Migrate your ConfigManagement object

This page shows you how to migrate your Git configuration from a ConfigManagement object to a RootSync object. The migration enables the RootSync and RepoSync APIs, which lets you use additional features:

You can enable these APIs even if you only want to use a root repository and don't want to use any namespace repositories.

Migrate your ConfigManagement settings

If you are using RootSync with spec.enableLegacyFields, follow the instructions to Stop using legacy fields.

If your ConfigManagement object is using spec.git but spec.enableMultiRepo is set to false, follow the instructions to Migrate to RootSync.

Stop using legacy fields

After version 1.19.0 and later, the spec.enableLegacyFields field is not supported and having this field set will cause errors. To use Config Sync version 1.19.0 and later, complete the following steps to remove the legacy fields:

  1. Open your ConfigManagement object.

  2. In the ConfigManagement object, remove the spec.enableLegacyFields and spec.git fields. Your ConfigManagement object should resemble the following:

    # config-management.yaml
    apiVersion: configmanagement.gke.io/v1
    kind: ConfigManagement
      name: config-management
      enableMultiRepo: true
  3. Apply the changes:

    kubectl apply -f config-management.yaml

Legacy fields are now disabled without affecting the RootSync object generated from the spec.git fields of your ConfigManagement object. The migration has completed and you can now use the git fields in the RootSync object directly.

Migrate to RootSync

If your ConfigManagement object is using spec.git but spec.enableMultiRepo is set to false, follow this guide to enable the RootSync and RepoSync APIs.

Use nomos migrate

Starting from version 1.10.0, nomos provides the nomos migrate command to enable the RootSync and RepoSync APIs. You need to update nomos to 1.10.0 and later.

For more details about how to run the command, follow Migrate from a ConfigManagement object to a RootSync object. Ensure your ConfigManagement object isn't checked into your source of truth and managed by Config Sync. If it is, you should modify your ConfigManagement object in your source of truth following the steps in Manual migration.

Manual migration

If your nomos version is earlier than 1.10.0, you can manually migrate your settings. You need to set spec.enableMultiRepo to true in your ConfigManagement object and create a RootSync object that syncs your root repository to the cluster. The root repository can be either an unstructured repository or an hierarchical repository. After you have migrated to use the RootSync object, you can break up a repository into multiple repositories and configure syncing from multiple repositories.

To configure the root repository by migrating the configuration, complete the following tasks:

  1. Open your ConfigManagement object.
  2. Make a copy of the values in the spec.git fields. You use these values when you create the RootSync object.
  3. Remove all of the spec.git fields (including git:) from the ConfigManagement object.
  4. In the ConfigManagement object, set the spec.enableMultiRepo field to true:

    # config-management.yaml
    apiVersion: configmanagement.gke.io/v1
    kind: ConfigManagement
      name: config-management
      enableMultiRepo: true
  5. Apply the changes:

    kubectl apply -f config-management.yaml
  6. Wait for the RootSync CRD to be created.

    kubectl wait --for=condition=established crd rootsyncs.configsync.gke.io
  7. Using the values you copied from the ConfigManagement object, create the RootSync object. For example:

    # root-sync.yaml
    apiVersion: configsync.gke.io/v1beta1
    kind: RootSync
      name: root-sync
      namespace: config-management-system
      sourceFormat: ROOT_FORMAT
        repo: ROOT_REPOSITORY
        revision: ROOT_REVISION
        branch: ROOT_BRANCH
        dir: "ROOT_DIRECTORY"
        auth: ROOT_AUTH_TYPE
        gcpServiceAccountEmail: ROOT_EMAIL
        # secretRef should be omitted if the auth type is none, gcenode, or gcpserviceaccount.
          name: git-creds

    Replace the following:

    • ROOT_FORMAT: add unstructured to use an unstructured repository or add hierarchy to use a hierarchical repository. These values are case-sensitive. This field is optional and the default value is hierarchy. We recommend that you add unstructured as this format lets you organize your configs in the way that is most convenient to you.
    • ROOT_REPOSITORY: add the URL of the Git repository to use as the root repository. You can enter URLs using either the HTTPS or SSH protocol. For example, https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/anthos-config-management-samples uses the HTTPS protocol. If you don't enter a protocol, the URL is treated as an HTTPS URL. This field is required.
    • ROOT_REVISION: add the Git revision (tag or hash) to check out. This field is optional and the default value is HEAD.
    • ROOT_BRANCH: add the branch of the repository to sync from. This field is optional and the default value is master.
    • ROOT_DIRECTORY: add the path in the Git repository to the root directory that contains the configuration that you want to sync to. This field is optional and the default is the root directory (/) of the repository.
    • ROOT_AUTH_TYPE: add one of the following authentication types:

      • none: Use no authentication
      • ssh: Use a SSH key pair
      • cookiefile: Use a cookiefile
      • token: Use a token
      • gcpserviceaccount: Use a Google service account to access a repository in Cloud Source Repositories.
      • gcenode: Use a Google service account to access a repository in Cloud Source Repositories. Only select this option if Workload Identity Federation for GKE is not enabled in your cluster.

        For more information on these authentication types, see Granting Config Sync read-only access to Git.

      This field is required.

    • ROOT_EMAIL: If you added gcpserviceaccount as your ROOT_AUTH_TYPE, add your Google service account email address. For example, acm@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com.

  8. Apply the changes:

    kubectl apply -f root-sync.yaml

ConfigManagement and RootSync comparison table

The following table provides an overview of how the fields in your ConfigMangent object map to the fields in a RootSync object.

ConfigManagement field RootSync field
spec.git.gcpServiceAccountEmail spec.git.gcpServiceAccountEmail
spec.git.syncRepo spec.git.repo
spec.git.syncBranch spec.git.branch
spec.git.policyDir spec.git.dir
spec.git.syncWait spec.git.period
spec.git.syncRev spec.git.revision
spec.git.secretType spec.git.auth
git-creds (this is a fixed value in ConfigManagement objects) spec.git.secretRef.name
spec.sourceFormat spec.sourceFormat
spec.git.proxy.httpProxy or spec.git.proxy.httpsProxy spec.git.proxy

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