Install gRPC for PHP

gRPC is a modern, open-source, high-performance remote procedure call framework. If you want to use PHP client libraries for gRPC-enabled APIs, you must install gRPC for PHP. This tutorial explains how to install and enable gRPC.


  • Install the gRPC extension for PHP.
  • Enable the gRPC extension for PHP.


  • PHP 7.0 or later
  • PECL (unless you build from source)
  • Composer

Installing PECL

sudo apt-get install autoconf zlib1g-dev php-dev php-pear

If using PHP 7.4+, PHP must have been installed with the --with-pear flag.

 sudo rpm -Uvh
 sudo rpm -Uvh
 sudo yum install php-devel php-pear gcc zlib-devel
 curl -O
 sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar

Windows does not require PECL.

Installing Composer

curl -sS | php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
curl -sS | php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Follow the official Composer installation instructions for Windows.

Installing the gRPC extension

sudo pecl install grpc

This compiles and installs the gRPC PHP extension into the standard PHP extension directory.

Follow these instructions to compile the gRPC core library and PHP extension from source.

  1. Clone the gRPC repository from GitHub.

    git clone
  2. Build and install the gRPC C core library.

    cd grpc
    git submodule update --init
    sudo make install
    It can take a few minutes to download and execute the library.
    If you have git version 1.8.4 or greater, you can speed up
    the `git submodule update --init` command by adding the `--depth=1`
  3. Compile the gRPC PHP extension.

    cd src/php/ext/grpc
    sudo make install

Windows users can download the pre-compiled gRPC directly from the PECL website.

Read the PHP documentation for installing extensions on Windows.

Enable the gRPC extension in php.ini

Add this line anywhere in your php.ini file, for example, /etc/php7/cli/php.ini. You can find this file by running php --ini.

Add this line anywhere in your php.ini file, for example, C:\Program Files\PHP\7.3\php.ini.


Add gRPC as a Composer dependency

Use Composer to add the grpc/grpc package to your PHP project:

composer require "grpc/grpc:^1.38"

Installing the protobuf runtime library

You can choose from two protobuf runtime libraries. The APIs they offer are identical. The C implementation performs better than the PHP (native) implementation, while the native implementation installs easier than the C implementation.

For better performance with gRPC, enable the protobuf C-extension.

Linux / macOS

Install the extension by using PECL.

sudo pecl install protobuf

Now add this line to your php.ini file, for example, /etc/php5/cli/php.ini.


Download the pre-compiled protobuf extension directly from the PECL website.

Now add this line to your php.ini file, for example, C:\Program Files\PHP\7.3\php.ini.


For easier installation, require the google/protobuf package by using Composer.

composer require "google/protobuf:^3.17"

What's next

Now that you've installed gRPC and the gRPC PHP extension, try out gRPC-enabled APIs such as Spanner.