Package Classes (0.4.11)

Summary of entries of Classes for analyticshub.



The AnalyticsHubService API facilitates data sharing within and across organizations. It allows data providers to publish listings that reference shared datasets. With Analytics Hub, users can discover and search for listings that they have access to. Subscribers can view and subscribe to listings. When you subscribe to a listing, Analytics Hub creates a linked dataset in your project.


The AnalyticsHubService API facilitates data sharing within and across organizations. It allows data providers to publish listings that reference shared datasets. With Analytics Hub, users can discover and search for listings that they have access to. Subscribers can view and subscribe to listings. When you subscribe to a listing, Analytics Hub creates a linked dataset in your project.


A pager for iterating through list_data_exchanges requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListDataExchangesResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its data_exchanges field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListDataExchanges requests and continue to iterate through the data_exchanges field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListDataExchangesResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_data_exchanges requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListDataExchangesResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its data_exchanges field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListDataExchanges requests and continue to iterate through the data_exchanges field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListDataExchangesResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_listings requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListListingsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its listings field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListListings requests and continue to iterate through the listings field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListListingsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_listings requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListListingsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its listings field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListListings requests and continue to iterate through the listings field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListListingsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_org_data_exchanges requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListOrgDataExchangesResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its data_exchanges field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListOrgDataExchanges requests and continue to iterate through the data_exchanges field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListOrgDataExchangesResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_org_data_exchanges requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListOrgDataExchangesResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its data_exchanges field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListOrgDataExchanges requests and continue to iterate through the data_exchanges field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListOrgDataExchangesResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_shared_resource_subscriptions requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its shared_resource_subscriptions field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListSharedResourceSubscriptions requests and continue to iterate through the shared_resource_subscriptions field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_shared_resource_subscriptions requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its shared_resource_subscriptions field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListSharedResourceSubscriptions requests and continue to iterate through the shared_resource_subscriptions field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_subscriptions requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListSubscriptionsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its subscriptions field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListSubscriptions requests and continue to iterate through the subscriptions field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListSubscriptionsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_subscriptions requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListSubscriptionsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its subscriptions field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListSubscriptions requests and continue to iterate through the subscriptions field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListSubscriptionsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


Message for creating a data exchange.


Message for creating a listing.


A data exchange is a container that lets you share data. Along with the descriptive information about the data exchange, it contains listings that reference shared datasets.

.. _oneof:


Contains details of the data provider.


Message for deleting a data exchange.


Message for deleting a listing.


Message for deleting a subscription.


Defines the destination bigquery dataset.


The abstract base class for a message.


Contains the reference that identifies a destination bigquery dataset.


Specifies the type of discovery on the discovery page. Note that this does not control the visibility of the exchange/listing which is defined by IAM permission.


Message for getting a data exchange.


Message for getting a listing.


Message for getting a subscription.


Message for requesting the list of data exchanges.


Message for response to the list of data exchanges.


Message for requesting the list of listings.


Message for response to the list of Listings.


Message for requesting the list of data exchanges from projects in an organization and location.


Message for response to listing data exchanges in an organization and location.


Message for listing subscriptions of a shared resource.


Message for response to the listing of shared resource subscriptions.


Message for listing subscriptions.


Message for response to the listing of subscriptions.


A listing is what gets published into a data exchange that a subscriber can subscribe to. It contains a reference to the data source along with descriptive information that will help subscribers find and subscribe the data.

.. _oneof:


A reference to a shared dataset. It is an existing BigQuery dataset with a collection of objects such as tables and views that you want to share with subscribers. When subscriber's subscribe to a listing, Analytics Hub creates a linked dataset in the subscriber's project. A Linked dataset is an opaque, read-only BigQuery dataset that serves as a symbolic link to a shared dataset.


Restricted export policy used to configure restricted export on linked dataset.


Resource in this dataset that are selectively shared.

.. _oneof:


Listing categories.


Restricted export config, used to configure restricted export on linked dataset.


State of the listing.


Represents the metadata of a long-running operation in Analytics Hub.


Contains details of the listing publisher.


Message for refreshing a subscription.


Message for response when you refresh a subscription.


Message for revoking a subscription.


Message for response when you revoke a subscription.


Sharing environment is a behavior model for sharing data within a data exchange. This option is configurable for a data exchange.

This message has oneof_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members.

.. _oneof:


Data Clean Room (DCR), used for privacy-safe and secured data sharing.

.. _oneof:


Default Analytics Hub data exchange, used for secured data sharing.


Message for subscribing to a Data Exchange.


Message for response when you subscribe to a Data Exchange.


Message for subscribing to a listing.

.. _oneof:


Message for response when you subscribe to a listing.


A subscription represents a subscribers' access to a particular set of published data. It contains references to associated listings, data exchanges, and linked datasets.

This message has oneof_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members.

.. _oneof:


The abstract base class for a message.


Reference to a linked resource tracked by this Subscription.

.. _oneof:


State of the subscription.


Message for updating a data exchange.


Message for updating a Listing.



API documentation for module.