This page explains how to filter search queries for a search app with website data.
Before you begin
Make sure you have created an app and data store and have ingested website data into your data store. For more information, see Create a search app.
About filter expressions
Use filter expressions to construct your website search filters. How you construct your filters varies depending on whether you have turned on advanced website indexing. See one of the following sections, depending on whether you have basic website search or advanced website indexing:
Filter expressions for basic website search
This section explains filter expression behavior with basic website search (advanced website indexing is turned off).
Syntax for basic website search
The following Extended Backus–Naur form summarizes filter expression syntax for constructing a website search filter when you have basic website search. Double quotes after the colon in a filter are strictly enforced.
# A single expression or multiple expressions that are joined by "AND". filter = expression, { "AND", expression }; expression = # A simple expression applying to a text url string. | filter_key, ":", \"text_value\" filter_key = (cr | highRange | lowRange | fileType | lr | rights | siteSearch); text_value = string value to filter on;
Available fields for basic website search
Here are the fields that are available for filtering your website search when you have basic website search:
(string) Restricts search results to documents from a specific country. For a list of supported values, see Country Collection Values.highRange
(string) Specifies the upper limit of the search range. If a document contains a number, the number must be at or below the value ofhighRange
for that document to be included in the response. Specify bothhighRange
to create a search query within the range of these parameters.lowRange
(string) Specifies the lower limit of the search range. If a document contains a number, the number must be at or above the value oflowRange
for that document to be included in the response. Specify bothlowRange
to create a search query within the range of these parameters.fileType
(string) Restricts search results to documents with a specified extension. For a list of supported file types, see File types indexable by
(string) Restricts search results to documents written in a specified language. For a list of supported languages, see Query parameters (lr).rights
(string) Filters search results based on licensing. For supported values, see Query parameters (rights).siteSearch
(string) Specifies A URL pattern for the web pages that your query should search through.
Examples for basic website search
Here are some filter examples for basic website search:
{"filter": "cr:\"countryUS\" AND siteSearch:\"\""}
Filters for documents that are: (1) From the US, and (2) In the domain
.{"filter": "fileType:\".pdf\" AND lr:\"lang_en\""}
Filters for documents that are: (1) PDF files, and (2) In English.
{"filter": "rights:\"cc_publicdomain\""}
Filters for documents that are in the public domain.
Filter expressions with advanced website indexing
This section explains filter expression behavior with advanced website indexing (advanced website indexing is turned on).
Available fields for advanced website indexing
When you have advanced website indexing, you can filter your website search using these fields:
(string): A URL pattern for the web pages that your query should search through.meta
tag names and PageMap Attribute names: Structured data from your web pages that can be added to your data store's schema to make the fields searchable, retrievable, and indexable. For more information, see Use structured data for advanced website indexing.
Syntax for advanced website indexing
The following Extended Backus–Naur form summarizes filter expression syntax for constructing a website search filter when you have advanced website indexing. Double quotes after the colon in a filter are strictly enforced.
When filtering for siteSearch
the EBNF syntax is:
# A single expression or multiple expressions that are joined by "OR". filter = expression, { "OR", expression }; # Expressions can be prefixed with "-" or "NOT" to express a negation. expression = [ "-" | "NOT " ], # A simple expression applying to a text url string. | filter_key, ":", \"url_string\" filter_key = siteSearch; url_string = double quoted string representing a URL;
When filtering for meta
tag names and PageMap Attribute names, the EBNF syntax is:
# A single expression or multiple expressions that are joined by "OR". filter = expression, { "OR", expression }; # Expressions can be prefixed with "-" or "NOT" to express a negation. expression = [ "-" | "NOT " ], # Function "ANY" returns true if the field exactly matches any of the literals. | text_field, ":", "ANY", "(", literal, { ",", literal }, ")" literal = double quoted string; # text_field corresponds to the meta tag or PageMap Attribute name, for example, category text_field = text field;
Examples for advanced website indexing
Here are some filter examples for advanced website indexing with siteSearch
{"filter": "siteSearch:\"\""}
Filters for documents that are in the domain
. For example,
.{"filter": "siteSearch:\"*\""}
Filters for documents that are in any domains matching*
. For example,
.{"filter": "siteSearch:\"*\" OR siteSearch:\"*\""}
Filters for documents that are in any domains matching the first or second URL pattern. For example,
, or
Here are some examples for meta
or PageMap Attribute name filtering:
{"filter": "product: ANY(\"networking\",\"compute\")"}
Filters for documents which contain the
tag or PageMap attribute namedproduct
, with its value as eithernetworking
.{"filter": "NOT product: ANY(\"storage\")"}
Filters for documents which don't contain the
tag or PageMap Attribute nameproduct
with its value asstorage
For more information on meta
tag names and PageMap Attribute names used for indexing,
see Example use case for meta
and Example use case for PageMaps.
Filter a website search
To filter a website search, follow these steps:
Find your app ID. If you already have your app ID, skip to the next step.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Agent Builder page.
On the Apps page, find the name of your app and get the app's ID from the ID column.
To filter a website search, use the
field with
method.curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ "
PROJECT_ID /locations/global/collections/default_collection/engines/APP_ID /servingConfigs/default_search:search" \ -d '{ "servingConfig": "projects/PROJECT_ID /locations/global/collections/default_collection/engines/APP_ID /servingConfigs/default_search", "query": "QUERY ", "filter": "FILTER " }'Replace the following:
: the ID of your project.APP_ID
: the ID of your app.QUERY
: the query text to search.FILTER
: a text field for filtering your search using a filter expression. The default value is an empty string.For information about constructing a filter for basic website search, see Filter expressions with basic website search.
For information about constructing a filter for advanced website indexing, see Filter expressions with advanced website indexing.