Class ProductCountStatistic (1.21.2)

ProductCountStatistic(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A statistic about the number of products in a branch.


Name Description
[ProductCountScope] of the [counts].
counts MutableMapping[str, int]
The number of products in scope broken down into different groups. The key is a group representing a set of products, and the value is the number of products in that group. Note: keys in this map may change over time. Possible keys: - "primary-in-stock", products have Product.Type.PRIMARY type and Product.Availability.IN_STOCK availability. - "primary-out-of-stock", products have Product.Type.PRIMARY type and Product.Availability.OUT_OF_STOCK availability. - "primary-preorder", products have Product.Type.PRIMARY type and Product.Availability.PREORDER availability. - "primary-backorder", products have Product.Type.PRIMARY type and Product.Availability.BACKORDER availability. - "variant-in-stock", products have Product.Type.VARIANT type and Product.Availability.IN_STOCK availability. - "variant-out-of-stock", products have Product.Type.VARIANT type and Product.Availability.OUT_OF_STOCK availability. - "variant-preorder", products have Product.Type.VARIANT type and Product.Availability.PREORDER availability. - "variant-backorder", products have Product.Type.VARIANT type and Product.Availability.BACKORDER availability. - "price-discounted", products have [Product.price_info.price] < [product.price_info.original_price].="">



CountsEntry(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The abstract base class for a message.

Name Description
kwargs dict

Keys and values corresponding to the fields of the message.

mapping Union[dict, .Message]

A dictionary or message to be used to determine the values for this message.

ignore_unknown_fields Optional(bool)

If True, do not raise errors for unknown fields. Only applied if mapping is a mapping type or there are keyword parameters.



Scope of what products are included for this count.