Automatically generating reports

This topic describes how to automatically generate reports in Risk Manager.

Before you begin

Consider creating a report to get an idea of what a typical report contains.

What are automated reports?

Automated reports are reports that are created by the Risk Manager system periodically at a set time. They contain the same data contents as manually created reports.

There are three frequency options. All times are in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5).

  • Daily (10 AM)

  • Weekly (10 AM on Mondays)

  • Monthly (10 AM on the first day of the month)

Automated reports are never automatically shared with brokers or carriers. They exist to allow you to better track your risk posture over time.

Turn on automated report generation

To turn on automated report generation, follow these steps:

  1. In the Cloud console, go to the Risk Manager page.

    Go to Risk Manager

  2. Click Manage automated reports, and follow the prompts.

Turn off automated report generation

To turn off automated report generation, follow these steps:

  1. In the Cloud console, go to the Risk Manager page.

    Go to Risk Manager

  2. Click Manage automated reports.

  3. Next to Enable automated reports, toggle the switch to the off position.

What's next?