Class AssetServiceAsyncClient (2.0.0)

AssetServiceAsyncClient(*, credentials: google.auth.credentials.Credentials = None, transport: Union[str,] = 'grpc_asyncio', client_options: <module 'google.api_core.client_options' from '/workspace/python-asset/.nox/docfx/lib/python3.9/site-packages/google/api_core/'> = None)

Asset service definition.



AssetServiceAsyncClient(*, credentials: google.auth.credentials.Credentials = None, transport: Union[str,] = 'grpc_asyncio', client_options: <module 'google.api_core.client_options' from '/workspace/python-asset/.nox/docfx/lib/python3.9/site-packages/google/api_core/'> = None)

Instantiate the asset service client.

credentials Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]

The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify the application to the service; if none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment.

transport Union[str, .AssetServiceTransport]

The transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen automatically.

client_options ClientOptions

Custom options for the client. It won't take effect if a transport instance is provided. (1) The api_endpoint property can be used to override the default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always use the default regular endpoint, this is the default value for the environment variable) and "auto" (auto switch to the default mTLS endpoint if client SSL credentials is present). However, the api_endpoint property takes precedence if provided. (2) The client_cert_source property is used to provide client SSL credentials for mutual TLS transport. If not provided, the default SSL credentials will be used if present.

google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelErrorIf mutual TLS transport creation failed for any reason.


create_feed(request: Optional[] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, retry: google.api_core.retry.Retry = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Creates a feed in a parent project/folder/organization to listen to its asset updates.

request .asset_service.CreateFeedRequest

The request object. Create asset feed request.

parent str

Required. The name of the project/folder/organization where this feed should be created in. It can only be an organization number (such as "organizations/123"), a folder number (such as "folders/123"), a project ID (such as "projects/my-project-id")", or a project number (such as "projects/12345"). This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

.asset_service.FeedAn asset feed used to export asset updates to a destinations. An asset feed filter controls what updates are exported. The asset feed must be created within a project, organization, or folder. Supported destinations are: Cloud Pub/Sub topics.


delete_feed(request: Optional[] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: google.api_core.retry.Retry = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Deletes an asset feed.

request .asset_service.DeleteFeedRequest

The request object.

name str

Required. The name of the feed and it must be in the format of: projects/project_number/feeds/feed_id folders/folder_number/feeds/feed_id organizations/organization_number/feeds/feed_id This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


feed_path(project: str, feed: str)

Return a fully-qualified feed string.


from_service_account_file(filename: str, *args, **kwargs)

Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials file.

filename str

The path to the service account private key json file.

{}The constructed client.


from_service_account_json(filename: str, *args, **kwargs)

Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials file.

filename str

The path to the service account private key json file.

{}The constructed client.


get_feed(request: Optional[] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: google.api_core.retry.Retry = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Gets details about an asset feed.

request .asset_service.GetFeedRequest

The request object. Get asset feed request.

name str

Required. The name of the Feed and it must be in the format of: projects/project_number/feeds/feed_id folders/folder_number/feeds/feed_id organizations/organization_number/feeds/feed_id This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

.asset_service.FeedAn asset feed used to export asset updates to a destinations. An asset feed filter controls what updates are exported. The asset feed must be created within a project, organization, or folder. Supported destinations are: Cloud Pub/Sub topics.



Return an appropriate transport class.


list_feeds(request: Optional[] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, retry: google.api_core.retry.Retry = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Lists all asset feeds in a parent project/folder/organization.

request .asset_service.ListFeedsRequest

The request object. List asset feeds request.

parent str

Required. The parent project/folder/organization whose feeds are to be listed. It can only be using project/folder/organization number (such as "folders/12345")", or a project ID (such as "projects/my-project-id"). This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


update_feed(request: Optional[] = None, *, feed: Optional[] = None, retry: google.api_core.retry.Retry = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Updates an asset feed configuration.

request .asset_service.UpdateFeedRequest

The request object. Update asset feed request.

feed .asset_service.Feed

Required. The new values of feed details. It must match an existing feed and the field name must be in the format of: projects/project_number/feeds/feed_id or folders/folder_number/feeds/feed_id or organizations/organization_number/feeds/feed_id. This corresponds to the feed field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

.asset_service.FeedAn asset feed used to export asset updates to a destinations. An asset feed filter controls what updates are exported. The asset feed must be created within a project, organization, or folder. Supported destinations are: Cloud Pub/Sub topics.