Querying Firestore collections with one range

Querying Firestore collections with one range

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Code sample

To authenticate to Firestore, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

CollectionReference citiesRef = db.Collection("cities");
Query stateQuery = citiesRef.WhereEqualTo("State", "CA");
Query populationQuery = citiesRef.WhereGreaterThan("Population", 1000000);
Query nameQuery = citiesRef.WhereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("Name", "San Francisco");

To authenticate to Firestore, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

countryQuery := cities.Where("state", "==", "CA")
popQuery := cities.Where("population", "<", 1000000)
cityQuery := cities.Where("name", ">=", "San Francisco")

To authenticate to Firestore, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

Query stateQuery = cities.whereEqualTo("state", "CA");
Query populationQuery = cities.whereLessThan("population", 1000000L);
Query nameQuery = cities.whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("name", "San Francisco");

To authenticate to Firestore, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

const stateQueryRes = await citiesRef.where('state', '==', 'CA').get();
const populationQueryRes = await citiesRef.where('population', '<', 1000000).get();
const nameQueryRes = await citiesRef.where('name', '>=', 'San Francisco').get();

To authenticate to Firestore, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

$stateQuery = $citiesRef->where('state', '=', 'CA');
$populationQuery = $citiesRef->where('population', '>', 1000000);
$nameQuery = $citiesRef->where('name', '>=', 'San Francisco');

To authenticate to Firestore, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

cities_ref = db.collection("cities")

cities_ref.where(filter=FieldFilter("state", "==", "CA"))
cities_ref.where(filter=FieldFilter("population", "<", 1000000))
cities_ref.where(filter=FieldFilter("name", ">=", "San Francisco"))

To authenticate to Firestore, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

state_query      = cities_ref.where "state", "=", "CA"
population_query = cities_ref.where "population", ">", 1_000_000
name_query       = cities_ref.where "name", ">=", "San Francisco"

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