be usable and users will have to reactivate their service account.

Google Cloud ML

  • gcloud beta ml jobs submit training is now blocking by default. Use the --async flag to finish immediately after job submission.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute instances create creates instance with no scopes by default if project has no default service account.
  • compute target-ssl-proxies list deprecated --regex and names argument. Please use --filter flag instead.
  • gcloud compute connect-to-serial-port allows for interactive connections to the serial port for instances.
  • Promote compute instances set-scopes command from alpha to beta.

Google App Engine

  • Java SDK updated to 1.9.48. For more details, please see
  • Python SDK updated to 1.9.49. For more details, please see
  • gcloud app describe is now GA.
  • Added gcloud beta app instances delete, which deletes a specific App Engine instance.
  • Added gcloud beta app versions migrate.
  • Added support for env: flex (Flexible Environment) instances to gcloud app instances enable-debug and gcloud app instances disable-debug.
  • Added support for skip_files in Flexible Environment deployments.

Google Container Engine

  • Users can create clusters/nodepools with node autoupgrade enabled in Beta by adding --enable-auto-upgrade. Please refer to gcloud beta container clusters create --help and gcloud beta container node-pools create --help for more details.
  • node-pool upgrades can now be rolled back using the gcloud alpha container node-pools rollback <pool-name> command. See gcloud alpha container node-pools rollback --help for more details.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • Container Builder timeouts are now unlimited (with a default of ten minutes), and can be specified with the --timeout flag.

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • The gcloud dataflow jobs command group now has the following commands in GA: cancel, describe, drain, list, show

Google Cloud Functions

  • Remove gcloud alpha functions get-logs command.
  • Remove deprecated flags --trigger-topic --trigger-bucket --source --bucket --trigger-gs-uri from gcloud alpha functions deploy command.

137.0.1 (2016-12-08)

Google Cloud ML

  • gcloud beta ml jobs submit training: Fix crash when --packages was not specified.

137.0.0 (2016-12-07)

Google Cloud Functions

  • Add gcloud alpha functions deploy --trigger-provider, --trigger-event, --trigger-resource and --trigger-params flags.
  • Add gcloud alpha functions event-types list command.

Google Cloud ML

  • The gcloud beta ml models versions command group has been moved to gcloud beta ml versions. The old commands still work, but are deprecated.
  • The --origin flag for the gcloud beta ml versions create command now accepts local file paths in addition to Google Cloud Storage (gs://) paths.
  • gcloud beta ml jobs training: --packages now takes a comma-separated list instead of a space-separated list.

Google Compute Engine

  • Internal Load Balancing is now available in GA.
  • It is no longer allowed to pass an empty scope in gcloud compute instances create --scopes flag.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container images describe has some breaking changes to its --format=JSON output.

Google Service Management

  • The gcloud service-management surface is now available in the GA and beta release tracks. Please use gcloud service-management instead of gcloud beta service-management.

136.0.0 (2016-12-01)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud config get-value is now GA.

Google Cloud Service Management

  • Add gcloud beta service-management undelete.

Google Container Engine

  • Add gcloud beta container image describe to list container analysis data.
  • Update Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.4.4 to 1.4.6.

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • gcloud container builds ... are now GA.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • gcloud organizations ... are now GA.
  • Removed gcloud organizations update.

Google Cloud ML

  • Add gcloud beta ml local predict to do local prediction.
  • Deprecate '--instances' flag in gcloud beta ml predict.

Google App Engine

  • gcloud app instances describe is now GA.
  • gcloud app services describe is now GA.
  • gcloud app logs read will now show request logs by default as well as stdout, stderr, and crash.log.
  • Add gcloud beta app describe, which prints information about the current App Engine application.
  • gcloud beta app deploy can now deploy go apps, without the use of aedeploy or goapp deploy. Both App Engine Standard and Flexible environments are supported. If you are using runtime: custom with aedeploy, you will need to vendor your dependencies into the app directory manually.
  • Deprecated the configuration property app/gsutil. Affected users are warned during gcloud app deploy with instructions on how to update their configuration appropriately.
  • The App Engine flexible environment now defaults to Python 3.5 when Python 3 is requested. To temporarily revert to Python 3.4, specify python_version: 3.4 in the runtime_config stanza of your app.yaml.
  • Updated app-engine-go component to the 1.9.48 SDK.

Google Compute Engine

  • Add --service-label flag to gcloud alpha compute forwarding-rules create.

Cloud Tools for PowerShell

  • Add cmdlets to manage Cloud Storage ACLs.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager/Runtime Configuration

  • Fixed gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe when resource expansion fails.

Bigtable Emulator

  • Bigtable emulator now supports column_range_filter.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Add --service-account flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create.

135.0.0 (2016-11-16)

Google Cloud Service Management

  • gcloud service-management deploy command now supports providing multiple service configuration or API specification inputs simultaneously. This change allows creating .proto and YAML based configurations for gRPC services.

Google Container Engine

  • Change the gcloud container list-tags command to support user-specified filters on occurrences and exposes a column summarizing vulnerability information.

Google Cloud Resource Manager

  • gcloud organizations update is now deprecated.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager/Runtime Configuration

  • Runtime configuration variables can now be set and retrieved using text values.

Bigtable Emulator

  • Now supports macOS Sierra.

Google App Engine

  • The App Engine flexible environment now includes Python 3.5 support (beta). To preview this runtime, specify python_version: 3.5 in the runtime_config stanza of your app.yaml file.
  • Added the gcloud beta app services describe command, which prints information about a given service.

134.0.0 (2016-11-09)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud info --run-diagnostics flag is now available to diagnose common installation and local network issues.
  • gcloud init now has a --skip-diagnostics flag.

Google App Engine

  • App Engine Java SDK updated to 1.9.46. Please visit the following release notes for details:
  • Added gcloud app create command, which creates an App Engine app in the current project.
  • Added gcloud app regions list command, which lists support for App Engine Standard and Flexible environments for each geographical region.
  • gcloud app deploy now offers to create an App Engine app interactively, if the current project does not have an app yet.

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • Add support for specifying a null marker when loading data. See the null_marker flag within the load command.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete shows clean error message instead of bare exception on attempt to delete zonal and regional Managed Instance Groups in one gcloud invocation. Old behavior was to accept and invoke such request and then fail on waiting for operation complete.
  • Remove OpenSUSE as a default image option. OpenSUSE images are still available in the opensuse-cloud project.

133.0.0 (2016-11-02)

Google Cloud Container Builder

  • gcloud alpha container builds promoted to beta. The following has changed:
    • The 'create' command is now called 'submit'.
    • The 'stream-logs' command is now called 'log', and will only stream the log if the '--stream' flag is used. Otherwise, it will print only the log contents available at the time the command was run.

The alpha commands will remain, as is, until at least March of 2017.

Google Compute Engine

  • regional instance groups are now GA. gcloud compute instance-groups managed

  • Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) for image creation is now GA. See for details.

Google Container Engine

  • Update kubectl to version 1.4.4.

132.0.0 (2016-10-26)

Breaking Changes

  • (Cloud SDK-wide) Command line flag abbreviations are no longer supported.
  • (Cloud SDK-wide) Python 2.6 is no longer supported by the Cloud SDK and commands may not function correctly when run under a Python 2.6 interpreter. Please update your Python installation to 2.7 to ensure compatibility.
    • If you have a 2.7 interpreter on your system that is not the default, you can use the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON environment variable to point to it.
    • The last version of the SDK that supports Python 2.6 is 131.0.0, which can be downloaded from our archive:
  • (Google Compute Engine/Google Cloud Source Repositories): Google Cloud Source Repositories scope no longer added by default on instance creation.
  • (Stackdriver Debugger) Changed the default to true for the --all-users option on gcloud beta debug logpoints list command.

Google Cloud Storage

Google Compute Engine

  • Allow specifying both --network and --subnet for the same network interface card.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Jobs and clusters now support labels on creation
  • Jobs and clusters now support filtering by labels and state

Google Container Engine

  • Google Container Engine cluster upgrade operations can now be cancelled using the gcloud alpha container operations cancel command. See gcloud alpha container operations cancel --help for more details.

Cloud Tools for PowerShell

  • Fix a bug where the module is not picking up the active user credentials correctly.
  • Make New-GcsObject -ObjectName parameter optional when uploading a file.
  • Add ability to pipeline GcsObject to Write-GcsObject cmdlet.

131.0.0 (2016-10-19)

Cloud SDK

  • Added PowerShell provider for Google Cloud Storage; allows navigation of Google Cloud Storage buckets as if they were a local file system. When using Cloud Tools for PowerShell cd into gs:\ and type dir to begin. Learn more at

  • App Engine updated to 1.9.45. Java SDK updated to 1.9.44. Please visit the following release notes for details:

  • gcloud config configurations create will now automatically activate specified empty configuration. Use gcloud config set to populate its properties.

Google Cloud Compute

  • The Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) feature for Google Compute Engine image creation is now available in the beta release track. See for details.

Google Container Engine

  • Added support for creating new clusters and nodepools on preemptible VM instances in Beta by adding --preemptible. See gcloud beta container clusters create --help and gcloud beta container node-pools create --help for more details.

  • Fixed a bug in gcloud alpha container clusters update that prevented disabling cluster autoscaling. Cluster autoscaling can now be disabled by running: gcloud alpha container clusters update --disable-autoscaling

  • Update kubectl to version 1.4.1.

Google Cloud BigQuery

  • Added support for setting labels on query jobs. Example usage: bq query --label "foo:bar" "select 123". The show command outputs any labels set on a job.

Google Source Repository

  • Change the Cloud Source Repositories scope given by default to Google Compute Engine Instances and Instance Templates to read_only from full control.

130.0.0 (2016-10-12)

Breaking Changes

  • Breaking change to --network-interface in alpha compute instances create, and alpha compute instance-images create commands. By default interfaces will have ephemeral IP (was: no external ip).

Google App Engine

  • App Engine: The gcloud app deploy command no longer blocks when stopping the previous version; this should speed up deployment times. Instructions for checking the status of the stop-version operation are included in the command output.

  • Support ramdisk volumes in App Engine flexible environments Alpha.

Google Cloud Functions

  • Add alpha functions regions list command.

