Installing the Google Cloud CLI Docker image

The Google Cloud CLI Docker image lets you pull a specific version of gcloud CLI as a Docker image from Artifact Registry and quickly execute Google Cloud CLI commands in an isolated, correctly configured container.

The Google Cloud CLI Docker image is the gcloud CLI installed on top of a Debian or Alpine image. The Google Cloud CLI Docker Images enable the usage of gcloud as well as its bundled components without having to manually install gcloud in your local machine.

Docker image options

There are six Google Cloud CLI Docker images, and all will install the gcloud, gsutil and bq command-line tools. We recommend that you install the :stable image for a minimal environment. You can also use the stable image as the base image for your own deployments which gives you the flexibility of installing only the components and packages that you need in your image:

  • :stable, :VERSION-stable: Provides a gcloud installation with gsutil and bq components. The image is built upon the latest Google-Provided Debian 12 base image. This image supports both linux/amd and linux/arm platforms. To install specific gcloud versions, use the :VERSION-stable tag.

If you want to use an Alpine-based image, you can install the following image:

  • :alpine, :VERSION-alpine: Similar to stable but built upon the latest Alpine 3.20 base image. This image supports both linux/amd and linux/arm platforms. To install specific gcloud versions, use the :VERSION-alpine tag.

If you want images with additional components or packages pre-installed, you can install one of the following options:

  • :emulators, :VERSION-emulators: Similar to stable, with the addition of all the emulator components. The image is build upon the latest Google-Provided Debian 12 base image and uses component manager to install the components. This image supports both linux/amd and linux/arm platforms. To install specific gcloud versions, use the :VERSION-emulators tag.

  • :latest, :VERSION: Similar to stable, with additional components (List of components installed in the image are listed below) pre-installed. The image is build upon the latest Google-Provided Debian 12 base image and uses deb packages to install the components. To install specific gcloud versions, use the :VERSION tag.

  • :slim, :VERSION-slim: Similar to stable but includes the additional third party packages like curl, python3-crcmod, apt-transport-https, lsb-release, openssh-client, git, make, and gnupg. This image is built upon the latest Google-Provided Debian 12 base image. This image supports both linux/amd and linux/arm platforms. To install specific gcloud versions, use the :VERSION-slim tag.

  • :debian_component_based, :VERSION-debian_component_based: Similar to stable, with additional components (List of components installed in the image are listed below) pre-installed. The image is build upon the latest Google-Provided Debian 12 base image and uses component manager to install the components. This image supports both linux/amd and linux/arm platforms. To install specific gcloud versions, use the :VERSION-debian_component_based tag.

Use a specific version in production

If you use a tag that is not tied to a specific gcloud version, your environment might experience the following possible breaking changes:

  • Google Cloud SDK version updates, which may change the behavior of the tool.
  • Updates to the list of installed components.

To avoid possible breaking changes, it is recommended that your production environment use either of the following:

  • A versioned tag, such as :496.0.0-stable
  • A specific image hash such as:
  • Host the image in your own repository

You should also update the images periodically to get the latest gcloud version.

Check the latest Google Cloud CLI version and all previous Google Cloud CLI versions.

Components installed in each tag

Component :stable :alpine :emulators :latest :slim :debian_component_based
App Engine Go Extensions x x
Appctl x
BigQuery Command Line Tool x x x x x x
Bundled Python x x x x x x
Bigtable Command Line Tool x x
Bigtable Emulator x x x
Cloud Datastore Emulator x x x
Cloud Firestore Emulator x x
Cloud Pub/Sub Emulator x x x
Spanner Emulator x x
Cloud Storage Command Line Tool x x x x x x
Google Cloud CLI Core Libraries x x x x x x
Google Cloud CRC32C Hash Tool x x x x x x
Kustomize x
Minikube x
Nomos CLI x
On-Demand Scanning API extraction helper x x
Skaffold x
anthos-auth x
gcloud Alpha Commands x x x x
gcloud Beta Commands x x x x
gcloud app Java Extensions x
gcloud app Python Extensions x
gcloud app Python Extensions (Extra Libraries) x x
gke-gcloud-auth-plugin x x
kpt x x
kubectl x x

Installing a Docker image

The Docker image is hosted on Artifact Registry with the following repository name: The images are also available using the,, and repositories.

  1. To use the image of the stable Google Cloud CLI release,, pull it from Artifact Registry by running the following command:

    docker pull

    You can also use the image hash to pull a specific Docker image from the repository. To pull the same image from the previous example (:489.0.0-stable) using the image hash, run the following command:

    docker pull
  2. Verify the installation by running:

    docker run --rm gcloud version

    If you have used the floating :stable tag (which always point to the latest release), verify the installation by running the following command:

    docker run --rm gcloud version

Authenticating with the Google Cloud CLI Docker image

Authenticate with the Google Cloud CLI Docker image by running one of the following commands:

  • Authenticate gcloud with your user credentials by running gcloud auth login:

    docker run -ti --name gcloud-config gcloud auth login
  • If you need to authenticate applications that use the Google Cloud APIs, pass the --update-adc option:

    docker run -ti --name gcloud-config gcloud auth login --update-adc
  • To set a default project that is selected each time you open the container, run the following command:

    docker run -ti --name gcloud-config /bin/bash -c 'gcloud auth login && gcloud config set project your-project'

    After you've authenticated successfully, credentials are preserved in the volume of the gcloud-config container.

