google-cloud-core - Module Google::Cloud (v1.8.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the google-cloud-core module Google::Cloud.



def self.configure() -> Google::Cloud::Config

Configure the default parameter for Google::Cloud. The values defined on this top level will be shared across all Google::Cloud libraries, which may also add fields to this object or add sub configuration options under this object.

Possible configuration parameters:

  • project_id: The Google Cloud Project ID. Automatically discovered when running from GCP environments.
  • credentials: The service account JSON file path. Automatically discovered when running from GCP environments.
  • on_error: A Proc to be run when an error is encountered during on a background thread. The Proc must take the error object as the single argument.
  • (@config)


def = nil, credentials = nil, retries: nil, timeout: nil) -> Google::Cloud

Creates a new object for connecting to Google Cloud.

For more information on connecting to Google Cloud see the Authentication Guide.

  • project_id (String) — Project identifier for the service you are connecting to.
  • credentials (String, Hash, Google::Auth::Credentials) — The path to the keyfile as a String, the contents of the keyfile as a Hash, or a Google::Auth::Credentials object.
  • retries (Integer) (defaults to: nil) — Number of times to retry requests on server error. The default value is 3. Optional.
  • timeout (Integer) (defaults to: nil) — Default timeout to use in requests. Optional.
require "google/cloud"

gcloud  =
datastore = gcloud.datastore
pubsub  = gcloud.pubsub
storage =