Google Cloud ML

  • Change '--instances=' to '(--json-instances=, --instances= | --text-instances=)' to allow gcloud beta ml predict to read files in UTF-8 encoded text format.

Google Cloud Platform Projects

  • Add the gcloud alpha projects create command.

Google Compute Engine

  • Add new key to --network-interface in alpha compute instances create, and alpha compute instance-images create commands: no-address.

  • Make flag --network-interface visible in alpha compute instances create, and alpha compute instance-templates create commands.

Google Container Engine

  • Fix a bug in gcloud beta container images list-tags.

  • Add support for kubernetes labels on new clusters and nodepools by passing --node-labels=label1=value1,label2=value2.... See gcloud container clusters create --help and gcloud container nodepools create --help for more details and examples.

129.0.0 (2016-10-05)

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • gcloud alpha bigtable commands are deprecated and will be removed in release 134.0.0. All users should migrate to gcloud beta bigtable commands.

Google Cloud ML

  • Add gcloud beta ml jobs stream-logs JOB [--allow-multiline-logs] [--polling-interval=POLLING_INTERVAL; default="60"] [GLOBAL-FLAG ...] to show logs from a running Cloud ML job.

Google Compute Engine

  • The --replacement flag is no longer required in the gcloud compute images deprecate command.

  • Add --create-disk flag to gcloud alpha compute instances create.

  • Add --create-disk flag to gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create.

Google Container Engine

  • Can now specify the cluster-version when creating Google Container Engine clusters.

  • Update kubectl to version 1.4.0.

Google Container Registry

  • docker-credential-gcr bug fixed.


  • Update Go SDK component to use 20160927 release, based on Go 1.6.3.

Stackdriver Logging

  • Added commands to manage logs-based metrics in Stackdriver Logging.

128.0.0 (2016-09-28)

Breaking Changes

  • The gcloud auth application-default commands are now in GA. gcloud auth login no longer writes Application Default Credentials, use gcloud auth application-default login instead.

Google App Engine

  • Java apps that have no app.yaml file are now auto-detected based on a WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml file when launching the dev_appserver.

  • Fixed timestamp processing issue ( in gcloud app logs read.

Google Cloud Functions

  • Added the --memory flag to gcloud alpha functions deploy to allow configuration of amount of memory available during function execution.

Google Cloud ML

  • Added gcloud beta ml local train command which runs user code locally and injects the environment variables necessary for running distributed TensorFlow jobs in subprocesses.

  • gcloud beta ml jobs submit training now takes a path to a python package, and either (1) builds from the file at the package root, or (2) generates a file and builds the package. It then uploads the generated tar.gz archives to Google Cloud Storage.

Google Compute Engine

  • Internal load balancing is now in beta.

  • Cloud Source Repositories control scope is now included in the list of default scopes granted to newly created instances and instance templates.

  • Added multi-nic support to gcloud alpha compute instances create and gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create.

Google Container Engine

  • Can now create temporary clusters with all kubernetes alpha features enabled using gcloud alpha container clusters create --enable-kubernetes-alpha.

  • Added support for kubernetes labels on new clusters and nodepools by passing --node-labels=label1=value1,label2=value2.... See gcloud alpha container clusters create --help and gcloud alpha container nodepools create --help for more details and examples.

Google Container Repository

  • Added the ability to configure where (and in which order) docker-credential-gcr searches for Google Container Registry credentials. Run docker-credential-gcr config --help for more details.

127.0.0 (2016-09-21)

Google BigQuery

  • New load/query option in BigQuery client to support schema update within a load/query job.
  • New query option in BigQuery client to specify query parameters in Standard SQL.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • gcloud dataproc clusters create flag --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-size can be used to specify future preemptible VM boot disk size.

Google Container Engine

  • Update kubectl to version 1.3.7.

Google Cloud ML

  • New gcloud beta ml predict command to do online prediction.
  • New gcloud beta ml jobs submit prediction command to submit batch prediction job.

Google Cloud SQL

  • New arguments to beta sql instances create/patch commands for Cloud SQL Second Generation instances:
    • --storage-size Sets storage size in GB.
    • --maintenance-release-channel Sets production or preview channel for maintenance window.
    • --maintenance-window-day Sets day of week for maintenance window.
    • --maintenance-window-hour Sets hour of day for maintenance window.
    • --maintenance-window-any (patch only) Clears maintenance window setting.

126.0.0 (2016-09-14)

Breaking changes

  • The HTTP error messages for these command groups have changed to a common format:

    • gcloud dns
    • gcloud genomics
    • gcloud logging

    Some command groups have not changed yet. That should happen in the next release. You can use --log-http to see the details of all HTTP requests and responses on the standard error.

Google Compute Engine

  • Add --connection-draining-timeout flag to gcloud compute backend-services {create,update} commands.
  • Added gcloud alpha compute instance-groups managed update-instances and stop-proactive-update-instances commands.

Google Cloud Debugger

  • The gcloud beta debug source gen-repo-info-file command, which generates repository information files for the Stackdriver Debugger, is now available.

Google Container Registry

  • The gcloud container images command group is now available in the beta release track.

Cloud SDK

  • Added core/custom_ca_certs_file property to allow use of a custom CA certificate file.


  • Cloud Datastore emulator now supports proto-over-HTTP and JSON for the v1 API. This version of the emulator resolves the deserialization issues in 123.0.0.

125.0.0 (2016-09-07)

Google BigQuery

  • gcloud alpha bigquery is no longer available. To use BigQuery, use the bq tool shipped with the Cloud SDK.

Google Compute Engine

  • Add support to change the default service account on a Compute Engine project (alpha release) via the following command: gcloud alpha compute project-info set-default-service-account

  • Support multiple network interface cards in gcloud alpha compute instances create command.

  • Add gcloud alpha compute instances set-scopes command.

Google Container Engine

  • Update kubectl to version 1.3.6.

Google Container Repository

  • Released bug fixes for docker-credential-gcr as v1.0.1, please rerun docker-credential-gcr configure-docker after updating.

Google Cloud Logging

  • gcloud logging create and gcloud logging update echo back the writer identity associated with the sink.

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • The Dataflow CLI is now in Beta.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • gcloud deployment-manager manifests describe with no manifest specified will show the latest manifest of the given deployment.


  • gcloud beta emulators datastore start now defaults to the new version of the emulator which supports Cloud Datastore API v1 and v1beta3 over gRPC, proto-over-HTTP, and JSON-over-HTTP.

124.0.0 (2016-08-31)

Breaking Changes

  • Creating a Global Backend Service in Compute Engine will warn you if you don't use --global. In the future this will be required.
  • Major changes were made to gcloud alpha dataflow commands. See Google Cloud Dataflow section for more information

Google App Engine

  • Added to the app-engine-python component.
  • Skipped modules during upload will now be logged at INFO level instead of WARN.

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • Changes to gcloud alpha dataflow commands:
    • Changed the jobs list command now has a "status" filter. This change is from the JobsV1B3 API. You can now use the API's filter request as either "all", "terminated", or "active".
    • Added the logs list command. This dumps the log messages created from the workflow. Please see the help docs for more information.
    • Renamed metrics tail to metrics list.
    • Renamed metrics list --origin flag to --source. This can be either "user" for custom-made aggregates or "service" otherwise. This defaults to "all".
    • Added metrics list --transform flag. This filters all metrics that prefix regex matches the argument.
    • Removed jobs list --job-name flag.
    • Added jobs list --uri flag.

Cloud Tools for PowerShell

  • Add Google Cloud Sql and Google Cloud Dns powershell cmdlets.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • deployment-manager deployments create with a template file will copy the outputs specified in the schema to the generated config file.

Google Cloud Functions

  • Add alpha functions logs read command

Google Container Repository

  • docker-credential-gcr (GCR's Docker credential helper) has been added as an optional component for GCR customers running Docker client v1.11 or newer. Run gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr followed by docker-credential-gcr configure-docker in order to configure Docker. You may then use Docker normally, without any gcloud interaction at all (e.g. docker pull

Google Container Engine

  • Update kubectl to version 1.3.5.

Google Compute Engine

  • Added gcloud compute instances stop --discard-local-ssd flag.
  • Added windows-sql-cloud project to the default public image list.

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud config get-value is now available in the BETA release track.


  • Cloud Datastore emulator now supports proto-over-HTTP and JSON for the v1 API.

Cloud SQL

  • New commands added to beta:
    • gcloud beta sql backups create
    • gcloud beta sql backups create
    • gcloud beta sql instances failover
  • New flags for gcloud beta sql instances create:
    • --failover-replica-name
    • --replica-type
    • --storage-auto-increase
    • --storage-type
  • New flags for gcloud beta sql instances patch:
    • --storage-auto-increase
    • --no-storage-auto-increase

123.0.0 (2016-08-24)

Google App Engine

  • The gcloud beta app regions list command is now available. It shows support for the standard and flexible environments for each geographical region.

  • gcloud app versions describe now shows more extensive information about the deployed version, including the container used for App Engine Flexible.

  • Built-in versions will no longer appear when listing App Engine versions (gcloud app versions list).

Cloud SDK

  • Users can now make logs garbage collection optional by changing the value of the core/max_log_days property to 0.

  • The gsutil component has been upgraded to version 4.21.

Google Cloud Machine Learning

  • Added gcloud alpha ml jobs submit training command to start a Cloud ML training job.

Google Compute Engine/Networking

  • compute networks switch-mode and compute networks expand-ip-range commands are now in beta.

Google Container Engine

  • Image Type selection for gcloud container commands is now GA.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • gcloud deployment-manager deployments will now display INTENT when applicable.


  • A bug causing the rejection of unpadded base64-encoded bytes data in the Pub/Sub emulator (INVALID_ARGUMENT: "Payload isn't valid for request") has been fixed.

122.0.0 (2016-08-17)

Google App Engine

  • Added gcloud beta app instances describe, which shows information about a running App Engine Flexible instance.

  • Add new flags to gcloud alpha functions deploy, hide flags that are being replaced with new flags, log a warning when someone uses a flag to be replaced:

    • --bucket to be replaced by --stage-bucket.
    • --source to be replaced by --local-path (for code in local file system) and --source-path (for code in Google Code Storage).
    • --trigger-gs-uri to be replaced by --trigger-bucket.

