Rotating security credentials

This topic describes how to rotate security credentials for your GKE on AWS management service and user clusters. For more information on the security features of GKE on AWS, see Security.

Before you begin

To complete the steps on this page, you must have access to the directory with your GKE on AWS configuration.

Management service certificates

This section describes how to rotate certificates for your management service.

Management certificate authorities

This section explains how to rotate Certificate authority (CA) signing certificates for GKE on AWS components.

Management API server root CA

To rotate the API server root CA, perform the following steps:

  1. Change to the directory with your GKE on AWS configuration. You created this directory when Installing the management service.
    cd anthos-aws
  2. Open your anthos-gke.status.yaml in a text editor.
  3. Remove all the values under the key certificateAuthority. This includes encryptedPrivateKey.kmsKeyARN, encryptedPrivateKey.value, and encryptedPrivateKey.certificate.
  4. Run anthos-gke aws management init to update the anthos-gke.status.yaml file.

     anthos-gke aws management init
  5. Run anthos-gke aws management apply to update the management service.

     anthos-gke aws management apply

  1. From your anthos-aws directory, use anthos-gke to switch context to your management service.
    cd anthos-aws
    anthos-gke aws management get-credentials

Other management CAs

This section describes how you can rotate all of the following CAs:

  • Authentication webhook CA
  • Etcd CA
  • Service Account Signer CA

You can rotate these CAs with one of the following methods:

  • Remove the certificateAuthority section from your anthos-gke.status.yaml.

    1. Change to the directory with your GKE on AWS configuration. You created this directory when Installing the management service.
      cd anthos-aws
    2. Open your anthos-gke.status.yaml in a text editor.
    3. Remove all the values under the key certificateAuthority. This includes encryptedPrivateKey.kmsKeyARN, encryptedPrivateKey.value, and encryptedPrivateKey.certificate.
    4. Run anthos-gke aws management init to update the anthos-gke.status.yaml file.

       anthos-gke aws management init
    5. Run anthos-gke aws management apply to update the management service.

       anthos-gke aws management apply

  • If a new GKE on AWS version is available, upgrade your GKE on AWS management service.

  • Recreate the management service EC2 instance.

    1. From your anthos-aws directory, use terraform to get the ID of your management service.
      cd anthos-aws
      terraform output cluster_id
      The output includes your management service ID. In the example below, the ID is gke-12345abc.
      terraform output cluster_id
    2. Open the AWS EC2 Console.
    3. Click Instances
    4. Find the instance named cluster-id-management-0.
    5. Select Actions -> Instance state -> terminate to remove the instance. EC2 automatically creates a new instance with the same EBS volume.

Management TLS Client / Server keys and certificates

To rotate the TLS client / server keys and certificates for your management service, you recreate your management service instance. To recreate the instance, perform the following steps:

  1. From your anthos-aws directory, use terraform to get the ID of your management service.
    cd anthos-aws
    terraform output cluster_id
    The output includes your management service ID. In the example below, the ID is gke-12345abc.
    terraform output cluster_id
  2. Open the AWS EC2 Console.
  3. Click Instances
  4. Find the instance named cluster-id-management-0.
  5. Select Actions -> Instance state -> terminate to remove the instance. EC2 automatically creates a new instance with the same EBS volume.

Google Cloud service accounts

Management service service accounts

To rotate the Google Cloud service accounts for your management service, perform the following steps.

  1. Create new service accounts and download service account keys following the steps in Prerequisites
  2. Change to the directory with your GKE on AWS configuration. You created this directory when Installing the management service.
    cd anthos-aws
  3. If you downloaded keys to a different path, open your anthos-gke.yaml file in a text editor. Change the value of .spec.googleCloud.serviceAccountKeys.managementService, .status.googleCloud.serviceAccountKeys.connectAgent, and .spec.googleCloud.serviceAccountKeys.node to the new paths.

    kind: AWSManagementService
     name: management
         managementService: MANAGEMENT_KEY_PATH
         connectAgent: CONNECT_KEY_PATH
         node: NODE_KEY_PATH
  4. Run anthos-gke aws management init to update the anthos-gke.status.yaml file.

    anthos-gke aws management init
  5. Run anthos-gke aws management apply to update the management service.

    anthos-gke aws management apply

User cluster service accounts

To apply these service accounts on your AWSClusters and AWSNodePools, you must upgrade or delete then re-create them.

