Cloud Life Sciences release notes

This page documents production updates to Cloud Life Sciences. Check this page for announcements about new or updated features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality.

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May 08, 2024

The migration documentation has been updated to explain how to use workflow services that you have configured for Cloud Life Sciences with Batch instead. Specifically, the documentation mentions Workflows from Google Cloud, Cromwell, dsub, Nextflow, and Snakemake. For more information, see Workflow services in the Batch migration documentation.

July 17, 2023

Cloud Life Sciences is deprecated. New projects cannot onboard to Cloud Life Sciences, and the service will no longer be available on Google Cloud after July 8, 2025. Use cases for Cloud Life Sciences are now supported by Batch. To learn how to migrate your workload, see Migrate to Batch.

April 06, 2021

Cloud Life Sciences has preview support for integrating with VPC Service Controls.

March 24, 2020

Cloud Life Sciences is available in the following locations:

  • us-west2 (Los Angeles, USA) (Single-region)
  • northamerica-northeast1 (Montréal, Canada) (Single-region)
  • europe-west4 (Netherlands) (Single-region)
  • asia-southeast1 (Singapore) (Single-region)
  • asia-northeast1 (Tokyo, Japan) (Single-region)
  • us (United States) (Multi-region)

December 12, 2019

Cloud Life Sciences offers single-region support in the europe-west2 (London) region.

October 07, 2019

Beta release Cloud Life Sciences (formerly Google Genomics) is available in beta today with release version v2beta. Cloud Life Sciences is available in the us-central1 (Iowa) region.

As part of renaming Google Genomics to Cloud Life Sciences, there are updates to the Terms of Service description in the Cloud Services Summary page.

For information on the differences between Google Genomics and Cloud Life Sciences, and how to transition to Cloud Life Sciences, see the migration guide.