Google Maps FleetEngine Delivery V1 Client - Class CreateTaskRequest (0.1.4)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Maps FleetEngine Delivery V1 Client class CreateTaskRequest.

The CreateTask request message.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Maps \ FleetEngine \ Delivery \ V1




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ header Google\Maps\FleetEngine\Delivery\V1\DeliveryRequestHeader

Optional. The standard Delivery API request header.

↳ parent string

Required. Must be in the format providers/{provider}. The provider must be the Google Cloud Project ID. For example, sample-cloud-project.

↳ task_id string

Required. The Task ID must be unique, but it should be not a shipment tracking ID. To store a shipment tracking ID, use the tracking_id field. Note that multiple tasks can have the same tracking_id. Task IDs are subject to the following restrictions: * Must be a valid Unicode string. * Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters. * Normalized according to Unicode Normalization Form C. * May not contain any of the following ASCII characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or '#'.

↳ task Google\Maps\FleetEngine\Delivery\V1\Task

Required. The Task entity to create. When creating a Task, the following fields are required: * type * state (must be set to OPEN) * tracking_id (must not be set for UNAVAILABLE or SCHEDULED_STOP tasks, but required for all other task types) * planned_location (optional for UNAVAILABLE tasks) * task_duration Note: The Task's name field is ignored. All other Task fields must not be set; otherwise, an error is returned.


Optional. The standard Delivery API request header.

Type Description




Optional. The standard Delivery API request header.

Name Description
var Google\Maps\FleetEngine\Delivery\V1\DeliveryRequestHeader
Type Description


Required. Must be in the format providers/{provider}. The provider must be the Google Cloud Project ID. For example, sample-cloud-project.

Type Description


Required. Must be in the format providers/{provider}. The provider must be the Google Cloud Project ID. For example, sample-cloud-project.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


Required. The Task ID must be unique, but it should be not a shipment tracking ID. To store a shipment tracking ID, use the tracking_id field.

Note that multiple tasks can have the same tracking_id. Task IDs are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Must be a valid Unicode string.
  • Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Normalized according to Unicode Normalization Form C.
  • May not contain any of the following ASCII characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or '#'.
Type Description


Required. The Task ID must be unique, but it should be not a shipment tracking ID. To store a shipment tracking ID, use the tracking_id field.

Note that multiple tasks can have the same tracking_id. Task IDs are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Must be a valid Unicode string.
  • Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Normalized according to Unicode Normalization Form C.
  • May not contain any of the following ASCII characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or '#'.
Name Description
var string
Type Description


Required. The Task entity to create.

When creating a Task, the following fields are required:

  • type
  • state (must be set to OPEN)
  • tracking_id (must not be set for UNAVAILABLE or SCHEDULED_STOP tasks, but required for all other task types)
  • planned_location (optional for UNAVAILABLE tasks)
  • task_duration Note: The Task's name field is ignored. All other Task fields must not be set; otherwise, an error is returned.
Type Description




Required. The Task entity to create.

When creating a Task, the following fields are required:

  • type
  • state (must be set to OPEN)
  • tracking_id (must not be set for UNAVAILABLE or SCHEDULED_STOP tasks, but required for all other task types)
  • planned_location (optional for UNAVAILABLE tasks)
  • task_duration Note: The Task's name field is ignored. All other Task fields must not be set; otherwise, an error is returned.
Name Description
var Google\Maps\FleetEngine\Delivery\V1\Task
Type Description


Name Description
parent string

Required. Must be in the format providers/{provider}. The provider must be the Google Cloud Project ID. For example, sample-cloud-project.

task Google\Maps\FleetEngine\Delivery\V1\Task

Required. The Task entity to create. When creating a Task, the following fields are required:

  • type
  • state (must be set to OPEN)
  • tracking_id (must not be set for UNAVAILABLE or SCHEDULED_STOP tasks, but required for all other task types)
  • planned_location (optional for UNAVAILABLE tasks)
  • task_duration

Note: The Task's name field is ignored. All other Task fields must not be set; otherwise, an error is returned.

taskId string

Required. The Task ID must be unique, but it should be not a shipment tracking ID. To store a shipment tracking ID, use the tracking_id field. Note that multiple tasks can have the same tracking_id. Task IDs are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Must be a valid Unicode string.
  • Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Normalized according to Unicode Normalization Form C.
  • May not contain any of the following ASCII characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or '#'.
Type Description