Class PostgresEngine (0.12.1)

    key: object,
    pool: sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.engine.AsyncEngine,
    loop: typing.Optional[],
    thread: typing.Optional[threading.Thread],

A class for managing connections to a Cloud SQL for Postgres database.



    key: object,
    pool: sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.engine.AsyncEngine,
    loop: typing.Optional[],
    thread: typing.Optional[threading.Thread],

PostgresEngine constructor.

Name Description
key object

Prevent direct constructor usage.

pool AsyncEngine

Async engine connection pool.

loop Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]

Async event loop used to create the engine.

thread Optional[Thread]

Thread used to create the engine async.

Type Description
Exception If the constructor is called directly by the user.


_ainit_chat_history_table(table_name: str, schema_name: str = "public") -> None

Create a Cloud SQL table to store chat history.

Name Description
table_name str

Table name to store chat history.

schema_name str

Schema name to store chat history table. Default: "public".


    table_name: str,
    vector_size: int,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "content",
    embedding_column: str = "embedding",
    metadata_columns: list[langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    id_column: typing.Union[
        str, langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.Column
    ] = "langchain_id",
    overwrite_existing: bool = False,
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of vectors to be used with PostgresVectorStore.

Name Description
table_name str

The Postgres database table name.

vector_size int

Vector size for the embedding model to be used.

schema_name str

The schema name to store Postgres database table. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

embedding_column str

Name of the column to store vector embeddings. Default: "embedding".

metadata_columns list[Column]

A list of Columns to create for custom metadata. Default: []. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

id_column Union[str, Column]

Column to store ids. Default: "langchain_id" column name with data type UUID. Optional.

overwrite_existing bool

Whether to drop existing table. Default: False.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store metadata in the table. Default: True.

Type Description


    table_name: str, schema_name: str = "public"
) -> sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table

Load table schema from existing table in PgSQL database.

Type Description
(sqlalchemy.Table) The loaded table.


    project_id: str,
    region: str,
    instance: str,
    database: str,
    ip_type: typing.Union[str,],
    user: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    password: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    loop: typing.Optional[] = None,
    thread: typing.Optional[threading.Thread] = None,
    quota_project: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    iam_account_email: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    engine_args: typing.Mapping = {},
) -> langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.PostgresEngine

Create a PostgresEngine instance.

Name Description
project_id str

GCP project ID.

region str

Postgres instance region.

instance str

Postgres instance name.

database str

Database name.

ip_type Union[str, IPTypes]

IP address type. Defaults to IPTypes.PUBLIC.

user Optional[str]

Postgres user name. Defaults to None.

password Optional[str]

Postgres user password. Defaults to None.

loop Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]

Async event loop used to create the engine.

thread Optional[Thread]

Thread used to create the engine async.

quota_project Optional[str]

Project that provides quota for API calls.

iam_account_email Optional[str]

IAM service account email. Defaults to None.

engine_args Mapping

Additional arguments that are passed directly to sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.mymodule.MyClass.create_async_engine. This can be used to specify additional parameters to the underlying pool during it's creation.

Type Description
ValueError If only one of user and password is specified.


    coro: typing.Awaitable[langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.T],
) -> langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.T

Run an async coroutine asynchronously


    coro: typing.Awaitable[langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.T],
) -> langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.T

Run an async coroutine synchronously


    project_id: str,
    region: str,
    instance: str,
    database: str,
    user: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    password: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    ip_type: typing.Union[
    ] = IPTypes.PUBLIC,
    quota_project: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    iam_account_email: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    engine_args: typing.Mapping = {},
) -> langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.PostgresEngine

Create a PostgresEngine from a Postgres instance.

Name Description
project_id str

GCP project ID.

region str

Postgres instance region.

instance str

Postgres instance name.

database str

Database name.

user Optional[str], optional

Postgres user name. Defaults to None.

password Optional[str], optional

Postgres user password. Defaults to None.

ip_type Union[str, IPTypes], optional

IP address type. Defaults to IPTypes.PUBLIC.

quota_project Optional[str]

Project that provides quota for API calls.

iam_account_email Optional[str], optional

IAM service account email. Defaults to None.

engine_args Mapping

Additional arguments that are passed directly to sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.mymodule.MyClass.create_async_engine. This can be used to specify additional parameters to the underlying pool during it's creation.

Type Description
PostgresEngine A newly created PostgresEngine instance.


ainit_chat_history_table(table_name: str, schema_name: str = "public") -> None

Create a Cloud SQL table to store chat history.