User cluster certificates

This section describes how to rotate certificates for your user clusters.

User cluster CAs and SSH keys

Most CAs for your user clusters are created when the cluster is created.

When you delete a user cluster, GKE on AWS rotates the following certificates:

  • API server root CA
  • API front proxy CA
  • etcd CA
  • Kubernetes service account signer CA
  • Control plane to node SSH key pairs

User cluster authentication webhook CA

To rotate the user cluster authentication webhook CA, you edit your anthos-gke.status.yaml file and apply the changes.

  1. Change to the directory with your GKE on AWS configuration. You created this directory when Installing the management service.
    cd anthos-aws
  2. Open your anthos-gke.status.yaml in a text editor.
  3. Remove all the values under the key certificateAuthority. This includes encryptedPrivateKey.kmsKeyARN, encryptedPrivateKey.value, and encryptedPrivateKey.certificate.
  4. Run anthos-gke aws management init to update the anthos-gke.status.yaml file.

     anthos-gke aws management init
  5. Run anthos-gke aws management apply to update the management service.

     anthos-gke aws management apply

User cluster TLS key pairs and certificates

GKE on AWS generates TLS key pairs and certificates when creating an instance. To rotate these pairs, recreate the instance by performing the following steps for your control plane and node pools.

Control plane

  1. From your anthos-aws directory, use anthos-gke to switch context to your management service.
    cd anthos-aws
    anthos-gke aws management get-credentials
  2. Use kubectl to get your control plane's AWS EC2 target group from your AWSCluster.

    env HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:8118 \
      kubectl get awscluster cluster-name \
      -o jsonpath='{.status.targetGroupName}{"\n"}'

    The output includes the name of your control plane's EC2 target group. For example, gke-123456a7-controlplane.

  3. Open the AWS EC2 Console. Choose Target Groups from the left pane.

  4. Click the search bar and find your target group. Click the Name of your target group and then click Targets. The list of your control plane instances appears.

  5. For each instance in the target group, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the instance's Instance ID. The AWS EC2 Instances console appears.

    2. Click on the Instance ID.

    3. Select Actions -> Instance state -> terminate to remove the instance. EC2 automatically creates a new instance with the same EBS volume.

    4. Return to the Target Groups page.

  6. After you have terminated all the instances in the group, return to the Target Groups page.

  7. In the Registered Targets section of the page, find the Status column. Each of your instances should have a Status of Healthy. If any of the instances are healthy, wait several minutes and click the Refresh () icon.

  8. After all instances in the target group are healthy, proceed to the next step.

Node pools

To rotate your node pool's TLS certificates:

  1. From your anthos-aws directory, use anthos-gke to switch context to your management service.
    cd anthos-aws
    anthos-gke aws management get-credentials
  2. Use kubectl to get your node pool's AWS EC2 target group from your AWSNodePool.

    env HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:8118 \
      kubectl get awsnodepool -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.autoScalingGroupName}{"\n"}'

    The output includes the name of your node pool's EC2 target group. For example, gke-123456a7-nodepool-abc123.

  3. Open the AWS EC2 Console. Choose Target Groups from the left pane.

  4. Click the search bar and find your target group. Click the Name of your target group and then click Targets. The list of your control plane instances appears.

  5. For each instance in the target group, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the instance's Instance ID. The AWS EC2 Instances console appears.

    2. Click on the Instance ID.

    3. Select Actions -> Instance state -> terminate to remove the instance. EC2 automatically creates a new instance with the same EBS volume.

    4. Return to the Target Groups page.

  6. After you have terminated all the instances in the group, return to the Target Groups page.

  7. In the Registered Targets section of the page, find the Status column. Each of your instances should have a Status of Healthy. If any of the instances are healthy, wait several minutes and click the Refresh () icon.

  8. After all instances in the target group are healthy, proceed to the next step.