google-cloud-kms overview (2.4.4)

A client to Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API

The interfaces provided are listed below, along with usage samples.


Service Description: Google Cloud Key Management EKM Service

Manages external cryptographic keys and operations using those keys. Implements a REST model with the following objects:

  • EkmConnection

Sample for EkmServiceClient:

 try (EkmServiceClient ekmServiceClient = EkmServiceClient.create()) {
   EkmConnectionName name = EkmConnectionName.of("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[EKM_CONNECTION]");
   EkmConnection response = ekmServiceClient.getEkmConnection(name);


Service Description: Google Cloud Key Management Service

Manages cryptographic keys and operations using those keys. Implements a REST model with the following objects:

  • KeyRing
  • CryptoKey
  • CryptoKeyVersion
  • ImportJob

If you are using manual gRPC libraries, see Using gRPC with Cloud KMS.

Sample for KeyManagementServiceClient:

 try (KeyManagementServiceClient keyManagementServiceClient =
     KeyManagementServiceClient.create()) {
   KeyRingName name = KeyRingName.of("[PROJECT]", "[LOCATION]", "[KEY_RING]");
   KeyRing response = keyManagementServiceClient.getKeyRing(name);