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud init now has an opt-in for listing all user projects, which could be in the hundreds. The user can now to opt-in to see all projects, or they can just type in a known project.

Google Cloud Machine Learning

  • Add gcloud alpha ml models versions group to manage Cloud ML model versions.
  • Add gcloud alpha ml models group to manage Cloud ML models
  • Add gcloud alpha ml jobs group to manage Cloud ML training and prediction jobs.

Google Cloud Genomics

  • The gcloud genomics pipelines run command now uses the default Compute Engine zone property if the --zones flag is not specified.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Fixed error handling bug in gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions create (

Google Compute Engine

  • Enable --health-checks flag for the gcloud beta compute backend-services create and update commands.

Google Container Builder

  • RepoSource is now available as a source for builds.
  • BuildSteps now respect arbitrary dependencies on each other as defined by the waitFor field.

Google Container Engine

  • Update kubectl to version 1.3.4.

121.0.0 (2016-08-10)

Google App Engine

  • Cloud SDK supports running App Engine Standard Go applications.

  • gcloud app instances disable-debug now deletes the instance rather than restarting it. New instance(s) may spawn based on the app's scaling settings.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Added the --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-size flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute backend-services session affinity flags have been promoted from beta to GA.

Google Container Engine

  • Changed the container/use_client_certificate property default value to false. This makes the gcloud container clusters create and gcloud container clusters get-credentials commands configure kubectl to use Google OAuth2 credentials by default instead of the legacy client certificate.

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • Added the gcloud alpha dataflow jobs drain command. The drain command takes a streaming job and stops receiving new data from the sources. It then processes the buffered data. For more information please see the documentation for stopping a running pipeline at

Google Cloud DNS

Stackdriver Error Reporting

  • Added gcloud beta error-reporting events report command for reporting errors.

120.0.0 (2016-08-03)

Deployment Manager

  • deployment-manager resources list will show INTENT when the resource STATE is IN_PREVIEW.

  • deployment-manager deployments describe will show output values in addition to listing the resources.


  • Added a gcloud beta emulators bigtable env-init command to export environment variables required to communicate with the bigtable emulator.

  • The Pub/Sub emulator now correctly starts the push loops when creating a push subscription.

Google Cloud DNS

  • gcloud dns now supports CAA records.

Google Cloud Storage

Google Compute Engine/Networking

  • gcloud alpha compute instance-groups managed wait-for-stable command waits until all current_action fields are set to none and there are only no pending_actions in managed instance group.

  • gcloud compute xpn commands now available in the alpha release track. These commands configure cross-project networking.

  • gcloud compute networks subnets {get,set}-iam-policy commands now available in alpha.

Google Container Engine

  • Update kubectl to 1.3.3.

119.0.0 (2016-07-27)

Google BigQuery

Google Cloud SDK

  • gcloud auth login will stop writing application default credentials in a future release. See: for more information.

  • Command line flag abbreviations are now deprecated and produce warning messages. Flag abbreviations will be completely disabled in release 130.0.0. This pre-empts the problem of future flag additions making some flag abbreviations ambiguous, possibly breaking scripts.

Google Cloud SQL

  • Added the gcloud beta sql users command group with commands that enable management of users on Cloud SQL instances.

Google Cloud Platform Projects

  • gcloud alpha projects update now support labels.

Google Container Engine

  • Added the delete command to the gcloud alpha container images command group.

118.0.0 (2016-07-20)


  • There is a new gcloud beta emulators start bigtable command for starting a Cloud Bigtable emulator.

Google Compute Engine/Networking

  • gcloud alpha compute backend-services and forwarding-rules commands now support the internal load balancing scheme. Please use --load-balancing-scheme=internal flag when creating these resources. In addition gcloud alpha compute forwarding-rules create supports --backend-service flag to allow forwarding to internal load balancers.

  • Beta release of compute connect-to-serial-port command for Interactive Serial Console support. See for details.

Google Container Engine

  • Bump kubectl from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5.


  • gcloud beta sql instances create supports new database type MYSQL_5_7.

Cloud Tools for PowerShell

  • Beta launch of Google Cloud PowerShell. PowerShell cmdlets for managing Google Cloud Storage and Google Compute Engine. For more information see

117.0.0 (2016-07-13)

Google Compute Engine

  • Regional Managed Instance Groups commands are now in beta.

  • target-ssl-proxies commands are now in beta.

  • Connection-based load balancing commands are now in beta.

  • Added --connection-draining-timeout flag to gcloud beta compute backend-services create and update commands.

  • health-checks command group is now in beta.

Google Container Engine

  • Local SSDs are now supported for clusters via the --local-ssd-count flag (in beta).

  • Added --additional-zones flag to gcloud beta container clusters update.

Google Container Builder

  • The gcloud alpha container builds create command now supports using JSON or YAML config files to configure builds, using the --config flag.

116.0.0 (2016-06-29)

Breaking Changes

  • gcloud alpha dataflow list-messages datetime values are now displayed in ISO 8601 format: 2015-01-15T12:31:07 ('T' separating the date and time components).

Google App Engine

  • The gcloud app surface is now available in the GA and beta release tracks. Please use gcloud app instead of gcloud preview app (some features only available in the beta release track).

  • Add gcloud app open-console command, which opens the App Engine dashboard in a web browser.

Google Cloud Datastore emulator

  • The Cloud Datastore emulator can accept an IPv6 address for the --host-port argument.

  • Cloud Datastore emulator no longer fails when trying to load an index.yaml file.

Google Container Builder

  • The gcloud alpha container builds command group creates and manages builds using the Google Container Builder service. See for API documentation.

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Added --preemptible-worker-boot-disk-size flag, which allows configuration of preemptible worker boot disk, to gcloud beta dataproc clusters create.

Google BigQuery

  • New query option in BigQuery client to specify a limit on bytes billed for the query.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • Added gcloud beta bigtable instances group to manage Bigtable instances.

  • Added gcloud beta bigtable clusters group to manage Bigtable clusters within instances.

  • Known issue: gcloud beta bigtable instances create is an asynchronous operation by default and will not block with or without the --async flag.

115.0.0 (2016-06-22)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Compute Engine) The debian-7 and debian-7-backports image aliases have been removed, as Debian 7 has reached end-of-life

  • (Google Compute Engine) The --port-range flag in the gcloud compute forwarding-rules create command has been deprecated; please use the --ports flag instead. At this time only consecutive ports can be specified.

  • (Google Compute Engine) gcloud alpha compute rolling-updates commands have been deprecated and removed.

  • (Google Container Engine) The --wait flag for the gcloud container clusters command group is now deprecated; please use the --async flag instead.

Cloud SDK

  • Users will now be prompted to set Cloud SDK proxy properties if network issues are detected while running gcloud init.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute backend-services {create,update} --enable-cdn flag has been promoted from beta to GA.
  • gcloud compute url-maps invalidate-cdn-cache has been promoted from beta to GA.
  • The --remote-traffic-selector flag in gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create, which allows specifying a list of CIDR blocks to be used during IKE\IPsec traffic selectors negotiation, is now available in the GA release track.

Google App Engine

  • Add gcloud preview app versions describe command.

Deployment Manager

  • (beta only) deployment-manager now supports rollbacks with the --manifest-id flag: gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments update deployment-name --manifest-id=MANIFEST-ID


  • gcloud docker now respects the $DOCKER_CONFIG environment variable


  • The Cloud Datastore emulator now has an env-unset command which prints the commands to unset any environment variables set by running the commands in the output of the env-init command.

114.0.0 (2016-06-15)

Breaking Changes

  • (Google Compute Engine) Deprecated the use of image aliases. Please use image families instead. See for more details.

  • (Google App Engine) Removed the deprecated and unused --force flag for gcloud app deploy.

  • (Google Cloud Debugger) Removed gcloud alpha debug command group; debug commands are now accessible solely using gcloud beta debug.

Google Compute Engine

  • The Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) feature for Google Compute Engine disks is now available in the GA release track. See for more details.

  • Added autocompletion for the URL map name in gcloud compute url-maps invalidate-cdn-cache.

  • Added gcloud alpha compute networks switch-mode command.

  • Added gcloud alpha compute networks subnets expand-ip-range command.

  • Added --remote-traffic-selector flag, which allows specifying a list of CIDR blocks to be used during IKE\IPsec traffic selectors negotiation, to gcloud beta compute vpn-tunnels create

  • Fixed gcloud compute routes list command to display vpn-tunnel as NEXT_HOP.

Google App Engine

  • Parallelized source file uploads in gcloud preview app deploy for increased speed. To revert to the old behavior in event of a problem, please run gcloud config set app/num_file_upload_processes 1 and report an issue here:

  • Google App Engine components updated to 1.9.38. Please visit the following release notes for details:

    • Python -
    • Java -
  • Added support for Managed VMs instances in gcloud preview app instances enable-debug and gcloud preview app instances disable-debug.


  • Fixed a bug where Windows users experienced docker authentication issues when the %HOME% variable was set and differed from %USERPROFILE%


  • Fixed behavior of Pub/Sub emulator subscription topic names when their respective topics are deleted. They should now be set to _deleted-topic_.

113.0.0 (2016-06-08)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud now uses Internet Explorer proxy configuration settings when on Windows, or MacOSX SystemConfiguration proxy settings on Mac, if the gcloud configurations proxy/* are not set.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute ssh no longer generates keys when invoked with --plain flag.
  • gcloud compute routers is now GA.

Google Genomics

  • gcloud genomics pipelines run command supports passing "inputs" and "outputs" as repeated parameters.

112.0.0 (2016-06-01)

Cloud SDK

  • Updated error messages for gcloud projects surface.
  • gcloud docker commands now take less time to execute when the Docker client is not configured to use a credential helper.

Google App Engine

  • The --docker-build flag and related app/docker_build property, as well as app/use_cloud_build property have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. By default, Docker images are built remotely using Google Container Builder. To perform a Docker build on a different host, you can run:

    docker build -t . gcloud docker push gcloud preview app deploy --image-url=project/service.version

Google Compute Engine

  • Added --licenses flag to gcloud compute images create.

Google Container Engine

  • Fixed bug where only 16-bit kubectl was installed on Windows. Now Installs 32 and 64-bit.