Name Description
table_name str

Table name to store chat history.


    table_name: str,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "page_content",
    metadata_columns: list[langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of langchain documents.

Name Description
table_name str

The PgSQL database table name.

schema_name str

The schema name to store PgSQL database table. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

metadata_columns list[sqlalchemy.Column]

A list of SQLAlchemy Columns to create for custom metadata. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store extra metadata in a metadata column if not described in 'metadata' field list (Default: True).

Type Description


    table_name: str,
    vector_size: int,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "content",
    embedding_column: str = "embedding",
    metadata_columns: list[langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    id_column: typing.Union[
        str, langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.Column
    ] = "langchain_id",
    overwrite_existing: bool = False,
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of vectors to be used with PostgresVectorStore.

Name Description
table_name str

The Postgres database table name.

vector_size int

Vector size for the embedding model to be used.

schema_name str

The schema name to store Postgres database table. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

embedding_column str

Name of the column to store vector embeddings. Default: "embedding".

metadata_columns list[Column]

A list of Columns to create for custom metadata. Default: []. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

id_column Union[str, Column]

Column to store ids. Default: "langchain_id" column name with data type UUID. Optional.

overwrite_existing bool

Whether to drop existing table. Default: False.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store metadata in the table. Default: True.


close() -> None

Dispose of connection pool


    engine: sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.engine.AsyncEngine,
    loop: typing.Optional[] = None,
) -> langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.PostgresEngine

Create an PostgresEngine instance from an AsyncEngine.


    url: str | sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL, **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.PostgresEngine

Create an PostgresEngine instance from arguments. These parameters are pass directly into sqlalchemy's create_async_engine function.

Name Description
url Union[str URL]

the URL used to connect to a database

\*\*kwargs Any, optional

sqlalchemy create_async_engine arguments

Type Description
ValueError If postgresql+asyncpg is not specified as the PG driver


    project_id: str,
    region: str,
    instance: str,
    database: str,
    user: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    password: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    ip_type: typing.Union[
    ] = IPTypes.PUBLIC,
    quota_project: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    iam_account_email: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    engine_args: typing.Mapping = {},
) -> langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.PostgresEngine

Create a PostgresEngine from a Postgres instance.

Name Description
project_id str

GCP project ID.

region str

Postgres instance region.

instance str

Postgres instance name.

database str

Database name.

user Optional[str], optional

Postgres user name. Defaults to None.

password Optional[str], optional

Postgres user password. Defaults to None.

ip_type Union[str, IPTypes], optional

IP address type. Defaults to IPTypes.PUBLIC.

quota_project Optional[str]

Project that provides quota for API calls.

iam_account_email Optional[str], optional

IAM service account email. Defaults to None.

engine_args Mapping

Additional arguments that are passed directly to sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.mymodule.MyClass.create_async_engine. This can be used to specify additional parameters to the underlying pool during it's creation.

Type Description
PostgresEngine A newly created PostgresEngine instance.


init_chat_history_table(table_name: str, schema_name: str = "public") -> None

Create a Cloud SQL table to store chat history.

Name Description
table_name str

Table name to store chat history.

schema_name str

Schema name to store chat history table. Default: "public".


    table_name: str,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "page_content",
    metadata_columns: list[langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of langchain documents.

Name Description
table_name str

The PgSQL database table name.

schema_name str

The schema name to store PgSQL database table. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

metadata_columns list[sqlalchemy.Column]

A list of SQLAlchemy Columns to create for custom metadata. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store extra metadata in a metadata column if not described in 'metadata' field list (Default: True).

Type Description


    table_name: str,
    vector_size: int,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "content",
    embedding_column: str = "embedding",
    metadata_columns: list[langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    id_column: typing.Union[
        str, langchain_google_cloud_sql_pg.engine.Column
    ] = "langchain_id",
    overwrite_existing: bool = False,
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of vectors to be used with PostgresVectorStore.

Name Description
table_name str

The Postgres database table name.

vector_size int

Vector size for the embedding model to be used.

schema_name str

The schema name to store Postgres database table. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

embedding_column str

Name of the column to store vector embeddings. Default: "embedding".

metadata_columns list[Column]

A list of Columns to create for custom metadata. Default: []. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

id_column Union[str, Column]

Column to store ids. Default: "langchain_id" column name with data type UUID. Optional.

overwrite_existing bool

Whether to drop existing table. Default: False.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store metadata in the table. Default: True.

Type Description