Use Common Expression Language

Common Expression Language (CEL) is an open source non-Turing-complete language that can be used to evaluate expressions. Every enrollment in Eventarc Advanced includes a condition expression written in CEL that is used to evaluate and filter messages. You can also transform your event data content by writing transformation expressions using CEL.

In general, a condition expression consists of one or more statements that are joined by logical operators (&&, ||, or !). Each statement expresses an attribute-based rule that is applied to the data. Most commonly, operators are used to compare the value contained in a variable with a literal value.

For example, if the value of message.type is, then the expression message.type == "" evaluates to True.

For more information, see the following:

Available attributes

All event context attributes can be accessed as variables through a predefined message object. These variables are populated with values based on event context attributes at runtime. An enrollment can use a variable to express a given attribute. For example, message.type returns the value of the type attribute.

Note the following:

  • Events might include, and enrollments can use, any number of additional custom CloudEvents attributes with distinct names (also known as extension attributes). However, they are represented as String types in CEL expressions regardless of their actual format. You can use a CEL expression to cast their values to other types.

  • You can't evaluate enrollments based on the event payload content. Both and message.data_base64 are reserved variables and can't be used in expressions. However, CEL is supported when transforming event data which lets you modify the event payload content (for example, to satisfy the API contract for a specific destination).

The following attributes can be accessed when evaluating condition expressions for an enrollment:

Attribute Attribute type Description
message.datacontenttype String The content type of data value
message.dataschema URI Identifies the schema that data adheres to String Identifies the event. Producers must ensure that source + id is unique for each distinct event.
message.source URI-reference Identifies the context in which an event happened
message.specversion String The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses
message.subject String Describes the subject of the event in the context of the event producer (identified by source)
message.time Timestamp Timestamp of when the occurrence happened; might be set to some other time (such as the current time) by the CloudEvents producer; however, all producers for the same source must be consistent
message.type String Describes the type of event related to the originating occurrence

Operators and functions

You can use operators and functions to build complex logic expressions.

Logical operators, such as &&, ||, and !, let you verify multiple variables in a conditional expression. For example, message.time.getFullYear() < 2020 && message.type == "" joins two statements, and requires both statements to be True to produce an overall result of True.

String manipulation operators, such as x.contains('y'), match strings or substrings that you define, and let you develop rules to match messages without listing every possible combination.

Eventarc Advanced also supports extension functions, such as merge and flatten, which can be used to transform data and simplify the modification of events received from a bus.

See the list of CEL predefined operators and functions and CEL predefined macros.

Logical operators

The following table describes the logical operators that Eventarc Advanced supports.

Expression Description
x == "my_string" Returns True if x is equal to the constant string literal argument.
x == R"my_string\n" Returns True if x is equal to the given raw string literal that does not interpret escape sequences. Raw string literals are convenient for expressing strings which themselves must use escape sequences, such as regular expressions or program text.
x == y Returns True if x is equal to y.
x != y Returns True if x is not equal to y.
x && y Returns True if both x and y are True.
x || y Returns True if x, y, or both are True.
!x Returns True if the boolean value x is False, or returns False if the boolean value x is True.
m['k'] If key k is present, returns the value at key k in the string-to-string map m. If key k is not present, returns an error that causes the rule under evaluation to not match.

String manipulation operators

The following table describes the string manipulation operators that Eventarc Advanced supports.

Expression Description
double(x) Converts the string result of x to a double type. The converted string can be used to compare floating-point numbers with standard arithmetic operators such as > and <=. This works only for values that can be floating-point numbers.
int(x) Converts the string result of x to an int type. The converted string can be used to compare integers with standard arithmetic operators such as > and <=. This works only for values that can be integers.
x + y Returns the concatenated string xy.
x.contains(y) Returns True if the string x contains the substring y.
x.endsWith(y) Returns True if the string x ends with the substring y.
x.join() Returns a new string where the elements of a string list are concatenated. Accepts an optional separator which is placed between the elements in the resulting string. For example, the following expression returns 'hello world':

['hello', 'world'].join(' ')

x.lowerAscii() Returns a new string where all ASCII characters are lowercase.

Returns True if the string x matches the specified RE2 pattern y.

The RE2 pattern is compiled using the RE2::Latin1 option that disables Unicode features.

x.replace(y,z) Returns a new string where occurrences of substring y are replaced by substring z. Accepts an optional argument that limits how many replacements to make. For example, the following expression returns 'wello hello':

'hello hello'.replace('he', 'we', 1)

x.split(y) Returns a list of strings split from the input by separator y. Accepts an optional argument that limits how many substrings to produce. For example, the following expression returns ['hello', 'hello hello']:

'hello hello hello'.split(' ', 2)

x.startsWith(y) Returns True if the string x begins with the substring y.
x.upperAscii() Returns a new string where all ASCII characters are uppercase.

Regular expression functions

The following table describes the regular expression functions that Eventarc Advanced supports.

Expression Description

Uses regex to capture the first unnamed or named group value in the target string, and returns a string. For example, the following expression returns "o":

re.capture("hello", R"hell(o)")

re.captureN(target,regex) Uses regex to capture the group name and string (for named groups) and the group index and string (for unnamed groups) from the target string, and returns a map of key and value pairs. For example, the following expression returns {"1": "user", "Username": "testuser", "Domain": "testdomain"}:

re.captureN("The user testuser belongs to testdomain", R"The (user|domain) (?P.*) belongs to (?P.*)")

re.extract(target,regex,rewrite) Uses regex to extract matched group values from the target string, and returns a string of the extracted values that is formatted based on the rewrite argument. For example, the following expression returns "":

re.extract("", "(^.*@)(.*)", "\\2")


Returns True if the string x matches the specified RE2 pattern regex.

The RE2 pattern is compiled using the RE2::Latin1 option that disables Unicode features.

The regular expressions follow the RE2 syntax. Note that the R preceding the regular expressions indicates a raw string that doesn't require escaping.

Extension functions

Eventarc Advanced supports certain extension functions that can be used to transform the event data received through a bus. For more information and examples, see Transform received events.

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