Anthos-gke aws management

The commands in anthos-gke aws management deploy and delete GKE on AWS management services. You use the init and apply commands to provision a management service. You use the get-credentials command to authenticate to your management service, and you use the delete command to uninstall your GKE on AWS environment. You can use the diagnose command to gather additional information for debugging.


The anthos-aws init command does the following:

  • Prepares a working directory that contains an anthos-gke.yaml file.
  • Validates the configuration. During validation, init checks that the anthos-gke.yaml file contains all required fields, the user has sufficient permissions, and referenced resources such as AWS KMS keys exist.
  • Creates or appends status information to anthos-gke-status.yaml.This file includes a generated cluster ID, an SSH public key, encrypted Google Cloud service account keys, and an encrypted Kubernetes CA certificate.

You run anthos-gke init before anthos-gke apply.

anthos-gke aws management init DIRECTORY

Positional arguments

An optional argument for the directory containing the anthos-gke.yaml file. Defaults to the current directory.


To initialize the current working directory, run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management init

To initialize a specific directory, run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management init DIRECTORY

Replace DIRECTORY with the directory containing your anthos-gke.yaml file.


The apply command provisions a management service on AWS. The command also creates a Cloud Storage bucket that GKE on AWS uses for Terraform state.

anthos-gke aws management apply DIRECTORY

Positional arguments

An optional argument for the directory containing the anthos-gke.yaml file. Defaults to the current directory.


To create a management service from configuration in the current working directory, run the following command:

$ anthos-gke aws management apply

To create a management service from configuration in a specific directory (~/example/workspace, for example), run the following command:

$ anthos-gke aws management apply DIRECTORY

Replace DIRECTORY with the directory containing your anthos-gke.yaml.


The get-credentials command updates your kubeconfig file with credentials and endpoint information for a your management service. By default, credentials are appended to ~/.kube/config. You can set a different path to your kubeconfig by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

anthos-gke aws management get-credentials [--workspace DIRECTORY]


--workspace DIRECTORY
An optional argument for the directory containing the anthos-gke.yaml file. Defaults to the current directory.


To get credentials for a management service defined in the current working directory, run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management get-credentials

To get credentials for a management service defined in a specific directory, run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management get-credentials --workspace DIRECTORY

Replace DIRECTORY with the directory containing your anthos-gke.yaml.


The diagnose snapshot command generates a support bundle to help Google support debug issues with your management service. The support bundle is a tar file which includes configuration, cluster events, and logs. For more information, see Troubleshooting

anthos-gke aws management diagnose snapshot
           --ssh-key-path PATH \
           [--bastion-ip IP] \
           [--bastion-ssh-key-path PATH] \
           [--cluster-ssh-key-path PATH] \
           [--dry-run] \
           [--mgmt-service-ssh-key-path PATH] \
           [--nodepool-ssh-key-path PATH] \
           [--output PATH] \
           [--snapshot-config PATH] \
           [--workspace DIRECTORY] \


--ssh-key-path PATH
A required argument which gives the path to an SSH key file. For most users, this value should be ~/.ssh/anthos-gke.

Optional flags

[--bastion-ip IP]
Specifies a bastion host IP address.
[--bastion-ssh-key-path PATH]
The path to an SSH key file for the bastion host. Defaults to --ssh-key-path.
[--cluster-ssh-key-path PATH]
The path to an SSH key file for the workload cluster control plane machines. Defaults to --ssh-key-path.
An option to display the snapshot configuration file without generating a support bundle.
[--mgmt-service-ssh-key-path PATH]
The path to an SSH key file for the management service. Defaults to --ssh-key-path.
[--nodepool-ssh-key-path PATH]
The path to an SSH key file for node pool machines. Defaults to --ssh-key-path.
[--snapshot-config PATH]
The path to a YAML snapshot configuration file (optional).
[--output PATH]
The path where anthos-gke creates the support bundle file.
--workspace DIRECTORY
An optional argument for the directory containing the anthos-gke.yaml file. Defaults to the current directory.
Eliminate messages printed to the console.


To generate a support bundle for a management service defined in the ~/example/workspace directory, run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management diagnose snapshot \
             --ssh-key-path ~/.ssh/anthos-gke \
             --workspace ~/example/workspace

To view the default snapshot configuration, run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management diagnose snapshot \
             --ssh-key-path ~/.ssh/anthos-gke \

To specify a custom snapshot configuration file (including your own bash and kubectl commands), run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management diagnose snapshot \
             --ssh-key-path ~/.ssh/anthos-gke
             --snapshot-config ~/my-snapshot-config.yaml


The anthos-gke aws management delete command deletes a management cluster.

anthos-gke aws management delete DIRECTORY

Optional flags

Forces deletion of management service even if the user cannot connect to the management service.

Positional arguments

An optional argument for the directory containing the anthos-gke.yaml file. Defaults to the current directory.


To delete the management service defined in the current working directory, run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management delete

To delete the management service defined in a specific directory, run the following command:

anthos-gke aws management delete ~/example/workspace