Committed use discounts

This page describes how committed use discounts work with Backup for GKE.

Committed use discounts (CUDs) for Backup for GKE provide discounted prices in exchange for committing to continuously use Backup for GKE in a particular region for a one- or three-year term.

Backup for GKE CUDs are ideal for workloads with predictable resource needs. You commit to a consistent amount of usage, measured in $ per hour of equivalent on-demand spend, for a one- or three-year term. In exchange, you receive a discounted rate on the applicable usage your commitment covers.

CUDs pricing applies only to backup management, that is Pods per plan. Pricing doesn't apply to backup storage (GiB) or inter-region data transfer (GiB).

Backup for GKE CUD pricing

Backup for GKE CUDs give you the following discounts.

  • 20% discount off on-demand pricing for a one-year commitment invoiced monthly
  • 45% discount off on-demand pricing for a three-year commitment invoiced monthly
  • 20% discount off on-demand pricing for a one-year commitment invoiced in full at the start of the contract
  • 45% discount off on-demand pricing for a three-year commitment invoiced in full at the start of the contract

These discount percentages are the same in every region.

Calculate your hourly on-demand commitment

You can calculate your hourly on-demand commitment based on the baseline cost of backup management, that is Pods per plan, for all your backup plans in a specific region that you want to benefit from a committed use discount. Any usage beyond that limit incurs the regular on-demand price.

As an example, consider a single backup plan in Iowa (us-central1) backs up around 1,000 Pods in a month in Iowa and you are interested in purchasing a one-year-committed-use discount.

From the pricing table, the total hourly commitment cost in a region is calculated as:

  • Backup management (Pods per plan): 1,000 * $0.00137 per Pod per hour = $1.37 per hour in committed use hourly pricing.

  • The monthly cost is calculated based on 720 hours in a month:

    • On-demand pricing = $1.37 per hour * 720 hours = $986.4 per month
    • After a 20% 1-year CUD discount = $789.1 per month
    • Total savings of $197.3 per month

After you make the commitment, you're charged that amount even if you decide to stop or scale down the actual number of Pods protected.

Purchase commitments for Backup for GKE

You can purchase commitments for Backup for GKE in the Google Cloud console. After purchasing a commitment, monthly paid commitments begin within an hour of purchasing, while upfront paid commitments begin at 12 AM Pacific time zone. CUDs are automatically applied to eligible usage in the region that you specified. Note that after you purchase a commitment, you can't cancel it.

When you purchase a Backup for GKE commitment, you pay the same commitment fee for the entirety of the commitment term, even if the price of applicable usage changes. You still receive the same discount percentage on applicable usage in the event of a price change. The commitment fee is billed monthly or upfront, depending on the type of commitment.

Before you purchase a commitment, read the Service specific terms regarding Committed Units.

To purchase a commitment in your project for Backup for GKE, do the following:

  1. Go to the Committed use discounts page.

    Go to Committed use discounts

  2. Click Purchase.

  3. In the Product list, select Backup for GKE.

  4. In the Commitment name field, provide a name that helps you identify the commitment that you're purchasing.

  5. Choose a commitment duration of one or three years.

  6. Select the region where you want to spend towards your commitment.

  7. In the Hourly on-demand commitment field, enter the on-demand price that matches your planned usage. To calculate the value for the field, multiply the number of Pods with the hourly price of the protected Pod in the region previously listed. If you have an approved contractual discount, include it when calculating the hourly on-demand commitment. For more information, see Calculate your hourly on-demand commitment.

  8. Click the Purchase button to purchase the commitment.

For information about purchase spend-based CUDs, see Purchasing spend-based commitments.

Recommendations for choosing a commitment

While considering the purchase of Backup for GKE CUDs, keep in mind the following:

  • Regions: Committed use discounts are purchased by region. If you are running in multiple regions, calculate and purchase committed use discounts in each region separately.
  • Pods: Determine the consistent baseline of pods protected per plan across all projects associated with the billing account.

Your commitment fee applies to every hour during the term of the commitment, regardless of actual usage. Choose your commitment amount based on both your historical average pods protected and your future expectations.