Firestore Admin v1 API - Class FirestoreAdmin (3.11.0)

public static class FirestoreAdmin

Reference documentation and code samples for the Firestore Admin v1 API class FirestoreAdmin.

The Cloud Firestore Admin API.

This API provides several administrative services for Cloud Firestore.

Project, Database, Namespace, Collection, Collection Group, and Document are used as defined in the Google Cloud Firestore API.

Operation: An Operation represents work being performed in the background.

The index service manages Cloud Firestore indexes.

Index creation is performed asynchronously. An Operation resource is created for each such asynchronous operation. The state of the operation (including any errors encountered) may be queried via the Operation resource.

The Operations collection provides a record of actions performed for the specified Project (including any Operations in progress). Operations are not created directly but through calls on other collections or resources.

An Operation that is done may be deleted so that it is no longer listed as part of the Operation collection. Operations are garbage collected after 30 days. By default, ListOperations will only return in progress and failed operations. To list completed operation, issue a ListOperations request with the filter done: true.

Operations are created by service FirestoreAdmin, but are accessed via service google.longrunning.Operations.


object > FirestoreAdmin







public static ServerServiceDefinition BindService(FirestoreAdmin.FirestoreAdminBase serviceImpl)

Creates service definition that can be registered with a server

Name Description
serviceImpl FirestoreAdminFirestoreAdminBase

An object implementing the server-side handling logic.

Type Description

BindService(ServiceBinderBase, FirestoreAdminBase)

public static void BindService(ServiceBinderBase serviceBinder, FirestoreAdmin.FirestoreAdminBase serviceImpl)

Register service method with a service binder with or without implementation. Useful when customizing the service binding logic. Note: this method is part of an experimental API that can change or be removed without any prior notice.

Name Description
serviceBinder ServiceBinderBase

Service methods will be bound by calling AddMethod on this object.

serviceImpl FirestoreAdminFirestoreAdminBase

An object implementing the server-side handling logic.