部署 Kf Cloud Service Broker

本页面介绍如何部署 Kf Cloud Service Broker for Google Cloud,并使用它来预配或取消预配支持性资源。如需详细了解 Kf Cloud Service Broker,请阅读概念和架构



export CLUSTER_NAME=kf-cluster
export INSTANCE_NAME=cloud-service-broker
export COMPUTE_REGION=us-central1

Windows PowerShell

Set-Variable -Name PROJECT_ID -Value YOUR_PROJECT_ID
Set-Variable -Name CLUSTER_NAME -Value kf-cluster
Set-Variable -Name INSTANCE_NAME -Value cloud-service-broker
Set-Variable -Name COMPUTE_REGION -Value us-central1

设置 Kf Cloud Service Broker 数据库

  1. 创建 Cloud SQL for MySQL 实例。

    gcloud sql instances create ${INSTANCE_NAME} --cpu=2 --memory=7680MB --require-ssl --region=${COMPUTE_REGION}
  2. 在 Cloud SQL for MySQL 实例中创建名为 servicebroker 的数据库。

    gcloud sql databases create servicebroker -i ${INSTANCE_NAME}
  3. 创建 Kf Cloud Service Broker 要使用的用户名和密码。

    gcloud sql users create csbuser -i ${INSTANCE_NAME} --password=csbpassword

为 Kf Cloud Service Broker 设置 Google 服务账号

  1. 创建 Google 服务账号。

    gcloud iam service-accounts create csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa \
      --project=${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
      --description="GSA for CSB at ${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
  2. 向服务账号授予 roles/cloudsql.client 权限。这是通过 Cloud SQL Auth 代理将 Kf Cloud Service Broker pod 连接到 Cloud SQL for MySQL 实例所必需的。

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
      --member="serviceAccount:csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
  3. 向服务账号授予其他 Google Cloud 权限。

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
      --member="serviceAccount:csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
      --member="serviceAccount:csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
      --member="serviceAccount:csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
  4. 验证权限。

    gcloud projects get-iam-policy ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
      --filter='bindings.members:serviceAccount:"CSB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME"' \

为 Kf Cloud Service Broker 设置 Workload Identity

  1. 将 Google 服务账号与 Kubernetes 服务账号绑定。

    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding "csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
      --project=${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
      --role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" \
  2. 验证绑定。

    gcloud iam service-accounts get-iam-policy "csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \

设置 Kubernetes Secret 以与 Kf Cloud Service Broker 共享配置

  1. 创建一个 config.yml 文件。

    cat << EOF >> ./config.yml
      credentials: ""
      project: ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}
      password: csbpassword
      user: csbuser
      tls: false
      user: servicebroker
      password: password
  2. 创建 kf-csb 命名空间。

    kubectl create ns kf-csb
  3. 创建 Kubernetes Secret。

    kubectl create secret generic csb-secret --from-file=config.yml -n kf-csb

安装 Kf Cloud Service Broker

  1. 下载 kf-csb.yml

    gsutil cp gs://kf-releases/csb/v1.1.0/kf-csb.yaml /tmp/kf-csb.yaml
  2. 修改 /tmp/kf-csb.yaml 并将占位符替换为最终值。在下面的示例中,使用 sed

    sed -i "s|<GSA_NAME>|csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com|g" /tmp/kf-csb.yaml
    sed -i "s|<DB_PORT>|3306|g" /tmp/kf-csb.yaml
  3. 应用 Kf Cloud Service Broker 的 yaml。

    kubectl apply -f /tmp/kf-csb.yaml
  4. 验证 Kf Cloud Service Broker 安装状态。

    kubectl get pods -n kf-csb

创建 Service Broker

  kf create-service-broker cloud-service-broker servicebroker password http://csb-controller.kf-csb/


查看 Marketplace 中的可用服务。

  kf marketplace


  $ kf marketplace

  Broker                Name                          Namespace  Description
  cloud-service-broker  csb-google-bigquery                      A fast, economical and fully managed data warehouse for large-scale data analytics.
  cloud-service-broker  csb-google-dataproc                      Dataproc is a fully-managed service for running Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop clusters in a simpler, more cost-efficient way.
  cloud-service-broker  csb-google-mysql                         Mysql is a fully managed service for the Google Cloud Platform.
  cloud-service-broker  csb-google-postgres                      PostgreSQL is a fully managed service for the Google Cloud Platform.
  cloud-service-broker  csb-google-redis                         Cloud Memorystore for Redis is a fully managed Redis service for the Google Cloud Platform.
  cloud-service-broker  csb-google-spanner                       Fully managed, scalable, relational database service for regional and global application data.
  cloud-service-broker  csb-google-stackdriver-trace             Distributed tracing service
  cloud-service-broker  csb-google-storage-bucket                Google Cloud Storage that uses the Terraform back-end and grants service accounts IAM permissions directly on the bucket.


  1. 删除 cloud-service-broker。

    kf delete-service-broker cloud-service-broker
  2. 删除 CSB 组件。

    kubectl delete ns kf-csb
  3. 删除 Kf Cloud Service Broker Cloud SQL for MySQL 实例。

    gcloud sql instances delete ${INSTANCE_NAME} --project=${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}
  4. 移除 IAM 政策绑定。

    gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
    --member='serviceAccount:csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com' \
    gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
    --member='serviceAccount:csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com' \
    gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding ${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID} \
    --member='serviceAccount:csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com' \
  5. 移除 GSA。

    gcloud iam service-accounts delete csb-${CLUSTER_NAME}-sa@${CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
