Class Query (2.27.0)


Query object for retrieving metric data.


Name Description
client metric_service_client.MetricServiceClient

The client to use.

project str

The project ID or number.

metric_type str

The metric type name. The default value is :data:Query.DEFAULT_METRIC_TYPE <>, but please note that this default value is provided only for demonstration purposes and is subject to change. See the supported metrics_.

end_time datetime.datetime

(Optional) The end time (inclusive) of the time interval for which results should be returned, as a datetime object. The default is the start of the current minute. The start time (exclusive) is determined by combining the values of days, hours, and minutes, and subtracting the resulting duration from the end time. It is also allowed to omit the end time and duration here, in which case select_interval must be called before the query is executed.

days int

The number of days in the time interval.

hours int

The number of hours in the time interval.

minutes int

The number of minutes in the time interval.



The filter string.

This is constructed from the metric type, the resource type, and selectors for the group ID, monitored projects, resource labels, and metric labels.


The metric type name.




Create a deepcopy of the query object.

The client attribute is copied by reference only.

Name Description
memo dict

the memo dict to avoid excess copying in case the object is referenced from its member.

Type Description
Query The new query object.


align(per_series_aligner, seconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0)

Copy the query and add temporal alignment.

If per_series_aligner is not :data:Aligner.ALIGN_NONE, each time series will contain data points only on the period boundaries.


from import monitoring
query = query.align(
    monitoring.Aggregation.Aligner.ALIGN_MEAN, minutes=5)

It is also possible to specify the aligner as a literal string::

query = query.align('ALIGN_MEAN', minutes=5)
Name Description
per_series_aligner str or Aligner

The approach to be used to align individual time series. For example: :data:Aligner.ALIGN_MEAN. See Aligner and the descriptions of the supported aligners_.

seconds int

The number of seconds in the alignment period.

minutes int

The number of minutes in the alignment period.

hours int

The number of hours in the alignment period.

Type Description
Query The new query object. .. _supported aligners: projects.timeSeries/list#Aligner


as_dataframe(label=None, labels=None)

Return all the selected time series as a pandas dataframe.

Generate a dataframe with a multi-level column header including

# the resource type and all available resource and metric labels.
# This can be useful for seeing what labels are available.
dataframe = query.as_dataframe()

# Generate a dataframe using a particular label for the column
# names.
dataframe = query.as_dataframe(label='instance_name')

# Generate a dataframe with a multi-level column header.
dataframe = query.as_dataframe(labels=['zone', 'instance_name'])

# Generate a dataframe with a multi-level column header, assuming
# the metric is issued by more than one type of resource.
dataframe = query.as_dataframe(
    labels=['resource_type', 'instance_id'])
Name Description
label str

(Optional) The label name to use for the dataframe header. This can be the name of a resource label or metric label (e.g., "instance_name"), or the string "resource_type".

labels list of strings, or None

A list or tuple of label names to use for the dataframe header. If more than one label name is provided, the resulting dataframe will have a multi-level column header. Providing values for both label and labels is an error.

Type Description
pandas.DataFrame A dataframe where each column represents one time series.


iter(headers_only=False, page_size=None)

Yield all time series objects selected by the query.

The generator returned iterates over xref_TimeSeries objects containing points ordered from oldest to newest.

Note that the Query object itself is an iterable, such that the following are equivalent::

for timeseries in query:

for timeseries in query.iter():
Name Description
headers_only bool

Whether to omit the point data from the time series objects.

page_size int

(Optional) The maximum number of points in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

Type Description
`ValueError if the query time interval has not been specified.


reduce(cross_series_reducer, *group_by_fields)

Copy the query and add cross-series reduction.

Cross-series reduction combines time series by aggregating their data points.

For example, you could request an aggregated time series for each combination of project and zone as follows::

from import monitoring
query = query.reduce(monitoring.Aggregation.Reducer.REDUCE_MEAN,
                     'resource.project_id', '')
Name Description
cross_series_reducer str or Reducer

The approach to be used to combine time series. For example: :data:Reducer.REDUCE_MEAN. See Reducer and the descriptions of the supported reducers_.

group_by_fields strs

Fields to be preserved by the reduction. For example, specifying just "" will result in one time series per zone. The default is to aggregate all of the time series into just one.

Type Description
Query The new query object. .. _supported reducers: projects.timeSeries/list#Reducer



Copy the query and add filtering by group.


query = query.select_group('1234567')
Name Description
group_id str

The ID of a group to filter by.

Type Description
Query The new query object.


select_interval(end_time, start_time=None)

Copy the query and set the query time interval.


import datetime

now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
query = query.select_interval(
    start_time=now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))

As a convenience, you can alternatively specify the end time and an interval duration when you create the query initially.

Name Description
end_time datetime.datetime

The end time (inclusive) of the time interval for which results should be returned, as a datetime object.

start_time datetime.datetime

(Optional) The start time (exclusive) of the time interval for which results should be returned, as a datetime object. If not specified, the interval is a point in time.

Type Description
Query The new query object.


select_metrics(*args, **kwargs)

Copy the query and add filtering by metric labels.


query = query.select_metrics(instance_name='myinstance')
query = query.select_metrics(instance_name_prefix='mycluster-')

A keyword argument <label>=<value> ordinarily generates a filter expression of the form::

metric.label.<label> = "<value>"

However, by adding "_notequal" to the keyword, you can inequality:

<label>_notequal=<value> generates::

metric.label.<label> != <value>

By adding "_prefix" or "_suffix" to the keyword, you can specify a partial match.

<label>_prefix=<value> generates::

metric.label.<label> = starts_with("<value>")

<label>_suffix=<value> generates::

metric.label.<label> = ends_with("<value>")

If the label's value type is INT64, a similar notation can be used to express inequalities:

<label>_less=<value> generates::

metric.label.<label> < <value>

<label>_lessequal=<value> generates::

metric.label.<label> <= <value>

<label>_greater=<value> generates::

metric.label.<label> > <value>

<label>_greaterequal=<value> generates::

metric.label.<label> >= <value>
Name Description
args tuple

Raw filter expression strings to include in the conjunction. If just one is provided and no keyword arguments are provided, it can be a disjunction.

Type Description
Query The new query object.



Copy the query and add filtering by monitored projects.

This is only useful if the target project represents a Stackdriver account containing the specified monitored projects.


query = query.select_projects('project-1')
query = query.select_projects('project-1', 'project-2')
Name Description
args tuple

Project IDs limiting the resources to be included in the query.

Type Description
Query The new query object.


select_resources(*args, **kwargs)

Copy the query and add filtering by resource labels.

See more documentation at:


query = query.select_resources(zone='us-central1-a')
query = query.select_resources(zone_prefix='europe-')
query = query.select_resources(resource_type='gce_instance')

A keyword argument <label>=<value> ordinarily generates a filter expression of the form::

resource.label.<label> = "<value>"

However, by adding "_prefix" or "_suffix" to the keyword, you can specify a partial match.

<label>_prefix=<value> generates::

resource.label.<label> = starts_with("<value>")

<label>_suffix=<value> generates::

resource.label.<label> = ends_with("<value>")

As a special case, "resource_type" is treated as a special pseudo-label corresponding to the filter object resource.type. For example, resource_type=<value> generates::

resource.type = "<value>"

See the defined resource types_.

Name Description
args tuple

Raw filter expression strings to include in the conjunction. If just one is provided and no keyword arguments are provided, it can be a disjunction.

Type Description
Query The new query object. .. _defined resource types: