Memorystore for Valkey overview

Memorystore for Valkey is a fully managed Valkey Cluster service for Google Cloud. Applications running on Google Cloud can achieve extreme performance by leveraging the highly scalable, available, secure Valkey service without the burden of managing complex Valkey deployments.

Key concepts and terms

Hierarchical resource structure

Memorystore for Valkey gathers the various resources used in a Valkey deployment into a hierarchical structure that simplifies administration and management. Here is a diagram that illustrates this structure:

A diagram that shows that a
Memorystore instance is composed of a primary node and replica nodes

Memorystore for Valkey instances are composed of a set of shards, each containing a subset of your key space. Each shard in an instance is composed of one primary node, and optionally up to two replica nodes. When replica nodes are added, Memorystore automatically distributes the nodes of a shard across zones to provide higher availability and throughput.


When provisioning a Memorystore for Valkey instance, you must provision enough shards to serve the keyspace of your entire application. For details about instance specification, see Instance and node specification.


Your instance is composed of multiple equally sized shards. For details about shard specification, see Instance and node specification.

Primary and replica nodes

There is one primary node per shard. Each shard can have 0, 1, or 2 replica nodes. Replicas provide high availability and additional read throughput, and are evenly distributed across zones.

For more details see High availability and replicas.

Valkey version

Memorystore for Valkey supports Valkey versions 7.2 and 8.0. For more information about the features introduced by each version, see Supported versions. Memorystore for Valkey supports a subset of the total Valkey command library.

Instance endpoints

Each instance has a discovery endpoint to which your client connects. Your client also uses the discovery endpoint for node discovery. For more information, see Instance endpoints.

Networking prerequisites

Before you can create a Memorystore for Valkey instance, you must set up Networking for your project.


See the Pricing page for information on pricing for available regions.