Custom Exceptions

exception int | None, failed_mutation_entry: RowMutationEntry, cause: Exception)

Bases: Exception

Represents a single failed RowMutationEntry in a bulk_mutate_rows request. A collection of FailedMutationEntryErrors will be raised in a MutationsExceptionGroup

exception int, failed_query: 'ReadRowsQuery' | dict[str, Any], cause: Exception)

Bases: Exception

Represents an individual failed query in a sharded read rows operation

exception, errors=(), details=(), response=None, error_info=None)

Bases: google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallError

Exception raised to invalid chunk data from back-end.

exception, errors=(), details=(), response=None, error_info=None)

Bases: google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallError

Exception raised to invalid query response data from back-end.

exception list[Exception], total_entries: int, message: Optional[str] = None)


Represents one or more exceptions that occur during a bulk mutation operation

Exceptions will typically be of type FailedMutationEntryError, but other exceptions may be included if they are raised during the mutation operation

  • Parameters

    • excs – the exceptions in the group

    • total_entries – the total number of entries attempted, successful or not

    • message – the message for the exception group. If None, a default message will be generated

static _new_(cls, excs: list[Exception], total_entries: int, message: Optional[str] = None)

  • Parameters

    • excs – the exceptions in the group

    • total_entries – the total number of entries attempted, successful or not

    • message – the message for the exception group. If None, a default message

  • Returns

    the new instance

  • Return type


classmethod from_truncated_lists(first_list: list[Exception], last_list: list[Exception], total_excs: int, entry_count: int)

Create a MutationsExceptionGroup from two lists of exceptions, representing a larger set that has been truncated. The MutationsExceptionGroup will contain the union of the two lists as sub-exceptions, and the error message describe the number of exceptions that were truncated.

  • Parameters

    • first_list – the set of oldest exceptions to add to the ExceptionGroup

    • last_list – the set of newest exceptions to add to the ExceptionGroup

    • total_excs – the total number of exceptions associated with the request Should be len(first_list) + len(last_list) + number of dropped exceptions in the middle

    • entry_count – the total number of entries attempted, successful or not

  • Returns

    the new instance

  • Return type



Bases: ValueError

Exception raised when query parameter types were not provided and cannot be inferred.

exception list[Exception])


Represents one or more exceptions that occur during a retryable operation

exception list[], succeeded: list[], total_queries: int)


Represents one or more exceptions that occur during a sharded read rows operation