Google Genomics

  • gcloud alpha genomics datasets/callsets name argument is a flag, instead of positional.
  • gcloud alpha genomics pipelines run command now accepts "zones" command-line argument.
  • gcloud alpha genomics datasets restore/update and variantsets delete/describe now take string IDs instead of ints.

Deployment Manager

  • gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe output only reports errors once, includes status for resources, and includes more useful fields.

111.0.0 (2016-05-25)

Google App Engine

  • gcloud docker commands are now less verbose during the authentication operation.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters update command now GA.
  • gcloud container node-pools commands are now GA.

Google Compute Engine

  • Enabled Strict Host Key Checking for SSH connections (after the first connection) to instances. Also adds a new flag to gcloud compute ssh called --strict-host-key-checking to control the StrictHostKeyChecking option.
  • Add support for customer-supplied encryption keys to gcloud beta compute instances start. (in beta track)
  • Implemented backend-service connection based balancing mode.

Google Service Registry

  • Launched gcloud alpha service-registry. (alpha track) Users will need to sign up here before enabling this API in their projects.

Deployment Manager

  • Added gcloud alpha deployment-manager runtime-configs. Alpha commands for Deployment Manager's Runtime Config API.


  • Adds a --legacy flag to gcloud beta emulators datastore. The flag is set by default and maintains existing behavior with support for Cloud Datastore API v1beta2. Passing --no-legacy uses a new version of the Cloud Datastore Emulator which supports Cloud Datastore API v1beta3 over gRPC, JSON, and proto-over-HTTP. The default behavior of the legacy flag will change in a future release.


  • Launched gcloud alpha orgranizations. (alpha track)

110.0.0 (2016-05-18)

Google IAM

  • The gcloud iam command group is now available in GA. The gcloud beta iam will still be available for several more releases.

Google App Engine

  • Fixed issue with the --docker-build=local flag in the gcloud preview app deploy command with docker version 1.10+. Note that local Docker builds with Docker version 1.11 will still fail when using the new Docker external credentials; please downgrade to the plain credential store.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud beta container commands (e.g. container create) now support specifying ImageTypes.
  • The gcloud container clusters list command now sorts the clusters based on zone and then on cluster name.
  • The gcloud container clusters create command now allows specifying --max-nodes-per-pool (default 1000) to create multiple node pools for large clusters.

Google Compute Engine

  • The gcloud compute backend-services backend commands now support --instance-group-zone and --instance-group-region to qualify instance group specifically. Before --zone, --region was used to qualify all resource arguments, where as now it is used to qualify backend service.

Google Genomics

  • The genomics variantsets create command now supports the --name and --description flags.
  • The genomics variantsets delete command displays the name of the variant set before prompting the user to delete it.
  • The genomics variantsets describe/list commands display variant set names and descriptions.


  • The Google Cloud Datastore emulator supports a new environment variable for client library configuration.
  • The Google Cloud Datastore emulator flag --store-on-disk has been fixed to accept a false value using --no-store-on-disk. Previously, --store-on-disk=False could be specified but wasn't respected.


  • The The gcloud debug command group is now in Beta.


  • The Cloud SDK Windows installer is now dual signed SHA1 and SHA256. The executable is signed with both authenticode and RFC3161 signatures.
  • The winkeygen.exe executable is also now dual signed, like above.

109.0.0 (2016-05-11)

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to 1.9.37.
    • Please visit the following release notes for details:
      • Python -
      • Java -
  • Fixed issue with failed uploads in gcloud preview app-deploy (
  • Deprecated --server flag for app commands; its use is unsupported.

Google Compute Engine

  • Removed the gcloud alpha compute autoscaler command group.
  • Removed deprecated gcloud compute backend-services add-backend --group flag in favor of --instance-group.
  • gcloud compute copy-files now exits with the return code of the called scp process.
  • Added support for customer-supplied encryption keys to the gcloud beta compute disks snapshot command.
  • Remove google-containers from default gcloud public image project.

Google Container Engine

  • Fixed bug listing clusters with no node pools.
  • gcloud container resize command now supports multi-zone clusters.

Google Error Reporting

  • Added the gcloud beta error-reporting events delete command to cleanup Stackdriver Error Reporting data.

108.0.0 (2016-05-04)

Breaking Changes

  • The gcloud preview app modules get-logs command is now deprecated. Please use the new command gcloud preview app logs read instead.

Google App Engine

  • Fixed a bug which caused gcloud preview app deploy to fail when run from a git directory.

Google Cloud SDK

  • Deprecated user property files (~/.config/gcloud/properties) will no longer be read by gcloud. If you are not already using configurations, your properties will be automatically migrated for you. No action is required on your part.

  • The --format flag now supports four more transforms: extract, join, slice, and split.

Google Cloud Debugger

  • Added the gcloud alpha debug snapshots wait command.

Google Compute Engine

  • The gcloud alpha compute instance-groups managed list-instances command output now includes the INSTANCE_TEMPLATE and STATUS columns.

Google Container Engine

  • Update kubectl to v1.2.3

Google Genomics

  • gcloud alpha genomics variants describe/delete/update commands now accept non-integer variant IDs.

107.0.0 (2016-04-27)

Google Compute Engine

  • Enable cursor ("start") support for get-serial-port-output in Beta.
  • Add tail-serial-port-output in Beta.
  • Image families are now in General Availability (GA).

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to 1.9.36.
    • Please visit the following release notes for details:
    • Python -
    • Java -

Deployment Manager

  • Creating and updating Deployments will now display output values in addition to listing the resources.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters resize now allows specifying a node pool.

Cloud Debugger

  • Added gcloud alpha debug command surface to allow control of the Cloud Debugger from the command line.

Google BigQuery

  • BigQuery support for partitioned tables.

106.0.0 (2016-04-20)

Breaking Changes

  • Python 2.6 support in the Cloud SDK is deprecated and releases will stop supporting Python 2.6 on September 1, 2016. Please update your Python installation to 2.7 to ensure compatibility with future Cloud SDK versions.
  • gcloud preview app modules commands are now deprecated (see "Google App Engine" section for more details).
  • module parameter in application .yaml files is now deprecated (see "Google App Engine" section for more details).
  • --format printer legend attributes are now deprecated (see "Cloud SDK" section for more details).

Cloud SDK

  • The --format printer legend attributes are deprecated and will be removed in release 124.0.0. The legend attribute docs have been removed.
  • The gcloud compute, functions, genomics, logging, and projects list commands now support the --filter flag.

Google Cloud Storage

  • Update gsutil component to 4.18 (

Google App Engine

  • App Engine "modules" are being renamed to "services".
    • The gcloud preview app modules commands are now deprecated (except gcloud preview app modules get-logs). Please use the just-added gcloud preview app versions, gcloud preview app services, and gcloud preview app instances commands instead.
    • The 'module' parameter in application .yaml files is deprecated; please use 'service' instead.
  • Fixed MaxRetrialsException for gcloud preview app deploy of standard (not MVM or flexible) App Engine apps with .git directory present (
  • Fixed bug in gcloud preview app deploy where --docker-build=local did not work when app/use_cloud_build was enabled.

Google Compute Engine

  • Add --no-creation-retries flag to compute instance-groups managed resize command in alpha and beta.

Google Container Engine

  • Fix bug that caused kubectl component to be missing from components list on Windows.
  • gcloud container clusters create now allows specifying multiple zones within a region for your cluster's nodes to be created in.
  • Update kubectl to v1.2.2

105.0.0 (2016-04-13)

Breaking Changes

  • health-checks commands for protocol HTTP2 have been removed.

  • Rename the alpha compute url-maps invalidate-cache and list-cache-invalidations subcommands to invalidate-cdn-cache and list-cdn-cache-invalidations, respectively.

Cloud SDK

  • Suppress progress tracker animations if not outputting to a terminal.

  • gcloud components list now supports the --filter flag and queries like: gcloud components list --filter=id:app-engine-java --format="value("

Google Compute Engine

  • Promote Cloud CDN functionality from alpha to beta.

Google App Engine

  • File uploads during gcloud preview app deploy have been improved. If you have any trouble, you can revert to the old behavior with gcloud config set app/use_gsutil true.

104.0.0 (2016-04-06)

Cloud SDK

  • gcloud init no longer offers to clone Google Cloud Repositories. Please use gcloud source repos clone at any time after running gcloud init.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud beta compute commands now support image families.

Google App Engine

  • Users of gcloud preview app deploy can set the timeout for the Container Builder service using the app/cloud_build_timeout property.

Google Container Engine

  • kubectl component is now available for Windows (64-bit only).

  • gcloud alpha container clusters update now allows enabling/disabling addons for Container Engine clusters via --update-addons flag.

  • gcloud container clusters create now supports disabling HPA and Ingress controller addons via --disable-addons flag.

Google Genomics

  • gcloud alpha genomics variants import now supports configurable variant info field merging via the info_merge_config command line flag.

103.0.0 (2016-03-30)

Google Cloud Storage

  • Update gsutil component to 4.18 (

Google App Engine

  • Add fingerprinting support for PHP applications. You can now run gcloud preview app gen-config to auto-generate the necessary configuration for deploying PHP applications to the App Engine Flexible Environment.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters create|get-credentials will warn/error respectively if the HOME env var isn't set. The variable is required to store kubectl credentials (kubeconfig).

Google Compute Engine

  • Enable support for: gcloud compute disks resize.

102.0.0 (2016-03-22)

Breaking Changes

  • The gcloud alpha container nodepools commands have been renamed to node-pools. Functionality and parameters haven't changed.

  • gcloud beta iam list-grantable-roles now returns a list of roles instead of a dictionary with a single key 'roles' with the value of a list of roles.

  • gcloud config configuration describe output has changed to include the configuration name and is_active fields. All configuration properties are now part of the properties field.

Cloud SDK

  • --format=json and --format=yaml now list resource attributes with null values.

Google App Engine

  • Use of the Google Container Builder service is now enabled by default for all managed VMs deployments.

    This change may require you to enable the Container Builder API. Visit*PROJECT_ID*; to enable it, where PROJECT_ID is your current project ID.

  • Updated Google App Engine components to 1.9.34. Please visit the following release notes for details:

    • Python -
    • Java -

Google Compute Engine

  • Added gcloud compute backend-services session affinity commands.

