Quotas and Limits

This page describes the quotas and limits of Filestore.

Number of instances

The number of instances you can create is limited only by the amount of Filestore quota for a given project and region as well as the minimum file share capacity. For example, if you have 32 TiB of quota in a given region, you can create 32 instances each with 1 TiB of capacity. To see your available per project, per region quota, go to the Quotas page.

Number of snapshots

Service tier Maximum recommended number of snapshots per instance
Basic HDD Not supported
Basic SSD Not supported
Zonal 240
Regional 240
Enterprise 240

Number of clients

Service tier Maximum recommended number of client connections
Basic HDD 500 connections per instance
Basic SSD 500 connections per instance
Zonal (1 TiB to 9.75 TiB) 2,000 connections per 1 TiB;
scales in increments of 500
for up to 19,500 connections per instance
Zonal (10 TiB to 100 TiB)
(previously high scale SSD)
8,000 connections per 10 TiB;
scales in increments of 2,000
for up to 80,000 connections per instance
Regional (1 TiB to 9.75 TiB) 2,000 connections per 1 TiB;
scales in increments of 500
for up to 19,500 connections per instance
Regional (10 TiB to 100 TiB) 8,000 connections per 10 TiB;
scales in increments of 2,000
for up to 80,000 connections per instance
Enterprise 2,000 connections per 1 TiB;
scales in increments of 500
for up to 20,000 connections per instance

Number of VPC networks used with Filestore

You can create Filestore instances on no more than 49 unique VPC networks, even if previously used networks are deleted. If you think that you've reached this limit, see the troubleshooting guide topic on error code 13 for possible solutions.

File share capacity

Service tier Capacity
Basic HDD 1 TiB to 63.9 TiB
Basic SSD 2.5 TiB to 63.9 TiB
Zonal with a lower capacity range 1 TiB to 9.75 TiB
Zonal with a higher capacity range 10 TiB to 100 TiB
Regional with a lower capacity range 1 TiB to 9.75 TiB
Regional with a higher capacity range 10 TiB to 100 TiB
Enterprise 1 TiB to 10 TiB

Enterprise instances combined with the Filestore multishares feature can support a minimum share capacity of 10 GiB.

For more information, see Filestore multishares.

File size

Service tier Maximum supported file size
Basic HDD Up to 16 TiB
Basic SSD Up to 16 TiB
Zonal Up to the size of instance capacity
Regional Up to the size of instance capacity
Enterprise Up to the size of instance capacity

Number of files

Service tier Maximum file limit
Basic HDD 67,108,864 files per 1 TiB of capacity
Basic SSD 67,108,864 files per 1 TiB of capacity
Zonal Approximately 89,000,000 files per 1 TiB of capacity
Regional Approximately 89,000,000 files per 1 TiB of capacity
Enterprise Approximately 89,000,000 files per 1 TiB of capacity
  • The number of files listed is an indication of the maximum number of supported connections to small or empty files. The number of supported file connections decreases as file size increases.

  • While no practical limit exists across service tiers, instance performance may be delayed when supporting a large number of files.

To check your usage, run the following command:

df -i

IUsed reflects the current number of files you have and IFree reflects the number of additional files that you can store.

File locks

A file-locking client is a client with at least one acquired or requested file lock. Anything greater than the maximum recommended limit listed introduces inconsistent locking behaviors that may result in production outages when the instance undergoes maintenance:

Service tier Maximum recommended number of file-locking clients per instance
Basic HDD 128
Basic SSD 128
Zonal 250
Regional 250
Enterprise 250

Rate limits for backups

The following backups operations have a rate limit of once per 10 minutes in the steady state:

  • Creating a backup of Filestore instance
  • Restoring a Filestore instance from a backup (in-place restore)
  • Creating a new Filestore instance from a backup

If you want to issue a burst of requests to back up your file shares, you can issue at most 6 requests in 60 minutes.

For more information, see Backups feature limitations.

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