reCAPTCHA Enterprise API

Help protect your website from fraudulent activity, spam, and abuse without creating friction.


The Service name is needed to create RPC client stubs.

AddIpOverride Adds an IP override to a key.
AnnotateAssessment Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fraudulent.
CreateAssessment Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.
CreateFirewallPolicy Creates a new FirewallPolicy, specifying conditions at which reCAPTCHA Enterprise actions can be executed.
CreateKey Creates a new reCAPTCHA Enterprise key.
DeleteFirewallPolicy Deletes the specified firewall policy.
DeleteKey Deletes the specified key.
GetFirewallPolicy Returns the specified firewall policy.
GetKey Returns the specified key.
GetMetrics Get some aggregated metrics for a Key.
ListFirewallPolicies Returns the list of all firewall policies that belong to a project.
ListIpOverrides Lists all IP overrides for a key.
ListKeys Returns the list of all keys that belong to a project.
ListRelatedAccountGroupMemberships Get memberships in a group of related accounts.
ListRelatedAccountGroups List groups of related accounts.
MigrateKey Migrates an existing key from reCAPTCHA to reCAPTCHA Enterprise.
RemoveIpOverride Removes an IP override from a key.
ReorderFirewallPolicies Reorders all firewall policies.
RetrieveLegacySecretKey Returns the secret key related to the specified public key.
SearchRelatedAccountGroupMemberships Search group memberships related to a given account.
UpdateFirewallPolicy Updates the specified firewall policy.
UpdateKey Updates the specified key.

AnnotateAssessment Annotates a previously created Assessment to provide additional information on whether the event turned out to be authentic or fradulent.
CreateAssessment Creates an Assessment of the likelihood an event is legitimate.