Method: fhir.delete

Full name: projects.locations.datasets.fhirStores.fhir.delete

Deletes a FHIR resource.

Implements the FHIR standard delete interaction (DSTU2, STU3, R4).

Note: Unless resource versioning is disabled by setting the disableResourceVersioning flag on the FHIR store, the deleted resources are moved to a history repository that can still be retrieved through vread and related methods, unless they are removed by the purge method.

For samples that show how to call delete, see Deleting a FHIR resource.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. The name of the resource to delete.

Authorization requires the following IAM permission on the specified resource name:

  • healthcare.fhirResources.delete

Request body

The request body must be empty.

Response body

If successful, the response is a generic HTTP response whose format is defined by the method.

Authorization scopes

Requires one of the following OAuth scopes:


For more information, see the Authentication Overview.