Resource: ServingConfig
Configures metadata that is used to generate serving time results (e.g. search results or recommendation predictions). The ServingConfig is passed in the search and predict request and generates results.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "displayName": string, "solutionType": enum ( |
Fields | |
name |
Immutable. Fully qualified name |
displayName |
Required. The human readable serving config display name. Used in Discovery UI. This field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned. |
solutionType |
Required. Immutable. Specifies the solution type that a serving config can be associated with. |
modelId |
The id of the model to use at serving time. Currently only RecommendationModels are supported. Can be changed but only to a compatible model (e.g. others-you-may-like CTR to others-you-may-like CVR). Required when |
diversityLevel |
How much diversity to use in recommendation model results e.g.
If not specified, we choose default based on recommendation model type. Default value: Can only be set if |
embeddingConfig |
Bring your own embedding config. The config is used for search semantic retrieval. The retrieval is based on the dot product of |
rankingExpression |
The ranking expression controls the customized ranking on retrieval documents. To leverage this, document embedding is required. The ranking expression setting in ServingConfig applies to all search requests served by the serving config. However, if The ranking expression is a single function or multiple functions that are joined by "+".
Supported functions:
Function variables:
Example ranking expression: If document has an embedding field doc_embedding, the ranking expression could be |
guidedSearchSpec |
Guided search configs. |
customFineTuningSpec |
Custom fine tuning configs. If |
createTime |
Output only. ServingConfig created timestamp. Uses RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits. Offsets other than "Z" are also accepted. Examples: |
updateTime |
Output only. ServingConfig updated timestamp. Uses RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits. Offsets other than "Z" are also accepted. Examples: |
filterControlIds[] |
Filter controls to use in serving path. All triggered filter controls will be applied. Filter controls must be in the same data store as the serving config. Maximum of 20 filter controls. |
boostControlIds[] |
Boost controls to use in serving path. All triggered boost controls will be applied. Boost controls must be in the same data store as the serving config. Maximum of 20 boost controls. |
redirectControlIds[] |
IDs of the redirect controls. Only the first triggered redirect action is applied, even if multiple apply. Maximum number of specifications is 100. Can only be set if |
synonymsControlIds[] |
Condition synonyms specifications. If multiple synonyms conditions match, all matching synonyms controls in the list will execute. Maximum number of specifications is 100. Can only be set if |
onewaySynonymsControlIds[] |
Condition oneway synonyms specifications. If multiple oneway synonyms conditions match, all matching oneway synonyms controls in the list will execute. Maximum number of specifications is 100. Can only be set if |
dissociateControlIds[] |
Condition do not associate specifications. If multiple do not associate conditions match, all matching do not associate controls in the list will execute. Order does not matter. Maximum number of specifications is 100. Can only be set if |
replacementControlIds[] |
Condition replacement specifications. Applied according to the order in the list. A previously replaced term can not be re-replaced. Maximum number of specifications is 100. Can only be set if |
ignoreControlIds[] |
Condition ignore specifications. If multiple ignore conditions match, all matching ignore controls in the list will execute. Order does not matter. Maximum number of specifications is 100. |
promoteControlIds[] |
Condition promote specifications. Maximum number of specifications is 100. |
personalizationSpec |
The specification for personalization spec. Notice that if both |
Union field vertical_config . Industry vertical specific config. vertical_config can be only one of the following: |
mediaConfig |
The MediaConfig of the serving configuration. |
genericConfig |
The GenericConfig of the serving configuration. |
Specifies the configurations needed for Media Discovery. Currently we support:
: Threshold for watched content demotion. Customers can specify if using watched content demotion or use viewed detail page. Using the content watched demotion, customers need to specify the watched minutes or percentage exceeds the threshold, the content will be demoted in the recommendation result.promote_fresh_content
: cutoff days for fresh content promotion. Customers can specify if using content freshness promotion. If the content was published within the cutoff days, the content will be promoted in the recommendation result. Can only be set ifSolutionType
JSON representation |
{ "demotionEventType": string, "demoteContentWatchedPastDays": integer, "contentFreshnessCutoffDays": integer, // Union field |
Fields | |
demotionEventType |
Specifies the event type used for demoting recommendation result. Currently supported values:
If unset, watch history demotion will not be applied. Content freshness demotion will still be applied. |
demoteContentWatchedPastDays |
Optional. Specifies the number of days to look back for demoting watched content. If set to zero or unset, defaults to the maximum of 365 days. |
contentFreshnessCutoffDays |
Specifies the content freshness used for recommendation result. Contents will be demoted if contents were published for more than content freshness cutoff days. |
Union field demote_content_watched . Specify the threshold for demoting watched content, the threshold can be either percentage or minutes value. This must be set for media-complete event type. demote_content_watched can be only one of the following: |
contentWatchedPercentageThreshold |
Specifies the content watched percentage threshold for demotion. Threshold value must be between [0, 1.0] inclusive. |
contentWatchedSecondsThreshold |
Specifies the content watched minutes threshold for demotion. |
Specifies the configurations needed for Generic Discovery.Currently we support:
: configuration for generic content search.
JSON representation |
"contentSearchSpec": {
object ( |
Fields | |
contentSearchSpec |
Specifies the expected behavior of content search. Only valid for content-search enabled data store. |
Defines embedding config, used for bring your own embeddings feature.
JSON representation |
{ "fieldPath": string } |
Fields | |
fieldPath |
Full field path in the schema mapped as embedding field. |
Defines guided search spec.
JSON representation |
{ "enableRefinementAttributes": boolean, "enableRelatedQuestions": boolean, "maxRelatedQuestions": integer } |
Fields | |
enableRefinementAttributes |
Whether or not to enable and include refinement attributes in gudied search result. |
enableRelatedQuestions |
Whether or not to enable and include related questions in search response. |
maxRelatedQuestions |
Max number of related questions to be returned. The valid range is [1, 5]. If enableRelatedQuestions is true, the default value is 3. |
Methods |
Answer query method. |
Creates a ServingConfig. |
Deletes a ServingConfig. |
Gets a ServingConfig. |
Lists all ServingConfigs linked to this dataStore. |
Updates a ServingConfig. |
Makes a recommendation, which requires a contextual user event. |
Performs a search. |
Performs a search. |
Answer query method (streaming). |