  • Added gcloud compute http-health-checks and https-health-checks commands.

  • Added gcloud alpha compute target-ssl-proxies commands.

  • Extended gcloud compute forwarding-rules to support target-ssl-proxies.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters list will output a warning if there were zones for which it could not retrieve results.

  • Updated kubectl to version 1.2.0.

101.0.0 (2016-03-16)


Google App Engine

Google BigQuery

100.0.0 (2016-03-09)

Breaking Changes

  • gcloud preview app deploy deployments that promote the new version to receive all traffic will stop the previous version by default.

    To keep the previous behavior, pass the --no-stop-previous-version flag, or run the following command:

    $ gcloud config set app/stop_previous_version false

Cloud SDK

  • Providing no argument for list- and dict-type flags now results in a warning. Instead, please explicitly provide an empty string value. For instance, gcloud command --flag becomes gcloud command --flag '' (for list- and dict-type flags only).


  • Added gcloud beta iam list-grantable-roles command for given cloud resource.

Google App Engine

Google Container Engine

  • Added node pool support to enable heterogeneous clusters (alpha).

99.0.0 (2016-3-2)

Breaking Changes

  • Support for the deprecated workspace configurations feature has been removed. If you are using gcloud in a workspace, those properties will no longer be read. See gcloud topic configurations for information on how to use configurations instead.

Cloud SDK

Google App Engine

Google Compute Engine

  • routers surface moved to beta and is now accessible via gcloud beta compute routers

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Add --subnet flag to gcloud dataproc clusters create.

Google Cloud Genomics

  • genomics alpha operations cancel assumes the operations/ prefix if not present.

Google Cloud Storage

  • Update gsutil component to 4.17

98.0.0 (2016-2-24)

  • Release 95.0.0 introduced a bug that generated corrupt keys for Windows gcloud compute ssh|copy-files. Any keys generated on Windows between 95.0.0 and 97.0.0 inclusive are rejected by ssh servers. gcloud compute has been changed to:

    • Fix the winkeygen Windows key generator.
    • Recognize corrupt Windows keys and automatically regenerate them.
  • Fixed #538. Users should no longer get "gsutil ImportError: No module named google" errors.

Google App Engine

  • MySqldb "latest" version changed from 1.24b4 to 1.2.5.


  • Improves Pub/Sub emulator's ability to handle requests concurrent with HTTP pull requests.
  • The Pub/Sub emulator attempts to detect and inform users when an unsupported API version is used.
  • The Pub/Sub emulator now correctly handles absolute URIs in HTTP/Json requests.

Windows support

  • Google Cloud SDK no longer needs Python installed when using the Windows Installer. The SDK for Windows comes with Python bundled.

97.0.0 (2016-2-17)

Breaking Changes

gcloud alpha compute routers now requires manual configuration of interfaces

Google Compute Engine

  • Added flag --advertised-route-priority to gcloud alpha compute routers create
  • Added support for regional instance groups in alpha

Google App Engine

  • Ruby runtime now uses the Rack "deployment" environment, instead of "none"

Google Container Engine

  • Added --master flag to gcloud container clusters upgrade

96.0.0 (2016-2-10)

Breaking Changes

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to 1.9.32. Please visit the following release notes for details: Python - Java -

  • The gcloud preview app gen-config command now offers to automatically update the runtime field in app.yaml if necessary.


  • The gcloud beta iam command group has launched.


  • The Pub/Sub emulator now supports Gzip-encoded requests.

Google Compute Engine

  • The gcloud compute copy-files|scp commands on Windows now treat path arguments with a drive prefix as local files.


  • The config configurations delete command now takes multiple configuration names.


  • kubectl is updated to v1.1.7.

  • Bugfix on the gcloud container clusters get-credentials when run from a client without edit permissions.

Misc. Changes

  • The default floating point output format precision is 6. Exponent notation is used for abs(n) < 1e-04 and abs(n) >= 1e+09.
  • The arrow and page up/down/home/end keys now work in the Windows help pager.

95.0.0 (2016-2-3)

Breaking Changes

  • Use gcloud compute networks create --mode=legacy to create non-subnet networks.

Google Compute Engine

  • gcloud compute copy-files and gcloud compute ssh on Windows now use standard PuTTY plink.exe, pscp.exe and putty.exe. A standalone winkeygen.exe generates PuTTY and ssh compatible keys. The Windows PuTTY executables are up to date at version 0.66.

Google Compute Engine subnets

  • Added gcloud compute networks subnets.

  • Added --mode flag to gcloud compute networks create.

  • Added --subnet flag to gcloud compute instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create.

  • Added --local-traffic-selector flag to gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create.

Google App Engine

  • Added support for streaming logs when the use_cloud_build=1 property is set.

  • Moved the nodejs install script into the docker image.


  • gcloud projects update|undelete|delete have been moved to beta.

gcloud --format

  • Added nested table formatting by --format="table(field1,listField2:format=FORMAT-STRING)" where FORMAT-STRING can be any format (json, table, ...). Try: gcloud compute instances list --format="table[box](name, disks:format='table[no-heading](deviceName:sort=1, kind)')"

  • Added list field aggregation formatting (similar to nested formatting) by --format="table(listField2:format=FORMAT-STRING)". When the main table has no columns each nested format is aggregated into a single list. Try: gcloud compute instances list --format="table(disks:format='table[box](deviceName:sort=1, kind)')"

94.0.0 (2016-1-27)

Google Compute Engine

  • Added gcloud alpha compute url-maps list-cache-invalidations command.

Google App Engine

  • Google App Engine components updated to 1.9.31. Please visit the following release notes for details: Python - Java -

  • Added --runtime flag to gcloud preview app gen-config to specify a runtime when a directory identifies as multiple runtimes. This flag can be used in conjunction with --custom.

Google Container Engine

  • gcloud container cluster describe and list commands now notify the user when their cluster versions are about to go out of support or are unsupported.

Google Cloud Logging

  • gcloud beta logging write and gcloud beta logging logs delete commands now use the V2beta1 API. The gcloud beta logging write command now uses the global resource descriptor (which translates to "" service in V1).

Cloud Dataproc

  • gcloud beta dataproc clusters create now supports --tags and --metadata flags to set instance tags and metadata on all instances in the Dataproc cluster.

Pub/Sub Emulator

  • A new --host flag can be used to specify the address the emulator should bind as. The flag can be left unspecified, set to "localhost", a hostname, or an explicit IP address.


  • Added commands get-iam-policy, set-iam-policy, add-iam-policy-binding, and remove-iam-policy-binding for the gcloud beta projects surface.

  • Added the gcloud projects list command that can be used to list projects.

93.0.0 (2016-1-20)

  • kubectrl upgraded to 1.1.4.

  • gcloud beta dataproc cluster create now supports --properties flag to set properties for installed packages.

  • Datastore emulator's DATASTORE_LOCAL_HOST environment variable changed to DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST.

  • gcloud source repos clone now supports --dry-run flag to show equivalent git command.

92.0.0 (2016-1-13)

  • Because of the rollback of 91.0.0, this release contains all of the changes from 91.0.0 in addition to the changes listed below.

Breaking Changes

  • gcloud preview app deploy

    • Changed deployments to set the deployed versions to receive all traffic for their modules by default.

      To keep the old behavior (traffic split remains the same), use the --no-promote flag or run gcloud config set app/promote_by_default true.

      Note that your old versions are still running, and must be stopped manually. This behavior will change in a future release.

    • Removed deprecated --set-default flag. Please use --promote instead.

    • gcloud preview app deploy: Removed deprecated --env-vars flag.

  • The output of the gcloud preview app modules list command has been changed to include the traffic split percentage instead of the 'default version' field.

  • Removed deprecated gcloud preview app modules cancel-deployment command.

    This command is no longer necessary due to recent improvements in the Deployment API.

  • Removed deprecated gcloud preview app modules download command.

    This command is no longer necessary due to recent improvements in the Deployment API.

  • Removed deprecated gcloud preview app run command. Please use instead.

  • Changed behavior of the --zone/-z flag in the gcloud dns record-sets command group. This flag can no longer precede the command. For instance, gcloud dns record-sets -z=mz list will not work, but gcloud dns record-sets list -z=mz will.

  • Changed --password-file option for sql instances set-root-password; password now does not include trailing newline from password file. This matches the documented behavior, but not the previous behavior. (Fixes

  • Removed meta/active_configuration from the results of gcloud config list since it is not a property that can be set. You can continue to use the gcloud config configurations commands to view and manage your configurations.

Cloud SDK

  • Added gcloud config proxy settings. Users can configure gcloud to use a proxy via the following settings:

    • gcloud config proxy/address

    • gcloud config proxy/password

    • gcloud config proxy/port

    • gcloud config proxy/type

    • gcloud config proxy/username

  • Added alpha and beta components to Debian packages.

  • Removed unused config properties: app/hosted_registry, app/host, app/admin_host, app/api_host.

Google Cloud Logging

  • Migrated to v2beta1 API release.

    • Moved gcloud beta logging sinks commands to v2beta1.

    • Added gcloud beta logging resource-descriptors command to display supported resources from various services.

    • Added gcloud beta logging read command to retrieve log entries using filters.

Google Container Engine

  • Added gcloud container clusters resize for resizing Container Engine clusters.

  • Added notifications when node upgrades are available to gcloud container cluster describe and list commands.

Google App Engine

  • Fixed bug where initial deployments using --image-url failed.

  • Changed gcloud preview app modules set_default command to use the App Engine Admin API.

  • Changed gcloud preview app modules list command to use the App Engine Admin API.

91.0.1 (2015-12-16)

  • The Cloud SDK has been rolled back to 90.0.0.

91.0.0 (2015-12-16)

Breaking Changes

  • Deprecated command group gcloud compute replica-pools has been removed.
  • Deprecated command group gcloud compute resource-views has been removed.
  • App Engine API is now the only supported method for deploying in the gcloud preview app deploy command.

Google App Engine

  • DEPLOYABLES argument for gcloud preview app deploy is now optional. If not given, the command defaults to app.yaml in the current directory; if that is not found, it attempts to automatically generate necessary configuration files (such as app.yaml) in the current directory before deployment.
  • --force argument to gcloud preview app deploy is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


  • gcloud container commands that poll long running operations (e.g create, delete, upgrade) now display progress details when available.

