Quotas and limits

Backup for GKE is subject to GKE scalability limitations and cluster limits. In addition, the following limitations apply to the GA version of the Backup for GKE agent on GKE clusters running version 1.24 or higher.

Known scalability limits

Kubernetes resource limits per backup or restore operation

The Backup for GKE limits per backup or restore operation are:

  • 20,000 resources per GroupKind, per namespace, for namespaced resources.
  • 20,000 resources per GroupKind for non-namespaced resources.

PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) limits per backup or restore operation

The known Backup for GKE limit for PVCs that are backed by Compute Engine persistent disk is 1,000 per backup or restore operation.

This limit applies to Backup resources with the include_volume set and Restore resources with the restore_volume_data_from_backup policy.

Fine-grained restore filter condition limits per restore operation

The maximum combined number of filter conditions for inclusion and exclusion filters is 50.


VolumeBackup resources

These limits apply to VolumeBackup resources for Compute Engine persistent disk volume only. Since the service change on January 9th, 2023, the quota is computed in the following way:

  • For BackupPlan resources created after January 9th, 2023, Backup for GKE allows a total of 180,000 VolumeBackup resources per region per project. This quota applies to the sum of all VolumeBackup resources in the project, independent of which BackupPlan or Backup produced those VolumeBackups.
  • For BackupPlan resources created prior to January 9th, 2023, Backup for GKE allows a total 180,000 VolumeBackup resources per project. This quota applies to the sum of all VolumeBackup resources in the project, independent of which BackupPlan or Backup produced those VolumeBackups.

API requests

The rate limit quota for the Backup for GKE API is 1,200 requests per minute per project.