Google Cloud Retail V2 Client - Class PurgeUserEventsRequest (2.1.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Retail V2 Client class PurgeUserEventsRequest.

Request message for PurgeUserEvents method.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ Retail \ V2




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ parent string

Required. The resource name of the catalog under which the events are created. The format is projects/${projectId}/locations/global/catalogs/${catalogId}

↳ filter string

Required. The filter string to specify the events to be deleted with a length limit of 5,000 characters. Empty string filter is not allowed. The eligible fields for filtering are: * eventType: Double quoted UserEvent.event_type string. * eventTime: in ISO 8601 "zulu" format. * visitorId: Double quoted string. Specifying this will delete all events associated with a visitor. * userId: Double quoted string. Specifying this will delete all events associated with a user. Examples: * Deleting all events in a time range: eventTime > "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z" eventTime < "2012-04-23T18:30:43.511Z" * Deleting specific eventType in time range: eventTime > "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z" eventType = "detail-page-view" * Deleting all events for a specific visitor: visitorId = "visitor1024" The filtering fields are assumed to have an implicit AND.

↳ force bool

Actually perform the purge. If force is set to false, the method will return the expected purge count without deleting any user events.


Required. The resource name of the catalog under which the events are created. The format is projects/${projectId}/locations/global/catalogs/${catalogId}

Type Description


Required. The resource name of the catalog under which the events are created. The format is projects/${projectId}/locations/global/catalogs/${catalogId}

Name Description
var string
Type Description


Required. The filter string to specify the events to be deleted with a length limit of 5,000 characters. Empty string filter is not allowed. The eligible fields for filtering are:

  • eventType: Double quoted UserEvent.event_type string.

  • eventTime: in ISO 8601 "zulu" format.

  • visitorId: Double quoted string. Specifying this will delete all events associated with a visitor.
  • userId: Double quoted string. Specifying this will delete all events associated with a user. Examples:
  • Deleting all events in a time range: eventTime > "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z" eventTime < "2012-04-23T18:30:43.511Z"
  • Deleting specific eventType in time range: eventTime > "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z" eventType = "detail-page-view"
  • Deleting all events for a specific visitor: visitorId = "visitor1024" The filtering fields are assumed to have an implicit AND.
Type Description


Required. The filter string to specify the events to be deleted with a length limit of 5,000 characters. Empty string filter is not allowed. The eligible fields for filtering are:

  • eventType: Double quoted UserEvent.event_type string.

  • eventTime: in ISO 8601 "zulu" format.

  • visitorId: Double quoted string. Specifying this will delete all events associated with a visitor.
  • userId: Double quoted string. Specifying this will delete all events associated with a user. Examples:
  • Deleting all events in a time range: eventTime > "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z" eventTime < "2012-04-23T18:30:43.511Z"
  • Deleting specific eventType in time range: eventTime > "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z" eventType = "detail-page-view"
  • Deleting all events for a specific visitor: visitorId = "visitor1024" The filtering fields are assumed to have an implicit AND.
Name Description
var string
Type Description


Actually perform the purge.

If force is set to false, the method will return the expected purge count without deleting any user events.

Type Description


Actually perform the purge.

If force is set to false, the method will return the expected purge count without deleting any user events.

Name Description
var bool
Type Description