90.0.0 (2015-12-09)

  • Cloud SDK release version scheme has changed. Patch version is now treated as a major release version which corresponds to SDK weekly releases. Any updates/fixes to released version will increment minor/patch version number going forward.

Breaking Changes

  • The deprecated flag --clear-target-pool has been removed from gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-target-pools command.

Google App Engine

  • Components updated to 1.9.30. Please visit the following release notes for details:
    • Python -
    • Java -
  • Fixed a bug caused by uploading invalid file names for vm: true applications.


  • Subnetwork support has been promoted from alpha to beta. For more information see

0.9.89 (2015-12-02)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed flag --container-ipv4-cidr for gcloud container clusters create; please use --cluster-ipv4-cidr instead.

  • Renamed gcloud alpha compute vpn-tunnels create --ike-networks to --local-traffic-selector.

  • gcloud alpha compute resource-views commands will soon be removed. Please use gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged commands instead.

  • gcloud alpha compute replica-pools commands will soon be removed. Please use gcloud compute instance-groups commands instead.

gcloud Core

  • Changed behavior of gcloud init git repository clone option. It now takes as input a path to the destination directory for the repository, rather than the parent directory of the repository destination.


  • Fixed failure in gcloud alpha bq query "select * from ..." command while displaying query results.


  • Fixed gcloud alpha compute instances set-machine-type failure when supplying custom cpu/custom memory, but no zone.

  • Added a new scope alias for Cloud Monitoring: monitoring-write. This scope is on by default in all new VMs.

Google Cloud DNS

  • Added --replace-origin-ns flag to gcloud dns record-sets import command to allow importing NS records.

Google Cloud Storage

  • Updated gsutil component to 4.16.

Google Container Engine

  • Updated kubectl to version 1.1.2.

  • Increased gcloud container clusters create/delete timeouts from 20m to 30m.

  • Added --subnetwork flag to gcloud container clusters create to allow creation of container clusters can now be created in a Google Compute Engine subnetwork (

0.9.88 (2015-11-25)

Breaking Changes

  • The gcloud preview app run command has now been removed. Please use the bundled script directly instead.

  • App Engine: The 'version' and 'application' fields in module and configuration files are now illegal. Project name should instead be specified either by gcloud config set project MY_PROJECT or by setting the --project flag on individual command executions. Versions are generated automatically by default but can also be manually specified by setting the --version flag on individual command executions.

App Engine

  • Don't do runtime identification for custom runtimes during deploy. This fixes issue #387.

  • The script no longer requires the installation of all App Engine components. It will install only the necessary ones at run time. Fixes #273


  • Added the gcloud components install command. This allows you to install missing components at the version of the SDK you currently have (it does not update your SDK installation). gcloud components update should now only be used to update your SDK to the latest version.

  • Fixes #293 related SSL certificate validation issues.

  • Use zsh builtins in for faster/cleaner shell startup.

0.9.87 (2015-11-18)


  • gcloud alpha compute instances create now supports --custom-cpu and --custom-memory flags to specify custom machine types.


Google Container Engine

  • Updated kubectl to version 1.1.1.

0.9.86 (2015-11-11)

App Engine

  • Generated node.js Dockerfiles now add the full application context before running install hooks.

  • For Google App Engine Node.js runtimes, install requested version of node prior to doing an npm install.


  • gcloud beta compute instances set-machine-type has been promoted from alpha to beta,

0.9.85 (2015-11-04)

Breaking Changes

  • gcloud alpha compute networks create now requires --mode flag.

App Engine

  • Added the --output-directory option to gen-repo-info-file command. This option supersedes --output-file, which is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

  • Improved error message when specified yaml file is not found.


  • Launching gcloud alpha compute networks subnets.

  • gcloud compute alpha instance-templates and instances now support subnetworks.

  • New flag --ike-networks in gcloud alpha compute vpn-tunnels create.

  • gcloud compute ssh now passes through the exit code of the ssh command. This fixes issue #146.

Misc. Changes

  • Gracefully handle socket timeouts while checking for Google Compute Engine metadata server. This fixes issue #339.

0.9.84 (2015-10-28)

App Engine

  • Due to PageSpeed service deprecation, user will receive a warning when deploying a new version to App Engine.

  • Implemented fingerprinting support for Java.

  • The gen-config flag now generates only app.yaml for the matching runtime by default, you must use the --custom flag to generate an app.yaml with a runtime of "custom" and Dockerfile (and other configs).


  • GA support for HTTPS load balancing features.

  • Deprecated --clear-target-pool flag from compute instance-groups managed set-target-pools command.

Windows support

  • Windows Installer can now take a /logtofile flag to write installation logs to file CloudSDKInstall.log located in the same directory.

  • Windows installer now displays an error message when the installation does not succeed.

Command Line Interface support

  • The [page=N] table format attribute prints one or more tables of at most N rows. Use this to view paged server data as it arrives at the client.

0.9.83 (2015-10-21)

App Engine

  • In a future release, the gcloud preview app deploy command will no longer support deploying multiple modules in the same invocation.


  • Ubuntu 14.10 is end of life:

  • Fixed external issue #291, related to handling network addresses on Windows.

Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters list now displays the current number of nodes for the cluster.

Windows support

  • When running Cloud SDK tools from PowerShell the gcloud-ps.ps1 wrapper scripts now can be used which no longer call to cmd.exe. Using gcloud-ps, complex arguments can be passed without escaping for Windows command line. Using gcloud, the following command would be correctly escaped when running gcloud in PowerShell:

    gcloud fun --arg='"test ^< 123"'

    With the new gcloud-ps, the same command can be simply written as:

    gcloud-ps fun --arg='test < 123'

    Permissions to run PowerShell scripts must be given to PowerShell before these will work. Permissions can be changed with "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned".

0.9.82 (2015-10-14)

App Engine

  • The App Engine Admin API is now the default path for deployments in the gcloud preview app deploy command. This transition should be transparent, but if you experience any issues and would like to revert to the old behavior, please run gcloud config set app/use_appengine_api false.

    See for more information about this API.

  • With env: 2, valid python runtimes are python and python-compat.

  • Implemented fingerprinting support for python.

Container Engine

  • gcloud container clusters create: The flag --container-ipv4-cidr has been deprecated; --cluster-ipv4-cidr should be used instead.


  • gcloud beta sql operations describe and gcloud beta sql operations wait no longer need --instance flag (gcloud beta sql operations list still does).

  • Fixed issue with gcloud sql instances clone when --bin-log-file-name and --bin-log-position are set. (

0.9.81 (2015-10-07)

Breaking Changes

  • If you are using a service account to run commands under gcloud preview app, you must enable the "App Engine Admin API" in the Developers Console (; navigate to APIs and Auth > APIs).

  • In a future Cloud SDK release, deployments that promote the new version to receive all traffic will stop the previous version by default.

    To keep the current behavior, pass the --no-stop-previous-version flag, or run the following command:

    $ gcloud config set app/stop_previous_version false

  • Removed app get-resource-limits command.

App Engine

Misc. Changes

  • Windows Installer has an option to run gcloud init after the installation finishes.

0.9.80 (2015-09-30)

  • gcloud app

    • Soon, deployments will set the deployed version to receive all traffic by default. To keep the current behavior, use the --no-promote flag or run the following command:

      $ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false

      To adopt the new behavior early, use the --promote flag or run the following command:

      $ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default true
    • The --set-default flag is deprecated. Please use the --promote flag instead.

    • In a future Cloud SDK release, deployments that promote the new version to receive all traffic will stop the previous version by default. To keep the current behavior, pass the --no-stop-previous-version flag, or run the following command:

      $ gcloud config set app/stop_previous_version true
    • The app run command is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use dev_appserver (found in the same directory as the `gcloud command) instead.

    • The gcloud preview app modules download command is deprecated, and will be removed soon.

  • The Windows installer has an option to run gcloud init after the installation finishes.

  • The preview component has been removed.

    • The gcloud preview app commands remain available as usual and are still shipped through the app component.
    • Please use gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged instead of gcloud preview instance-groups. Note that you will need to modify some command invocations when switching to the non-preview commands.
    • Please use gcloud compute instance-groups managed instead of gcloud preview managed-instance-groups. Note that you will need to modify some command invocations when switching to the non-preview commands.
  • All Google Compute User Accounts commands have moved to beta.

  • Deployment-manager list commands now support pagination.

  • Minor bug fixes.

0.9.79 (2015-09-23)

  • The following commands have been promoted from beta to GA:
    • gcloud config configurations ...
    • gcloud source repos clone
    • gcloud beta init. Old gcloud init behavior has been removed, and partially replaced by new gcloud init or directly via gcloud source repos clone.
  • Release gcloud beta dataproc.
  • The --env-vars flag in gcloud preview app deploy has been removed.
  • Automatic ssh key generation respects the --quiet flag.
  • The --format flag now supports extended format expressions. For details run $ gcloud topic formats.
  • Most commands now document the positive Boolean --FLAG form and accept --no-FLAG to disable. For the past few releases --log-http accepted an optional true/false value. It has been restored to its original definition of being a Boolean flag that has no value.
  • gcloud sql operations are now automatically retried for 2s in case of HttpException: The Cloud SQL instance operation does not exist.
  • Update gcloud's kubectl from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6.
  • Deprecate gcloud preview app get-resource-limits.

0.9.78 (2015-09-16)

  • App Engine components updated to 1.9.26.
  • Increase the default boot disk size for remote build VMs in gcloud preview app deploy.
  • The --instance flag to the gcloud preview app modules set-managed-by command now takes an instance name instead of an index.
  • The V1Beta4 API for sqladmin can now be accessed through the gcloud beta sql surface.
  • Usability enhancements for gcloud beta init and named configurations.

0.9.77 (2015-09-09)

  • gcloud preview logging is now gcloud beta logging.
  • Update kubectl to version 1.0.5
  • Windows Cloud SDK installer improvements:
    • Now allows changing the installation mode. You can choose between a "current user" installation and an "all users" installation.
    • Now has an uninstaller and writes "Add/Remove Programs" uninstall entries.
  • Removal of unsupported --env-vars argument from gcloud preview app deploy.
  • gcloud compute instance groups: Allow --named-ports flag to be empty and clean named ports in set-named-ports commands.
  • Change in gcloud compute backend-services: introduce new flag --instance-group which takes advantage of new Instance Groups API.

