Cloud Healthcare API

Manage, store, and access healthcare data in Google Cloud Platform.


The Service name is needed to create RPC client stubs.

ActivateConsent Activates the latest revision of the specified Consent by committing a new revision with state updated to ACTIVE.
ArchiveUserDataMapping Archives the specified User data mapping.
CheckDataAccess Checks if a particular data_id of a User data mapping in the specified consent store is consented for the specified use.
CreateAttributeDefinition Creates a new Attribute definition in the parent consent store.
CreateConsent Creates a new Consent in the parent consent store.
CreateConsentArtifact Creates a new Consent artifact in the parent consent store.
CreateConsentStore Creates a new consent store in the parent dataset.
CreateUserDataMapping Creates a new User data mapping in the parent consent store.
DeleteAttributeDefinition Deletes the specified Attribute definition.
DeleteConsent Deletes the Consent and its revisions.
DeleteConsentArtifact Deletes the specified Consent artifact.
DeleteConsentRevision Deletes the specified revision of a Consent.
DeleteConsentStore Deletes the specified consent store and removes all the consent store's data.
DeleteUserDataMapping Deletes the specified User data mapping.
EvaluateUserConsents Evaluates the user's Consents for all matching User data mappings.
GetAttributeDefinition Gets the specified Attribute definition.
GetConsent Gets the specified revision of a Consent, or the latest revision if revision_id is not specified in the resource name.
GetConsentArtifact Gets the specified Consent artifact.
GetConsentStore Gets the specified consent store.
GetUserDataMapping Gets the specified User data mapping.
ListAttributeDefinitions Lists the Attribute definitions in the specified consent store.
ListConsentArtifacts Lists the Consent artifacts in the specified consent store.
ListConsentRevisions Lists the revisions of the specified Consent in reverse chronological order.
ListConsentStores Lists the consent stores in the specified dataset.
ListConsents Lists the Consent in the given consent store, returning each Consent's latest revision.
ListUserDataMappings Lists the User data mappings in the specified consent store.
QueryAccessibleData Queries all data_ids that are consented for a specified use in the given consent store and writes them to a specified destination.
RejectConsent Rejects the latest revision of the specified Consent by committing a new revision with state updated to REJECTED.
RevokeConsent Revokes the latest revision of the specified Consent by committing a new revision with state updated to REVOKED.
UpdateAttributeDefinition Updates the specified Attribute definition.
UpdateConsent Updates the latest revision of the specified Consent by committing a new revision with the changes.
UpdateConsentStore Updates the specified consent store.
UpdateUserDataMapping Updates the specified User data mapping.

CreateDataset Creates a new health dataset.
DeidentifyDataset Creates a new dataset containing de-identified data from the source dataset.
DeleteDataset Deletes the specified health dataset and all data contained in the dataset.
GetDataset Gets any metadata associated with a dataset.
ListDatasets Lists the health datasets in the current project.
UpdateDataset Updates dataset metadata.

DeidentifyDicomStore De-identifies data from the source store and writes it to the destination store.
DeidentifyFhirStore De-identifies data from the source store and writes it to the destination store.

CreateDicomStore Creates a new DICOM store within the parent dataset.
DeleteDicomStore Deletes the specified DICOM store and removes all images that are contained within it.
ExportDicomData Exports data to the specified destination by copying it from the DICOM store.
GetDicomStore Gets the specified DICOM store.
GetDicomStoreMetrics Gets metrics associated with the DICOM store.
ImportDicomData Imports data into the DICOM store by copying it from the specified source.
ListDicomStores Lists the DICOM stores in the given dataset.
UpdateDicomStore Updates the specified DICOM store.

CreateFhirStore Creates a new FHIR store within the parent dataset.
DeleteFhirStore Deletes the specified FHIR store and removes all resources within it.
ExportResources Export resources from the FHIR store to the specified destination.
GetFhirStore Gets the configuration of the specified FHIR store.
GetFhirStoreMetrics Gets metrics associated with the FHIR store.
ImportResources Imports resources to the FHIR store by loading data from the specified sources.
ListFhirStores Lists the FHIR stores in the given dataset.
RollbackFhirResources Rolls back resources from the FHIR store to the specified time.
UpdateFhirStore Updates the configuration of the specified FHIR store.

