Installing the management service

A management service creates, updates, and deletes GKE on AWS clusters. This topic explains how to create a management service inside a dedicated AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). If you have an existing VPC, see Integrating with existing infrastructure instead.

Before you begin

Before you start using GKE on AWS, make sure that you have performed the following tasks:

  • Complete the prerequisites.
  • Authenticate with the Google Cloud CLI.
    gcloud auth login && \
        gcloud auth application-default login

Values you need

To complete this topic, you need the following from the prerequisites:

  • KMS key ARNs or aliases
  • Google Cloud service account keys
  • Google Cloud project
  • The aws, terraform, and anthos-gke command-line tools installed and configured.
  • The AWS region and availability zones where GKE on AWS creates your management cluster.

Configure your management service

You configure your GKE on AWS management service with a YAML file. The file resembles a Kubernetes custom resource configuration, but it is not a representation of a resource.

  1. Open a terminal on the computer where you installed and configured the aws, terraform, and anthos-gke command-line tools.

  2. Create an empty directory for your GKE on AWS configuration and change to this directory. GKE on AWS documentation uses anthos-aws as the example configuration directory.

    mkdir anthos-aws
    cd anthos-aws
  3. Create a file named anthos-gke.yaml in a text editor. Paste the following contents into the file.

     kind: AWSManagementService
       name: management
       version: aws-1.14.1-gke.0
       region: AWS_REGION
           - ADMIN_AWS_IAM_ARN
       kmsKeyARN: KMS_KEY_ARN
         projectID: GCP_PROJECT_ID
           managementService: MANAGEMENT_KEY_PATH
           connectAgent: HUB_KEY_PATH
           node: NODE_KEY_PATH
         vpcCIDRBlock: VPC_CIDR_BLOCK
         - ZONE_1
         - ZONE_2
         - ZONE_3
         - PUBLIC_CIDR_BLOCK_1
         - PUBLIC_CIDR_BLOCK_2
         - PUBLIC_CIDR_BLOCK_3
       # Optional
         - SSH_CIDR_BLOCK
       proxy: PROXY_JSON_FILE # optional

    Replace the following values:

    • AWS_REGION with the AWS region to run your cluster in.

    • ADMIN_AWS_IAM_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name of the user with AWS IAM permissions to create a management service. To get the ARN of the user authenticated to the aws tool, run aws sts get-caller-identity.

    • KMS_KEY_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name of the AWS KMS key or KMS key alias that secures your management service's data during creation. For example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab. If you do not have the ARN, run aws kms list-keys to retrieve a list of ARNs.

    • DATABASE_KMS_KEY_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name of the AWS KMS key or key alias that secures your management service's etcd databases—for example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

    • GCP_PROJECT_ID with the Google Cloud project ID that hosts your GKE Enterprise environment.

    • MANAGEMENT_KEY_PATH with the location of your Google Cloud management service account key.

    • HUB_KEY_PATH with the location of your Google Cloud Connect service account key.

    • NODE_KEY_PATH with the location of your GKE on AWS node service account key.

    • VPC_CIDR_BLOCK with the total CIDR range of IP addresses for the AWS VPC that anthos-gke creates. For example, For more information, see VPC and subnet basics in the AWS documentation.

    • ZONE_1, ZONE_2, and ZONE_3 with the AWS EC2 availability zones where you want to create nodes and control planes. GKE on AWS creates subnets in these zones. When you use anthos-gke to generate configuration for a user cluster, GKE on AWS creates control planes and node pools in these availability zones—for example, us-east-1a.
      If you would like to use anthos-gke to create user clusters in only one zone, you can remove ZONE_2, and ZONE_3.

    • PRIVATE_CIDR_BLOCK_1, PRIVATE_CIDR_BLOCK_2, and PRIVATE_CIDR_BLOCK_3, with the CIDR block for your private subnet. GKE on AWS components such as the management service run in the private subnet. This subnet must be within the VPC's CIDR range specified in vpcCIDRBlock. You need one subnet for each availability zone— for example,

    • PUBLIC_CIDR_BLOCK_1, PUBLIC_CIDR_BLOCK_2, and PUBLIC_CIDR_BLOCK_3, with the CIDR blocks for your public subnet. You need one subnet for each availability zone. The public subnet exposes cluster services such as load balancers to the security groups and address ranges specified in AWS network ACLs and security groups— for example,

    • SSH_CIDR_BLOCK with the CIDR block that allows inbound SSH to your bastion host—for example, If you want to allow SSH from any IP address, use

    • (optional) PROXY_JSON_FILE with the relative path of the proxy configuration file. If you are not using a proxy, delete this line.

  4. Run anthos-gke aws management init to generate an anthos-gke.status.yaml file with additional configuration. The init command also validates the AWSManagementService object in your anthos-gke.yaml file.

    anthos-gke aws management init
  5. Run anthos-gke aws management apply to create the management service on AWS.

    anthos-gke aws management apply

    The anthos-gke aws management apply command might take up to ten minutes to complete. After the command completes, your management service runs on AWS.

Optional fields

The anthos-gke.yaml file above shows a typical set of fields that most customers will need. Configuration in anthos-gke.yaml also supports a number of optional fields. These include:

For more information on all fields supported in anthos-gke.yaml, see the AWS Management Service reference.

Connect to the management service

Next, use anthos-gke to connect and authenticate to your GKE on AWS management service.

When you create a management service using the default settings, the control plane has a private IP address that isn't accessible from outside the AWS VPC. You can access your management service in any one of the following three ways:

  • through Amazon's AWS Direct Connect service
  • through a bastion host that proxies connections between the internet and your GKE on AWS subnets
  • through a VPN

When you create a management service in a dedicated VPC, GKE on AWS automatically creates a bastion host in a public subnet. If you're connecting to your management service through a VPN or AWS Direct Connect, this bastion host is not needed. Otherwise, to connect to your management service through the bastion host, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the terraform tool to generate the script that opens an SSH tunnel to the bastion host. Choose your version of Terraform, then run the following commands:

    Terraform 0.12, 0.13

    terraform output bastion_tunnel >
    chmod 755

    Terraform 0.14.3+

    terraform output -raw bastion_tunnel >
    chmod 755

    Terraform creates the script that references the bastion host's SSH key at ~/.ssh/anthos-gke.

  2. To open the tunnel, run the script. The tunnel forwards from localhost:8118 to the bastion host.

    To open a tunnel to the bastion host, run the following command:

    ./ -N -4

    Messages from the SSH tunnel appear in this window. When you are ready to close the connection, stop the process by using Control+C or closing the window.

  3. Open a new terminal and change directory to the directory with your GKE on AWS configuration.

  4. Generate a kubeconfig for authentication. Use anthos-gke to append credentials to your configuration stored in ~/.kube/config.

    anthos-gke aws management get-credentials
  5. Check that you're able to connect to the management service with kubectl.

    env HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:8118 \
      kubectl cluster-info

    The output includes the URL for the management service API server.

What's next