0.9.76 (2015-09-02)

  • Update gsutil component to 4.14.
  • Resource views commands have moved from preview to alpha. Please use gcloud alpha compute resource-views in place of gcloud preview resource-views.
  • Replica pool commands have moved from preview to alpha. Please use gcloud alpha compute replica-pools in place of gcloud preview replica-pools.
  • gcloud beta source repo was renamed to gcloud beta source repos
  • Created email group to announce new releases and other important information.
  • 'gcloud alpha init' command is now also in beta.
  • Add target size of managed instance group for "compute instance-groups managed list" command.
  • Fixed the removal of platform-specific components when running gcloud components remove.
  • Fixed a bug related to checking for SDK updates when the SDK is installed as root (like on Debian Compute Engine images).
    • Affected users should now see less frequent update messages and overall improved gcloud performance
  • gcloud preview app deploy won't update local images automatically anymore.

0.9.75 (2015-08-26)

  • Container Engine
    • Container Engine GA commands available under gcloud container.
    • gcloud beta container get-credentials now takes cluster name as argument instead of --cluster flag for consistency with other commands.
    • Added gcloud alpha container clusters update <cluster> --cloud-monitoring=<val> command.
  • New release notes are printed on upgrade. (This won't take effect until an upgrade from this version to a later version.)
  • New gcloud alpha genomics variantsets export command.
  • Commands promoted from gcloud alpha to gcloud beta:
    • gcloud beta config configurations ...
    • gcloud beta sources clone
  • Improvements in error reporting and default output formatting.

0.9.74 (2015-08-19)

  • New list and import commands under gcloud alpha genomics variants.
  • Removed --remote flag. Instead, please use the --docker-build=remote flag (or use --docker-build=local to force a local build).
  • In this release, Docker builds are hosted by default. To opt-in to the old behavior, please use the --docker-build=local flag.

0.9.73 (2015-08-12)

  • gcloud sql instances create default to MySQL 5.6
  • gcloud beta container get-credentials renamed to gcloud beta container clusters get-credentials
  • New commands
    • gcloud beta projects ...
    • gcloud alpha genomics callsets ...
    • gcloud beta emulators datastore ...
    • gcloud beta container get-server-config
    • gcloud alpha config configurations

0.9.72 (2015-08-05)

  • gcloud compute
    • initial surface changes for the backend-bucket.
    • instance-groups set-named-ports: introduced a new flag --named-ports NAME:PORT,[NAME:PORT,...] - no need to specify names and ports in separate flags.
  • gcloud preview app deploy Deprecate --remote flag in preparation for hosted Docker builds by default. Instead, please use the --docker-build={remote,local} flag. The default is still a local Docker build; in two releases, the default will switch to a hosted build.
  • New gcloud alpha genomics operations {list, cancel, describe} commands

0.9.71 (2015-07-29)

  • Launching gcloud alpha pubsub commands.
  • Moved gcloud preview rolling-updates to gcloud alpha compute rolling-updates.
  • gcloud alpha compute disks resize command enabling resizing of persistent disks.
  • Beta launch of customer supplied encryption keys for Compute Engine.
  • Updated kubectl to 1.0.1.
  • gcloud alpha container commands now target Container Engine v1 API. Options for gcloud alpha container clusters create updated accordingly:
    • --user renamed to --username
    • --cluster-api-version removed. Cluster version is not selectable in v1 API; new clusters always created at latest supported version.
    • --image option removed. Source image not selectable in v1 API; clusters are always created with latest supported ContainerVM image. Note that using an unsupported image (i.e. not ContainerVM) would result in an unusable cluster in most cases anyway.
    • Added --no-enable-cloud-monitoring to turn off cloud monitoring (on by default).
    • Added --disk-size option for specifying boot disk size of node vms.
  • App Engine components updated to 1.9.24.

    For several months on the Managed VMs team we've been testing a new mode of dockerless local development on gcloud that makes developing a module for Python, Java and Go users similar to development of regular App Engine applications. This new mode relaxes the sandbox constraints present in the devappserver for vm: false applications, and does not require Docker to be installed.

    You can currently opt-into this behavior by setting GAE_LOCAL_VM_RUNTIME=1; In this release of the Cloud SDK, we will be making this behavior the default for Managed VM users who are using gcloud.

    You can still opt-out of this behavior by setting: GAE_LOCAL_VM_RUNTIME=0.

    For custom runtime users, if you are relying on the local Development Server to build your application, will now need to pass the --custom-entrypoint flag to gcloud preview app run to provide gcloud with the correct command to call.

    This does not affect users developing for non-managed VMs, or for users who are not using gcloud."

  • Bug fixes for:

    • gcloud preview app deploy file paths issue on Windows.
    • gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until-stable periodic user prompting for target zone.

0.9.70 (2015-07-22)

  • Add gcloud compute instance-groups commands.
  • Move gcloud beta deployment-manager commands to general availability as gcloud deployment-manager and update to use the v2beta3 API. This change does not alter the gcloud surface for users of the deployment-manager component.
  • Update kubectl to 1.0.0.
  • gcloud alpha genomics commands now use the genomics V1 API. The --project-number flag for dataset create and dataset list is now obsolete. The configured --project-id is used instead and can be overridden with the --project-id flag.
  • Fix hang on errors in gcloud preview app deploy.

0.9.69 (2015-07-15)

  • Update kubectl to 0.20.2.
  • Fix an authentication issue with 'gcloud docker' affecting docker version 1.7.0 and later.
  • Remove gcloud preview dm-v2 command group.
  • Remove gcloud preview deployment-manager command group (gcloud beta deployment-manager still exists; see if you want to pin your installation to an old version).
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.68 (2015-07-08)

  • Deprecated gcutil tool is no longer distributed with Cloud SDK. It is still available via
  • Added support for Container engine BETA commands under the gcloud beta container command group. Existing gcloud alpha container commands are unchanged.
  • The standalone App Engine SDKs are no longer distributed through the Cloud SDK.
    • App Engine functionality can still be used through the gcloud preview app command group.
    • The gae-java, gae-python, gae-php, and gae-go components no longer exist in the component manager.
    • If you need to use appcfg or dev_appserver directly, these are still available in the App Engine SDK downloads that can be found here:
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.67 (2015-07-01)

  • App Engine components updated to 1.9.23.
  • Added the "gen-config" command to app surface to generate configuration files for node.js apps.
  • New compute instance-groups unmanaged commands group for Instance Groups which are not managed by Instance Group Manager
  • Moved gcloud beta sql instances connect to gcloud beta sql connect.
  • Smarter polling while waiting for SQL operations to finish, reducing the number of requests sent to the server.
  • Linux/Mac install script disables prompts if there is no controlling tty.
  • Linux/Mac install script now properly detects zsh and ksh RC files.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.66 (2015-06-24)

  • New commands
    • gcloud alpha compute instances set-machine-type for managing types
    • gcloud topic for supplementary help topics.
  • gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete prompt defaults to false.

0.9.65 (2015-06-17)

  • Fixes reset-windows-password on Windows if openssl is present on the path.
  • gcloud compute reset-windows-password is now available as a GA command.
  • Prevent creation of a user that matches the machine name on Windows.
  • gsutil now runs properly from not-default drive letters on Windows.
  • kubectl updated to 0.18.1.
  • gcloud preview docker moved to gcloud docker.

0.9.64 (2015-06-10)

  • New commands
    • gcloud beta compute scp for secure copy.
    • gcloud alpha genomics commands (on datasets).
    • gcloud alpha source list to lists project repositories.
  • kubectl will no longer be installed by default.
  • Bug fixes for HTTPS load balancing.
  • The help pager is $PAGER or less(1) if available, otherwise a builtin pager.
  • Update of gsutil component to version 4.13.

0.9.63 (2015-06-03)

0.9.62 (2015-05-27)

  • Not released.

0.9.61 (2015-05-20)

  • New kubectl component (installed by default)
  • Internal improvements to gcloud preview app deploy; includes changes to command output.
  • gcloud preview projects moved to gcloud alpha projects
  • Tab completion for gcloud compute ssh

0.9.60 (2015-05-13)

  • VPN moved to GA.
  • Preemptible VM support.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.59 (2015-05-06)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.58 (2015-04-29)

  • gcloud alpha bigquery launch.
  • Better error reporting in Customer Supplied Encryption Key files.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.57 (2015-04-22)

  • gcloud beta deployment-manager launch.
  • gcloud app new deployment behavior.
    • deploy and run commands no longer take directories, only take a list of explicit yaml files.
  • gcloud beta compute reset-windows-password, support for new authentication scheme on Windows guest agent versions and later.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.56 (2015-04-15)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.55 (2015-04-8)

  • New and improved gcloud dns surface including:
    • Transactions for scriptable editing of record-sets.
    • Importing record-sets from zone files and yaml files.
    • Exporting record-sets to zone files and yaml files.
  • VPN commands surfaced under gcloud compute.
  • Dataflow CLI commands launched under gcloud alpha!

0.9.52 (2015-03-18)

  • Bug Fixes.

0.9.51 (2015-03-11)

  • Bug Fixes.

0.9.50 (2015-03-04)

  • Introducing the gcloud beta ... command group
    • Existing gcloud commands will be replicated under this new group, but use the beta version of their API instead of the GA version.
    • New command behavior and features that are beta only will first appear under this group until the feature gets promoted to general availability.
    • Run gcloud components update beta to access the new commands, or it will be automatically installed for you on first run attempt.
  • gcloud beta compute ... is now available, using the compute 'beta' API. Cloud VPN. See for details.
  • Release of gcloud compute instances move and gcloud compute disks move.

0.9.49 (2015-02-25)

  • The Google Container Registry is now used by default for deployment of Managed VM applications. See here for more information:
  • We've increased the speed of the "image push" phase of Managed VM deployments.
  • The heavy lifting of retrieving the Go toolchain has been moved into the base Go Docker image which dramatically reduces the bandwidth consumed locally when running and deploying your images. You must delete your Dockerfile to pick up the changes.
  • We've fixed several bugs related to port forwarding in the local devappserver.