CreateHl7V2Store Creates a new HL7v2 store within the parent dataset.
CreateMessage Parses and stores an HL7v2 message.
DeleteHl7V2Store Deletes the specified HL7v2 store and removes all messages that it contains.
DeleteMessage Deletes an HL7v2 message.
ExportMessages Exports the messages to a destination.
GetHl7V2Store Gets the specified HL7v2 store.
GetHl7V2StoreMetrics Gets metrics associated with the HL7v2 store.
GetMessage Gets an HL7v2 message.
ImportMessages Import messages to the HL7v2 store by loading data from the specified sources.
IngestMessage Parses and stores an HL7v2 message.
ListHl7V2Stores Lists the HL7v2 stores in the given dataset.
ListMessages Lists all the messages in the given HL7v2 store with support for filtering.
UpdateHl7V2Store Updates the HL7v2 store.
UpdateMessage Update the message.

AnalyzeEntities Analyze heathcare entity in a document.

CreateAnnotation Creates a new Annotation record.
CreateAnnotationStore Creates a new Annotation store within the parent dataset.
DeleteAnnotation Deletes an Annotation or returns NOT_FOUND if it does not exist.
DeleteAnnotationStore Deletes the specified Annotation store and removes all annotations that are contained within it.
EvaluateAnnotationStore Evaluate an Annotation store against a ground truth Annotation store.
ExportAnnotations Export Annotations from the Annotation store.
GetAnnotation Gets an Annotation.
GetAnnotationStore Gets the specified Annotation store or returns NOT_FOUND if it does not exist.
ImportAnnotations Import Annotations to the Annotation store by loading data from the specified sources.
ListAnnotationStores Lists the Annotation stores in the given dataset for a source store.
ListAnnotations Lists the Annotations in the given Annotation store for a source resource.
UpdateAnnotation Updates the Annotation.
UpdateAnnotationStore Updates the specified Annotation store.

ActivateConsent Activates the latest revision of the specified Consent by committing a new revision with state updated to ACTIVE.
ArchiveUserDataMapping Archives the specified User data mapping.
CheckDataAccess Checks if a particular data_id of a User data mapping in the specified consent store is consented for the specified use.
CreateAttributeDefinition Creates a new Attribute definition in the parent consent store.
CreateConsent Creates a new Consent in the parent consent store.
CreateConsentArtifact Creates a new Consent artifact in the parent consent store.
CreateConsentStore Creates a new consent store in the parent dataset.
CreateUserDataMapping Creates a new User data mapping in the parent consent store.
DeleteAttributeDefinition Deletes the specified Attribute definition.
DeleteConsent Deletes the Consent and its revisions.
DeleteConsentArtifact Deletes the specified Consent artifact.
DeleteConsentRevision Deletes the specified revision of a Consent.
DeleteConsentStore Deletes the specified consent store and removes all the consent store's data.
DeleteUserDataMapping Deletes the specified User data mapping.
EvaluateUserConsents Evaluates the user's Consents for all matching User data mappings.
GetAttributeDefinition Gets the specified Attribute definition.
GetConsent Gets the specified revision of a Consent, or the latest revision if revision_id is not specified in the resource name.
GetConsentArtifact Gets the specified Consent artifact.
GetConsentStore Gets the specified consent store.
GetUserDataMapping Gets the specified User data mapping.
ListAttributeDefinitions Lists the Attribute definitions in the specified consent store.
ListConsentArtifacts Lists the Consent artifacts in the specified consent store.
ListConsentRevisions Lists the revisions of the specified Consent in reverse chronological order.
ListConsentStores Lists the consent stores in the specified dataset.
ListConsents Lists the Consent in the given consent store, returning each Consent's latest revision.
ListUserDataMappings Lists the User data mappings in the specified consent store.
QueryAccessibleData Queries all data_ids that are consented for a specified use in the given consent store and writes them to a specified destination.
RejectConsent Rejects the latest revision of the specified Consent by committing a new revision with state updated to REJECTED.
RevokeConsent Revokes the latest revision of the specified Consent by committing a new revision with state updated to REVOKED.
UpdateAttributeDefinition Updates the specified Attribute definition.
UpdateConsent Updates the latest revision of the specified Consent by committing a new revision with the changes.
UpdateConsentStore Updates the specified consent store.
UpdateUserDataMapping Updates the specified User data mapping.

