Class SafeSearchAnnotation (1.0.1)

Set of features pertaining to the image, computed by computer vision methods over safe-search verticals (for example, adult, spoof, medical, violence).

Spoof likelihood. The likelihood that an modification was made to the image's canonical version to make it appear funny or offensive.

Likelihood that this image contains violent content.

Confidence of adult_score. Range [0, 1]. 0 means not confident, 1 means very confident.

Confidence of medical_score. Range [0, 1]. 0 means not confident, 1 means very confident.

Confidence of racy_score. Range [0, 1]. 0 means not confident, 1 means very confident.


builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > SafeSearchAnnotation