0.9.48 (2015-02-18)

  • A bug fix for running setup-managed-vms multiple times when using the Google Container Registry

0.9.47 (2015-02-11)

  • Bug fixes that allow tab completion to work for components in preview.
  • GCloud now auto installs components based on command execution.

0.9.46 (2015-02-04)

0.9.45 (2015-01-28)

  • Several bug fixes in the Dockerfile generated for the 'go' runtime. Delete the Dockerfile in your application directory and the Cloud SDK will copy the updated Dockerfile on your next deployment.
  • Several bug fixes related to flakiness in the setup-managed-vms command.

0.9.44 (2015-01-21)

  • Fixes applied to the google/appengine-gobase image for managed VMs.
  • Tab completion for gcloud SQL commands.

0.9.43 (2015-01-14)

0.9.42 (2015-01-08)

  • Support for local SSDs in instance templates for gcloud compute.

0.9.41 (2014-12-17)

  • Progress bars.
  • Compute Instances start and stop commands.

0.9.40 (2014-12-09)

  • Bug Fixes.

0.9.39 (2014-12-03)

  • Bug Fixes.

0.9.37 (2014-11-19)

  • Added support for local SSD.

0.9.36 (2014-11-12)

  • Bug Fixes.

0.9.35 (2014-11-04)

  • Added support for Google Container Engine. It is available under the 'gcloud preview container' command group.

0.9.34 (2014-10-14)

  • Added support for Google Compute Engine Instance Templates in compute component.
  • Launch of instance-groups and managed-instance-groups in preview component.

0.9.33 (2014-09-30)

  • Overhaul of 'gcloud sql'
    • Updated the output for all commands.
    • Updated usage for 'gcloud sql ssl-certs create'.

0.9.32 (2014-09-16)

  • Bug Fixes.

0.9.31 (2014-09-02)

  • Added support for creating and maintaining Cloud SQL read replica instances.
    • Added --master-instance-name property that can be set during replica creation to indicate the replication master for the read replica instance.
    • Added --enable-database-replication, --no-enable-database-replication flags that can be used to start, stop replication for the read replica instance.
    • Added 'promote-replica' command that promotes a read replica instance into a stand-alone Cloud SQL instance.
  • Added several new features to the compute component:
    • Implemented new subcommands for interacting with HTTP load balancing:
      • gcloud compute backend-services update
      • gcloud compute url-maps add-host-rule
      • gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher
      • gcloud compute url-maps remove-host-rule
      • gcloud compute url-maps remove-path-matcher
      • gcloud compute url-maps set-default-service
    • Added support for automatically generating initial Windows username and password when creating a virtual machine instance from a Windows image or a disk initializaed from a Windows image.
    • Added a new scope alias for Cloud SQL administration: 'sql-admin'.

0.9.30 (2014-08-19)

  • Bug Fixes.

0.9.29 (2014-08-11)

  • The compute component is now in General Availability.
    • Added new 'compute/zone' and 'compute/region' properties that can be used to set a default zone and region. To set the properties, run 'gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE' and 'gcloud config set compute/region REGION'.
    • Added support for overriding disk auto-deletion during instance deletion.
    • Updated the output of commands that mutate resources to be more human-friendly. The --format flag can be used for more verbose output.
    • Replaced all 'get' subcommands with 'describe' subcommands (e.g., 'gcloud compute instances get' has been replaced with 'gcloud compute instances describe').
    • Renamed the 'firewalls' collection to 'firewall-rules'.
    • Added support to the 'addresses' collection for interacting with global addresses.

0.9.28 (2014-07-18)

  • Updated gcutil to 1.16.3 and various App Engine runtimes to 1.9.7 binaries.
  • Support running several modules by gcloud app run and fixed output errors.
  • Limit gcloud upgrade nags to once per day.
  • Bring help files up to date (for example improved the documentation for DM 'templates create' and 'deployments create').
  • Added prompting for regions and zones to most subcommands of the compute component.
  • Added new subcommands to the compute component for adding and removing backends from backend services.
  • Added --ssh-flags to 'gcloud compute ssh' for passing additional flags to ssh.
  • Added image alias support for the --image flag in the compute component.

0.9.27 (2014-06-18)

  • Added --shell mode to all gcloud commands
    • Type a partial command followed by '--shell' to drop into a sub shell at that point in the command tree.
    • Eg: $ gcloud compute --shell gcloud compute $ instances list gcloud compute $ copy-files ...
  • Updated gsutil to 4.3
  • Allow installed crcmod to be used by default with gsutil by enabling site packages

0.9.26 (2014-06-04)

  • Windows support for SSH and SCP to Compute VMs
    • The following will now work natively on Windows without the need for cygwin:
      • gcloud compute ssh
      • gcloud compute copy-files
      • gcutil ssh
      • gcutil push
      • gcutil pull
  • Support for Java apps in 'gcloud preview app run'
  • Updated gsutil to 4.1
  • Updated gcutil to 1.16.0
  • Updated all App Engine tools to 1.9.6

0.9.25 (2014-05-21)

  • gcloud preview app deploy and ... run argument updates.
  • gcloud config ... argument updates.
  • Updated all App Engine tools to 1.9.5

0.9.24 (2014-05-07)

  • gcloud now has App Engine and Cloud Datastore integration.
    • Commands can be found under gcloud preview app and gcloud preview datastore

0.9.23 (2014-05-01)

  • New gcloud compute tool for working with compute engine (RC)
    • Run gcloud components update compute to install
    • Run gcloud help compute for more information
  • Updated all App Engine tools to 1.9.4
  • Added color to error and warning messages (on Linux and Mac)
    • To disable, run gcloud config set disable_color true

0.9.22 (2014-04-23)

0.9.21 (2014-04-09)

  • Minor updates and bug fixes.

0.9.20 (2014-03-24)

  • Minor updates and bug fixes.

0.9.19 (2014-03-19)

  • Minor updates and bug fixes.

0.9.18 (2014-03-05)

  • New 'gcloud init' command
    • Crpace for your project with a git clone of your Google hosted repository.
  • Updated gcutil to 1.14.0

0.9.17 (2014-02-11)

  • Updated all App Engine tools to 1.9.0
  • Cloud SDK now distributed under the Apache v2.0 license. Please see LICENSE for more information.

0.9.16 (2014-01-28)

  • Added Python2.6 compatibility.
  • Added ability to symlink directly to scripts in the bin/ directory.
  • Fixed bug in default setup of credentials when on a Compute Engine VM.

0.9.15 (2014-01-15)

  • Updated gsutil to 3.40
  • Updated all App Engine tools to 1.8.9
  • Fixed broken PHP runtimes on Mac and Windows installs when running the dev_appserver.
  • Adding sh/cmd wrapper scripts for bq, gcutil, and gsutil for better PATH handling on Windows.
  • Fixed issue with failing goapp build

0.9.14 (2013-12-17)

  • 'gcloud sql' now available.
  • Added bash completion for gcloud commands.
    • Choose 'yes' at the prompt during installation to add it to your bash profile.
  • Added 'gcloud version' command.
  • More flexible support of virtual env installations.
  • Fix for environments with protobuf installed. (2013-12-04)

  • Validate queries to metadata server.

0.9.13 (2013-11-19)

  • Updated all App Engine tools to 1.8.8
  • Disabling site packages when running commands, to avoid library conflicts.

0.9.12 (2013-11-06)

  • Updated all App Engine tools to 1.8.7
  • Updated bq to 2.0.17
  • A few usability improvements in the component manager and install flow.

0.9.11 (2013-10-28)

  • The Cloud SDK is now distributed using a new component manager.
    • Download a small initial zip file, then install the tools you want on demand.
    • Updates to tools in the Cloud SDK are performed in-place, incrementally, without the need to re-download the entire SDK.
    • The component manager allows you to see when updates are available.
    • Run 'gcloud components --help' for more information.
  • New authentication features:
    • The gauth command has been replaced by 'gcloud auth'. Run 'gcloud auth --help' for more information.
    • It now supports authenticating multiple users simultaneously. Use 'gcloud config set account ' to choose your active account.
  • For more information, please see:

0.9.10 (2013-10-20)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to 1.8.6.
  • Upgraded bq to 2.0.16.
  • Upgraded gcutil to 1.9.1.
  • A few improvements to the gauth web flow.

0.9.9 (2013-09-26)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to 1.8.5.
  • Upgraded bq to 2.0.15.
  • Upgraded gcutil to 1.8.4.
  • Upgraded gsutil to 3.37.

0.9.8 (2013-08-27)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to 1.8.4.
  • Upgraded gcutil to 1.8.3.
  • Upgraded gsutil to 3.35.

0.9.7 (2013-08-06)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to 1.8.3
  • Upgraded gsutil to 3.34

0.9.6 (2013-07-17)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to 1.8.2
  • Upgraded bq to 2.0.14
  • Upgraded gcutil to 1.8.2
  • Upgraded gsutil to 3.33

0.9.5 (2013-06-18)

  • App Engine Hotfix

0.9.4 (2013-06-12)

  • archive file name changed to google-cloud-sdk
  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to 1.8.1
  • Upgraded gcutil to 1.8.1
  • Upgraded gsutil to 3.31 (3.30 was never released)
  • More improvements to gauth experience
    • gauth now provides links to the new Cloud Console (for obtaining your project ID), as opposed to the API console
    • Suppression of spurious error related to the Windows Registry

0.9.3 (2013-05-24)

  • Upgraded gcutil to 1.8.0
  • Upgraded gsutil to 3.29

0.9.2 (2013-05-07)

  • Upgraded all App Engine tools to 1.8.0
  • Upgraded gsutil to 3.27
  • Several improvements to gauth experience
    • Will not re-run oauth2 flow if you already have valid credentials (you can force re-auth with the --login flag)
    • Added --set-project to change your current project without having to re-auth
    • Renamed to gauth for simplicity
    • gauth will warn you if there are older versions of the cloud tools on your path.

0.9.1 (2013-04-10)

  • Fixed an issue with gauth that occurred when running a command before credentials were created.

0.9.0 (2013-04-09)

  • Developer preview release of the Cloud SDK
  • Includes command line tools for:
    • App Engine
    • BigQuery
    • Compute Engine
    • Cloud Storage
    • Cloud SQL
  • Includes the new gauth tool for one time common authentication for all tools