CreateDataset Creates a new health dataset.
DeidentifyDataset Creates a new dataset containing de-identified data from the source dataset.
DeleteDataset Deletes the specified health dataset and all data contained in the dataset.
GetDataset Gets any metadata associated with a dataset.
ListDatasets Lists the health datasets in the current project.
UpdateDataset Updates dataset metadata.

DeidentifyDicomStore De-identifies data from the source store and writes it to the destination store.
DeidentifyFhirStore De-identifies data from the source store and writes it to the destination store.

CreateDicomStore Creates a new DICOM store within the parent dataset.
DeleteDicomStore Deletes the specified DICOM store and removes all images that are contained within it.
ExportDicomData Exports data to the specified destination by copying it from the DICOM store.
GetDicomStore Gets the specified DICOM store.
GetDicomStoreMetrics Gets metrics associated with the DICOM store.
ImportDicomData Imports data into the DICOM store by copying it from the specified source.
ListDicomStores Lists the DICOM stores in the given dataset.
UpdateDicomStore Updates the specified DICOM store.

ApplyAdminConsents Applies the admin Consent resources for the FHIR store and reindexes the underlying resources in the FHIR store according to the aggregate consents.
ApplyConsents Apply the Consent resources for the FHIR store and reindex the underlying resources in the FHIR store according to the aggregate consent.
ConfigureSearch Configure the search parameters for the FHIR store and reindex resources in the FHIR store according to the defined search parameters.
CreateFhirStore Creates a new FHIR store within the parent dataset.
DeleteFhirStore Deletes the specified FHIR store and removes all resources within it.
ExplainDataAccess Explains all the permitted/denied actor, purpose and environment for a given resource.
ExportResources Export resources from the FHIR store to the specified destination.
GetFhirStore Gets the configuration of the specified FHIR store.
GetFhirStoreMetrics Gets metrics associated with the FHIR store.
ImportResources Import resources to the FHIR store by loading data from the specified sources.
ListFhirStores Lists the FHIR stores in the given dataset.
RollbackFhirResources Rolls back resources from the FHIR store to the specified time.
UpdateFhirStore Updates the configuration of the specified FHIR store.

ConditionalDeleteResource Deletes FHIR resources that match a search query.
ConditionalUpdateResource If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the request, updates the entire contents of that resource.
CreateResource Creates a FHIR resource.
DeleteResource Deletes a FHIR resource.
ExecuteBundle Executes all the requests in the given Bundle.
GetLastNObservations Retrieves the N most recent Observation resources for a subject matching search criteria specified in the request, grouped by Observation.code, sorted from most recent to oldest.
GetPatientEverything Retrieves a Patient resource and resources related to that patient.
GetResource Gets the contents of a FHIR resource.
GetResourceVersion Gets the contents of a version (current or historical) of a FHIR resource by version ID.
SearchResources Searches for resources in the given FHIR store according to criteria specified in the request.
UpdateResource Updates the entire contents of a resource.
ValidateResource Validates a FHIR resource's conformance to its profiles and the profiles configured on the FHIR store.

BatchGetMessages Gets multiple messages in the given HL7v2 store.
CreateHl7V2Store Creates a new HL7v2 store within the parent dataset.
CreateMessage Parses and stores an HL7v2 message.
DeleteHl7V2Store Deletes the specified HL7v2 store and removes all messages that it contains.
DeleteMessage Deletes an HL7v2 message.
ExportMessages Exports the messages to a destination.
GetHl7V2Store Gets the specified HL7v2 store.
GetHl7V2StoreMetrics Gets metrics associated with the HL7v2 store.
GetMessage Gets an HL7v2 message.
ImportMessages Import messages to the HL7v2 store by loading data from the specified sources.
IngestMessage Parses and stores an HL7v2 message.
ListHl7V2Stores Lists the HL7v2 stores in the given dataset.
ListMessages Lists all the messages in the given HL7v2 store with support for filtering.
UpdateHl7V2Store Updates the HL7v2 store.
UpdateMessage Update the message.

AnalyzeEntities Analyze heathcare entity in a document.

GetStorageInfo GetStorageInfo returns the storage info of the specified resource.
SetBlobStorageSettings SetBlobStorageSettings sets the blob storage settings of the specified resources.

GetLocation Gets information about a location.
ListLocations Lists information about the supported locations for this service.


GetIamPolicy Gets the access control policy for a resource.
SetIamPolicy Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
TestIamPermissions Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.


CancelOperation Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
GetOperation Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
ListOperations Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.