    To verify, list the compute instance using the credentials by running the container with --volumes-from:

    docker run --rm --volumes-from gcloud-config gcloud compute instances list --project your-project
  • If you want to authenticate using a service account, use the auth/credential_file_override property to set a path to a mounted service account. Then update the config to read the mounted service account using the CLOUDSDK_CONFIG environment variable.

    In the following example, the mycloud configuration has the auth/credential_file_override already set. The configuration points to a certificate file that is present within the container as a separate volume mount.

    $ docker run -ti -e CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/config/mygcloud \
                  -v `pwd`/mygcloud:/config/mygcloud \
                  -v `pwd`:/certs /bin/bash
    bash-4.4# gcloud config list
    credential_file_override = /certs/svc_account.json
    bash-4.4# head -10  /certs/svc_account.json
       "type": "service_account",
       "project_id": "project_id1",
    bash-4.4# gcloud projects list
    PROJECT_ID           NAME         PROJECT_NUMBER
    project_id1          GCPAppID     1071284184432

    For more information about setting environment variables, see the following:

Installing additional components

You can install additional components in the Google Cloud CLI Docker image. The approach to install additional components varies depending on the underlying base image type.

Debian-based images

By default, the stable images (:stable and :VERSION-stable) have no components installed other than bq and gsutil. To install additional components for the stable image, do one of the following:

Building your own image using the :stable image Dockerfile

To build your own image with additional component from :stable, you can clone the cloud-sdk-docker GitHub directory and use the docker build command to build the :stable Docker image from the Dockerfile with the INSTALL_COMPONENTS argument. For example, to add datastore-emulator components:

# clone the GitHub docker directory 
$ git clone
$ docker build --build-arg CLOUD_SDK_VERSION=<release_version> \
   --build-arg INSTALL_COMPONENTS="google-cloud-cli-datastore-emulator=<release_version>-0" \
   -t my-cloud-sdk-docker:stable .

Installing additional packages or components at runtime

If you have pulled the stable Docker image, you can install the following additional components during runtime:

  • gcloud components by using the COMPONENTS environment variable.
  • apt-packages by using the APT_PACKAGES environment variable.

For example, if you want to install the cbt and kpt components at runtime, you can run the following command:

docker run -e COMPONENTS='google-cloud-cli-cbt google-cloud-cli-kpt' \ gcloud version

To install apt-packages curl and gcc while running the Docker image, execute the following command:

docker run -e APT_PACKAGES='curl gcc' \ gcloud version

Alpine-based images

To install additional components for Alpine-based images, create a Dockerfile that uses the cloud-sdk image as the base image.

For example, to add kubectl and app-engine-java components:

  1. Create the Dockerfile as:
RUN apk --update add gcompat openjdk8-jre
RUN gcloud components install app-engine-java kubectl
  1. Build the image by executing the following command:
docker build -t my-cloud-sdk-docker:alpine .

For Alpine based images, you must install dependencies of additional components manually.

Migrating to the :stable image

If you are using the :latest, :slim, :emulators, :alpine and :debian_component_based Docker images, we recommend that you migrate to the Debian-based :stable image for a smaller image size and improved security fixes. For steps to migrate to the :stable image, see Migrating to the :stable image.

Getting support for images

The images hosted on the Artifact Registry provide fully functional installs of Google Cloud CLI. If you find bugs or issues related to the Docker images you can create a support ticket.

When you need an image with additional components, packages, or tools, you can create your own image layer on top of the Google Cloud CLI Docker image.


What should you do if you see a failed to fetch <image-tag> error while pulling the Docker image?

If you get a failed to fetch <image-tag> error while trying to pull a Google Cloud CLI Docker image, you are most likely trying to fetch an image tag that has been deprecated and removed. Check the Docker Image Options for available Docker image Options and migrate to one of the supported tags.

What are the use-cases where you cannot directly extend the :stable Docker image to support your current workflow?

The following table lists the use-cases when you cannot directly extend the :stable docker image to fit your workflow and lists the options to remediate:

Use-cases Remediation Options
Third party packages like docker or docker-buildx are not included in the :stable image If you need these third-party packages, build your own image or install these packages in the :stable Docker image manually.

What should you do if your scanner found vulnerabilities in the docker images?

Google Cloud CLI Docker images are hosted in Artifact Registry. Images are scanned daily and common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) are mitigated before each new gcloud release. However, if your scanner has detected vulnerabilities in the Google Cloud CLI Docker images that are not resolved, you can file a bug that includes the following information:

  • The type of vulnerability.
  • The exact location in the image.

Vulnerabilities within base OS images are only addressed to ensure that the Google Cloud CLI Docker images are using recent, stable releases of Debian or Alpine Linux.

Why are there tagless images in the Artifact Registry repository?

Google Cloud CLI Docker images with tags :stable, :alpine, :emulators, and :debian_component_based support both arm64 and amd64 platforms. The images are build with a multi-arch build process, which combines architecture-specific images into a single manifest. The manifest also includes platform specific attestation images. The multi-arch build process only adds tag to the final manifest image, but doesn't tag the individual architecture-specific images or attestation images. As a result, you might see tagless images in the Artifact Registry repository. These images are not intended for use and you can safely ignore them.